Impossible Love

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 8, 2022


Impossible love 108


I noticed Lukas had his swim shorts on and the bubs and boys are going nudo once again. We set the wine bottle up by the pool and watched, Iris wanted a better look at her boys. Gianni bobbed Luca up and down as he screamed for more and Carlos held little Gianni, Leon had Antonio.


"Yes!" they all screamed. Gianni pushed the button and the bubbles appeared from the jets. Leon kept placing Antonio on the jet and he screamed with glee each time, then the others wanted a go.

The kids Maxie and Tommaso joined them much to Iris's joy, but they kept their shorts on much to my disappointment.

When I get the chance I will tell them their apartment just went up to seven big ones according to Iris, which should make their day. I had bought the timer out with me and had lit the oven, I think we will be eating outside again tonight, God I love this life.

After three wines I decided to go in and thought I would join in on the fun so I dropped everything and flashed Iris, something I try not to do too often and she did blush.

A surprise visit from Alice, Federico, Angelo, and Bella put a stop to our sexually charged swim, although the others didn't mind I thought Bella would get embarrassed, so I asked Iris to throw my shorts in.

"Forget it, I have seen worse in my lifetime," Alice said.

"I know, this is for Bella."

"No don't do that Antonio I'm cool, Angelo, get them off and get in the pool."

"There's no way I am getting in that pool with that lot, sorry it's the way I am."

We all moaned and when Leon and Carlos jumped out Angelo was tossed in clothes and all.

It was good to see Federico he hasn't been around much in the past couple of weeks. He looked exhausted, maybe a little grey around the gills. Gianni said he had been busy with the new shop but though he may retire soon he thinks it's all getting too much for him. I had wondered if the boys would take over the shop if he does retire.

The timer went off and I got out and dried myself, Angelo helped me set up the food and the babies were almost dressed and waiting for their mashed up pasta, whoever held them fed them. Maxie and Tommaso had two Gianni had the other, Leon and Iris poured the drinks as we sat at our big table to eat.

Angelo had changed into shorts and top after he dried himself, I had given him some because I didn't want him sitting around in wet clothes, or god forbid naked. I leaned over to Bella and said.

"When you are sorted out, I will give you your very own key and when we aren't at home maybe you might like a swim." She thanked me and winked.

"Don't forget, for that key I want photos." She laughed herself silly then said.

"Only for your eyes Antonio."

The food was delicious and Lukas was offering cupcakes and ice cream for dessert tonight.

After we had eaten I thought it was now or never, so I said.

"I bought an apartment today." Gianni stared at me.

"Conner gave me a good deal on Brents apartments, so I bought one."

"Did you Antonio?" Maxie asked.

"Yes and I think Iris and I will buy one of the others for our winery business." I winked at her.

"You didn't ask me, Antonio." Gianni moaned.

"You and I went halves, my husband."

"Will that be cash?"

"Cash is always nice baby." He kissed me, and there goes another investment. I don't mind with Gianni owning half, he holds my heart and he does it so well.

"What have you decided to do with the money you have to get rid of baby?" I looked at Angelo.

"I am in talks with grandad."

"Maybe I should too." I smiled.

"You leave my grandad alone Antonio, one day I will be buying all his properties off him and he's been told never to sell before he speaks to me." Angelo was priceless, I smiled at him and Bella, she said.

"What he said." And pointed to him.

"Grandad then, we talk to my grandfather," I smirked at Angelo.

"That's better." He smirked back.

"Don't forget Lukas." We heard.

"What was that baby?'

"Do not forget me, daddy, I have sum money."

"Yes you do baby, but nona is looking for investments for you."

"Oh, I forgets, thank you daddy."

I had the chance to talk to Iris when everyone was cleaning up.

"You kept that one to yourself, Antonio."

"I made an instant decision, Go ship will lease it and I think it's a pretty good deal, I also got a big discount."

"Okay we take another one for the winery, I am happy with that, well done."

I sent a message to Brent. 'We will take two.' a thumbs-up was returned to me and a wink.

Later in bed, I was talking to Gianni, I was concerned for Lukas.

"It won't hurt to include him, Gianni. I don't know if kids can be investors. Maybe we talk to grandad."

"Yes Antonio, but we can't do that without including the others and they are all already on the Cartasso books."

"How much does Lukas have anyway?" He asked.

"I don't know baby, we better have a look."

And that's what we did before we went to sleep, grans bag of money was still sitting there and when I shoved it out of the way I grabbed Lukas's

envelopes and started counting.

"He has just over two thousand dollars in here Gianni." That doesn't surprise me because his uncles also pass him envelopes quite often, they upset him once, they won't do that again.

"That is just enough for a property." He grinned.

"It sure is." I giggled.

We made love in the best possible way, every attempt I made to get at him was foiled, he was only interested in oral tonight and I thoroughly enjoyed our intimate session.

In the morning I was woken by banging in the kitchen, gran was here. I dressed and walked out to greet her and grandad who was readying the babies. I poured my coffee and sat at the table, grandad placed two babies on the soda and gran gave him some food to feed them. The other moaned so I went to get him up, Lukas was still sound asleep, I kissed him and then went to feed little Gianni. I talked to grandad about the flats and was surprised he agreed with me, he also said he was very proud of me

"Now something really important grandad, Lukas."

"What is wrong with Lukas?"

"He has asked me twice about investing his money, but I wanted him to bank it."

"I see."

"Last night he was listening to me and Gianni's conversation and told us not to forget him. I don't think he understands what is going on it's just that he has some money put aside. To him, it's a million dollars, but I think the banks are the only way to go. "

"You leave my great-grandson alone Antonio, we have a business together, and he knows his gran is good at that." Gran had walked over, her hearing is uncanny.

"What do you have in mind gran?"

"Mind your own business Antonio, and I will mind mine." She huffed, I looked sideways at grandad he smiled.

"She's back." I got a sharp slap from her.

Gianni walked out just as Lukas did, he swept him up and started the fart kissing, poor Lukas was giggling so much his brothers attacked their papa until he fell on the floor, then they were all over him. I got more coffee and stood next to gran.

"What do I tell him, because he is asking questions?" She looked me up and down and answered.

"I do not want this broadcasted up and down High street Antonio. But I have an idea in mind, and you may help a little."

"Okay, let me have it."

"I want you to open a bank account for Lukas, his money can be deposited in it along with my bag of money, then I will place our food company's profit money in it also, then we wait and see. I will speak of it to him if you do not mind"

"But that's your money gran, you cant do that."

"Do not tell this old grandmother what she can do and what she cannot do.

I want to teach him the value of investing my way. Eventually, I will sell him an apartment in my building and will do the same for the other boys when their time comes. He will be collecting rent and that should offset his payments, if not I will give him another wage rise." She almost grinned.

I stood and stared at her for some time, I don't know this woman at all.

"Do not look at me like that Antonio, I do business my way you do it your way, if we do it through his bank account he will not be paying any tax being an underage bambino."

I told her I will leave it up to her, she agreed with me the started putting our breakfasts on the table, just as Maxie and Tommaso walked in.

"You both need to have your apartment valued Tommaso, according to Iris and now Alice it will be worth a mil in six months."

"What, it can't be worth that much?"

"So start looking for another property as soon as you can."

"I suppose we had better get a valuation then."

"Have some foresight, the property industry is going berserk at the moment, and haven't you noticed all the new building going on, things are moving fast around here."

"Then your shops will be worth a lot to Antonio?"

"Plenty thanks to grandad and Stavros." I heard grandad snort, he had sold too early but I am sure it was all for my benefit, in the end.

"Cool, we heard from James also, he said that the orders from the parent company are only temporary he is looking for a new property to move his operations to. His parents are going to help him with that."

"Not Matteo?"

"He said Matteo will do his vines he has no ambition to do any more than that at the moment."

"It's a shame really, I thought they were well suited."

"It's a one-sided affair Antonio, they never work out apparently." Gianni stepped into the conversation.

I couldn't do anything about it they had to work it out themselves, sadly I have to let them go and if Gianni wants a relationship with Matteo he can call him anytime. Iris was up and at it by the time the boys came out, they had slept in their room last night I have the sneaky suspicion they spent half of it in the pool.

After eating I went to find Lukas some clothes, he's got kindy today so he must look smart for his friends.

He came in while I picked out his underwear and jumped on the bed waiting for me to start.

"So I spoke to nona and she is going to look after your money son, she may talk to you about it tomorrow when you go to work."

"That's okay daddy, I have lots of money."

"You do have a lot and there will be more to come, it's a little early for you to be investing anyway enjoy yourself."

"Not what Nono says, he says I must get into the property as soon as I can."

"Well he is right then, you talk to nona about it and papa and dad can help."

"Okay." He jumped off the bed and I looked him over, the boys will make sure his hair is just right, he likes them to do it.

He sat at the table while they fussed over him and that smile was as large as the Atlantic ocean.

"Are you dropping him off gran or will we?"

"We will do it, Antonio. I can start on the beds before we go."

"Leave them I can do them when I get home."

"Such nonsense you talk."

Okay, you do them then, I said to myself.

"Whose up for the Italian club on Saturday night? They all said yes so I will pass the word around, I believe it's all finished now and I was wanting to see it.

I had a call from Sabine, she will be home soon and had everything in place for the chateau, she was saying that it wasn't as bad as it looked after having the engineer go over it. I told her we had to have a company meeting when she returned and gave her a broad idea of what Conner had said about the airline. She didn't answer me except to say she will think about it, but it was a good idea or so I thought.

"If you are finished with your businesses Antonio, I think we had better go to work pronto." I looked at my watch and said.

"Get the keys." I kissed my Lukas goodbye and my grandparents and took myself down to the car with two kids in my arms. The boys were moaning about how tired they were and Iris grabbed a ride with us, no walking today Alice is doing something with Federico.

"Why do you keep me up so late Leon, I am so tired today."

"Because we were swimming my love, I heard no complaints."

Carlos laughed.

"Nudo?" Iris inquired.

"Yes our Iris, and because you went to bed early we didn't want to disturb you to invite you to our swim."

"I will stay awake tonight then, with my phone in hand."

"Good, because my Carlos is going to bed early tonight, he is tired."

I heard Iris groan, give it up Iris you will never win.

I did my chores and made sure the florist shop was covered because Alice wasn't there, it was all good so then I broke up boxes, made cheese platters, then I made myself a coffee. Stavros had arrived and was set up for the day I waved and he came over.

"Antonio, I am hoping my Angelo will buy most of my properties off me before I die. My ego will not let me give them away, but I want him to have the most important ones."

"How the hell do you know we had words last night, did he ring you?"

"No, your grandfather did."

He ordered coffee and sat for a minute.

"I have many grandchildren as you know Antonio, my son has four children and my other daughter has three, but as you know Angelo is my favorite. Mainly because I bought him up and we bonded more than the other children. I do not want to split everything up between them, although they will get some, my Angelo will get the bulk. Maybe they will hate me, maybe they will understand, I hardly see them anyway."

"Then he had better start buying them then." I smiled and I understood Stavros, he is playing favorites but he is also not only Angelo's grandfather he was his father also.

"The properties I own with your grandfather will be split between you and him also your Nono will see to that before he passes."

"Let's hope it will be a long time before that happens then."

"I do also Antonio, I am just giving you a heads up that if you want to do business it will have to be with your nono, shared property is okay for you to make an offer."

"I expected that Stavros, and anyway I am not looking for anything else at the moment."

"Not even two in Alice's apartment building?"

"Shared or stand-alone?"

"Shared Antonio, only Angelo's was mine alone" I breathed a sigh of relief, thanked him then walked back to my spot.

"Shared with your grandmother." He shouted out. I spilled my coffee and it went all over my legs.

"Fuck." I screamed.

"Antonio, I asked you if you had finished your business this morning and you said yes." Gianni is back.

"I have now, I am done with business, and I am DONE WITH YOU BLOODY LOT," I yelled so Stavros could hear me, and yes they all laughed.

Another coffee was ordered and Gianni sat and held my hand, if he calls me dear, I will scream the place down.

"So tell me, bring me up to date Antonio." I stared at him for a moment then I said.

"We bought the flat at Brents, Iris and I are buying one also for the winery business and he also has asked if the Cartasso would like to invest in his new airline. So, we have to have a company meeting when Sabine comes back."

"And that is all?"

"Yes Gianni, that is all, and now we are up to date."

"Not quite Antonio, while you have been doing business I have also been doing some of my very own." He grinned.

"What? you haven't left my side, what business do you have?"

"I have bought the last East Melbourne apartment as a gift for my lover, and I have spoken to both Federico and Sabine about the airline, If you want to invest we agree, but the Cartasso would much rather not, but we will have a meeting."


"Because it is a lot of money and we do not think it will be viable to invest in big businesses at this stage, there are too many airlines out there, I will tell Conner and Brent to keep it as cargo for the time being, just my very own opinion Antonio."

"And you don't see a profit in it?"

"No Antonio, I feel the climate isn't right."

"Okay, I trust you."

"Thank you Antonio another coffee, my love?"

"Yes please." I smiled.

I sat and watched him for a minute then it dawned on me.

"WHAT LOVER?" I sang out, he almost bent over laughing, Stavros and his crew also started giggling, again.

Maybe he means me, I cant tell nowadays with so many lovers hanging around the place.

He came back and handed me my coffee and we will share a cake.

"So where is Alice today?" He stirred his cup.

"I do not know Antonio, she and Federico have an appointment to keep, our brothers are looking after the shop."

"Do you think he will retire?"

"Yes, Antonio I think that very much." Now, what isn't he telling me?

"This appointment, is it with Dr. Mike?"

"Yes Antonio, a check-up I think."

I sat and mulled over his comment and when I get time I will go over to the Cartasso shop and get the answers out of Carlos.

I played with the kids for a while then made my way over an hour later, Gianni and Iris were busy so they didn't notice I had slipped off.

I found them up to their necks in cleaning. They had rags in their hands and were dusting every bottle in the shop.

"What's happening, why the cleaning frenzy?"

"Uncle Federico doesn't like dusting Antonio, so we are giving him a hand."

"Good boys, is business brisk?"

"Yes Antonio, we are selling much wine, more than Gianni," Leon smirked. Obviously, by the lack of customers in the shop they aren't selling much at all.

I had an idea in the back of my head and will have a look later.

"So where are he and Alice today?"

"They have business at the bank Antonio, why are you asking all difficult questions?"

"Because I can, so they are at the bank, not the doctors?"

"Yes Antonio at the bank like we say, so there,"

I smiled and left saying hello to Remo on the way past, as per usual he had a big grin on his face and was busy. He couldn't stop to talk his customers were three deep.

The ladies on the fruit and veggie stall were disappointed the babies weren't with me and I assured them we would be at the Italian club Saturday night. They thanked me again for letting them do the renovations and I told them I was eager to see it all in place.

Back at the cafe, I was confronted with three screaming babies, they had wandered out and were not happy, they had to be rounded up and taken back, I looked at Gianni and he nodded.

"Come on you lot, get on your bikes."

They screamed and a full-on trio tantrum was avoided. We followed them after we had a few words about safety, two made car noises and one was very quiet he was enjoying the scenery. The ladies converged on them so they were in the spotlight once again and enjoying every second of it.

"They will break hearts, Gianni."

"Yes, they will Antonio, just like their poppa."

"Whose heart did you break?"

"No one, but I could have maybe."

"I see, so Federico is at the bank today not the doctors?"

"Both Antonio." He walked off because little Gianni needed his help to turn his trike around. It took us a while and a lot of apologizing to the market customers but they eventually settled in for some warm milk and a baby chat.

I cleaned up some tables and went out the back. I got onto Gianni's Cartasso site and logged into the accounts, the sales were huge but the Cartasso shops were very poor, why don't I know these things, I am on the board after all. I looked at the bulk sales they were more than excellent.

"Don't you be making anything out of it Antonio, I know what you are looking at."

"What am I, Gianni?"

"What do you mean Antonio?"

"What am I, am I a member of the family, a director in the business, or someone that is only told what he's only allowed to be told."

"I do not know what you mean, but yes you are a director Antonio, you attend meetings and you contribute much to our business, very much."

"So why do I not know the Cartasso shop is failing miserably?"

"Because it is unimportant stuff, Antonio."

"I see." I opened a bottle and poured myself and Iris a drink but he didn't get offered one. He stood there like he was stunned but I also got a slightly panicked look from him.

"We do not want you to know Antonio, can I have a drink also maybe?'

"Sorry Gianni of course you can, know what?" I felt foolish for not including him, he took a drink and lingered for a minute, he was fighting inside I could tell.

"Uncle Federico is very sick, he has not been well for ages now, and the shop is suffering. We do not care about the shop it is unimportant, but he insisted he go in every day because it helps to get his mind off things." My eyes welled up.

"Is he dying?"Gianni dropped his head then shook it.

"Yes, Antonio." My stomach fell and that brick was back as I fell into his arms and cried my eyes out, I wasn't prepared for that honest answer. I will get mad at them and Alice later on, but for now I wanted Gianni to hold me and by the way he is shaking, he needed hugs also.

Another sad day for us and I won't get into it until I settle down a bit, Iris came in and she looked at us and said.

"You told him?" Gianni shook his head again and I said to Gianni.

"You were protecting me weren't you?"

He nodded once more yes.

"Thank you."

I pulled away and skulled my drink then I poured another one, he sat and looked me in the eyes and said.

"I was going to tell you after these results come in, please sit with me, my love." I sat again and he continued.

"He didn't want anyone to know, but my brothers found out off mama in Italy, she told us not to upset your holiday and she will tell you when she gets back. You have no idea what I have been through, but I must respect uncle Federicos wishes and mama's."

"Luca loved him," I said.

"I know, he and Luca were very much best friends, when Luca was feeling low it was uncle Federico that would take him for a long drive in the country and they would talk about everything. He trusted his uncle very much."

"How long?"

"Weeks a month but soon Antonio, it is aggressive and he will go into the hospital when he cannot stand the pain anymore, but for now he wants everything and everyone to be normal."

"Poor Alice." I moaned.

"She is strong Antonio, she sits with him at night and they talk, just like he did with our Luca."

I moved sideways and started again, he eventually let the tears flow and we Italians had a good cry for our uncle Federico and my friend Alice.

Iris went back into the shop and closed the door behind her she left us alone for the next half hour.

"Come on I will take us home." He whispered.

"But the shop."

"Does not matter Antonio, let us go home and be with our babies."

We did just that, we collected our little family and headed for home.

They were excited to have the pool to themselves and Gianni and I supervised, bubbles were produced along with wines and we sat in the shallow end just holding each other. I couldn't say anything the shock was still with me and Gianni had told me the important stuff.

"We will close the shop when it is all over Antonio."

"Maybe you should think more on it Gianni."

"I am thinking ahead Antonio, because I do not want to deal with the present."

"I know what you mean, and Gianni?"

"Yes my love?"

"Let us celebrate his life not get sad, I think maybe only happy people around him and lots of Italian laughter he would like that."

"Yes Antonio, he would love that I am very sure. He always said you are the best thing to happen to our family, he loves you very much." That started me off again.

I had rung gran and she said she will drop Lukas off, she did ask what the matter was but I said I would tell her later.

Two handsome men came around the corner, they stripped off and jumped in the pool, the babies were screaming and very happy because now they can go in the deep end with their uncles. I watched them play with my men and thought to myself how lucky I was to be included in this wonderful family.

Carlos sat on the lip and he hugged me with Luca in his arms.

"Do not be sad Antonio, your smile and joking are what is getting us through a lot of problems in our lives."

"I will try not to my Carlos, is Leon okay?"

"Not so much our Antonio, he takes his time to adjust to this problem. But I help him, he will be okay."

"You are a good man Carlos." And I meant it.

"Thank you Antonio, that does mean a lot to me, I like you to be my brother every day." He kissed me and then Luca had to have one also, he did us several times then I started giggling along with Carlos and a very happy baby. I knew what Carlos had meant, with so much tragedy surrounding this family I guess I am the bright spark, having only lived through Luca's death the rest doesn't touch me as much as them.

I got out and dried myself, my number one son will be here soon and I have to go see what I have in the fridge for dinner. I could hear them laughing from the kitchen, and from nowhere I felt this powerful surge of energy, a feeling I cannot describe, but it relieved my sorrow and replaced it with a sort of excitement. I felt I shouldn't feel this way, but it persisted and I wasn't so heavy anymore I was going into an organized state. I was organized.

I grabbed food and bread then made up a big salad, I was hanging out for one then I went back to greet my son who had arrived in the meantime.

Gran and grandad were sitting with Gianni she had her handkerchief out and was crying, I leaned over and hugged her from behind then I whispered in her ear.

"Everything is going to be alright gran, leave it to me." She patted my hand and said.

"I can always rely on you, my beautiful boy." That was enough for me and I knew I had to be the strong one and not fall into that abyss with the others, for their sake.

He lasted another four and a bit weeks and at every opportunity, I would stop friends and family from dwelling on the sad ending to Federico's life. I had them all celebrating and no one hid in corners to cry, not on my watch they didn't. Many a glass of vino was raised in his honor and many stories were told. The boys slept with us every night and I tried to make their lives as normal as possible, barking at Leon got him motivated and he had canceled the serial opening because he said he didn't feel funny. Of course I wasn't going to let that happen and the serial was put to air with great fanfare. The emails and letters poured in after that show, we had the school team going through them to gauge the reactions. No one guessed the ending because they had made a list of entries and it wasn't mentioned when I looked.

Throughout this time I held my brothers every night and as they all cried I had to be strong. I thought about Luca a lot and imagined this is what it would have been like before he passed, so I held kissed and rubbed backs to eventually calm them down enough so they could sleep. I didn't mind these were my brothers and family.

When Sabine arrived back home along with Gino and Anna we spoke of his health issues then I made them put it aside. I wasn't so worried about Alice she has been through this before, and I had many private talks with her, and she and I had sat many many nights beside the pool drinking vino while Federico rested. The last two weeks she looked exhausted and I banned her from the shop, she was to stay home and rest, by this time Federico had been admitted to palliative care.

The Cartasso shop was closed because the boys were afraid to go into it, Carlos said that Leon was scared of ghosts so he had closed it three weeks before Federico went to sleep, we started selling the Cartasso brand again. Remo was a surprise, he asked every day about Federico his genuine concern touched our hearts. Because their shops were next to each other they had become firm friends and yes he had also wept for his friend, I tried to help him more because I knew the trauma he went through with his own mum's death.

He didn't want the usual Cartasso fanfare funeral and he had left it all up to me, all he told me was he wanted a simple, happy celebration.

I told him I could do something simple but the celebration would be difficult.

He replied.

"Then open twenty boxes of wine Antonio, they will join in, they cannot help themselves that lot." he laughed.

"I will miss you, uncle."

"I will miss you also Antonio, but let's not go there, we have a game to finish."

He dealt more cards and I poured us both a vino, this was one night of many, I let Alice rest and sat with him through the night. I did get told off by Gianni many times, but under his stern words he understood, and they all tried to sit with him but their grief had dulled the silliness in their lives, at least Uncle Federico laughed with me by his side.

The news overshadowed Gino and Anna's holiday stories but I wouldn't let them give up. I asked about everything until their spirits lifted then I got into Sabine's ear about the chateau. She was slow to start with, but when I had her going she was smiling at least. Everyone made sure Alice was comfortable and Iris got her drunk several times which almost always ended in tears for both women. While all this was happening around me it was gran that would pull me aside and we would have a quiet time to ourselves both crying in secret, I will always treasure those moments with her.

I was run ragged and it didn't go unnoticed, but it wasn't about me it was about Federico and his last weeks, I will not fail him and I won't give up trying to lift everyone's spirit's when they felt down.

We all went to Conners opening night and it was a wonderful distraction, so many celebrities so many gorgeous people were there, even the premier of our state was invited to join in. The boys and Iris did their numbers to roaring applause, they were very successful on the night and I watched Leon jibe Conner constantly throughout the following weeks.

I spoke to Brent several times, he urged me to keep going and he also said he would be here for me when I finally crash. On several occasions, Gianni would lead me out to the pool area and sob his gorgeous heart out away from everyone. I didn't falter and I didn't cry in front of them, but with gran, it was a different story.

We celebrated Federicos life with just family and friends at the Italian club, some speeches and songs were on offer, he had been cremated and will be sent back to the Cartasso winery where his life had begun. Tinker will inter him in the family gravesite, he wanted no pomp and ceremony at all, just the winey staff and he requested to be close to our Luca. Conner sang some beautiful numbers and everyone hung onto his every lyric. I was prepared for the night and Federico had helped me write some of it, we made it fun and I told many stories that he had related to me in the quiet hours, to put it bluntly, I was laying them in the aisles. I think in the end Federico was as excited as I was, and a renewed confidence had joined us while we joked and laughed, while I wrote it all down.

The night was filmed live to all his friends in Italy and when Alice stood up to say something, she passed her speech to me to read for her, she wasn't up to it. As I read I couldn't help feeling I was intruding on her private thoughts, but she did well and there wasn't anything in the speech that I didn't already know, she is a strong woman and will bounce back.

She had ended it with a plea for normality, everyone is not to treat her as different than she was two months ago, no crying around her and no feel-good memory stories, just happy faces.

The night was good for everyone and there was an air of relief for the ending of Federico's suffering, and we were now celebrating his life to the max as per his instructions.

Of course, there is no show without Punch, the boys and Iris did their thing and it was a great surprise to see gran had joined them, with a big serving spoon in hand she tapped on a table to the beat while Alice did her funny little dance.

"Such nonsense Antonio, but the pay is very good." She winked.

"God I love you." I hugged her.

Next: Chapter 109

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