Helping Each Other

By Sock L

Published on Mar 5, 2015


Helping Each Other 6 Written by Seth Copyright 2015

Guess who is back? Find out why cleaning your sheets is a good thing. Watch out for the piss stuff. And learn what it's like to be incredibly daring, or not....Just read and enjoy, will you?

Another few weeks or so went on by like it was nothing. This was true because nothing really exciting has happened. Don't get me wrong, I love Rice and the sexy fun times we share. We just haven't really had time to really do anything. Sometimes work just kicks our ass and we don't want to do stuff. Other days it's the same thing, yet we feel the need to relieve our stress on each other. It's hard to say what dictates this.

I woke up with my arm around Rice. I could feel his warm body close to me keeping me warm. We were both naked after having a nice 69 last night. I could still faintly taste his cum in my mouth. Part of me wanted to fall back asleep, but nothing happened. I watched and felt Rice slowly breathing as he slept. I subtly moved my body which sent a nice jolt of pleasure through my morning wood.

This was when I fully awakened to realize how strongly good my hard member felt against Rice's ass. Slowly, I brought my hand down between us. My hand searched for an open spot to grab my aching dick. The need for piss was bad, but I wasn't going to ignore such a pleasurable feeling. I grabbed my dick and tried moving it down below his ass and closer to his legs.

Without much effort, my body instinctively moved back and forth as I rubbed my hard dick between his crack and legs. It took a lot of restraint to not aggressively hump him. His skin felt soft and smooth. I moved my hand over him to try and find his dick. Sure enough, he was sporting some serious morning wood. I gently fondled and squeezed it as I increased my grinding speed.

Eventually, I hit a steady rhythm, and the bed was starting to shake a little with me. This merely encouraged me to keep going and go faster. The need to piss made it easy for me to get close to the edge. I began to feel the all so familiar sensation. Pre shot through my dick and slowly leaked out and barely creating some lubricant. I had to make a decision on whether I was going to cum, or try to stop myself. There wasn't enough time as the point of no return was close.

As I closed my eyes, I tried to maintain a steady rhythm. The urge to go hard and fast while I cum raced through my head. I resisted as cum finally released. Unfortunately, I couldn't control my body suddenly jerking as I came between his legs. My hips lurched forward pressing into him. The sudden shock woke Rice up.

"H-huh, wha?!" Rice said surprised as if something major was happening.

Rice moved his hand down as I released his dick. He felt the hot liquid I released and had brushed the tip of my dick poking through. Rice quickly turned onto his back opening his legs. I laid back as I recovered from my orgasm.

"Did you just?" he asked in awe.

"Sorry, I just had to cum," I smiled looking at the ceiling.

"Fuck!" Rice said as he grabbed his morning wood. He began stroking it, "So hot."

I reached over wiping some cum on his legs onto my hand. I intervened his stroking and began jerking him off using my cum as a quick lube. Rice did not protest as he relaxed himself and sighed with pleasure.

"My dick was so hard and felt so good between your legs when I woke up," I explained. "I tried hard not to wake up, but I couldn't control myself when I started cumming."

"You could have sucked me off, you know," he suggested. "I want to wake up one day to a blowjob.

"You were on your side in a weird position," I replied. "I suppose I could have jerked you off while I slept. I was a bit focused on my pleasure, sorry."

Rice's breathing quickly increased. I moved my head up closer as cum blasted onto my face and the side right of my head. Rice pushed his body up from the bed as his orgasm pushed at full force. As Rice recovered, I pulled and kneeled over him. I looked in his eyes and smiled. Rice doing the same quickly transitioned to him bursting with laughter.

"You just look so hilarious with cum on your face," Rice continued laughing.

I grabbed some cum off the right side of my face and smeared it on his mouth, "Enjoy."

Rice wiped his mouth, and I dove in for a morning kiss. We tasted his cum as the kiss prolonged. I pulled back and got out of bed. Since we were covered in cum this morning, we might as well take a shower.

We started the shower like we normally did and pissed on each other. I focused on his legs to wash the cum off his legs. Rice tried to do the same for my face, but his stream soon ended. We washed each other up, dried off, and got dressed. Rice went off to work, as I cleaned up the place. I had intended to do some shopping and other stuff until I was called in for work.

I noticed Sean texted me prior clocking in for my shift.

Sean: Hey there bro, what's goi--

The preview cut off the message, but I didn't have time to reply. I barely got a break at work as business was booming. I looked at my phone again to see I received a few more messages from Sean. My boss instructed that clearly I was finished with lunch if I wasn't eating, so I still couldn't text him.

After work, I looked at my phone when I started the car to read Sean's messages.

Sean: Hey there bro, what's going on?

Ten minutes later...

Sean: Just wanted to tell you I'll be able to visit this weekend.

Sean: That and I'm taking care of business right now ;).

Thirty minutes later...

Sean: Well, was. No fun, it was one of those dud orgasms.

Those orgasms do suck where you can barely feel any pleasure. I've had those a lot, and they feel like time was just wasted. I suppose jerking off is a waste of time, but I'd rather think it matters significantly. The worst part is not being able to try again afterwards. I decided to text him back.

Me: Sorry Sean. Called into work and barely had a chance to use the phone.

Sean: No big deal. You alright with me coming by this weekend?

Me: Fine with me. Rice will be all for it though I should check with him.

Sean: No rush.

Me: Sorry your orgasm sucked. Guess I could have helped you a little if I had the time.

Sean: It's not your fault, besides, why would my pleasure bank on you?

Me: You have been texting me a lot lately, and it's usually because you're horny.

Sean: I guess you got me there...

Upon getting home, Rice had finished his meal. Rice even made me some dinner. Well, I suppose a PB&J and chicken noodle soup isn't much of a dinner, but it's the thought that counts. I sat down next to him and watched TV as I ate.

"Tough day at work?" Rice questioned.

"Three call offs, and two no responses," I explained. "Apparently, they're tacking a couple vacation days as reward."

"Sweet," Rice replied as we high fived to that.

"Oh, I should mention that Sean's coming over this weekend," I mentioned. I wanted to gauge his reaction.

"That's cool," he calmly said. I figured he'd either be overly excited or against it. He did get a little action with Sean and I. I don't know. Part of me wouldn't mind if we do something fun together even if it's just a group jerk off session. Sean would have to be fine with that, at least.

"So you want to mess around tonight?" I asked.

"I suppose," he responded. Suppose? Is this the same Rice? "It's just that I came like half an hour ago. I'm just a bit beat. We can do stuff tomorrow.

"Sure thing," I responded patting him on the back. I finished dinner and dressed out of my work clothes. I went back to sit down to notice Rice appeared drunk as he continuously dozed off. "You don't have to stay up for me. Get some rest."

"But I don't want to go to bed," he whined. "I hate feeling so tired this early in the night." Rice moaned and mumbled as he went to bed. It was 9 o'clock at night, so it's not really early.

Rice wasn't the only one dozing off. I managed to stay up for another half hour or so. After cleaning up and heading to bed, I wasn't as tired anymore. I stripped naked, grabbed my laptop, and surfed for some porn in bed. I didn't have anything in mind. I just searched for anything dicks, boobs, pussy, cum, etc. I ended up on a compilation kick. Nothing makes me want to cum more than watching compiled videos of guys cumming.

Since I was getting into things, I messaged Sean. It's the least I could do for him, and I wanted to be the one to message out of horniness. After blindly rubbing my hands on the bed for a few minutes, I finally found my phone.

Me: What's up?

Sean: My dick.

Me: Like no way! Same here.

Sarcasm isn't easy on the phone.

Sean: Nice.

Me: Naked in bed watching porn. Looking for all the cum I can find.

Sean: You'll see plenty this weekend.

I continued looking up porn. I was getting hornier by the second. My leaking dick was proof of this. I kept wanting to see more and more cum making me want to cum more and more. Soon I get a call.

"I can hear the moaning in my room," Rice laughed.

"Sorry," I turned the volume down. "Didn't mean for it to wake you up."

"It's alright," he assured me. "Hearing all that moaning has gotten me hard."

"Want to do stuff then?" I asked.

"Nah, let's take care of ourselves," he added,

I soon got another text message from Sean,

Sean: Keep me horny bro.

Well, enough of this. I can't talk, text, look up porn, and jerk at the same time. I pulled Sean and Rice into a three-way call. This way, we could all get our rocks off together.

"There, now we're all horny on the same call," I explained.

"Yay," Rice and Sean responded

"Those guys sound like they're cumming hard," mentioned Sean.

"You too? I'll turn it down again," I said pushing the volume button.

"No, no. Keep it going, it's hot," Rice added.

The three of us jerked off while listening to the guys cumming though I had the bonus of watching them cum. I could slightly hear Sean and Rice fapping. One of them must be leaking some pre I could also hear it smacking along. So much cum I saw. These huge loads landing on their body, shirt, face, and some let it fly all over the place. A couple of these guys shot out many times cumming so much longer than the others.

"Okay, seeing all the hot loads. I'm close," I said slowly jerking my dick.

"Same here. I'm so wet, it's driving me crazy," Sean moaned.

"I'm getting there," Rice spoke under his breath.

"Hurry up," I moaned. "I can't last much longer."

"Okay, okay. I'm close!" Rice quickly responded.

"Let's do this!" Sean yelled.

Suddenly, we all began to breathe heavier while moaning slightly. I stared at the video making me cum first, "Awwh!" I exhaled sharply as the first shot released. I heard Sean cumming, and I could hear Rice through the room. Heavy breathing was the remaining sound I could hear. The first shot hit my chest, with the next to hitting my mouth and chin. The rest of my cum fell short.

I laid in bed recovering, "Shit, that was...fuck."

"Oh, it's all over my bed," Sean laughed. "I got a bit carried away."

"My shirt is soaked," Rice mentioned. "Thanks for the cum, guys."

Sean and I thanked each other and Rice as well. We ended the call to take care of the mess we all made. I was naked and covered in cum, but this cum is just what I needed to fall asleep. I was way too lazy to clean up. I heard some movement from Rice's room before falling asleep.

The next morning I awoke in the sticky mess I made. It was now on the bed and pillow. With this and many prior sessions, I decided I need to clean these cum stained sheets. It was way past due. It's surprising I let it go this far as I usually wash it soon after any stains happen. The urge to piss was overwhelming. I was so comfortable right in bed right now and didn't want to get up. The sheets were going to get washed, so why should it matter?

I let go a stream, but I soon realize the mistake and regret I was going to feel. The sharp pain went through me as I stopped the stream short and ran to the bathroom. I sighed with relief as I finished up. Next, I hopped in the shower since I'm here anyway.

Rice had woke up and was sitting on the couch eating cereal in his red boxers. After washing up and getting dressed, I made a bowl of cereal for myself and sat with him.

"Did you piss yourself?" Rice chuckled as he ate.

I threw hand against his shoulder, "I was too lazy. It felt really nice until I realized I'd damage the mattress," I explained.

"Understandable. I have the desire to piss the too because of laziness. But like most people, I get up and go."

"Says the guy who drenched his bed awhile ago," I laughed.

"I was fucking wasted, and you know it," he argued.

"Yeah, I know. I was the one who washed your sheets. Bet it felt good though."

"Whatever, man," Rice responded as he headed to the kitchen. I continued eating while Rice washed up. Today was my off day, but Rice still had to work. Rice asked me if I could wash his sheets as well since I was going to wash mine today. It was going to be a long laundry day.

Rice's room was just what I expected. I found his cum ridden shirt on the floor. On his nightstand was a water bottle filled with piss. It baffles me as it takes more time and energy pissing into a bottle than in the bathroom. Not that I had any right to judge. I grabbed his bed sheets. There were a quite few cum stains on his bed just as my bed.

I didn't have anything important to do, so I stuck around the laundry complex. The landlord didn't charge for laundry, but we still had to purchase our own detergents and whatnot. With nothing to do, I texted Sean.

Me: Doing laundry is boring.

Sean: You could pass time by jerking.

Me: In a public place like this? Right....

Sean: Just sayin.

Me: There's nowhere for me to cum, let alone rub one out

Sean: I'm sure anyone would simply pass your cum off as soap.

At this point, I was sporting a nice bulge and fondling it. Was I actually considering this? I could get away rubbing my pants, but I couldn't get away with pulling it out. I looked around for cameras and didn't find any.

Me: Fuck, why did you have to do this to me?!

Sean: You got a plan?

He did have a point. Any cum spilled would merely be passed off as laundry soaps or whatnot. No one would be none the wiser.

Me: Yeah

I plan of attack was simple. I would simply remain sitting here, discreetly rubbing my aching bulge until I was close. Then, I'd just quickly pull out and give it a few strokes. Simple. I quickly squeezed and rubbed my bulge. I started leaking pre, and it soon showed a small wet spot on my jeans. I could feel the wetness on my hands. It was show time. I did one final look around to ensure I wouldn't get caught.

I stood up slowly unzipping myself. I walked over to a machine away from the ones I was using. I searched through my boxers to free my throbbing member. I gave it a few hard strokes, and the cum rushed out. Some hit the machine in front of me, but most of it landed on the floor. I quickly zipped up, and sat back down. Cumming and the thrill had me out of breath. I was shaking a bit as well.

Me: Fuck! That was nice.

Sean: You actually did it? Nice, man.

Me: Well, I suppose a little time went by. Not much.

Sean: You can try to cum again, lol.

Me: Shut up. Anyway, when exactly are you heading over.

Sean: Tonight probably. I'll probably be there around 7ish.

Me: Cool. We can all head out for dinner.

Sean: Sounds good.

The rest of my laundry day passed slowly. Some other tenants came by to do laundry, and none of them made any sort of reaction to my cum. It's not that I was hoping for them to, but it was kind of a turn on. A few hours after cumming, and it was still a bit wet when I walked by it on the way out.

When I returned home, I made both of our beds. I snuggled into mine because I love the feeling of fresh clean sheets around my body. It made me decide I would be more hygienic from now on and wash these sheets more often. Just because Rice and I like to cum wherever, doesn't mean we can't be cleaner about it.

I shot a text out to Rice about Sean's arrival, but received no response. Hopefully, he checks his phone before picking up something to eat. I played some video games while to pass the time. When Rice finally arrived he quickly washed up and got dressed. Sean arrived soon after, and we all headed out to eat in his car. We all decided on going to a sports bar for food and drinks.

It was a great time. We watched whatever big game was going on, chowed on some delicious food, and had a few drinks. I wanted to talk about some sexual stuff, but it wasn't really the place for it. I teased Rice about not drinking too much this time.

"Any love interests, yet?" I asked Sean.

"None yet. I had a couple one-nighters, but those are nothing special," Sean explained as he took a big swig of his drink. "Besides, being single isn't too bad as long as I can ignore the sexual frustration."

When a billiard table opened up, Rice took it over. Sean and I went to piss as he set up the game. Sean took the urinal right next to me. We weren't even shy as we looked at each other. of course, that quickly ended as someone else entered. We quietly laughed to ourselves after washing up. I had some skills at pool, but nothing compared to Sean. Rice and I switched as we tried to beat him at least with one game. We only ended up winning one game because Sean carelessly knocked the eight ball out in.

When we returned back to our place, Rice and Sean plopped on the couch. I grabbed some drinks from the fridge. I pulled a chair up, and we talked for awhile.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the cum stains were still there," I joked.

"Man, that's hot. Kind of makes me want to check it," Rice laughed.

Sean added, "I was surprised myself. I was joking with Seth. I didn't think he'd actually do it."

I pointed my drink at him, "You got your rocks off from it, don't lie!"

"Well duh, thinking about you attempting to do that got me hard, but I wasn't going to do anything with it at work," Seth explained grabbing his growing bulge.

Rice was pitching a tent of his won. He rubbed a bit, "So Sean, when are we going to have some fun?"

"Didn't we have loads of fun at the bar?" Sean asked.

Rice sternly replied, "You know full well what I mean." Rice rubbed his tenting bulge much more apparently.

Sean reminded Rice what he said last time. He told him, that moment we all shared would be the one and only time he'd get to mess with him. Rice wasn't having it, and continued begging him. I knew Sean was hoping to have some sexual fun, so I couldn't imagine him shutting Rice out completely.

"Alright already. We'll make a deal, yeah?" Sean scooted closer to Rice. "Seth and I will do whatever fuck shit, and you get to watch and play with yourself."

"Deal," Rice quickly replied. As if I signed up for is. I mean, I'm not against this, but at least, Sean could have included my input on this one.

"I'll take care of you, Rice if don't lose control of your cum," I laughed.

"So, what shall we do then?" Sean asked me.

"I don't know. 69 I guess," I replied pulling my pants down.

Sean agreed, and stripped off his clothes as well. Sean told me to lay down on the couch, so he could be on top. Rice sat on the floor to get a better look at us. We hadn't even started, and Rice was stroking his dick already. I was hard. Sean was hard. We knew what to do, and we blew each other the best we could. Soon enough I would be getting close, but I could see Sean struggling to stay balanced on this small couch.

I pull back, "While this is fun, let's quit for now."

"Ahh," Sean moaned as he stood up, "I was straining there for a bit."

"Well, come on. You two haven't even cum yet. Here I am jerking away," Rice complained.

This time, Sean laid down on the couch. I knelt between his legs and grabbed his hard dick with mine. A frottage of sorts where I stroke both of our dicks together. I asked Rice for some lubricant because it wasn't too easy to dry rub. He zoomed out and back in seconds flat. I poured some lube all over our dicks and threw the bottle at Rice.

With some minor sloshing, I created a good rhythm. We were all fixated on our dicks. Rice slowly approached for a better view. Sean reached his hand in to give it a go. I leaned back using my arms as leverage while Sean did the work. I glanced over at Rice and assumed he was getting close to cumming. I'm sure he's been trying to prolong himself.

"Rice, feel free to cum on our dicks," I suggested. "Won't be long until I'm cumming, and it will make us slicker."

Sean took a deep breath and sighed in pleasure, "Yeah, cum on me, Rice. Help us cum."

"Finally, I've been holding this back for too long," Rice mumbled. He stood up and knelt before us at the edge of the couch. He pointed his dick near ours as he stroked to the finish. Rice's eyes closed tightly in pleasure as his orgasm took over. His hot load mixed with our dicks and Sean's hand. Rice fell back a bit as he recovered.

"That's the key!" I blurted out. Cum shot straight onto Sean's chest. Sean didn't give up causing me to twitch. Just as my last shot of cum landed, Sean released his load onto his chest. I tried to pull away, but his grip was tight on our dicks. The pleasure turned sharp on me. We sat back for a bit to recollect ourselves. Sean rubbed the cum into his chest giving him a nice sheen.

"Time for a shower, Seth," Sean instructed me. "We've been naughty boys."

"Aww, you guys get to piss on each other," Rice moaned.

"I don't even have to go, Rice," I looked back at him.

Sean chimed in, "Well, I do."

"Then piss yourself, bro," I laughed lightly punching his arm. Once the shower was all set, I jumped in. Sean followed suit and wasted no time pissing on me. "I said piss yourself," as I blocked his stream with my hand. Sean brought his stream to himself. I focused on cleaning up as Sean played around. Sean finished up as I dried off. I headed towards my room to see Rice enjoying his clean sheets.

I didn't bother getting dressed as I was about to call it a night. I prepared the bed, and headed back out to turn the lights out, make sure the door was locked, and put away any remaining trash. I returned to my room with Sean just chilling on top of my bed. I slipped in bed once again enjoying the nice clean bed sheets.

"Clean sheets, huh? Guess you made quite the mess," Sean giggled.

"A lot of stains and piss," I sighed in exhaustion.

"You wet the bed?" Sean questioned.

I explained to Sean, "I was lazy, horny, and it felt really nice. It was only a little bit."

"I bet it did," Sean reaches for my dick. I guess he wasn't finished being horny.

Unfortunately, I was, "More? Can't it wait until the morning?"

"I'm ready for round two though," Sean smiled.

"Then take care of yourself or wait until I'm asleep. see if you can blow me or something without waking me up."

"Well, that's no fun. Fine," Sean sighed.

With one final yawn and stretch, I was soon fast asleep. I was happy to have Seth over, and couldn't wait to see what tomorrow brings. My guess it will start with cum when I wake up. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

  • may be continued -

No one can deny the pleasure fresh, clean bed sheets brings to the naked body. It's like a totally different orgasm, or maybe I'm just exaggerating the feeling. Sometimes, cum stains can be hot, but usually not. I love cum as much as the next guy, but a limit has to be drawn. Wash your sheets and enjoy that new bed sheet feel. What is this, a commercial?

Enough jabber from me. I want to hear from you. Feel free to leave comments, feedback, etc at .

Next: Chapter 7

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