Harry Potter Hogwarts Hijinks

By CyberBowl

Published on Sep 17, 2020



The following text is copyrighted by the author, and may not be re-posted nor used for any purpose without express written permission. The text includes instances of sexual encounters between boys of similar ages. If that subject material is illegal or inappropriate for you to be reading, please find something else to read.

THIS STORY CONTAINS: adult language; sexual encounters between boys of similar ages


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I do invite reader feedback, which may be addressed to CyberBowl@protonmail.com. I will try to reply to all mail.

Please, enjoy. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This standalone story may be considered a part of the continuity of my "Secret Scroll" saga, as an interlude between part two and the conclusion, which I promise to begin writing soon.

For now, though, I have other stories in the works, including a series of stories based on "Star Trek" characters, DC Comics characters, original characters, and even my own sexual autobiography.

THE GROTTO by CyberBowl

They walked along the beach. Neither had been to Greece before. Both were glad to be sharing this experience together.

The isolated lagoon saw few visitors. In fact, it had been nearly twenty years since anyone's footprints had marred these sands. If Harry hadn't been looking for a place to relieve himself, they never would have seen the overgrown path.

"Let's go swimming," Draco suggested. "I'm melting!" He'd magically protected his fair skin from the harsh, July sun, but the torrid heat was wilting them both.

They undressed, and ran into the cool, refreshing water. They splashed around, and did a bit of kissing. Draco took a deep breath, and playfully released a stream of bubbles under Harry's bollocks. Harry laughed, as the bubbles tickled him.

Draco's head suddenly surfaced. "Harry! There's a cave! Follow me!"

Harry would follow Draco anywhere. His soul was engorged, overflowing with love for this former enemy. He knew that Draco adored him, as well. They swam.

Draco led Harry to an opening in the rocks. Light was coming from beyond a turn. They hoped it meant air. Their chests were burning. They swam toward the light, and broke the surface, finding themselves inside a grotto.

They were awed. Luminescent algae, growing on the smooth, marble walls, projected a soft, yellow glow. Against one wall, they beheld a statue of a very beautiful woman. Her smiling face, and outstretched hands were quite welcoming. It was the most beautiful piece of artwork either had ever seen. They inspected an inscription at the statue's base.

"My Greek's not fluent," said Draco, "But this is Aphrodite. A temple, maybe?"

"It's so small. You couldn't fit many worshippers in here. The statue takes up most of the room."

"Maybe it's some ancillary chamber of a larger temple that once stood here?"

"Probably. Look at this," Harry said. "There's a bit of algae climbing up the base, but this statue is so well-preserved."

"Look. Someone's been here. They placed seashells in her hand."

Harry stood on tiptoe to examine the shells. He gasped, and fell backwards, landing on his bum.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

"The shells—"

Draco peered up, and was equally stunned. Three seashells rested in Aphrodite's hand. Each had a set of initials scratched into its surface. The largest bore the initials JP, the second, LP, and the smallest, HP.

"Is it possible—?" Harry asked.

"We're talking about `Harry Potter' here, Harry. The list of IM-possibilities gets shorter every day."

"They must have come here when I was a newborn."

"And the power of your parents' love urged Aphrodite to lead you back here."

"Us, Draco. Lead US back here. We should thank her."

"We're naked, Harry. What can we possibly offer her?"

"Exactly what she gave us. Love."

They made love, tenderly, in front of the statue. Before they left, Harry took the shells bearing his parents' initials. He left his shell nestled inside a slightly larger one, upon which had been carved DM.

  • END -

Now that you've read this story, I can tell you it was an entry into a contest sponsored by the website to which it had been submitted. I won the first prize for writing a Harry/Draco story which incorporated three random adjectives which were required by all authors. See if you can guess which three adjective I was required to use.

'Til next time, be safe, be well, be happy.



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