Jedi Encounters

By Mike Wolf

Published on Jul 26, 2004


Jedi Encounters: The Force Divided.

Part Two. By Mike Wolf

Required note: This story contains graphic written descriptions of sex involving mainly lesbian relations but may contain other heterosexual or other wise later on. If you are under eighteen or this kind of story is illegal for you to read then please don't read it. The author holds no responsibility if you choose to read on and get in trouble for it.

Legal Note: All characters belonging to Lucas Arts, George Lucas, or any of the other star wars affiliates are owned by them and are used without permission in this story. If this is a problem then let me know and I will not use them again. This story also makes or gives no assumptions about these characters orientations and in no way relates to the actors that portrayed the characters in the movies, games, etc.

Story Note: This is a fairly long story involving the characters of the Star Wars universe, I plan on releasing it in parts and would very much like feedback rather it be criticism or helpful hints or what ever. I will respond to all emails granted I have the time and they are well written, what I mean by that is I don't want, "This sucks or you blow big wookie chunks." as an email. The story itself is based on a group of characters I made up and revolves around there struggle with the dark side. This is not meant to be something you can get your quick fix off of, but if that's what you're looking for then by all means read on. For everyone else I hope it provides both mental stimulation as well as the other kind, thank you for reading.

History Note: This story takes place sometime after Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade and the Solo's have their children. Also I haven't read all the books so if there are mistakes in the story like someone being alive that's dead then forgive my ignorance.

Chapter Three: Coruscant.

Lena gracefully piloted the Wolf over to bay E6 and set her down next to the Swan. Angelina walked out of the cockpit to the boarding ramp with R6 following close behind. Angelina pressed the open button on the air lock and headed down the ramp as she got to the bottom she noticed that R6 was still following her.

"I didn't think you liked leaving the Wolf Star."

R6 stopped, "I did not wish to leave the Wolf Star when we were with Greg but now that I've found you master, I can leave. I will return to the Wolf Star if you want me to however."

Lena looked at him and he seemed a little dejected at that idea, if indeed a droid could be dejected.

"No you can come with me as long as you don't insult my friends alright?" Lena asked.

"As long as they're not like Greg I will have no problem with them." R6 replied.

"Greg didn't seem that bad to me, he was just trying to sell a ship he thought he bought legally. But in any case my friends are not like him and even if you dislike them you will not be rude OK." Angelina pressed.

"As you wish master." R6 replied.

Just then though Cynthia and Luaxanna appeared on the loading ramp of the Swan and R6 beeped quite excitedly then took off towards them.

Angelina had to run to catch up to him, as they got their Luaxanna said, "I thought we might see you again."

Then R6 rolled over to Cynthia and began beeping and chirping very excitedly, Cynthia looked at him for a second then said to Lena. "Could you ask R6 not to speak with me, I do not wish everyone to think I can speak machine language."

Lena looked at R6, "R6 stop that and speak in Basic."

R6 turned to Lena, "I'm sorry Master I just got excited when I saw she was a dr..." he got cut off by Lena smacking him on the head.

"As far as everyone's concerned she is a human right." Angelina whispered to the little droid.

"Oh yes I see Master you are correct do not worry aah Miss I will not let your secret out." R6 apologized to Cynthia.

"That's alright R6 I'm Cynthia by the way and I apologize for not speaking to you directly but I was not aware you had been equipped with a voice modulator."

Then she got down and whispered to him, "P4-C9 is my designation in response to your previous question."

Luaxanna smiled, "So I guess you bought a droid as well as a ship. It's strange though I've never seen or met an astromech that could speak basic."

Lena looked at R6, "Well Luaxanna he actually came with the ship, how he got a voice modulator and how he came to be on the ship is a big mystery. You see apparently someone left that ship and R6 to me after they died but apparently their apprentice sold it to the dealer here on Tantooine against the wishes of their master."

Luaxanna looked at the Wolf Star, "Someone left you that ship?"

"Yes, but R6 here wont tell me who did it, he says I have to wait until some unknown requirements are met before I can learn about this person." Lena explained.

"Strange, tell you what though let's go over to your ship and take a look at her while you tell me about what you do know." Luaxanna said and to that Lena agreed.

After a tour of the Wolf Star a lot of which Lena needed herself, they settled down in the rec. room and talked about the mystery behind the origins of the Wolf Star. Lena relayed to Luaxanna and Cynthia the information she had and R6 added some information here and there if Lena got something wrong but he did not reveal any more information then he had before.

Luaxanna then offered something, "Lena could it have been your parents that left you the Wolf Star?"

Lena shrugged her shoulders, "It is possible but as you know they left me at my ant and uncles when I was an infant, so I doubt they cared for me enough to leave me a ship and a droid."

Luaxanna frowned, "It is possible they left you there because they cared for you a great deal."

Lena acquired a very disgusted look, "Well I suppose anything is possible but if you had met my ant and uncle you would realize why I think my parents didn't want me."

Luaxanna shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "Well in any case follow my reasoning for a minute, you once told me that Luna told you that you could become a great Jedi right?"

Lena nodded begrudgingly.

"Alright so I've always heard that force ability passes down from your parents. So if the previous owner of this ship was a Jedi master and you have great force ability then it would only make sense that it was your mother that left you this ship." Luaxanna deduced.

"Well is that right R6?" Lena asked.

"I can not say Master, I'm sorry."

"I didn't expect you would but you didn't deny it either so it is still a possibility." Lena replied.

"So it is possible that your mother still cared for you?" Luaxanna stated to which Lena rolled her eyes.

"I guess but like my ant and uncle this ship has its down side. Namely a huge mystery and a droid that wont tell me anything."

Luaxanna shrugged, "Jedi have always been known to be a very secretive lot."

They talked for a while longer then Luaxanna got up and said, "Well it's time for me to go and look for another partner and Cynthia needs to monitor those dock monkeys to make sure they don't load our cargo all on one side of the ship."

Lena got up and stepped in front of her before she made her escape and hugged her, "Even though it would have been possible to find this ship a year ago and to have never met you I'm so glad it did not work out that way."

Luaxanna hugged her back for a second then she said sadly, "We've said our goodbyes already so let us not make it anymore difficult then it needs to be. But I too am overjoyed for the time we spent together, but now we must each seek our own destines."

Luaxanna released her but Cynthia was right there and hugged her.

"I will miss you always Mistress Lena." Cynthia cried then she let Lena go and trotted out of the room and down the ramp crying.

"Farewell Lena and R6 I hope to meet you again someday." Luaxanna added as she followed the balling Cynthia down the ramp.

Lena called out through her own tears, "I will miss you both dearly."

Finally several minutes later Lena turned to R6 and said, "Lets get the supplies we need then we'll head off to Coruscant."

R6 however did not move or make a noise for several seconds prompting Lena to ask, "Are you alright?"

R6 then whirred and beeped, "I'm fine Master, but may I ask you a question?"

Lena cocked her head at the little droid, "You have done hardly anything but ask me questions today so sure ask away."

R6 beeped again then said, "I'm sorry if I bothered you Master it's just that I needed to confirm your identity."

"I understand R6, the only real thing I'm annoyed about is that you won't tell me who left me this ship. But anyway please ask your question so we can get the shopping done and leave." Lena replied.

"Very well master, my question is a delicate one which is why I hesitated but it is important. Question: Are you a Lesbian Master?" R6 asked directly and very bluntly causing Lena to step back.

"I uh don't see how that is any concern of yours R6." Lena said quite rudely.

"I'm sorry Master but it is part of the parameters I've been given to unlock the information on my Previous Master." R6 replied.

Lena did not know what to say, 'why would this ships previous owner be concerned with me being a lesbian.' She thought to herself as she pondered what it all meant.

"What is the correct response R6 and why would you think to ask such a thing." Lena finally asked.

"I can't give you the answer to my question Master, but why I asked was simply because I observed your reactions and gestures to our previous guests who were both female, well mostly." R6 replied.

"You're a big help you know, not like I expected you would ever answer one of my questions. Were wasting time though so let me be frank, besides if it gets you to open your mouth about your Previous Master then I'll tell you. Too tell you the truth I do not know if I am or not, the facts are I've only been with women sexually speaking. I did not or have not thought about restricting myself to just women. Currently though I am seeking Luna a female because I think I'm in love with her, she is why we are going to Coruscant. So there you go, I did not answer yes or no so I leave it up to you to interpret my response."

As Lena finished R6 beeped and whirred for a second, "Your answer is confusing, but it leans heavy on being a positive response. Further research is required before I can make a determination, thank you Master we may go now. I have a shopping list prepared; it contains spare parts and supplies for the Wolf Star in case anything is damaged in any battles we may have. Unfortunately Greg removed most of the onboard spare parts so he could sell them. The Wolf Star has requested a couple upgrade parts that can be located in the shops here on Tantooine. The upgrades will boost her energy output by ten percent and increase her maximum hyperdrive speed. She leaves it up to your discretion rather to buy these parts or not."

Lena frowned at the droid, "If I had said yes I was a Lesbian would that have unlocked the files?"

R6 turned and started heading for the ramp.

"Not so fast R6, answer my question."

He paused then turned around, "I can not tell you which answer is correct but I will say that you being a Lesbian is not the only parameter for me to go by. There are several and only about three percent have been confirmed so far, I will continue to observe and ask when appropriate to further complete the parameters. It would be more efficient for you to forget about it until such time as I inform you that you meet the parameters. May we proceed now Master?" R6 asked defeated.

"I doubt I will be able to forget about it but fine let's go, and yes we can buy the Wolf Star anything she wants as long as we have the credits." Lena responded a little too hastily, which later on proved to be a mistake.

"Great Master lets go then and credits won't be an issue." R6 said as he took off leading Lena at a brisk pace off the ship.

Several hours and shops later Lena and R6 had finally finished and were heading back to the Wolf Star. Lena's earlier mistake became known to her when she got to the shop that sold parts for ships like the Wolf Star. She only at that point found out that R6 could speak with the Wolf Star from anywhere on the planet. She had believed that he had to be plugged into her, but he explained that it was easer if he was plugged in but not impossible if he wasn't. In any case what that amounted to was that R6 was acting as the Wolf's eyes and he managed to find a whole batch of other parts for the Wolf and even a couple for himself. The little R6 unit did prove to be a good haggler and got the lot of parts for half what the shop owner was originally asking. Even with that though the cost was about equivalent to what he paid for the Wolf Star in the first place. Lena became quite worried until R6 assured her they had plenty of credits, how much they had exactly he would not say. She did however get to splurge on herself since she still had her own credits from her time with the Mistress. Some of the things she purchased were clothes, accessories, a blaster (always handy to have one), food of course, utensils and dishes for the Wolf, bedding, and to top it off a bath tub to go with the sonic shower in the Wolf Stars bathroom. This tub used actual water something she had grown accustomed to while on the Mistress's ship.

Except for a few Items like the blaster and some clothes Lena had all the purchases shipped to the Wolf Star. As she finally made it back to the landing bay Lena noticed the rather large stack of parts and crates piled around the Wolf Star and as she walked over to them the last shipment came through the doors on a grav cart being pushed by a rather large droid. He unloaded the packages next to and on top of the others and as he went to leave Lena stopped him.

"Excuse me but could you help me put these on my ship?" The large droid turned on his two massive legs and looked at Lena then let out an unintelligible string of beeps and whistles.

"Excuse me?" Lena exclaimed.

"If I may Master, he said he is sorry but his Master requires him to drop off another shipment. He suggests you ask the docking authority for assistance, apparently they will help you load our equipment for a few credits." R6 explained.

"Oh thank you then." Lena said to the large droid who beeped and then pushed the cart off and out the door.

Lena did as the droid had suggested and contacted the docking authority; they were very helpful and provided a couple men and a grav cart to help her load the stuff into the Wolf Stars Cargo hold which was now filled pretty much to capacity. Some of the stuff she put where it belonged like the tub and bedding. But most of it she just left in the hold to be unpacked later. After it was all on board she met the workers outside and paid them and after rejecting their offer to go to one of the local bars they left. Lena looked over at the Swan one last time and she noticed the boarding ramp was up.

"Well she has either found a new partner or she just doesn't want me to come over. Oh well I need to get going anyway and I've already said my goodbyes." Lena said to the empty docking bay, but as she turned to go up the Wolf Stars ramp she thought she saw someone looking out of the Swans cockpit windows.

But as she turned back to look again who ever it was had gone and now only the faint glow of the instruments could be seen inside. Lena waved one final goodbye to the ship before turning back to her own ship and walking up the ramp. As she pressed the button to bring the ramp up and close the airlock she fell against the wall and let a few tears fall, but then R6 appeared around the corner and she quickly wiped away the tears and set off for the Cockpit.

"Something wrong Master?" He asked as she passed.

"No R6 let's just get going alright."

"Yes Master, I was just coming to tell you that our fuel has been toped off and that we are ready to depart." R6 stated as he followed her to the Cockpit.

Angelina sat in the pilot's seat and swiveled it around to face the controls, R6 plugged himself into the wall and began beeping softly.

"Master we are cleared to leave the docking bay at our leisure. Do you wish to fly or should I ask the Wolf Star to engage the autopilot?" R6 asked.

"I'll take her up thanks R6." Lena said as she wiped another tear from her face.

Lena activated the repulsors and lifted the Wolf off the ground and retracted the landing gear as she lifted it out of the docking bay. She had no desire to hang around any more so she punched her up to full throttle leaving Anchorhead, Tantooine, and the Swan far behind them. As they got into clear space Angelina pulled up the Hyperspace route already plotted for her and engaged the drive, the stars streaked around them as they blasted through into hyperspace.

Angelina sat at the controls for a while even though there was nothing to do while they were in hyperspace.

Finally she got up and turned to R6, "Alright let's start installing those upgrades."

R6 unplugged and beeped excitedly, "Yes Master."

As they walked back to the cargo hold Lena asked, "Why don't you call me Lena, R6"

"Well you are my master so that is what I should call you. However if you wish it I can call you Master Lena." R6 Replied.

"Or you could just call me Lena."

"I will consider it Master Lena." R6 added.

"Fair enough, anyway where should we start?" Lena asked as she stopped in front of the pile of parts and crates.

"Unfortunately we can't install the new hyperdrive while we are in hyperspace so we will have to stick with the basic upgrades. The Wolf Star requests you install her voice modulator first, she says that although she does not mind talking through me she desires to speak to you in person."

Angelina sighed, "I was not aware we bought the Wolf Star a voice modulator."

"I thought I mentioned it earlier Master Lena." R6 replied as he located the crate containing the module.

"No you didn't but let me guess it slipped into your locked files?" Lena replied sarcastically as she searched for the new tool chest she purchased.

"It is possible Master. The tool chest is over here if that is what you are looking for Master." R6 said as he rolled over to the chest.

"Tell me something R6 are all ships capable of speaking basic?" Lena asked as she activated the tool chests repulsors effortlessly lifting it off the deck.

"That's complicated to explain Master Lena, but I will try. Most ships are capable of limited responses in basic if equipped with a voice modulator. Some ships are equipped with advanced computers, which can converse at a higher level. Very few ships have the capabilities of the Wolf Star however. She is capable of conversing at my level or above, for on occasion she has surpassed my understanding." R6 explained.

"So why is she different then other ships?" Lena asked as she began unpacking the modulator.

"Our previous master had her custom built to these specifications at the Corellian ship yards when she ordered the Wolf Star. Her reasoning for doing so was for the most part a mystery, I inquired once and all she told me was that she wanted the ship to be able to operate independently." R6 explained.

"My word you gave me some information, lets celebrate." Lena exclaimed.

"Really Master isn't it obvious that the information I provided was not locked. Now let us install this modulator the wolf star is getting impatient." R6 replied quite sarcastically.

Lena picked up the modulator, which was quite heavy and carried it to the cockpit, R6 then opened one of the cockpit access panels and directed Lena to slide it in. Angelina then opened the tool chest R6 had drug in and pulled out a mini welder and an electro spanner. R6 directed her to the correct circuit and she used the spanner to make the connection. Then she plugged the power supply for the modulator into one of the plasma conduits and finally used the mini welder to tack the Modulator to the deck to keep it from shifting in flight.

"R6 before I activate this can you tell me why your old master never had a voice modulator installed?" Lena asked.

"The Corellian ship yards did not have a modulator suitable for the Wolf Star when she was built. After that I guess she just never had time to buy one and install it. Besides I was usually around to talk to the Wolf Star for her." R6 replied in a blatant lie for he knew full well why the Previous Master had not installed the Modulator.

"Alright cross your fingers." Lena said.

"I have no fingers master." R6 replied.

"It's just an expression R6, anyway here we go."

Lena pressed the activation button on the modulator. Several tense seconds passed as the modulator came online then a long series of beeps came over the ships speakers.

"What was that?" Lena asked.

"That was the Wolf Star, she was speaking machine language. She first greeted you then realizing she wasn't speaking basic she asked that you recalibrate the modulator."

Lena looked at the device, "Well I had a lot of experience repairing our old protocol droid and computers back at my ant and uncles and some experience since then but your going to have to help me R6."

"If you desire I can complete the recalibration Master." R6 replied.

"By all means go right ahead", Lena backed away on her knees and then stood.

While R6 calibrated the modulator Lena placed the tools she had used back in the tool chest.

Finally R6 finished and then replaced the panel back on the wall, "Task complete, you should be able to speak and understand basic, Wolf Star."

R6 said as he twisted his head around to look at Lena. A few more seconds passed then a very feminine albeit tinny voice issued from the ships speakers.

"Greetings Master Lena I have been dieing to talk to you in person, I spent so much time cooped up in that hanger I thought I would rust. It's so great to be back in space again among the stars and with the proper Master at the helm. By the way you're a great pilot if I do say so myself, I just loved the way you took off out of Tantooine. By the way if it does not displease you master, could you not call me Wolf Star or Wolf those names are so not ship like, much too male for me. How about calling me Star I have always preferred that name. Did you get me those new speakers I asked for R6, my voice is so tinny I would really appreciate it if you could install them as soon as possible?" The Wolf Star droned out without even pausing.

"Would you like me to turn the modulator off Master?" R6 asked flatly.

"Don't you dare R6 I will turn off the dampeners and do a barrel roll if you do!" Star exclaimed.

Lena now realized why the previous ships owner probably did not install the modulator.

"Err aah Star, thank you and yes we got the speakers for you. R6 leave the modulator alone but Star could you not string so much information together?"

"Sorry Master Lena I was just excited, I will try to keep my statements brief and human like." Star responded.

"As you wish master." R6 replied begrudgingly.

"Alright now that you can talk, Star can you tell me how much longer we have until we get to Coruscant?"

"Sure can Master, let me see. At our current speed two days three hours, however if you install that new hyperdrive I asked for then I could reduce that by ten hours. It should not take you more then two to install it so we would save at least eight overall even though we would have to drop out of hyperspace." Star explained.

"Very well I'll handle that with your guidance Star and R6 can start upgrading your speakers." Lena replied.

"Master the speakers are on the ceiling I can not reach them why don't you work on them and I'll handle the hyperdrive." R6 lied.

"R6 I'm not blind I can see you have repulsor lifts built into your body. Besides you could not move the hyperdrive even if you wanted to let alone crawl around in the panels to hook it up." Lena spat back.

"Sorry Master I must have forget about the replusors, I will install the speakers then." R6 replied miserably.

"Don't mind him Master he is just jealous that I can speak for myself now, I think it gave him something to do when he had to translate for me. I was really surprised he actually bought me the modulator I thought he would let it slip out of his circuits." Star jested.

"I have plenty to do keeping you running and I bought the modulator because I didn't want to have to listen to your complaining for the next hundred light years if I hadn't bought it."

"Now you two settle down, I don't want to have to listen to your bickering all the way to Coruscant. I'll install the drive now and you get on the Speakers alright!" Lena exclaimed as she grabbed the tool chest, which was still floating above the deck and headed back to the cargo hold.

"Yes master." They both replied.

Later on the Wolf Star dropped them out of hyperspace while Lena disconnected the old dive and installed the new one. After about an hour and a half they were back in hyperspace and heading at a speed only matched by the Millennium Falcon. For in fact the drive Lena installed was the new version of the very one installed in the Falcon. Later on R6 reported to Lena that he had finished upgrading Star's speakers much to Star's relief. Lena had to admit that the new speakers made her voice sound allot better. Lena's final act for the day was to install the tub she had left in the bathroom and when she finally finished she took an exceptionally long time testing it before finally going to bed.

The next day came and went pretty much the same as the previous one, Lena and R6 finished installing what parts they could while still in hyperspace. Some of the final modifications and upgrades had to be made from outside the ship and Lena had no desire to don a spacesuit and she was certain R6 wouldn't do it. Besides as with the other stuff they would have to drop out of hyperspace and Lena was now growing too anxious to delay their arrival at Coruscant any longer. So the final upgrades were just going to have to be put on hold much to Star's dismay.

Lena got in another long bath before she went to sleep on the last night before there arrival at Coruscant. During the night however she dreamt but it was not the dream she had been having before. Instead she saw herself on Coruscant at the clothing shop, but she was her current age. Then she left the clothing shop and began walking down the street, the sun was just setting and as she passed a nightclub she decided to go in. Then she woke up with a start as Star sounded some kind of alarm.

Lena rubbed her eyes, "What's that alarm for Star?"

"Sorry to wake you Master but we have arrived at Coruscant and for some stupid reason the docking controllers want the ships captain to confirm landing clearance. Otherwise I would have let you sleep as long as you wanted to." Star said apologetically.

Lena looked at the chronometer on the wall; she had to do a double take on the time before she realized that she had been asleep for twelve hours.

"It's alright Star I should have woke up hours ago anyway. Go ahead and tell them I confirm landing clearance, while I take a shower."

There was a pause then Star said, "I would be happy to relay that message master but there is a problem."

Lena rolled her eyes, "What kind of problem?"

"Well I did not want to wake you so I uhh, tried to imitate your voice. It would have worked but their protocol droid recognized I was a computer, so now they want both audio and visual confirmation." Star responded.

"Ahh very well, let me get dressed and I'll be right there." Lena said as she stomped over to her closet.

A few minutes later Lena was in the cockpit talking to the controller who was being rather rude.

"You had better take your ship in and have its memory wiped before you find yourself out on the galactic rim inside a black hole. Also what motivated you to put a voice modulator in your ship anyway?" He asked as Lena flew the Wolf Star into the atmosphere.

"She wanted one. As for you why wouldn't you just accept her request to land?" Lena replied back just as rudely.

"We don't accept clearance requests from droid run ships, its just common sense."

He replied before cutting the comm. channel. Lena was glad he did because it gave her the chance to go back and take a quick shower.

"Star you can finish bringing us in, I'm going to go back and take my shower. Just don't buzz the controllers when you go to land alright?"

"I will be happy to Master Lena." Star replied.

"Cant you just call me Lena, between R6 and you I'm growing tired of this Master business."

Lena asked as she walked out of the cockpit and into the corridor, right past R6 who was polishing one of the bulkheads, something he did of his own fruition since Lena had never asked him to.

"I can try Mast... uh Lena, but it is in my programming as well as R6's to refer to our owners as Master." Star replied over several different speakers as Lena walked from the rec. room into her quarters.

"Well try your best anyway." Lena asked as she striped off her clothes and entered the bathroom.

"Yes Mas... Lena." Star tried before going back to flying herself down to the landing pad.

A while later Lena was dressed again and ready to head out, R6 followed her as she left then closed up the Wolf Star, before she had left Lena strapped her blaster onto her hip as well as a small communicator that Star had them pick up back on Tantooine. The little device would allow Lena to talk to Star herself just incase she got separated from R6 or she just wanted to talk as Star put it. Lena really took it just incase she got in trouble, she could ask Star to come and pick her up.

After paying the docking fee Lena took one of the shuttles out of the docking area over to a sector of the planet wide city she knew all to well. In fact they passed right by her old building but she had no intention of visiting it. Originally Lena had planned on trying to get an audience with the Solo's right away but after her oversleeping and the docking fiasco she had decided to wait till tomorrow. Besides that vision kept popping back into her head and she wanted to check out that clothing shop and try to find that nightclub. One of her reasons for coming to Coruscant was always to come back to this area just incase by some chance Luna was here but it was just a second thought. Now with last night's vision she had new hope, although she had not seen Luna in the vision she felt she could be found in that nightclub for some reason.

The shuttle finally stopped on the main walkway near the store and Lena paid her and R6's fare before exiting and heading towards that old clothing shop. It took her a couple minutes to get there between window-shopping and R6 asking questions but finally she got inside and looked around. The shop had changed slightly since she was a kid but it looked just like it had in her vision, giving her even more hope. She had a bag in her vision as she had remembered it but its contents were unknown to her. So she looked around the store, knowing many things she saw in dreams eventually came true she was trying to make sure it did. After a little while though she got board and was going to leave sack or no sack but then as she passed a rack she was suddenly drawn to it like a magnet. On the rack were many items but two stood out from the rest almost like they were calling her.

Lena picked up both dresses and to her surprise the one was a white dress very similar to the one Luna had bought for her all those years ago. The dress was even in her size, she knew then that she was suppose to buy it. The other dress she held was similar to the white one but it was black and her size as well, although she did not think it was for her, for some reason. But she kept it since it felt right to do so, and then she headed over to the dressing booths.

As Lena got to them she noticed that the only booth available was one she knew all to well. She entered it slowly and as she did she could almost feel Luna's presence, her perfume even seemed to remain inside the booth. Then as Lena closed the door and began striping off her clothes she saw flashes of that day long ago. She hardly knew what she was doing as she pulled the dress over her head and slid it down around her body. Then pulling her long black hair out of the dress and letting it fall down her back she looked in the mirror and could see the scrawny young kid that had been in this very booth six years ago. Although she was taller and more developed she could still see the kid that had fallen in love with a Twi'Lek.

R6 suddenly broke the silence, "Something wrong master, you're crying?"

Lena jumped and looked around and found R6 standing in the corner of the booth. She hadn't even realized he had followed her in.

"Your not suppose to be in here!" Lena exclaimed causing R6 to beep questioningly.

"Why Master?"

Lena had to think about it for a second then she finally said, "Cause it's a dressing booth and I was changing."

R6 let out another series of beeps then stated, "I've seen you get dressed before Master, I have also handed you a towel after your bath. You didn't mind me seeing you then as I recall."

Lena blushed profusely, in reality she had walked around the Wolf Star completely naked several times. She didn't even know why she had yelled at him in the first place, probably just because it had reminded her of her ant discovering her and Luna six years ago.

"Your right R6 there's nothing wrong with you being in here it's just that you surprised me is all." Lena finally admitted but R6 didn't let it go.

"You held the door open for me Master you should have know I was in here."

Lena was now growing angry, "Look R6 sometimes we humans get lost in thought and don't realize what's happening around us, and I've already apologized so just drop it alright."

R6 let out a few more beeps that made Lena wish she were back on the ship so she could have Star translate them. Then he added, "Very well Master as you desire."

Lena grumbled for a while herself then she finished zipping up the dress and took one last look at herself in the mirror. This ankle length dress was just a little sexier then the one she had as a kid, it was cut a lot lower in the neck and it had splits on each side of her legs that ran right up to her waist. Lena had quit wearing underwear ages ago which was a problem for some girls wearing this kind of dress but not for her. It was actually a little exciting for her to walk around knowing that someone might get a free look. After she had come out of her daydream Lena realized that the dress was actually similar to her old one in color and length only. But it reminded her of that time and was probably the closest thing she was going to find to that old dress in an adult's size.

Lena then folded up her regular clothes and tucked the blaster and belt in between them before walking back into the shop. She then flagged down the shopkeeper and asked her for a matching purse or some kind of accessory to carry her credits and other stuff in.

The shopkeeper nodded knowing full well what Lena had meant by other stuff. So after handing her a shopping bag to put her stuff in she led Lena over to a rack containing several different items and pulled out a white belt pack with a silver colored buckle.

"May I?"

The attractive young shop keeper asked as she held the pack up, to which Lena agreed maybe a little too quickly. The shopkeeper looked pleased however and made a special point of wrapping her arms around Lena's waist to buckle the pack behind her back. Then she twisted the pack around so it hung at kind of an angle over Lena's right hip making it a stylish accessory instead of just something to carry your stuff in.

"Now what about some new shoes?"

The lady asked and Lena realized she was still wearing her black boots. So she agreed and the Lady took her over to the shoe department and found a nice set of white heels in Lena's size. She of course inquired if she could put them on and Lena agreed.

The shopkeeper had her sit down in one of her chairs and then she crouched down in front of Lena. She couldn't have made it more obvious that she was checking out if Lena was wearing underwear, so Lena flipped the dresses front panel over her leg on the pretense of getting it out of the way. The young shopkeeper blushed profusely realizing she had been caught, but she did not lower her eyes either. Half trembling the young red head slipped Lena's boots off and slid the white heals on, her hands caressing Lena's thighs the whole time. Then Lena stood surprising the girl a little, Lena was growing very excited by this very pretty young woman's advances but she was on a mission and wanted to find Luna much more then she wanted this shopkeeper.

The girl blushed again and then apologized profusely, now Lena felt really bad because she had led this probably budding lesbian on with her actions.

"Um ... Jenny." Lena paused as she read the girls nametag. "I didn't mean to lead you on like that, it's just that you're very pretty and I'm well you know..." Lena paused again taking a sidelong look at R6.

"I know I'm one too but I should have realized you were going out with someone the way you were getting all dressed up." Jenny replied now looking at the floor.

"Well I'm not going out with someone per say, I'm actually looking for someone that I met along time ago in this very shop." Lena admitted.

This news caught the girl by surprise, "Wouldn't be an extremely attractive blue Twi'Lek girl would it?"

Lena's heart began to pound so hard it felt like it was going to explode. "Yes, yes that's her how did you know?"

"Well she came in here earlier and bought the same dress you have on and I picked out the same accessories for her as well. That's how I knew right where to go, kind of why I thought you were like me because this girl was as well at least I thought so at first. She didn't come on to me as much as you seemed to but I thought the signs were clear. Then when I got up the courage to ask her out she told me she was looking for someone and then paid for her items and left. I was really embarrassed after that thinking I had come on to a straight girl who would probably talk with my manager or something. Then you come along and well I was led down the same path and now I've been rejected again." Jenny went on starting to cry as she spoke.

Lena now felt a sickening combination of joy and sadness that she was so close to Luna that she could almost taste her yet she had caused this innocent young woman so much distress.

"Jenny please don't cry, I do want you and I'm sure that Twi'Lek girl wanted you if she is the girl I'm looking for it's just that we've been looking for each other for such a long time that well I'm sure you can understand that." Lena tried to explain.

"I know it's just that it's so hard to find someone nice, young, and beautiful, that when two walk into your shop in one day and don't want you well it's more then enough to make you cry." Jenny cried profusely now.

Lena couldn't stand it any more so she grabbed Jenny by the hand really surprising her then drug her to the very same booth Luna and her had shared. Lena made sure R6 stayed out this time but as she got Jenny inside she said.

"I really can't be doing this I'm suppose to be working and besides you're with that girl right."

"No I'm not with her yet and how will anyone know?" Lena asked.

"Well..." Jenny began to say but Lena interrupted her with her lips.

At that point Jenny no longer cared what happened she just wanted to be with someone. In mere seconds Lena was naked except for her shoes and Jenny was only a second or two behind her. Jenny was even more attractive naked then clothed Lena thought as she cupped and played with the young woman's small soft breasts. Jenny relished Lena's mouth with her own while her slender hands encompassed Lena's larger breasts. Lena had to admit that this girl was good, her hands and fingers touched all the right places and her lips were so soft and caring yet firm and assertive at the same time. Lena let herself be pushed back onto the bench as Jenny slid down her body. Lena wasn't even tempted to use her powers, she just wanted this girl to take her unimpeded. Lena wasn't disappointed either as Jenny's lips and tongue caressed her sex.

Jenny kissed and sucked at Lena's labia then gently spread them with her fingers as her tongue sought out her clit. Lena was now writhing on the bench in anticipation, then as Jenny's tongue touched her most sensitive area she let out a stifled moan.

It hadn't been that long since Luaxanna had pleasured her but Lena had got use to having sex several times a day and for the last two days the best she got was to finger herself. So even if Jenny was new she would still have came but Jenny wasn't new she was quite experienced and as she slid her wet fingers inside Lena's passage she almost slammed her head against the wall from the pure pleasure.

Soon Jenny was using her fingers and her tongue expertly and it was too much for Lena who exploded into her orgasm. Jenny rode her out constantly licking and fingering causing Lena to go into a second orgasm before finally coming down. Jenny then expecting Lena to take a while to recover crawled up her body and folded her legs under herself so she was straddling Lena but supporting her weight.

Lena pulled her tight against herself, "Your turn." She exclaimed as she stood up lifting Jenny with her, and then she sat her back down on the bench. Lena was strong and had a lot of energy thanks both to being with Luaxanna and by her natural force abilities.

Jenny looked at her questioningly, she worried 'I must not have been good enough since no one can recover that fast.' But Lena was already on her so her worries were replaced by wonderful kisses then Lena slid down her until her lips kissed and caressed Jenny's rock hard nipples. Lena couldn't help but use her powers now, they were too much a part of her to repress when she was pleasuring someone. Jenny not knowing a thing about the force was taken completely off guard when she felt Lena's power's take her.

Lena was still working her nipples but Jenny could have sworn she was everywhere including licking and fingering her clit. Lena had to take control of her powers to an extent, for she truly wanted to taste this girl and if she didn't do anything Jenny was going to roll into a ragging orgasm in mere seconds. Fortunately for Lena her powers allowed her to bring someone down and hold them on the very edge of orgasm as well as push them far over it. So as she slowly made her way down Jenny's body she kept her just at the edge, writhing and moaning softly. She even kept her there as she began to lick and suck as Jenny had done to her, then as her fingers slipped inside Jenny and her tongue began circling her clit Lena released her powers. Jenny would have let out an ear- shattering scream but her breath was taken away from the pure absolute pleasure so only a squeak emitted from her lips.

Jenny's eyes rolled back in her head as a gush of warm sex sprayed Lena's hand and face, which she greedily licked up off Jenny. She was so young and sweet that Lena licked her clean as Jenny continued to shake and moan through two more orgasms.

When Jenny was finally released from Lena's power she slumped over and fell against the side of the booth completely spent. Lena wanted to go but as she looked at the very unconscious Jenny she felt something that told her to stay. After the girl did such a good job of pleasuring her she couldn't just leave her lying in a changing booth naked and alone. So she sat next to her and pulled her over so Jenny's head was lying on her breasts. Although she was defiantly unconscious Jenny still managed an ear-to-ear smile at resting on two such lovely breasts.

Lena laid back against the booth and rested as well but it wasn't ten minutes later that she heard some kind of argument going on outside the booth. She recognized the one voice, as that of R6's but the other was unknown to her but very male.

That voice seemed to roust Jenny as she sat up with a start, "Oh no that's my manager, I tried to tell you he has ways of knowing things. He probably has cameras mounted in here and saw the whole thing." Jenny spoke very fast as she jumped up and gathered her clothes.

"Cameras!" Lena exclaimed as she looked around, but without a scanner they would probably be impossible to find.

Lena hurriedly slipped the dress and belt pack on while Jenny gathered and put on her underwear, pants, top, and finally the little red store jacket with her name tag on it. Lena collected the bag with the other dress and her old clothes in it and then pulled the blaster out of it along with the credits she had with her. She slipped the blaster and credits into the belt pack before she let Jenny open the door. As she did though she found R6 and a very mad looking Mandalorian male arguing.

"There you are you little whore your lucky I don't disintegrate you right here you know!"

He bellowed to the entire store reminding Lena very much of her uncle and ant. Jenny just looked terrified as the Mandalorian continued to scream about everything and nothing. Lena's temper was rising as she listened to him, she could feel something inside her begging her to pull out the blaster and fry this pig. But she knew that was wrong and her conscious mind fought the urge with all her might.

Everyone in the store was watching Jenny and the Mandalorian manager and not even looking at Lena except for someone hidden in the shadows. This man noticed Lena's hand creeping towards her belt pack and he tensed up ready to interfere if it was needed. But then he felt the change in Lena's attitude even from across the store and he relaxed a little as he saw her hand fall from the belt pack.

Lena had just remembered something, "You pig, you have cameras installed in the booths. That's the only way you could have known about what we were doing."

Lena exclaimed loud enough to get there attention but not so loud as to broadcast it to any onlookers. That was a very calculated move on her part because she knew it would get his attention but not cause any lasting repercussions for him with the law.

Hearing that the Mandalorian froze, "I do not!"

He exclaimed in the same controlled voice.

Then R6 piped in, "You do have a camera system inside the dressing booths, full color, pan and tilt to be precise. I believed they were there for security when I first scanned them but now I know otherwise. Should I call the authorities Master?"

Lena shot R6 a deadly look, which he didn't understand. She was almost as furious at him for not telling her about the cameras before she had gotten herself into this mess, as she was with the Mandalorian pig.

"No R6 I'm sure we can work this out without involving the authorities."

Lena replied as she noticed the Mandalorian going for what was probably a blaster concealed under his jacket. R6 had noticed as well because he activated an energy shield and produced his stunner. The hooded man in the corner had drawn a silver tube shaped item from his belt unbeknownst to everyone. Lena's hand was already on her own blaster just incase, the Mandalorian however seeing he was out gunned and trapped by his illegal cameras let his hand drop from his blaster.

Finally the Mandalorian manager reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of credits.

"Fine how much do you want?" He said quite disgruntled.

"I do not want your credits you pig, you however will give Jenny her job back." During there initial arguments Jenny had been fired several times.

"Fine done." He said quickly as he put the credits back in his pocket.

Jenny however quit crying for a second and yelled, "You can keep your job you Hutt slug!"

She then ripped off her jacket and through it in his face before storming out of the store.

Lena was going to follow her but the Mandalorian stopped her, "What about the dress you're wearing and the one in the bag, you need to pay for them."

Lena spun around and glared at the tall Mandalorian who did not back off, "Here's your credits you Hutt spawn, I hope you use them to buy yourself a one way ticket to the sun." Lena yelled as she tossed him the exact amount she owed. "If I ever hear about this or if Jenny ever wants her job back and you don't give it to her. I will be sure to mention your cameras to the republic authorities, I hear they still treat Mandalorian's very poorly." Lena said with a look that left little question that she was not to be trifled with.

Mandalorian's however were not known for their subtlety so as she was walking out he added, "Bitch."

Lena however completely ignored him as she walked out of the store with R6 following behind.

Lena never saw the dark robed man approach the Mandalorian since she was out of the door already. The smaller hooded man said something to the Mandalorian that no one but he and the Mandalorian heard. Then the Mandalorian turned white and handed Lena's credits to the man then scurried off to remove the cameras from the booths. The dark robed man then walked away following Lena at quite a distance.

As Lena made it back to the street she heard the unmistakable sounds of someone crying. She knew who it was long before she saw her sitting on a bench next to the edge of the walkway. Lena suddenly became quite worried because just over the railing it was thousands of feet to the ground. She hurried over to the bench half out of guilt and half out of fear that she might jump.

"Jenny I'm so sorry I would have never done anything if I'd have known." Lena exclaimed as she made it to the bench.

"It's my fault I shouldn't have come on to you." Jenny said between her tears.

"I came on to you remember please don't blame yourself." Lena pleaded, Jenny then threw herself on Lena crying.

"I don't even care about that stupid job it's just that he paid me so little that I couldn't even afford an apartment. He was letting me stay in the shop when I didn't have someplace else to stay, so now I quit I'm on the street." Jenny cried.

Lena held her gently, "I made him promise to give you your job back if you wanted it so you can go back if you want to." Lena tried to comfort her.

"I don't want to go back even if I starve and die on the streets, he... he made me do favors for him in order to stay in the shop." She stuttered between her tears.

Lena began to grow quite angry at hearing that, so angry she felt an overpowering urge to go back and kill him but something tugged at her mind stopping her. She remembered how cruel her ant and uncle were and she had no desire to be like them. She knew her uncle a ruthless businessman had a few people blasted just to improve his numbers. Thinking of that drug her back into reality and calmed her down.

The dark robed man however returned to the shop and as Lena fought to control her emotions and Jenny cried he called the authorities. Who came a while later and found the Mandalorian in the act of removing the cameras. The dark robbed man however had questioned the Mandalorian again and retrieved a large bag from the back of the shop along with a small shopping bag.

Meanwhile Lena finally fully controlling her emotions managed to ask, "Can't you go back to your parent's home?"

Jenny stopped sobbing for a second to reply, "No they are explorers, they cruse around the outer rim scouting new hyperspace routes. They could easily be dead, but even if they aren't there still is no way to contact them from here." Then she went back to crying.

Lena didn't know what to do, she would give her all the credits she had but she needed them herself. Besides they would only pay for an apartment for a little while. However she still felt responsible for losing this pretty girl her job, even though she was better off without it.

Then something came to her, "I don't know if she's still looking for someone but I know someone who might give you both a job and a place to stay. She pays well and the work is very enjoyable, but don't get me wrong it's not what your thinking. Well for the most part, don't worry though I did it for a year and I have no regrets."

Jenny stopped crying, "Sounds like you're talking about a prostitute?"

Lena frowned, "That's what I thought when she offered me the job but it isn't, it does involve sex with a woman something I know you enjoy. But it is just for her and her other partner if you like threesomes. Believe me though it is not a prostitute's job at all, I would tell you more but I do not want to give away her secret."

Jenny looked quite puzzled for a moment then asked, "You wouldn't be referring to a Trivexian would you."

Lena had to do a double take, "You've heard of them?"

"Sure, remember I said my parents were explorers. Well we stopped at there planet several times when I was a kid, how do you think I became such an avid lesbian. All those women fucking everywhere is allot for a kid to see and not be affected." Jenny explained.

"Well then you know there secret and why they have to have sex, so I won't be betraying her by telling you about it. Anyway she is a Trivexian who has a cargo ship and every year she brings a new partner on board to keep her alive. She does have another human girl who remains with her all the time but she like's to have two girls around incase one gets tired. Besides she always told me she like's to have some variety in her love life." Lena lied about Cynthia but not about Luaxanna wanting variety.

"As long as she gives me a place to sleep and lots of sex I wouldn't even care if she paid me." Jenny replied excitedly.

"Like I said I do not know if she has already found someone else, but it's only been two days since I left her so there is a chance. If she has then you could stay with me for a year and then go work for her. I can't pay you like she does but you will have a place to sleep and food to eat." Lena offered and as soon as she did Jenny kissed her.

"Oh thank you uhh ..." Jenny went quite red as she realized she didn't know Lena's name.

"Angelina but you can call me Lena, not Angie though. My evil ant called me Angie all the time and I hate hearing that name." Lena explained.

"Thank you Lena I don't know what to say but weren't you looking for the Twi'Lek girl. She might get jealous if she finds out you've been with me." Jenny said between kisses.

"It's true I've been looking for her and am probably in love with her but I know she will understand. If I find her though please let me explain the situation alright?" Lena asked.

"I do not want to be a burden, never mind I will make do alone."

Jenny said as she went to leave but Lena grabbed her hand.

"Your not a burden Jenny, believe me if I wasn't so much in love with Luna I would have grabbed you up and taken you away with me. But after losing you your job the least I can do is help you get another one and give you a place to stay in between. Luna will have to understand if I even find her, I mean it's been six years and you can't expect someone to remain celibate that whole time. Besides we thought we would never see each other again the last time I saw her. So if you don't come back willingly I will have to drag you off to my ship by force."

Lena said as she drug Jenny back to the bench and sat her down.

"I would have to yell for help if you did that, but fortunately you won't need to because I will go willingly. At least until you find your Luna and see if she is jealous or until you get me a job with your previous employer." Jenny said as she hugged Lena.

"It's a deal then." Lena replied as she held the attractive pale skinned girl close to her.

Then an older gentleman walked up that nether Lena or Jenny recognized, he was carrying a large bag with him.

"Excuse me ladies, I was asked to give this to the redhead setting on this bench. I do not know what's in it but the man that asked me to bring it over here seemed quite nice if not a little strange."

Jenny looked up and to her surprise she realized it was her bag of clothes and personal items she had in the back of the store.

"Who did you say gave this to you, it wasn't a surly Mandalorian was it?" Jenny asked as she took the heavy bag from the frail looking man.

"No I would have recognized a Mandalorian, this man I can't even recall what he looked like now but I'm sure he was not a Mandalorian. He was very nice and even handed me several credits for my trouble, oh and he gave me these and said to give them to the black haired girl."

The older man produced a handful of credits from his pocket and gave them to Lena. She recognized the amount as what she had paid the Mandalorian pig.

"He also gave me a message to give to the black haired girl Lena, I assume that's you right?" He asked and Lena just nodded numbly.

"That's good, I'd hate to have given so many credits and a bag full of stuff to the wrong girls. Anyway the message was to 'Look over there.'" The older man said as he pointed off to the right.

Lena followed his finger and she saw the sun setting behind the city and off to the left was the very nightclub she had stood outside of in her dream.

"Strange message if you ask me but the man was a little strange as I recall, very kind though come to think of it." The older man rambled on to Lena who was not even paying attention; she was just staring awestruck at the nightclub.

Finally she interrupted the older man by handing him half the credits he had given her, "Here thank you very much sir, I would give you all these credits but I need a few for my friend here."

"I can't accept these, the man already gave me several..."

The older man protested but Lena was already heading down the street towards the nightclub dragging Jenny and R6 with her. Jenny had a hard time keeping up carrying the heavy bag the man had brought her, then they made it to the club and Lena handed Jenny the rest of the credits.

"Here take these and pay for a shuttle for you and R6 to get to my ship. R6 can tell you which hanger it's in, I'll be along later after I check this club out alright?"

"But I should come with you master!" R6 protested.

"No you need to take Jenny back to the Wolf Star and Jenny let me warn you that Star can speak basic just like R6. Now I have to go in here alone." Lena pressed.

"Very well Master as you wish, come on Miss Jenny lets go back to the ship." R6 gave in and slowly began to roll away disappointed.

"Lena I uh don't know what to say I mean everything is just happening so fast..." Jenny tried to say.

"We'll talk later I promise, for now just follow R6 back to the Star while I see if I can find Luna in here."

That seemed to get Jenny moving as she said, "I understand." Then she ran to catch R6 who was already a ways off beeping quite irately.

Chapter Four: Luna found? Mistress Missing?

Lena slowly and very carefully pushed the doors to the club open, as she walked in it took several seconds for her eyes to adjust to the low light. Then like a beacon blaring out she saw a blue Twi'Lek girl wearing a white dress with a white belt pack standing next to the bar. Lena's heart was back to the near exploding point as she slowly walked towards the girl who had her back to her.

As she came to within mere feet of the blue Twi'Lek, Lena's mouth suddenly went dry and she could not speak. Then the Twi'Lek turned around and Lena nearly fainted, she looked just like a slightly older Luna.

Then she opened her mouth and burst Lena's bubble, "Hello I'm Solara."

The girl said and Lena nearly died, she closed her mouth and went stark white as she sunk onto a barstool.

"Are you alright?" Solara asked as she rushed over to Lena who looked quite ill.

"I'm sorry it's just that I uh well I thought you were someone else." Lena said weakly.

"Here I better take you over to a booth you look like your going to faint."

The Twi'Lek Solara said as she helped Lena to her feet and half carried her over to one of the booths and sat her down.

"Thank you." Lena croaked to the girl who sounded so much like Luna, she even smelt like her.

Solara then sat on the other side of the booth and signaled for the server droid to come over. The single wheeled droid sped over and took Solaria's order for two waters then left. A second later he returned carrying the waters on a tray and placed them in front of the two women before speeding off to another customer. Lena just looked at the water then fell forward on her arms and began to sob softly.

Solara seamed quite distraught at seeing this, "Um you must have really liked this other girl then?" She asked hesitantly.

"You have no idea." Came Lena's muffled response as she continued to sob into her arms.

"I see you loved this girl then?" Solara asked.

"Yes..." Lena cried.

"Did she love you?" Solara asked very hesitantly.

"I do not know, it's been over six years since I saw her and we didn't have time to discuss anything before we were dragged apart." Lena cried into her arms.

"I'm sorry I..." Solara began to say but Lena sat up and wiped her tears away causing her to pause.

"I know and I'm sorry for going on like that it's just that you look so much like her that I finally thought I had found her." Lena said as she wiped more tears out of her eyes.

"What was her name?" Solara asked.

"Luna." Lena replied as she tried to stand.

"Where are you going?" Solara asked as she stood as well.

"I have things I need to do, I'm sorry for getting you involved in this Solara." Lena said between some more tears as she tried to go.

But Solara had her arm and was dragging her back. "Please sit, let's talk for awhile."

Lena remained standing looking the other way; "Please let me go, I do not wish to look at you anymore. You remind me too much of her and it just hurts too much for me to be reminded of her without her being here." Lena cried as she weakly tried to pull her arm free.

"Please sit Lena." Solara said softly, catching Lena off guard.

"What did you call me?" Lena asked as she turned around.

"Lena, unless you would rather I called you Angelina or maybe Angie?" Solara said wryly.

"How do you know my name?" Lena asked hesitantly as she looked at Solara suspiciously.

"Do you remember what Luna's full name was?" Solara asked.

"She never gave me her full name in her language but in basic it was Powerful Sun and Moon." Lena said as a light began to shine again in the darkness.

"Do you not know any Twi'Lek?" Solara asked and Lena shook her head no.

"Well what would you say if Apointe Solara Luna told you she loved you too?" Luna said and Lena began crying but this time it was tears of joy, then she hugged Luna so tightly the Twi'Lek felt like her head tails were going to explode.

"I would say I loved her with all my heart then I would smack her for tricking me." Lena cried.

For several minutes they just hugged and cried then they sat back down in the booth this time on the same side.

"You can smack me if you want Lena I deserve it. At first I just wanted to surprise you but then after I saw your reaction I felt so bad that I didn't want to tell you for fear you would kill me." Luna explained between her own tears.

"I feel like killing you but I would have to kill myself as well since I can't stand the idea of going on without you." Lena jested between tears and hugs.

"I can't believe you found me after all these years, Master Skywalker always said you would but I did not know if I could believe him. Now I see he was right and I'm just well it is hard to describe how much I've missed you." Luna said as she returned the hugs.

"I know how you feel, hardly a day has passed that I didn't relive that day six years ago in my dreams."

"I have had the same dreams, thankfully just the good parts though." Luna admitted.

"That's the way they came to me as well, they always ended when my ant threw open the door." Lena said rather surprised.

"Yes that's exactly were it ended for me too, it seems the force has been working through both our dreams drawing us together." Luna explained.

"I don't know if it was the force or not but I'm just glad to be here with you now." Lena said as she kissed Luna for the first time in over six years.

They continued to kiss for a while then Luna broke the lip lock, "I was so worried that you would be mad at me for letting your uncle drag you out of that shop. I pleaded with Master Skywalker for hours to let me go after you, and then I begged him for weeks to let me find you. But he always told me it wasn't your time yet and to be patient, I even thought of going against his direct orders to stay away but I couldn't just throw away all my training. Then a little over two years after that day I could stand it no longer, orders or no orders I was going to find you no matter what he said. To my surprise he actually let me go with his blessing but when I got to Coruscant I found that you had left your ant and uncle just a few months before. They did not know or cared where you were and I could not find any records anywhere regarding where you were. I ... I was so worried something had happened to you or you had run away so mad at me that you had hid yourself somewhere you could never be found. For months after that I searched and worried forsaking all my training and duties until I finally had to give up. My crew deserved a rest and I had many missions I had let go to long with out being resolved. So from that day on I continued my duties and training but always I would try to find some more information on where you were."

Lena then cried onto Luna's chest as she realized it hadn't just been her that had worked so hard to find her true love.

"I... I could never hate you Luna, I did feel quite angry at my ant and uncle and your Master Skywalker if that was he in the store that day. But I was never mad at you. I just wanted to find you, which is why I left home. I guess the captain's of the cargo ships I worked on wanted to keep my employment a secret. They probably didn't want to have any more taxes attached to there cargo. That would explain why you couldn't find me, but why couldn't I find you. I looked just as hard as you did and I never managed to find a single record on a Twi'Lek named Powerful Sun and Moon or just Luna."

Luna smiled, "We Jedi are a secret lot and most of my records are sealed by the highest level securities. I knew deep down that if you were looking for me it would not be easy to find information regarding either the Jedi or myself. That is why I was trying so hard to find you, well that and because I needed you so much."

"I've missed you so much Luna." Lena said as she cried gently then kissed Luna, but as she did her necklace and the stone attached to it slipped out of her dress and hit Luna on the chest.

As Lena leaned back Luna looked down at the necklace and stone, "Where did you get this crystal?" She asked as she reached out and stroked the black stone.

Suddenly Lena began crying and now Luna was just confused as she looked at the very sad looking Lena, "What's wrong Lena what did I say?"

Lena however just cried and looked away not wanting to look Luna in her eyes.

"I'm sorry if I upset you Lena it's just that I recognized that crystal as a force crystal, you see it's the same kind of crystals that we put in our lightsabers. Yours however looks like it's been split in two." Luna tried to explain to Lena who was still crying.

Finally Lena spoke, "It's not what the crystal is or even you asking that has upset me. It's who gave it to me and why that is the problem."

Luna reached out and turned Lena around, "Is she dead?"

Lena's tears stopped, "No, at least I do not think so. But how did you know?"

Luna just smiled, "Well the only thing I figured that could cause you to cry like that after finding me was that either someone you cared for was dead or you were worried that I would be angry that you have seen other women since me. In either case you need not fear that I will be mad or jealous because I understand, it's been a long time and I had already figured you would have moved on. Now I'm just so happy that you didn't that I could never be jealous of someone else."

Lena hugged her lover again, "I'm sorry I just well like you said I didn't know if I was ever going to see you again and she came along and I needed someone so bad that I well stayed with her for a year. It was her though that urged me to find you, she even gave me enough money to get my own ship so I could look for you unheeded."

Luna hugged her back, "I understand, I myself sought company from a few girls over the years but I always hoped I could find you again."

"There's more to the story then that I just stayed with her for a year, it is kind of complicated though." Lena tried to explain but Luna kissed her stopping her.

"I don't care really, you could have her on your ship now and I wouldn't care. Just as long as I get to be with you I do not care if you have a hundred slave girls tending to your every need." Luna jested after she released Lena.

"Well there is one girl on my ship now but that is a long story as well. In fact I believe you know her already, you met her earlier in that shop." Lena admitted.

"You mean that Jenny who worked in the clothing shop where we met." Luna asked surprised.

"Yes and please don't be mad at me but after you ran out on her after she asked you out and after I came in and she hit on me and I rejected her. Well she went to pieces and was crying in the middle of the store, I couldn't stand seeing her there like that so I well took her into one of the booths. One thing led to another and I think you can guess what happened, and then it was like six years ago. Although her manager didn't barge in on us he probably would have if it weren't for R6. Eventually I found out he had cameras in the booths and he fired her but I got her job back by threatening to take the cameras to the authorities. But she didn't want her job back and then ran out of the store and I found her in the street crying and she told me how she was living in the store because the manager was not paying her enough. I couldn't just let her live on the street so I told her I would help her get a job with my previous employer. Then some old man came up and gave her a bag, which I guess was her stuff from the store. He also gave me my credits back, which I paid for this dress with even though the store manager didn't deserve any money. Finally the old man gave me a message, which he said the man that had given him the bag and credits said was for me. He told me the other man had told him to tell me to look at the sunset; as soon as I did I remembered the dream and this club and I had to come in. So I sent Jenny and R6 back to my ship to wait for me while I checked this place out to see if you were indeed in here."

Lena rambled the story out very fast to Luna who was trying to catch up, "Alright slow down Lena. I think I understand and don't worry I'm not mad, I would have done Jenny too but I felt like I needed to be in this club. That's why I ran out, I didn't mean to make her so upset it's just that I had this feeling you were in here. You see I had a dream about this club as well and that's how I knew I needed to be here, but I was beginning to worry when I was standing here for almost an hour and you weren't here. But something kept telling me to wait for you like you were very close; I could feel it in the force. Then as soon as you touched the doors to this club I knew it was you, your presence in the force is so strong. It's even stronger then it was six years ago, although six years have changed you allot. Your emotions are a lot more controlled now; even as a kid I could feel the anger and turmoil inside you threatening to consume you. Now all I feel is light and love, the anger you once had has vanished like it was nothing. By the way, who or what is R6, a droid I would guess by the name?" Luna rambled on much as Lena had done.

"Yes he's a droid alright, but how I acquired him is an even longer story that you can try to pry out of his circuits yourself because I sure can't find out anything from him. What did you mean by the anger inside me?" Lena replied.

"Do not worry about that for now Lena, Master Skywalker will explain it to you if you decide to become a Jedi. For now just know that you are allot calmer and more controlled then you were as a kid, but rather you are calm or controlled or even angry is no concern of mine I just want to love you." Luna said as she hugged and kissed Lena again.

"I think it's time to return to my ship so we can get down to some serious sex. We have a lot of it to catch up on and I want to love you senseless many times before we get tangled up in any Jedi training." Lena said as she pulled away slightly.

Luna smiled eagerly, "I can't wait."

Lena smiled back, "Nether can I."

Then Luna looked very eager, "I really can't wait."

Lena realized she wasn't kidding as she was writhing against her body.

"Can you still do what you did to me all those years ago, it's been so long since I've been with anyone and seeing you again is too much. Besides I have a feeling that by the time we make it back to your ship we're going to be otherwise occupied. Don't ask me to explain how I know I just do its kind of a force thing."

Lena could see and feel the utter need in Luna and she gave into her desire, not that she really needed that much convincing. "Yes I can do what I did before, I'm much better now though. Just get in my lap and kiss me and you'll get the full treatment." Lena said with a wide grin.

Luna spent little time getting on Lena's lap and kissing her, Lena devoted her whole power to Luna, leaving herself unfulfilled for the moment. Luna felt the force take her and she lost all control of herself her mouth fell open and Lena had to hold her head so she didn't break there kiss. Lena didn't want Luna's moans to bring all the eyes of the bar onto them. This wasn't like on Tantooine with Luaxanna, the patrons and managers of this club would most likely care if they found two women having sex in the middle of there club. Then Luna began to shake as she erupted into a muffled climax and orgasm, Lena kept her going however as she finally treated herself to the pleasuring. They shared the next orgasm together and finally another before Lena could hold it no longer and let Luna go, to collapse in her lap. Fortunately no one took notice of them except for a mysterious man who was far off in a corner unseen by all.

Several minutes later Luna slipped off her lover and slid back onto the booths seat, "Mmm you're so good and I've missed you so much."

Luna said as she rubbed her sex, which was aching even though no one had touched it.

"Thank you I've had practice." Lena said then she took a look around and then slipped under the table.

Luna didn't realize what she was planning until she felt her legs being spread and her dress being lifted up. Her hand left her sex immediately and she welcomed Lena in by slouching down in the seat. Luna had to stifle several moans as Lena's lips touched her sex, this time Lena having expended all her energy just used her lips, tongue, and fingers to bring Luna to another muffled raging orgasm. As Lena reemerged from under the table Luna kissed her weakly before falling over onto her. Lena cradled her long lost lover gently caressing her as she slept before falling into a light doze herself.

Quite a while later a beeping sound interrupted there sleep, Lena couldn't figure out where it was coming from then all of the sudden it felt like someone had kicked her in the gut. Lena bent over the table clutching her stomach and Luna grasped her around her shoulders.

"What's wrong Lena are you sick?" she asked worriedly.

"I... I don't know it's like nothing I've ever felt before. It feels like someone kicked me in the stomach." Lena explained as Luna leaned her back against the booth, and then Luna saw the crystal around Lena's neck.

The normally very black crystal was glowing a bright shade of red with a fury that looked like the red lightsabers that the dark Jedi carried.

"Lena your crystal is glowing!" Luna exclaimed causing Lena to shoot straight up as she grabbed the warm crystal and looked at it in horror.

The beeping then died away and a voice came from Lena's belt pack, "Master, Master are you there this is the Wolf Star I have urgent news please respond."

Lena franticly grabbed at the pack and pulled out her communicator, "Yes Star I'm here what is it, has something happened to Luaxanna."

There was a pause, "Yes Master something is wrong with your friend Luaxanna but I do not understand how you knew."

"Never mind that just tell me what's wrong." Angelina spat a little too harshly.

"Yes Master Lena, R6 and I hearing Jenny's story took the initiative to call your friend Luaxanna and while we were explaining the situation to her and Cynthia a rather large explosion went off in there ship. The comm. channel began to brake up at that point but I caught something about them dropping out of hyperspace then her new partner came in and yelled something about intruders and the comm. channel failed completely. I tried to get it back Master I really did but I couldn't get a response please don't disassemble me." Star begged.

"I'm sorry Star I'm not mad at you it's just that something has happened to Luaxanna, something really bad. Now please fly yourself, R6, and Jenny over to me as fast as you can. I will met you with a friend of mine outside the nightclub were in alright?" Lena tried to ask as calmly as possible considering what was happening.

"Yes Master right away, I have your coordinates now I'll be there in five minutes. It would be sooner but the grease monkeys outside decided now was the best time to refuel me. I'll send R6 out to pay them and get them off my hall as quickly as possible, Star out."

The comm. channel clicked off and Lena turned to Luna, "Please come with me I know this is sudden and it has something to do with an old lover but I can't leave you now that I've finally found you."

Lena begged and to her great relief Luna agreed, "I will never leave your side again my love, but tell me how fast your ship is. Mine is fast even for it's size so we maybe able to make it to your friend sooner if we take my ship."

"I do not know exactly how fast it is but I just installed a new Hyperdrive at Star's request and she clamed that she could make it from Tantooine to here in around forty one hours as I recall." Lena explained as she counted the time on her fingers.

"Forty one hours! That's blazing, my ships fast but I think it would still take us at least fifty hours to get to Tantooine. All right then we'll take your ship but I will have mine follow us at its best possible speed just incase we need the extra firepower."

Lena kissed Luna quite hard, "Thank you Luna I don't know what to say."

"How about that you'll love me until the end of time." Luna asked wryly.

"You have my word and my love that we will never again be apart." Lena said as she kissed Luna again and even though she was sick over Luaxanna she still felt an amazing love for Luna.

Then Luna whipped out a communicator of her own, "Captain Vespar come in."

Luna said into the communicator and after a second an alien voice came over the comm.. Lena recognized it as that of a Mon Calamarian.

"Yes Admiral Luna how may I be of assistance?" The somewhat gurglely fish voiced Captain asked over the comm.

"Captain I've found Lena finally but unfortunately we've just found out that a good friend of hers, ship has been attacked. Were heading out in Lena's ship which is frankly much faster then the Light Saber, even so I want you to follow us at your best possible speed just incase we need some help. I'll transmit the coordinates to you as soon as I get them, in the meantime have my shuttle brought back aboard the Saber."

There was a pause then the Captain came back, "Your shuttles being called back as we speak Admiral and I'm overjoyed to hear that you've found Lena. I am sorry however to hear that her friend has been attacked, you can rest assured Admiral that we will follow you at the best speed the Saber can manage. Beyond it if our engineers have any worth in them."

"Thank you Captain, that is all that I can ask of you. Luna out." She said as she clicked the comm. off.

"Admiral?" Lena asked somewhat curiously.

"Don't ask, like your droid it is a long story. I'll tell you about it later, when we have more time. By the way who is this Star is she your pilot?"

"Sort of, she is my ships computer. Long story don't ask tell you about it when we have more time, or rather you'll find out in a couple minutes." Lena jested back chuckling through the pain still in her stomach.

Then the dark robed man appeared out of nowhere right next to their table.

"Master Skywalker where did you come from!" Luna yelled with a jump.

"If you weren't so caught up in your desire to find Lena you would have noticed that I've been tailing you all day." The Master replied.

"No offense Master but if you did not wish to be noticed then not even the best Jedi would have seen you." Luna replied.

"True but it was not that difficult to remain hidden from you two. Now I know you don't have a lot of time so let's leave it there for now. Here are your robes that you left in the shop earlier, I suggest you two use what time you have left before the Wolf Star makes her escape from that hanger, to change." Luke said as he dropped the small shopping bag on the table in front of a very red faced Luna.

Lena's face was equally as red even though she did not know this man at all. Well except for the last time she had seen him six years ago that was.

"Lena, uh I mean Angelina I'm sorry. I request that you allow me to accompany you on your ship while you help your friend out. In return I will be happy to train you in the ways of the Jedi while we are underway and after we save your friend if that is your desire."

Master Skywalker requested to a stunned Lena, "Thank you Master Skywalker, I would be more than grateful if you helped us rescue Luaxanna. I would also be indebted to you if you trained me in the ways of the Jedi, and please call me Lena." "I did not say I would help you rescue your friend, I just want to come with you and train you is all. I will step in if my help is needed but if it is not then I will leave it up to Luna and yourself." The sly Master replied to a twice-shocked Lena and a very not shocked Luna.

"He's always like that Lena don't worry about it." Luna said as she looked inside the bag trying not to look at Luke.

"You know I never talked back to my masters Luna." Luke lied and Luna snorted knowing full well he was lying.

"Alright I admit I did but that doesn't mean you should Luna or you Lena for that matter." Skywalker said sternly but also with a broad smile.

"Yes Master" They both replied.

"Now Lena pick up your bag and change into your old clothes with Luna in the restroom. I've already contacted my wife aboard our ship the Jade Saber and asked her to fly up to Luna's ship the Light Saber so I hope you'll let me come aboard your ship or I be walking home." Skywalker jested.

"Yes Master you have my permission to ride with us and I will do as you ask." Lena said as she grabbed Luna's hand and dragged her towards the restroom.

"You would do well to learn from her example Luna."

Luke called to them as they walked towards the restroom and Luna added a hasty, "Yes Master." Before Lena dragged her inside.

Inside the restroom Lena picked out one of the larger stalls, which was obviously for some of the larger alien women. Then she dragged Luna inside it and closed the door behind them.

"He's a weird old guy isn't he?" Lena asked as she slipped the soaked dress off after first removing her belt pack.

"All older Jedi are like that it's infuriating sometimes. Granted there aren't that many old Jedi anymore and the one's there are have all been trained by Master Skywalker." Luna explained as she striped as well.

"There are not that many left huh and how could they all be trained by one man?" Lena asked in amazement.

"Most of the Jedi were killed in the clone wars and the rest were hunted down by the dark lord, Darth Vader. Until only two remained, the very two Master Skywalker referred to as his Masters. Then Lord Vader struck down his first Master right in front of his eyes, and then Luke sought out the last of the Jedi Masters. Who finished his training and after several battles and years Master Skywalker returned only to watch his old master die of extremely old age leaving him the only Jedi left alive. So per his masters last instructions he sought out students and passed on what he had learned." Luna explained, as she got dressed.

"That's awful I had no idea all that happened to that man, he seems so calm and peaceful yet if I had witnessed all that I doubt I would be." Lena said as she paused while pulling up her pants.

"He's seen far worse then what I've explained but more then that you will have to ask him yourself." Luna replied as she pulled her robe on and fastened her belt.

Lena stood there for a second then as she saw Luna look at her necklace again she was drawn back to the task at hand. For the necklace was glowing an even brighter shade of red and her stomach was churning and rolling even more.

Lena quickly finished dressing, and then slipped the blaster back into its holster, stuffed the few remaining credits she had brought with her in her pocket, and clipped the communicator to her belt. As she folded up the white dress and slipped it inside the bag she saw the black dress. As Luna was clipping her saber to her belt, Lena pulled the dress out and held it up.

"I uh bought this for you Luna at least I think it's for you since it kind of called to me. I can't explain it so I hope you like it?" Lena said rather hesitantly and extremely awkwardly.

"Oh a black one I love black, to tell you the truth I was only wearing a white one because I wanted you to find me. Just like six years ago I still don't think white goes with my skin. Here I'll trade you, you can have my white one and I'll take this black one you bought for me." Luna said as she took the black dress and gave Lena the white one.

"Well like I said I don't know why I bought it to tell you the truth, but I'm glad you like it." Lena admitted.

"I love it and you bought it because the force told you too, just like it told me to buy the white one which will look great on you." Luna explained as she held the dress up to herself, Lena copied her with the white dress even though it was pointless because it was the same exact dress she had just been wearing.

Then as they folded the dresses up and put them into there bags Lena's communicator beeped. She grabbed it off her belt, "Lena here."

Star's voice came back immediately, "I'm right outside the nightclub Master, not to rush you but you had better be quick because there are some very angry people swerving around me. I really don't want one of them hitting me even though I do have my shields up."

"I'll be right there Star just hold your position, by the way I got two friends with me now." Lena replied as she started walking out of the restroom carrying her bag with Luna close behind her carrying her bag.

"Very well Mast... Wow that was close, he nearly scraped my wing, please hurry Master." Star pleaded.

"I'm coming!" Lena said as she threw the door to the restroom open nearly hitting Luke.

"Well I guess your ready then." He said as he stepped out of the way of the flying door.

"I'm sorry Master I didn't mean too..." Lena apologized profusely but Luke cut her off.

"Never mind I was not injured, just try to control your temper. Now I believe your ship is outside causing quite a commotion." He said as he led the way out of the club.

Chapter Five: Leaving Coruscant in a blaze of blaster fire?

The responses to my story are pouring in now and for that I thank you, I'm sorry it has taken awhile to get this part out but I was fairly busy. To all those who wrote me I will respond to your email soon, for everyone else let me know what you think.

Thank you, Mike Wolf

Next: Chapter 4

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