Harvest Moon

By Brent Poliza

Published on Nov 19, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction and doesn't contain any information on the celebrities who portray the characters. I do not own any of the characters except my own. I love the series and wanted to put submit a piece of my own. This does contain male/male relationships, so if this offends you I'm not sorry. You have the right to like what you like, and so do I. If you aren't 18 or older please don't read this, it's normal to be curious but I don't condone exclipt material to be passed onto someone who just isn't matured and or ready for it.

Please...be considerate and don't ask me to create any stories for you. I don't appreciate being asked or told what is expected of me. I am doing this because I love writing very much, it is my passion. I don't appreciate someone telling me I have to do something for them when I owe them nothing. Twilight Story.

I hope you enjoy....after reading this long and rather venting not to mention boring introduction to a story that hasn't even started yet... shutting up now. Or am I?

Harvest Moon-1

"Okay, Paul I'll be there later, tomorrow about mid day. I'm just getting on the plane now." I told my older brother Paul who happens to be very very very and I mean VERY OVER-protective of me.

"Okay. Be safe. You sure you know which plane you're getting on?" He asked in deep concern and worry.

"Yes. Don't worry, I got this." I told him as I got into the tunnel and walked to the plane's door.

"Every time you say that I worry." Paul said that smartly.

"Okay. Okay. I have to go the flight attendant says no phones." I told him which he replied with, "Fuck that bitch!" I had to hang up however because I accidentally put him on speaker and everyone heard Paul on my phone speak profanity and curses.

"Sorry. Ill mannered and short fuse very very bad temper." I apologized for my brother.

I sat down and basically fell asleep instantly. I always found myself of sleeping anywhere. Thinking back...Paul wasn't always like that. After Mom and Dad split...his main and only concern was me and my well being. I went with Mom while He stayed with Dad. I cried every night for months but it didn't change.

The constant phone calls just made me want to see him more. Until one day they just stopped. I called...but no answer. It wasn't until the car accident that I saw him. I remember lying in the white bed covered in castes as he cried over me to wake up. I was in a coma...the second he got there I began to stir.

It's almost like we're connected.

"Sir. Sir, we landed." The flight attendant said as she lightly shook me awake.

"OH! I'm sorry" I said as I instantly jumped up from my slumber.

I put my sunglasses on covering my bright violet eyes...yes they are real, I covered them because I didn't want anyone to see how tired I looked. As soon I got off the plane I saw a group of very large and very muscular guys each wearing old shirts and shorts. One of them really stood out as familiar to me. I noticed the he was holding in his hand which had my name on it. "Oliver Lahote" The sign read.

"Paul?" I asked calling my brother forward who dropped the sign and revealed his face.

"Oly." He said pulling me into a hug. I couldn't even reach his neck he was sooo tall compared to me. My small 5'4 frame was nothing compared to his 6'2 frame.

"Wow. You're so small." Paul teased me.

"Says the human Sky Scraper." I said with a small smile.

"Oly. This is the pa-gang. Gang. Sam Uley, Jared Cameron, Leah Clearwater, Quil Ateara, Embry Call, Jacob Black, and Seth Clearwater." Paul said. I felt a pull that I couldn't explain towards someone in the gang but I shook it off as some form of nervousness.

I never look people in the eyes unless I really know them because I feel awkward and nervous when our eyes meet. It's just a habit I picked up when I was young. Especially with the color of my eyes, people would always ask me if they were real. When I was young the other kids would demand I take off whatever I had in my eyes. But I assured them...they are 100% real.

"It's nice to meet you all. Hope we can become great friends." I said with a smile and my eyes looking at my feet nervously. The top of my black and white converse a usual scene for me.

I got a bunch of replies and hand shakes and such but I didn't pay attention to it. I really just wanted to talk to my brother. Mom passed and with no other family I was going to live with Paul. However I didn't know how I was going to tell him...he knew I was gay. Dad has more than once said negative things about it. Even taken to drinking to not get mad at me.

I was a witch. I took after Mom's side of the family and inherited her witchy powers. Once a witch dies, his or her powers are then given to enhance the powers of their chosen loved one. If I remember correctly, mom said that Paul and Dad have no idea of her witch side. As a matter of fact she kept all of her family secrets hidden from them.

I kept the family grimoire safe in my messenger back which I enchanted so only I could open it. Fortunately it was written in many languages that even I didn't know, they just seemed to translate themselves in my head naturally.

Paul grabbed my luggage and pulled me into his old black pickup truck and drove use home. I watched as the cloudy sky of Forks erupted into battle as thunder and lightning flashed across the sky and the wind and rain fought against the truck in waves. It was as if the sky was either mad I was here or throwing a celebration at the return of the prodigal son. Hopefully a celebration, I don't need nature against me. Especially since witches are one with nature.

I remember when I was living with my mom in LA, We would have a large exquisite garden. It was so beautiful that my mother always won first place in the best garden in the neighborhood. Unfortunately we cared more for the garden then the house because as the garden was beautiful the house was not. I guess our witch sides were more worried about nature than man. Nature is our mother, our love.

I watched as the sights of Forks disappeared behind me. I was so wrapped up in the sights that I didn't know Paul was talking to me until he was staring at me.

"Oh! Sorry. What did you say?" I asked I could feel blood rush to my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Paul asked his face turning slightly red.

"No. I really just kept to myself. I mean I did have boyfriends, but nothing serious." I said nervously.

"How was school?" Paul asked as we drove past the familiar "Welcome to La Push" sign.

"Straight A's and honor role. I didn't have many friends so I focused on my studies." I told him.

"Well that won't happen here...the friendless part." He said with a smile.

"How's Dad? Still an ass who can't accept that I'm gay?" I asked thinking of how annoying it's gonna be to live with him.

"He's okay. He said he will try to be civil." Paul said as we drove passed our house.

"I don't get it. Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"Oh, we aren't going home first. The pa-gang is throwing you a welcoming party." Paul said pulling onto a dirt road into the woods a bit.

There he goes again. He was about to say something and changed his words. I couldn't help but feel suspicious.

We stopped at a beautiful modern wooden house with glass windows and dim lights.

A big sign that said, "Welcome Oliver."

I saw the group of big guys again but this time they weren't wearing shirts. Oh, shit. Big muscular guys are my kryptonite.

I got out of the truck and walked side by side with Paul. "Just one thing. Don't stare at Emily's scar, Sam is very protective." Paul said, oh really like you?

I'm so glad I had my thick sunglasses on so no one could see me checking them out. It's not like I was trying too...but it's like waving a martini in front of an alcoholic.

I could feel the pull again. I didn't know who it was pulling me too but I could definitely feel it.

"Welcome Oliver." Everyone said kindly. I was surprised when I saw someone I recognized.

"Billy Black and Old Quil. How are you doing?" I asked as U hugged them both. It was them who helped my mother leave my dad.

"Where's Harry?" I asked innocently.

"He had a heart attack a few years back." Billy said sadly. It was only now did I realize he was sitting in a wheelchair and not a regular chair.

"Oh. I'm so sorry." I said sadly as a tear fell from my eye. I have always been an emotional person especially to those who I generally cared about.

"Let's not think about it. It's a welcome party." Paul said as a pretty girl ran up to Paul and jumped into his arms. It's not that I was angry or jealous or whatever...I just didn't know about her so it caught me off guard.

"Wow. I have been gone for a long time." I said to Paul looking at him with an expression that can only be summed up with, "Explain."

"Oh. Oly...this is Rachel Black. My imp- girlfriend." Paul said nervously gaging my reaction.

"Uh huh. And why didn't you tell me?" I asked squinting my eyes in a 'Go ahead...try and lie to me.' way.

"I kind of forgot." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"You forgot that you have a girlfriend? How do you forget that??" I asked.

"He's been dealing with a lot." Rachel said getting in my face.

"Get out of my face." I said not backing down but not being rude either. As soon as the words left my lips the sky cracked with a rage.

"I think we should get inside." Billy said motioning everyone inside.

When I got inside I noticed the spacious and homey setting the house had.

"Please everyone make yourselves at home." A beautiful woman said as she sat down a batch of freshly baked blueberry muffins.

She had such a radiant face and a smile to match the claw slash scar only added an exotic beauty to her instead of removing any beauty.

"Please, take one before the guys eat them all." She said handing me one to have Paul take it.

"Thanks, really...but I can't." I said sadly.

"Come on. You can risk your figure for one day, can't you?" Sam asked me with a hand on my shoulder motioning me to take one with a smile.

"They're so good." Jared said with a moan.

"He can't eat them okay!" Paul said pushing Jared on the floor.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Jared asked angrily getting up and pushing Paul.

"Guys..." Sam urged as a fight broke out between them. They began to wrestle on the ground.

"Take it outside." Billy said to them as if knowing something. I watched as the guys ran outside with smiles and smirks as if this happened a lot.

"I can't eat them because I'm deathly allergic to blueberries." I told everyone who was still in the room.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know." Emily said with an concerned look on her face. She got up from the stool she sat on and ran to the kitchen when the phone rang.

"Is it like this all the time?" I asked concerned about the fight that had started over me.

"You have no idea." Leah said sitting on the couch with her arms crossed.

Emily came back with a sad look on her face. Her eyes immediately went to me and then the ground.

"What's the matter?" Billy asked concerned.

"It-uh-was for Oliver and Paul." She said nervously.

"What?" I asked curious at what could have her so nervous.

"Your dad said he doesn't want you to come home." Emily said as everyone began to fill the room again.

"Sorry about that. We didn't know you were deathly allergic to blueberries." Everyone basically said as I stood in shock staring at Emily.

"Huh?" I asked still trying to understand. "What's going on?" Paul asked coming up to me.

"I don't understand. Paul lives with him. How can he just abandon him?" I asked her.

"No...not Paul. He doesn't want YOU to come home. Says he can't live with a fag under his roof." Emily said as tears began to fall from her beautiful face.

I heard growling coming from Paul and from someone else but I didn't see who as I was too wrapped up in what Emily was just telling me.

I could feel Paul's body shake with such rage as it seemed to almost vibrate. I could feel his presence....the wrath that it held was just astounding.

For the first time ever...I didn't know what to do.

(This is the first chapter of a new story. I hope you like it. I've always loved the Twilight saga and the potential it had and it's characters had. Anyway I hope you like it. Love, Brent.)

Next: Chapter 2

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