Harvest Moon

By Brent Poliza

Published on Nov 23, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction and doesn't contain any information on the celebrities who portray the characters. I do not own any of the characters except my own. I love the series and wanted to put submit a piece of my own. This does contain male/male relationships, so if this offends you I'm not sorry. You have the right to like what you like, and so do I. If you aren't 18 or older please don't read this, it's normal to be curious but I don't condone exclipt material to be passed onto someone who just isn't matured and or ready for it.

Please...be considerate and don't ask me to create any stories for you. I don't appreciate being asked or told what is expected of me. I am doing this because I love writing very much, it is my passion. I don't appreciate someone telling me I have to do something for them when I owe them nothing. Twilight Story.

I hope you enjoy....after reading this long and rather venting not to mention boring introduction to a story that hasn't even started yet...shutting up now. Or am I?

Harvest Moon-2

I sat for hours on the front porch, tears falling just as fierce and fast as the rain. My dad and I use to get along, then I came out and he just didn't seem to love me. I mean...he said he did, but couldn't accept me. He said he would at least try, but it appears he couldn't do it. He didn't even want to see me.

How could a man call himself a father, but not accept his children. I guess any man can be a father now a days. I can't forgive him for this. He not only doesn't love me, but is so ashamed of me that he would call someone to tell me he doesn't want me around. That's low.

Paul went home in such a rage that Sam, Jacob, and Billy had to go with him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Seth and Leah had to go home because their mom wanted them there for dinner.

"You're gonna be okay." Embry sat next to me and out an arm around my shoulder.

"I don't even have a dad. He ditched my mom and me when I was a baby. Or that's what they tell me." Embry said looking into the rain.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that." I said to him.

"Hey, I have a question. Why are you wearing thick sunglasses?" Embry asked curious as Quil sat on the other side of me.

"Here are some peanut butter cookies, guys." Emily said kindly.

"I-uh...I'm allergic to peanuts. Not nuts, just peanuts." I said awkwardly.

"Oh, Lord. Hmm...Usually everything I make has something your allergic too." Emily said embarrassed.

"I'm allergic to blueberries, peanuts, shellfish, and lilies." I said biting my bottom lip.

"I have a question," Quil said as we looked at him.

"Why are you wearing thick sunglasses?" Quil asked curious as to why I have been wearing sunglasses since the airplane.

"Oh! Because I'm tired and I didn't want anyone to notice. I haven't slept well after my mom died." I said as I took them off.

"Whoa." They all said as they saw my eyes.

"What?" I asked confused, as I forgot that my eyes are not normal.

"Are they real?" They asked as I noticed Paul and the guys return.

"Yeah...another reason I wear the glasses. So no one would ask me that same question over and over again." I said getting up and walking to Paul.

"What happened?" I asked putting my hand on his chest to stop him from walking away. I could feel the rage and sorrow coming from him. I saw the angry bitter tears falling from his face. Rachel hugged Paul.

"Dad doesn't want to be part of your life and by extension my life. However, he has also been told to leave our lands. So we'll get the house, this is just not right." Paul said as he gave Rachel a hug and held her.

I can't believe how much of a jackass my father is.

"How long till he is gone?" I asked Paul.

"Tomorrow. So...It's been arranged. You will sleep at Billy and Jacob's because they do not want me around Rachel at night...alone...if you catch my drift." Paul said trying to crack a joke.

"Not. Funny." I said shaking my head with all seriousness.

"No kidding. " Jacob and Billy said together.

"I'm going to stay with Sam and Emily tonight. Tomorrow we will move you in." Paul said hugging me tightly.


Later on that night I went home with the Blacks. I rode in the back of their pickup truck because there wasn't room for me. Jacob offered to sit in the back, but being a witch I couldn't resist the pull of nature. If it was up to me...or my witch side...I'd be running free through the woods on a moon filled night. Dancing around a fire and casting spells and using magic.

Using magic is easy. There is the basic energy manipulation which will basically do whatever you want. You just need to have an idea of what you want to happen and then let it happen. Will it. Then there is the stuff that you can't do by basically just willing it. You need to cast a spell, which in a way is like a prayer to nature for assistance, to aid in manipulating energies to make cetain events happen. However you have to be very specific.

Magic works...just not in the way you expect sometimes. However, there are times where it doesn't work at all. Some things cannot be undone. You can bring someone back...but only if they have died prematurely or by unnatural means. You can create things, objects, beings with magic. It's basically science...energy transfer.

Then the dark side of magic. Hexes, curses, harmful enchantments. You have to delve in the darkness of your soul to use it. Over use, however, can cause the soul to darken. If the soul is completely tarnished and turned evil then the mind warps and the body slowly transforms to a more hideous appearance.

I was shook from my thoughts as I realized that we had stopped at a red house. I noticed how small it was and surprised they could live here. I mean...with how tall and massive Jacob is. I wouldn't be surprised if his head touched the ceiling.

"Hey are you coming?" Jacob asked with a smile. I noticed his handsome baby face. It was cute, but his body was insanely hot. Unfortunately, he was too old for me...in his twenties like my brother Paul.

"Yeah. Sorry." I said getting out of the back of the truck.

"Is it cool if you sleep with me?" Jacob asked innocently thinking nothing of the torture he was putting me through with laying next to him but not able to touch him.

"I-uh, sure?" I said nervous.

"What's the matter? I don't care that you're gay if that's what this is about." Jacob said as we stood in his room with the door closed.

"Oh, okay. Good." I said going to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring my body. My soft russet skin and my full plump brown lips. My lean muscled body with a set of perfect abs and pecs. I had a beautiful white smile. I took off my wet clothes and hopping into the bathtub.

I let it fill with water but was shocked when only cold water came out. I imagined the water getting hotter and I watched as it bubbled like I was in a jacuzzi. The water began to steam from the comfortable heat. I sighed as I let the bubbles massage my body.

I looked at my bag and pulled out my grimoire. Besides making it so only I can read it...it had an enchantment on it where it would not and could not be destroyed. So water damage was not a possibility. I opened it and watched as the words shined with a light and the ancient symbols and letters shifted into a comprehensible. I began to mutter a spell and watched as my personal effects appeared before me.

Like I said creating and transferring matter is something that requires assistance from nature. Well unless you are extremely powerful. I'm addicted to using magic so...as a rule I try not to use too much magic at one time. Not just because it wears me out, but because I want to use more and more each time. So I wear a pentagran necklace as a way to keep me from overusing magic.

I put my grimoire away and began to wash up so I could go to sleep. I put on my white shirt, black boxer briefs, and my thin blue cotton sleeping pants. I grabbed my bag and walked to Jacob's room to find him already asleep. Poor guy. His bed barely can contain him with almost about about half his leg dangling off the bed. How am I suppose to sleep here? He took the whole damn bed.

I had to resist the urge to make the bed bigger. I just stared at Jacob's sleeping figure for 2 minutes. Looking at his beautiful face lit up by the moonlight that snuck in through the window. I had to suck it up and climb into the bed. With Jacob taking all of it I was laying slightly on his chest and on his arm.

I couldn't help but blush at the warmth that resonated from Jacob's body. The heat that can't and isn't humanly possible to achieve. Something is definitely up with my brother and the guys. I blushed even more when he turned over and pulled me into him while he pinned me down. He let out a heavy snore as he snuggled into my body.

I listened to his heart beat, letting the sound lull me to sleep until I was out like a light.

I woke up to the cheerful sound of laughter of Jacob and an unknown young female. As I entered the living room I noticed this teenage girl about my age by the looks of it. I noticed her pale beautiful skin, her bronze and auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes...she was beautiful. I watched as they went outside hand in hand. Of course...Jacob would be taken.

"Hey Oliver, you hungry?" Billy asked watching the TV, not even looking at me.

"Uh, yeah. I can eat." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Great! Mind making something for us to eat?" Billy asked me. I could see the smirk from the back of his head.

"Sure. My mom taught me how to cook. Matter of fact I did all the cooking and cleaning because she would work all day." As soon as I said it I regretted it.

"Great! Mind helping a handicapped old man clean the house?" He asked with a light chuckle.

"Sure." I said kindly. I love Billy, he was like a real dad to me.

"Actually. How about I cook and clean and you watch the game." I said to which he chuckled again.

"Sounds great! You'd think with Jacob and Rachel here that the house would be spotless. They go out with their imprints all day and come back whenever they want." Billy said.

"What's an imprint?" I asked confused.

"A what? Oh! I meant friends." Billy said trying to lie to me, but I let it slide due to the fact that I didn't want to call him out on it.

"Oh." I said as I grabbed some bacon and eggs and fried them up. I handed a plate to Billy and went to make another plate when I literally ran into Embry and Quil falling on my ass.

"Sorry!" They said together as they picked me up.

"We smelled the food and got hungry." They said together. I went to the kitchen and gave them big helpings. If I remember from being at Emily's they ate a lot so I even made more.

At the third helping that I gave to them I noticed Paul was sitting next to them. He gave me one look and I knew he was hungry. I fixed them all more food even using magic to multiply what I made because honestly there wasn't enough. I'm lucky they didn't notice because there would have been a very weird conversation between us all. I had no desire of opening that can of worms.

I cleaned the house in a hour and just finished the dishes when Paul came into the kitchen.

"So dad is gone." Paul said to me as he hugged from behind.

"I wish I could say that a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders. But I'll have to live with this." I said as I removed him from me.

I went to Jacob's room and grabbed my luggage and messenger bag.

"I want to go home now." I said to Paul.

"Okay. Let's go." Paul said after kissing Rachel goodbye.

I spent hours putting away my dad's stuff and taking his room. I took his room because it was the only other room available. I felt bad because Paul was older and the room was bigger, but he didn't mind. He said he isn't around a lot anyways. After we were finished Paul left because Sam needed him for some reason.

I finally had the house to myself. I thought it would've been alright to let the magic fly. So I lifted my hands and watched as energy almost like golden light swirled around the room. The sound of little bells was all you could hear.The house literally cleaned itself out. I even used it to clean Paul's room which desperately needed it.

"What the hell?" I heard behind me. I got so scared that I lost focus and everything that was flying around dropped. When I turned around I saw a stunned Collin and Brady.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked worried.

"We were coming to hangout. We thought you could use a friend." Collin said glancing from Brady to me.

"What were you doing?" Brady said.

"Magic." I replied like it was nothing. "Your a wizard? Like Harry Potter??" Collin asked.

"Witch, actually. You can't tell anyone. The others, I mean. Not yet." I told them and they nodded.

"Okay. So were at an agreement. No one is to know." I waved my hands and watched as everything fixed itself and placed itself in their intended areas.

"That's so cool!" Brady and Collin said together.

"Wow! That was scary." I said slightly sarcastic.

"I have to ask...why do you guys all run around barefoot and in shorts only? I mean it's freezing cold most of the time." I said trying to understand their reasoning.

"Oh, we're so use to the weather." They said together.

"Okaaaay." I said not believing a word they said.

"You know I can make you tell me, right?" I crossed my arms.

"Oh, yeah? How?" They asked in sync.

"Magic. A simple truth spell. I can have you spilling your guts and you won't remember it afterwards." I said to them in a serious tone.

"You gotta be joking." They said as I had enough of their talking. I lifted my hand and my bag flew to me. I pulled out my grimoire and began to say the spell.

"Now. What are you guys?" I asked.

"Shifters. We usually call ourselves werewolves, but we're shifters." They said before turning to each other.

"What's an imprint?" I asked them as they tried to stop themselves from talking.

"An imprint is a shifters soul mate. It's basically something that tells us who are perfect match is. When we lock eyes with our imprint...it's like the whole world stops and you go into space. The only thing tying you down is your imprint." They cover eachothers mouths.

I stopped the spell because I didn't want to know everything. However, I learned that Rachel is Paul's soul mate. As much as I felt the imprint thing to be stupid because they didn't get to choose...I just sucked it up and started the acceptance cycle.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. I think it's easier to write a Twilight story because I read all the books. Teen Wolf, I only watch what they have on Netflix. Anyways...I hope you like the new chapter. Love, Brent.)

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