
By Jenny Tian

Published on May 24, 2012


Chapter 4

I went to the library with Callen the next morning to tell Alvin I was quitting work. He was wondering and I told him I wanted to go to the castle. He was delighted to hear that and said that we just might meet each other.

Next I went out of the city into the forest and then to the market. It took me hours but I finally had everything I needed and I used Barton's kitchen to mix the potions. He bought me some rats and I felt bad for killing them but I had to try out the potion. The one for the king was incredible. As soon as the rat had only one drop of it, it stared at me and then just dropped dead. I put it into a vial and then put it around Bimbo's neck and then filled another vial and gave it to Barton. Just in case something happened to the first one.

Soon I was also finished with the other potion where I made a lot more. I filled several vials and gave the second rat a few drops. She was still for an hour and then was able to move again. Barton who had been watching the test was amazed. He stored the vials away and then told me to be careful and everything.

That night all the boys hugged me, Nial cried and said he didn't want me to go.

"Why does it have to be you?" He asked.

"Hey, I'm not dying."

"But you could and then we won't have our leader and big bro anymore."

"I know, it could happen. But I'll be careful. And I want you to be careful as well. Don't do anything stupid, okay?"

He sniffled. "Okay."

I gave all of them a kiss and then we went to sleep. That night Micah and I shared a bed. We lay awake for a long time and talked. About every possible thing and then we talked about the plan and he had some ideas, good ideas, risky ideas. But I agreed and told him only to tell Barton and my uncle.

Before we fell asleep we kissed like we never had and then snuggled close to each other.

The next morning everyone was feeling a little down. I hugged everyone again, whispered a few things in everyone's ear and then I left. I left my brothers behind, my new family, my new home. But I felt like I did the right thing.

My only companion on my way to the castle in Vail was Bimbo. I told him that he'd have to act stupid and I think he understood because he was dumbly staring at everything.

The castle wasn't very far away but it had such a huge garden it took me hours until I finally reached the entry. There were guards, asking me what I wanted and when I told them I was looking for work, they looked me up and down and then let me inside. One of them led me into a bigger room and I saw a few people walking by, rich people. This was only an entry hall but it was amazing. There was gold, everywhere, expensive decorations, beautiful paintings, flowers and the chandelier was incredible.

The guard opened one door, told someone something and then I just had to wait. After a few minutes the door opened again and I was led further into the huge castle. I tried to memorize the way. Every room we entered was more beautiful than the one before and I saw more and more people. Not only more of the rich, stinky, fake-hair people but also more servants.

Finally we stopped in front of a door.

"You can work here. Just go inside, wash yourself and put the clothes on. Don't ask questions just make yourself pretty. And then go play with the other boys." The guard said and opened the door. The first thing I saw was a big bath but only one other person was inside and it looked like he was just about to come out. I got rid of the clothes and decided to enjoy the bath. The boy was a little younger than me, maybe 14 and cute.

"Hi." I said.

"H... hello." He whispered.

"So, where am I? I'm new here, you know. Are you also new?"

"No." Was the only thing I got out of him. He got up and took one of the towels, dried himself and then put on one of the white tunics. I wondered if I would also have to wear those clothes.

I washed my hair and body and when I was done I also grabbed one of the towels. They were soft and felt good. Then I tried on one of the tunics. There didn't seem to be any underwear, just the tunic. It went to my knees and hid most of my upper body and it was comfortable.

When I went through the door the boy had gone through I gasped. There were about twenty boys, all beautiful, all in white tunics.

"Hi, you're new." One of the older ones said.

"Yeah. Hi, I'm Ace."

"Nice to meet you. Well, you're in bad luck."


"Well, you probably don't know, but Bailey, the bodyguard, well, his last boy just died."


"Well, today he's going to chose a new one. And if you're chosen, you'll survive two months, then you're dead."

"Oh." I said. None of the rebels had mentioned something about so many other boys. What if I was not chosen? I needed to be chosen or else everything was lost. And Bailey? That was his name?

A while later a man came inside with several servants. They brushed our hair, oiled our bodies and even put make up on a few of the boys. Luckily not me.

Then we were allowed to eat. It was good and healthy food but the boys didn't seem hungry. I guess they were scared and hoped it wouldn't be them to be chosen.

When the man announced that Sir Cruz was coming my heart was beating hard and fast. We had to stay behind each other, me at the back and I guessed it was because I was the newest. And they probably wanted Bailey to choose one of the older ones.

I couldn't see him when he entered. I just heard him talk to the man.

"Why is it that I'm always looking at the same boys?" He suddenly asked. A deep, beautiful, angry voice.

"Sir, we also have new ones but the last time you were eying him."

"Well, show me the new ones."

"Of course."

The man pointed at the last five of us. "Come forth."

We stepped forward and I saw the bodyguard eying the first one. He shook his head. Then the second one and he looked at him a little longer. My heart almost dropped and I slowly shook my head. Perhaps it was luck, perhaps he saw my movement, but he looked at me and again his eyes caught mine and didn't let me go anymore. I almost didn't dare breathe.

A smile crept over his face. "This one." He said and was still looking at me. I could feel how all the other boys relaxed, but I did, too. He had chosen me. Me. ME.

And I felt happy, excited, turned on. Suddenly he looked away and it was as if his eyes had helped me stay because I just dropped to my knees, shaking. The others probably thought I was scared but I was not. And I knew he knew. I just knew.

"Give him better clothes and I want him in my room in half an hour." He said.

"Yes, Sir." The man said and then led me into another room, gave me wonderful clothes and then brought me to his room. I guess he was a friendly man because he explained me several things, like the bodyguard's room was just next to the king's but even though he was his bodyguard the king also had other guards who watched over him at night or other times when Bailey was doing other things like taking care of his boy. But he also said that the boy, I, would always follow the bodyguard. Everywhere. Even if it was something important with the king. So I would hear everything. I couldn't believe my luck. This was indeed the perfect opportunity.

I was then told to kneel on the ground and to wait for Bailey. The man left and I was alone with Bimbo. I was glad they hadn't taken him away. Bailey didn't come back for over an hour but I remained on my knees even though they began to hurt. And then the door opened and someone stood in front of me.

"Look at me, boy." He said and I looked up.

"Get up." And I stood up.

"What's your name?"

"Ace, Sir."

"Is that what your parents call you?" He asked.

"No. Jace. I'm Jace."

"Good. I will call you Jace. Now, why is there a monkey on your shoulder?"

"He's always with me. I rescued him when he was hurt."

"I see. I won't send him away but I don't want him there when we're doing things."

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you understand what those things will be?"

"I think so."

"We'll see. You were not afraid." He said.

"Not really, Sir."

"You know you might be dead in two months."

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you think I kill my boys?"

I hesitated and looked into his eyes. Was it him who killed the boys? "No, Sir."

"Then who does?"

"I don't know, Sir."

He looked at me with his intense eyes. "Let's set some rules. I'm Sir or Master for you. You're boy, Jace or whatever else I call you. In my room you are naked. Always. When you go outside you always wear the clothes I give you. You follow me everywhere. You don't go anywhere without my consent. Understood?"

"Yes, master." I said, feeling weirdly excited and took off my clothes and then put them on one of the chairs.

He looked at my body for minutes and I began to feel conscious even though I rarely had a problem walking around naked.

"What's with the necklace?" He asked.

"May I keep it? It's the only thing I have from my father."

"That's alright. So, do you know what we're going to do tonight?" He asked.

"I think so."

"Good. In that case get on the bed."

When I was lying on the big, soft bed on my back he climbed on top of me. For some reason I wasn't scared. He just caressed my face and sides for a while and his hands were tender and somehow caring. Finally he took off his own clothes and I could see his magnificent body. There was no fat on him, just beautiful sculpted muscles, smooth skin and not much hair. He was beautiful, wonderful and my heart beat even faster.

"Master, you're beautiful." I said, not really wanting to say it but I just had to. He smiled and then I saw his cock between his legs. It was big. Bigger than any I had ever seen. And thick. My mouth watered.

He chuckled and pulled me up but I just stared at it.

"Do you want it?" He asked.

"Yes, Sir. Please, may I?"

"Since you're asking so nicely." And I dug in. Just licking it at first and then I took the big head in my mouth, savouring the wonderful taste, let my tongue slide around on the head and then slid more into my mouth. The only other cock I ever sucked was nothing compared to this and when it reached the back of my mouth I gagged but then tried it again. I just had this weird hunger in me, needed to get it all inside me.

I took a deep breath through my nose and dove in again, tried to open my throat, gagged, it hurt but I put my arms on his back and pulled myself closer to him. And suddenly the head was through and I felt his warm hands on the back of my head, just resting there.

The feeling was amazing. It hurt but it felt amazing and when I had the whole length of his cock inside me I felt good, happy, satisfied.

Suddenly the hands on my head grabbed my hair and pulled me off his cock. I was panting and looked at the bodyguard, wondering what was wrong.

"You did well. Nobody ever managed to take it all the first time. But my load will go into your ass."

"Yes, master."

"Are you a virgin?"

"Yes, master."

"Good." He grabbed a bottle and poured some oil on his fingers and worked two of them into me. His fingers were nothing compared to his cock and I wondered for a second if he'd tear me apart. Then he smeared the oil on his cock and turned me on my stomach.

"Push out and relax." He said.

I then felt something pressing against my ass. It was big and I grabbed a cushion and bit it. He shoved in with one, hard thrust.

I almost blacked out. The pain was so great I couldn't even yell. My body was almost shocked. There was only pain that went from my ass through my whole body.

After a few seconds I could think again and realized that he was in me. Really, fully inside me. But he didn't move, just waited until the pain subsided and after several minutes he began to pull out, slowly, slowly, only a little bit, and then push in again. And again, again and his moves became stronger, longer but not faster and I don't know when, sometime when he pushed in, the pleasure overcame the pain and he was rubbing against something, some place in me that felt good, no, more than good. It felt amazing and sent waves of pleasure through my whole body, it made me shiver and I almost moaned but just like when I couldn't yell when it hurt, now I couldn't moan. I just bit down on the cushion and didn't make a sound.

After some time he began to pick up some speed and was soon thrusting into me and I knew he was close. So was I but I tried to hold it back, tried to supress the good feeling. I don't know why I did that. There were a lot of things I did that night I didn't understand. But it felt right. And so when he came and spurted inside me, I held back, it took me all my will power but I didn't cum.

Bailey stayed inside me for a few more minutes before he slipped out. Then he turned me on my back and looked at my throbbing hard and leaking cock. He smiled and then bent over and kissed my cheeks, kissed away the tears I hadn't even realized were there.

"Was it good for you, master?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "Amazing. Now cum for me, okay?"

I nodded and then he kissed my lips, pushed his tongue in my mouth, invaded it and explored it like it was his and I just came with the most intense orgasm ever. I held on to him, held him close and my head was empty. There was just bliss, which seemed to last forever.

When I opened my eyes again I was panting and staring into Bailey's eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Yes. Yes, Sir. Amazing."

"You did very well today. Now get some sleep."

"Yes, Sir. Goodnight."

When he kissed my forehead I slipped away into the dark, quiet night and slept without dreams.


"Bimbo?" I mumbled. His eyes, concerned eyes were the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.

"You're awake."

I turned around and looked at Bailey.

"Good morning, Sir."

"Morning. Take a bath and then put on these clothes. And also put some of that ointment on your ass."

"Thank you, Sir."

He had a bathtub next door and the warm water felt amazing. Walking there showed me that there was some pain in my ass. It felt sore but not like something was seriously damaged. When I was done I dried myself and put the cool ointment on my asshole and pushed some inside. Within minutes it felt better and when I came out with my clothes on I felt like I was able to start in the new day.

I knew that my weird attachment to that man could be dangerous but it also put me in the best possible position where I could be near the king all day long. I wondered a little why I was allowed to do that but surely didn't question it.

I followed him into the king's bedroom. Servants were putting on new clothes for the king and I could see how fat the king was but of course my face remained expressionless. I'd just have to listen, play dumb and wait for my chance to strike.

Then we went to the dining hall where there was a huge table with tons of food. Servants never ate with the king but since the bodyguard had to be with him during the day he had to eat the same time and since I was the bodyguard's shadow we all ate together. The king ate breakfast without his friends. Something about needing some private time.

Later he had a meeting with his closest advisors. One man, sly and slimy, was his closest friend. Then he had eight other old, fat guys that gave their comments.

First they were all just kissing the king's ass for about half an hour. They said things like 'how is your amazing new castle coming?', 'even though it's your birthday you still look as young as the day you became our king', 'did you choose some girls for your birthday?', 'isn't it wonderful that we could buy you more gold?'. It was disgusting. I looked at my master but his face was a mask, completely expressionless and I hoped I was the same.

Then they came to more serious business like planning some details for the birthday party and the castle, also that the royal guard needed to be trained more and that they ought to raise the amounts that people should give their king. I couldn't believe my ears but I was quiet, listening and playing the dumb, brainless pretty boy.

Finally they talked about some criminals that needed to be killed and there were speculations about spies in the castle, rebels and traitors. Listening to them I soon realized that they didn't know very much. They hadn't managed to bribe one of the rebels like last time but they suspected that they might be planning something.

It was almost noon when the meeting was over and the king and his advisors went to eat lunch. The food was good but I couldn't understand how these men could eat so much. If they continued like that I wouldn't have to kill the king, he'd die of a heart attack.

In the afternoon the king took a walk in the huge garden, accompanied by some of the ladies. Then he took a bath, letting servants wash his ugly body and then he went to an even bigger dining hall. The huge table was set for many, many people and it seemed like all the rich people ate together in the evening. Some people were already sitting but not eating yet, waiting for the king. He sat down at the table, his close friends at his right, Bailey at his left and me at his left.

Just as I sat I saw her sitting opposite of me. My eyes widened at the sight of the lady I had read to a few times.

"Hello Ace." She said and that was probably the first time the king even noticed me.

"Hello Lady Diane." My heart sunk. If they found out I could read I'd have less opportunities.

"You two know each other?" The king asked as he stuffed his face.

"Yes. I met this delightful young man in Valhi." She explained and I was looking at her with pleading eyes. "He was working for one of my friends and when I saw him I just had to admire his beauty. Good choice, by the way, Bailey. He's friendly and delightful to talk to and now that I think about it, he always said he wanted to come here to work for the king he heard so many good things about."

I exhaled slowly, relief flooding through me and had to hide a small smile. This woman, I had always liked her but now... I could kiss her!

"What a wonderful young man. If only all the young people were like him." One of the advisors said.

"Yes, some people just don't understand how great our king is." Another ass-kisser. Disgusting.

Dinner was an affair that took two hours, two hours for those rich people to talk and to stuff their faces. But with all the wine they drank their tongues became looser and they let out a lot of things they probably wouldn't if they were sober.

Just before we left Lady Diane came over and talked to Bailey.

"Bailey, would you mind if I borrowed your boy twice a week for a couple of hours?"

"What do you want to do with him? He's mine." Bailey answered and I felt my heart beat faster.

"Oh, come on. I won't do anything dirty. I'm too old for that kind of things. Besides, I can see that your boy is completely smitten with you. I'd just like to talk to him, hear about his life and hear his opinions."

"Bailey's boys don't have opinions." The king grumbled.

"Tomorrow and then every third or fourth day." Bailey said.

"Oh, thank you so much. See you tomorrow Ace. May you have a delightful sleep my king." She bowed slightly and then left.

"Never liked her too much. Women shouldn't talk so much." The king said and then went upstairs to the king's rooms. But in his alcoholised state he decided he wanted a companion for the night and went to the room that was almost like his harem.

There were several beds and all in all it looked like a paradise for women. But I saw that many of them were young, only girls.

"Bring me someone experienced." The king barked at the man who then went to bring one of the women and just then I saw Amy. She was wearing beautiful clothes and accompanied by two other girls. When she saw me she stopped dead in her track, opened her mouth but nothing came out. I gave her a warning look and shook my head slightly. She understood and put an arm around one of her friends as they continued walking to one of the other rooms.

The king was happy with the choice the man made and led the woman to his rooms. We followed him inside his room, closed the door and then went into his room. Bailey poured himself a drink and then sat down in one of the chairs while I got naked and then kneeled in front of him.

"Sit on my lap." Bailey said and I got up and sat on his legs, me facing him.

"Lady Diane was right. I made a good choice." He said.

"Thank you, Sir."

"But you have too many secrets."

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"Hmm, you're good at playing dumb. Almost had me fooled."

"What do you mean, Sir?" I repeated, scared that my cover dropped the second day.

"It's alright. I enjoy your company. You are gorgeous. So let's go to bed. And I don't mind if you moan or cry."

"Would you like it?" I asked. "Do you enjoy seeing me hurt?" I didn't mean it in a bad way. I really was wondering.

"The pain isn't all. I like seeing you weak, submissive, doing what I want you to do, trying to please me." He explained.

"Good." I took a chance and snuggled closer to his warm chest. He lifted me up, he really was strong, and carried me to the bed.

He turned me around and suddenly began to spank my ass. The first just stung but the ones that followed hurt, really hurt. I began to cry after twenty. But the amazing thing was that I had a throbbing erection through the whole beating.

After about forty slaps Bailey stopped and caressed my butt cheeks. "Feel good?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Why do you think that is?"

"I think I need it, master."

"That's right. You were born to be mine."

"May I kiss you, Sir?"

"You may."

"Thank you, Sir." I moved my lips to his and as they touched I almost felt sparkles. It felt so right, so amazing, so perfect. I couldn't understand why I was feeling like this since it was only the second day I knew him. But it felt good and I never wanted to let go.

I let his tongue inside and enjoyed the wonderful kiss. When we parted I almost felt sad.

"Why do we only have two months?" I asked him but Bailey didn't answer. He kissed my neck and then sucked my nipples. I moaned, I hadn't known they were so sensitive. And then he bit down on them and I crushed my teeth together, holding back a yell.

He then grabbed my ankles and put them over my shoulder. I held my legs as he worked some oil into my asshole and some on his big cock.

Like the night before when he took my virginity he shoved it in with one, hard shove. This time I yelled and there were tears but I looked up into Bailey's beautiful, deep, dark eyes, got lost in them, felt time fade away, felt the pain fade away, there was only pleasure his cock inside me gave me. Indescribable pleasure, endless pleasure.

I never wanted him to stop fucking me, making me his, taking me for his pleasure.

Just before he came he slapped my face a couple of times. "Cum." He ordered and when he shoved his cock inside me deeper and harder than before for one last time I came all over our chests.

He collapsed on me and kissed my lips again. Then he slipped out, took a washcloth and cleaned us both.

Then he spooned me from behind. "You're better than any of the boys I ever had." He whispered.

"Thank you, Sir. Good night, Sir."

"Good night, Jace."

I closed my eyes, thought about how right it felt to fall asleep in his arms and how I'd love to be with him for the rest of my life.

Chapter 5

The next morning was just like the one before. Breakfast, boring meeting and then lunch. I had the feeling this would be the norm, that I'd have to get through that every day. But the nights would hopefully make up for the boring days as well as the visit to Lady Diane.

In the afternoon the king played chess against one of his advisors. I didn't know the game but as I watched I began to understand. The ground rules were easy, knowing what the other would do was the key to the win as well as being able to think forward several steps.

The king was crap. I knew that pretty soon because the advisor sometimes looked confused. They talked enough about the game for me to understand what the goal was and then I realized how similar the game I played was. I would be the one to kill the king but until then every step had to be carefully thought through, every possibility thought about.

I compared the figures on the board to the people in real life and realized we didn't have a queen. Or better, not yet. We needed her as our queen.

Towards the end of the game I knew the advisor won but then he suddenly made one really crappy move. So bad it just had to be on purpose so that the king could win. The king didn't realize that and just happily made his move, certain of his win. Win he did but everyone who saw their play knew that the advisor had lost on purpose.

After dinner Bailey let me go with Lady Diane. She had her own rooms that were a little secluded but beautifully decorated with fresh flowers.

"I'm so glad I could talk Bailey into having you for a few hours." She said as she closed the door behind her.

"Me, too."

"But Ace, Bailey is one of the most intelligent men I know even though many think he's just a dumb bodyguard. I'm not sure if you're aware of it but he watches you, your every move and word."

"I know. I'm always trying to keep my face expressionless but it's not easy to fool him. He knows I'm playing dumb."

"Of course he knows. But as long as he doesn't know more it's not dangerous I think."

"What do you know?" I asked.

"I know you're not only here to be his boy, though I have a feeling you like him more than you should." She smiled and ruffled my hair. "Read me for half an hour and then we'll talk."

I nodded and she handed me a book of old stories. I read her one and like the first time enjoyed it as much as her. The story was interesting and nicely written. And somehow reading to someone who was really listening and interested made it even better.

When I finished she gave me a glass of water, which I gratefully accepted.

"Now, I'm sure there's something you want me to do." She said.

"May I ask again how much you know?"

"I don't know anything. I only suspect."

"Can I trust you?"

"You can't trust anyone."

"Will I be dead tomorrow if I tell you?"

"Not because I told anyone else."

"That's good enough. And you're right. At first I only thought it would be nice to talk to you but today I observed the king playing chess against another guy. It's the first time I heard of the game but as I watched I realized several things. First, it's one hell of an interesting game."

Lady Diane chuckled. "You're right."

"Second, the king always wins."

"Right again."

"Third, I'm so deeply involved in the game that if there's one wrong move, I'm dead."

"That proves my suspicion."

"And finally forth, we don't have a queen."

"And that answers my question." She said with a smile on her lips.

"Nobody really knows how intelligent you are, right?"

"No. They think I'm a sad, bitter widow who just talks too much and wants to be with the guys. But then, you're probably much more intelligent than me. You say you didn't know about chess until today. I'm sure that if anyone else watched it they wouldn't get it at all. I think you may be a bit of a genius."

"Thank you but I don't really think so. I just observe."

"And that's your strong point. So, about being your queen, I agree under one condition."

"What's that?"

"I want to adopt you."

My chin dropped to the floor. "You want what?" I asked.

"To adopt you. My dear husband and I never had children and I really regret that. And you're such a wonderful young man."

"It would be my honour."

"I take it your family is gone."

"That's right. Actually, I have six younger brothers. Well, friends really but they are like my brothers."

"And you take care of them."

"Yes. Five of them are not very involved in the game but one, my friend since childhood, he'll take on different colours."

"That's interesting. Is there anything specific I can do for you?"

"Yes. I'd really like to send them a letter."

"I can deliver it for you, your queen's at your service. But you know, Ace, I have a feeling you're the last bishop in the game. They lose you, they lose everything."

She handed me a pen and some paper. "But I'm just a small guy in the game. There are many more important people." I said.

"Of course there are many important people but you're the key. I'm much older than you, I know what happened 14 years ago. They lost a lot and it still is a very risky game. You are not on the upper hand. You only have a few opportunities to strike. Miss them and you won't have anymore for another decade."

I smiled at Lady Diane. "You're one impressive lady."

"Thanks, now write your letter." And I did. Several. One that only Micah could open. One only for Barton and my uncle and another one for them with more general information and of course letters for my brothers. I couldn't make them too long and was done in less than an hour.

"Should I just hand then to your younger brother?" She asked.

"That could work. But do it when he's reading to you and no one sees it."

"I can do that. It's almost time for you to go back." She said and put the letters in an envelope.

"Yes. I know I'm already asking a lot of you but may I ask for one more favour?"


"As you know my mother is dead and my younger brothers, they are all orphans. A few weeks ago they burned our whole village and killed everyone, even Lord Adelhorn."

"I will look into it."

"Thank you so much. What can I ever do to repay you?"

"Give me a hug." She said and I put my arms around her slim body. She caressed my back and it almost felt like my mother hugging me.

"Now go, we can't have Bailey waiting for you."

"Yes. What did we talk about this evening?"

"Your hometown, your farm life and your mother."

"Okay, thanks again. Bye."


I left and found my way back to Bailey's room. I closed the door behind me, took off my clothes and kneeled in front of Bailey who was reading a book.

"How was your evening with Lady Diane?" He asked me.

"Nice. She mostly asked me questions about my life before I came to the city."

"Well, isn't that interesting. Can you read, boy?"

"Sir, farmers can't read."

"So, farmers can't read, huh?"

"That's right, Sir. When I was younger I used to wish to go to the university to learn about the stars but that was just a dream."

"Oh, I could just imagine you at the university. You're one hell of a wicked, intelligent boy."


"And so damned innocent. Let's get you to bed."

"Yes, Sir."

He dropped me on the bed and took a bottle of oil and something else out of his drawer.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked me and held up something that looked like rubbery beads on a chain. It reminded me of Micah's things but was this really supposed to...

"I think you get the picture." Bailey said and poured oil on the beads. "Spread your legs."

As soon as I did he pushed the first bead inside me, and then the second.

"How does it feel?" He asked.

"Good, Sir."

"Here comes the next." He pushed another one inside and one more until he had all six of them inside me. It was a weird feeling because I could feel them push against each other and move. And then Bailey spanked my ass again, which made the beads move more and it was such a turn on I barely could hold back an orgasm.

"Please, master. May I cum?" I pleaded.

"You don't cum before I do. Suck my cock."

I opened my mouth and he shoved it inside, making me gag. I tried to open my throat more and he slipped completely inside. His cock was very fat and I couldn't breathe. Just when I thought I was about to pass out he pulled out and I gasped for air. He shoved it in again and then grabbed my hair to push my head up and down on his cock.

It was brutal and hurt but I never lost my erection. My cock probably became even harder but I didn't really pay it much attention. His cock had it and when he began to breathe faster I was happy and proud that I was giving him pleasure.

He shoved me down once more on his cock, embedding it in my mouth and throat and then came. But I wanted to taste it and tried to pull off a little. He allowed the movement and I then only held the head of his cock in my mouth and got my first taste of cum of the man I loved.



What the hell?

When did that happen?

Why didn't I know?

Why was I suddenly thinking about love?

I swallowed the cum in my mouth and when I looked up at the beautiful man touching me I just suddenly burst into tears.

He pulled me into his arms and held me, kissed my head and rocked me gently like I had my little brothers. I felt safe and just let the tears that seemed to come out of nowhere, go.

Bailey patted my back and just waited until the sobs subsided and I stopped crying. He dried my face and then smiled at me, kissed my head again. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry for breaking down."

"Everyone needs to cry once in a while."

"But it's embarrassing."

"Doesn't matter. Let's go sleep."

I nodded but when lying down I felt that the beads were still in me.

"I'll pull them out." He said and then grabbed the string and pulled them out one by one.

"Now sleep my boy." He kissed my lips again and I then fell asleep in his warm arms.


It was only the third meeting I had to attend and already the king and especially his advisors were repeating themselves. Ass-kissing, birthday party planning, talking about the rebels, some other criminals, some problem in one of the villages and so on and on and on and I almost fell asleep. I think they probably interpreted my bored look as a dumb look. Their meeting couldn't be boring after all. It was one of their highlights in the day or something.

I guess the king wasn't up for another game of chess that afternoon. He wanted to be a little more active and we went for a ride with his horses. He didn't ride one, he was sitting in his carriage and enjoyed the sun.

"Can you ride?" Bailey asked me when we entered the stalls.

"I can ride on a donkey."

He laughed. "That's definitely not the same. But it will have to do for now. The king likes to sit in his carriage all by himself or probably some woman. Choose a horse."

I walked by a few horses. They were all very beautiful, strong, tall but for some reason I didn't like them all that much. And then as I passed one black, beautiful horse I fell in love at first sight for the second time in my life.

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked the horse.

"That's Cain." Bailey said.

"May I ride you?" I asked the horse. "I never rode a horse and I want you to be my first."

The horse looked at me, made a noise and then rubbed my arm.

"I take that as a yes. Just, don't throw me off, okay? The king and my master will be watching." I caressed the horse's neck.

"I also hope you won't fall. Let me show you how to put on the saddle." Bailey explained me everything step by step while some other servants got the king's horses ready. He also gave me some tips on how to press my legs together so I wouldn't fall of and what else I needed to know to be able to ride.

He then took his own horse, a beautiful, dark brown horse and we then led the horses outside where the king was just climbing into the carriage with the help of some servants.

I watched how Bailey climbed on his horse. It looked elegant and I told my horse Cain that I would now try the same as Bailey. It was easier than I thought and then I was sitting on the horse and looking down on the world. It felt good and I was looking forward to riding.

When the king was ready the servant on his wagon that led the horses started them and Bailey and I followed. I watched what my master did and tried to do the same but mostly just quietly talked to Cain. I really had no idea what to do but even if the horse couldn't talk it felt right to talk to him. And luckily Cain was intelligent and apparently knew what was expected of him.

After a while the king wanted to go a little faster and the servant whipped the horses and they began to gallop. Cain followed them and I pressed my legs together and enjoyed the feeling, the speed the tempo. When I felt more secure I just had to laugh and let go. I put my arms in the air. "Cain, you're the best." I said and he began to run even faster. I took my arms down and then we rode next to Bailey.

He looked at me and smiled.

"You're doing good."

"Thank you so much, master."

He just nodded and then took off after the king. I was amazed at how fast his two horses were at pulling him and the carriage. After about an hour I realized we were making a turn and riding back even though it was a different route.

Now I looked a little more at the king's huge garden, almost as big as the city. There were beautiful trees, flowers, nicely arranged, bushes, cut into perfection and other plants. Suddenly I saw that there were many ingredients I could use for some potions. The next time the king took a walk I'd have to pick some.

That evening I had a smile on my face that even the long boring dinner couldn't get rid of or the walk to the king's harem. I just felt happy.

When Bailey and I finally were back in our room I put my clothes away and as I kneeled I kissed his feet.

"Get up." He said.

I did and he walked behind me and tied my hands. A rush of adrenaline went through me and I felt my heart beating faster. While I had felt completely free this afternoon I was now tied up and couldn't do much but I didn't feel any worse. I probably felt even better. I loved being Bailey's boy.

"I borrowed something from the stalls today." Bailey said and took out a short horsewhip. I gulped.

"How do you like it?" He asked.

"Master, I'm yours. You can do whatever you want. I like whatever you like. You can whip me, hit me, spank me and if it pleases you I'll be happy." And I meant every word I said. These were dark, secret fantasies I'd had for a while but I was always scared of them. But now that I had him, my master, it felt good and right and I never wanted it to change.

"Don't move." He just ordered and I stood completely still, awaiting the first strike. When the whip touched my body I shivered. He just let it slide down my back and then up.

Wham. The whip hit my ass and again several times. Then he let it caress my body and whipped me again. It was not possible for me to tell what would come next and I was left to just wait, to enjoy the sensations. I shivered, my muscles tensed, I moaned and yelled but I did not move.

Bailey was at his game forever and I was sure my body had to be red all over. His whips were hard and he didn't hold back but the whip's caress was also tender and gentle and I was lost in it all.

And then he stopped.

I was still staying still, waiting for what was coming next. I yelled when he whipped my already hurting ass ten more times and knew I couldn't stand much more. I had trouble standing still, I couldn't, I didn't have any strength left. But I was still staying with sheer willpower.

Then I felt him put his arms around me and I collapsed into them, let him carry me to bed. There he kissed me and caressed my body with his hands.

"You did good. Very good." He said.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Go to sleep."

"Don't you want to fuck me or get off, Sir?" I asked.

"Not tonight. Seeing you like this is enough for me. Just close your eyes."

I did and was sleeping within the second.


The next two days passed slowly and boring and were like the first days. Morning meetings and then walks in the park. I bent down from time to time to pick some plants. I hid them in my pants and gave Bimbo some. No one thought it was weird that he had them in his hands and soon they were gone and only my little monkey knew where to find them.

At night Bailey indeed made up for the boring days. We talked a little and then he used my body, fucking me, slapping me and he made me suck him again.

The next evening I was again allowed to visit Lady Diane and I realized I was already at the castle for a week.

"Ace, my dear, I saw you walking funny two days ago." Lady Diane said as soon as we were in her room. I looked at her smiling face and thought when it was, then grinned.

"I know what you think but I have to disappoint you. That was the morning after the only night when he didn't fuck me."

"What? Then what did he do?"

"We went horse riding and well, it was the first time so I felt a little sore the next morning."

"I see. You might think it's weird but even though I'm such an old lady I sometimes think about what Bailey looks like naked. When he first became the king's bodyguard all the women were over him and only when he had his first boy did they let up."

"I can just imagine their broken hearts."

"Yes, there were several but the other man were relieved."

I laughed.

"So, what's this stuff in Bimbo's hands?" She asked.

"Oh, these are some plants and I was wondering if I could probably make some potions here."

"Poison?" She asked.

"No. Harmless stuff but it might come in handy."

"Ace, you never cease to amaze me. But first you read me a story and then we talk."

I again read her a story and she suggested I tell Bailey she told me the story.

"Your voice is really nice to listen to." She said when I finished.

"Thank you."

"Okay, I can see you're wondering about your brothers. I was in the city twice since you gave me the letters and yesterday I received an envelope. That's for you. Take your time and read them."

"Thank you." I opened it and there were several letters. Notes from all my little brothers, one longer letter from Micah with details about everything, one concerned letter from Tim, saying that Micah found a job at one of the powerful people in the city, apparently a good friend of the king and that Micah had been acting strange.

There were two letters from Barton and my uncle, both complimenting me on having found a way to contact them and they also said how amazed they were that I was around the king all day long and even heard all the political discussions. My information had been very helpful and they also agreed that Micah was acting weird.

As I read the loving letters from my little brothers, a funny letter from Callen, one from Jug, asking me to tell Amy he was there, Nial's beautiful letter, saying how much he missed me, one from Cam with a picture he painted, I realized how much I missed them, how far away they were.

Before I had come to the castle we were together every evening and the journey to the city as well as us losing our parents had made us even closer. I almost felt a physical pain thinking about them.

"I take it you won't answer their letters today?" Lady Diane asked.

"How often do you usually go to Valhi?"

"Once or twice a week."

"So you already went twice this week. It would be suspicious if you suddenly went twice every time between our meetings. So I'll write them the next week."

"Good thinking. Do you want to mix your potion now?"

"There are two ingredients I couldn't find in the park and I was wondering..."

"Of course I'll get them for you. You know, my life has been so much more interesting since I met you. And Ace, I've been asking around a little after dinner when the guys are drunk and it turns almost everyone of them knows about your village."

I didn't like the sound of that. "What happened?" I asked.

"Turns out Lord Adelhorn was never the king's best friend and when they were younger there were rumours that Adelhorn got the woman the king loved. But that was a long time ago. The reason they burned the village was more as an example for everyone else. Adelhorn was holding back a lot of money and food for himself. And so that something like that didn't happen again the advisors said that they had to set an example and be harsh."

I couldn't help but stare at her. "Are you... are you really telling me everyone had to die because Adelhorn was stealing a bit of money?"

"It's politics, Ace. They wanted to shock the other Lords."

"I can't... I just can't tell my brothers that their families died because of that old, greedy fatty. I just can't. Oh my god, what do I do?"

"I'm so sorry Ace."

"No, it's not your fault. Thank you for telling me."

Once again she hugged me but I felt empty, still not able to grasp what she said.

"Bailey will see that something is wrong." Lady Diane said.

"What should I tell him?"

"The truth? I can't see why you couldn't tell him that you were away when they burned the village and I'm pretty sure he won't tell anyone."

"I guess you're right."

"Alright, you go back and try to relax a little. Everything will be okay."

"Thank you so much for everything."

"Take care." She kissed my cheek and as I walked back I thought about what she had told me. I was probably a mess because when I came inside Bailey's room he looked concerned. I went through my routine but before I could kneel in front of Bailey he grabbed me and put me on his lap.

"Jace, what's wrong."

"Bailey, Bail, why are people so cruel sometimes?" I asked him, not realizing I didn't call him Sir or Master.

"What happened? Did Lady Diane do something?"

"No, no." I put my head on his shoulder and felt his arms around my back. "She's wonderful." I said. "Wonderful and kind, tells me stories. But also the truth. Tell me Bail, please, tell me you are not like them. Please."

By now tears were running down my cheeks.

"Like whom?" He asked.

"Do you know my mother was killed? She was my only family. She was wonderful, like Lady Diane. I loved her. But they killed her. And everyone else."

"Jace, what are you talking about."

"Bail, you know I was a farmer, nothing more, nothing less." The tears just didn't stop flowing and Bailey's shirt was soaked. "I wasn't always happy but I had my mother and friends. I still have my brothers but... they killed everyone else."

Bailey suddenly grabbed my head and forced me to look into his eyes. "Jace, what are you talking about?"

"Our village. They burned it. Everything. Every house, the fields and they killed everyone."

Bailey's eyes widened. "You're from there?"

I just nodded.

"You survived."

"We were in the forest."


"My brothers."

"You have brothers? How many of you survived?" He asked.

I hesitated a little. "Three with me."

He didn't believe me. "And then you came here?"

I nodded. "Had to find some work, survive somehow."

"Where are they now?"

"Why?" I asked. "Are you going to tell your king so you can kill the remaining people of the village?"

His eyes filled with anger and he slapped my wet cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean that." I whispered.

"I didn't hear you."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean that." I said in a louder voice.

"That's better. I should whip you for calling me anything else but Sir and Master and for insulting me. But punishment comes tomorrow. Now I want you to answer my question."

"Yes, Sir. They are in Valhi. They live at a nice place and have work."

"That's good. Now get to bed." He said and I walked over to the bed. His slaps had brought me back from my stupor and I could think clearly again. What I had said was stupid of course. I knew he wouldn't do something like that and I felt like Bailey did care about me. Probably not as much as I loved him but he cared, I could see that in his eyes. And why the hell had I called him Bailey? And even Bail. He had to be angry with that.

After a few minutes Bailey climbed into the bed. "Boy."

"Yes, master."

"What do you think I'm going to do now?"

"Master, you will do whatever you want with me. Your boy is yours to use for your pleasure." And again, a weird thing I said but I meant it.

"In that case your master is going to fuck you for hours."

"I'm yours, master."

He took some oil but today he didn't take the time to work his fingers inside me. He just shoved his big cock inside me and also didn't stop to let me adjust to it, he just started fucking me hard and fast. But I didn't feel like it was punishment, he was only taking what was his anyway and using it to make him feel good.

He was cumming inside me very soon but didn't pull out. His cock was still hard and he just waited a little and then began to fuck me again. More gentle this time, almost tender and caring and I loved it as much as his rough fuck. I was having a hard time holding back my own orgasm and when he came in my ass a second time I couldn't hold back anymore and came and like every single orgasm I had in this room it seemed to go on forever, brought me to heights unimaginable and made me only see white, bliss and Bailey's dark eyes.

I was panting hard when I finally calmed down and realized that I not only had scratched Bailey's back - my fingernails were bloody - but also had I bitten his shoulder so hard I could taste the blood in my mouth and saw that he had a wound that needed to be treated.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Sir." I said and crawled away from him. "I'll be back in ten minutes." Before he even had the time to answer I had grabbed the tunic that I got the first day and ran outside with Bimbo following me. I found a window, climbed outside and then was in the park. It was already dark and I wished I had a lamp but I had seen some of the plants I needed on the walks with the king. Luckily I found them, picked them, gave them Bimbo to hold for me and climbed up the wall, ran back into the room, took the plants, saw that Bailey was still on the bed and told Bimbo to get me a cup of water.

Meanwhile I put the plants into an empty cup and tried to get as much of their juice as possible, using a spoon. Bimbo came back with the water, Bailey looking amazed and I washed the blood away. I mashed the plants as fast as I could, added some water and then put it on his wounds.

Then I ripped my tunic apart and bandaged Bailey's body so that the healing plants would stay in place.

When I was finally done I exhaled and collapsed on the bed.

I saw Bailey shaking and then he just burst out laughing and laughing and didn't stop anymore.

"What is it, Sir?" I asked him, unsure why he was suddenly laughing.

He just continued laughing and pulled me into his arms. After minutes he finally quieted down to chuckling and then he looked at me.

"Jace, that was like the funniest thing I ever experienced."

"What? But... huh?"

"You should have seen yourself. Running outside, practically naked, like some lion was coming after you and then you came bursting back inside and were ordering around your monkey and made that stuff in like two minutes and then you ripped your tunic apart. It looked hilarious. Especially because all the commotion was just because of a little blood." He was still smiling.

"It wasn't just a little blood. I hurt you and I'm so, so sorry, Sir."

"Jace, it was just a scratch."

"But I bit you and if I didn't do anything there would be scars."

"I don't mind scars. I already have a few from fights."

"Scars you collect in a fight are an honour but scars you get during sex, not so much."

He grinned. "I wouldn't mind scars you gave me during sex. But thank you for caring about me."

"It was nothing, Sir."

"Of course it was. You know Jace, I usually don't compare my boys but I can honestly tell you, you're the one who needed the least bit of training, the only one who wasn't scared of me, the only one that likes being my boy and that cares about me. And you're the first that is so interesting, wicked and clever. But boy, don't let that get to your head. You're still getting punished for calling me Bailey and Bail."

"Yes, Sir." I said and he kissed me softly on my lips, spooned me from behind and we were asleep within minutes.

That was chapter 4 and five. I hope you enjoyed. Drop me a note to let me know.

Next: Chapter 3: Jace 6 7

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