Jedi Encounters

By Mike Wolf

Published on Sep 17, 2004


Jedi Encounters: The Force Divided.

Part: Six. By Mike Wolf

Required note: This story contains graphic written descriptions of sex involving mainly lesbian relations but may contain other heterosexual or other wise later on. If you are under eighteen or this kind of story is illegal for you to read then please don't read it. The author holds no responsibility if you choose to read on and get in trouble for it.

Legal Note: All characters belonging to Lucas Arts, George Lucas, or any of the other star wars affiliates are owned by them and are used without permission in this story. If this is a problem then let me know and I will not use them again. This story also makes or gives no assumptions about these characters orientations and in no way relates to the actors that portrayed the characters in the movies, games, etc.

Story Note: This is a fairly long story involving the characters of the Star Wars universe, I plan on releasing it in parts and would very much like feedback rather it be criticism or helpful hints or what ever. I will respond to all emails granted I have the time and they are well written, what I mean by that is I don't want, "This sucks or you blow big wookie chunks." as an email. The story itself is based on a group of characters I made up and revolves around there struggle with the dark side. This is not meant to be something you can get your quick fix off of, but if that's what you're looking for then by all means read on. For everyone else I hope it provides both mental stimulation as well as the other kind, thank you for reading.

Chapter Fourteen: Kashyyyk.

It took another two days to arrive at Kashyyyk but it seemed that once they were finally there the cloud of darkness that was hanging over them finally lifted. Lena most notably was in a better mood and so of course Luna was cheerier as well.

The elder and the other slaves were transported down to there village in the Wolf Star along with Lena and Luna, Luke and the others remained on the Light Saber to monitor the incoming ships and begin there preparations for battle.

Lena and Luna followed the gray furred elder out of the Wolf Star towards the center of their village high among the trees. The Elder whom Lena just the other day finally managed to translate his name as Servaca, was leading them to the largest of the wooden homes in the village, many Wookies of varying sizes and colors stopped what they were doing to stare at there large group as they strode through the village.

Servaca stopped at the door to the Chieftain's home and turned to Lena, "We shall go inside now and meet with the chieftain, allow me to explain what transpired before you speak. I ask this only because our people no longer trust humans due to the senates lack of aid over the last few decades."

Lena nodded her agreement, "We shale not speak without permission."

The elder grunted his approval then pushed the large door open and led the two Jedi inside, the rest of the ex-slaves waited outside where many other Wookies began gathering around grunting and hooting as they recognized there family members who had been gone for some time.

Servaca led them through the grand entrance hall and past the guards who lowered their weapons for just a moment until they recognized the gray haired elder. As Servaca strode into the council chamber the chieftain who was at least eight feet tall and covered in dark brown fur stood and stepped forward.

"Servaca my friend you have returned, I feared the slavers would have killed you long ago due to your less then accommodating personality." He growled as he greeted his old friend.

"They tried on many occasions but I fear I am to old and tough to die." Servaca replied.

The Chieftain then turned to Lena and Luna, "Who are these human Jedi you bring before me, are they your friends?"

Servaca turned to look at Lena as well, "They are the ones who freed me and some of the other tribe members who were taken along with many others. Lena is by far the most powerful Jedi ever, she freed us from a heavily fortified base with little effort and no looses. She however has a request which she would like you to hear."

"I do not normally hear or honor the requests of humans but since you come before me with the blessings of Servaca I will listen." The Chieftain said as he returned to his chair.

Lena then told him about her sister and her large fleet and the fleet they were assembling to battle her. Then she asked the Chieftain if he would graciously aid her cause by allowing their warriors to fight along side her and the rest of there fleet.

The Chieftain looked thoughtful for some time then he asked Servaca to relay to him exactly what transpired when Lena rescued them. Servaca told the story to the best of his ability then again the chieftain looked very thoughtful for quite awhile. Lena could sense the turmoil and indecision swelling inside his head, he was apparently torn between two choices nether of which he seemed to like. Finally after Servaca gave him a questioning grunt he raised his head and spoke slowly.

"Forgive me Jedi Lena but I am torn in two on this decision, for many years we have been raided by slavers without aid from the Republic or the Jedi, our pleas for aid falling on deaf ears. Now you show up here with old friends long gone and think that you are entitled to ask for aid from us. For all I know you are the ones who held Servaca and the rest of the tribe captive until you needed aid, then you free them and used your Jedi abilities to trick Servaca into believing he was in some kind of prison. If the stories of your exploits are true then it would not be unreasonable to assume you could trick Servaca or any of us." He said as he hung his head.

"I can offer you no proof of my intentions for which you would trust any more then what you already have heard, but what I can do is promise you that I will ensure no more slavers will visit this planet. I will make the rest of the Jedi aware of this agreement and if ever you are troubled again you will only need to contact any Jedi or myself, and you will receive all the help you need. Also as Servaca has stated already, you are welcome to keep any of the six ships I have purchased as your own personal ship." Lena explained but the chieftain still did not seem convinced.

"We are not a space fairing race so ships mean little to us, besides a small slaver ship with a cloaking field would still be able to slip past a large capital ship. As for your promise I have no way to hold you to it so it means little more then the hallow words you spoke." He said with a defiant harshness in his voice.

"I am sorry to have bothered you with this, I will take my leave now. However I will ensure the Jedi come back as soon as possible and help you clear any remaining slavers off Kashyyyk and ensure they never return. I only hope that those actions will allow us one day to speak again as friends." Lena said before she bowed and then took Luna's hand and began to pull her out of the house.

"If you have a moment longer I would ask something of you that might change my mind." The chieftain said as he stood, Lena stopped and turned back around.

"Yes, I have but a moment for if you will not aid us then I will be fairly busy looking for others that will." Lena said as she squeezed Luna's hand.

"Forgive my bluntness but as I said we have endured many hardships over the last decades." The Chieftain apologized but his face and mind still mirrored his distrust of Lena.

"I understand." Lena said.

"What I would ask you is if you're willing to complete two tasks for me in order to prove your intentions are true." The chieftain said as he tapped his wooden staff on the floor.

"What are these tasks?" Lena asked.

"First off all let me explain why I am even considering aiding you." The chieftain said as he walked over to Lena and showed her his staff, which had many engravings on it. "Long ago a particularly skilled elder who seemed to weld the foresight of the Jedi told us of a great Jedi who would come and ask us for aid but for unknown reasons we would be reluctant to help this Jedi. However the elder said that if this Jedi were to perform two feats for us we would be obligated to give the Jedi the aid they requested, for it would mean that our people would finally be free. The one feat the elder made clear, he said that in the deepest part of a dark cave on the surface of Kashyyyk there is a great sword once wielded by the mightiest Wookie warrior who ever lived. If the Jedi were to bring this sword back to the current chieftain then they would complete one of the two feats. As for the other feat the elder gave no clue as to what it was, he only said that the current chieftain would know what the second feat would be."

As he spoke Lena examined the carvings on the staff depicting the story he was relaying. When he finally paused she asked, "The second feat?"

The Chieftain seemed to think for a while then he spoke, "There is an unknown group of slavers operating down on the surface, they use cloaking belts to hide their presence from us until it is too late. They are taking young Wookie's on their first hunts and enslaving them, several of the ones you brought back were taken by these slavers. If you can find the slavers and bring them to justice then I will consider the second feat completed."

"I really do not have that much time but if it will help you and provide you with the proof you need that my intentions are true then I will complete these feats." Lena stated hesitantly and Luna squeezed her hand so hard it made her wince. "I would also ask if I am permitted to take my partner with me, she is my guiding light and I have vowed never to allow her to leave my sight." Lena added hastily.

"You may take her with you, the legend does speak of a second Jedi but it does not speak of what her purpose was or is." The Chieftain said.

Luna suddenly acquired a very disgruntled look, "Stupid legend." She huffed turning away from Lena.

"Thank you Chieftain, I will leave now and hopefully return quickly with the proof that I have completed your feats." Lena said before she once again turned to leave.

"One last thing." The chieftain said causing Lena to turn back again.


"I will have an experienced hunter accompany you, he will be able to lead you to the place where most of the young Wookie's were taken. He will also lead you to the place where we believe the cave is but we never have actually been able to find it I'm afraid." The chieftain offered and Lena accepted.

It took several hours for the hunter to prepare himself for the journey but when he was finally ready the chieftain introduced him to Lena and Luna.

"This is Fertaca (Fur Talk ah), he is our greatest hunter. Fertaca is the only one to ever come close to finding the slavers, they only eluded him by fleeing to there ship." The Chieftain said as he patted the seven-foot tall light brown colored Wookie on the back.

"It is an honor to meet you Fertaca I am Angelina Darkhammer and this is my partner Apointe Solara Luna but you can call us Lena and Luna." Lena said as she introduced herself and Luna.

"It is I who should be honored to meet you, I spoke with the ones you rescued and from their stories I gathered that you are a great warrior." He said with a deep voice that filled the room.

"Thank you, now if you are ready I think we had better go for time is short." Lena said as she bowed slightly and the large Wookie returned it.

Chapter Fifteen: The invisible fiends.

Lena and Luna piloted the Wolf Star down to the surface and Fertaca pointed them to a spot where they could set her down safely.

"Lena are you sure about this?" Star asked as Lena got up to leave.

"We have no choice." Lena said simply as she waited for Luna and Fertaca to get up as well.

"I don't like the idea of you going out with only Luna and one Wookie hunter to help you, especially when you are facing a foe who's using cloaking fields and traps." Star fretted.

"We'll be fine Star there's no reason to worry." Lena said exasperatedly before leaving the cockpit.

"What about me master?" R6 asked.

"You would have a hard time keeping up with all the trees and foliage in the way so you better stay here and protect Star just incase the slavers try to take her." Lena said with a smile.

"I will do my best master." R6 said somewhat disappointedly before rolling back into the cockpit.

After grabbing their packs Lena and Luna joined Fertaca at the ramp to the Wolf Star and swiftly departed. Star closed the ramp behind them and then they set off into the woods.

"It is at least a thousand kilometers or more to the place where I first picked up on the slavers scent, if you can manage it we could run for awhile before the forest becomes to dense?" Fertaca asked.

"We might just surprise you." Luna said with a smile.

"I doubt that, I have heard accounts from relatives about the Jedi and what they can do." Fertaca said before taking off into the trees at a brisk pace.

Lena and Luna looked at each other then jumped high and fast landing right next to him as he dodged between the trees.

"We could move faster if you want to." Lena taunted and Fertaca growled as he sprinted faster through the trees. They ran on for several hundred yards then Fertaca stopped suddenly and begun sniffing the air.

"They have been here recently I can still smell there foul odor." He said as he bent over and sniffed a tree.

"There are five of them, three humans and two Rodian's. They are carrying heavy weapons and stunners, they have also set many traps to ensnare there pray." Lena said as she looked down at the ground.

"How do you know these things?" Fertaca asked.

"I can see them like you can smell there scent, I see the after images of there spirits they leave behind." Lena said as she began looking around.

"We should proceed carefully." Fertaca said as he slowly began walking forward, Lena however grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Why have you grabbed me human?" Fertaca growled angrily.

"You were about to step into that trap just ahead, if you had the stun grenade in that bush would have gone off and knocked us all out." Lena explained as she pointed to the bush off to the side of a small valley.

"I am sorry I was only eager to capture them." Fertaca apologized.

"No apology is needed for no harm was done." Lena said as she carefully crept around the small valley to the bush and deactivated the grenade.

"We could use this trap to lure them to us." Luna pointed out.

"It is not necessary, I can see where their camp and ship are, and if we attack them there they will be caught off guard. If we were to draw them to us then they would be expecting an attack." Lena explained.

"Alright then lead on." Luna said sheepishly.

Lena then lead them carefully through the trees avoiding the many traps the slavers set, for she could see them clear as day. They were walking very slowly though and it seemed to be taking forever, they even stopped once or twice to rest and drink some water before moving on.

It was over an hour after they found the first trap that both Lena and Fertaca stopped dead in there tracks.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked.

"We're surrounded." Lena whispered, as she carefully looked around.

Luna suddenly took in a deep breath as she to saw them, "I see them too, they're hiding in the trees using their cloaking belts."

"I can not see them but there scent fills the trees." Fertaca replied carefully.

"Why aren't they attacking?" Luna asked as her hand edged closer to her lightsaber.

"They're trying to figure out who we are." Lena said as she slowly reached over and took Luna's hand. "No matter what happens you will be safe." Lena said as she smiled and some of the graveness lifted from Luna's face as her lover looked at her so sweetly.

It was at that moment that a stun bolt shot from the trees and sped towards the pair, Lena turned quickly and grabbed Luna then vaulted straight up as she used the force to push Fertaca out of the path of another bolt shooting towards him. Lena then dropped Luna and she drifted down and landed on a branch right next to one of the attackers.

Luna drew and activated her saber and brought it down right as the human slaver scrambled to jump to the next branch. Luna sliced his rifle in two and then swiftly cut off his cloaking belt making him very visible.

Lena landed on a branch high up in the trees and drew her blaster and took careful aim, and then she let several bolts fly. Suddenly two Rodian's appeared among the trees looking very surprised. Fertaca spied the one Rodian and leapt into the trees just as the sentient was drawing his rifle, he however had no time to aim as Fertaca had slammed him against the tree and ripped the weapon from his hands.

Lena watched as the final Rodian set off through the branch's clumsily trying to make his escape, although just as he made a jump from one tree to another Lena disappeared and reappeared right next to him in mid air. His green face went stark white as Lena drew back and punched him sending him flying towards the ground. Lena disappeared again and then reappeared just above the ground catching the falling Rodian right before she landed herself.

Luna then jumped down holding the Human by the shirt and landed right next to Lena who deposited the Rodian on the ground unconscious.

"There were only three of them here where are the rest?" Luna asked as she tossed the human down next to his counterpart.

"They must be back at there ship." Lena said as Fertaca jumped down and joined them with his unconscious and bleeding pry under his arm.

"We should kill them now!" Fertaca growled.

"I will not be a part of that nor will Luna, we will turn them over to your Chieftain and after we leave what he chooses to do with them is up to him." Lena replied sternly and although Fertaca growled menacingly his expression seemed pleased. "I'll be right back." Lena said as she walked over and stood among the bodies.

Lena grabbed the three unconscious slavers and then in a blinding flash they were all gone but no more then a second later they appeared next to the chieftain.

"Here are three of the five slavers, I will return shortly with the others. Don't be to quick to pass judgment on them, Luna and I do not wish to be a part of there punishment." Lena explained to the stunned chieftain right before she smiled and disappeared again. A moment later Lena reappeared next to Luna and Fertaca, "I dropped them off, and they're now in the care of your chieftain."

"He will know what to do with them." Fertaca bared his fangs and growled.

"I asked him to hold punishment until Luna and I depart but what he does is ultimately up to him." Lena said as she waved off Fertaca and headed into the trees, forcing Luna and Fertaca to run to catch up to her.

It was but a few minutes later that Lena stopped at the edge of a small clearing which appeared to be empty, Lena crouched down hiding behind a large thicket of vines. Fertaca and Luna joined her just as she drew her two sabers.

"There ship is in the clearing and the final two Humans are in the ship, I think I should handle this one alone since I'm the only one who can see the ship." Lena explained.

"I can see there presence's but not the ship." Luna whispered.

"I know my dear but without being able to see the ship you would be of little help." Lena said softly.

"How can you see it since it has no real force presence?" Luna asked.

"It has some but what I really see is the disturbance it makes in the force around it, it's like looking into a bottomless pit and seeing the edges around it." Lena explained as she slowly got up.

"I see." Luna lied as she too tried to see the ship but failed.

"Don't worry about it." Lena reassured her and then she swiftly leapt over the vines and made for the ship at her top speed.

Lena tried to stay in the Firespray's blind spots as she ran for the ramp of the old ship. In the back of her mind Lena could feel something strange about the ship and it's occupants but she was trying to concentrate on her assault and didn't give it much thought. Lena then vaulted forward and disappeared into the ship.

Lena ran up the ramp and into the small living area the ship had and was stunned beyond words at what she saw. A man who's reputation preceded him and a female dark Jedi were standing in front of a panel monitoring there traps. The two humans turned suddenly as they sensed Lena's presence.

"Who are you?" The silver and green armored man yelled as he quickly slid his helmet on.

"What are you doing in that ridicules Jedi get up?" The female dark Jedi clothed in black robes hissed.

Lena was so stunned she could not even speak, she just stood there with her sabers in her hands and her mouth hanging open wide.

"Who is she?" The man now fully in his armor asked.

"That's my Master Lord Darkhammer, but I don't know why she's here or why she's in that outfit." The female with the dark hair pondered.

"Selkata?" Lena croaked, as her mouth was now completely dry.

"Of course Taristra..." Selkata began to say then she drew her sabers and ignited them. "You are not Lord Darkhammer you are her pathetic sister!" Selkata screamed as she held her blazing purple sabers.

"What's going on Selkata, you told me Lord Darkhammer's sister was a pathetic weakling but this woman looks to be a full fledged Jedi!" The armored man yelled as he drew his blaster.

"She was but now I guess she thinks she's some kind of Jedi master." Selkata yelled as she charged Lena.

Lena came to just in time to light her sabers and block Selkata's attacks, the dark warrior was extremely well skilled though and Lena in her stunned state was having a hard time keeping up.

"Jump!" The man yelled from behind Selkata and she vaulted into the air just in time to avoid the stun blast he shot towards Lena.

Lena held up her sabers but the massive shock wave blew past them and knocked her back sending her reeling down the ramp and out of the ship. Selkata ran after her but the ramp closed locking her inside and then the ship reappeared quickly and blasted off nearly burning Lena to a crisp as she continued to roll along the ground.

Luna seeing her lover sprawled out on the earth jumped over the vines and ran to her with tears filling her eyes. "Lena!" She screamed as she came closer. Lena however vaulted onto her feet right as Luna got to her and looked around as she held her sabers at the ready. Her eyes didn't seem to focus on anything as she franticly looked around with Luna skidding to a stop in front of her. Lena then seemed to pull herself together and switched off her sabers, Luna then threw herself on Lena and cried profusely.

"What happened?" Luna cried but Lena just shook her head as her face drained off all its color.

"Why did you allow them to escape?" Fertaca growled bearing his fangs at Lena but again Lena said nothing she just held Luna as she tried to work out all that was happening.

"We must move on to the cave now." Lena said shakily after several minutes of dead silence. Fertaca however did not seem satisfied with that response.

"Why did you allow them to escape!" He yelled again as he grabbed Lena's robes and pulled her out of Luna's arms and held her high in the air.

Luna drew her saber and held it at the ready, friend or not she would slice Fertaca down if she had too.

"No Luna put your saber away." Lena said as she looked into Fertaca's eyes. "I understand that you have lost your son to those slavers but there is more going on here then you know. I may be a powerful Jedi but there is no way I could have predicted what I saw in there. Now put me down so that we may continue on, the faster we get that sword the faster we can leave and maybe find your son." Lena said sternly and although he growled again Fertaca slowly lowered her to the ground but Luna's saber remained lit.

"I may be a Jedi of the light Fertaca but you will not touch Lena again." Luna said in a voice so unlike her own, it was so evil and full of hate. However she finally turned off her saber and clipped it to her belt.

Lena looked at her lover with such concern in her eyes that the Twi'Lek was shaken out of her trance and turned to her.

"What?" Luna asked innocently as if nothing had happened.

"Luna there are things I can not tell you that I wish I could, so many things that I foresaw which were confusing are only now beginning to make sense. However the one thing that I want you to remember is that no Jedi is completely safe from the dark side, not even you." Lena dropped that bomb and the whole forest seemed to stand still as dead silence surrounded them and Luna hung her head.

"I know, I too have seen things I wish I hadn't and I just couldn't bring myself to tell you about them." Luna sobbed as she fell against Lena and cried so hard Lena's robes were beginning to soak through.

"It'll be alright my love I promise." Lena said as she held the quivering blue girl to her.

"I'm sorry I should not have grabbed you, but how did you know about my son?" Fertaca asked.

"It is written all over your emotions, seeing as how I don't know a word of Wookie I have been reading your mind in order to tell what you have been saying. Although I do not willing dig into your memories, such a thing as your child being taken is way to powerful of a thought to remain hidden." Lena explained and Fertaca turned away.

"It would have been nice to know such a thing before." He said quietly before he walked off a ways and then sat down on a rock.

"For that I am sorry but no harm was done, now we need to move on." Lena pushed and with that Luna released her but did not look up.

Fertaca then stood and without saying a word he set off into the trees at a slow pace. Lena followed him pulling Luna along by her hand, Lena yelled ahead several times when Fertaca came near one of the traps but other then that she didn't speak to Luna or Fertaca.

They walked on through lunch and into early evening before they came to a clearing, which had a rare beam of sunlight flooding down onto it. Aside from a massive boulder and a few stray vines the clearing was devoid of anything else.

"This is the place where legend says the sword is buried but I do not see a cave do you?" Fertaca said in as sarcastic a voice as a Wookie could manage.

"As a matter of fact I do see a cave." Lena said as she held out her hand.

Fertaca and Luna watched with more than a little doubt in there minds then the earth began to shake and rumble. Fertaca nearly fell on his ass as the massive rock in the center of the clearing began to rise from the earth.

Lena lifted the rock high into the air revealing that little more then a tenth of the rock was visible before. She then floated the rock off to the side of the clearing and sat it down, laying it against one of the massive trees, which groaned and creaked under the rocks weight.

"There's the cave." Lena said as she walked to the entrance of the cave, which the massive rock had been hiding.

"You must be the one the legend spoke of." Fertaca said in amazement as he stared at the hundred foot tall rock.

"I may or may not be but I will fulfill the requirements of it to the best of my ability." Lena said right before she leapt into the hole.

Luna squealed as she watched Lena fall into the darkness, and then she got her head together and jumped in after her. Fertaca watched in utter shock as the pair freefell into the bottomless hole.

Luna fell for what seemed like ever then she felt Lena grab her and take her into her arms. They continued falling for almost a minute then Lena pushed hard with the force and landed softly at the bottom of the cave. Lena sat Luna down and drew and lit her sabers lighting the enormous cave they were in. Luna lit her saber as well and the pair looked around for some sign of where to go from here.

"Over there." Luna exclaimed as she spotted the entrance to a tunnel.

They walked slowly into the tunnel and followed it down even farther into the earth. They seemed to walk into the darkness forever until they came to a cavernous chamber so large the glow from there sabers wouldn't even light it.

"This way." Lena said as she pointed to the far end of the cave where she saw an ere blue glow coming off a rock.

They walked over the rock-strewn ground until they came to a huge glowing rock with a large sword stuck right into the top of it.

"There's the sword." Luna pointed to the blade.

"I'll get it." Lena said as she jumped onto the rock and landed next to the sword before switching off her sabers and clipping them to her belt.

Lena grasped the sword's hilt and pulled it free of the rock, the blue glow left the rock as the air exploded in light. Lena and Luna quickly shielded their eyes as they waited for the light show to end.

As the light faded some and there eyes cleared they looked around in amazement at what they saw. They were not just in some random cave, they were in a massive chamber carved out of the earth, and inside the camber were huge statues of humans, wookies, and many other races. The statues were holding up the roof, which consisted of many crystals of varying colors, which now glowed proving the light that filed the large room. The sight was so beautiful and captivating that the pair completely failed to notice the glowing blue Wookie standing next to Luna.

"I see you have finally come." The glowing apparition spoke scaring Luna half to death.

Lena turned quickly spotting the glowing wookie standing next to Luna who was leaving her saber at the apparition.

"You are the elder the Chieftain spoke of?" Lena asked as she jumped down from the rock still holding the sword, Luna seeing it was just a force spirit switched off her saber and clipped it to her belt.

"Yes I am the elder the Chieftain spoke of, but I am also the warrior he spoke of as well." The old looking Wookie riddled as he leaned on his transparent blue staff.

"Then you placed this sword here and created the legend?" Lena guessed.

"Yes it was I who did those things." He agreed.

"For what purpose?" Lena asked as she moved to stand next to Luna.

"To bring you here of course." The old wookie said.

"Why would you want to do that?" Lena asked suspiciously.

"Because we who were once Jedi saw long ago what is and is about to transpire here in this time and we needed a way to ensure that you had all the resources at your disposal for which you would need to defeat your sister." He spoke in clear basic.

"Then this place is what the two I just met on the surface were looking for?" Lena asked.

"Yes and no. This temple was just a small reason for why they were here you see they need slaves as well, for they have found a mirror to this temple in the deepest darkest part of the galaxy, however it was buried under tons of rubble and stone by us Jedi from long ago. The slaves they take are being used to clear and rebuild the temple as well as build some other device whose purpose still eludes us." The old master explained.

"I see, so the planet which my sister is orbiting now contains this temple?" Lena asked.

"Yes and no, the temple is in the most horrid part of this galaxy, very hard to find, very dark, so very dark. A Jedi could easily be driven mad in that place, many were in fact." The old wookie spoke as he hung his head.

"Then where is this place?" Lena asked.

"I can not remember, all I know is that it is in a place where no natural light exists, everything is dead there." He said, his fur-covered face mirroring the graveness in his voice.

"I must seek this place out then?" Lena asked.

"Yes you must seek it out and destroy it before your sister unlocks it's deadly potential." He said as he slammed his staff on the ground.

"Then I should ignore her fleet around the other planet for she isn't even there." Lena said as she turned to Luna.

"No you must destroy it as well for your sister is there." He exclaimed causing Lena to turn back around.

"I thought you said she was at the temple?" Lena asked confused.

"She is but yet she isn't, so hard to see it is, so much dark, so much death, so confusing..." The old wookie master rambled his head shaking all the time.

"I'm confused master which course should I follow?" Lena asked.

"The one your heart tells you is right, that is all I can say. Now prepare yourself to receive the gift this temple was made for!" The old Wookie exclaimed as he held his staff high into the air.

Lena looked at him questioningly then before she even realized it the Wookie had driven his staff into the ground and the temple was once again filled with light. Lena looked up at the last moment just as a massive lighting bolt streaked from the ceiling and blasted her.

Luna screamed as Lena was engulfed in the light and energy then her screams died off as another bolt shot down and pounded her. The pair then floated into the air high off the ground as force energy streamed into their bodies. Lena spread her arms and the light flared and flashed before it exploded around her leaving the Temple dark once again.

Lena floated back to the floor and caught Luna in her arms as she fell. The old Wookie master was now standing there as if nothing had happened, his blue aura the only thing lighting the old temple.

"You now have all the power of the light side of the force at your disposal, use it wisely daughter of the light for it will light even the darkest places in this galaxy. You are our only hope Lena, and the galaxies only hope. You are the one who will either bring about the end of the galaxy or you will be its protector for some time to come, the choice is yours." He said then he waved goodbye and vanished leaving Lena in the dark once more.

Chapter Sixteen: The Fleet is ready.

Almost an hour after disappearing into the cave Lena shot out of it and landed at its rim holding the still unconscious Luna in her arms. Lena then floated the mountainous boulder back into place sealing the cave once again. Fertaca stood in awe at Lena who did all this without dropping Luna or the large sword she was carrying.

Lena without saying a word to Fertaca called Star and asked her to come pick them up and after twenty minutes or so the wine of her engines was heard through the forest. The Wolf Star then appeared around a tree and hovered down as low as she could. Lena looked up as the ramp came down then she vaulted onto the rock and then into the Wolf Star where she deposited Luna on the couch in the rec. room and sat the sword on the table.

Lena reappeared at the end of the ramp and then threw a rope down to Fertaca who took hold of it suspiciously.

"Hold on tight!" Lena yelled and Fertaca growled.

Lena then yanked the rope hard and pulled Fertaca into the air and right into the Wolf Star. The big wookie seemed more then a little surprised to find himself on the ship but he shook it off and walked up the ramp as Lena wound and stowed the rope.

Lena hopped in the cockpit and flew the Wolf Star back to the village as Star made several comments, "Something's different Lena, you are much quieter then usual and my sensors are reading a vast amount of energy around both you and Luna."

"Allot happened while we were on the surface." Lena said emotionlessly.

"What happened?" Star asked quite concerned.

"I'm going to explain what transpired to everyone when we get back aboard the Light Saber, for right now I would just like some time to think, ok?" Lena whispered.

"I understand, I'm sorry I bothered you Lena." Star apologized before taking over the controls from Lena.

"Thank you." Lena said graciously as she pulled her legs up and crossed them and meditated for the few minutes she had left before they got back to the village.

Star sat herself down on the landing pad in the village, and as she was lowering the ramp twenty or more wookies were already gathering around the ship grunting and growling, then they raised there arms and hooted as Fertaca appeared at the head of the ramp.

Fertaca however growled quite loudly ending there celebration swiftly, "I am not the one to thank, she is." Fertaca then stepped to the side and Lena walked out slowly with the massive blade in her hand.

The gathered crowd went silent as they caught sight of the sword, it's blue hued blade shining brightly in what sun penetrated the tree cover. Lena swiftly but silently walked down the ramp towards the gathering who parted revealing the Chieftain and Servaca standing towards the back.

"I see you have completed the first feat, but what of the second one?" The Chieftain asked.

"The three prisoners you have are all that I could manage to capture, the final two were a famous bounty hunter accompanied by an extremely powerful dark Jedi. Although they managed to distract me long enough to escape on there ship I am certain they will no longer bother you. I realize that I failed your second feat but I still desperately need your help and the help of your people, I will get down on my knees and beg if that will help." Lena said before dropping to one knee and presenting the sword to the Chieftain.

Fertaca however reached down and grabbed Lena by the armpits and pulled her up, "Get off your knees human you will not prostrate yourself before us."

Lena turned around and looked at the hunter who now seemed much nobler and wiser then before, then the Chieftain handed his staff to Fertaca and bowed before him. Both Lena and Servaca gave each other questioning stares before looking to Fertaca for the answer.

"I turned over the staff and the position to Fertaca a long time ago, not to long after Servaca was taken in fact. I was only sitting in the Chieftain's chair when you came because Fertaca was working on leaving for the surface to try and take care of the slavers. After his son was taken he has spent many years trying to ensure that no more were taken, for that he alone should be called Chieftain." The old Chieftain explained.

"Thank you Sertaca, my father. Now Lena I who have witnessed what you have done for us with my own eyes grant you the aid you need. I and many of our greatest warriors will pilot your ships into battle, we will crush those responsible for not only the slaving but also those who threaten the galaxy." Fertaca the real Chieftain spoke loudly sending a dead silence over the forest. Then after a brief pause he continued. "While you were in the cave the spirit of the warrior who held that very sword visited me and he opened my eyes to the larger picture. He made it clear why we should aid you, for if we were to remain idle then a darkness unlike any before would descend on us and destroy what we have left." The gathering collectively looked at each other and then at Fertaca.

"Thank you Chieftain and if your son is still out there to find I will do everything in my power to ensure he is found, and I will not rest until his captors are brought to justice." Lena said as she held the sword out to Fertaca.

"I have no doubt that you will do as you say and for that I ask you to keep the sword for it belongs to the most powerful warrior, which in this case is not a Wookie." Fertaca stated proudly and with that Lena smiled broadly but sadness still filled her eyes as she held up the sword and all of the gathered Wookies let out a deafening roar.

After a short celebration Lena departed Kashyyyk leaving Fertaca and the others to prepare for war. Luna was still soundly sleeping when Lena sat Star down in the landing bay of the saber. Lena left her new sword in the Wolf Star's cockpit and then picked up Luna who groaned then wrapped her arms around Lena's neck but she never made it to the ramp for as soon as she turned around she found all her friends and family coming up the ramp to great her.

"We heard from Star that you had something very important to tell us so we decided to meet you here." Taristra explained as she moved closer to Lena to allow the rest of there friends in.

"Star I wouldn't have left you out of the loop you know." Lena said exasperatedly as she looked at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry master I just get so lonely when all of you are gone." Star said sheepishly.

"Well maybe someday soon things will change and we'll be spending more time with you." Lena said as she sat down on the couch still holding Luna in her arms.

"Really Lena?" Star asked excitedly.

"Yes, but that is a different story for another time, right now I have a lot to explain but before I do I need Luna to open her eyes and stop pretending to be asleep." Lena said as she looked down at the blue girl.

Luna smiled and without opening her eyes whispered, "You aren't going to put me down if I wake up are you?"

Enchantay giggled and smiled at Taristra after hearing that.

"Oh no your legs aren't broken." Taristra said sarcastically and Enchantay pouted heavily until Taristra smiled and hugged her hard but never picked her up.

"No I'll hold you as long as you wish." Lena said softly and with that Luna opened her blue eyes and smiled.

"Well now that we are all here and awake what have you to tell us?" Kyle asked as he brought the workbench out to set on.

Lena looked around the room ensuring that everyone was indeed there including the Captain and R6 and all the others then she began.

"Well first let me make it clear that the Wookies are going to help us, through more then a little effort I managed to convince them that they should aid our cause. Now the effort I speak of is what is of grave concern I'm afraid."

"I felt something strange on the surface of the planet right before a ship blasted off and quickly entered hyperspace. We tracked it for as long as possible but it changed course several times and we lost it eventually, I was going to send a ship to follow it but I feared they would only be destroyed. I assume this is one of the things of which you speak?" Luke asked as Lena paused.

"Indeed it is Master, however let me explain briefly how I came to find that ship so that the rest of my story will make sense." Lena offered and Luke accepted, Lena then set about telling everyone what transpired after they left the Saber right up to the point where they found the slavers ship. "After spotting the ship in the clearing I ran around to the boarding ramp thinking there were but two normal human slavers inside, I had left Luna and Fertaca back in the bushes fearing they would not be able to help since they had no way of seeing the ship. In any case I swiftly boarded the slavers ship, but as I ran into the living area I spotted two people I certainly never expected to see alive." Lena paused for several seconds prompting Luke to speak up.

"I'm almost afraid to asked but who were these people?" Luke said as he shifted on the couch to face Lena.

"I don't know how to explain it since I was certain they were both either long dead or at least not involved in anything like this but the two I saw were Darth Selkata and Boba Fett." Lena dropped that and Luke was the only one that didn't have their jaw wide open.

"You are certain?" Luke asked.

"As certain as I am that you are setting here next to me. I have only seen pictures and heard the stories of the bounty hunter Boba Fett but still the man I saw on that ship was most assuredly him or at least someone who looked exactly like him. The Firespray ship they were on would also seem to confirm his identity since they were not a very popular ship. As for Selkata I can say with a hundred percent certainty that it was she I saw for I could clearly see her robotic arm, which replaced the one Vokath cut off the day she killed both Enchantay and my mother. Her robotic arm was as clear to me as yours is master, I could see the lack of force energy in it. Also she admitted that she was indeed Selkata, right before she attacked me of course." Lena then described the brief battle but she never mentioned Fertaca grabbing her or Luna's slip.

"I assume you already know who will be facing Selkata, my daughter?" Taristra said, as darkness seemed to surround her.

Enchantay looked into her wife's eyes and shook her head but Taristra ignored her completely as Lena nodded gravely.

"You will, I have no doubt of that mother but keep in mind what I said, you are a Jedi of the light, do not forget that." Lena warned and only that seemed to bring Taristra out of her darkness.

"Thank you Lena, I have a debt from long ago that needs collecting and hearing that she is still alive is like a burning saber drove deep into my heart." Taristra sneered.

"Lena will take care of her." Enchantay insisted and Taristra looked down at the shorter blue woman and smiled weakly.

"We'll see what happens for there is no way to predict exactly what will transpire over the next few days or weeks." Lena said as she pulled Luna closer to her.

"What else transpired on Kashyyyk, you both seem to be glowing?" Taristra asked trying to change the subject.

"Well as I said earlier the Wookie Chieftain asked me to complete two tasks, so after we recovered from the first one Fertaca lead us to where they thought this accent cave was." Lena began then she went on and only paused when she got to the point they were at now.

"So you were blasted with some kind of force energy?" Taristra asked totally horrified when Lena finally finished.

"Yes." Lena said simply.

"Are you alright?" Taristra squealed.

"I'm fine mother." Lena said with a smile as she looked at her mother who now seemed very concerned.

"What did it do to you then?" Taristra asked still very nervous for her daughter's safety.

"I'm not sure right now for I really don't feel any different, how about you Luna?" Lena asked as she looked at her lover cradled in her arms.

"No I don't feel any different, maybe a little calmer but that's about it." Luna said as she shifted her head to rest it on Lena's chest.

"What did the old Wookie master mean then when he said, 'you now have all the power of the light side of the force at your disposal?'" Taristra asked.

"I am not sure I guess we will find out later." Lena said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"That is not very comforting." Taristra said with a long face.

"There is not a lot that we can do about it right now anyway." Lena pointed out.

"Yes there is, just bring that old Wookie master here like you did to me and we can ask him." Enchantay said with a broad smile and Taristra nodded.

"I could but if he would have wanted us to know then he would have told me when we were down on the planet." Lena noted ending that discussion.

"Well in any case what is our next action, I'm getting stir crazy setting here." Kyle pouted and fumed.

"We must wait for the fleet to arrive then we will depart to face our destiny." Lena said in a very ere voice sending chills through everyone.

The room remained silent for ages then Kyle spoke up again, "Well if we are to wait here then I would like some training, you being our leader and resident master would seem the perfect person to get that training from. Maybe you can teach this old dog a few new tricks, like maybe how you imprisoned myself and Jaden?"

Lena smiled a very rye smile, "Alright, it'll ease my mind for awhile anyway." Lena said as she stood but Luna groaned as Lena went to set her down. "You need the training too." Lena said softly but Luna was pretending to be asleep again. "You can't fool me." Lena said as she let go of Luna's legs and swung her down but did not drop her.

"Darn you Kyle I was just about to go to sleep for real." Luna grumbled as she straightened her robes.

Everyone laughed and giggled before slowly walking out of the Wolf Star and into there make shift training area, the docking bay.

The Jedi trained and learned the tricks Lena had to teach them then as diner approached Lena broke the training off and sent them all to eat. Meanwhile Lena and Luna slipped back onto the Wolf Star and had some fun right up until the Jedi came back eager to learn what else Lena could teach them.

The training continued on for the next several days as the ships began arriving, most notable was the republic fleet, which brought Luke's sister and her husband. Lea had more than a few choice words for her brother regarding how he appeared and disappeared all within a few minutes. After that was over though Lena began prepping everyone on what part they were to play in the mission.

"You are joking, you expect me to take the few feeble ships I have to Endor and use them as bate?" Lea asked sarcastically as Lena presented the plan, well at least as much as she was going to reveal to Lea in any case.

"We will hyperspace in the moment there fleet arrives, you will not be left out there alone." Lena tried to console her.

"Our fleet is nothing compared to what you are amassing around Kashyyyk, what makes you think she will even bother trying to capture us?" Lea added.

"My sister will not pass up the opportunity to capture another super star destroyer, believe me she will take the bate." Lena nearly spat.

"It's alright Lea, I know this sounds far fetched but I support Lena all the way. She will not let any harm come to your ships or there crews." Luke said trying to calm his sister's temper but she only glared at him.

"Fine we will do as you ask but I expect your fleet to arrive before we engage your sisters fleet." Lea said firmly before crossing her arms.

"You do not need to worry, we will be there." Lena said before she moved on to Fertaca who was setting on the other side of the conference table they were setting around.

The news Fertaca brought was well received by everyone except Star, as he explained that he had managed to convince several of the other tribes to send warriors to them to aid the cause. This was good news indeed as it left no ship unmanned, as long as they ran skeleton crews and modified some of the ships functions to automate them.

Lieutenant Vanguard left at that point to commence the modifications to the ships, which had arrived just yesterday.

"This is good news indeed, we should be ready to leave within the week as long as the good Lieutenant has completed the modifications to our ships." Lena said to the assembled group.

"He will be done in just a couple days if I know him." The Captain of the light saber gurgled.

"We should take our leave then, much work and training still needs to be done before our warriors will be prepared to pilot your ships." Fertaca said as he and his father stood.

"Contact us when you are ready to have your warriors transported up to the ships." Lena added as she stood and then bowed to Fertaca.

"Send a shuttle down tomorrow, we will be ready to begin shipboard training by then." Fertaca added and Lena nodded before the large Wookie departed.

"Well then I believe that adjourns this meeting for now, we will meet again in three days in order to assess where we stand in the preparations for the coming battle." Lena said to the group who all stood.

All the Captains remained behind as they all wished there questions answered before they departed, Lena did her best to console there minds but several remained skeptical but still were willing to follow Lena.

Chapter Seventeen: The slave Helen?

Sorry this part took so long. I'm closing in on the end, I have but one or two chapters left to write. Thank you all for emailing me, I would still like feedback on this story especially if you have not already written me, to those that have been writing me, thank you and please continue.

Thank you, Mike Wolf

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