Justin and Alan

By John McDonald

Published on Feb 14, 2011


The following story is completely fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

JUSTIN and ALAN - Chapter 1

Justin lay in bed surfing connections to the fashion world. He'd heard of a young Mexican-American model named Alan Valdez, and happened upon Alan's personal website. A photo spread of the hot, muscular model caused Justin's jaw to drop. He jabbed his bed companion with his elbow.

"Nick, you gotta see this. This guy is unbelievably hot!"

Nick Jonas slowly awoke from his deep sleep.

"What are you doing awake, Justin? I thought I wore you out pretty good last night."

Justin slapped Nick's bare ass beneath the covers and retorted, "yeah, smart guy you DID wear me out, but I'm an early riser and I recover fast." Justin scrolled through the photo spread and found several shots of a nearly naked Alan. "Oh my God, he's so fucking hot!" Justin was practically drooling as Nick sat up and joined him at the laptop.

"Justin, you're not shittin' man. He IS hot."

"Look at those killer abs! I would lock my legs around that hottie in a heartbeat."

"Justin, you're such a bottom, man."

"You'd know, now wouldn't you, Nick." Both laughed and collided in a fierce hug and tonsil-tickling kiss. In a matter of minutes, Nick was driving Justin's hot body into the mattress in a replay of last night's action............

Alan lounged in front of a large screen television watching MTV with a former high school buddy. A recording of a Justin Bieber concert was showing. Alan was mesmerized.

"Marco, do you know how much I want to fuck that blonde babe?"

"No, Alan, tell me again how you've been lusting after the boy wonder."

Alan playfully punched his buddy in the ribs. "Don't make fun of my fantasy guy, alright?"

"You know", Marco stated casually, "my cousin Selena probably knows him from the business."

"Your cousin?"

"Yeah, Selena Gomez is my cousin; I told you that."

"I guess I wasn't paying attention."

"Well, Selena is having a bunch of friends and family over to her place this weekend. I'm sure I could score an invite for you, and I'll ask her if she could include Justin Beaver on the guest list."

"Bieber, not Beaver."

"Whatever, man; he does nothing for me."

"Good thing. I'd have to wrestle you senseless if I thought you had an eye for my sweetie." Alan's eyes sort of glazed over as he gently stroked his expanding crotch as he watched the concert progress. The camera zoomed in on Justin's pouty lips and his bubbled butt; these views caused the 22-year old Alan to unconsciously lick his own lips.

"Justin, it's so cool of you to come to my party."

"Selena, I'm a major fan of your work. Thank YOU for inviting me. I almost cancelled when Nick got called back to his family."

"I'm glad you came. Go on and mingle with the other guests. If anybody gives you a hard time, you come and see me. In the meantime, enjoy yourself."

Justin wandered among the small cliques in each room of the spacious house. Most of the guests were either older or simply stand-offish. He wandered outside to the pool area and noted one lone guest leaning on a fence rail with a bottle of beer in one hand. Something about the guest, maybe the ultra-tight black jeans, drew Justin closer. He summoned up the courage to speak.

"I got tired of the atmosphere inside. How about you?"

Alan turned from the rail, recognized the person speaking, and unconsciously let the beer bottle slip from his hand. It smashed and startled him back to Earth.

"Shit, look at the mess I made. You see a broom or something I can clean this with?"

Justin looked around and spotted the barbecue spatula.

"What about this?"

"No, man; somebody will want to use that to cook tomorrow or the next day."

"You could rinse it in the pool."

"Are you kidding? What would YOU say to a guest in YOUR house who did something like that?"

"Yeah, you're right." Justin looked further and saw a pan and brush. "This better?"

"Much." Alan swept up the broken glass and disposed of it. "Thanks, Justin."

"So, you recognized me. I know I've seen YOU someplace; maybe online."

Alan grinned, feeling a little more relaxed in front of his fantasy guy.

"Name's Alan Valdez; I'm a model and I've done some work for several magazines. I also compete in contests I call `Hottie Competitions'."

Justin looked up and down the attractive guy in front of him. Alan wore a tucked in black silk shirt unbuttoned to his waist. This complemented the black jeans. His rippled abs showed off enticingly. Alan's awesome pectorals were outlined by the shirt as well. Justin could feel a weakness in his knees as Alan's sexual energy emanated from his well-muscled body. Alan's smile only added to the attraction. In Justin's mind, they were already a thousand miles away wrapped around each other on a large bed.

Alan had them in a similar place with Justin beneath him moaning in ecstasy as Alan showed what a prolific top he could be. There was just one problem; the house was full of people, and he dared not force Justin to do anything. Alan had to use finesse and patience.

Justin looked around and noticed a shadowy corner by the pool house. He carefully stepped backwards toward there, never taking his eyes off Alan. Justin smiled broadly and Alan caught the message. He followed Justin until they were both out of view from the house. Justin leaned against the pool house, and Alan stood inches from him. As Justin reached for Alan's belt to pull him close, Alan swept one hand behind Justin's neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. Their tongues wrestled as their hands roamed. Justin's left hand glided over the bulge in Alan's jeans, and rubbed it up and down. Alan let out a groan and forced his tongue deeper into Justin's hot mouth. Justin's hands went into the unbuttoned shirt and rested on Alan's rock hard pectorals. Alan reached down and grabbed both of Justin's butt cheeks, squeezing them as they continued their deep kissing.

"Justin, what do you say we leave this scene? This party was kind of a downer for me until I saw you looking at me."

"Your place or mine, Alan?"

Justin's apartment was a couple of miles away. They each drove their own car to the location. Alan looked lustfully at Justin's ass as the young singer walked to his door. Once inside, the two recommenced making out- this time on Justin's couch. Alan slowly maneuvered the sexy youth onto his back after stripping off Justin's t-shirt. Alan squirmed out of his own shirt, popping the last two buttons concealed inside his tight jeans. Bare skin to bare skin, they writhed as they kissed deeply. Justin thrust his crotch upward so that his fully inflated cock rubbed Alan's. Alan thrust downward and dry-fucked his hot singer.

Passions fully ignited, each helped the other out of jeans. They laughed at the fact that both wore the same style of Calvin Klein boxer briefs: Alan in black; Justin in dark blue. When Justin felt the full size of Alan's package pressing against him, his brain kicked in and sent the rest of him a bit of advice.

Justin thought, "Shit, I'm used to guys who are about my size. I can tell he's longer than 6" and bigger than 3 inches around. This is probably gonna hurt." Justin's lips were on auto-pilot, but the rest of him was slipping into panic mode. Alan licked his right index finger and slipped his hand into Justin's briefs. He worked his way underneath and pressed that finger against Justin's tightly closed hole. Justin jerked away.

"Alan, I'm not so sure I can do this. You're huge, man."

"Don't worry, I know how to loosen you up. You have some lube handy?"

Justin rifled through the bedside table drawer and came up empty. He jumped up and tried his dresser and the bedroom closet; no luck.

"Oh man, I don't have any."

Alan had a thought. "Let me lick you open."

Justin stripped off his boxer briefs and got back on the bed. He grabbed his own ankles and pulled his legs back exposing his rosebud. Alan leaned his shoulders into Justin's legs and gave him a deep kiss. Then Alan worked his way downward, kissing the trembling youth's neck, chest, nipples, stomach, butt cheeks and finally ran his tongue across Justin's perineum. Alan's arms stretched up Justin's body. The hot model worked Justin's nipples with his hands as his tongue explored the singer's upturned ass.

Alan rolled his tongue and jabbed at Justin's back door. Justin squirmed, but Alan held him tightly in place. Saliva oozed into the threshold of Justin's chute, and Alan used it to coat Justin's anal ring with his tongue. Justin moaned loudly from the combination of stimulations he was being given. Alan was so hard he felt like his fuck muscle was going to burst. He slithered back up Justin's hot body, whipped off his own boxer briefs and rested the tip of his seriously pre-cum leaking member against Justin's twitching pucker. Alan's hungry lips devoured Justin's mouth as he positioned his hips to work his way into the luscious ass beneath him. Justin broke the kiss.

"It's not going to work. You're too fucking big for me, Alan."

Alan was nearly to the point of no return. He had an iron grip on Justin and could just go ahead and take him. Alan's lower brain was screaming "go for it", but his upper brain checked him.

"Aw shit. I'm gonna go take a cold shower and maybe whack myself off first." With that, Alan grabbed his boxer briefs and stormed into the connecting bathroom.

Justin lay panting for a couple of minutes. He didn't think he was about to be raped, but he had felt the anger and disappointment radiating from Alan. He pulled the bed sheet over himself and became consumed in thought. He heard the shower turn on quickly and deduced that Alan had not "whacked himself off". Justin hit himself on the head and muttered, "stupid!" and went to the spare bedroom closet where he kept a couple of suitcases. Inside one he found a toiletry kit. From it he extracted a recently opened tube of KY jelly he'd used while pleasuring himself on a recent tour.

He went to the bathroom door and checked that it wasn't locked. Justin quietly opened the door and crept towards the shower. Through the glass door, he observed a Greek god standing under cascading water. Justin opened the door and slapped Alan's muscular left ass cheek. Alan spun around and almost slipped. He observed a grinning Justin waving the tube of KY. Alan shut off the water; Justin tossed him a towel; the two of them raced back to the bedroom and hit the mattress locked in a smoldering embrace.

Alan lubed his index and middle fingers as he worked Justin's mouth. Justin had hands full of Alan's wet hair, pulling their faces together. Alan got his well-greased index finger through Justin's tight ring with almost no effort. Justin was completely relaxed now that he was able to secure the KY. Alan added a second finger and carefully stretched Justin's chute opening. All the while, they nibbled, sucked and inhaled each other's lips and tongue. Alan's cock was at the bursting point again. He didn't want to cum too soon, so he expended extra mental energy to contain his nearly uncontrollable lust.

Justin was thoroughly greased now, and Alan had his fuck pole in position. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and Justin spoke first.

"Alan, you're a fucking god. Take me; make me your bitch, Alan."

Needing no further encouragement, Alan pushed forward and sank his thick 9 inches into Justin. Justin's eyes widened like saucers as his insides stretched beyond anything he'd ever felt before. Alan felt a sensation like an electric shock dart from his cock down his thighs and also upwards to his nipples. The tight glove that held him was driving him mad with lust. Alan placed his hands on the globes of Justin's butt and began pumping him furiously. Justin moaned as the thick poker jabbed his prostate. Justin gasped and hooked his legs around Alan's slender waist; he bucked upward to battle the muscleman's rapid thrusts.

Alan slowed his pace and gripped Justin tightly with powerful arms.

"Slow down, sweetie. I don't want to cum just yet; I need to make you scream first."

Justin looked quizzically into Alan's eyes. Alan just grinned an all-knowing smile. The handsome stud pulled about half of his length from the tight fuck chute he was plundering. He manipulated Justin's legs until he was sure he could feel the boy wonder's pleasure button. Alan pressed the tip of his love pole against that button to be sure; Justin's eyes widened again. Alan carefully swiveled his hips to massage that pleasure point. Justin's breathing intensified and his heart raced. He could feel a pressure building up in his groin somewhere. Alan pushed a little harder, further increasing Justin's sensations. Justin was moaning loudly; Alan was twisting and jabbing like the expert top that he had become. Justin's mouth opened wide as he gasped, "ah...ah...ah....AH.....AH.....", but was silenced as Alan clamped his own hungry mouth down on the ecstatic singer. Justin's moans were very muffled as Alan

intensified his rotations. The young bottom's body stiffened as arms and legs clamped down hard on the gorgeously muscled body of the lover on top of him. Justin's loud cry was stifled when Alan thrust his tongue into the singer's throat. In the same instant, Justin shot a load of boy cum between the tightly pressed bodies. Several more spasms shook Justin, and then there was only rapid breathing and heaving of two chests. Alan spoke first.

"Are you my bitch now, Justin?"

"Oh.....My......God........that was the most awesome fuck I've ever had." And he flung his arms around Alan's neck and kissed his sensuous lips deeply. Alan remained embedded in Justin's love canal; he hadn't lost any of his hardness because he hadn't cum yet. The muscular model began rotating his hips again and nudging Justin's pleasure button.

"Oh....My....Good....God.......you're going to do me again???"

************************************************************************* There you have it- the first chapter of my first story. Any criticism (constructive or otherwise)will be carefully considered. Hope you find the action "stimulating".


Next: Chapter 2

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