Helping Each Other

By Sock L

Published on Jan 8, 2015


Helping Each Other 3 Written by Seth Copyright 2015

My friend, Rice and I, have more sexual fun as we explore into new territories. Trust me when I say, there will be an excessive amount of cum spilt in this story.

Well, my vacation from work has finally ended. I'll admit, I might have milked a few sick days just to enjoy some more time off. I was back to speed with no pain to worry about. Unfortunately, this means Rice and I saw less of each other since our schedules usually conflicted.

Rice: Another night shift, huh?

Me: Unfortunately

Rice: I guess we'll wait a few more days then.

It was usually he's working during the day, and I'm working in the nights. Occasionally, we met up for some quick fun, but we were a bit too tired or behind schedule to make the most of it. It was probably for the best. We can't be using all our spare time hanging out or sex.

Finally, a day we can share together. I opted to treat us to a movie at he cinema. It was my treat, so I let him pick the movie and snacks. What better movie to see than a 3D superhero action movie. Rice wasn't all too thrilled about seeing a 10 o'clock in the morning show. My thoughts were about getting in early and getting out early. We had the whole day to do stuff.

Rice was holding the popcorn bucket, "Thanks again for the movie and snacks."

"No problem. Thanks for waking up less late on your day off, " I laughed as I held our drinks.

We walked into the theater and looked for some good seats. There were a few people inside already. Some friends, a few couples, and thankfully, no noisy kids. We went up towards the upper middle, and sat down.

"I actually never been to a 3D showing before, have you?" Rice asked as he unwrapped the 3D glasses.

"A few times," I replied as I opened mine. "Sometimes it works really well, and other times it's just a distraction. Hit or miss, so I guess we'll find out."

By the time the previews rolled, we were more than halfway through the popcorn bucket. We were a bit hungry having not ate any breakfast prior to the movie. About a quarter or half way through the movie, Rice nudged me. I looked over to see him watching the movie. The next time he did it, he was looking down.

What a surprise, he was rubbing his bulge. We haven't seen anything sexual yet, so what is he on about? I just smiled continued watching the movie. A few minutes later, he nudged me again. He was trying to motion his head for me to do something. I knew what he wanted which I ignored him, but he keeps insisting.

The only people behind us were two guys or brothers towards the far right. In risk of getting caught, I didn't want to do anything. By this point, I was too distracted to watch the movie with Rice nudging me. I slowly reached my right hand over and began rubbing his crotch. I could feel his pants had some wet spots. He must have been getting close or was really in the mood.

I tried reaching my hand inside, but his pants were a bit tight for me to dig in. I returned to his leaking bulge, and continued rubbing until I noticed his breathing getting heavier. I took this as a notice he was close, so quickly sped up the process and suddenly stopped. I smiled as I watched the rest of the movie. Rice wasn't having it, so he got up and headed for the restroom. About five minutes or so, he came back to watch the rest. He didn't seem happy. It wasn't the best way to get back at him since it made me hard as hell, but I think it was worth it.

The movie ended, and the credits began to roll. As the lights brightened, Rice me against the chest, "I was seconds away, man!" he whispered.

"Sorry, man," I said as I rubbed my chest. "I didn't want to mess around. It's not really respectful to these people watching the movie, and I didn't spend all this money just to play with you."

We continued the conversation as we walked out, "You realize how much trouble we would have been if we were caught?" I asked him.

"What about the arcade?" he replied trying to counter argue me.

"One, we did it in a men's restroom stall while two guys jerked off in the urinal, " I explained. "And two, it was your idea."

"Whatever," he sighed. "I least I got off."

Once we approached my car, "Where to?"

"Wherever you want," he said. "I could go for some actual food, but you get to pick."

"How about some wings. There's a place right down the road, " I pointed towards the restaurant. "I hear they have some sexy waitresses there."

"Sounds like a plan," he said as he closed the door.

Once we arrived, the hostess sat us down at a table for two. We had some good seats to watch the football game. None of our favorite teams were playing, but at least we had something to watch.

"Hi boys, what can I get you," asked the waitress stepped up to the table. All the staff were wearing their favorite game jerseys. Most weren't too revealing, but our waitress had on a ref jersey sporting some serious cleavage. "We have a special where you get a bucket of beer and 30 wings to share for just $15."

"Deal!" Rice and I said in unison.

"Alright," she winked, "we'll get you set in a few minutes."

"Damn she's smoking hot," Rice said with his jaw opened.

"No kidding," I replied with the same expression as him. "She's the only wearing something like that, she must be the lead waitress of this place or something."

A couple minutes went by, and she returned with an bucket of ice and six beers. "Alright boys, your wings should be here soon." We couldn't help but look at her, and she noticed. The waitress looked down and back at us, "Lovely aren't they." She smiled as she caressed her breasts and then left to attend her other tables.

"You can tell she's going for the tips," Rice mentioned as he grabbed a beer.

"And tip we shall, " I as I opened my beer.

It was only another few minutes until she returned with the wings. She made no attempt to hide to cover herself when she placed the wings on the table. With her bent over, we saw a lot more of her. She even moved over, so Rice could see.

We ate our wings, watched the game, and drank away. All the while, the waitress checked up on us to see if were in great shape. Though she was giving us great service as a waitress, I was questioning on how I should tip her.

"Kind of a bitter taste to tip based on her tits," I told Rice as we filled out our bill.

"Perhaps, but do you see any reason where she didn't give excellent service as a waitress, specifically?" Rice asked.

"I suppose," I replied.

When the waitress returned with our receipt, she handed us some additional moist toilettes, "Make sure your hands are clean before you have fun down there."

We both looked at each other visually asking each other if she said what we thought she said. We burst out laughing as we headed out the door.

After we got in the car, "To be honest, she does have sound advice," I said.

"Eh, worth it," Rice smiled as he placed his hands down his pants.

"Don't even try it," I pointed at him. "I am not dealing with your stupidity when you realize how much it burns."

"I was joking," Rice laughed. "But I can't stop thinking about her tits." Rice fondled his bulge.

"I know," I said under my breath. My hard dick strained against my jeans. I grabbed them tightly as we drove off. Rice and I decided to head to his place to take a break. We weren't sure what to next, but we both really wanted some relief. When we arrived at his place, we washed our hands diligently.

"What will it be?" Rice asked. "Solo, Handjob, blowjob, hump job, full blown anal sex job."

I laughed, "Well, there's no way in hell I'm letting you touch my dick. Screw it, let's grind."

"Lose the jeans, and you have a deal," Rice offered as he dropped his pants. With just our shirts and boxers on, we jumped onto his bed. Both of us were pitching tents in our boxers. Rice got on top and took control as he thrust his body into me.

All I could think about was the waitress. She's the one who got me so worked up. I could only assume Rice was the same way. "Such awesome tits," Rice mentioned.

"I would have fucked her tits hard," I said as I tried to grind back into him.

Rice smiled, "Screw that. I would have just fucked her outright." Rice picked up the pace afterwards.

I closed my eyes, "Makes me so hard." I could feel it aching. "I'd cum all over her tits."

"So much cum..." Rice said under his breath, "all over her. Both of us could be cumming on her."

We became silent as we focused on her and each other. "I'm close, Rice!"

"Cum on her, Seth. Cum all over her tits!"

I thrust hard up against Rice as cum filled my boxers. Some of the cum leaked on to his as I pushed one final thrust into him. I laid back catching my breath as Rice drilled into me.

"I can feel warm and wet," he said.

"Fuck her pussy! Fuck her Rice, cum inside her!" I yelled.

Rice grinded harder and harder until he pushed as hard as he could into me. His cum shot out into his boxers. Most of it leaking onto my boxers. Rice humped a little more to get the rest out and then laid back next to me on the bed. We lived there for a few minutes silently in bliss.

"The was fucking awesome," I finally spoke.

Rice replied, "Fucking awesome."

"I forgot how sexy women are," I laughed. "All the stuff we do together, I haven't really thought about them for a while."

"Yeah, all I could think about was fucking her when we were humping each other."

"Same here, Rice. Same here."

I slowly took off my soaked boxers. Some cum dripped out onto his bed before I managed to get them into the hamper. Rice did the same, and we soon went into the shower to clean up. Between our large drinks at the movie theater and the beer, we both had to go which meant we were going to have quite the battle. Rice decided to be a douche and raise his stream up.

"Fuck off the face man," I yelled. "Below the head!"

He could only laugh. He brought his stream towards him and began pissing on himself. I stopped my stream and rinsed my mouth out. The horrible taste wouldn't go away. I washed up as fast as I could, so I could wash my mouth out with something with flavor.

"I'll put a stop to showering with you if you do that again," I said. I was pissed off.

"Sorry man," he said. "It doesn't bother me, so I figured with your wounds healed and all."

"Whatever," I replied. "Let's just move on." I love when we piss on each other, but I can't handle it anywhere near my face.

He lent me a fresh pair of my boxers. We keep some of ours at each other's places since we're prone to getting them messy. We just throw in each others wash. Both of us sat down in our boxers and played some video games for a while. Rice was kicking my ass in pretty much every game. I let him keep playing games while I watched. I laid in his lap and fell asleep.

A couple hours went by, and Rice woke me up. I could feel his hard dick against my face. Rice slid out, "Sorry, I need to piss."

I yawned and stretched feeling refreshed from my nap. I grabbed a drink of water and sat back down. When I looked at the clock, I realized it was evening already.

Rice returned fully dressed, "So...You treated me, we treated ourselves, so it's only fair I treat you to dinner."

I drank some water, "Sounds fair."

"How about this new Italian bistro that opened up a couple months ago? It's been quite the buzz at work."

"Can't go wrong with Italian cuisine. Let's go!" I jumped up, and got dressed.

We arrived at the restaurant to find it quite busy, but we were willing to stay for the 30 minute wait. Fortunately, tables for two tend to open quicker than others. Once we sat down, we were treated to some complementary garlic breadsticks. I ordered the classic spaghetti with meat sauce, and Rice got a personal sized sausage pepperoni pizza.

The waitress thought us as a sweet couple. We smiled and blushed. Soon our food arrived, and their sauce is to die for. It may be a simple meal, but I could eat this stuff for eternity if I could. Rice was enjoying his pizza just as much.

"I was wondering, " Rice spoke. "What are the chances we could move into together?"

I hardly expected a question like that, nor did I think about it, "Umm, oh. There's a question."

"I mean, as much as we are together, it makes sense," Rice continued.

"It sounds great. I'd be all for it, but..." I didn't really want to talk about this.


"I like what we have now. I'm just worried that by moving in, things may get complicated," I explained.

"How so?"

I continued, "In many ways. We hang out a lot. But if we don't mesh well living together, it could affect our relationship as a whole."

"I get you," he responded in disappointment.

"Really Rice, the idea of living with my best and only friend is great. I just don't want to lose that. Let's keep thinking about it."

"Sure. No need to rush it. We can plan this out for however long it takes," he smiled.

We finished our meals, and debated over dessert. Unfortunately, we just didn't have room for it. After paying for the bill and leaving, we decided on what to do next.

"A couple hours left. We could do something, go home and play, or call it a night?" I asked.

"I got to be up early, let's call it a night," Rice replied.

"Alright," I said as I started the car. We were pretty quiet on the way to his place.

After pulling up, Rice pulled me in for a kiss. We started making out as the car continued to run. Rice dropped his hand and began rubbing my crotch. Quickly, my dick hardened, and Rice broke away from making out when he felt my bulge. With great haste, he grabbed my dick out and sucked has hard as he could.

"Fuck!" I moaned. It's all I could say. I held the top of his head with my right hand brushing his hair around. Rice would not let up, and he began focusing on the tip. "I'm close, Rice!" He didn't care and kept going. "Shit Rice." I let go of his head grabbing onto the seat as cum shot into his mouth.

Rice managed to take it all in. He sat up and wiped his mouth. Smiling, "Good night!" and he ran out to his apartment.

I rolled the windows down, and yelled, "What about you?!" Rice just waved his hand as he kept running towards his place.

I returned home and cleaned up the place. I thought about texting or calling him, but I figured I best let him rest. He can take care of himself. Once I finished, I hit the sack.

The next morning I woke up and texted Rice. After taking a shower, I checked my phone and found no response. Eventually, he'd have to text me back. I cooked some breakfast, and watched some TV. Time had passed, and there was still no response from him. I didn't expect one with him being at work, but I figured he would be on break eventually. Finally, I got a message.

Brother: What's up?

Me: Nothing much. Watching TV, ate some breakfast, you?

Brother: Bored, horny.

Me: Then why not fuck that goddess of a girlfriend you have?

Brother: She's working, and they called me off work. They scheduled too many people, so they have me the day off.

Me: Nice.

Brother: So what have you and Rice been up to?

Me: Stuff. We grinded each other thinking about this very hot waitress after lunch yesterday. Hung out. He gave me an incredible bj before leaving.

Brother: Sounds like fun. Must have been some hot waitress.

Me: She gave us quite the eyeful. Such an amazing rack. She kept teasing, and gave us an eyeful when she bent down. Awesome tits, I tell you.

Brother: Awesome.

Me: Rice coined the idea of moving in together. I'm not really sure.

Brother: Understandable. My gf and I dated a couple years before moving in.

Me: I just don't want to potentially lose what we have.

Brother: Give it time. I'm sure you'll know when you're ready. Rice with you now?

Me: No, he's working. He won't respond to my texts. I never got the chance to reciprocate his bj last night. He just ran off.

Brother: Well, I'm sure you'll get a chance to suck him dry soon. Wish someone would suck me dry.

I could feel my dick getting hard.

Me: You are horny.

Brother: More so now talking about that waitress with the sweet tits.

Me: Now, I'm hard.

Brother: You're welcome. Done anything else with Rice?

Me: Not much. We do piss battles in the shower.

Brother: Like we used to do. Man, that was ages ago.

Texting started becoming a nuisance, so I decided to call my brother, "Okay, much better."

"What?" he asked.

"Well, it gets tiresome jerking off when I keep having to stop and reply to you."

"Alright," he said. "So you're back into pissing?"

"We shower after fooling around," I explained. "Rice decided to start the piss battles."

"It's fun to do," he said. "Remember?"

"Maybe to you," I replied. "You pissed on me in the shower, in the pool, in the public pool shower, and when I'm on the toilet. You even pissed in my bed making me wet the bed and told mom that it was my fault."

"Oh come on," he said. "You can't deny how nice the warm, wet bed felt."

"It actually did feel good, Sean. It felt good until I was punished for it. I didn't get allowance, I was grounded, and I had to scrub the mattress."

"Sorry, man," Sean said sincerely. "I was just messing around with you like brothers usually do.

"Let's just forget about," I sighed.

"So, what else have you done with Rice," he asked.

"I almost made him cum at the cinema. He was pissed because I stopped right before he came."

"My girlfriend gave me quite the blowjob at the cinema though we were alone," he replied. "Why'd you stop?"

"We weren't alone. After the movie, we hit the restaurant with the hot waitress."

"No wonder you two humped each other thinking about her," he laughed.

"I'm telling you, all I could think about is cumming all over her tits," I said. I let out a soft moan and jerked harder.

"Getting close?" Sean asked. "Because I am."

"Yeah, I'm going for it," I replied jerking even faster.

We were quiet and could only hear each other jerking, "Here it comes," Sean moaned.

As soon as I heard his breath getting heavier, I began cumming on my chest, "I'm cumming Sean!" I let out a few moans as the orgasm subsided.

"Man, I hit my phone," my brother said.

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"The cum went everywhere. The couch, my phone, myself," he replied.

I continued laughing, "Well, I'm glad you had a nice cum. I at least directed mine onto my shirt."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to you later," Sean replied and hung up.

Time was getting close for me to get ready for work. I dressed into my work clothes and prepared my dinner for work tonight. I finally got a message from Rice.

Rice: Hey man, sorry about the delay. I didn't get a break today.

Me: No big deal. I just wanted to tell you that I could have sucked you last night.

Rice: It was all for you. Trust me. I came all over the place as soon as I went inside.

Me: Nice.

Rice: Getting ready for work by now, yeah?

Me: Indeed. I had some phone sex with my brother while waiting for your response.

Rice: Well, damn.

Me: His gf was out, and he was wanting some incentive to cum. I told him about the waitress.

Rice: That'll do it.

Me: Worked for me, too. Anyway, I'm off. Later!

Work was work. Same thing, different day. I mean, my coworkers were glad I was back to catch them up on everything I usually do. Why no one else can achieve these tasks is beyond me. I got home around midnight, and I received a text a minute later from Rice.

Rice: Hey let's Skype. I want to cum.

Me: How very subtle of you.

Rice: Yay sarcasm, now let's cum.

I undressed myself and got in bed with my laptop. I opened up Skype and called Rice. When is video was visible, I could see he was using his fleshlight.

"Having fun?" I smiled.

"Oh yeah," he replied. Rice removed his fleshlight and began pumping his wet dick.

"You on the edge?" I asked. Rice was stroking in short bursts.

"I've been jerking for about three hours," he responded. "Damn, your dick got hard fast."

"Thanks to you," I smiled. I began jerking off for the cam.

"So much pre is leaking," he rubbed his dick. "My dick is so wet. Hurry and get close so we can cum!"

Rice was getting desperate. His wet dripping dick turned me on so much. It didn't take long for me to get close, "I'm close, Rice."

"You are? Ahh!" Rice froze trying not to cum. He managed to keep from cumming, but not without a shot of pre splashing out.

This set me over the edge, "Fuck!" I quickly jerked my dick to keep the orgasm high as cum shot straight up and fell all over me.

"Oh shit!" This set Rice off as he gave himself a facial he never expected. His mouth and chin were covered in cum. I never got the chance to see him actually cum with my orgasm distracting me. Eventually, he recovered, "Damn that"

"It's all over your face," I laughed.

"It's on the floor behind me, too," he smiled.

"Well, I'm going to clean up and call it night. I'll talk or cum with you later!"

I wiped off the laptop, and cleaned everywhere else before going to bed. So much cum is in my life, and this guy just keeps me cumming.

Another week went by without much interaction with Rice. My brother and I have been talking more often than ever. I suppose I don't mind him using me to get himself off. Why he's been so horny lately is beyond me, but we have fun at least.

Rice arrived at my place early Saturday morning. When his knocking woke me up, I slowly made my way out of bed. I opened the door without any consideration for my clothing or the morning wood poking through my boxers.

"Good Mor-morning," Rice smiled at my morning wood. He brought some coffee and some sausage egg biscuits. "You know, I could have been someone else at the door?"

"They would deserve it for waking me up this early," I yawned. "Why are you here, anyway?"

"I figured we make today a sexual day," replied Rice. "Why not start with your hard dick, now?"

"Can't I at least wake up first?" I asked. I sipped my coffee and began unwrapping my breakfast sandwich.

"I suppose, but you won't carrying that morning wood anymore," he smirked.

With my tired monotone voice, "I'm sure you won't have difficulty getting it back up, either."

About half an hour later watching TV with Rice, I decided that I was awake. I pulled down my boxers revealing the last of my naked body. Rice immediately stripped his clothes off and hopped back on the couch.

"So, I was hoping we could try some anal stuff today?" Rice asked.

"Again with the subtlety," I said. I took a deep breath, "Fine. Just know that I'm not for it, but I suppose we can at least try it this once."

"Finally! We'll take it as slow and easy as necessary," Rice assured. We headed for my room, and I laid back on the edge of the bed. Rice grabbed the lube he got and lubed my ass up.

"Here, you said you do anal stuff in private, right? Play with yourself, and let's see if we can loosen things up," he replied.

Rice slowly rubbed his dick as he watched me finger my hole for a while. I usually have to be in a great mood to do this, and it's been quite a while since I have stuck anything in there. For Rice, I was willing to make him happy. Once I was comfortable with two fingers, I wiped my fingers on my bed.

"All set?" he asked. "Like I said, I'll go slow. All you have to do is stay relaxed and don't clench. Push, don't pull. Don't blink. Wax on, wa--you get the point."

Rice held my legs up for easier access. I took deep breaths as he slowly inserted a bit. He looked up to me as I forced a smile to let him continue. He went in further and he was soon completely in.

"Feels like I'm trying to take a dump," I laughed somewhat.

"No pain?" Rice asked.

"It's uncomfortable, but okay," I replied. "Keep going."

Rice slowly pulled out and repeated the process. He very gradually sped up the motion, and everything started to feel better as I loosened up. While Rice was going at a rhythmic pace, it was still quite slow. I grabbed my dick as it began to grow hard. I could feel a strange tingling every now and then shoot through my dick.

"I see you're starting to enjoy it," Rice smiled. "Is it okay if I cum inside?"

"I-I guess. Just keep it easy," I requested. I continued stroking my dick. Some pre began to leak wetting my dick a bit. With every thrust, a little more squeezed out.

"No worries, I'm close already," Rice responded. "You're ass feels so awesome."

We continued for minute, and Rice began to slightly pick things up. I just kept looking at him as he kept thrusting. "Cum on," I smiled. I could tell he was focused.

"I'm cumming," he said under his breath. He thrusts hard into me as his warm cum filled my ass. I could feel his dick throbbing inside me. I couldn't help by stroke my dick harder.

"That was interesting," I said. "Not bad, just different."

"Cool. Think you're up to fucking me?" he asked.

"Sure, why not," I replied getting up from the bed.

Rice and I switch places. As rice lubed his hole, I lubed my dick. Rice didn't need much time to loosen up since he plays with it a lot. Slowly, I penetrated him.

"Wow, this is amazing," I said as I pushed in as far as I could go.

"I know, right?" Rice asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. I slowly began to thrust inside him. I looked down at my dick going in and out trying to feel all the sensations.

"You can go faster," Rice assured me. "I know it's hard to hold back, I know. It took a lot of restraint to keep from fucking you hard. I'll be fine."

"Thank god," I sighed. I quickly thrusts him to my leisure. I looked up at Rice who looked right back at me. He had an smirk like he was saying, "I told you so!" I couldn't last any longer as I thrusts harder and harder until I came. I gave no warning as cum filled his ass as I continued fucking him.

I slowly pulled out and sat next to him. Rice sat up, and gave me nice short kiss before walking to the bathroom. I stared at the nice ass of his as he strut along. I could only silently laugh at myself. Rice started up the shower and entered. I followed him soon after, and we did the usual. I made sure to wash my dick really good. While I had fun fucking, I washed that sucker good and made sure Rice did the same.

After showering and dried off, we stayed in the buff, "Well, we did the big new fun thing, now what do we do?" I asked him.

"Whatever the hell we want," Rice replied. He was certainly in a good mood. "I want to cum as much as possible today."

"So, how do you want to cum next?" I asked.

"You get to choose, Seth. I got what I wanted, so it's your pick."

There was plenty of time to decide. I sure wasn't ready to cum again. I'm wondering why we took a shower if we're going to be fooling around all day. Rice turned on the game system to play, so I sat with him and watched. My brother texted me again.

Sean: What's going on?

I informed Rice that my brother texted me, and how he's been using me to fuel his orgasms.

Me: Stuff, lol. Rice and I are having a sexual day.

Sean: Nice, having fun then?

"Tell him he's invited!" Rice eagerly said as he focused on the game.

Me: Rice says, you're invited, lol. We fucked for the first time.

Sean: Hot, I'm horny as hell, but I'll let you two enjoy the day together. How was the fuck?

I relayed the message to Rice and he responded, "Whatever. Forbid that I want to watch you two fuck around."

Me: Interesting. Still unsure on getting fucked, but fucking an ass is nice.

I called my brother and put him on speaker phone, "Got you on speaker, so we can communicate better. Rice says he is still turned on as hell when we do stuff together."

Sean replied, "Rice, your fantasy is most likely hotter than the real thing, just saying."

"Whatever man," Rice said in denial. "It still makes me cum hard."

Sean continued, "Look on the brightside. We never fucked, so you got that over me. Not that we ever wanted to fuck each other, but still."

Some faint moaning started coming from the speaker. We didn't realize at first, but soon it the moaning got louder. Rice and I started laughing

"Watching some porn, Sean?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's hot as fuck," he replied. My brother told us where to find the video online, so we can watch it with him. It was two girls wrestling as they are drenched in oil. The girls cannot resist grinding their pussies against each other. We were all jerking off to the video at this point. Once the climax began, Sean was going all out, "I'm cumming," he said under his breath.

We heard a few quick sharp breaths until transitioned into slow deep breaths. Rice and I were beyond turned on by this point.

"Well, damn. Another session soaked in cum. I'm going to clean up guys. You two play nicely."

After hanging up the phone, I noticed Rice was still jerking his dick. I knew of one good way we could both get off together, "How about some 69 action?"

"Here on the couch?" he asked.

"No, let's go on the bed. That way neither of us have to strain being on top," I laughed.

We hopped on the bed, I tossed him a pillow if he wanted one. I laid towards the headboard, and he laid opposite. By the time we got comfortable, we weren't hard anymore. This wasn't a problem once we got started. I felt his cock grow in my mouth. I could taste his salty goodness already. This was probably one of the quietest sessions we had. All we could hear is sucking and slight moaning.

Ideally, I wanted to cum with him at the same time, but Rice was a bit too turned on for me to catch up. I felt him push into me as he got closer. He didn't give any other warnings as his cock throbbed in my mouth releasing his cum. It pooled in my cheek making it harder to swallow it all. Rice had slowed down during his orgasm, so I tried thrusting my cock into him. I resumed sucking his flaccid dick. Once he got the message, he focused his tongue on the tip which set me off. My body jerked a lot as I came as Rice continued moving his tongue all over.

When finished I switched my body the same as his and made out with him. Quite the blend of each other's cum we could taste as our tongues danced with each other. We laid for a while in bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Weirdest thing I'll say, but man I wish I could have constant orgasms with you," Rice said.

"That's a lot of cum though," I replied.

"I'd cover you all over with my cum," he laughed.

"We'll do that next then. Cover each other in cum," I suggested.


After getting up, I cooked up some lunch. I suppose PB&J isn't really cooking, but I made lunch nonetheless. Naked we still were, and we didn't care. We watched some TV on the couch eating our sandwiches and drinking some beer.

"Don't think beer goes too well with PB&J," Rice mentioned.

"Seems fine to me," as I took a sip.

Some time passed as we continued watching TV and drinking beer. Rice stood up to go piss, but he stopped on the way to the bathroom, "I got to piss. Want to battle?"

"Nah, but don't let that keep you from battling yourself," I laughed. Rice continued to the bathroom, and I heard the shower running. I did need to piss, but I didn't really see the point of battling having just showered. I decided to hold it in, so Rice didn't think I was wasting it.

When Rice returned he was sporting quite the boner. I'm not sure what it is about people, but the wait hair look just makes them more attractive to me. Rice was no different. My hands went to my growing dick. Now was the time as any to continue our fun. To ensure we were really in the mood, Rice and I decided to edge ourselves while watching porn.

"I mean, we came twice already. How much cum could we have left to cover ourselves with?" I asked.

"Good point. If anything we'll leaking all over each other," Rice smiled.

As we sat out on the couch as comfortable as possible, we started jerking off. We took turns finding some good porn to view. Gay, straight, lesbian, whatever. It didn't matter as long as it kept us going. We even talked about the hot waitress and my brother.

About ten or so minutes in, we were close to the edge. Sometimes Rice and I would jerk each other off for a while, or one of us would jerk both dicks. At one point, Rice almost lost it. He just kept going back to it seconds after stopping himself, "Shit, shit, shit, ahh!"

"Uh oh," I said as I looked over. Rice completely froze. His dick twitched sending a good shot of pre out. I nearly lost it myself. Rice slowly stroked his now soaking wet dick. I reached my hand to hold his dick and used some of his pre to lube myself. I was leaking just a bit, nothing comparable to Rice.

We continued on jerking as all we could hear was the porn and the wet sloshing of our dicks. Both of us were getting too worked up, and we were bound to break. I decided to be the ice breaker.

"Fuck it, I need to cum, " I told Rice. "Like, right now." I stood up and faced Rice. With no hesitation, I pumped hard and fast. Shots flew hard at his face, so I quickly pointed down towards his body. Shot after shot just kept flying onto him. I could barely keep standing.

"My turn!" Rice pulled me down to help him stand up. Not even a few pumps and cum fell all over my head and body. I started rubbing his cum on body making me shine. Rice quickly sat down, and did the same. I licked my cum off his chin, and he did the same with the cum on by my right ear. Our session ended with a kiss mingling the tastes of our cum together.

"I don't think I can cum anymore," I sighed.

"It's only been three times. Surely, we can at least one more later on?" Rice said optimistically.

"I guess. Anyway, I need to piss. Want a shower?" I asked.

"All over me," Rice jumped up.

In the shower, Rice knelt down willing to accept it all. Now, I like being pissed on, but nowhere near the face. He says he was fine with it, so I let loose all over him. Once finished we took turns washing each other. We usually just helped wash each other's backs, but this time we just did the washing for each other. Rice was especially paying attention to my ass.

Three orgasms today. and there were plenty of the day to go. I was exhausted, so I opted to take a nap. Rice was a bit disappointed, but he decided to join me in bed. I was out like a light.

I awoke a couple hours later to a weird sensation. So warm, so wet. The feeling began to wash over me. When my sight cleared, I noticed Rice was sucking me off.

"The fuck," I moaned as my orgasm took over. My hard dick throbbed in Rice's mouth as cum poured into him. I was conflicted in struggling away and accepting my orgasm. I was too out of mind having just woke up. When I finally collected myself, I sat up to find Rice stroking himself.

"You horny fucker," I smirked.

"Admit it, you loved it," Rice teased.

"Yeah...yeah," I rolled my eyes. "So what should we do about you?"

"Don't worry about, I'll keep hold on to this," Rice mentioned as he continued stroking himself.

"If you say so," I got up to wipe off my dick. "It's going to be a bit before we can do something," I loudly said from the bathroom.

"Seriously, I'm fine," Rice assured. "Let's put on a movie to pass the time."

We debated on watching more porn, but we were a bit tired from that scene. I tossed him a beer. During the movie, Rice continued playing with his dick. Sometimes he'll be hard and stroking, and other time, he is soft and fondling. I paused the movie and threw in a frozen pizza in the oven.

Twenty minutes passed and we ate dinner and continued drinking. I glanced over to see Rice still playing with myself. Looking at him, my dick hardened quite quickly. Rice hardened quick as well once he saw me stroking myself, and you could see his pre leaking as well. As the final event for the night, I decided we do some frottage, "Let's really rub our hard dicks until we cum," I said with a grin.

"Fucking finally," Rice sighed. "I'm so horny."

We entered the room and slicked our dicks and groin area up. We used most of the lube I had. Rice hopped right on top of me and began grinding into me. I pushed back as well. We paid more attention do our dicks as we wanted to focus on the rubbing together. At this point, it was a game, and we couldn't stop laughing.

"This is hard," Rice mentioned.

"What a pun," I laughed. I noticed our dicks were a bit slicker with our pre getting mixed in. "We're not going to cum at this rate. Let's just grind against our bodies. Either way, we'll both feel it then. With that, Rice grinded into me. I didn't have to push back much since he was doing most of the work for me. Play time was over as we quieted down.

I could feel myself getting close and falling off as if I was on a boat. Then I looked into Rice's eyes, and we connected. He lowered to kiss as he continued. The rush overwhelmed me, and I didn't care. I moaned as I felt myself getting closer. Rice broke away and we kicked things into gear. I couldn't keep it going. The first shot flew up my chest as the rest of the cum erupted everywhere between our bodies.

Rice was now going harder and faster as my cum rubbed all over us. Rice lifted himself higher to dig in more. "Fuck!" Rice moaned as his cum hit my chin, my body, and the bed around me. When his orgasm subsided, he dropped his body onto mine to catch his breath.

"That was intense," I smiled.

"That was...," Rice took a breath, "Wow."

I began to laugh and Rice along with me. He started rubbing his body more to smear more cum all over us. Rice was even sweet enough to lick off the cum on my face. He dove in for one last kiss before we got out of bed.

"Man, this cum is all over," I said looking all over my body. "Starting to feel cold."

"Then let's clean up," Rice suggested as he headed for the shower.

We didn't bother with another battle, we just took the time to clean ourselves up. I couldn't stop smiling. After drying off, we sat down, ate some more pizza, and watched TV.

"It was certainly a cum-filled day, Rice," I said.

"And so worth it," Rice yawned.

"Hey," I looked over to Rice. "When does your lease expire?"

"In about five months," Rice said. "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know. I just figured we could save a lot of money. We won't feel as lonely. There's also less gas to be considered. Let alone the all the hot, steamy sex, and the--"

Rice jumped at me for a short but deep kiss in excitement, "You mean it! Ha! I mean five months is a long time, but we'll be together! Seth, thank you!"

"Alright, alright," I shoved him off. "It's going to take some planning, so don't think it's going to be as simple as throwing all your junk in here."

Rice got up from the couch and brought two more bottles out, "To celebrate then."

We tipped out bottles together, "Cheers!"

  • the end -

So much cum. I mean, think about all the cum that went into this story. Anyway, I'm ending this series for now. Whether or not it continues is up in the air. I didn't really expect to get three stories into this series.

If you enjoyed the series, I'm glad. Please feel free to leave any comments, feedback, questions, etc to my email at

Next: Chapter 4

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