
By Jenny Tian

Published on Jun 8, 2012


Chapter 8

About half an hour after my master was asleep I felt movement and saw Bimbo sitting on the bed. The vial was in his hand. I took it, carefully turned around and saw Bailey's peaceful sleeping expression. I didn't want to do it but I had to. His sleep was too light for me to just sneak out without him noticing. I poured some of the potion on a handkerchief that Bimbo also brought and then held it under Bailey's nose. I hoped it wasn't just my imagination that his breaths deepened and after he inhaled it a few times I got up, thanked Bimbo, put on the tunic and walked outside. It was dark but there were some lamps on the walls and I managed to get by the guards in front of the king's bedroom. They were awake but sleepy and I didn't make a single sound.

There were a few other guards but I managed to hide in time. When I finally arrived at the harem my heart was beating wildly. I opened the door and saw it was completely dark inside. I took one of the lamps and walked inside. The man that always brought the girls was sleeping on a bed and the doors to the other rooms were closed. I had no idea where Amy was and it could take some time. I poured some more of the potion on the handkerchief and held it under the man's nose. Then I opened the first door and peeked inside. I looked at all the sleeping girls but Amy wasn't there. She also wasn't in the second room but I found her in the third. There were five more girls sleeping and I let them all inhale two times and then put the lamp next to me and softly shook Amy.

It only took a second before Amy's eyes opened. For a moment she looked disoriented and confused but then she smiled.

"Ace. You really came."

"Of course. How are you?"

"I'm good. Thank you so much for saving me."

"I just had to do something."

"Thank you. How come you're here?" She asked.

"We're with the rebels."


"All of us. Jug, Micah and the rest of our gang."

"Oh? So you're a spy? And you're with the rebels? How is Jug? He isn't doing anything dangerous, is he?"

"He's fine. They are with my uncle and live in a big house. They work and aren't too involved in everything. Except for Micah of course."

"But why are you all here? What happened?"

She looked at me and my face fell, thinking back to the night of the fire.

"Ace, what happened? Why isn't Jug with my family?"

"Amy, I'm so sorry."

"Ace!" She looked scared, scared of what was going to come from my mouth. I wished I had better news.

"Amy, they're gone. Everyone is gone."

"No." She shook her head and her eyes filled with tears. "No. This can't be."

"Amy, Jug is coming to get you. You're his only family and you both need each other. You need to be strong." I said as I put my arms around her.

"When is he coming?" She asked, still sobbing.

"In a little less than a month."

"The king's birthday."

"That's right. The rebels are going to take over the castle."

"It's going to be a bloodbath, right?"

"We hope not. The first person to die will be the king."

She sat up. Her eyes suddenly looked determined and I realized what a strong girl she was. "How can I help?"

"I want you to stay alert and when it begins you need to calm down everyone. Take care of the other women and make them stay in here."

"That won't be possible. We'll be in the bath the whole day and getting beauty treatments for the night." She sounded disgusted.

"The bath might be even better. It's farther away from the king and no one is going to attack beautiful, naked women."

She smiled. "Yes, that might be our best defence."

"Just take care of yourself. I hope something like the king wanting a virgin won't happen again."

"Thank you, Ace." She was quiet for a while and then looked at me. "You're not as lucky."


"We all heard rumours. About you being the bodyguard's new boy."

"Oh. Well, I knew from the beginning what the price would be."

"You came here even though you knew..." She looked stunned.

"I talked about it with the leaders of the rebels. It was needed and it's the best opportunity we'll ever have. I'm constantly near the king."

Her eyes widened. "You're going to kill him."

"You're right."

"Oh god, why are they doing something like this to you! They can't make you kill someone."

"Amy, I volunteered. It had to be a boy."

"But you've never killed someone."

"Whatever. It has to be done. And you be careful. Jug has been asking about you."

"You see him?"

"No, he wrote a letter."

"Oh. Can you tell him I'm fine and he shouldn't worry? And please tell him to be careful."

"I will."

"Thank you so much, Ace."

"You're welcome."

I got up and just left the room when Amy called my name. "Ace, why did no one wake up? I got a little loud."

"I gave them something to sniff. They'll sleep deeply until tomorrow morning."

Amy laughed quietly. "You're wonderful. Take care of yourself."

"You too. Good night."

She waved and I carefully went back to Bailey's and my room. I looked at my beautiful master, sleeping in our bed and it almost felt like home. I wanted it to be home. Not in this castle, but somewhere with him. Just the two of us living together in a small house near my brothers. That would be paradise. But it was not possible.

I still didn't know how I'd distract Bailey when I had to pour the poison into the king's food. In front of everyone! How would I do that? One idea I had was using Bimbo. He could jump around in the food on the table. But Bailey sat between the king and me. He wouldn't be as dumb as the rest.

A sigh escaped my lips. I put the tunic back and climbed into the warm bed. I snuggled into Bailey and even in his sleep he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. A tear escaped my eye. I was so happy. And that happiness could only last a few more weeks.


Bailey was in a very good mood the next day. He just had a constant smile on his lips and I hoped it wasn't because of the potion but because of the hours we shared together before bed - those incredible hours without making a single sound.

The meeting was boring as was the afternoon. The king went out in the park with some others and Bailey and I just followed.

The next morning was almost the same but in the afternoon things got mysterious. Everyone seemed excited but I had no idea what was happening. In the early afternoon the king then went outside and I saw many of the rich people following him. It looked like just another walk but we went a different route and a few minutes later I could hear the sound of animals and people.

Wow. I thought when I saw the huge tent. I'd never seen something like that and had no idea what it was for. There were many horses and carriages that looked like small huts. Some looked like cages and passing them I saw animals, dangerous animals inside. Animals I'd never seen and had no idea existed. Some I recognized from tales and paintings but others looked weird and exotic.

There were so many people and it was as if all the people from the castle were there.

The king walked inside and I saw it was an arena. He walked to the front and sat down. Many people were already sitting and talking, music was playing on a higher platform and I felt excited.

Bailey put his hand on my leg and smiled at me. "This is a circus. You never were in one, were you?"

"No. I heard about them but never saw one."

"Well, this is going to be very interesting. I'm sure you'll enjoy."

"Yes, Sir." I said with a huge smile.

Only minutes later everyone quieted down when the curtain at the back of the ring opened and a man dressed in black came out. The music quieted down and he welcomed everyone, especially the king. "It's such an honour to be here today at the castle of Vail. We have prepared a program with animals, acrobatics and clowns. Please enjoy."

Everyone clapped and the man announced Anastasia, and then stood back.

The curtains opened again and several beautiful horses came running outside. On one was a beautiful woman with a long whip. The music played and the horses ran, stood on their hind legs. It was amazing. Next were acrobatics on the ground. The easiest things they did were things I considered difficult. Next came huge animals I'd never seen. They were grey and had weird long noses and huge ears. It was lovely how they stood on small plates and turned in circles.

The most breath taking was the people on the trapeze. They were so high in the air we had to look up. What they did was almost scary and I couldn't believe how they flew around.

The show went two hours and was amazing. There were so many animals and acrobatics I could only sit in awe. The king was the most taken with the clowns and it somehow fit his image.

It was towards the end that I saw the man that sat at the left, almost at the back. I wouldn't have looked there if not for the light that reflected in his golden ring and blinded me. I looked up, a little annoyed by it and my heart almost stopped. The man didn't do it on purpose. It was just a coincidence. But what almost made my mouth drop was who was sitting next to him. It was Micah.

I felt that Bailey wasn't looking at me and nodded with a small smile. Micah smiled back and I felt instantly better. I realized how much I missed my brothers and just seeing Micah was honey for my heart.

When the show was over people all got up and I stayed back a little. It was easy to lose the king and Bailey and as soon as I didn't see them anymore I looked around for Micah. I saw him standing up there and pointing to the left. Outside I went to the left where many animals were. Bimbo saw another monkey and immediately got excited.

"Ace." Micah said and hugged me.

"Micah. It's so good to see you."

"You too. How are you?" He stood back so that he was almost not visible.

"I'm good. Things are going as planned. Of course Lady Diane is one of the most wonderful things that could happen. And also that I'm constantly near the king."

"Yes, that's great."

"How are you? Our brothers?"

"We all miss you. Nial is probably feeling worst. He cries at night."

"Oh god. I wish this was all over already."

"Me too. But it will be hard. We can't make any mistakes. We just can't fail. And even if we win, we need to secure everything. There's so much more to plan after our plan succeeded."

"You're right. I bet you're in all the planning up to your neck."

Micah shrugged. "Not everyone trusts me."

"Yes. I heard you've been acting a little weird."

"It's important. My brain is on constant overload." He grinned.

"Your brain can't be on overload."

"It's getting close. Shit, I need to go. Bimbo is in love." He whispered and vanished just as I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun around.

"What are you doing here?" Bailey asked with a dangerous voice.

"Bimbo is in love." I said and pointed at the little monkey. He was happily communicating with the female monkey. Bailey's face softened. "Take your little monkey. You can't just walk away."

"I'm sorry, Sir." I said and I saw in his eyes that I'd get punished tonight. My stomach made summersaults like the acrobats and I shivered a little from both fear and anticipation. My mind was far away for the rest of the evening and I barely ate, thinking of what was coming.

When I finally kneeled in front of Bailey my heart was almost racing.

"Get up, boy."

"Yes, Sir."

"You know you're getting punished."

"Yes, Sir."

"Why is that?"

"Because I just walked away, Sir."

"That's right. You get punished for leaving my side. I don't want to hear any excuses. It's not acceptable that you are further away from me than a few feet."

"Yes, Sir."

"Spread your legs."

I did and he shoved his finger inside to lube me.

"Tonight, boy, you can scream all you want."

That made me shiver. In fear.

"See this?" He asked and showed me one of the big rubber cocks.

"Yes, Sir."

"That's going to stay inside you tonight."

"Yes, Sir AAAAaaaaaaaah!" I yelled out as he brutally shoved it in. He slapped my ass a few times and my legs felt weak but I managed to stay.

"Now lie down on the bed."

"Yes, Sir."

"On your back."

"Yes, Sir."

When he stood over me and I saw what he held in his hand my eyes widened. They looked just like the candles we had used on Adelhorn.

"Boy, you seem to know what this is for." He said.

"Yes, Sir."

"Oh?" He raised his eyebrows. "How do you know?"

"We used them, Sir."

"Who? And on whom?"

"I... I can't say, Sir."

"I'm ordering you to tell me." He said and held the candle into one of the lamps. It caught fire and I shivered, thinking back to how much pain these candles could give.

I yelled when the first drops hit my collarbone. The next landed directly on my left nipple and I wanted to turn away, I wanted the pain, the incredible heat to go away, but I stayed. Because my master wanted me to stay where I was.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" I yelled when more of the hot wax landed on my left nipple and he slowly worked down, to my stomach and I feared where he was going.

"Tell me." He ordered.

"Sir... my brothers, my gang... we did it."

"Your gang?"

"Yes..." I grit my teeth together. "We were seven, Sir. I was their leader. Micah was the one who had the stuff."

"The stuff?" He asked and more dropped on my stomach.

"Rubber cocks... aaaaaah... whips and candles."

"Interesting. And on whom did you use it?"

"Sir, he's dead?"

"Did you kill him?" He asked just as the first drop hit my cock and I yelled out. Another one landed on my cock head and it hurt worse than on my nipples.

"No, Sir. We... never killed anyone. He died in the fire."

"Who was it?"


"Who was it?"

"Sir, it was Lord Adelhorn."

Suddenly it was quiet except for my hard panting.

Bailey was staring into my eyes. "Why did you do that?" He climbed over me, his hands on the left and right side of my head, his arms straight and his head over me, exactly an arm's length away from me, too far to kiss. I wanted to pull him down, down on my, feel his weight on me, feel his skin on mine, feel his lips on mine. But he just stared at me, waiting for an answer. I felt a few tears escape my eyes.

"Sir, it was our revenge."

"What for?"

"Sir, I hated him. He made me suck him when he thought I didn't bring him enough of the food and money we made. But when I found out that every single one of my brothers had to do the same, I was so sad and angry. My little bro, Nial, he's only eleven and so innocent and sweet." Remembering it made me cry harder. For some reason I was always so emotional around Bailey.

He still stared at me and then wiped away the tears with his right hand. "Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"What, Sir?"

"I'm punishing you and then you tell me something like this. I don't feel like punishment anymore."



"You made me tell you."

He chuckled. "You're right. Well, close your eyes and don't open them."

"Yes, Sir."

I closed my eyes and waited for what was going to happen. He lifted my legs and pulled the rubber cock out. I thought he was going to fuck me even though I was suddenly not in the mood for it but he didn't. He took the cooled wax away and then caressed me and made circles with his hands on my skin. It felt wonderful and with my eyes closed I just fell asleep.


The first thing I saw when I woke up was Bailey's smiling face.

"Good morning, Jace."

"Morning, Bail."

"Sleep well?"

"Yes, wonderful."

"That's good. Go take a bath and then we have to get going."

"Yes, Sir." I hesitated a little.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, Sir. I was just wondering, why you're always taking a bath before me in the morning. I could wash your body."

"That is a very tempting offer but Jace, it would probably take us much longer." He smiled and I felt myself blush.

"You're right, Sir."

He patted my back and I went to take my morning bath.

I was prepared for another boring day but the meeting turned out to be the most interesting. Right at the beginning a servant came in and brought a letter for the king. He opened the letter and read it quietly. I glanced at it and read it as fast as I could, I kept my head low so that no one could see where I was looking at.

The king then handed the letter around but no one read it aloud.

"This is very good news." One of them said.

"I agree. We now only need to send some of our people there."

"I advise your honour to wait at least two more weeks."

"Why's that?"

"If we do it now they will have time to reorganize themselves and they might still do it even though they'll be less strong. But if we wait and do it a few days before your honour's birthday, we'll crush them." This was Lord Easton and I knew he was more intelligent than some of the others.

"That sounds good. When should we do it?"

"I suggest five days before your birthday."

They discussed some more details and when the meeting was over I knew I really looked forward to meeting Lady Diane the following day.

I had the feeling that Bailey kept an even closer watch to me. Even if I didn't look at him I could always feel his presence and often I felt his eyes. That night Bailey was harsh, yet gentle. When he thrust his cock into me it was fast, yet considerate. He fucked me for what seemed like hours. He always stopped before he came and before I did and then picked up speed again. I could see that it was hard yet wonderful for both of us. And I loved it.


The next morning I woke up feeling a little sore and wondered if anyone would notice me walking funny. Bailey grinned when he saw me walking to the bath but didn't comment on it. When we were ready to go he kissed me hard and grabbed my ass. "Let's hope the king doesn't want to go for a ride." He said and chuckled.

After the meeting and lunch the king announced he wanted to go for a ride. I groaned inwardly and knew that Bailey grinned.

But even though I felt a little sore I was also looking forward to riding Cain. He was such a wonderful horse and I loved riding it.

The afternoon turned out to be very pleasant, even with the constant reminder of last night. The weather was nice. It was getting warmer every day now and summer was almost there. It felt incredible to ride with the wind that was blowing and I loved every minute of it.

After dinner Bailey kissed me in front of everyone. Just a soft kiss on my lips but I felt how everyone watched us. "See you later." He said and then followed the king.

"Wow, that was something." Lady Diane said as we walked to her room.

"That's the first time." I said.

"The first time ever. No one ever saw Bailey kiss or touch his boys in the open."


"Yes. You really are special."

I just nodded and thought that I was not special enough to betray the king. But I knew that from the beginning.

Lady Diane looked at me with a smile. "Let's read a little, first."

"Yes." She handed me the book and I continued where we stopped the last time. The protagonist, who was a little crazy, actually got the beautiful girl. I was surprised at that. The girl was touched by his hard tries he did but others didn't approve of them.

"Are they gonna make it?" I asked.

"You'll have to wait until next time."

"I hope so."

"You know, not everything in life is just black or white. There are shades of grey and no one is completely happy or unhappy."

"I guess."

"Okay, I've noticed you walking funny for the second time in the last three weeks. What happened?" She asked with a grin.

"Well, you really want to know?"


"My master has stamina."

Lady Diane clapped her hands and laughed. It was contagious and I had to laugh as well. "That's wonderful. From the look on your face I can tell you enjoy it."

"Yes, everything."

"I'm not even going to ask about details but I have heard some of the guards talking about cries that come from the room next to the kings."

I blushed and Lady Diane grinned. "The king must have a deep sleep."

"Oh, please, don't tease me."

"Your blush is cute."

I just grinned stupidly and she then handed me an envelope. "Letters for you."

"Thanks. I also have big news for them. But I think I should maybe wait a little. Could I probably write two letters and have you only deliver one?"

"Of course you can. Just tell me which one to deliver."

"Thank you so much." I said and began to read the letters. The ones from my brother were the most touching and I once again felt how much I missed them. Then I wrote them about some information but didn't yet mention what I found out.

Lady Diane hugged me like always before I left and when I returned to the room I didn't see Bailey. I wondered where he was and took my clothes off. I considered just kneeling down but then decided to look if he was in the bath. I think the two of us took more baths than all the rich people together. They always smelled like perfume but from what I knew that was because they didn't bath often and put so much perfume on so that they didn't stink. But Bailey thought hygiene was important and I enjoyed the baths.

When I opened the door I gasped. I only saw Bailey's back but he was naked and the sight was amazing. He had a very strong back. There was one scar on his left shoulder but otherwise it was flawless. His waist was small and he had a very firm butt. His legs were strong and muscular.

He turned around and smiled when he saw me. "Come here." He said and I stood in front of him. I had to look up a little to look into his eyes and for some reason that made me hot.

"Sir, you are gorgeous."

"Thank you, Jace. I don't know if you ever looked into the mirror but you're the gorgeous one."

"Thank you, Sir."

"You stated correctly that we rarely bath together. But I'm going to wash you first. How's your ass?"

"Sore, Sir. But I like the feeling."

He smiled. "You're the perfect fit for me. Now get into the bath tub."

He followed me into the hot water and poured some on my shoulders and hair with his hands. He caressed my whole body and then took the soap and washed me from head to toe. I felt really loved and cherished that moment and didn't want it to end.

When Bailey finished soaping me he washed it off and then it was my turn. I took even longer than him and examined every inch of his body with my fingers. The soap made it slippery and I let my fingers slide around. I touched everything, caressed everything and I felt even better than when he washed me.

We dried each other and then he just carried me to bed. He kissed me softly and said goodnight. I fell asleep in his strong arms.


I was excited when the king announced that he wanted to play some chess the next afternoon. But it was another friend of his and not Lord Easton so I just watched and learned more about the game.

But after dinner when Bailey and I were in our room he pulled out his chessboard and I was sure my eyes sparkled.

"Are you up for a game?" He asked.

"Anytime, Sir."


We sat at the table this time, me naked of course and him still clothed. He made the first move and I was next. I held up a little longer but I still lost.

"You're getting better, Jace."

"Thank you, Sir."

"I'm sure you could beat everyone in this castle with some more training."

I remained quiet but smiled. It was a weak smile.

"Let' go to bed." He said when he saw my expression. I hated to feel so weak and insecure, so emotional and sad. But Bailey made it better. He was gentle that night. More than ever. His touch was like a feather and he didn't fuck me. He made gentle, tender love to me and I held on to him, didn't ever want to let him go. I felt closer to him that night than ever. And I felt happy, yet sad, thinking that our time would be over in three weeks. Whether it was because I died or because he did. There just was no happy end for us.

Chapter 9

I got a big surprise the next evening. The morning of course was boring and in the afternoon the king went for a walk. Then at lunch we sat down and began to eat when I noticed the man sitting opposite of me. It was Alvin.

"Ace, it's good to see you." He said and my heart beat a little faster.

"Hello Alvin."

"You two know each other?" Bailey asked and I even saw a little interest in the king's eyes.

"Yes. He worked for me for a short while." Alvin explained.

"I thought you only hired people who could read in the library?" Bailey asked and I looked at Alvin. Whatever he did next would decide if I could trust him and if I was right about him.

"Usually, yes." Alvin said after looking into my eyes. "But I needed someone to carry some books around and the boy and his two brothers needed money."

"I see." Bailey said.

"You have two brothers?" Another man asked. I'd seen him around but we never talked.

"Yes, Sir. They are now living in Valhi with our uncle."

"So you haven't seen them in a while."

"Yes. I really miss them. They are doing alright, aren't they, Alvin?" I asked.

"Of course. Nial is a sweetheart. He charms everyone that comes into the library. Nial is the youngest brother." Alvin explained. "He doesn't work for me. He just accompanies the middle brother, Callen. I'm teaching Callen how to read."

"Wow, that's wonderful."

"Yes. He's very talented."

Dinner went on for more than another hour and I observed Alvin closely. He was a very friendly man and didn't tell them that I could read but that also meant that he suspected that I wasn't here just for work. It meant that he knew I had something to hide. And it meant that he had something against me in his hand that he could use for himself. I wasn't comfortable with that thought but it could come in handy. Maybe he'd try to get my trust and find out more.

"So, you worked in the library?" Bailey asked me when we were in our room. I knew the questions would come.

"Yes, Sir."

"Lady Diane and Alvin are friends."

"Yes, Sir."

"Not very talkative tonight, huh?"

"No, Sir."

"Whatever." Bailey grumbled.

"Are you going to punish me, Sir?"

"Should I?"

"I don't know. You're just looking a little angry, Sir."

"I'm not mad. Not at you anyway. And I'm not going to punish you."

"Then why are you angry?"

"Jace, I'm not angry. I'm just thinking about some things."

"Yes, Sir."

"Tell me a little about your brothers and I want to hear about the gang."

"They're all wonderful. My little brothers are Callen and Nial. As you know, Nial is eleven. The others didn't want to let him join our group at first but I let them test him and now they all agreed."


"Well, they argued that he was too small to do anything cool and that he'd surely tell his parents. So we hung out with him, told him a fake hiding place and when one week later no one had come by there they accepted him. And he's good with..." The knives I almost said.


"We didn't have many toys but Micah had a ball. We played with it and Nial always scored."

Bailey smiled and I continued. "Callen is always teasing him but I think he loves him the most. Then there were four other boys. Micah was my closest friend. We knew each other since we were small and were like brothers. He always was our brain and you know, Sir, our group, we complemented each other. Everyone was needed. There was Jug, he often had a big mouth but in the end he was quieter. But he was always funny. And then there was Tim. He was also very intelligent and considerate of others. He and Cam were together. Cam was the shyest but really cute."


"Yes. We caught them kissing one day. But they were wonderful together. We loved each other and I miss my brothers. Sir, do you have family?"

I thought I saw sadness in his eyes. "No, I'm like you. I lost everything."

"I'm sorry, Sir. But now you have me. I'm yours."

"I know." Bailey smiled at me and his kiss felt like he was claiming me to be his. When he sucked and bit my neck he marked me as his. And when he made love to me he left his cum inside a body that belonged to him.


I woke up feeling content and ready for the new day. As I suspected it turned out to be a boring day. We went for a walk in the afternoon and I went to Lady Diane in the evening.

We finished reading the story. The guy and the girl married despite him being a little crazy and her parents disagreeing. She became pregnant and they had a son. But then she got sick and died. For a moment I thought the man would go even crazier and massacre the whole village but he didn't. He looked at his baby son, took him and left the village behind.

The end wasn't really an end. It was more of a new beginning, with the two of them starting a new life, somewhere far away from the place he grew up. I wasn't sure if I liked the end but it was better than him killing everyone.

Even though the story was a little weird I really enjoyed reading it. The man seemed to be very innocent and pure even though others who couldn't read his thoughts didn't think so.

Lady Diane and I just talked the rest of the time after I read the wonderful letters of my brothers and uncle and Barton. It was nice and reminded me of the times when I just sat down and talked to my mother.

I told her of those times and how I wished I had spent more time with my wonderful, loving mother. Now it was too late. Lady Diane just listened, told me stories of her own life and her husband.

When I came back to Bailey he knew right away I was feeling a little down.

"Get up." He said when I kneeled in front of the chair.

"Why are you sad?" He asked.

"Bail, we were talking and it reminded me so much of my mother and I really miss her. I wish I had spent more time with her."

Bailey was quiet for a long time and I wondered if he was angry. But he just looked thoughtful and then pulled me to him and I sat on his lap.

"I'm sure you were a wonderful son." He then said. "And your mother loved you. She may be gone but you still have beautiful memories of the time you spent together. So don't look back. After I lost everything I met an old man. He told me that if your past dominates your present there will be no future."

"That sounds wise."

"Just remember that you still have your brothers, Jace."

"I know, Sir. I'm actually happy and feel much better than right after it happened. It's just that talking with Lady Diane reminded me so much of my mother."

"I understand. Now let's get to bed." He stood up, his arms around my back and carried me to the bed where he made gentle love to me.


I thought I was going crazy. The next day was exactly like the one before except that I didn't meet Lady Diane.

The king's advisors repeated themselves! They really repeated whole sentences that they already said the day before. And the king took the exact same walk in the afternoon. It was like the time turned back at night. It was almost scary and I had to look for little details to be sure that wasn't the case.

At least the night turned out to be very, very different.

"Tomorrow will be different." Bailey said when I stood in front of him.

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"I know you were really bored today."

"I'm sorry, Sir. You're always watching me, Sir? Shouldn't you watch the king?"

Bailey grinned. "Don't get cheeky, boy. I'm watching the king but I can feel you and I know how you feel."

"Yes, Sir."

"So if you're doing good tonight I can promise you that tomorrow will be great."

"I'll do whatever you want."

"Good. Have you seen the new furniture?"

"Yes, Sir. Is it a bench?"

"Something like that." He led me to the small wooden bench that was almost as high as my hips. It was covered with a soft cushion, it had four legs and was probably a little over two feet long. Bailey pressed me down so that my upper body was lying on it and I also could put my head on it. I began to understand how he was going to use it.

My ass was in the air and I realized that my head was lower than my ass because the front legs of the bench were shorter. I wondered who made such weird furniture.

At least if was comfortable but I knew that I would probably feel pain very soon.

Bailey took out some rope and tied my arms and legs to the legs of the bench. There was no way now that I could move or escape. My heart beat faster and I got an erection.

I felt my master's hands on my ass cheeks. He caressed them gently and spread them. It felt good. But suddenly he smacked one hand down and I yelped. Again he caressed and then smacked my other butt cheek. And one more followed. It stung, his arms were really strong and he didn't hold back at all.

And weirdly, I felt amazing and grateful. "Thank you, Sir." I said, over and over again, whenever he smacked my ass hard, despite the pain, I was grateful. I didn't really understand it but had the feeling that Bailey knew exactly what to do to make me feel good. It was like he knew exactly what I needed. And he was the only one who could give me that.

He could give me pleasure like no one else. He knew me inside out. He could read me like no other person. And I felt amazing being at his mercy.

I wouldn't even have tried to get away from his never stopping assault on my ass. I would have stayed there even if I weren't tied to the bench.

I would let him do anything. I was his.

And he used me that night. I couldn't count how many times he smacked my ass. I knew there would be bruises and I probably wouldn't be able to sit normally. But I didn't care. I hurt, but I was hard. I cried and yelled but I loved it and never asked him to stop.

I trusted him. I knew he wouldn't go too far.

It felt like the smacks went on forever, his hands coming down on my hurting ass. It just didn't stop and somehow, I don't know how it happened, I came into a state of bliss and I didn't know it was possible but I came. My cock had been rubbing against the bench and I just suddenly erupted.

I didn't even know I was close. It just happened and when the powerful orgasm subsided I was shivering and panting. Bailey didn't give me much time to recover. He pushed his fingers inside me, stretched me a little, applied some oil on his cock and then shoved it in. One hard, brutal stroke. I yelled and cried, tears streamed down my face. Bailey waited a minute, let me adjust to his big cock and then pulled out almost all the way until only the head was inside. Then pushed back in, hard and fast. The pain was still there but the pleasure was getting stronger. With every pull and shove I felt my own cock harden more and the pleasure built. His balls slapped against my ass and I found myself trying to push back against him.

For a moment a scary thought came into my head and I felt bad. But the next it was gone and I was lost in the pleasure that Bailey, my beautiful master gave me.

After what felt like an eternity but wasn't very long he pushed in one last time, deeper than before, and he came with a loud groan. Bailey collapsed on top of me but recovered fast and his cock slipped out of me. I felt empty without it and again, that thought I didn't want in my head was there.

While Bailey untied me I suddenly began to cry, harder than when he slapped my ass. I sobbed and Bailey pulled me in his arms and carried me to his bed.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked but I couldn't talk. I felt bad, somehow. I wanted him so much but everything just suddenly felt bad. I was scared though I couldn't really understand why that thought came now, after three weeks.

Bailey caressed my head and looked at me with a concerned expression. "Was I too rough?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Then tell me what's wrong."

"Bail... Bail..." I sobbed and he pulled me closer to him. I couldn't believe how often he had seen me cry the last few weeks. Much more than my friends ever did.

His strong arms held me and I calmed down a little. "Jace, tell me what's wrong."

"Bail, I love everything we do. You know I like it when you're rough."

He nodded and softy kissed my forehead.

"But..." I hesitated. "I don't know why I suddenly feel like that. I feel... dirty? Why, Bail? Why do I like it so much when you treat me like that? I don't want to feel like that but the thought just came when you used me. I felt cheap and dirty and..." I began to cry again.

Bailey kissed the tears away and after a while they stopped.

"Are you scared?" He asked me.

"Yes, master. I am."

"Jace, that's a normal feeling. You were a leader all your life and now suddenly you give up all your control. I think you being completely tied to the bench and unable to move triggered your fear and made you realize how much you're really under my control. But that's normal. You're not dirty or cheap because of it. It's true, not many people like what you like. We may be different but it's not a bad thing. You need someone to take care of you, to dominate you and I need someone who gives up the control, who needs to give it up. It's scarier for you because when you're tied up there's nothing you can do. But Jace, you can trust me. I won't hurt you, not much. I know how far to go. I can read you like an open book."

"Yes, Sir. I do trust you. I really do. I wasn't scared because I thought you might hurt me too much. It's just... I'm scared because I like it so much. I'm scared because of the need I feel. And Sir, I came. Just from you smacking my ass. It was intense but scary. I don't know why I feel like that. Others aren't like me."

"No, they aren't. Others aren't as wonderful, as beautiful, as intelligent, as strong as you. Jace, that you came just shows how right we are for each other. Don't be scared. Try to remember that this is something some people need. Some people need to submit to someone."

"I love you, Sir." I whispered and Bailey looked serious. He then softly kissed my lips, wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep.


"What? Are you serious, Sir?"


"Oh my god!" I jumped up and danced around my master with Bimbo on my shoulder. Bailey laughed and I realized my ass still hurt. But it was a good hurt. "You are the best!" I said and kissed Bailey full on the lips. Then stepped back with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"It's okay. Go take your bath and then put some of that ointment on your backside."

"Yes, Sir."

I don't think I was ever so fast done with everything. Within minutes I was ready to go. The first thing Bailey told me today was that he had a free day every month and that we would go to Valhi. And I could see Callen and Nial!

"That was fast." Bailey said with a smile.

"How are we going, Sir?"

"With the horses."

"Oh." I rubbed my ass and wondered if I'd be able to ride Cain.

"We're not riding them." Bailey said with a chuckle and I shivered at the sound. "We're taking one of the carriages."

"Wow, really?"

"Really. Come on, we'll eat breakfast in the city."

I nodded and we went outside where the carriage was already waiting for us. It was one with a roof and you could look out from the small windows. A servant sat in front with a long whip and when we were inside I heard him yell something and the carriage began to move.

I grabbed Bailey's arm and he laughed. "I... I've never been in one." I whispered. It was weird but nice.

"That's okay. You'll get bored of it very soon. Luckily Valhi isn't too far away."

Bailey was right. Just sitting in there was boring but I looked outside. When we came nearer to Valhi there were more people and I could see people looking at us in awe. Only rich people had horses and they probably thought some Lord or Lady was sitting in the carriage.

The man at the entrance to Valhi didn't stop us. He just greeted the servant and we were in Valhi. After a few minutes the horses stopped and Bailey opened the door.

I stepped outside and immediately realized how different the atmosphere was. No perfume was here, just the warm city air. There weren't too many people where we were but I knew soon we'd be surrounded by all kinds of people.

Bailey took my hand and we went out to the streets. It felt weird at first, holding his hand. But people didn't really see us and soon I just enjoyed the day away from the castle. For a second I asked myself if the king and his advisors talked about me during the meeting but then put everything that had anything to do with the castle away. This was a free day with just my love and two of my brothers.

Our first stop was at the market. Bailey bought apples, bread and some fish. It smelled good, the bread was still warm and the fish was grilled. We just sat down on a free place and ate. I was really hungry and ate fast, sometimes looking at Bailey and grinning. He always smiled back and I felt wonderful.

Later we walked around, looked at the things people sold. I thought Bailey eyed a necklace but I didn't have any money. Perhaps I could ask Callen and Nial to buy it.

Just before noon we stood before the library. I turned to look at Bailey and smiled. "Sir, you're the best." I said again and then we entered the cool building.

We saw Alvin first and when I asked him if Callen could get off work in the afternoon he agreed.

Alvin went to get Callen and I followed him. Nial was sitting on a chair, reading a book. I glanced at Bailey who frowned but I put that in the back of my mind for now.

Nial looked up and then away, like he didn't notice us. But then his head snapped back, making his hair hide his eyes. He brushed them away and his eyes widened. My heart filled with joy, just seeing him again.

"Ace?" He asked.


"ACE!" He yelled, jumped up and came running towards me. I opened my arms and he jumped. I caught him and whirled him around once. Then I stopped and looked at him.

"Ace." He sobbed and put his arms around my neck. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too."

"When are you coming back? It's not the same without you."

"Soon, Nial. I'm coming back, okay?"

"How is the castle?" He asked after I kissed his tears away.

"It's nice and big. The people are all very rich."

"Do you like it?"

I pulled him closer. "I hate it, Nial. I hate it. You know, I'm coming back." I whispered into his ear.

"Yes. But I'm scared that something will happen."

"I'm not going to leave you alone."

"Okay." He kissed my cheek and then looked at Bailey. "Who are you? I'm Nial."

"I'm Bailey." He said and that moment I saw Callen. Like Nial his eyes widened and then he smiled and ran towards me.

"Ace." He yelled and hugged me. I put my left arm around him and kissed his cheek.

"Callen, how are you?"

"I'm great. You?"

"I'm good."

"Is this..." Callen looked at Bailey.

"I'm Bailey."

Callen just stared at him and then looked back at me. "Does he treat you good?" He asked.

"Yes, Callen. He does."

Callen again stared at Bailey and then turned his head away. I could see that he didn't like Bailey.

"Are we going to get lunch?" Nial asked and Bailey nodded. "It's on me." He said but Callen just frowned. I wondered if this was going to be a disaster.

It wasn't that bad. I held Nial's hand and Bailey just walked next to me. I wasn't sure what he thought but he looked serious. Sometimes his arm brushed mine and it always made me shiver.

Callen walked next to Nial and they told me about stuff, nothing that could give anything away. They were both too clever to do that. But it made me happy to hear how they got on with my uncle and I also noticed that they looked healthier. They had gained some weight and their skin looked better.

At the market I whispered some things into Nial's ear and he smiled and took off. Callen looked at me and I nodded. He then went after Nial.

"Where are they going?" Bailey asked.

"Just to buy some things. Are you disappointed that they're with us, Sir?"

"No. It's good to see you happy."

"Thank you, Sir. It means so much to me."

He smiled. "I know. It's nice to see you as their big brother. They really love you."

"Yes. And I really love them, Sir."

Bailey put an arm around my shoulder and bought some sweets on a stand. When my brothers came back he gave them the sweets but Callen didn't accept them. He just stared angrily at the arm on my shoulders.

Nial munched happily away and then looked at Bailey with big eyes. "Are you like Tim and Cam... were?"

"That's right." I said.

"How is it? I mean..."

"Nial." Callen said and Nial closed his mouth.

"It's alright to ask." I said. We were walking towards a place where they served warm food. "And Nial, in a few years you will meet a wonderful girl and you'll fall in love. If you're lucky she'll feel the same. I can tell you, it's a wonderful feeling. It can hurt, when the other person doesn't love you back, but if she does, you'll be really happy and that's how Tim and Cam felt."

Nial nodded and I could tell that he didn't like talking of them in the past tense. But it was required.

Lunch was good even though it was a little tense, especially since Bailey made a show of putting his arm around my waist. I wondered a little why he did that but still enjoyed the contact.

Nial pressed something into my hands and I thanked him. In the afternoon we went to the river and then walked around some more. It was nice. At the river we played around. I put Nial on my shoulders and we ran around. Callen also loosened up a little and we had a great time.

When it was time to part I almost didn't want to let them go. I knew it could be the last time I saw them if anything went wrong. I hugged them both close and Nial cried again.

"Can't you come back with us?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Nial, I can't. But I'm coming back."

"But... I don't want you to go again."

"I know. I also don't want to let you go. But it's the last time."

"Don't die, Ace. Please don't."

"I won't."

"Okay. Goodbye, Ace. Come back soon." He kissed me one last time as did Callen and they then left. Seeing them go made me realize that they all held a piece of my heart. Without them I wasn't complete. I couldn't just die or let anything happen to them. I needed to succeed.

Bailey and I rode back in silence. We both seemed to be deep in thought. When we arrived at the castle we didn't go back inside. He took my hand and we walked into the park. His step was sure even though it was getting darker. When he stopped we stood in the grass, surrounded by roses. The smell was nice and I inhaled deeply. Bailey chuckled and lay down in the grass. I lay next to him and put my head on his chest. He pulled me a little closer and I felt his strong heartbeat and his breath.

The moment was so peaceful, so beautiful and quiet I just closed my eyes and enjoyed it.

I felt Bailey's hand caress my head and opened my eyes. I could see the stars I had watched when we left our burnt village. I remembered how we slept all together under the sky, how we comforted each other for the loss we had to experience. I wondered if the village still looked as dead, without animals, burnt trees, everything black and ugly. I thought back to our hiding place in the forest, to the countless hours we spent there, training, reading, laughing, talking and planning things. But then I remembered the hard winters, people, weak people always died. Small children died. Old people died. There never was enough food, never enough warmth.

"Would you go back?" Bailey suddenly asked.



"Even before the fire, our life was hard. I wanted to come to the city anyway."

I felt Bailey nod.

"When did you become the king's bodyguard?" I asked.

"About three years ago."

I nodded.

"I killed many people." He said.

"Who was the first?"

"Some rich man."

I nodded again, not sure what he was trying to tell me.

"I couldn't eat without puking for a week after that. Once you kill someone, you never go back."

I turned around and kissed his chest. I suspected what he meant but I had to do it. Even if I was going to lose my innocence. I had to do it for all the people that were suffering, for all the people that didn't have enough food and money.

Bailey pulled me on top of him and I stared into his eyes. A little more than two weeks was all we had left.

Our breath became one and I felt his heart beat at the same frequency as mine.

That moment I stopped thinking of the birthday party, of the rebellion and of what I was going to do.

There was just the two us, feeling as close as one under the dark sky, the stars and the moon looking down on us, probably wondering what we were doing.

That moment was so perfect that I could have almost believed that we would make it. That perhaps he could return my feelings.

The moment was over when Bimbo jumped on my shoulder. Bailey laughed and I frowned at the little monkey. We got up, walked back to the castle, hand in hand, and I knew that there wouldn't be a second night like that.

"There are picture books at the library. For children." I said when we were back in the room.

Bailey looked at me and then grinned. "You're my wicked boy. Get to bed, you need to be fucked."

I gasped and grew hard in an instant. Bailey's grin widened and because I didn't move fast enough he grabbed me and carried me to bed. There he got rid of his own clothes and then ravished me.

I hope you're enjoying the story. There's only one more part to come - the conclusion. Let me know what you think about the story.

Next: Chapter 5: Jace 10 11

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