
By Andrew Bull

Published on Aug 11, 2023


Holidaying with my mates. My Diary

Part 5

Wednesday 16th September

The next thing I knew, it was daylight. Fuck what time was it. I didn't want to be late. I looked at my watch and saw it was only seven thirty. Adam and Simon were snoring gently. After a while, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I had a piss and then got my scissors out of my toilet bag and gave my pubes a bit of a trim. Those country farm-boys in the village we were going to might be even hotter and hornier than the boys I'd met here and I wanted to look my best. If I did get the chance, I was sure I'd be able to give Alex the slip: he'd probably want to do his own thing anyway and he was bound to know people there. He seemed to know everyone. I walked back into the lounge and saw that the brothers were awake. If Simon had really not wanted his brother's cock last night they would probably have fallen out and may not even be speaking this morning. They were, though, lying quite close, looking at each other and giggling, clearly getting on better than ever. So that was a game last night. A sort of role-play I thought. Well why not if they had fun.

I grabbed a piece of toast and headed off to Hotel Pembe, Alex's hotel. I got there a bit early, it was only ten past nine. I was really looking forwards to spending some time with Alex. He was devastatingly good-looking and apart from that, seemed like a really nice guy. I didn't want to seem over-keen so I leant against the low wall outside and enjoyed the gentle warmth of the early morning sun. I wasn't sure what I should wear, so had on my smartest light grey shorts and a new t-shirt. I wondered what the day would bring. I didn't understand why, but I really felt quite nervous. I looked up to see Alex bounding towards me with a broad smile on his gloriously handsome face, his even teeth sparkling in the sun and his big blue eyes sparkling even more brightly. My heart thumped and he said hi and throwing his arms around me gave me a hug. I guessed this must be a local way to greet a buddy, or perhaps a Russian one. Either way it seemed surprising as I barely knew him and he'd greeted me like we'd been best mates for years.

"I'm so pleased you agreed to come. I can't wait to show you the village. It's a lovely drive as well and we'll go past the old monastery and up the mountains, the view from the top is spectacular." He stopped. "Sorry I'm getting carried away, it's just I've really been looking forward to today. I know we'll have fun, but you must remember there are not many women here and sometimes the boys; well the boys they drink too much of the wine and get a bit, um carried away."

He was as excited as a small boy on his birthday. It was kind of sweet. He waved towards the back of the hotel to where his car was parked. He had a big new Mercedes; very smart. We climbed in, fastened our seatbelts and he drove out of the town. Don't they say that men who drive big, flash cars have small willies, I pondered idly. I glanced down at his lap and saw a nice looking mound between his thighs. Maybe he's got big bollocks and a small cock like that guy John, I thought.

We drove out of the town and began the long, gentle climb up the mountains. Alex pointed out all the points of interest, where the best views were and little things like where he almost hit a herd of goats a few weeks ago, where he had a puncture and had to get rescued as his spare tyre was flat. He spoke excitedly.

He obviously loved the place and was keen to make sure I did too. I asked him how long he'd lived in Turkey and he said he'd moved here from Russia about five years ago, when he was in his late twenties. That would make him about five years older than me; about thirty four or so. He looked about that age I thought as I studied his face while he drove, but he acted a lot older, as if he'd been through a lot and done a lot. Hey, the guy owned a hotel here, so I guess he'd achieved a lot in his time and had worked hard and had a fair bit of responsibility, so he was going to be pretty mature for his age and worldly wise.

"So why did you leave Russia?" I asked. "Sorry, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I was just interested".

"No, it's OK", he answered. "I had a bit of a, er, a relationship problem". He was clearly choosing his words carefully.

"So are you married?" There, I'd said it, the question that had been burning a hole in my brain. He was, after all, a hunky, devilishly handsome, very sexy (Oh yes, I thought, studying his face again, only this time more closely, he was so sexy), clearly wealthy and certainly a healthy man. He didn't wear a ring, but that didn't prove anything.

He laughed, "I suppose I am, yes" He glanced across at me, a twinkle in his large, blue eyes.

I shouldn't have been surprised I thought. He's such a catch. I looked out of the window as the scenery flashed past. I felt kind of let down, disappointed. I couldn't work out why exactly, but I found I was no longer looking forwards to the rest of the day quite as much as I had been.

We drove into the small town and Alex stopped the car in a side street. "We can walk from here. The main square is just round the corned there." He gestured down the road. "Come on", let's have some fun." Again, he was the small boy.

Walking towards the town square, I noticed that everywhere I looked, hanging from lamp-posts and telegraph poles and also in the windows and in the gardens of houses, were hearts, you know, heart-shapes that you see on valentine cards, only all these had been drawn to look three dimensional so that the top of the shape with the two curves with the "V" in the middle were made to look kind of bulbous and at the bottom, where there's normally a point, they were more rounded. Some of them sat on what looked like a tangled of black wire. They all had a thick pole supporting the heart which was almost as wide as the heart. There were similar shapes made of stone dotted around in gardens too.

"Those are funny looking hearts", I said quizzically to Alex.

"Yes. Don't forget this is all about celebrating the new batch of the local wine. It's supposed to be a bit of a love potion, or even an aphrodisiac. You'll see", he grinned at me, that sparkle in his eyes again.

We got to the main square. In the centre was the largest heart-type shape, this one on a very thick pole. There were other, smaller heart shapes all around too. All over the square were trestles stocked with bottles of wine: I guessed the latest batch that we were there to celebrate. Alex told me that all the families that produced the wine had their own table and everyone was encouraged to taste as many as possible and compare them.

"Come on then. Let's try this one", Alex led me to the nearest table. "It's a shame I have to drive home. I'd better just have a couple. It's pretty strong". He handed me a glass.

"Cheers", I said chinking our glasses. It tasted really good. A bit fruity and a little sweet, but then a powerful kick that was sort of delayed. It had a spiciness to it too. We tried a couple more from other tables.

"This one's really good, don't you think?" Alex beamed. I had to agree. The third was by far the best.

We wandered over to a small stage at one side of the square where there was what Alex told me was the local traditional dancing going on to a slow, rhythmical tune being played by a small band. I swayed to the beat; it was a little hypnotic. Next to the stage there were people trying to break plates on shelves by throwing wooden balls at them. "Have a go", Alex offered handing a man some coins. I was given two wooden balls and scored a hit with both of them.

"You're a natural", Alex laughed. "Let me have a go". He paid the man and threw the balls. The first missed, but the second smashed a plate to small pieces. "Hey, you win". He grabbed my arm and steered me to a roped-off ring where two young, muscular guys wearing sort of small briefs were being smeared all over with oil. "This is worth seeing. It's called grease wrestling. The one who manages to hold the other one on the ground for five seconds is the winner. Watch" Alex studied my reaction. I hoped I wasn't looking too interested, but it was difficult not to have my tongue hanging out watching the two hunky guys being oiled up. When they started wrestling; wriggling and squirming about grabbing each other, the oil got on their briefs which went quite see-through. I did my best to appear to only glance quickly and not to seem to stare as I noticed that Alex was again studying me as I watched. It was one of the hardest things I'd ever done to force myself not to stare at the sight of a couple of very impressive sets of male organs being flaunted right in front of me. Eventually, the smaller of the two men managed to hold his opponent on the ground for the required time and the crowd cheered heartily as he was proclaimed the winner.

"Are you hungry?" Alex had to shout in my ear to make himself heard.

"Yes, are you?" I said eagerly.

"Come on. I'll show you my favourite restaurant." Alex put his hand gently on my elbow and led me down a little side-street.

The restaurant was quite small and had only half a dozen small tables all with different brightly coloured and patterned tablecloths which gave the place a kind of cosy, homely feel. We were greeted by a short, plumpish man who greeted Alex like an old friend and then ushered us to a table in the corner which gave us a good view of the rest of the tables and the crowds bustling past in the narrow street outside. The menu was in Turkish and Alex asked if I'd let him choose what we ordered as he wanted me to try one of the chef's local dishes. "I know you'll like it," he said excitedly; the small boy again, "and if you don't, I'll get you something else."

"I'm sure I can trust you, Alex", I beamed back at him. His boyish enthusiasm was contagious.

"What would you like to drink?" Alex asked. "Do you want some more of the local brew?"

"What are you having?" I asked him.

"Mm, I'd better stick to water as I have to drive us home later." We were having such a good time; I really enjoyed his company. I didn't want to think of the day coming to an end so soon.

"I suppose it's a bit far to get a taxi back." I was grasping at straws.

"What about my car? No, I'll have to get you home to your friends". He paused. "Unless: no I guess it's too late to change the plans now."

"What do you mean, Alex? Unless what?"

"Oh it was just a thought, but not really possible." He paused again. "It's just that I have a small house here and was thinking we could stay and go back tomorrow, but I guess I should have suggested it sooner, before we left. I just hadn't thought that we'd get on so well."

I smiled at the man's handsome face. I couldn't avoid looking directly into his eyes even though he would probably not miss seeing my enthusiasm. Even so, I tried not to sound too keen. "I could always `phone my friends and let them know."

"Would that be OK? It would be really good if we could spend longer here. My house here is very small as I said. It only has one bed and one large chair. I could sleep in that."

It was agreed. I was so thrilled to have more time with this wonderful guy. Alex ordered the food he wanted me to try and a bottle of the local brew we'd had earlier. The food didn't look too good; it was based on a grain of some sort I thought, and the texture was a bit like falafel. It was mixed with a few strips of chicken, but the flavour was exquisite.

"Do you like it?" Alex asked hopefully. "I can get you something else."

"I love it, thank you. It's really tasty," I said with my mouth full.

Alex beamed at me. "I'm so glad. I really wanted to make sure you had a good time here."

I smiled back at his gorgeous face. I tried my hardest to hide it, but I thought he must have seen the lust in my eyes. "Why is that then?" I tried not to sound like I was teasing him.

"I just love it here so much, I wanted to show it to you: to share it with you."

What was I to make of that? I thought. Why me? Surely he couldn't be that short of friends, he seemed to know everybody.

We ate in silence for a while. "So how come you ended up here? What did you do in Russia?" I asked him.

"Oh it's a long story, and that's three questions all at once! Back in Russia, my Father set me up in my own business. I had a team of hotel workers that I hired out to hotels when they had busy periods or to cover sickness or leave. It was very successful and became quite a big operation and made quite a lot of money. I learnt a lot about how to treat people and how to get the best out of them. That in turn, made my customers very happy to employ my now highly motivated staff in their hotels etc.. "

I could imagine Alex being a great boss. He was so warm and friendly and really seemed to care about people.

"So do you have family back in Russia? Your Father and Mother?"

"I do, yes", Alex looked amused at my quizzing him. "So why did you leave? What made you come here?"

"It's getting late and it's a long story. Maybe I can tell you tomorrow. We need to get back to the square. It's nearly time for the turner." Alex paid. I tried to get him to let me pay my way, but he wouldn't hear of it. We stood up and I quickly realised that I was a tiny bit wobbly. Alex steadied me and guided me out of the restaurant and along the street by putting his big hand on my upper arm. It felt warm through the cotton of my t-shirt.

When we got to the square there were cheers going up, the lively crowd getting quite excited. I slowly saw what was happening. There was a man dressed in the brightest colours; blues and greens and purples, moving from one heart-shape to the next, turning them up-side-down. Now I realised why they were such an unusual looking shape, with the two rounded shapes at the tops looking so kind of bulbous. When they were turned the other way up, they were big hanging testicles; bulbous scrotums. The big sticks that seemed to be holding some of the heart-shapes up, now looked like big, fat penises above the ball-sacks. I couldn't help but join in the whooping and cheering. Alex bought us each another drink. "This is when it gets a bit out of hand. I hope you won't mind. Remember it's a festival celebrating fertility."

As I looked around, I slowly began to realise what Alex had meant. There were couples all around kissing and groping each other. I saw one girl with her hand down her boyfriend's shorts moving up and down rapidly and a few young lads each with their hands up inside their girl's tops. There were also boys together grinding their bodies together as they kissed passionately.

"I see what you mean, Alex", I grinned feeling hornier than ever.

"Come. Let's walk a little way over there", Alex suggested, again putting his hand on my arm to guide me. Away from the middle of the square where it was a little darker, there were couples openly having sex. One guy was pounding away pressing his girlfriend against the wall. She had her skirt lifted high above her waist and her legs crossed behind his back as he grinded away. Not far from them, was a young stud leaning against the wall proudly displaying his large, erect penis to a group of five girls who appeared to be taking it in turns to suck on it, giggling to each other.

"This way", Alex guided me down an alleyway with a slight incline. We walked a little way, then saw two young lads sitting on a low wall, a third crouching in front of them. As we got closer I could see that both of the sitting figures had their dicks sticking vertically up out of their shorts and the one kneeling in front of them was moving from one to the other each time getting one of the obscenely jutting organs deep into his mouth. Further on up the hill, we approached a group of young men and as we got closer, I saw that they had a guy bent in half, draped over a low wall, his naked bum in the air and one of the guys hammering into his arse. The others seemed to be queuing up waiting their turn. God this place was hot. I really needed to get away from Alex and join in the fun, but when we got a little way further on, he stopped.

"Here we are. Here's my house: up there". Alex pointed to a pretty little cottage perched on the side of the hill. "I hope you don't mind, but it is pretty late and we've had a busy day". I kind of gestured that I was OK with that and he fished a key out of his pocket and opening the door, ushered me inside.

Next: Chapter 6

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