
By moc.loa@8655otaK

Published on Nov 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This work is the sole property of the writer. It shall not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without written consent. The story below is for personal use only and may not be transferred to any other medium. This story is fictional and represents consensual acts between women. It is not meant to offend or change person's opinions or beliefs. Sorry, it has taken so long to continue. Thank you for the feedback.

Housecall/beginings/Chapter 2

There was a note on the kitchen counter with Tracey's telephone number. A bright smile lit up Holly's face as she read the note. She got out the coffee and started to make a pot. She picked up the phone and dialed the number. "Hello." Tracey answered. "Good Morning, I guess I was not dreaming last night. " Holly leaned on the counter and recalled the feel of Tracey's body against hers. She began to get aroused.

"No, you were not dreaming. "Tracey reassured her. "Once you fell asleep you were out. "

"I will try not to do that again." Holly stretched. Her muscles were sore from lying on the floor. "My work has some crazy hours. I just thought I'd let you know that."

"What are you doing?"

"I was just making some coffee. What time is it?" Holly looked around the kitchen for her watch.

"Close to three thirty. Would you like to get together for an early dinner? "

"That sounds great. I have to take a shower."

" How about five. I'll come by your place. " Tracey offered.

"Fine. You can stop by earlier if you want. I only have today and tomorrow off until I have to go back to the grind. There is a key under the ceramic frog

in the flower bed."

"Ceramic frog. Huh? I'll make note of that. I'll see you in a bit. Bye."

Holly poured herself a cup of coffee. She held the mug with both of her hands. She could still smell Tracey's scent on her hands. Thank God she was off today. She looked at the couch and towards the hallway. So how she would never walk past that wall without thinking about what had transpired there a few hours ago. She could see where the carpet plush was compressed from lying there with Tracey. Holly sat down at the kitchen table and looked around her house.

She and Pam had been together for three years. They had always had sex in the bedroom. They had never done anything in the other rooms in the house. She was glad that Tracey pressed her up against the wall and attacked her. What was happening with her, she thought. She had never in her life taken someone home from a bar and slept with them. She was just so attracted to Tracey. She still was feeling the intensity of their actions last night. Slow down, slow down, the thought kept echoing in her head. She did not want this to be some fling that happens. Nor did she want to be stereotypical and have the U-Haul pulling up.

She recalled Tracey's words "This has never happened to me before." What did that mean that there was some strange connection happening between them. Tracey, Ms. Campbell did not seem the type to take someone home from the bar.

Holly sipped her coffee. Just take it slow, she thought to herself. She closed her eyes for a moment. She felt happy and peaceful. She had struggled for so long about Pam. Blaming herself for not being there or for working to hard. She reflected back on the relationship. She and Pam co-existed in the same house for probably the last two years of the relationship. If there were something with Pam that was worth saving they would have tried to save it a long time ago. She did not want to have another relationship like that. She wanted someone who would be there good, bad, or ugly. She watched the snowfall outside and hoped that Tracey would be okay driving. She set down her coffee mug and head for the shower.

Steam filled the bathroom as Holly stepped in the shower. She bent her head slightly as the hot water rushed over her body. She closed her eyes and thought about Tracey again. She had met less than 24 hours ago but she was the only thing she could think of. Tasting her lips she felt the rush of Tracey kissing her. She began to caress her body with hand towel. She imagined the slight curve of Tracey's hip toughing her hip as they danced together. Tracey's eyes staring at her so intensely as made her climax. Touching her breast Holly could feel Tracey's hands on her body. How she caressed and kissed her all over. She grazed her fingers over her nipples. They instantly harden. She began to rub and fondle herself. She closed her eyes and threw back her head. She began to stoke and finger her privates. She ran her fingers over the smoothness and into her deep valley. Her hand was wet but she was flowing with her own secretions. She began to throb and ache. Rocking as her finger touched her own clit she shuttered. With a immense quiver and a intense yell she made herself come. She stood in the hot water with her head

leaning on the shower wall. She couldn't wait to see Tracey. She felt another wave of excitement ripple through her body.

Holly sat at the kitchen table sipping her coffee and reading the newspaper.

She had finished her shower and put on a wool sweater and a pair of jeans. The storm started on Friday and the effects were still lingering on Sunday. The doorbell rang. Holly jumped up and ran to the door.

Holly flung the door open and Pam stood there. You have got to be kidding, Holly thought. "Hey, I was in the neighborhood." Pam said. She had on a ski hat and jacket with a new ticket hanging from the zipper. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, I was just expecting someone else." Holly said as she stepped away from the door. Pam followed her inside, not bothering to knock the snow off her boots. "Would you like some coffee?" "It's five o'clock. " Pam looked at her slightly irritated. "I'll take a Diet Coke if you got one." She took off her jacket and laid it on the back of the recliner. "I was reading the paper. " Holly said as she sat at the kitchen table. " What brings you around here?" "I said I was in the neighborhood." Pam said as she took a seat at the table. She popped open her soda top. Holly could smell smoke emitting from Pam's clothing.

"You are always in the neighborhood." Holly said as she continued to read the paper." Still smoking. You know that is really bad for you."

"I am glad to see you still care about me." Pam said leaning towards Holly.

"What do you want?" Holly was tired of Pam already.

"I was just checking on some info I got. I heard you picked up some hot chick in the bar last night and took her home. I didn't believe it so I made to come by and see for myself."

"Great Sheri still runs her mouth. Tell her talking smack about me will still not get a yes out of me. What do you care if I did bring someone home? You sure as shit have no reason the question what I do?" Holly got up and poured the rest of her coffee down the sink. "How is what's her name? Vicky?

Tory? "

"Victoria is fine." Pam said as she moved towards the sink. "Its you that I am worried about." Holly could feel Pam standing behind her breathing on the nap of her neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" Holly pushed Pam away from her. "I would really like you to leave."

"Come on Hol, what's wrong? You used to like me?" Pam said as she put her hands on Holly's hips.

"Yeah, I did, but I also used to drool on myself and shit my diapers."

"That's not the same."

"To me it is. Get out of here Pam. " Holly pointed to the door. "Leave." Pam shrugged her shoulders and got her jacket off the chair. "Why did you do this?" Holly questioned her.

"I miss you." Pam said as she opened the door. " Thought that if you picked up some little whore at the bar that maybe you won't mind a reminiscing with me." Holly marched right up to Pam and slapped her in the face. Pam took a second to compose herself. "She better be cute." Pam opened the door just as Tracey was about to ring the bell. Pam eyed the schoolteacher from head to toe. "Call me." Pam said to Holly as she walked by Tracey. Holly mirrored the confused look on Tracey face.

"That bitch." Was all that Holly said. "I don't know who that was but I really don't care for her. "Tracey said as she stood in front of Holly. "Are you okay?" She grabbed Holly's hand and squeezed it. "I am now." She pulled her into the house and shut the door. "Hi."

"Hi yourself." Tracey took off her coat and hung it in the front closet. " Who was that?" "That was Pam, my ex-girlfriend. She was being an asshole. I am sorry but she just really pissed me off. Now I remember why I don't go to the bar." Holly put her hand to her forehead as she tried to calm herself down. Tracey was dressed in a form-fitting shirt that hung to her body. She had on a pair of Khaki pants with her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Holly began to feel better as she stared at Tracey figure. God she was hot. "I am really sorry for falling asleep on you." Holly stammered as she touched Tracey cold check. "You are cold." "You look very sexy when you are mad." Tracey said as she stepped into Holly 's arms. Holly pulled her close and rested her chin on her shoulder. "You look great today. My God your outfit is, is fabulous. It makes me want to get you out of it as soon as possible." Holly said letting the truth escape. Tracey started to laugh. "I am bad." She pulled her shirt tighter across her chest. "I wore it on purpose, I changed outfits five times." Holly leaned towards her and kissed her softly and fully. Her eyes closed as Tracey kissed her back. The taste was a mixture of coffee, salt and spearmint. They sat down on the couch facing each other. Holly had her leg crossed underneath the other. Tracey leaned back on the side pillow with her feet up on the cushion. "What time did you get up?" Tracey asked. "Not more than ten minutes before I called you. I was very happy to see your number. What time did you leave and how did I get to the bed?" Holly placed her elbow on the back of the couch and leaned on her hand. "I left around ten. You are a very heavy sleeper. I sat and watched you half of the morning. I didn't want to wake you. You needed your sleep. It was nice to just watch you. You're very cute when you're sleeping. Not that you are not cute when you are awake. " Holly sensed the blood rush to her face. She had never blushed this much in her life. Tracey's foot was touching her thigh. "The second was a little difficult but I managed to get you a bit

awake to walk up the stairs. You did call me… Rolly."

"Rollins," Holly chuckled. " The head nurse in the ER who loves to wake me up. I think she gets kick out of it. You look nothing like her. I will never ever make that mistake again." Holly stroked Tracey's foot with her hand. "I can't believe I called you Rollins.

"Does Pam stop by often? " Tracey questioned. "That's the weird thing she has never stopped by before today. I've seen her on occasion at work. She is a paramedic. So she will bring in runs." "That's it." Tracey slapped her leg. "She was at the scene yesterday. Remember I told you that half went to Hopkins and the other to General. She was on the run to General. I even talked to her." "She is up to something." Holly said thinking of Pam's history of causing trouble. "She knew that I took someone home from the bar…" Holly raised her eyebrows and started to laugh. "I have never done that before."

"As if I have." Tracey said defensively. "I barely even go tot he bar let alone go home with … with …a doctor." She smiled brightly. "Wow, I did pretty good. My mother would be proud."

"You are not right. I`ve been thinking about you since I got up." Holly leaned over and kissed her. Tracey kissed her back.

"I've been thinking about you, too." She pierced Holly with her silver eyes. Instantly Holly could feel herself become damp. "Can I be honest with you?" She has a girlfriend, Holly thought to herself. Holly nodded while she held her breath. "I am really scared of you. Of what happen. Of what I want to have happen." Tracey looked scared of what Holly would say. "I don't want to freak you out, but I am freaking out." "What would you say if I told you that I feel almost the same way." Holly watched her face for a reaction. "I just don't want to fall into the U-Haul version of a relationship. Not that I am saying that I want to live together… God that would be way too early. You understand what I mean?"

"I understand. We are both a little overwhelmed."

"That `s it overwhelmed." Holly agreed. "You may not even like me after a week."

"I'll disagree. I will probably still like you after a week. The week following I'll have to wait and see."

"I need to tell you that I was hoping that you would be at the bar last night. I would have gone straight home if you did not come into the ER yesterday. What would you have done if I wasn't at the bar last night?" Holly teased as Tracey's face flushed.

"I..I would be checking out all the tall blonde with short blonde hair and brown eyes to see if it was you. Or made some excuse up to visit the ER or call the hospital. In reality and know how I am, I would have done nothing and hoped one day I would run into you and thank you for helping my team. I went to the bar to see if you might be there." Tracey leaned forward and brushed her lips against Holly's. She backed off for a second looking for the hesitation in Holly's face. There was none. She moved closer and began to kiss her deeply. Holly pulled her closer. They were kissing passionately. Holly pulled Tracey on to her lap and stroked her hand across Tracey clad shirt.

Their breasts were touching. Holly pulled her closer trying to fill the void that she urgently felt. She began to gyrate against Tracey, who moaned softly. Pulling her hips closer and pushing upward Holly felt her dampness through her jeans. Tracey eyes opened widely, "Tell me I am dreaming."

"I am having the same dream." Holly pulled off her shirt and began to fondle each of her breasts. Pulling them free of the bra, began to kiss and suckle each one, her tongue nipped and circled as the nipple became erect. With her mouth she grabbed a sensuous flesh into her mouth and began to suck. Tracey began mimic rhythm against Holly. Tracey arched backwards as Holly continued to make love to her breasts. Gasps of breath were trembling from Tracey' s lips. With her hand she pulled Tracey's hair free of the ponytail weaving her fingers in the dark tresses. Holly pushed her back against the couch and began to thrust her knee into her crotch. They moved together rocking to

the rhythm of each other. Holly felt her shirt being pulled over her head and her breasts being free of her bra. Tracey lips touched her exposed fresh with such eagerness. Her lips were soft and tugged at breast softly at first.

Flicking her tongue across the bare fresh cause Holly to twist away with excitement. Her reaction made Tracey laugh.

"Is some one ticklish? " Tracey teased as she flicked her tongue again. "Are you ticklish?" Holly asked as she unzipped Tracey's jeans and slipped her hand under the satin panties. The flesh was so saturate Holly knew that she would make her cum quickly. She probed further with her fingers as a huge scream streamed from Tracey. Deeper and deeper she stroked and touched the delicate fresh. Holly began to cum as Tracey rubbed her crotch through her jeans. Just as Holly's finger's touched her clit Tracey screamed out. She lurched forward and bit Holly's shoulder to muffle her scream. Two fingers replaced one as Holly continued to feel the heat pulsing against her fingers. Tracey's head was flung back and moans left her lips. In a quick motions, Holly tongue replaced her fingers. The taste was sweet and warm. She licked, sucked and pressed deeper into Tracey's valley. Juices were flowing as she lapped the delicate fruit. Between her teeth she caught Tracey's clit and playfully nipped. As she tongued the clit she heard Tracey scream out and felt her

shutter. Sucking on the clit until the convulsions stopped. Tracey's hands were wrapped in her hair and urged her on. "God, you have to stop!" Tracey finally could not take the assault. With a smirk, Holly moved up her body. She could see that Tracey was flushed and having to catch her breath. Tracey eyes were closed and hair outlined her face on the couch pillow. She looked small and frail. Her eyes opened and a smile appeared on her face, "You got some sleep? I think I am going to be in trouble with you." Holly kissed her on the lips. Tracey smiled back weakly. "Just give me a minute." Her eyes shut again.

"One of these days, we are going to have to make it to the bedroom." Holly said as she position herself behind Tracey with her arms wrapped around her. Tracey turned to face her. Tears glistened in the corner of her eyes, she kissed Holly's lips gingerly. She put her cheek on Holly's breast and snuggled closer.

"I am fine right where I am at." Tracey said her finger traced Holly's nipple. Instantly, the pink orb stood erect. Her lips followed her finger in besieging. Holly knew she had climaxed with Tracey earlier but felt herself growing aroused as Tracey began to suckle on her breast. Suddenly Tracey stopped and looked at Holly, "Unless you want me to move?"

"Between the couch, the wall, the floor, the shower, and the couch again, I think we should move somewhere a little bit more comfortable."

"The shower? I don't remember the shower?" Tracey teased as she nipped at her breast. "Believe me you were definitely there in spirit." Holly felt the embarrassment showing in her flushed cheeks.

"Come and show me." Tracey stood up and reached for Holly's hand. Holly jumped up and led her to the bathroom.

Author Notes: Sorry, it has taken so long to continue. Thank you for the feedback. I hope to continue in the near future.


Next: Chapter 3

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