How It All Started

By Xander Giampaolo

Published on Aug 18, 2002


The following is a true account of sex between consenting men. No names have been changed to protect anyone, because no one here is an innocent. If you are not supposed to be reading this type of thing... ciao! Other than that... enjoy.

If you enjoy reading this, please feel free to drop me a line at my e-mail address: I really like to hear from you guys!

How It All Started, Part 4: Internet Hookup

"You have got to be shitting me, man... there's no fucking way!"

This was Joey's reaction when I told him that Sloane and I had broken up. You remember my good friend Joey, right? American Indian blood, male dancer, big muscles, and swinging dick o' death... yeah, him. We were in the gym, working out, because that's what we do. He had a genuine look of concern on his chiseled, sweat drenched face. He looked kinda tasty. I remembered the night that I shaved his ass...

"You guys are meant for each other! What happened?"

"Huh?" was all that I managed, totally unprepared to answer truthfully, having just been snatched from a fantasy flashback. I put on my best "I'm-glad-that-you're-concerned" face, and stopped thinking about his ass.

"We just..."

Well, I couldn't very well stand there and tell my best friend "Oh, I cheated on her with a dude in my office, and he got upset because I wouldn't fuck him again, so he told her all about it... oh, and I just thought about shaving your ass again." So... I lied.

"Man, we weren't going anywhere. I mean, we are still friends and all, but she wants different things than I do from the relationship. We're just headed in different directions."

Well, I guess that's not really a lie, now is it? She wants me to be true to her, and I want her to be a dude. Yeah, that's "wanting different things", I'd say.

He looked slightly baffled.

"But you two were just... I... man, I... shit, don't worry, you're just having a spat. You'll be back together again in no time."

Not wanting to have to explain any further, I simply agreed, and changed the subject.

"Yeah. You're probably right. I just need some space, you know? If I don't watch it, I'll end up married!"

We decided to leave the gym, and go out for a night on the town to celebrate my new "independence".

We ended up at a gay club again, because Joey said he'd "worked it before, and loved the music".

Sometimes I wondered... nah.

We walked in, and everyone there seemed to know Joey. He was getting hugs and the customary on-the-cheek kiss right and left.

"You're awfully... nice to these people, Joey... do you need to talk to me about anything?" I joked.

"These people are my bread and butter, man. There's no harm in being nice, is there?"

He was right, I guess. But I was hoping to find something to convince me that he was gay, so that I could have my way with him.

We went over to the bar, and the bartender immediately kissed him.

"Joe, good to see you!"

"Hi Daniel. This is my friend Xander. We hang out all the time. I'm just showing him the club. He's a big rave music fan, like I am!"

"Mmmm hmmm. It's always "the music" for you straight guys!" Daniel cackled, and offered his hand in welcome.

"I know you want a double shot of tequila to start off, right?"

"Ahhh, you know me all to well, Danny-Boy!" Joey said.

"Not as good as I WANT to know you, HELLO!" Daniel screamed.

Joey blushed, and said "Let's have the same for X, too. He just broke up with his girl, and we need to get him comfy."

"What we REALLY need to get him is a MAN. "Tuna" is so bland, and makes your breath smell bad. You need some MEAT in your diet, baby!" Daniel announced in my direction. "Your drinks are on me tonight!"

It was my turn to blush.

Well, after 2 double shots of tequila, 2 vodka martinis, 2 shots of Jagermeister, a Long Island Iced Tea, and something purple in a test tube, my world began to get a little fuzzy and warm.

Joey and I were on the dance floor, dancing like a couple of fools. I'd totally forgotten about my problems, and was feeling great. Joey out of the blue kissed me on my cheek. "What's that about?" I asked.

"I love you man. You're my best friend!" He said, and kissed me again... this time on the mouth. It seemed so natural, and I didn't fight it. Our tongues swirled around each other, and I felt the power of him closing around me as he held me close to him. He broke the kiss, and looked into my face to see what my reaction would be.


"Whoa, what?" He asked. "Is that a good whoa, or a bad whoa?"

"Just, whoa." I remember saying. He lifted off my shirt and tucked it into my back pocket. His hands were strong, and he cupped my ass as he did it.

"It's hot in here." He said, taking off his own shirt.

He kissed my chin this time really softly, and sucked on the goatee that I was growing. His teeth on the tiny hairs there sent little shivers all through my whole face. I leaned my head back and enjoyed the sensation. He began to suck on my neck and I felt his strong hands on my ass. I remember thinking... 'So is this how it feels?" I was always the dominant one in the sex that I'd had, but this time, Joey was clearly the Alpha in this equation.

We gyrated together on the dancefloor, and he slid down my now bare chest, licking the hot skin all the way down to my navel. He came back up with a HUGE smile, and danced close to me. I looked at his chest, and planted my mouth onto his nipple. I licked his chest all the way down, as he'd done to me, tasting his saltiness on my tongue and wanting more. His hips made slow circles, and I could see that he was hard in his pants. Right there on the floor, I placed my mouth over the tube outlined down his leg, and sucked through the cloth of his pants. I looked up to see what his reaction was, and he was looking down at me, grinning.

"Whore, whore, whorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!" I heard someone yell.

"Look at Mary, being quite the WHORE!"

I turned and looked to see Michael right behind me.

A huge, red, neon FUCK appeared before my eyes.

"Michael!" I said, flustered and surprised.

Michael simply looked at me with a sneer and said "Bruce, this is my co-worker Xander. Remember I told you about Xander? The one that asked about your flowers?"

Bruce looked at me and started to laugh. "See ya at work Monday, Xander." Michael said, and walked away.

"GOD DAMMIT, JOEY!" I screamed, and walked away, feeling stupid.

Joey followed me out to the patio, apologizing all the way.

"Look, I just wanted you to have fun, I just wanted..."

"Fuck all that!" I said. That guy that walked up to me while I was all over you works with me! I asked him last week about him being gay, and pissed him off. Do you realize what he's going to do to me come Monday?"

Joey fell quiet.

"Right. I'm fucked. Fucked because I was stupid and coming to this fucking gay place with you in the first fucking place. What is it with you, anyway? Kissing me and shit? Man, I ought..."

"Whoa, whoa, whooooooa, buddy, you were into it just as much as I was! Don't even try that shit with me! You knew what was going on, and you LIKED IT!"

That was the last straw. He'd put my feeling s out in the open, and I didn't like it. I took a swing at Joey, and cold-cocked him square in the face. He in turn took a swing at me, and missed. I went to grab him around the waist, and we both fell to the ground. In seconds, we were being pulled apart by bouncers, and being tossed out of the club.

"FUCK YOU!" Joey yelled. "You have some fucking DEEP issues you need to fucking deal with!" He walked away leaving me on the sidewalk.

I remember sitting down on the sidewalk and throwing up.

Then blackness.

I remember seeing a bouncer standing over me and saying "He's got to be moved from out front of here." I tried to get up and fell back down.


I remember riding in someone's car, and vomiting all over myself.


The next morning, I woke up in my own apartment, nude. I jumped out of bed, and spun around and hit the floor. I had no idea how I got there. I'd never drank until I passed out before, and I haven't since that day. I was scared shitless. My bedroom door opened, and I heard "Good morning." It was Michael.

"What happened, Michael?" I began to cry. I was so afraid.

"Calm down, X." He said. "You're okay. You're fine." He sat on the floor beside me and rubbed my head. I lay my head in his lap, and just cried.

Later, I found out that after I'd passed out, Michael and Bruce had followed us outside to see what was going on and came over to make sure that I was okay. I was passed out cold on the sidewalk in my own puke. Joey turned around after I went down, and they all stood there wondering if I was okay. The bouncers came out and offered to call the paramedics, but they said that they thought that I would be all right. The bouncers then told them that I would have to be taken away from club property. Joey showed Bruce where my car was, and had him to follow him back to my apartment. Michael loaded me up into his car with the help of Joey, and followed also to get me home safely. I threw up in Michael's car. Joey showed them where I lived, and decided that he should leave before I came around and wanted to fight again. Michael volunteered to stay with me, and Bruce went home to catch some sleep for work the next day. Michael slept on my couch.

I learned a lot about Michael that day, and he learned a lot about me, as well. I told him about my problems in dealing with my sexual situation, and he understood. That day, one of the best friendships I will ever have was established.

A few days later...

Michael decided that he wanted to "help" me be okay with my sexuality.

"Have you ever tried meeting guys on the Internet?"

"Oh, hell no!" I said. "I'm not desperate, Michael!"

"Well, I'm not either, but that's how I met Bruce. We've been dating for 4 months now. I really feel like I love him, you know? Maybe you can find somebody you like on the net."

After some thought, I decided to give it a try. Michael made an account for me on his computer, so that he could show me the ropes. I made a profile, and he released me into the wild world of AOL chatrooms.

After some rather boring conversation, and some obviously lying people, I grew weary of the idea, and just wanted to go home. Finally, a man started to send me Instant Messages that seemed like he had at least half-a-brain. He then sent me his picture. He was older than I am, he said that he was 37 years old, but I could see that he was in very good shape, and not bad looking, either. He was a teacher at one of the local colleges, and seemed to be a decent person. Michael had a web cam, and took a photo of me to send back to the dude. He said that he liked what he saw, and wanted to hook-up. He told me where to meet him, and what he would be driving. I told him what I was driving, and we set a time to meet that same night.

"Now wasn't that easy?" Michael purred. "You're on your way to meet your sugar-daddy!"

"Shouldn't I be afraid?" I asked. "I mean, what if he's a psycho?"

"Don't worry, I'm going to follow you in my car, and I'll see where you're going. We'll each have our cel-phones, and this will all be a cinch!"

I guessed that he'd done this before.

"I'm so excited!" He yelped.

Later that night...

I drove up to the store that we'd agreed upon, and looked for his car, a silver Range-Rover. I saw it parked in the last row, just like he'd said. I looked in my rear-view mirror to see Michael's car close behind. I parked beside the guy's car, and took a deep breath. I was "as scared as balls", as we say. I stepped out of the car, and into my new "gay life".

Dude stepped out of his car and came over to me with a big smile. I noticed right away that he's lost some hair since the picture was taken, and he was older than 37. Maybe even 47. Okay, maybe 43, but still.

"Hi, I'm Evan!" He said energetically. "You're HOT!"

"Thanks." I said dryly. "Umm. So now what?"

"Well, I live right around the block here, so you can jump in with me and leave your car here, or you can follow..."

"I'll follow in my own car, thanks." I said.

"Okay, great. Just right around the block, here..." He trailed off as I got into my car.

My cel-phone rang. "Oh, he looks good, right?" Michael said. "Very clean cut and mature..."

"You mean OLD?" I said.

"No... just mature! That's the kind that you want anyway. Not some teenaged jerk that doesn't know his way around a bed! Now see, Bruce is 13 years older than I am, and we just..."

"Click." I hung up the phone.

I followed Evan to his house. It was rather large, and very well kept. Nicely manicured lawn, in a very nice neighborhood. He opened the garage and signaled for me to drive in. The garage door shut behind me.

We walked inside, and immediately I was amazed at how immaculate his home was. He offered me a beer, which I declined for water instead, and we sat in his large, sterile living room and made small talk. I didn't really know what to do, and I was waiting on him to make the first move.

"So you're Catholic, are you?" I said, looking at the statues of different saints he had in various places throughout his almost museum-like home.

"Oh yes, yes I am. And you?"

"Yes, but not practicing." I said.

"Well, I think that religion is a very important part of life, Xander." He counseled. "Is there any particular reason that you are not practicing your faith?"

"No, no reason." I said. "But am I here to fuck, or get a lecture on God?"

I said that?

"Well, well." Evan said. " I can help you to see God in ways you hadn't thought of... but please don't cuss."

"Convince me."

Evan got onto his knees on his perfectly shined hardwood floor, and thrust his face into my crotch. He massaged my dick with both hands, and kissed my stomach through the clothing that I had on.

"Well, Hail Mary!" He said as he unzipped me.

I sat back in the chair and let him pretty much gargle with my cock and balls. His hot breath was flowing around my pubes, and he slobbered obscenely at my cock. He was very good at what he did.

"Yeah, suck it for me."

"You're magnificent!" He said. "Your big slab of meat... Your balls, ummm, so good." He slurped. His talented tongue danced over my cock, and caressed my sack ever so often. He sucked in about the first 5 inches of my cock, and stopped to make humming noises while I was still inside of his silky mouth. I decided to get more comfortable and stood up to take off my pants. He latched on to my dick and would not let it escape his mouth. My pants fell down around my ankles, and he pulled them down the rest of the way, as I stepped out of them. I grabbed the back of his head, and eased my entire piece into his waiting throat. He breathed out hard from his nose, and fumbled to get his own cock out and beat it frantically. I released the back of his head, and he slid his mouth off of me, leaving a thick glaze of saliva and mucous from his throat on my cock. He began slurping again on my meat, reclaiming his body's fluids. I grabbed the back of his head again, and stabbed him on to my shaft. He took it all like a champ.

Her reached up and began to twist my nipples hard, one at a time. I started thrusting my hips quickly, and he closed his eyes and hummed on my cock again.

I was about to cum, already.

"Ummm, I'm gonna shoot." I said dreamily.

"No, no... not yet...I want to eat your ... butt."

He quickly turned me around, and I kneeled up into the bug, cushiony chair. He immediately dove into my ass, and made it so wet and so hot. All I could do was lie my head down on the back of the chair and moan.

His tongue did corkscrews into my ass, and I felt him actually tasting my insides, his tongue was so deep into my hole. I loved it.

"God yes, eat my hole. Please don't stop. I'm gonna cum." I begged.

"Mmmmmmmmm" He moaned, sending waves through my entire being.

"Oh fucking God, Yes. Eat it out, Joey."


"I mean, ummm. Ummm." I was so awash with pleasure; I couldn't even remember his name. He laughed into my ass, and reached down to bend my cock back to suck it that way. The feeling was so intense. He grabbed my ass, and stuck a finger deep into me. Between the finger inside of me, and my cock being sucked deeply, I lost it.

"Yes, yes, yesssssssss." He swallowed everything that I had to offer. I almost passed out into the chair, and my whole body relaxed and slumped forward, causing my cock to slide out of his mouth. I felt as if I was flying on some sort of magical, sexual carpet, somewhere high above the world. I felt his kisses all the way up my back, and finally up to my ear. I could smell my musk on his warm breath as he whispered into my ear...


"Aaaaaaaaaaamen." Was my corny, breathless reply.

I turned around, and kissed his mostly bald head. The dude was okay in my book.

He led me into the bedroom, next. He lay me down on the plush sleigh-bed and began giving me a soft massage. I could feel my cock starting to rise again. There was a large floor to ceiling window in his bedroom. I looked over to it, and saw his neighbor's pool.

"Oh, don't worry. It's mirror tint. You can't see in here."

At that point, I didn't really give a fuck, but okay.

I felt so good. This man was worshiping me. Working on all of my muscles, and making me moan. He asked me to flip over onto my back, and I did... with my cock standing at attention.

"I want you to put that in me."

He slid up my belly, until he was face to face with me. His cock was large, and was hot on my skin. He grabbed the headboard, and scooted up until his dick was at my lips. I took him into my mouth and appreciatively sucked his cock. He was excited, and I could taste his pre-cum. Salty, but strangely arousing. His light colored pubes grazed my face, and my gag reflex began to take over. He backed out of my mouth, and reached behind to steady my cock as he began to sit on it.

"You have condoms?" I asked.


He continued to rub my rock hard cock over his winking bud. He spit into his hand, and rubbed it onto my tool. He began to force his way down again.

"Seriously, get a condom, man or I'm out."

"Oh, I am, I am." He said, attempting one final thrust downward on my cock. He hissed as he drew in air from the sharp pain that he'd caused himself. He walked out and went into another room. I lay on the bed, and looked out of the large window into the neighbor's yard. I wondered how many times I would see this same view from this elegant, well kept home. I lay there stroking my self, thinking, "Hey, this isn't bad at all."

Evan came back into the room with a neat little box of condoms and lube.

"Here you go, sir."

"Why thank you."

I picked out a condom from his little "pleasure chest", and donned the tight polyurethane sheath. He kneeled over me, and massaged lubrication into his hole. I moved my hand away, and he immediately hopped on, and began descending down my pole. He moaned deeply and closed his eyes and was flush with my pubes in no time.

"That's just what I needed." He sighed.

He began slowly coming up, and then dropping down again, grinding his ass against my pubic bone is slow, delicious circular rhythms.

"Whoa. I can't take this baby too fast. You have such a fat penis!"


"You like my cock?"

"Oh yes, I love the way your penis fills me up, ohhhhhhhhh."

I decided to let him call it whatever he wanted. My cock was buried in his fucking ass, and I fucking liked the way it fucking felt. So fuck.

He began a slow gallop on me, and opened his arms out and began to sing...

"Onward Christian soldiers... marching off to war!"

I swear to God, he began to sing church songs as I fucked him.

My magic carpet had taken a wicked turn into the Twilight Zone.

He can't be serious. He just can't be, right? I looked into his upturned face, and oh yeah, Dude was serious.

I lay there trying not to laugh hysterically, but ended up giggling, anyway. When he got to Ave Maria, I lost it. He seemed to think that I was laughing at his singing, but no, actually I was just laughing at HIM.

Here I was, having anal sex with a man that was singing the praises of Jesus and Mary as well. I was in tears at this point.

He looked concerned.

"Is something funny?"

"This is a bit too fucking surreal for me... check, please!" I called into the air.

"You know, you have such a filthy mouth for such a young man!" he scorned.

"Well you have such a fuc... umm, screwed up mind for such an old man!" I replied.

"I am NOT an old man!" he said loudly.

"Dude, you so missed the whole point, just then." I said.

He looked puzzled as I pushed him aside, and began to look for my clothing.

"Look, come here. I don't want you to go yet... please."

"I don't know what it is with you, but this is just strange to me. I told you that this is my first time hooking up over the net like this, and you go all weird on me. I'm not ready for all of this!"

He grabbed my hand, and looked me straight in the face. I looked at him and saw that he was seriously troubled by the fact that I wanted to leave.

"Is it because I won't use nasty language?"

"No... I just. I think that I'd better go now."

He stood up and kissed me on the chest. It was a sincere, soft kiss, right in the center of my chest. His head lay up against me as if to say "please". I reached down and cupped his soft ass in my hands. He moaned, and then pushed away from me. He bent over the bed, and spread his cheeks open wide. He buried his head into the blankets and just waited for me.

Well, okay.

I reached over into his little ornate box again and grabbed another condom. He just stayed bent there, rubbing his parted cheeks with his hands. I walked up behind him, and placed the head of my cock at his opening. He immediately jumped onto the bed on all fours, and put his head down again to give me better leverage to solidly fuck his hole. I plunged in deep, and he remained still, and absorbed the fucking that I was throwing at him. I still had on my socks, and began to slide on his perfectly polished floor. I slammed my dick all the way into him and just held on as I dropped my full body weight onto him. We both came crashing down onto the bed...

And the top of the bed came crashing down onto the floor.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh no, no, no, no, nooooooooooooo!" He screamed, and quickly uncoupled himself from me. The shriek of ages escaped his lips as if he'd just learned that his soul was damned for eternity.


The headboard of his precious sleigh bed was now leaning into the center of the bed.

"It's not broken, the headboard just came loose!" I said.

"Do you know how much I PAID for this bed?"

"Try asking me do I CARE how much."

"Ugh, you know what? Let's just jerk off before something else gets broken." He said.

I started to collect my various pieces of clothing.

"You go ahead. I'm the fuck OUT of here."

"Oh so now you have an attitude?" He asked. "You're the one that broke MY bed! I should have the attitude!"

I went into his shiny, spotless bathroom and finished getting dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror, and wondered what the hell was I doing there. I threw some water on my face, and grabbed one of his perfectly folded sparkling white towels from the nice armoire that he had in his bathroom. I threw the towel on the floor, just because I knew he'd have a fit when he saw it.

I opened the door, and began to walk out. He'd written his telephone number on a piece of paper, and handed it to me.

"Just... if you want to... again."

He showed me out to the garage, and stood inside nude looking so sad as I drove off.

I immediately called Michael. "Was it good, was it good? I want details!" He said.

I almost started to tell him what a joke the whole thing was, but instead I just said...

"Yeah. That was good. That was really good. Good in a freaky kind of way good."

I looked at Evan's phone number on the slip of paper, and threw it out of the window as I drove home.

I later told Michael the whole story, and he nearly passed out from laughter.

"We'll just have to try again." He quipped.

"No, I think I'm done with the Internet hook-up thing. I tried it, and it's not for me."

"Well, I guess that it's not for everybody. I, on the other hand am signing on to find the flavor of the day!"

"Well what about Bruce?" I asked.

"What about him? We're fighting!"

I walked out of his apartment to leave him to his chore.

A month or so later, I saw Evan at Jason's Deli with a young guy sitting at his table. He immediately excused himself, and walked over to me.

"Hey, you. I remember you, you broke my bed!"

"Hey, you!" I said in mock surprise.

"You know, you can call me whenever you'd like." He said.

"I know." I replied. "I just haven't gotten that desperate yet."


He turned and walked back to his young friend, and continued their conversation.

I know that it was mean of me to snub him off the way that I did, but actually, it felt good to be the one on the "pushing away" end of things this time. I smiled to myself and ordered the pastrami and roast beef on rye, extra onions. You know, I think I'm learning how to play this game. Heck, I may even be winning.


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