
By Andrew Bull

Published on Aug 11, 2023


Holidaying with my mates. My Diary

Part 14

The sound of the waves gently lapping the sandy beach reminded me where I was as I slowly regained consciousness, The bed was more comfortable than any bed I'd ever rested on. I opened my eyes reluctantly and took in the splendour of the room. Turning my head I saw the proud head of my Russian lover laid on the soft pillow beside me. I snuggled back down closer to him so I could steal some more of his warmth.

My fog of sleep slowly cleared from my mind. I sat up with a start and deep down knew what I'd see when I looked at the Victorian clock on the wall.

"Alex. Alex wake up. It's eight o'clock. Alex". I grabbed his shoulder and shook him hard.

"Eight o'clock?", he said yawning, "Ah yes, dinner time. You must eat. Are you hungry?"

"Alex for God's sake. I have to be at the airport. I should be checking in now. Shit. Where are my socks?" I was trying to pull on my new trousers, hopping around on one foot searching for the rest of my clothes.

Alex sat up. "So sorry Adrian. I should have asked for a wake-up call. I didn't realise we'd sleep so long. We must have tired each other out with all our hard work," he smirked, grinning.

"Alex, this is serious. I have to get that flight."

"Phone your friends and get them to tell someone you're on your way,"Alex suggested. I sat on the bed and dialled Rodge. Alex was pulling on his clothes listening to my half of the conversation which consisted of little more than, "Oh. Ah I see. Shit. I don't know. I'll ask Alex. OK; I'll see you back at home then. Cheers"

I slumped on the bed. "What did he say?" Alex asked. "He said that check-in was closed. They always close it early because of the extra security the UK want on flights coming from Turkey. What am I going to do Alex?"

"I get you booked on the next flight. A flight tomorrow," he said. He seemed to look pleased with himself.

"I can't change my ticket though," I said, suddenly realising the implications.

"You worry too much, So we get you another ticket. It'll be OK. You're not working tomorrow are you," he reminded me. "So we have more time together." He was really grinning now.

We showered, and deciding we'd walk along the beach and watch the sunset, dressed in our shorts and t-shirts again.

The sunset was glorious. The coast faced west, so the sun set over the ocean, making the sky a multitude of colours; scarlet at the brightest point and painting the wispy clouds pink at the edges with baby blue behind. We sat close together on the sand and watched as the few remaining sunset-watchers walked home wearily.

It was almost dark when Alex suggested we went for a swim. He clearly meant naked as he knew I had only my shorts on.

We stripped off and ran laughing into the surf. I don't think I'd skinny-dipped since I was a very small kid. It felt more invigorating than I could have imagined. We played and swam and kissed for more than an hour before we headed back exhausted, to the hotel to get some food.

We headed up to our room to change, but then decided on room service. We lay together on the bed naked and ate the best burgers I've ever tasted. Alex playfully laid his on my chest, using me as a plate. When we'd finished, he fetched the set fruit and honey yogurts we'd ordered for dessert. I tipped mine on his stomach by way of revenge and made him giggle uncontrollably as I licked it off. It tasted like the food of the Turkish Gods.

When I'd cleaned the mess off him with my tongue, I licked lower. "Adrian, I don't think I can love you again just yet. You had all of me earlier". I was surprised as he was usually insatiable." I came twice this afternoon", he said, then explained, "once gloriously on the bed, but also on the stairs when you were sliding your beautiful cock in me. Didn't you realise?"

I smiled, proudly, delighted I'd had that effect, even though I hadn't realised. No wonder he was able to go on for so long while I was all but screaming with frustration. It was worth it though, oh boy was it worth it.

We cuddled and delighted in feeling and stroking each other's bodies and when his hand moved over my stomach, his touch on the tip of my knob made it twitch.

"Ah, so are ready again?"

"No, it's OK, Alex if you don't want to just yet."

"My wonderful Adrian, of course I want to and we can't leave you like this, can we." He moved down the bed and I first felt his breath, then his warm, wet tongue caressing my cock-head with long swipes. I was ready, he made me so ready. I gasped as he sucked my length deep into his mouth and moved his lips up and down my shaft, running his tongue round the tip at the same time. I put my hands on his head and couldn't stop myself from thrusting my hips up to get further down his throat. He coughed and gagged a little, but was determined to carry on. I was fucking his face now; it felt so good, felt as if I was really pleasing him, that this is what he wanted, he wanted to suck my cum into himself.

And that's what happened. It didn't take long before I was pumping my hot stuff into his mouth, my final thrust as deep as I could go, right down his throat. I don't think he'd done this before. He was a fast learner.

We held each other tight, knowing that neither of us ever wanted to let go. We listened to the sea pounding the rocks outside and smelt the salty air drifting through the window, pulled the cover over ourselves and drifted off to a deep, contented sleep.

I awoke, my limbs still tangled with his, to the sound of the hotel door bell. Alex stirred and said, "Ah, breakfast," through his yawn. "Could you..", he started as I realised the stiff column of his hard morning wood was pressing against my leg. I pulled on the silk hotel robe as I walked to the door and let in the room-service guy. He greeted me, smiling knowingly, and walked in to put the tray on the nearby small breakfast table. "Good morning Sasha," he said to Alex using the common nick-name, looking almost lovingly at his boss.

"Thank you Aristo," Alex said beaming back at the dark, handsome Turk who looked hot in the tight cream trousers of his hotel uniform.

"You are very naughty Alex. I bet you chose the men's uniform, didn't you," I asked as soon as the waiter had left.

He ignored me which confirmed it, I thought. I climbed back into bed, knowing that hot, hard, tempting prick was under the covers and closed my hand round it. Alex rolled towards me and kissed me."Good morning sexy man", his eyes looked lovingly into mine, yet there was a sadness as I'm sure he saw in my own.

He rolled on top of me, causing my cock to harden pretty much immediately as his stiff length pressed against it. He kissed me passionately. "We must eat now. Your flight is at ten. I got my office to book it. You will be home to England soon." He kissed me again and I could see he was fighting back his emotions. "It's seven o'clock and we have to shower and leave soon. Security takes ages you know. Come on."

He was right. By the time we'd eaten breakfast, showered and I'd gathered my stuff together, it was time to leave. I was lining up to check-in by eight o'clock, Alex was on a seat not far away with my hand-baggage, he'd said he would be able to come through security and into the departure lounge with me, because he "knew people". As I waited I wondered about the legality of that, then how many rules he was able to `bypass' or buy his way past, he was Russian after all. I knew what he'd told me of his background and that he was an amazing lover of course, but nothing of his business life. I must ask him about that next time we meet. Next time? I had no idea even if there would be a next time.

The thoughts went as quickly as they'd come when I reached the front of the queue. I saw on my boarding pass that I has seat 1A and the words "Extra seat 1C" printed below. The agent smiled sweetly at me and I walked back to where Alex was sitting.

"Lets go through security then get some coffee. They sell those nice breakfast buns too. Remember those?, he beamed at me and I tingled at the memory.

After security we found seats in the coffee shop near the duty free outlets. The coffee was good and so were those great pastries. I watched as Alex took a bite of his. He saw me looking. "I'd love to be sinking my teeth into your buns," his eyes has that lust-filled look I'd become so familiar with.

"Alex stop." I couldn't bear the thought of getting aroused and then saying our final goodbyes."I have to board soon."

"So will you come back to Turkey? Will you come back to me my Adrian? Do you want to meet again?" There it was. The so far unspoken question.

"I'd love to of course Alex. My next year's holiday will definitely be here." I couldn't see how we would meet otherwise.

"No. No Adrian," his voice was raised now and a couple of people nearby turned their heads."No, not a year, I can't, I won't wait a year. You must come back sooner; next week, come and live here."

"Alex, I can't. How could I? I have a job, I have friends and my Mother and, and.."

"I get you a job here. I have friends who help. You make new friends here; bring your friends, bring your Mother" He really didn't understand. To him, nothing was too difficult, he seemed to be unable to see, or at least to accept any obstacle as being insurmountable.

"You're totally crazy", I told him, "but I can't just drop everything at home. I have two days' leave left, I'll see when I can next take time off." I really don't think he had any idea why I couldn't do exactly what he'd suggested.

"Two days. Two days soon? Two days is not enough my Adrian." He was quiet for a while, then said,"We work something out. I come and see you in England. I meet your Mother. I say hello to your Mother".

"We'll see eh?" My mind was now racing. I hadn't thought about telling my Mother that I now had a hunking great Russian lover who fucked my brains out at every opportunity with the biggest prick in Christendom; no, not that bit, but I'd have to tell her if Alex was to come over. Just then I spotted that the departures display said I should go to gate 12. "I need a wee," I looked for the nearest Gents.

"Me too", Alex stood up holding my bag.

We stood next to each other at the urinals. Of course my eyes wandered to look at the strong flow coming from that magnificent cock. I finished and shook and saw him do the same. His cock was definitely no longer completely flaccid. What a glorious sight. I looked up at his face and he leant over and kissed my lips. He found my hand and put it on his stiffening cock. "We have to say goodbye properly," he said. I searched his face for meaning.

He grabbed me by the shoulder and moved us both to the disabled cubicle in the corner, both our dicks bobbing in front of us as we walked. As soon as the door was locked, we grabbed each other passionately, our hands desperate, grabbing for buttons and zips until our trousers were round our ankles, I was sure, clearly visible through the gap under the door from outside. I quickly rummaged in my bag and found a small sachet of lube and handed it to Alex. He turned me round and pressed me against the tiled wall and I felt a slippery finger push inside, then the heat of his knob pressing urgently. I leaned my head back to rest against the side of his neck. He pulled my chin round towards him and kissed me awkwardly. Once more my eyes lost focus as he plunged deep, the massive girth of his knob forcing me open making way for the hefty shaft as it continued its relentless passage into my depths ready to deliver its treasure. "Oh Alex. Oh yes please. Do me one last time".

"Sorry my lover, but we must be quick now." He hammered into me, pounding hard. I had to work to brace myself against the wall. He grabbed my prick tight and slid his hand up and down. Even this rushed act felt so good, demanding the absolute and complete attention of my poor addled brain, the dismembered voice from a loudspeaker somewhere saying the words "now","gate 12" and "closing" meaning little.

My cum soon started shooting hard from my knob and painting the white tiles I was leaning against. That ground-moving thrill of cumming with my arse so completely full of hot, hard meat was once again mine. I called out my orgasm loudly, not caring if anyone was now standing at the urinals. It was impossible to quietly contain the feelings which continued as the glorious feeling deep inside me of the pulsing throb as Alex joined in our shared ecstatic delight and yelled loudly.

As my mind slowly re-entered my surroundings, I heard that voice again. I was being called by name throughout the building. I would be offloaded if I didn't go to the gate immediately.

Alex was behind me zipping up his shorts as I frantically pulled up my tight trousers and grabbed my bag. I knew from previously that the copious load I'd just had dumped in me would be unlikely to leak out as it would be lodged so deep; I tried to run, but hell, I could only ever barely walk after getting rogered by my Russian hunk, so Alex hurried on ahead.

I could only give him a breathless "goodbye Alex" as I rushed past and brushed my hand against his, but paused briefly to mouth a kiss to him as I disappeared into the jetty. There was no mistaking the tears in his eyes.

I eased into my window seat in the front row. The pretty, but over made-up stewardess handed me a hot towel and suggested that I could put my bag on the seat next to me as it was mine too, but I'd have to strap the seat-belt round it. Alex being over the top again.

I pressed my face to the window, and squinting against the bright sun, saw Alex at the gate-lounge window. He spotted me and doing his best to smile, pointed upwards. I nodded, initially thinking he meant I was about to fly, but then as he started walking, realised he meant he was headed for the roof of the building.

The aircraft was pushed back and we began our taxi to the end of the runway. Without much of a wait, we were soon hurtling along, accelerating towards take-off speed. I was sure I'd briefly spotted Alex on the roof waving and pressed my hand to the perspex.

Without warning, my emotions, after being churned up so much, in so many ways and for so many reasons, suddenly erupted and I found myself sobbing uncontrollably. I pressed my hand to my face to conceal my tears and silence the sobs, but knew the convulsions throughout my body were impossible to hide.

I'd calmed myself a little by the time the stewardess brought me a glass of champagne and could once again manage rational thought.

Was this just a fling with a random Russian bloke; a holiday romance and nothing else? I knew it wasn't.

Would I see Alex again? It would be inconceivable to think I wouldn't, but when and how? I knew my life would never, could never return to how it was. I'd have to tell my Mother about Alex, about me. I couldn't see myself continuing to live at home. I knew the brothers Adam and Simon had space in their flat, maybe I could move in with them. The aircraft continued on its way, taking me home.

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