Kevins Twink

By Trav Smith

Published on Jun 3, 2003


Kevin's Twink

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2003 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

Let me tell you a story about my life. My name is Kevin, Kevin Richardson, the oldest member of the Backstreet Boys. I am going to let you in on part of my life. A part that I am not happy with at all. A part where I used people for my own pleasure. I like to have sex with young men. Most of them just over the age of eighteen. I can't tell you how many lives I have fucked up, or how many hearts I have broken. I was so happy to get my dick sucked or to fuck some young stud. I made sure that they enjoyed themselves too. I got off big time watching my lovers, or victims having sex. And the more they enjoyed it the more I got off. I paid them for it too. But that was it. I paid them for sex and affection. I loved the feeling of a young stud snuggling up to me and hugging me and laying their adorable heads against my chest or on my shoulder. I love being there for them and making them feel special for just a while. But as always someone younger or cuter would come along and I would throw a large wad of money at the kid and move on to the next victim. That was my life for the longest time. Until the day I met Michael. You see Michael was a street kid. His dad had tossed him out because he was gay. Imagine that! A father throwing his kid away because he was gay. What an ass. Any way back to the story. Michael was a hot kid who didn't realize it. He was about five seven and built with a swimmers body. He had dirty blonde hair with it frosted and he wore a fake diamond post in his left hear. He wore his hair just a tad long on top and short in the back. Yea he was hot. It was a shame that he didn't see it. Well I latched onto him. And I fell in love. I fell in love hard. Only problem was this. I fell in love with him after I tossed him aside. And Nick got him. Nick stole his heart from me. Couldn't really blame him. I treated him like crap. That is what happens when you think with your dick first.

This is my story, my story about how I changed. How I stopped picking up street kids and fucking them. How I stopped treating people like objects just to be used for sex. This is my story about how I came to be the man I am today. A very lonely man who had love and lost it. Only problem was this. Would I ever find love again and this time keep it?

Part one

"So how old are you?" Kevin asked as he watched the timid teen standing in the corner. The teen shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the floor. "Do you talk?" Kevin asked laughing softly.

"Yea I talk," the teen replied. "18," he mumbled. Kevin nodded.

"So you like our music?" Kevin pressed on.

"Yea I guess," the teen mumbled. "I like most of the songs that you sing solo in."

"Which I think amounts to like five I think," Kevin said grinning. "Do you have a name?"

"Michael," Michael replied.

"Well Michael," Kevin answered. "Did Donnie explain to you what you will be doing for the next week?"

"Yea he did," Michael answered.

"Good," Kevin replied. "I'm going to shower than we can head to the hotel." Kevin walked out of the room leaving Michael all alone. Michael sat down scared to death. He shuddered as he remembered the morning before.

Flash back.

"Get out!" his father screamed at him. "I'll have no faggot living under my roof!"

"But where will I go?" Michael sobbed at his father. "All I have in the bank is three thousand dollars!"

"I don't care!" his father shouted at him. "Scalp your little sissy boy band ticket. That should bring you a couple of hundred dollars easy!" Michael looked at his mother and she turned her back on him. Chocking back a sob he walked out of the house and started to walk up the street.

Later that day Michael was headed for the stadium. He was taking his father's advice and was going to scalp the ticket. He could see the crowd of teenage girls and boys standing out side. Just as he was going to offer a boy his ticket he heard some commotion. He looked up to see three undercover cops tackle a kid and slap handcuffs on him.

"That will teach you to scalp tickets in our town!" the cop hissed at the teen. The teen looked scared to death as they shoved him into a cops car.

"So do we have a deal?" asked the kid that Michael was striking a deal with.

"Hell no!" Michael replied walking away.

"Hey Kid!" shouted the kid Michael was hoping to do business with. Michael turned around and caught the flash of a badge. "Good move!" Michael just nodded and quickly walked into the doors of the stadium. He showed the ticket lady the ticket and she nodded and let him pass.

"Excuse me," a voice behind him said. He looked back and gulped. There standing behind him was a huge towering black man. "Can you give me a few minutes of your time?"

"Ummm yea I guess," stammered Michael.

"Step into this room with me," the huge black man said indicating to the door off to his right. Michael looked at the door suspiciously and than back at the man. "I promise that my intentions are good." Nodding and taking a gamble he walks into the room. Once inside the black man takes a good look at the youth standing in front of him. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen," Michael gulped out. "Umm can you tell me what this is all about?"

He had to admit that Michael was a very attractive young man. Typical middle class kid with dirty blonde hair, frosted at the top. A post through his left ear and his built was average but attractive. Kevin would be very pleased.

"You live at home?" the man asked pressing for more information.

"Umm not anymore," Michael replied. Good a homeless kid with no ties to his family. This was going to work out really well. That meant the kid could travel too.

"Do you do tricks?" he asked.

"Ok," Michael blurted out. "Either you tell me what you want or I am out of here!"

"I work for Kevin Richardson," Donnie replied. "I've been sent to find him, well how should I put this. Ummm a twink." Michael's heart starting beating fast.

"You think I'm a hooker?" Michael asked with his eyes blazing with anger.

"No I don't," Donnie replied. "That is why I specifically picked you. You see Kevin is looking for clean young men. He pays very well." Michael chewed on his bottom lip as he thought about it.

"How much and what do I have to do?" Michael asked.

"Three thousand a night and rather large bonus at the end of the term," Donnie replied. "Mr. Richardson will fill you in on the details. If you agree to a simple test after the concert and if you don't like it than you can go. Hey it will get you an easy three grand with no obligation after today. And if Kevin and you hit it off this could make you a lot of money and you could have a lot of fun too."

"What do I have to do for the test?" Michael asked.

"Kevin gets extremely worked up during the concert. He likes a good blow job after he performs," Donnie replied.

"Can I think about it?" Michael asked.

"Yes you may, and please take this ticket and this shirt," Donnie replied as he handed Michael a ticket and a bright red silk shirt. Michael looked confused.

"That is a front row ticket and that shirt will allow Kevin to see you from the audience so he can approve of you," Donnie replied. He watched as Michael stripped off his t-shirt and pulled the red silk shirt on. Donnie gazed up on Michael's swimmer's chest. Kevin liked that kind of build. Kevin would definitely approve. "Good, now if you will allow me to escort you to your seat." That was how it all started. Now Michael found himself sitting in the room all by himself waiting for Kevin to finish his shower. He heard the door open and watched in awe as his hero walked in. He was towel drying his hair and a towel wrapped around his waist hung low.

"You like what you see?," Kevin asked him grinning as he slipped off his towel to reveal his naked form to Michael. Michael nodded and swallowed hard. "Good, cause I like what I see," Kevin said in a deep bedroom voice. He walked over to Michael and placed his hand on the back of Michael's head and guided his lips to Kevin's. Michael moaned softly as Kevin gently kissed him. "Could you umm, you know?" Kevin asked looking down at his cock. Michael took Kevin's cock and stroked it a couple of times. Kevin let out a groan and Michael grinned. "You like it?" Kevin chuckled softly. Michael licked his lips and knelt down in front of him and quickly engulfed Kevin's cock. "I guess I can take that as a yes," Kevin smiled down at the teen who was sucking on Kevin's cock like a calf starving for his mother's milk. Michael as an experienced cock sucker. He had plenty of experience sucking off the soccer team. Kevin started to moan and groan as Michael sucked hard and fast. He took Kevin's balls into his hand and started to massage them. "Damm boy!" Kevin rasped out. "Your good!" Michael beamed with pride as he continued to bring his favorite Backstreet boy to climax. "Ohh yea!" grunted Kevin. "Suck it bitch! Take my fucking load and swallow!" The first blast hit him in the back of the throat. He almost came in his pants but didn't. Finally Kevin's cock stopped shooting and Kevin withdrew his softening cock from his mouth. Kevin looked down at the young man and smiled. "That was good. Where did you learn to suck cock like that?" Michael hung his head low. "That's al right, you don't have to answer that right away. Do you have any clothes with you?" Again Kevin was met with silence. "You don't talk much do you?"

"Yea," Michael replied. "I can talk, I just don't like talking about my personal life."

"Well, hurry up and get cleaned up," Kevin smiled down at him. "I'll buy you dinner and than we can head back to the hotel."

After the first blow job Kevin was a lot nicer to Michael. He talked to Michael trying to get him to open up but Michael wouldn't open up much. Kevin did get the fact that his parents tossed him out. So Kevin called Donnie on the phone and asked him to pick up some clothes for Michael along with shampoo and body wash and deodorant too and some cologne too. When they arrived at the hotel and sat down at the table Kevin noticed that Nick was leering at Michael and Michael was trying to make him self as small as possible. Kevin slid his hand under the table and took hold of Michael's hand and smiled at him. Michael smiled back.

"So you are Kevin's new boy toy," Nick asked Michael. "When he is done with you come on over to my place. I got a pole for you to work over."

"Nick!" Kevin barked. "That is enough!"

"What?" Nick sassed back at Kevin. "You don't want to share?"

"I said that is enough!" Kevin hissed at him. He looked over at Michael and saw the hot tears running down his face. "Go to the bathroom and clean your face." Michael nodded silently and left the table. When he was gone Kevin turned on Nick. "Stop it and stop it now! I'm not sure what is going on with Michael but it can't be good."

"Kevin," Brian said in a low tone.

"Don't worry, cousin," Kevin shot at him. "I'm not getting attatched to him if that is what you are wondering." A shadow crossed over him and he looked up to see Michael standing there. "Have a seat Michael, I hope pasta is fine." Michael nodded. "After dinner we can go to our room." Kevin shot Nick another look when he heard Nick's snicker. "For now just enjoy dinner." Michael nodded and started to eat.

"So Michael," Brian asked softly. "What are your plans for the future?"

"Well I was planning on going to college," Michael mumbled. "But that is not going to happen now." Kevin caught the fleeting look of sadness cross his face. "So I guess I'm just going to have to find me a job."

"Why can't you go to college dude?" Nick asked with a concerned tone of voice. Kevin raised his eyebrows in shock. "Hey everyone deserves to further his education!" Nick yelped back in defense of himself." Turning back to Michael. "So tell me dude, what is your story?"

"Umm I rather not talk about it?" Michael mumbled.

"Did you enjoy the concert?" Brian prodded him. Michael eyes brighten up at once.

"You bet I did! You guys are hot!" Michael gushed out. "I love the songs! I really like, 'It's True!'" Michael said softer glancing over at Kevin.

"Oh that is because Kevin gets to sing a solo," Brian giggled.

"Well yea I um guess," Michael replied blushing. "You have a great voice," directing his voice over to Kevin. Kevin just nodded and kept on eating. "You should do more solos you know?"

"Yea like that would ever happen!" Nick snickered.

"Why not?" Michael shot back at Nick. "Kevin has a great voice. He should be able to show case it once in a while." Michael glanced over at Kevin to see him blushing. 'God! He looks so fucking hot when he blushes.'

"Ahem!" coughed Kevin as he looked sternly at Michael. Michael quickly glanced down.

"What about my voice?" Nick asked. "Do you like it?"

"Yea it is ok I guess," Michael replied honestly. "Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for it. Like when you hit the pushes in the songs in like I want it that way and Shape of My heart. It really makes the song. I think it would be good if you ever decided to go solo or something."

"You think I should go solo?" Nick yelped out.

"Yea, you definitely have the voice for it. You would be in the same league as maybe Brian Adams or Jon Bon Jovi," Michael replied. "You really do the pushes really well and it makes the songs."

"What did you mean by pushes?" Kevin asked.

"Like in band competitions or the half time shows," Michael explained. "It is usually towards the end of the song when you really push it by going an octave higher or doing something special to bring attention to it."

"Oh I get it!" Nick replied grinning. "I've seen bands do it all the time."

"Were you in the band?" Kevin asked glad that Michael was opening up for a change.

"I was drum major for two years," Michael replied. "I made all state last season."

"All state for what?" Nick pressed on.

"In marching band competition. They have a award section for drum majors," Michael replied.

"So you like music," Kevin smiled at him.

"Yea, music is my life!" Michael gushed. Than he turned sad as he looked down at his plate. "That is well it um use to be."

"Why is music not your life anymore?" Nick asked.

"Ahem!" Kevin coughed. Nick nodded and decided not to say anything else. "It is getting late. Time to head up to our rooms and get some sleep."

"That is not all your getting," Nick snickered. Kevin choose not to comment on that remark.

Kevin watched Michael as they rode the elevator all the way up to the rooms. Michael was quiet again looking downcast and to the floor. Kevin decided that as soon as they got up stairs and in the privacy of his room that he would set him at ease. The bell sounded and Michael jumped. The door opened and Kevin motioned for Michael to exit first. "Room 810 is yours. When you get settled come into room 812. It is right next to yours and it is adjoining too." Michael nodded as he slid his card into the slot and let himself into the room. Once inside he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh man," he whimpered as he fell back on the bed. "What have I gotten myself into?" Hearing no answer he stood up and walked to the counter and started to look around. He spotted a envelope with his name on it. He opened it and a piece of paper fell out. He opened it and read it.


Here is a list of instructions. You are working for me and me alone. There will be times that I will call on you to service other members of the group or guests of mine. Nick is not one of them. The only other member of the group that you will be required to service is Brian. My guests are many and varied. JC from Nsync comes up every other day and you will be required to service him too. Don't worry about the money. When you are required to service Brian or JC you will compensated for it. Below you will find the daily duties outlined for you.

  1. I expect to be woken each morning by you giving me a blow job. 2. You are to have breakfast with me with the guys. 3. You are to be ready to service me before lunch each day. 4. you are to be ready to have dinner with me each night at 6:30. 5. You are to be ready to accompany me to clubs on nights that we go out. 6. You are to be ready to service me at night. This will include the following. A. Oral sex without Condom. Swallowing is a requirement! Michael shook his head at that comment. He wondered why it gave men a huge power trip to have guys swallow their cum. Not that it bothered him. He enjoyed swallowing cum especially Kevin's. He got a taste of it after the concert and he loved it! Swallowing a guys cum right after they came was hug rush for him. B. Rectal sex with Condom, if you prefer. ( you as the bottom) If you are virgin to rectal sex let me know so I can be gentle with you. Again Michael shook his head. He was a virgin but he had no intentions of telling that to Kevin. C. When JC and Brian are with us you will be required to engage in group sex. You will be paid Three Grand a piece during foursomes and 2 grand when you are alone with either JC or Brian.

D. Let me know your likes and dislikes. I may enjoy sex but I also want you to be sastified too. 7. You will be required to sleep in your own room after each night of activity unless you are invited to sleep with me or Brian or JC. 8. You are to shower after each activity. I expect you to be well groomed and to be kept clean. You have a complete wardrobe in the closets for you to use. 9. You are to be polite and respectful and are not to question any of my orders. 10. This contract is binding upon you receiving your first pay check which is in the envelope. Upon endorsing the check is acceptance of this contract.

Michael read the letter again and again. He reached into the envelope and pulled out two checks. One for the blow job he performed tonight and the other for the advance on tonight's services, whatever that was. He looked hard at the check and looked at himself in the mirror. Tears flowed down his face as he realized that he had no choice. He had to eat, and that three grand in the bank wouldn't last him long. He had to survive and this was better than getting a pimp and hooking him self on the street. Sighing he got up and dried his tears and walked to the door and knocked.

"Come in," Kevin said from the other side. He opened the door and walked in with the two checks and signed them in Kevin's presence. Kevin grinned and shook Michael's hand. "Now that that is done have a seat." Michael sat in the chair that Kevin pointed at. "Let's get to know each shall we? Now tell me about yourself."

"Well I'm eighteen like you already know," Michael started out. "I love music and I'm gay."

"Ok but what about your family?" Kevin asked. Michael looked down. "I want us to be friends too. That means talking to me and letting me in. I can help you in ways that you cannot imagine."

"Well my dad threw me out this morning," Michael said in a small voice. "I have three brothers and one other sister."

"Big family," Kevin commented.

"Well we are Catholic," Michael volunteered.

"How active are you?" Kevin pressed on. "Sexually I mean."

"Just some guys at the soccer team at high school is all," Michael replied blushing. "Mostly blow jobs. I did have one boyfriend but he moved out of town," Michael's voice got real quiet at that point. "I miss him so much." Kevin nodded before continuing.

"Any rectal?" Kevin asked leaning forward.

"No never done it," Michael replied kicking himself for answering that. "When will I have to do that?" Michael looked up at Kevin and Kevin was moved when he saw the fear in Michael's eyes.

"It can be painful at first," Kevin said softly. "But once the pain subsides I assure you it is very pleasurable." Michael nodded. "I think that is enough for tonight. You may be excused to retire for the evening. Oh one more thing. How do you want paid? Cash or check?" Michael shrugged his shoulders. "Do you have a bank account?"

"Yes but it has my father's name on it too," Michael replied. "I'll have to open another one with just my name on it."

"How much money do you have in it right now?" Kevin asked sitting back down beside the teen.

"About three thousand dollars is all," Michael replied.

"Well first thing in the morning you and I will go down to the bank and withdraw it and set you up with another account. Do you want to use another bank?" Kevin asked. Michael nodded "Good that shouldn't be a problem. Our bank has a branch in this town so we will just set one up for you. Now go and get some sleep. I expect you here doing your duties at 5:30 this morning." Michael nodded and stood up to leave. "Michael?" Kevin asked.

"Yes sir?" Michael asked back.

"Good to have you on board," Kevin said patting him on his back.

"Umm thanks I think," he mumbled as he walked back into his room. Once there he stripped off his clothes and got a new pair of boxer briefs and wife beater and headed into the bathroom and started the shower and climbed in. He quickly showered off the dirt and grime on his body and dried off and padded out into the hotel room. He decided to go naked for a while because he enjoyed the freedom.

From Michael's point of View.

'What am I going to do? I mean I just got tossed out on my ear and now I am hooking myself to Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys.' I got up and walked to the table where I had put the two checks down and looked at them again. 'Man six thousand dollars for tonight's work and three thousand dollars a day! That is a shit load of money and for what? I get to have sex with my idol! What good looking teen wouldn't die to be in my shoes?' I laid down on the bed and looked up and gasped! There was a mirror on the ceiling. I looked hard at my body. I swam on a daily basis so my body was toned. I had a pretty good six pack. My cock was pretty good size and girls insisted I was a hottie. But what made me so special? Why did he pick me?

"Why Kevin?" I asked myself a loud.

"Because you are cute," a deep voice answered me. I jerked up looking at the doorway. Kevin was leaning against the door way. "Why are you still awake?"

"Can't sleep," I mumbled. "I'm sorry if I kept you awake."

"Well you didn't really keep me awake. I'm just having trouble getting to sleep," Kevin said as he walked over to the bed and lowered himself on me. I shivered at his naked flesh touched mine. My limp cock sprang to attention the minute Kevin's flesh came in touch with his. "And since I'm still awake and you are still awake I thought we could mess around." Kevin's lips came crashing down on mine. When his lips touched mine I was on fire! His tongue gently but firmly probed my lips until I parted them to allow him in. His crotch ground up against mine. I moaned loudly into his mouth. I could feel his hark cock rake across mine sending pre orgasmic sensations rage through me. This was way better than jacking off. "Open your eyes!" he ordered me. I opened them to find his boring into mine. He had green eyes that were glazed over with lust and hunger. "I want to fuck you. And I want to fuck you hard," he growled at me. All I could do was whimper and grind my crotch into his. "You want me to?" he asked reaching down and grabbing my aching cock and stroking it. I moaned again. "What was that?" he asked grinning down at me. "I didn't hear you."

"Yes!" I moaned out loud. "Please take me!" Kevin snickered as he pulled out a tube of lube from the night stand and a condom.

"Here put this on me," he said as he straddled my chest. His cock was staring at me and it was all I could do from not sucking him off. "There will be time for that later." I opened the condom and slid it on. And than I applied some lube on it. I made sure I applied a generous amount. After I made sure he was all lubed up he got off of me and picked up my ankles and pushed them back. I jumped when I felt the head of his cock press up against my opening. He lowered the rest of his weight on me and pressed his lips to mine driving his tongue deep into my mouth. Ramming in with one forceful thrust he drove his erect cock deep into me. I screamed into his mouth as the pain ravaged my body. His lips moved from my lips to my eyes as he kissed my tears away. The pain was still there and I tried not to fight him. "Shhhh," he coooed into my ear. "The pain will pass." His hand drifted down to my stomach, which was tense as hell and threatening to empty my dinner. He gently rubbed it as he stroked the side of my face with his other hand. Surprisingly the pain did subside. Soon all that was left was a full feeling. It felt good. "You ready?" he asked kissing my lips again. I nodded and he pulled out slowly and than pushed back in. The feeling was incredible. I shivered and moaned at the same time.

"Does it always feels like this?" I gasped out looking into his eyes.

"Yes it does," Kevin smiled down at me. He pulled out again and thrust back in. The tip of his cock slapped up against something that drove waves of pleasure through me. I convulsed and whimpered. "That was your prostate gland," he snickered. By now he was thrusting in and out on a regular basis. I was in heaven as Kevin rode me for over an hour. Every time I tried to touch myself he would slap my hand away. "Uh uh," he giggle down at me. "You cum when I say you can." I whimpered in reply. I could tell that Kevin was getting close. I was ready to cum but I didn't dare. Finally he leaned down and whispered into my ear as he bit down on it hard. "Ok cum!" I let loose with a strangled groan and started shooting between us. I could feel his cock flooding his condom with his seed. I almost wish he didn't have a condom on but put the thought aside. Finally I stopped shooting as Kevin did. He pulled out and slid off the condom and threw it away. He than laid beside me.

"Ummm wow!" I gasped. "That was ummm ummm wow!" Kevin laughed as he ran his finger along the side of my face. "I can't wait to do it again!"

"Do you want to do it again?" Kevin asked. I nodded eagerly. "Well give me a few minutes and than we'll go another round." Kevin fucked me three more times before he drug himself back to his room. I laughed to myself when I heard him mumble about me wearing him out. I quickly showered again and climbed into my soft bed and pulled Kevin's pillow to me and hugged it tightly. I drifted off to a very sound sleep.

Chapter Two.

On the Job and Loving it!

Beep beep beep beep!" screeched the alarm. I looked up and glared at the clock. It was 5:30. Than a smile crossed over my face. Kevin was waiting for me. I hopped out of bed and crept into his room. He was sleeping on top of the covers on his back. His limp cock hung low between his legs. I licked my lips and laid down between his legs. I slid his limp cock into my mouth and went to work. I loved sucking his cock. I especially loved sucking a limp cock. I loved the feeling of a good cock attached to a hot stud in my mouth as it begin to swell and grow. I knew that it was me who was causing him to grow. Kevin let out a soft moan and I looked up from what I was doing. He was still out like a light. But that was about to change if I had anything to do about it. I took his cock out and looked at it for a few seconds memorizing every inch of it. His huge mushroom tipped head was almost a purple color and a huge drop of pre-come was ready to drip down the side of it. I sighed as I engulfed it again taking it all in one gulp right down to the pubes. I inhaled deeply Kevin's musky scent. My head got dizzy with lust as I continued to suck harder and faster. By now Kevin's hands had found their way to my head and he begin to thrust in and out of my mouth.

"OOOOHH YEA," a sleepy Kevin moaned. "Man that is so good!" I looked up to see his head tilted way back in an orgasmic grimace. "God here I cum!" he grunted out as my mouth was flooded with his seed. I swallowed as quickly as I could not wanting to loose one drop of his cum. Finally he had to pry my head from his crotch. I pouted momentarily when I lost his cock. I looked up at him for approval. "What a way to wake up!" he gasped out loud.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked timidly.

"Yes I did, thank you so much," he smiled down at me. "Now why don't you get ready for today? We have a lot of stuff to do before we get on the road."

"The road?" I asked. I was not happy about riding on a tour bus with a bunch of guys. That didn't give me much chance to have sex with Kevin.

"Yes, we are going to be on the tour bus for the next few days," Kevin said smiling down at me. I guess I had a disappointed look on my face because Kevin laughed his deep and sexy laugh. "Don't worry my horny little twink. We all have our own busses now. We can fuck around all day if you want." I grinned happily as I retreated to my room to get ready. At 6:30 sharp I was back in his room snuggled up to him, waiting on breakfast. Kevin said it was ok if I wanted to snuggle with him and we could kiss and neck too. Just as long as I didn't do it in public. Nick walked in just as I was nuzzling Kevin's neck and trying to suck on his adam's apple. Nick rolled his eyes and I glared at him. "Don't worry about Nick. He is just jealous is all," Kevin snickered as he kissed me full on the lips his teeth nipping at my bottom lip. Nick was up to his usual rudeness only this time he decided to get a little physical by elbowing me hard in the side. Kevin found out and glared at him. "Touch him again and you die!"

"What can't your boytoy take care of himself?" Nick asked glaring at me. I glared back and laid my head on Kevin's shoulder. "EWWWWWW hide behind the big strong Kevin for protection!"

"That is enough!" Kevin shouted. Turning to me he planted a kiss on the top of my head. "You all right?" I nodded. "Good, you hungry?" I shrugged my shoulder. "You need to eat something." I got up and got me a plate with a couple of pieces of fruit on it. "That all?" He asked.

"I'm not a big breakfast eater," I explained. He nodded and swiped a grape and popped it in his mouth.

"I'm going to be a little late getting on the road," Kevin explained. "I've got to take Michael to the bank and set up his account." Once we were done with breakfast Kevin insisted on me changing my clothes. We spent over an hour going over all of my new clothes and learning what to wear with what. Kevin was very fashion smart. Finally we walked into the bank and I walked up to the counter and showed them my id and asked to close out my account.

"Ok sir, that is all of it, all 10,000.00," the teller replied.

"What?" I asked gaping at the huge pile of bills sitting infront of me. "There was only three grand in it," I gulped.

"Your father made a deposit in it this morning. He said you would be needing it," the teller explained. I was seeing red. I promptly counted the three grand that was mine and pushed the rest back across to her.

"Tell my father to keep his fucking blood money! I don't want it!" I shot at her as I turned my back to her and walked out. Kevin kept a respectful distance from me. Once outside and in the safety of the car I let loose crying. Kevin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I could've stayed there forever. He smelled so good and felt so good. After a while I got myself under control and stopped crying.

"You better?" he asked softly as he wiped a tear free. I sniffled and nodded. "Good because we are at our bank."

Once inside we opened my account and made sure that I had a debit card and all my money was safely inside where my father couldn't get a hold of it. He was going to be pissed off when he found out that I refused his money. But I didn't care! I glared at the window as we passed my old house. My dad was out washing the car. Thankfully he couldn't see me because my window was tinted. "Good bye Dad!" I hissed at him. Kevin raised his eyebrows at me but choose not to say anything. Finally we pulled up to his bus. It was huge! "Wow! This whole thing is yours?" I gaped at it.

"Yes it is," Kevin said grinning. "Come on help me get your stuff on board. I'll show you where you will be sleeping." I followed him on board. After being introduced to the driver and Donnie again I followed Kevin to the back of the bus. "This is where we will be having all our fun," Kevin said indicating to rather large bed. "You will sleep in the next room. Why don't you go on in and get settled and than come back in here." I looked up at Kevin and saw the same wild look in his eyes. He was horny and ready for more action. I rushed to get settled and hurried back into his compartment where I found him naked already. "I want to fuck you again!" Kevin said as he pounced on me. He tossed me on the bed and begin to grind against me. Soon I was naked and impaled by him. This time he didn't use a condom. The thought of Kevin shooting his load into my ass was too much for me. I moaned loudly as I shot my load between us. Kevin growled too as he blasted his load into me. I loved the feeling of his cock sending blasts of cum deep into me. When he pulled out of me he pulled me close and snuggled up against me. I waited until I thought he was asleep. I eased out of bed only to feel his hand on my leg. I looked back. He looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Stay?" he asked.

"Can I get cleaned up?" I asked. He nodded as he rolled over to sleep. I wasted no time getting all cleaned up and back in bed with Kevin. The minute I was in bed he was wrapped around me sliding his cock up me again. Only this time he didn't fuck me. He just let it lay in there.

"Sleep!" he ordered me. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of a real man holding me. But for some reason I couldn't sleep. I stayed awake listening to Kevin breath. After about three hours he woke up. "Did you sleep?" he asked softly planting a kiss on my shoulder.

"A little," I lied. "I had a lot on my mind."

"Like what?" he asked as he swung out of bed.

"Like what is going to happen to me when this gig is over," I said as I swung out of bed too. "I mean this can't last forever."

"Maybe it can," Kevin smiled at me.

"Don't lead me on," I said softly.

"I'm sorry," Kevin replied. "I didn't mean to lead you on. All I am saying is that maybe it can last for as long as you want it too. You are a very good looking guy. I've been with a lot of young guys and you are one of the best." It was at that time that Kevin's phone rang. "Kevin here."

From Kevin's point of view.

"Hey Kevin!" JC's voice sounded. "I hear a rumor that you got another stud."

"You heard right," I said as I looked at Michael. He was so hot sitting there still recovering from the latest fuck I had just given him. "You near by?"

"Yea I'm actually on Brian's bus," JC replied. "Was hoping we could get a foursome going."

"That is cool with me. Michael is up to it I'm sure." I reached over and gave his crotch a squeeze. He moaned softly. "What time?"

"How about nine tonight?" JC asked.

"Great!" I replied. "I'll make sure he is ready to go." I hung up the phone and looked at Michael again. "Get some rest," I instructed him. "Cause tonight we are doing it with Brian and JC." Michael eyes lit up with exitement. "Ever wanted to know what it was like to have your ass plugged with two dicks?" He shook his head no. "That's all right, because I've been wondering for you. Me and JC are going to fuck you at the same time so get ready!"

From Michaels Point of view

Try as I might I could not rest. I was too keyed up on the thought of the upcoming events. I was going to have sex with three of the hottest studs in the music world. I tossed and turned trying to get some rest. Finally I heard Kevin at the doorway. "Can't sleep?" He asked. I shook my head. "Well get up and come out and have some lunch." I got up and followed him out into the living area of the bus. It had stopped and there in front of me was Brian and JC. I had seen Brian before but not JC. He smiled at me and stuck out his hand.

"I'm JC," he said softly. "Kevin tells me you are his new toy."

"Yea I guess that what you can call me," I replied grinning. He looked so hot! He was very skinny but toned. I loved the way he had his hair highlighted and his little growth of hair on his chin. It gave him a very wild and sexy look.

"Hey Kev?" JC asked. "Do you mind if I get a taste of what he can handle?" he looked at me giving me a wicked grin that made me go weak at the knees.

"Sure go ahead," Kevin replied. "When you are done let me know because I need to talk to him." JC touched my bare arm and I jumped at the electric charge that surged through me.

"Let's go back to the bed room," JC said with a sexy grin. I followed him to the back room and the minute I was back there and the door was closed he was on me pressing his body against mine kissing me hard. He worked his hands under my shirt and started to tweak and pinch my nipples. I moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He pulled back and pulled off his shirt. He was thin but very well built. "I'm gonna fuck you until you scream!" he rasped as he pulled me close and jerked down my pants.

"ooooh fuck," I moaned out as he knelt down and engulfed my cock in one swift gulp. JC giggled as he started sucking hard and bobbing up and down. In about three minutes I was ready to cum. "I'm gonna cum!" I groaned. He just winked up at me and continued to suck hard. I let out a muffled groan and blasted my load down his throat. He swallowed hard and fast his throat muscles working on my cock. When I finished shooting he stood up and pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed his shorts and pulled them down. His cock sprang out from his shorts. My eyes just about popped out of my head. He was hung like a fucking horse.

"You want this?" he asked pointing to his cock. I nodded licking my lips. "Where?" he demanded.

"Fuck me!" I pleaded.

"How?" he asked as he grabbed my ass and pulled me roughly to him. I jumped as his hot cock touched.

"Hard!" I urged. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around so that my back was to him.

"Bend the fuck over!" he growled in my ear as he bit down on my lobe. "Condom?" he asked. I shook my head no. I wanted this studs seed up my ass. "Fine have it your way!" he growled again as he plunged into me fast and hard. I reared back only to have him force me back down. "Take it like a man bitch!" he rasped out as he started to fuck me hard and fast. I glanced over at the mirror and gasped at the sight. He was fucking hard and fast his face set in a determined expression. His body was slick with sweat that dripped onto me. His hands were all over me as his teeth racked across my back. "You're just a hole!" he grunted out. "A fucking hole for me to cum in!" I whimpered as his cock slammed into me and rammed my prostate gland sending waves of pleasure raging through my body. "Oh yea!" he groaned. "I can't wait to fuck you all night long!" I groaned as I tried to catch my breath. He was like a wild horse slamming into me as fast and as hard as he could. His breaths coming in ragged breaths. His groans sounding like an wild animal. Suddenly he pulled out. "Lay on the bed. I want to watch you scream as I fuck you!" I slid onto the bed and watched trembling with excitement as I watched the lean fucking machine from hell pick up my ankles and slammed his cock up my ass again. He slammed in so hard that I threw back my head and screamed with pleasure. "Oh yea that's it cum hole! Scream like the whore you are!!" I looked up at his tight body glisten with sweat. His hair was all matted down from sweat. "I'm so fucking close! Do you want it?" he leered down at me. "Do you want my cum?" I nodded my head eagerly. "Beg for it!"

"Cum in me please?" I pleaded. "I want your cum to fill my asshole so bad!"

"AUUUUGGHHH HOLY FUCK!" He screamed as he plunged into me one last time. I could feel his cock swell up and I could feel his seed slamming into me. The pleasure was too intense for me as I started to shoot myself. Long hot streams of cum shot out of my cock and splattered me all over my abs and chest. Finally he stopped cumming and pulled out. I whimpered as I realized that he was done. "Wow!" he said grinning down at me. "That was fucking hot!" Than he did the sweetest thing. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and kissed me lovingly and passionately for a few seconds than he licked his way down to my chest and licked my clean. "What do you say we take this action to the shower?" he asked grinning down at me. I want to feed you some of my cum." I whimpered in anticipation of him fucking my face. He just giggled and helped me up. I knew it was going to be a great shower.

As I knelt down on the shower floor I looked up at him standing over me. His cock hung low between his legs. He looked down at me with a loving expression. "Taste me stud," he said in his seductive voice. "Please?" He gave me a puppy dog look that made me throw all caution to the wind and I slipped his cock into my mouth. It begin to fill with blood and soon it was rock hard throbbing in my throat. "Get ready sexy!" he rasped out as he begin to thrust in and out. "Let me know if I'm too rough." I pulled off for a second and looked up at him.

"If I can be faced fucked by an entire high school soccer team than I can certainly take you," I winked up at him. "Now fuck me hard!" I slipped his cock into my mouth again and hung on for the ride of my life.

I hobbled into the living area of the bus. Kevin grinned at my predicament. Brian patted my shoulder sympathetically. "Man that is one hot little dude you got," JC said as he sat next to Brian. "So what else do we have planned for him tonight?"

"Ever heard of two birds in a bush?" Kevin asked as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.

"You mean both of us up him at the same time?" JC gasped. "That is sooo cool!"

"Now if you two will excuse us, Michael and I have to talk," Kevin said as he stood up. I followed him into the kitchen area. I looked at the plate of food in front of me. Kevin pointed at it. "You need to eat." I sat down and started to eat. It wasn't much, just a sandwich and chips and a glass of milk. "Now we need to talk about what you want to do for rest of your life."

"What?" I asked confused. Why is Kevin worried about what I do for the rest of my life?

"What are your goals?" Kevin asked. "Do you have any dreams?"

"I love music," I replied. "I want my career to be in the field of music, whether it be performing or teaching or writing." Kevin nodded as I continued to outline my wishes and desires.

"So what is your plan?" he asked leaning forward taking my hand. "I mean does college fit into any of this?"

"It did at one point," I mumbled. "But since dad cut me out of his life than well that leaves it all out of whack."

"What about financial aid?" Kevin asked.

"Nope, I tried that the day I left home. Dad still has me listed as a dependant and he makes way to much money for me to qualify," I replied. "I'll think of something."

"I can help you know," Kevin said softly taking my hand and bringing it to his mouth and kissing it. I jerked my hand away and noticed the look of hurt cross over his face.

"Why do you want to do that?" I asked frowning. That was all I needed was to get into a situation where I would be indepted to him forever. I mean don't get me wrong the thought of spending the rest of my life servicing Kevin Richardson did have its appeal but hey I do have some pride! Some day I wanted to settle down with the love of my life and make sweet love for the rest of my life.

"I like you," Kevin said looking down. "I want to help." He wouldn't meet my eyes and he kept fiddling around with a napkin. I took the bull by the horns and took the napkin from his hand and took my finger and placed it under his chin and pulled his face up so that it was looking at me. It was a bold move. He could get mad but he didn't. His eyes were wet with unshed tears.

"Are you sure that is all?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked looking scared. "Do you think I have feelings for you?"

"I don't know," I said shrugging my shoulders "Do you?"

"You are 12 years younger than me!" Kevin yelped but blushed looking down.

"Hey!" I commented. "It wouldn't be the first time that a older man fell for a younger guy."

"Would you go for someone like me?" Kevin asked scrunching up his nose. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well let's just continue with our regular agreement until we are ready to take on this conversation again." I nodded as I let out a huge yawn. "Did he wear you out?" he asked smirking.

"Man what a wild man!" I sighed.

"Yea that is JC. You should see him perform. He is the same way," Kevin replied. "But he has a heart of gold. Such a sweetheart. I just whish he would wake up and smell the roses."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"JC is way too nice of a guy. He always thinks the best of people. Like Justin. He thinks Justin is great. But Justin treats him like crap," Kevin mumbled. "You've heard their latest album?" I shuddered when Kevin mentioned it. "Yeah tell me about it."

"It is nothing but a show case for Justin's so called talent. I mean that whole crap about JC getting to show case his talents in the last two albums is a total load of crap. I mean look at it! Every one of his songs got buried! Now Justin claims it is his turn to shine. Bull shit! I could see maybe one of his songs being released but three? I mean pop was a good one but the rest? AAUUUUGGHHH gag me with a spoon!" I looked over at Kevin to see him grinning at me. "What? It's true you know!"

"You and I are going to get a long great," Kevin said leaning over and kissing me. "Now why don't you get some rest. I'll see if Brian needs some relief first." I nodded eagerly and headed to my sleeping quarters. A few minutes later a soft knock woke me. Brian stuck his head in.

"You want some action?" He asked grinning at me. I nodded as I pulled back the blankets. His eyes got big as did the bulge in the shorts. "Wow what a hottie!" I blushed at the compliment. "Well you are!" He pulled off his shirt and I gasped at his cut chest and abs. "Like what you see?" he asked smirking. I nodded. "Good," he said as he slid down his shorts and boxers at the same time. "Suck or fuck?" he asked simply as he covered my body with his grinding his crotch into mine. "I love to fuck," grinding his crotch hard into mine for extra measure. I whimpered at the sensation. "Fuck it is." He slid his cock up my ass and started to pound into me really hard. Brian was a good fuck but I could tell he wasn't really into like Kevin and JC. Finally he grunted out loud as he blasted his load into my bowels. He pulled out and laid down beside me and pulled me close. "Sleep," he said softly as he kissed my shoulder. I drifted off to sleep in no time.


Next: Chapter 2: Kevins Twink 3 4

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