How It All Started

By Xander Giampaolo

Published on Jul 30, 2002


The following is a true account of sex between consenting men. No names have been changed to protect anyone, because no one here is an innocent. If you are not supposed to be reading this type of thing... ciao! Other than that... enjoy.

If you enjoy reading this, please feel free to drop me a line at my e-mail address: I really like to hear from you guys!

How It All Started, Part 3: Discovering Kevin

"Before we do this, I need to know will we still be friends, Kevin." I asked, seriously.

He lifted his legs up to his chest and said, "Just fuck the shit out of me, man. Just do it. Just fucking do it."

How in the world did I end up with Kevin in my bed, asking me to fuck him? Let's back up a few months, shall we?

Several months had passed since my little incident with "Brian the bald-headed LOSER", and I was feeling great. I now had a job at a publishing company, thanks to Sloane and her connections, and life was one big ol' happy bowl of cherries.

And then I saw him.

"Him" was this very cute, slender, new guy that had the "Be gentle I'm new" look on his face as he walked to the empty desk beside mine. Another new guy, that would turn out to be one of my best friends ever, Michael, followed him. But that's a story for later. For the time being, I wanted to know the guy that was walking in front of him.

"Hi, I'm Xander." I introduced myself with a hearty handshake.

"Kevin." He offered.

"I'm Michael." I heard in the background.

I drank in the young man before me. Let me describe Kevin to you. He is about 22 years old, 5'8'', very thin and boyish looking with bushy brown hair and little squinty brown eyes that made him look like Christian Slater's younger brother. He had a definite "soft" feel to him, and right then and there I decided that I would fuck him.

"So, do you like working here?" He asked in small talk.

"Well, I like MONEY." I answered. "And working here gets me lots of it, so I guess, yeah. Yeah I do."

We both laughed, and looked at each other knowingly.

"Yeah... he is soooo going to get fucked." I thought.

Days and weeks passed, and Kevin and I became quite social, but it was Michael who became the better friend to me. Michael usually joined me at lunch with Sloane, and we all chatted and laughed together. Sloane worked for another department within the company, and I only saw her during lunch hour. One day, she asked me while we were making our choices in the cafeteria where Michael was.

"Oh, he's running errands today during lunch." I answered.

"Gee, he's gonna miss eyeing you for a whole hour, huh?"


"You know he's so into you, Xander. Quit playing dumb!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Sloane?" I asked.

"Your 'boy' plays for the pink team, X."

"Shit, NOT!" I said. "Michael is not a lunch chaser!"

"Are you really that dumb, or just that blind?" She asked. "All I'm saying is that left to his own devices, he'd sooner have YOU on a lunch plate than say... this lasagna!"

I was baffled. I'd never even THOUGHT of Michael being gay. But then again, he did get flowers frequently delivered to his desk, but he never said whom they were from. I started thinking... he NEVER mentions girls... his nails are ALWAYS perfectly trimmed and buffed... he ALWAYS smells so clean and "cologned"... there's NEVER a hair out of place... and oh shit, he listens to Enya!

Where in the fuck had I been? Michael's a goddamned fun-boi, and I didn't even know it!

" I mean, I don't care that he's gay and all," Sloane said, "just as long as he doesn't start to rub off on my man!"

"Don't be silly!" I said. "Don't even joke like that."

That afternoon, when Michael came back, I decided to ask some questions.

"Mikey... who sends you those flowers?"

"Umm... just a friend". He answered.

"Do you paint your nails?"

"No, that's not paint... they're just buffed."


"Yes, Xander, I'm gay. I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay."


"So you hate me now, huh?" He asked. "You hate me because of who I am."

Kevin looked up from his desk.

"No, Michael, I... I just... I didn't know, man!" I said.

"Well now you fucking do." He said defensively, and gathered up his things to leave for the day.

I sat there looking puzzled.

"What just fucking happened?" I asked the air around me.

Kevin leaned over.

"Your friend is quite upset. Why did you do that to him?"

"Do WHAT to him?" I asked.

"Man, you totally put his business out there like that. That was foul."

"Look, man, I didn't believe that he was gay, I was just joking the fuck around, I didn't... UGH!" I was tongue-tied.

" I need a fucking beer."

"Me too." Kevin said. "Let's do that. My treat."

I walked by Sloane's desk and told her that I was done for the day, and asked when she'd be leaving.

"I'm here for like 2 more hours." She said. "Go have fun. Hey Kev."

I looked back at Kevin.

"Hi, Sloane. I'll make sure that he stays out of trouble."

We walked out together and went to the local college pub, and started to drink.

We talked, and talked, and talked. I found out that Kevin and I lived in the same apartment complex, and we didn't even know it after all this time. Talk switched to girls, and he said that he had a girlfriend that lived in Miami... hundreds of miles away.

"You must get horny as hell!" I joked. "I'm sure your jack-off technique must be FLAWLESS, by now!"

"Well, I'm sure that you have plenty of fun with Sloane, man. She's beautiful." He said.

"Yeah, yeah. We have our fun." I answered. "That, we do."

We both grew quiet.

"Well, wanna let's go back to my place? I make a killer martini, man. The best EVER!" I crowed.

"Let's do it. I'm about out of cash anyway." He replied.

As Kevin followed me in his car, I grew very hard thinking of ways to fuck him. I pulled out my cock and began to please myself as I drove through downtown just thinking about getting into that ass.

But... how to do it?

Once we were at my place, we walked in to the apartment and Kevin immediately went to my computer.

"Nice computer, man! I have a little piece of shit PC, and you have like, the GOD of all systems here!"

We both laughed. "Let me go make those drinks I was talking about." I said.

I quickly made 2 of my world famous vodka martinis while Kevin played with my computer. I sat down beside him at the desk, and handed him his drink.

"Be careful, it's STRONG!" I warned.

"Whatever." He said. "I can drink you under the table any day." He said, already slurring.


"So what do you look at on the Internet?" He asked. Bells and whistles went off in my head. THAT"S IT!

"Oh, mannnnn. Have I got the site for YOU!" I said.

I typed in a web address that brought up different rooms with women in them, and you could tell them what to do, or either just sit back and let the other guys pay to play, while you still got to see the action.

I kept eyeing Kevin, and noticed that a bulge was growing in his pants.

"This drink is really good!" He said. "And so is the porn!"

"I see that you like it!" I said, pointing at his groin. He sheepishly blushed, and tried to cover up.

"Man, that's no fair! I haven't been getting pussy on the regular like you have!"

I had an idea.

"Well, I know what will make it go down." I said. And clicked over to a GAY site.

"Look at that shit. Guys fucking guys!"

"Man!" He said. "I can't believe the things you can find on the net!"

"Isn't that sick as shit?" I asked.

"Yeah man, yeah!" He agreed... and looked down at my crotch.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

He nervously giggled.

"Oh, I know what you want!" I said. And clicked on a picture of a dude sucking a rather large cock.

"You wanna do THAT, don't you?"

He still remained quiet.

"I stood up, and unzipped my fly. I was about three inches from his face, jerking my cock.

"Man, quit playing." He said. "Quit playing!"

I continued to jack off in his face.

He slowly bent forward, and sucked on the head of my cock.


He sucked my stick like Sloane had never sucked it before. His mouth was so hot, and he made nice groaning noises every time I fucked another inch into his mouth. He pulled off of my cock, and looked up at me.

"Man, I will fucking KILL you if you ever tell anyone!" He said.

"Oh, I ain't telling a damn thing!" I assured him. "You just keep on sucking my cock like a good boy."

I sat down in the chair, and he followed my cock down, never once taking his moth off of it. I leaned back in my computer chair and looked down at him. He looked so fucking hot with his mouth full of my dick. He shined it up rather nicely, and started to lick my balls.

"Yeah, lick 'em just like that."

"You want me to suck them, too?"

"Yeah Kev. Suck my fucking nuggs, man. Do it"

I rubbed my cock all over his face and forehead while he ate my balls. This was damn good.

"Let's take this to the bedroom."

We got up, and I walked into the bedroom with him following closely. By the time we were in the room, he was dropping to his knees to get my cock into his mouth again. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror and pinched my own nipples while he worked on me. I admired the way I looked so strong, and he was so delicate in front of me, pleasing me... Worshiping my dick. The same dick that would fill his tight little ass as soon as I had the chance. I watched a huge grin grow across my face.

God, I love the control of it all.

I pulled him up to his feet, and kissed him dead on. This surprised him.

"Now what?" He asked.

"Strip." I said quietly.

I watched as his slim, boyish body came out of his clothing. He was naked now, all except his pair of red, white, and blue Tommy Hilfiger sports boxers.

"Do you like my boxers?" He asked, rather drunkenly. "Fuck man, I can't believe I am asking a dude if he likes my fucking underwear!" He giggled and snorted, running his hands through his hair.

He looked so tasty.

"Yes, I love them." I said. And I got down on my knees in front of him, and started to peel them off of him with my teeth.

"Oh, shit, now!" He guffawed.

I drug his underwear down still with my teeth, as his hard cock sprang free and slapped against his flat belly. He instantly started to jack himself off. I reached down and pulled his shorts completely off of him, and then started to suck on his silky pubic hairs.

He smelled so clean, so good. So fresh. His skin was so hot and extremely smooth. Almost translucent. His long dark pubes grew wet with my saliva. He was still jerking his cock. I began to suck on his flat abs, and he bent his cock down to place the head in between my lips. I sucked it really softly, and savored the clean taste of him. He lost his footing, and fell back onto the bed. I lay on top of him with my head still in his lap, and started to lick the insides of his thighs.

So much was going through my head. I was finally going to fuck this kid, like I always knew I would ever since that first day I saw him... but how would this affect our friendship?

"Fuck me, Xander." He said quietly.

I looked up at him.

"Are you sure that you want that?"

"No." He answered truthfully. But I am really horny, and I love that big cock of yours. I think I want it inside of me."

"Have you ever been fucked before?" I queried.

"No." He said. "But I want to. I ... I ... mean I'm not gay, but I want to try it. I want to try it with you. You're my friend. We're not fags, we're just friends, right?"

He seemed so innocent, and a bit scared.

"Before we do this, I need to know will we still be friends, Kevin." I asked, seriously.

He lifted his legs up to his chest and said, "Just fuck the shit out of me, man. Just do it. Just fucking do it."

"No, seriously, I want to know if we can still be friends after all of this, Kevin."

"I don't know." He answered truthfully again.

"Well fuck, then I'm not going to do it." I said.

"Xander, let's just fucking do this. Just... just come on. I want to do this." His legs were still bent up to his chest. I zeroed in on his hairy asshole, and before I knew it, I was inside of it, tongue first.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh shit. Yeah, eat my ass out, X. Eat my ass."

I was like a starved man, and his ass was my last supper. I made him cry out as I savagely tongue fucked him for quite a while. His ass was loosening, and he was twitching it all over my tonge. The feeling was driving me absolutely fucking over the edge. I jumped up on the bed and aisled my cock up to his hole.

"Fuck it into me, please." He begged.

I slowly eased my cock into his hole. I knew that I didn't have a condom on, and I didn't care at the moment. His ass was like a life giving hot spring, and I dove into it without any cares.

He screwed his eyes hut and yelled out VERY loudly "OHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK!"

I stopped for a moment, and he wrapped his legs around me and dug his heels into my back and brought me in deeper.

"You..... Fucking.... Fuck.... Me.... Like.... A.... Fucking.... PUSSY!" He said.

... And he's a virgin? Riiiiiiight.

"Fuck me like Sloane. Fuck me like you fuck her, man! Do it! Arrrrrgh!"

Why did he have to say her name?

Truth be known, though, he was a better lay than Sloane was. It just felt right inside of him. He writhed and screamed like he was possessed. Possessed by my fucking cock, and I was loving every second of it. Every time my dick glided over his prostate, he screamed. Before long, he was shooting ropes of cum all over his own face. His tight ass pulsed on my cock with every spasm of his orgasm. I stopped to give him a moment to catch his breath, and he pushed me on my back, and impaled himself on my cock again. My dick slid into him effortlessly, making a lewd fart sound as it entered his sloppy hole. He bounced up and down rapidly on me, cursing and screaming the whole time.

... And I though AGAIN... "This guy is a virgin?"

I looked down, and saw that my wide cock was all the way to the base inside of him, and he was grinding his ass against my pubes, as if he was trying to get even more of me inside of him.

"Owwwwwwwwwwww... it hurts, it fucking hurts!"

"Dude, slow down, then." I said.

"No, I want it all, I want all of it... I ungh! I ... owwwwww!"

Okay, have it your way.

I tried to rise up, and caused him to fall back, halfway hanging off of the foot of the bed. I kept my dick tightly inside of him, and hit the absolute bottom of his very being in deep strokes. His head was banging on the floor while I tried to fucking rip him a new ass. He took it screaming and crying. His was was now red, and streaked with tears.

"Oh, shit, it hurts, it hurts Xander. But don't STOP! DON'T!"

Dude was a fucking psycho hose-beast.

"Fuck me!" He screamed, beating on my chest with clenched fists, while I grabbed his waist and atomically blasted his hole with the hardest strokes I'd ever given ANYONE. By now, we were on the bedroom floor, sliding across the carpet, halfway into the bathroom. I swear to God, this boy took EVERYTHING that I could give.

Finally, I lost it. I pulled out of his ass, and came all over his chest and neck. As I came, he started slapping me across the face, HARD.


I looked at him, and slapped him HARD. I actually split his lip.

Fuck THAT. I was tired.

We both lay on the floor, a heaving mess of cum and sweat, and slobber, and now... blood.


We eventually ended up in the bed again. I was lying behind him, with my arm wrapped around him, and kissing his back. He grew stiff.

"Don't do that man." He said. " I told you that I'm not a fag."

I couldn't fucking believe this. I chose to ignore him, and reached down to rub his furry ass.

"I'm, serious, X. I'm not gay, so let's just stop, okay?"

He scooted away from my touch, and lay in my bed, shivering. I noticed that I was shivering also. We were both scared, and unsure of what had just happened.

"Kevin. That was outstanding, man. I want to do it again with you. I mean it."

" I want some ice cream." Was all that he said.

" I fucking MEAN it Kevin. I want to do this with you again!"

"Look, I need to go." He said. And started to get up.

"No!" I said, and held him. I knew it was coming. I was being dumpeed by a guy, yet again.

"No, Kevin. Don't do this!" I cried. I actually started to cry. He relaxed, and lay there in front of me. I rubbed his hair, and kissed the back of his neck. He would not face me.

"I'm not gay." He repeated. "I'm not gay." And he too started to cry softly.

I woke up some time later with him gone. The bed still smelled like his Tommy Hilfiger cologne. It happened again. I was alone.

The next day at work, Kevin did everything he could to avoid me. I didn't bother him, but I realized how stupid it was to fuck someone I worked with in such close quarters. The next few days after that, he called in sick, so I didn't see him. Then finally, he called me at home.

"Xander. I want you to fuck me."

"What kind of shit is that, Kevin? You expect for me to just fuck you whenever it's convenient, and then you act as if I don't exist after that?"

"I'm coming over to your apartment, and I expect to be fucked. I mean it." He said.

"I'm sorry, but no." I was proud of myself.

"Fine." He said. And hung up.

Two hours later, Sloane was at my door. That fucker called Sloane and told her EVERYTHING.

"Xander. I know what happened."


"I KNOW what you did with Kevin. Xander, I can't do this."

"But Sloane..."

" I won't tell anyone. I love you, Xander. I love your mom, I love your family. I won't hurt you. I just can't be with you anymore."

And that was it.

It seems to me that Sloane understood me more than I understood myself. And she never did tell anyone, just as she promised. We're still friends, but it just isn't the same. She doesn't have another boyfriend, and I never got another girlfriend. We never talked about just exactly what Kevin told her. We never talked about why we broke up, either.

As for Kevin, he couldn't take it, and he quit his job. I never found out exactly which apartment he lived in, but his friend Kelly told me that he now lives in another city. Michael even saw him at a gay bar.

And guess what? He has a boyfriend, now.

But you know... he's not gay. Not Kevin.

I bought a bottle of Tommy Hilfiger cologne. I know it's silly, but sometimes, I spray some on my bed, and remember that day. It smells just like he did. I often think what ever happened to him.

I wonder. Does he ever think of me?

Does he?

Next: Chapter 4

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