Justin and Alan

By John McDonald

Published on Aug 19, 2011


The following story is completely fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. However, if they ARE having this sort of fun in their lives, more power to them!

JUSTIN and ALAN - Chapter 8

"I'm a friend of Alan Valdez and I'm calling in regard to a car he needs to return...........Would you mind verifying the license plate number?..........Good.......... We'll be driving through Santa Barbara today and just need to know where you want the car.........Will do.......Yes, we'll call this number when we're about a half hour away.........You're welcome."

Joe confirmed the location of the stop and they proceeded to get themselves ready to travel.

An hour later, a two-car caravan began making its way to the Santa Barbara suburb of Mission Canyon. Joe drove the Navigator with Alan in the back seat and Justin riding shotgun. Nick followed in Justin's car.

"How's our passenger doing back there, Justin?" Joe asked.

"Still out like a light but sitting tall in his safety belt and.....oh my.....sporting his usual bulge in his new lounge pants. I don't know why my guardian angel specified black silk lounge pants for Alan, but he wears them well."

"You know, Justin, if you wanted to ride with him awhile I'm sure you could think of a way to pass the time." Joe snickered as he observed a devilish grin creep across Justin's face. The youth unfastened his seatbelt and clambered into the back after moving the passenger seat forward. With this extra space, there was room for Justin to kneel between Alan's legs.

Justin felt his own tool swell as he ran his hands up the silk-covered muscular thighs and hips of his former dominator. He nudged Alan's massive pole with nose, lips and chin as he continued to knead Muscle Boy's exquisite body. Joe could see very little that was going on, but he did detect an occasional groan of satisfaction from the unconscious Mexican stud. Murmurs from Justin indicated that he was also enjoying whatever he was doing back there.

A cell phone rang in the den of a large home in Mission Canyon, north of Santa Barbara. Judge Ralston answered on the third ring.

"I suspected I'd be hearing from you............Yes, I know they're on their way and I believe I will have the opportunity to engage in a most pleasant interlude with the hot Mr. Valdez.........I'm glad you suggested such attire for him. I might be able to forego taking a viagra for this encounter. We both know how black silk form-fitting clothes are highly arousing............No, I have no idea when I'll get to Vegas again, but you'll be the first to know...........You're probably right; why take a chance? I'll take the viagra anyway so I can go more than a round with him..........You too; take care, Christopher."

Justin had unbuttoned the front of the lounge pants and was in the process of deep-throating Alan. The studly Mexican hottie hung his head back lazily and moaned through the workout. An occasional slight gag let Joe know what Justin was up to. Joe patted his own expanding crotch. Justin had his hands under Alan's butt and squeezed the muscular mounds of ass cheek as he bobbed up and down on the throbbing log of meat.

Alan emitted a deep grunting sound and Justin followed that with a gulp of the sex toy's man seed. The youthful singer turned and grinned at Joe in the review mirror, his lips glistening with remnants of Alan's eruption. Joe saw an place to pull off the road quickly; it was secluded behind some large trees. He unbuckled his seatbelt and straddled the gearshift handle. Joe locked his arm behind Justin's neck and pulled him into a ravenous kiss. The horny Jonas scoured Justin's lips and inside of his mouth with a hungry tongue that lapped up any remaining cum. Nose to nose and eyes fixed on each other intently, Joe crept like a cat into the backseat.

"Justin, that was so hot........I mean what you did with Mr. Mexi-hunk. I want your ass now."

Justin merely nodded approval and Joe proceeded to strip him. Joe Jonas unfastened his jeans and slid them down to his knees. He had Justin's feet clenching the headrest of the backseat and his ass presented lustfully. Joe's voluminous precum was sufficient to gain entrance to Justin's tight fuck hole. Once inside, the Jonas brother pumped mightily away managing to rock the Navigator, despite its superior suspension. Alan opened one eye and caught sight of the onslaught beside him. He lazily swept one hand over Joe's firm rump before slipping back into a drug induced haze. Joe Jonas sucked on Justin's tongue as he continued to fuck the boy into oblivion- the bottom's favorite destination during sex. The energetic top tensed up and gushed his load into Justin's chute.

"Oh fuck, Justin, that was awesome, man."

"You're pretty good yourself, Joe. It obviously runs in your family."

The interlude over, the party continued on its way to Mission Canyon. Nick had caught up with them after having stopped for gas. He'd missed all the action, but would learn of it later. As promised, Joe gave a call to Judge Ralston's cell phone when they saw they were about thirty minutes from their destination. The judge instructed Joe to drive onto the property through a secluded gate beside an RV garage some distance from the main house. After pressing the security alert, the boys observed the gate opening on its own. Upon entering the property, they observed a tall, athletic man with graying hair walking toward them from the RV garage.

"Good day, gentlemen," he addressed Joe and Justin after leering at Alan in the backseat. "I am Judge Ralston, and I appreciate your helping Mr. Valdez in returning my car to me. Mr. Bieber, a mutual friend informed me of your passenger's likely condition. Has he stirred much during the trip up?"

Justin grinned at Joe before replying, "Uh, you could say that. A big PART on him stirred with a little help from me, and during that process he let out a few moans."

The judge smiled. "I see. Mr. Valdez does seem to have an effect on others. He inspires them to desire intimacy with him. I am no exception, to be sure. Please help me to assist him into my RV in the garage. I shall require thirty to forty-five minutes with Mr. Valdez, and then you may retrieve him and be on your way east."

Joe hopped out of the Navigator and opened the door by Alan. After unbuckling the seatbelt, Joe and the judge helped Alan out and to a standing position between them. Each put one of Alan's arms across their shoulders and began to walk him toward the garage. The judge had one arm around Alan's waist, while Joe chose to slip his hand into Alan's extremely tight back pocket. The horny Jonas brother kneaded Alan's muscular butt cheek as they walked. Safely inside the RV, the judge lowered the garage door via remote as soon as Joe had cleared the doorway. Justin and Nick were talking as Joe walked up to them.

"So, do you suppose the judge is going to fuck or suck Alan?"

Justin pondered that for a second before responding with, "probably both."

Inside the RV, which had a king-sized bed at the rear, Judge Ralston's eyes glittered as he surveyed the semi-conscious Alan Valdez lying on his stomach.

"Mmmmmm, you are so scorching hot, Mr. Valdez. If not for my family, position and reputation, I'd keep you somewhere where I could have access anytime I wanted. Well, I can dream."

The justice carefully removed Alan's black silk lounge pants after thoroughly massaging that awesome ass- starting at his lower thighs and working up to his waist and then back again. When the Mexi-stud was totally naked, Judge Ralston stripped off his own clothes and liberally lubed his stiff member. He whispered in Alan's ear: "I don't know when or even IF I'll have this opportunity again, so I plan to make the most of it. You were very pleasing while shackled to my desk in chambers, so let's see how you respond while drugged."

The judge applied a slather of lube to Alan's ass crack and hole. He placed his hands on Alan's shoulders, and his throbbing dick between Alan's tight buns. An expert at entries of this sort, Judge Ralston swiveled his hips and quickly worked his post into Alan. The studly model let out a faint murmur as the judge's ten inches slid smoothly to the hilt. When his hips rested on his fuck toy's perfectly rounded ass, Judge Stephen Ralston swooped both arms around Alan's middle and jabbed at him furiously. After about two dozen thrusts, the justice relaxed his grip, leaned into the ultra-hot stud and sucked a hickey onto the side of Alan's neck. So this pattern kept up for the next thirty minutes. The action caused a semi-alertness on Alan's part. The hot model began to clench his anal muscle in rhythm with the judge's plowing. The marks on Alan's neck had formed a pattern purposely. The marks resembled thick, purple

penis with a large mushroom head. Judge Ralston had cum four times into Alan's bowels, and the justice inserted a butt plug to keep his seed from leaking out of the still dazed toy. His Honor redressed Alan in his ultra-tight lounge pants and then beckoned for the other travelers to assist him.

"I've inserted a suppository form of the drug you administered to Mr. Valdez. A plug is holding it in place, so I'm certain he'll give you no trouble along the remainder of your drive. He was beginning to arouse a little, so I felt it prudent to put him back under."

Nick snickered, "how WAS the view under you, judge?"

"Mr. Jonas, you're being a smart ass. The view was quite, how shall I put it, stimulating."

Justin and Joe settled Allen in the backseat of Justin's car with the seatbelt fastened. They bid a cordial good-bye to the judge and resumed their journey to Las Vegas.

Six hours later, three musicians and one studly model entered a VIP suite at the Luxor Hotel and Casino. Within five minutes, there was a knock at the door. Justin answered.

"Awesome!" Justin exclaimed exuberantly. He was pulled into a close hug by the person in the hallway. After about thirty seconds, they broke contact and both entered the room.

"Guys, this is........"

"Oh my God, Criss Angel!!!!" Joe stood open-mouthed while his brother just nodded knowingly.

The illusionist strode across the room to the bedroom where they'd already placed Alan. Criss peeked in and then looked back at Justin smiling broadly.

"This is going to be great fun, my young friend. My performance concludes at midnight. I want you to come down to the theatre so we can discuss further what will take place. Mr. Valdez will have an experience I'm certain he has never had before. When it is over, he will likely never wish to abuse you again. You're sure that's what you want?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Justin spoke quietly. "Don't get me wrong, I love the sex. It's just that he's gotten to wanting too much control."

"I could alter just that part of it if you like."

"No. I need a clean break from him."

"Okay, then. You must meet me in the backstage area of the theatre around one o'clock. Do you wish your friends to present at that time?"

"Oh man, Justin, PLEASE count me in," Joe stated in a manner that suggested begging.

"Sure, Joe. Nick, you can stay behind and keep an eye on the sleeping marvel, okay?"

"You got it, Juss."

Justin approached Criss Angel, hugged him again and whispered in his ear, "I will show you just how grateful I am as soon as you conclude your procedure."

"I'm counting on it. It's been awhile and I sure miss playing with you."

Criss Angel kissed Justin on the neck behind his left ear and waved as he exited. The Biebs smiled broadly as he closed the door to the suite.

"In about three hours, we'll know all the details of what's going to go down. In the meantime, let's have a little recreation time, Joe."

Justin leaped at Joe Jonas, wrapping his legs around Joe's narrow waist and giving him a sloppy, wet kiss on the mouth. Joe slipped his hands into the back of Justin's pants and gave his bubble buns a thorough squeezing.

"What are you waiting for, Joe?"

Joe moved swiftly to the unoccupied bedroom with Justin wrapped around him. He set the boy wonder down and both stripped quickly. Justin hopped back up where he'd been, and Joe rushed them to the freshly made bed. He flipped Justin onto his belly and commenced rimming his tight hole. Justin squealed with delight as Joe's tongue probed deeper and deeper. Copious saliva and Joe's oozing pre-cum made adequate lube once The Biebs was on his back again. Joe Jonas slipped the blond heart-throb's legs over his shoulders and rammed his cock to the hilt in one stroke. Justin squirmed beneath him, and gave his nipples a vicious workout. An electrical current shot from Joe's nips to his testicles, and the middle Jonas brother had to summon up tremendous willpower to keep from cumming right then and there. Watching the determination on Joe's face, Justin just had to give both nipples an extra hard twist; Joe lost it. He bucked his

hips against The Biebs' pliable butt cheeks and scoured his insides with jets of hot Jonas seed. Joe grabbed the back of Justin's thighs and twisted his lower body to find contact with the younger guy's prostate. Once located, Joe hammered it relentlessly until Justin sprayed his own seed between them.

When Justin was finished pulsing, Joe dropped on top of him. "Holy fuck!" they both shouted. At that moment, a digital camera flash went off. "Something for my scrapbook. Thank you guys." Nick grinned as he replaced the lens cap on his camera.

Hope to hear from anyone who enjoys the latest installment.


Next: Chapter 9

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