Hearts Combining

By Christopherunknown

Published on Sep 6, 2023


This story is all fiction and is not implying anything on the Backstreet Boys, 'N sync, or anyone else mentioned in this text. If you don't approve of gay relationships and/or are under 18 years old, please stop and leave now. If you are over 18 (or younger with the exception of not getting caught) and approve of homosexual types of sex and relationships then please keep on reading.

I want to thank Kenitra for being a good friend, writer, and editor! I also want to thank everyone who has sent me comments on the last couple of chapters. Thank you! I didn't however receive any comments on the last chapter. I really do like your comments. I would also like to know how you guys want me to take this story.

Now here is....

Hearts Combining (Chapter 10) ******************

"An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he - for some reason- thinks it world be a good idea to give them"

--Andy Warhol--


"Okay I want to start out, my name is Christopher, Chris, or your master. You call me Mr. Green, you will be on my shit list. If you have any problems contact your supervisor or me. We have 28 shows to do with only a little more then a month to do it. It can be done, and will be done. For everyone who knows me, you know how I work. For anyone new, you better ask someone who does know me, or wait until I strike." Pausing for a second to see a reaction, I was met with smiling faces from everyone who I have previously worked with and scared looks from everyone I have never seen. "As for the Guys, Band, and extras....glory days are over guys. You know the procedure. If the rest of the crew can bring you here, you need to help them prepare for your show. Nsync guys you start working as a crew member tomorrow." I said watching the guys die right in front of me.

"Okay...we have a show to do tonight then we leave out for St. Louis tomorrow. Prepare for the bus!" I said setting the mic down and then walking over to the guys.

"Don't give me the dirty looks you know the deal. I've not changing any!" I said. "Okay you have a interview right now in the next room. Then we head over to the arena for sound check and run through."

Turning I walked out of the room and towards that room where the interview was being held. Knocking lightly, I opened the door with the guys behind me.

"Hi I'm..." I interrupted the woman in front of me

"Andrea!?!?!" I said.

(Now On With The Story)

I stood there frozen. I knew that Andrea could see the horror in my eyes. Not really putting all of the pieces together yet, Andrea asked,

"I'm looking for a Mr. Green."

"That would be I." I stated under my breath.

"Oh my god! You?" I watched as she realized everything, quickly picking herself back up, she looked at me. "I'm Andrea, I will be doing the interview today."

"Okay, let me introduce you to the guys," I said turning around to meet questioning eyes, "Andrea I would like you to meet JC, Chris, Joey, Justin, and Lance. Guys this is Andrea......" trailed off at the end realizing that I had never caught her last name.

"Andrea Johnson, I'm with Seventeen Magazine." Andrea covered for me.

"Nice to meet you!" Joey said, always trying to be the charmer.

The interview went like every other interview. Same old questions, same old answers. The interview took about an hour. I did notice that Andrea tried to avoid the question about relationships. I don't know why, but I got the feeling that she was trying to cover up something. Seeing Andrea standing up brought me back to the present.

"Thank you guys. It was nice talking with you!" Andrea said shaking the guys' hands.

"I want you to interview us more often. You had new questions!!!" Chris said in his hyper tone.

"Okay guys....go upstairs and get changed. Lunch will be at the arena. Then we have sound check. So move it. NOW!" I said as the guys start running by me.

"Best friend and Drill sergeant....nice combination." Andrea said.

"Yeah...but I know their limits." I said defensively.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make it sound bad." Andrea spoke

"I'm sorry for snapping like that. Will you forgive me?" I asked.

"Well maybe....depends if there could be a lunch involved. Off the record, of course." Andrea answered the unspoken question.

"Uhm...yeah sure if you don't mind arena catering." I said agreeing.

"If I can eat airline food, I can eat anything!" Andrea answered.

Less then an hour later, we arrived at the arena. As soon as the limo stopped, the guys jumped out running for the lunch tents. Andrea and I slowly walked behind.

"How can you handle it?" Andrew asked.

"What?" I asked not hearing what she said.

"How can you handle it? Working with people like this? Having the responsibility of making sure that a multi-million dollar show goes on without any problems?" Andrea asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. I just go with the flow I guess. As for the people I work with, no one is different than the other. Ask the guys they will tell you." I stated.

"I heard you say something this morning during your meeting that the guys and the band had to work as crew members, you weren't serious were you? Are you going to make these guys do that?" Andrea asked stopping to look me in the eye.

"Yes I do mean it. I have been with these guys since day one. They know what I expect and they know what to expect from me. Everyone says that they are so normal; the truth is that I never let the money and fame go to their heads. I have always been the anchor." I stated.

We walked the rest of the way into the tent. I knew the guys were still eating, but I wasn't going to sit with them right now. Andrea and I got our food and then headed over to an empty table.

"Hand me the paper Chris." Andrea stated taking a bite of her food.

"What?" I asked.

"You're a manager, I know that you have a contract in your pocket!" Andrea stated.

She was right. I have always carried confidentiality contracts with me. Pulling my wallet out of my pocket, I pulled it out and unfolded it. Marking the place for her to sign, I handed it to her. She quickly signed it and then handed it back to me. Folding it up and putting it into my pocket, I started eating again. With her signing it, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"I wanted to thank you for what you did for Terence yesterday." Andrea stated.

"I didn't do anything." I said trying to figure out what exactly she was talking about.

"Yes you did. He called me last night and told me about you setting him up with Nick Carter. Oh and I'm suppose to thank you because now Terence and Nick have a date for next Tuesday when they get back."

"Like I said, I didn't do anything. I let them meet, and now everything is up to them." I said then looked down at my watch. "Would you like to see the sound check? How long are you here for?"

"Yeah I would like that. I'm here until tomorrow." Andrea said.

"Okay now you will get to see me in action!" I said standing up and throwing my trash away. As if on cue, someone handed me a radio.

"Chris?" a voice called over the radio.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Uhm...there is a woman here...her name is....." the voice got quiet then piped in, "she said to tell you that the Bitch is back in town!"

"Okay...send her to the tents. I will be waiting." I said then turn the radio down.

"Can I ask who that was?" Andrea asked.

"What a few minutes and then I will let her introduce herself." I said smiling widely.

No sooner had I said that did I hear someone, "Yes Ma'am". Then I was pulled out of the tent by a woman.

"I'm sorry to do this Mr. Gre....umm...Chris, but this woman told me to do it or she would have me fired." A very young girl said. I figured that she was a new person around here too.

"That is okay. Don't worry about it." I said as she walked away.

"Some girl just told me that you were the Manager on tour right now! What did you do with Johnny? Kill him? Stuff him in a traveling case? What?" A voice from behind me asked.

"To be honest, he was willing to give it up. I don't know why though, this stuff is easy! Why are you here anyway?" I asked turning around.

"Johnny called me the other day saying that he was looking for the best people to finish this tour. Something about knowing that I would be wanted by the new assistant manager. I don't know why? From what I can tell, the new guy dances better than I do!"

"I still think that you need to get your eyes checked. Do the guys know that you were coming? I know that I sure didn't!" I said looking at the woman in front of me.

"Nope. I'm here unannounced. That was how Johnny asked me to do it!" She smiled.

"Hey girl...I missed you!" I said finally giving into her. I ran up and hugged her.

"I missed you too. How is Jase? And Jen?" Fatima asked.

"They are good. They maybe out sometime next week. I don't know yet though." I said. "Oh....Fatima this is Andrea Johnson, she is from Seventeen Mag."

A worried expression crossed Fatima's face at the mention of the magazine label, but I think Andrea noticed it too. "It's nice to finally meet the woman that so many people have talked about." Andrea said shaking Fatima's hand.

"Oh thank you. It is nice to meet you." Fatima said.

"Oh just so that you know...I signed the confidentiality contract. So you don't have to worry about anything personal getting out." Andrea smiled.

I could physically see the restraint lift off of Fatima.

"Sorry to have to cut this short, but I have a sound check to do." I said. "Stay here, let me get them moving before you see them Fatima, okay?"

"Yeah sure." Fatima said

"I think that I will stay here with her, that is if you don't mind Fatima." Andrea questioned.

"Girl don't be silly... I want to know everything people are saying about me!" Fatima said pulling Andrea closer.

I walked away from them. As I walked towards the guys, I turned the radio back on.

"Heads up everyone. Airheads on the move towards the stage!" I spoke.

"Audio ready!"

"Pyro ready!"

"VIP ready for after check!"

"Thugs ready!"

"Setup ready!"

"Chris we have no band! They are stuck in traffic!"

"No problem...tell me when they are here! We will start without them!" I said. "Everything is all go for sound check!"

Standing beside the table everyone kept talking with each other.

"Okay guys time is start. You will have vocals then dance. The sooner you get done the more rest you will get before the show." I said, "Oh and before I forget, Johnny sent you a present! But first you have to do vocals and get them out of the way!"

"Okay Chris we're going!" Joey said standing. Everyone else stood and started to walk towards the stage. Seeing Andrea standing beside the entrance to the tent, I knew that Fatima had gone and made herself scarce.

I had not noticed until then that Justin was standing beside me. Looking over at him, I noticed an expression of happiness on his face.

"Why are you so happy Just?" I asked

"Because I missed you yelling at us!" Justin stated then ran up with the rest of the guys.

"Which one is it?" Andrea asked causing me to jump.

"You scared me! Don't you know not to scare people like that! But about the question, what are you talking about?" I asked playing dumb.

"Which of the guy's are you in love with?" Andrea asked me flatly again.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said still trying to play dumb but knowing that Andrea was seeing right through it.

"It's Justin isn't it? You know that you don't have to worry about me saying anything!" Andrea reminded me, "I know it is him. I have noticed that you you're more protective over him then the rest of the guys. I know that you care for all of them, and would do anything for all of them, but the way you look and look over Justin's every move tells me that there is something more going on there than just a normal friendship."

"All I'm going to say is that there is a lot about this group that you need to learn about." I said walking away.

"What do you mean by that?" Andrea asked with a puzzled tone.

Ignoring her, I walking into the arena. Seeing the guys warming up on the stage, I grabbed a mic and took a seat up front.

"Okay guys....I need the first verse of God Must Have....." I commanded.

A slight groan was heard and then they started to sing it. I made a few more commands from different songs and then I decided to release them over to Fatima.

"Okay guys....I need you to go ahead and start the dance routine for Tearin' Up My Heart." I commanded.

"Where's Wade? Why isn't he here to show us our screw ups?" Joey asked.

Before I could comment, a voice boomed throughout the arena, "Because he had an offer that he couldn't refuse! Key music!"

Turning around from where they were standing, they watched Fatima going through Justin's dance routine. Then the music stopped and another song started. The melody was that of "My boyfriends back".

Then we heard,

"The bitch is back. And she is going to start some trouble."

"Oh god," the guys groaned.

Fatima stopped and stared at the guys, then smiled. "I love Wade to death, but I want to see how badly you guys have screwed up my dances!"

Not even giving the guys a chance to comment, Fatima started yelling out orders. "I want to start Tearin' Up My Heart from the beginning. If you do it perfectly then we will stop and you can have the rest of the day off but if not, you will practice it until it gets to be perfect!"

Grabbing Andrea by the arm I started walking out of the arena. Before I was able to get out the door, Fatima yelled at me. "And where do you think you're going?"

"No where!" I said innocently.

"On stage! NOW!" Fatima yelled. I found out along time ago that when Fatima tells you to do something, you do it!

I knew what she was going to do though, so I wasn't too worried. As soon as I got up onto the stage Fatima tried to stare me down. She has done this for the last four or so times that we have worked together.

"One, two, three....." Fatima yelled.

Tearin' up my heart started playing through the speakers. Automatically, I started with Justin's routine. Watching Fatima out of the corner of my eye the whole time. Seeing a glimmer in her eye, I prepared myself for her next command.

"JC's routine" she yelled at me. I quickly switched routines and continued on with Josh's routine. Few second later she yelled "Chris's.........." then "Justin's......." then "Joey's......" and finally "Lance's......"

After I few more seconds the song ended, and I stood in the middle of the stage looking at her.

"Okay if this white boy can do your routines without any mistakes, then you should be beyond perfection!" Fatima yelled at the guys, then turned to me. "You hate me now don't you?"

"Me hate you...never!" I said as I limped off the stage, grabbing Andrea and practically running toward the door.

Standing outside in the corridor, I cracked up at the look that Andrea was giving me.

"You can dance?" Andrea asked shocked.

"Yeah but many people don't know it though. I have always believed that to be a good manager you have to be able to do any job." I stated flatly.

"What else can you do?" Andrea asked interested in the topic.

"Well, I have worked in every department of this tour before. I have also done writing and producing. I can sing and dance too, but I don't. Something about bright lights shining in my eyes that is not very appealing!" I said with a slight laugh.

"I bet you have a wonderful voice...." Andrea said smiling.

"He really does...just give him time, he will sing!" Jessica said walking up to us. Jessica the sweetest person you could ever meet but don't put her in front of the press. The girl could lie through her teeth with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. I loved her for it. Johnny would always pair us up to do a press release because neither one of us were fazed by it.

"Don't listen to her, she is on some wild drugs again!" I said, then looked at her. "What can I do for you my dear?"

"If I recall the last time you called me dear, some blonde pop queen punched you in the eye for it." Jessica stated then smiled at me.

"But if you hadn't kissed me after I said it, then I wouldn't have gotten killed!"

"True, but what fun would that be." Jessica stated. "But back to business, the band has returned, but Fatima is refusing to let them set up. She is complaining about Wade screwing up her routines again."

"Yeah...I'm guessing that you didn't get to see my little show earlier." I said.

"Actually I did. Visual recorded it, and is playing it continually through all of the information monitors across the arena. " Jessica informed me.

"Well anyway....tell them not to worry about it. I have faith that they know the set. Tell them to rest up for the show. Oh before I forget, could you get......" Jessica interrupted me.

"The backstage passes. How many do you want tonight?" Jessica asked.

"Go ahead and get about four just in case I feel generous." I said.

"Okay...I will have them." Jessica said then turned and walked away.

"Why do you need them for?" Andrea asked.

"Come tonight and I will show you." I said and then walked way leaving Andrea wondering.

Four hours later

"Andrea...are you ready yet?" I asked for like the twentieth time so far.

"Yes I'm finally ready. Now will you tell me what we are going to be doing?" Andrea asked in a whiny tone.

"You are about to see one of the greatest things in the world!" I said grabbing Andrea by the arm and pulling her down the hall. I had made prior arrangements with Jessica to make sure that the guys were on time and ready to go for tonight's show.

Walking outside and getting into the awaiting limo, I gave Andrea a look that meant that I was not going to tell about it. So that left for the trip to remain pretty quiet. I was staring out the window, but watching Andrea out the corner of my eye. She continued to stare at me with a look of frustration.

Pulling into the arena, I was met by Lonnie, who gave us Access Passes. Catching Andrea's attention, I showed her physically how to tuck the pass under her clothes. Giving me one last questioning look, she quickly tucked it away. Once again, I grabbed her hand and walking into the hallway that would lead to the arena entrance. Opening a door, we walked into a mass of people. Lonnie was right behind us the whole time. Turning toward Andrea, I looked her in the eye.

"Now...I need you to scan the crowd. I want you to pick one person for whom you will make their dreams come true. " I said staring her in the eye.

"What?" Andrea asked confused.

"I need you to find someone that is here, that we can make their dreams come true." I said. The look on Andrea's face told me that she understood somewhat.

Slowly Andrea started moving through the crowd with Lonnie and I following close behind. Finally, Andrea stopped.

"Does it make what age?"

"Nope..." I stated.

"Then I pick him." Andrea said pointing to a little boy standing next to what looked like his mother. The expression of the boy's face was a mixture of fear and excitement. He looked to be about 6 or 7 years old, so I knew that he would be perfect.

"Lonnie..." I started but Lonnie had already set out on his mission. Pulling out his security badge out, and stopped the woman and child. Lonnie asked to look at their ticket just as a security check. Thanking the woman, he walks away, writing down the information that I needed.

"Chris... There are only two of them. The little boy says that he loves Nsync. But they are in the upper level. Here is the seat number. I'll send a security team with you. Who else do you need?" Lonnie asked.

"Well send Steve and two wireless mics too. That should be all. I have my radio so if I need anything I will be okay." I said smiling at Andrea. "Okay young lady, you ready to see the show of your life?"

"Yes sir. Lead the way!" Andrea said and we made our way towards the seat that Lonnie had just told us about.

Sugar Hill Gang had just finished the opening line up.

"Jessica....are the Airheads on the move?" I spoke into the radio.

"They are in prayer. Chris, they are waiting for me to get there so that they can start!" Jessica said through the radio.

"Okay hon!" I said. "Tell me when they are ready!"

"Okay Chris....Over!"

"Check list! Audio...."

"Ready....your mics are live!"


"Video ready...."

"Can you find Steve?"

"We have him...and cam is hot!"


"Pyro ready!"


"Ready and waiting!"

"Airheads on the move....countdown in 30!" Jessica came through the ready.

"Okay everyone....on my mark!" I said looking at my watch. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...Mark!"

The stadium lights fell, and light music started. From where we were sitting, I didn't know how anyone could see. I could barely see the five tiny dots on the stage where the guys were standing.

The guys had gone through two songs, when I decided to cut them off.

"All stop for interruption in 5...4...3...2...1...now! Spotlights, cam, and Mics on!"

Everything in the arena became dead quiet. The guys had just stopped singing because their mics were cut off. They knew that this was going to happen they just didn't know when!

Smiling at Andrea, I flipped my microphone on.

"Ladies and Gentlemen....Thank you for coming to our show tonight, but I'm sorry to say, I'm going to have to stop it right now. You see, there is a little boy here that has the worst seats in the house. I don't know how he can see from here!" I said looking at the little boy. During the opening act, I had been talking with the boy and his mother. Neither knew who I was or what I do, so this was leaving them both somewhat confused.

"Hey Chris...what's the boy's name?" Justin said knowing that his mic had been turned back on.

"Well I don't know. What is your name young man?" I asked handing him another mic. I looked up to make sure that Steve was taping this.

"I'm Eric." The boy said.

"Hello Eric." I said. "I would like you to meet my best friends. They are Justin, Lance, JC, Joey, and Chris. Guys say hello to Eric."

"Hello Eric!" the guys said.

"Okay Eric, Now I need you to tell me something. What do you wish you could do right now?"

You could see Eric thinking for a second. He pulled on my arm and I sank down to his level. He whispered something in my ear and I smiled.

"Mom do you mind taking a trip?" I asked the boy's mother.

Shaking her head no...I smiled. "Guys....I have a little boy here who wants to meet you! Do you think that it would be possible?"

"Can he sing and dance?" Chris asked.

"I don't know...can you sing and dance?" I asked the boy.


"Oh good...because Justin here is slacking a little bit...we may need to replace him!" Joey said avoiding Justin's punch.

"Well then... we will see you in a few minutes." Everything went dark again. Pausing the mic, I pulled the radio out. "Jessica, everyone ready?"

"All go Chris!" Jessica said.

"All count down to full start in..." Switch back to the microphone. "5-4-3-2-1" The song started right where it had left off. We had three minutes to mess around with.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked. A quick nod from everyone one, we started towards the backstage. Trying to make it through the hallways was almost a nightmare. Once people find out who you are, they can be extremely annoying and dangerous.

Finally we made it through the crowds and into the backstage area. The guys had just finished the song and were starting to talk about themselves. Making sure that everyone had their passes around their necks; we headed over to one of the sound booths to pick up microphones. After only a couple of seconds, we were standing just to the side of the stage. Justin was talking about something, but as always Lance was on the lookout. Whispering something to Justin, Lance walked over to us.

"Would you like to come out here with us?" Lance asked.

Eric quickly nodded. Lance looked up towards the boy's mother for her permission. "Yeah go ahead!" the woman said.

Lance grabbed the boy's hand and lead him out onto the stage. Justin quickly ran toward us, and pulled us out onto the stage too.

"Okay Eric...What is your favorite song?" Chris asked.

"Wait...Wait...Wait! A more important question first. Who is your favorite person here?" Justin asked putting on the biggest grin.

An embarrassed little boy looked down and then back up at Lance. "I like Lance." Eric said lightly. Cheering and screaming was heard as Lance picked the little boy up and swung him around, while Justin acted like he was passing out.

"Okay Okay! As your boss, I have to get this show going!" I said trying to use my authority.

"Your boss? I don't think so; I think we are your bosses! So that means that if we tell you to do something, you have to do it." Josh emphasized the last part.

"And as your bosses, we want you to sing!" Chris said with a twinkle in his eye.

"I don't sing!" I said trying to get out of it as much as possible.

"Yes you can! You sing like Justin!" Josh argued.

"Hey...do you guys want to see who sings better?" Joey said standing in front of the audience. The audience went wild.

"Alright...what we are going to do is let Eric pick the song. Then Justin will sing part and then Chris will sing the other part! But.....There is always a but....They have to do the dance for the song too!" Lance said explaining the rules to us and everyone else.

"Okay Eric this is up to you. What song do you want to hear?" Josh asked looking down at Eric.

"I like the song...The Girl Who Has Everything." Eric said. That started the rest of the show for the night.

Three hours later, the guys were sitting in the dressing room getting ready for the bus. I was finishing up the last bit of paper work for the next stop. I had finished a couple of phone calls that needed to be done, plus one extra phone call that I was hoping that I would get a reply for tonight.

Walking into the dressing room has always been the best thing that could happen to you. I always just happen to walk in when everyone is completely undressed. No one even bats an eye when I walk in. Even though I have seen these guys in the nude several times, every time they still surprise me. They are all have extremely handsome bodies and lets just say that they can make any man or woman extremely happy with certain parts of their bodies.

"Christopher is it time to leave yet?" Lance asked me.

"Yeah...everything is ready. Buses are loaded and awaiting you guys. Andrea is going with us so you have to be on your best behavior." Just then my cell phone started to ring.

"Christopher Green phone, Chris here how may I help you?" I said into the phone.

"Chris this is Adam. I got a message saying that you need to talk with me." Adam said

"Adam first off I don't want you to feel like I'm going over Johnny's head, but we will be needing your permission anyways so I'm just going to bypass Johnny this time." I said trying to make sure everything was clear right away.

"Okay Chris... What do you need? You should know that I will let you have anything you need as long as the guys are making us money." Adam said.

"Oh and make sure that Lou doesn't find out either!" I stated flatly. At the mention of Lou, everyone's head popped up.

"I promise Chris...he will definitely will not find out." Adam assured me.

"Okay...from my understanding, we are in need of another PR. I have the perfect person, but she doesn't know that I'm doing this and if we do sign her, I want her to be on my team. Where ever I go she will have to go!" I explained.

"Chris you know I trust you and I know that Johnny trust your opinion too. So I'm going to let you make the call, I will fax you a contract right now. Fill everything in that you need too, and then send to it to Mike. I will call him and tell him to proof it tonight. I will make sure he sends it back to you tonight. Do you want me to write in the wages or do you want to?" Adam asked

"I would like you to do it, but I will ask you to be really generous about it. I know that if she wants to do it, then she will be able to handle the job and be great with it. She works for Seventeen Magazine, so that will give us alot of PR information too." I said.

"Okay Chris, I'm sending it right now. Tell Jessica to pick it up for you!" Adam told me.

"I sure will. Thanks Adam." I said.

"Chris call me anytime! If you need anything call me at home okay."

"I sure will thanks again." I said

"Alright good-bye!" Adam said.


Picking up my radio, I quickly yelled for Jessica.


"Yeah Chris..."

"I have a fax coming in, could you pick it up for me?" I asked.

"Sure Chris...I see it coming it now. I will bring it to you as soon as it finishes!" Jessica said.

"Thanks Hon!" I said then turned down the mic.

I turned to see everyone dressed and looking at me. Smiling I took a seat sitting next to Justin.

"Chris what are you up to?" Justin asked after he had kissed me.

"I'm just trying to make a strong supporting staff for us to work with." I said trying to explain myself but yet not giving to much information.

"Who are you trying hire?" Josh asked.

"Well...I guess that you will have to wait and see!" I said as Jessica had walked in with the contact in hand.

"Here you go Chris!" Jessica handed it to me and then sat down.

Getting up and walking over to the table, I quickly filled in the information that I needed to. Giving it back to Jessica, I told her to fax it back to Mike.

Now we are on the bus, Joey and Chris took it upon themselves to entertain Andrea for the night. They are in the back of the bus talking and watching movies. Josh and James decided that they wanted a little alone time, so they are sitting in the front of the bus. And me? I'm laying here in our bunk. Yeah I said our bunk. Justin and mine. Justin is laying beside me with his head on my chest. I'm playing with his curls, and thinking about us. Us being Justin and I in the past and present, but Brian, Kevin, Justin, and I in terms of present and future too.

Justin looked up at me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Your thinking again about our relationship!" Justin said.

"How do you know?" I asked questioning his logic.

"Because every time you do, your eyes get this soft blue color. Chris do they know that we are both still pretty much virgins?" Justin asked playing with my chest hair.

"Yeah babe. I talked to Brian about it. He said that he and Kevin are too. They have both fooled around a little with each other, but nothing else. Kind of like us, we have never done anything major." I explained.

"Yeah I know, but I'm not ready to give myself yet. Is that okay?" Justin asked sounding almost like Jase for a second.

"Baby I would wait for you until the day I die if I had too. You are my everything. I'm not going to just give you up over something like that!" I told him everything that was deep inside my heart.

"Thank you babe. I love you!" Justin said sleepily.

"I love you, now go to sleep! I will be here in the morning!" I whispered.

Justin quickly fell asleep. Looking down at him, I fell in love all over again, just like I had done seven years ago!

Thank you for reading. But now I want to know something. Do you guys want me to keep posting? I want to know what everyone thinks about the story. This will be the last chapter unless people respond. You can email me at Christopherunknown@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 12

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