
By moc.loa@8655otaK

Published on Jan 25, 2004


"Doc" A voice spoke to her disrupting her sleep. "Doc" She heard it again. She put her hand up to block out the rays of sunlight. She could make out the silhouette of a woman leaning down towards her. The woman reaches a hand out towards her.

"Doctor Graham!" The voice boomed jilting Holly Graham awake. Holly sat straight up and looked into the face of Sandra Rollins, the senior nurse on the Emergency room staff. A slight gasp escaped from her lips. Her hand was still in the air blocking the overhead light that Rollins had turned on.

"Lets go sleeping beauty. We have incoming. School bus verse truck." Rollins made sure that the seasoned resident was aware of her surrounding before she shut the door. Holly placed her feet on the floor and shook her head free of any thought of the beach and sunbathing.

Grabbing the stethoscope from the table next to the bed and walked into the main hall. She had been at John Hopkins for four years. She had gone to Medical School at John Hopkins and was accepted into its residence program. Her undergrad she had done at home in Ohio at Kent State. She had always wanted to be a physician. She knew that it would not be easy. She didn't realize how hard it would be emotionally and physically. In college, she had been a swimmer and was use to physical conditioning and activity. She was not ready for what be a normal rotation seventy -two hours at a time. She looked at the clock. 16:00 hours. What day is it? She thought to herself.

"Where did you go this time?" Musah, the desk clerk asked in his thick British-Ghana accent.

"South Beach" Holly said with a big smile. She ran her fingers through her short-cropped blonde hair and wished she were on a beach in Florida. She glanced at the snow coming down hard outside.

"Next time you go there you take me with you. That beats Baltimore in the winter any day. Here we go." His large black finger pointed towards the entrance doors as an ambulance pulled up sirens roaring.

"Anyone page Martinez?" Holly asked hoping an attending would show.

"He's on the way. Called from the car. I think he is stuck on 295." Musah could see the relief flash across her face.

The bay doors opened and two paramedics entered with a larger man on a gurney. He was the most serious and first to arrive in the ER. From what the medic said he was the bus driver with a possible heart attack before the accident. She stabilized the driver and passed him up to surgery as soon as possible. The on call surgeon had said that there was a blockage in the heart.

Holly went from room to room checking on the status of patients. She noticed that most of the students were young females. Some were very upset and crying. Others were quiet waiting patiently to be seen by a doctor. "Who 's next?" She asked Musah who seemed unaffected by the chaos around him.

"Curtain 3" He shouted at her.

Holly grabbed the chart from the end of the bed. She glanced up at the girl on the bed as she read the chart. From the chart and the description given at the scene the diagnoses was a broken femur. The girl was around sixteen or seventeen. "Hello. I'm Dr." Holly stopped half way through her sentence when she saw the woman sitting in the chair next to the bed. "Graham." The woman was in her late twenties or early thirties and very attractive. She long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and hung at her shoulders. From the expression on her face she was having a stressful day.

"Michelle, lets see what we have here." Holly moved to the side of the bed where the woman was sitting. Maybe she was the mother or an aunt. Holly thought. "Excuse me." The woman looked at Holly. Her eyes were silver and seemed to dance over Holly's face and piercing her soul.

"How is Carl?" The woman asked in a frantic voice. "The driver. Is he okay?"

" I am not sure but I will try to find something for you.. Mrs.???" Holly let the words hang in the air hoping she was single and getting the right signal.

"Coach." Michelle said before the woman could answer. Holly jolted back to her professionalism. "It really hurts."

"Michelle, we are going to have to take some x-ray of your leg. It does appear that you may have broken your femur."

"Coach Campbell" the girl cried to the woman next to her.

"It could be a fracture, Michelle. We will have to wait for the x-ray. Are your parents here?" Holly half asked Michelle.

"They are on their way. I have all the consent forms." She reached for an oversized briefcase and pulled out a file of papers.

"Let's go to the desk that way you can give all of the consent forms to the admitting desk." Holly said as the woman frantically shuffled papers.

"Tracey." Holly looked at her strangely. "My name is Tracey Campbell."

Their eyes met again. Holy could feel the heat rising to her face, through her body and into her loins. How long had it been since Pam moved out? She thought, when was the last time she had even gone out on a date or been with someone.

"There are still some parents I need to contact. Could I possibly use a phone?" Tracey stood up placing the briefcase under her arm.

"Certainly" Holly held the curtain open for her to pass through. They walked down the hallway together. Tracey stood slightly shorter than Holly's 5' 8" frame. Holly was slimmer but she thought she was too skinny. Tracey was more muscular and healthy looking. "Are you here by yourself? Any other coaches?"

"Actually they split us up. Half to Hopkins. Half to General. We were coming out of the University and boom. Oh my God." Tracey put her left hand to her forehead. Holly was quick to notice that there was no wedding band on her ring finger.

"Musah, could you show Ms. Campbell a phone to use. And see if you can get a status on a.." Holly paused. "A Carl. The bus driver."

"Thank you Doctor Graham." Tracey put a hand on Holly's arm.

"You are welcome, I'll be here for awhile if you need any thing." She picked up Michelle's chart. "Curtain 3 x-rays right femur. Parents aren't here but Ms. Campbell has a release." Holly grabbed the next chart and was on to the next patient.

It had been at least four hours since Holly saw Musah again. "Are you finally heading home?" He asked.

"What night is it? Friday, Saturday or Sunday?" She asked. Her brain was so fried she really could not remember.

"Saturday night close to ten. You really need to go home. You want me to call a taxi?" "No I'll be fine." What I really need is to get laid. Holly thought as a picture of Ms. Campbell flashed in her head. Normally if she had an attraction to someone in the work setting she would blow it off. This one got to her. There was something about the woman that made Holly yearn. "Any of the basketball team left?"

"No the last of the parents showed up an hour ago."

"Any word on the driver?"

"He is out of surgery, stable, and has a broken pelvis."

"Good on that note I am out of here."

The shift had been brutal. It had its ups and its downs. The up side was that she wasn't expected in the next day. The downside was that all she would do for the next two days would be sleep.

No wonder she had no social life and her last relationship ended badly. She had been with Pam for three years. She knew going into to Medical School that it would be tough on the relationship. Before they moved in together they had discussed Holly's hours and work load. She tried to make time but Pam was never around. Sometime in the last twelve months, they had stopped sleeping together and would just pass by each other as one was leaving and the other was getting home. Holly focused on work and not the relationship.

They broke up Fourth of July weekend, when Pam showed up with a new girlfriend to move her stuff out of the townhouse. Holly had just finished up a shift at the hospital and was walking in the door as Pam and her new girlfriend was moving things out of the townhouse. A brief argument occurred. Holly just was too tired. She held hers hands up and said "Just take it." At the time Holly was referred to material items in the townhouse. Later she would realize that it was her heart that Pam took with her.

Holly tried to make Pam jealous when she started to date a nurse in the cardiac unit. The relationship did not last long. The woman would "stop by" the ER all the time. Her possessiveness of Holly began to interfere with her work. Holly broke off the relationship very quickly. That was the last date she had been on. She could even remember the last time she and

Pam slept together. It had been quite some time.

Glancing at her watch, the night was still young. It was too early for Coco's to be busy. Holly decided to stop at the bar for a drink. Coco's was a lesbian bar that was four blocks from the hospital, maybe to close for some of the staff. She did not make it a habit to stop there often. She had been there more during school than residency. On occasion she would stop by to see if any of her friends were there.

Taking a quick look in her car's vanity mirror, Holly ran her fingers through her blonde hair. The top was full and curly. The sides and back were cut short for that quick prep. Lack of sleep was showing under her eyes. She rubbed them to bring some color to her face. "Screw it" she said out loud as she opened the door and walked to the bar.

As she expected there was not much of a crowd yet. As usual, Sheri was behind the bar yelling at someone to get the beer bottle off the pool table.

"Well, hey Doc." Sheri said with a friendly smile, "Long time no see." There was a slight irritation in her voice. Sheri had asked Holly out on more than one occasion.

"It's been awhile. How are things?" Holly said as she sat at the bar.

"Same old same old. What would you like to drink?" She ordered a Rum and coke. She flashed back to her dream of South Beach. A smile came to her face as an image of the basketball coach came to mind. Holly could see herself at the beach with that woman. That would be no problem.

"Dr. Graham." Holly spun on her stool when she heard her name. Her drink caught in her throat as she recognized Ms. Campbell standing behind her.

"Ms. Campbell" She choked out.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean...." Tracey turned on her heel to walk away.

"No..No, it's okay. I just wasn't expecting you. Are you here with anyone?"

"No, its was just such a bad day I wanted to stop before I went home to ..unwind." Tracey searched for the right word. "I give you credit for doing what you do everyday."

"I give you credit for dealing with teenage girls all day." Holly laughed.

"True, you have a point, Dr. Graham."

"Holly, Call me Holly. Would you like to join me?" Holly offered the empty stool next to her.

"Great, I'm Tracey."

"I know." Holly felt the blood rush to her face again. "Did all the girls get home okay?"

"Everyone accept for Michelle. She had to stay over night. You probably know that though." Holly nodded her head. She did not want to be a doctor at this moment. She wanted to be a woman getting know this beautiful woman sitting next to her. Their eyes met again. Intense was the only word that Holly could use to describe the feelings she was having.

"You have the most intriguing beautiful eyes I have ever seen." Holly did not realize she had spoke out loud. Tracey blushed and turned away.

"Thank you. Some of the kids say that my eyes are evil looking." She laughed nervously. " I am glad you don't think that way."

" I usually don't stop at the bar after a shift... I guess I needed to unwind too. I don't even know if I can find my way home. I've been on since early Thursday or late Wednesday take your pick."

"I was hoping you might stop here. I never go out. Not with school or in my field. I don't want to cause any stir. Its very political teaching. They don't tell you that when you are in college, but you find out later."

"I was...not very professional tonight. I usually don't look at patients in that manner."

"I was not your patient." Tracey chimed in as she took a drink of her beer.

"No you are not." Holly raised her glass for a toast. Tracey smiled as she tapped her bottle to Holly's glass. "I am very happy that you stopped. I am happier that I decided to stop here tonight."

They continued to talk until the crowd got so loud that they were shouting at each other. Holly could tell that she was going to collapse from exhaustion at any moment. "Would you like to dance?" Tracey asked as a slower song was starting to play. Tracey was on her feet reaching for Holly's hand before she could answer. They walked hand and hand to the dance floor.

Someone said hello to Holly but she paid no attention to who it was. Slow down, slow down, Holly repeated in her head.

Holly placed her hand on Tracey's waist. One of Tracey's arms went behind her Holly's back. The held tight to on another staring into each other's eyes.

"This has never happened to me before." Tracey whispered. "You are making it very hard for me." She leaned forward and buried her face in Holly's neck. Holly held her tighter savoring Tracey's perfume. They danced until the song ended. Holly touched her hair and whispered, "I need to go home." She could see the disappointment in Tracey's face. "But I don't want to say goodnight to you. Come home with me." Holly could feel her heart racing. She had never done this before. This was a new experience. Tracey smiled warmly and took Holly's hand to lead her off the dance floor. Holly helped Tracey with her coat. Sheri gave them both a wave as they walked out the door.

The brownstone that Holly lived in was fifteen minutes away. The neighborhood was okay. A few years ago younger couple began to buy the row houses and fix them up. Holly was still in the process of renovation. That was another project that Pam and she had taken on but never completed. Tracey's car pulled into the drive right behind her. Holly smiled in the cold as she watched the beautiful woman walking towards her.

"What are you smiling at?" Tracey asked her.

"You." Holly reached for her arm and led her to the side door. "I am not sure what condition my place is in because it's been a few days since I have been home. " She turned her key and let Tracey in the door.

"If you want me to go I can." Tracey said as she realized that Holly was running on empty.

"No, come in. I don't want you to go." Holly noted the condition of her house. Papers and books were on the kitchen table. A jacket and sweatshirt were on the back of the couch. "Would you like something to drink?"

"A water would be great." Tracey said as she sat down on the couch. Holly came back with a bottled water and sat on the couch next to her. "You have to be exhausted." She said as she pulled Holly towards her. She leaned back with Holly's head on her chest and stroked her hair. Holly leaned up towards Tracey and said, "Its okay. I have seen hundreds of people this shift. I will always remember this day. I am glad you came to Hopkins today and not General."

"Six, Seven hours ago I was going through the worse day in my life. My team was in an accident. My best player broke her leg. Carl was hurt bad. But now I think that everything was meant to happen."

Holly traced her finger along Tracey's jaw line and than her lips. She quickly replaced her finger with her lips. The kiss started slowly. Sweetness was savored as lips parted and tongue met. Urgency was felt as Tracey pulled Holy closer to her. Holly wanted to feel every part of Tracey's flesh as her hands moved from her hair down her side and up her back. She could feel their breasts pressing together. She wanted to feel Tracey's skin against her own. With her hands under Tracey's shirt, she lifted it off in one very smooth motion.

"You feel so good." Tracey moaned as they continued to kiss. Her hand stoked her breast until the pink nipple stood rigid from contact. Her hands felt the silky satin of Tracey's bra. She undid her bra and dropped it to the floor. With her tongue Holly sucked and kissed each breast. Assaulting each one equally. She could feel her self-becoming very wet. Her loins were pushing against Tracey's hip.

Holly felt her sweater rise over her head and watched it discarded to the floor along with Tracey's bra and shirt. Her lips moved over Tracey's neck and nuzzled her ear. Holly stopped to look at Tracey's. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes filled with excitement. She stared back at Holly with such intensity.

"I've been thinking about you all night. " Tracey moved underneath her as Holly's knee pushed between her thighs. "I want you." She moved against Holly's knee. She slipped Holly's bra straps off her shoulders and began to lick and kiss her breasts. She captured one in her mouth and began to suckle on it. Her tongue flicked over the peak and she pushed down of Holly's hips pulling her closer. A moan escaped Holly lips as Tracey's pushed up towards her.

"Come with me." Holly whispered against her lips. She pulled Tracey up by the hands. They continued to kiss as they made their way towards the bedroom upstairs. Tracey pushed Holly up against the wall and captured her hands above her head. She placed hungry kisses on her breast and her neck and recapturing her lips. She leaned into Holly's crotch with her free hand undoing the waistband of her jeans. Unzipping the jeans with need to touch Holly. Holly let out a scream as Tracey's hand and finger found her moistness. She was so wet and ready. Tracey let her hands go. Holly wrapped them around her shoulders. Their mouths met again and kisses were filled with desire and intensity. Finger slipping in and out of her as passion grew. Jeans slid down past her hips as Tracey lips left hers. She trailed kisses down her neck, across her navel and stopping between her thighs. Tracey kneed in front of her kissing and caresses Holly with her lips and tongue. Lapping the juices that were flowing out of Holly, Tracey could hear herself purring. Holly screamed as Tracey tongue attacked her vulva. Against the wall she could feel herself throbbing and convulsing. The feeling began to escalate and Holly's entire body rocked.

"Oh my God!!" She yelled as her hands pulled Tracey's head closer to her. Holly felt the sensation shake her. "Tracey!!" Tracey!!" She called her name out. Holly pushed her back onto the carpet and kissed her passionately. Holly wanted to touch her. She pulled at Tracey's pants and threw them to the side. Her hand felt the sweetness of Tracey womanhood, velvety smooth and wet. So wet. Holly's kisses electrified the feelings. Tracey clung to her as they moved together on the floor. She arched as her vulva tightened around Holly's fingers. Holly found her clit and began to touch her there. Tracey vibrated against her finger with each touch.

"You feel so good." Holly whispered with heavy passion. She barely recognized her own voice. She started down ant Tracey's flush face. Tracey trembled again, and gasp escaped her lips. "I can't stop touching you."

Holly shifted her weight and wrapped Tracey in her arms. They lay on the floor touching each other lightly. "Are you okay?"

"I think I could use another word to describe how I feel." Tracey smile widen, " Wow, would be one. Intense is another. Satisfied....happy. I am more than okay." She looked around the room. "we never made it to the bed."

"Are you going to blame me for that? " Holly joked. She placed a hand on Tracey's cheek. " Your eyes are my weak point. I feel like you can see inside me."

"My eyes huh..." Tracey said as she rolled on top of Holly and stared down at her. Her hair was pushed to the side and framed her face.

"Yes, I lost it. One look and I was duh...... duh" Holly teased her.

"You liar. You were all calm cool Doctor Graham. I was the one freaking out." Tracey touched her face. "So you like my eyes."

"I like you." Holly said, "very much. More than just okay." She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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