Impossible Love

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 4, 2022


Impossible Love 75


That night the boys had Gianni in a suit and tie, they had preened and plucked him to the max and took many photos, they uploaded them to Iris's talk show site. The last interview has reached seven million clicks on the replay, and tonight is his second one, Iris once again had given him a list of questions and the boys ran through it with him, he got the answers word perfect, and she had allowed him five minutes to talk about his babies, but he must stick to talking about wines, after all, it is a wine show.

He left with the boys in hand, and Tommaso put the computer onto the station, we sat there and our jaws dropped. The boys had uploaded many photos of Iris and Gianni with the babies and a few or ten of me. In fact, all our friends got a good viewing. Iris's page had received a facelift, why can't I hear her screaming? I had messaged gran and Brent to have a listen in so just about everyone in town was in front of their computers.

"It's hit two million Antonio, two million listeners have logged in," Maxie yelled.

The babies were crawling around on the floor and Lukas sat quietly on my knees, he was just as excited as me to hear his daddy on the radio.

The announcer introduced Iris and welcomed her listeners to Talking wines with Iris Wilson.

"Good evening listeners this is Iris Wilson and we are talking wines. I hope you are all keeping well and warm, we have a lot to talk about tonight, I have Gianni Cartasso here in the studio with me again and a good evening to you Gianni."

"Good evening our Iris, how are you keeping this week?"

"I am very well Gianni, now I heard you might be making another sparkling wine for your range is this true?"

Gianni started laughing deeply, he sounded so manly.

"You know that's true Iris why do you ask me that, we talked about it yesterday have you forgotten?"

"Yes well, I know of course, but the listeners don't Gianni, they don't know you may make it."

"Oh okay we play the games then, and yes I am making a sparkly wine for my range Iris, it is going to be beautiful, as you already know."

"No No No, cut!" I heard Leon yell.

"What is the matter, my brother?"

"Stop it boys not on the airways, wait for a break." Poor Iris is she in for it tonight.

"Our Iris we cannot allow Gianni to go on any further, we have to place some powder on his forehead there is a shiny spot."

"This is radio, not television, nobody can see his forehead."

"No need for you to be so unprofessional Iris, we can see Gianni's forehead and it is very much annoying us."

"My god, I do apologize to my listeners, I have Gianni Cartasso in the studio with his two brothers, who are here to help him apparently, Leon and Carlos say something to our listeners."

"Hi Antonio, hi mama, and our wonderful nona who has been very sick, hello nona we love you very much," Carlos said, I could almost see him waving into the mike.

"Am I not shiny now?"

"Yes Gianni, you may speak to Iris's public again."

"Hello Iris's public did you see my babies on the wine page, they are so adorable are they not, they are beginning to crawl now all over the apartment, it is hard to keep up with them at their age, this old man is a chasing them all day every day." He laughed.

"Four million listeners Antonio," Maxie yelled. I was laughing my head off the boys have totally hijacked Iris's show.

"Stop it, Stop it, we are here to talk about wines you can talk about your babies later. Gianni Cartasso are you making more sparkling wines?" That's it Iris be firm with them.

"Yes our Iris as you well know, once again, this is not much of a wine show our Iris, you only want to talk about one wine when there are millions of wines out there. The babies are listening to you also, so do not shout otherwise I will get my brothers to spank you."

The radio went dead silent.

"Iris, Iris are you okay?" Carlos said.

"You're not a rat's ass of a winemaker Gianni Cartasso, your dumb-headed brothers couldn't spank a fat heffer's ass, let alone mine, so don't insult me and my listeners." Iris had blown a gasket and it was on for young and old.

"Iris do not use such words in front of my families please, you are so very common, and I will shut up now, no more talking from me." I heard Gianni yelp and the boys started crying, it was their sympathy cries.

"Iris why did you beat our Gianni up, look he's now got a bump on his beautiful head, I think we will sue you for attacking him, Carlos get the face powder please."

"It was a bloody book, next bloody time it will be a fucking brick, now get out of my house, all three of you, get out now."

"Five million listeners and rising," Tommaso screamed.

I couldn't stop laughing it was hilarious, poor Iris she's going to kill someone you can bet on that. They seemed to calm down after a big advert break but it didn't give them time to do anything except say good night, right at the end of the program it was Leon that let the cat out of the bag.

"Anyway Iris if you think your apartment is a studio, then you are for the madhouse, it looks nothing like a studio no cameras no lights, no directors." She had the last word.

"GET OUT, GET - OUT." I heard a smashing sound, there goes her good crystal glass.

The boys came up in the lift, they were laughing their heads off, and headed for the fridge to get a drink, Gianni automatically picked up a baby, it didn't matter to him which one, he loved them all equally.

"Is Iris okay?" I was worried she had collapsed.

"Yes, we opened a bottle of wine and propped her up in her old lady's chair she's having a drink on her own Antonio."

"Okay, I will go and check on her later."

"She isn't very good on the radio Antonio, she only wanted to talk about sparkly wine, that is not good," Leon said.

"Fifteen million and trending, far out, that wine show is fantastic." Maxie cried.

"Why don't you go down to Iris's and show her boys, I'm sure she needs a pick me up." They scooted off to do just that, I looked at my Gianni and started laughing again while the boys tried to replay the interview.

"There's something wrong Antonio, we cant get on." I looked at the screen.

"You have broken the internet boys, the site has had a massive meltdown."

I couldn't stop laughing and the tears had started again, it was so funny.

When the kids came back, they had a very drunk Iris with them, it doesn't take much to get her boozed up. She had a glass in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. She didn't look at the boys or Gianni, she sauntered to my side and filled my glass.

"Are you all right my friend?"

"You can bloody well say goodbye to my wine show, it's now the Iris Wilson and Gianni Cartasso comedy half-hour." She rocked back and forth.

"And your no friend, why didn't you come with them to back me up?"

I blushed and didn't want to tell her I was too scared to.

"I had things to do."

"Chicken shit."

"Fourteen million and still trending Iris, boy you certainly did break the internet tonight."

"I didn't break it, Gianni and his tribe did, ask them to fix it." She swayed.

They smiled at their friend and went back to reading the comments. They even started printing them out so Iris can read them at her pleasure.

"Antonio, my good friend I'm feeling a bit delicate tonight may I stay?"

"Of course my lady, go get a good night's sleep." She wandered off with her bottle and glass and as she passed Gianni, she said.

"Not a heffer's ass you lot, I am so over you all." Her bedroom door slammed shut, I think she's going to have a celebratory drink on her own.

My boys looked like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths in the morning. Iris needed coffee badly and a headache pill, the boys were being nice to her as they swanned around naked, even Gianni was nudo, I guess that's compensation for last night's fiasco. Carlos sat next to her and spread his legs, he is magnificent, then he suddenly yelped, Iris made her move and had grabbed his ample balls.

The kids arrived just as Lukas did, they took one look at the boys and smiled then turned the computer on and did air fists while secretly perving on my family.

"Seventeen million views Iris, my god that's unheard of." Maxie smiled at her, she slumped in her chair, I think she wanted a closer look at Carlos's foreskin.

"What do I do now?" She groaned, I was quick.

"You can either stroke it again or suck it if you want," Leon screamed laughing, Iris suddenly sat up and her wonderful giggle had returned.

"I guess we have a comedy show now, just let me know what the questions will be and I will practice." Carlos stood and iris had one last stroke of his fine ass.

"I know they're a lot to handle but we do love them." She said to me later at the cafe.

"Well it's warts and all with them, maybe you have hit on a great partnership Iris, will the station let you do a five-minute wine talk with no interruptions, then followed by ten minutes of Gianni and friends?"

"They will Antonio they are insisting on it, and extending the air time, I think my wine days are over."

"They are just beginning my friend, people are now seeing how human you are, be honest a wine talk show gets pretty boring."

"I know, time for a change Antonio I will never win with that lot."

"Probably not, just look at what they do to me, I still can't get them back, doesn't matter how hard I try." We clinked glasses and Angelos was filling up.

I had sent gran and grandad into the restaurant while we closed up, they will secure the tables. Conner will sing after dinner, he said he had been learning something special just for gran and her friends. We locked up and went to find our seats, no kids tonight. Alice insisted she babysit them, she will catch up with one of his concerts soon, because Brent had given her two front row tickets when he found out she wasn't coming to the event.

A funny thing happened when we walked in to grab our seats, the diners started applauding us, no it wasn't us, it was Iris who was being applauded. She was hugged, had her hand shook and one man even kissed her cheek thanking her for such a brilliant wine show. Sabine who looked a million dollars seethed in the background she never gets a response like this. It happened once more when Rick Conners arrived with his party, Grant, Dr. Mike and I were to meet the two grandfathers who were wonderful men. They sat with us and Mike started talking with gran who was blushing, she was telling him how good she felt and couldn't thank him enough for saving her life. He was such a gentleman and kissed her hand in respect, I think he's taking Italian lessons on how to impress nonas.

The restaurant was packed and there had been more tables set up out into the market for the late drinkers. Angelo was the perfect host he had ditched the shorts when the winter arrived and his black pants looked even more seductive showing off his fine ass. Maxie and Tommaso were conned into working the one night and I could see their parents at another table enjoying themselves, Stavros was as proud as punch as he and his family sat at the closest table to the small stage. Gino Pat Fred and the stunning Anna were with us and many times I spied Sabine taking a sly glance at her.

The food started arriving and Conner was talking to Gianni, I think about babies, but when they both laughed I knew it was about the radio show. Iris was telling me later on that Conner had almost begged her to be on her show, everything was forgiven and she was receiving many more emails than before even some for Gianni and the boys. She left all that to Maxie and Tommaso to deal with. My boys are even talking about having studio photographs taken of them and their brother, they should be good if they leave their clothes on.

"Opera, he's going to sing opera Antonio, he's been at it all week."

"He sings opera?" I was amazed as Brent replied.

"He can sing anything, his operatic voice is the best it digs deep into my soul." He grinned.

"Okay." The food was top quality and no expense was spared by the diners either, they were ordering top-shelf wines and Angelos's face had a permanent smile on it.

I spoke to the grandfathers about the babies and they genuinely made a point of saying they insist on meeting the boys, they were going to take a walk to the market one day just to meet them.

Gianni was talking them up to anyone that would listen and Iris had a small smile on her face.

"What are you up to?" I leaned in to ask.

"I will get them to write the questions next time, then I will be fully prepared."

"So you're inviting Carlos and Leon to appear again?"

"After that free show with them yesterday morning, how could I not invite them." I laughed and everyone looked at me.

"Sorry." I went back to my minestrone.

"Okay Conner time to pay the bill." Brent smiled. Conner kissed him fully and no one batted an eyelid.

He got up, Grant checked the mike and people settled down to listen to his mini-concert.

He started with a song called `Us' his words weren't for us though they were for Brent and everyone knew it, he then sang the theme song from the new Disney movie it was beautiful and the applause was thunderous.

"This one is for you nona," He winked at gran who blushed in her girly way.

The music started and he stood at the mike then took a deep breath.

Ava Maria vibrated through the market, mouths opened tears arrived and you could almost hear our suburb silence itself as his voice soared to unbelievable heights, gran had tears, many tears, and her hands were over her mouth because he had sung it all in her Italian to perfection. Gianni Sabine Carlos Leon and I had tears for a different reason, we were remembering a difficult time in a small village church so far away, and Luca's funeral. We all looked at each other and reached across the table to hold hands, the voice was wonderful and he did a superb job of tugging at our heartstrings. The applause lasted for ages as we wiped our eyes, I winked at Brent he knew that song had hit a nerve with us all, and later on, I said I would tell him when we have our next girly catch-up.

Not to be outdone for one minute, as the desserts arrived. I heard Leon.

"He is doing it Mr. Conners and that will be the end of it."

"He can't. this is my gig, my night, he can't sing anyway not as good as me." I think Mr. Conners is taking the piss out of one, Leon Cartasso, go get him, Conner.

"But my Carlos is a world-class player he must play for us tonight it is expected."

"Not in my time Leon, anyway he can't use my microphone." He looked at me and winked.

Leon was furious he stood up and screamed.

"My Carlos is better than you and any old operas you can sing, and I want him to play for me because you are stupid when you sing." Conner stood up then pulled himself higher.

"He doesn't sing."

"He does, and that maybe will be the end of it all, so there."

They outstared each other, then Leon hauled poor Carlos up and pushed him towards the little area that was the stage.

Conner sat down laughing his head off and Leon pushed the flute into Carlos's hands.

"Play, you are the biggest star than he is." He came and heavily sat down then shook his finger at Conner.

"And be quiet, no be talking."

Carlos put the pan flute to his mouth and started playing the lonely shepherd, Conners jaw dropped and Leon had the biggest smug look on his face. He also tugged at our heartstrings and didn't miss a beat as his music filled our hearts and minds, everyone was listening, no one was eating.

When Carlos put the finishing notes to his flute Leon jumped up and started applauding loudly.

"Bravo bravo my Carlos."

He encouraged the others to stand up as Carlos left the stage. A standing ovation was delivered and Carlos had delivered the perfect melody.

Leon kissed him endlessly and Sabine stood to give him a mama cuddle.

Conner was still amazed at his talent and I will also tell Brent the full story when I see him again.

"So there Mr. pop star with a nice ass, my Carlos is a world-class music player and has a better ass, what have you to say now." Leon leaned across the table.

"He's wonderful, better than me Leon, I had better go and practice some more."

"Yes you should, your notes are not so good." He kissed Carlos again and I buried my head in my dessert, it was superb and between chuckling and eating, I felt a slap from my gorgeous husband.

"Be quiet Antonio, behave yourselves."

"Yes sir." I managed to answer.

The night was fantastic and we all left at closing time, no one wanted to go home they had a wonderful fun-filled night, with Leon's permission Conner did sing another song to end the night, and I thought he didn't need any practice he was perfect.

"You should put my Carlos in your concert, maybe you will get better reviews." Leon sang out to Conner as we all piled into the van. Conner sang back.

"He still can't sing."

"He can if I teach him."

"Not!" Conner yelled as he got into his van.





As we drove out of the car park the window was put down and Leon had the last word.

"Can." Then he quickly put his window up. He started laughing as we hit High street and he didn't stop until Carlos shoved a glass in his hand, of course, I laughed with him.

"We got him good Antonio." Leon saluted Carlos.

"Antonio you have been naughty tonight I may have to spank you again."

"Be my guest Gianni." I dropped my pants and lay face down on the bed."

When Gianni threatens to do something to me I never resist.

I was in dreamland when the bed moved, I wanted more sleep and Gianni was leaving me all cold and alone, I felt an arm go across my chest and someone moved in behind me, thank you Carlos you are just the best at everything.

"Gran, your here. We were going to drop Lukas off on our way."

"I was up early Antonio, and I ran out of things to do." Grandad rolled his eyes. We aren't going to get her to settle down, and as she headed for the boy's room he said.

"She had a wonderful night last night, I don't even think she slept." I was worried.

"Please don't worry, doctor Mike said she will have nights like that until she settles down, she has more energy and she doesn't nap anymore leave it to me."

"I will grandad but she should be resting."

She poked her head out the door and asked me to help her, that's when she produced a contract and signed over the Italian club to me. I have no idea what to do with it, but gran did say to listen to the ladies and don't change anything. I didn't want it, I didn't, but she insisted. I think she's trying to finish what she started with my papa.

I helped with the babies until Gianni pushed me aside he also slapped my sore ass, so I went to find some clean milk bottles. The kids were on the floor with plenty of pillows and were sucking away on their milk and gran manned the kitchen. Lukas and grandad sat on the sofa and watched cartoons and the kids came up to help gran. They wanted to know about how we all went last night they said Angelo was walking on the moon all night his cash register was overflowing and the donations left by his diners were huge.

I had suspected Gianni left a lot of cash and I spied Sabine and the boys doing the same, I pitched in also so it should be a fair amount.

"Please ring Iris Antonio, breakfast is nearly ready." I rang Iris and she said she was on the way. She looked refreshed and I was so pleased Sabine wasn't here because Iris had her bright pink loafers on and track pants. She sat with the boys and they once again teased her, but because gran was here they had jockstraps on, but accidents happen, she is so very common.

It is raining today and gran promised me she will keep Lukas inside, she is going to make something or other to keep him entertained. I won't give the contract to grandad to look over I will take grans word for it and get her lawyers or solicitors to handle it, there will be no questions then.

I rugged the babies up nice and warm and we carried them to the van, Gianni said he had a meeting with Gino sometime today and I expect a very slow day because of the weather.

Angelo was running around setting up and he came over to say hello, we talked about last night and he was as pleased as punch to let me know it was his best night ever, he will now concentrate on the home deliveries.

"You must have paid Stavros off by now surely."

"Yes Antonio, he took half the money and told me to keep the rest and wiped the debt."

"Good for him, he's a wonderful man your grandfather."

"I know I am blessed to have him as my family Antonio."

"So did Conner say he will come back?"

"Yes but not to sing he wants to enjoy the food and company, he likes that better."

"Well he will be starting his nightclub soon, hopefully, it will spill over here if it gets crowded. Maybe you might look at putting in a small dance floor if you can find the room."

"Maybe I won't Antonio, I was only worried about winter trading, but I am being stupid, I have more than enough money to see me through a couple of months. I am also excited to be doing home deliveries and am going to look for some electric bikes to use."

"It may be cold using them."

"Well I suppose your right maybe two small cars then." he grinned I know he will be using cars it's the only way to go.

"Don't forget to put your logo on them."

He giggled and walked off, but hadn't got far as I rose for the magnificent performance his ass was putting on.

"What are you doing my Antonio?"

"Nothing husband just admiring the views."

"Your babies need you." He walked of clearing his throat.

I walked into the florist shop, Alice and Bianca were trying to settle the boys down, they are maybe a little out of whack after last night. I took Luca and talked to him and eventually got a smile, then it dawned on me.

"The tv isn't on?"

"No Lukas is with nona did you forget?" Alice said.

"Yes but the boys like it too." I set up their bouncers and turned it on they went silent and were very happy when it burst into life.

"I guess it's going to be their new babysitter." I smiled.

Alice let out a big breath and replied.

"We have a big order today, government house again and I was worried they may be coming down with something, but it was the tv blues after all."

"Call me if you need any help."

"I will, there are six arrangements to be done."

"Sing out when you're ready."

I walked back to the cafe and Gianni and Iris were laughing it was nice to see, they had been talking about last night and how much they had enjoyed themselves, Gianni said that Leon was going to sort out when Rick Conners would appear on the radio but he also wanted to book his Carlos in for a night of entertainment at Angelo's.

"Gianni he only knows one tune."

"He can play that one Antonio, please don't be disrespecting your brother's talents."

"I was only saying he can't just play one song he must be able to play at least six to put on a small show."

"And you know this because you are the expert Antonio?"

"No." I slunk out the back with my tail between my legs, but I did hear them laughing. I think our Iris has gone over to the dark side.

Gianni gave me a half-hour then he called me into the shop to help Iris, he was going upstairs for a very important meeting with his manager Gino. We had just sat down with our coffee and cake when Gianni rang.

"Antonio please come and attend this Gianni's wines meeting with me."

"Okay boss." I put my new phone down and apologized to Iris, then took my coffee and cake upstairs as she giggled.

"So what is the meeting about?"

"We are overbooked on wines Antonio, I don't think your little winery will cope, and we have just received this order from America and they placed an urgent notice on it, what am I going to do?"

I looked at Gino and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Antonio, you have to have a small winery meeting with your partner Iris and see if it can cope with this order?" I looked at him and started laughing, it looks like we have to have mini-meetings today.

"I will return, do you have a breakdown of what's urgent and what's not?"

Gino handed me a piece of paper and I scooted downstairs, Iris was still sitting there and I explained to her what has happened.

"We can cope, Antonio, this order isn't that big just seven thousand bottles we can do it in a day or two the vats are at full compacity."

"So there's no need to panic?"

"No my friend, just send it to our manager, she will deal with it."

I went back upstairs and sat again, my coffee had gone cold and I told them that the winery could cope and they don't have to worry about it.

"Now we must have a Cartasso meeting Antonio, I need to know more about this company that places urgent on their orders." He got up and took my hand, I waved to a smiling Gino and we went in search of Sabine, with luck, she was in her little shop.

"Mama we need to have an urgent meeting."

"What is it, son?"

"These companies are they for real about placing urgent stickers on their orders?" He handed over the order and she looked at it.

"They place urgent on every order they send Gianni, we do make them urgent but sometimes we have even more urgent ones so they can wait."

"So it's not urgent then mama?"

"No son, just do it when you can."

"Meeting adjourned."

"Antonio, you must speak to your Iris and let her know what is going on with the urgent order." I stared at him and said.

"You are having a lend of me Gianni Cartasso, don't bleed the friendship."

"What is having a lend Antonio, this is business and because you are on three boards of directors you must discuss business with all."

I slumped down in my old seat with Iris and explained to her what was going on, Gianni held his hands over his ears so he could hear us, I shook my head I was getting quite annoyed with all of this. Gino should be doing all this work, not me.

I told Iris about the new order and she was very business-like and said once again the order will be done by the weekend.

"Did you get that Gianni?"

"No Antonio, it's illegal for me to sit in on your meetings what was decided?"

I told him the order will be done.

"Good now we have to have a Cartasso meeting with uncle Federico because he is also a partner."

"Well apologize for my absence, I want a coffee and I'm not going to the meeting, tell him yourself."

"Are you bored Gianni?" Iris cut in.

"Maybe our Iris, but maybe I am just getting Antonio used to the board meetings for big corporate stuff."

I went to make my coffee and made one for my husband he's being a real pain today.

"Gianni why don't you take the babies home and play with them, I'll look out for the cafe."

"I can't do that Antonio, so much business to do today."

I pulled my phone out and sent Gino a message.

`Send the bloody order to the winery, you can eat my cake, sorry'

'That's what I told him in the first place, the cake was delicious btw.'

"Now Federico."

"I'm not going." He stared at me.

"So now you know how big business are working Antonio, have you something to tell me?"

"No, I haven't you idiot." Iris was laughing because she knows there will be a punchline.

"Not anything about secret meetings with our gran?" He smiled.

"How would you know if the meetings were personal or business?"

"I know many things Antonio, I am the man of the family."

"You know nothing Mr bloody Cartasso, I........." I clammed up and didn't go on.

"Go on Antonio."

"Nope don't think I will."

"Antonio, you must play the game."

"If you think I will play your stupid idiotic games again Gianni you had better think twice. I have had it up to here with you lot, leave me alone, my business is my business, not yours, not Iris's not Stavros's not anyones. Leave me alone."

"See Iris, I told you he was hiding something from us, the first rule of war is to confuse the enemy and they will set you free."

"What a load of fucking rubbish Gianni, where do you get that shit from?"

"I read a lot Antonio." He grinned.

"Well I don't care anymore, I just don't care." I threw my arms in the air and walked off into the market, I have to see a boy about some pasta.

"I could hear you from over here Antonio, what's he done now?"

"Being stupid again Remo, he treats me like I'm some sort of idiot."

"You love it ." He grinned his boyish grin.

"I don't."

"You do." He laughed louder

My life with Gianni and his family has been nothing but a ball of fun, he didn't know about the Italian club he was just trying to get information as to why gran and I were having secret talks and is guessing. Well, keep guessing Gianni bloody Cartasso I have plenty of time on my hands.

The winter months turned out to be quite mild and when Spring arrived we had some showers but also plenty of sunshine, flowers started filling out, lawns grew twice as fast and the market came alive again. I have no idea what summer will bring, but I would imagine more headaches more wine and more very intimate times with one Gianni Cartasso the gypsy prince who I adored to death. I will never get bored in this marriage, and because of the little ones we will never go short of some sort of amusement in our lives. My pride and joy Lukas has turned out to be my best friend, gran was teaching him everything and she talks to him constantly whenever they are alone. He whispers secrets to me, I whisper secrets back to him and we keep our mouths shut at all times, and I did teach him how to wink.

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