Kevins Twink

By Trav Smith

Published on Jul 22, 2003


Kevin's Twink

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2003 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

"What did you do to him?" Nick asked in a worried tone of voice.

"I didn't do anything to him," Kevin hurled back. "He got in the way!" I groaned and opened my eyes and saw two anxious faces swim into view. I concentrated on Kevin's face first. His worried _expression tugged at my heart strings for a few seconds. Than I remembered how I ended up laying on the floor with the mother of all head aches. I looked at Nick's concerned face as well. Tears of worry and fear was streaming down his face. "Michael!" Kevin exclaimed offering me his hand. I swatted it away and at up. I could see the hurt in his face but choose to ignore it. "Thank God you are all right," Kevin said breathing a sigh of relief. He went to touch me again.

"Don't touch me!" I hurled at him. "Don't ever touch me again!" Kevin stepped back a couple of steps. "In fact I don't want to ever see you again!" By now Kevin's face had turned dark. I had made him angry. I didn't care. He had hurt me both emotionally and physically. "It is plain what you think of me."

"How do I think of you?" Kevin asked frowning.

"You think of me as a whore!" I shouted at him. "I'm tired of being treated like trash. I open my heart to you and you step on it!"

"I'm sorry," Kevin said looking down. "I was angry and I shouldn't have sai--," He started only to have me interrupt him.

"You spoke what was in your heart at the heat of the moment," I said softly. "And people usually speak the truth when they are angry. I really want to be left alone please," I mumbled trying to fight the tears from falling.

"We have an agreement," Kevin said harshly. I heard Nick take a breath in and I looked up to see him getting red in the face.

"One that I am breaking," I said bluntly. "You screwed up Kevin," I informed him softly. "You decided that you wanted to treat me like this even when I came out and told you that I had real feelings for you."

"You can't break our agreement," Kevin yelped out.

"Ok first things first," Nick put in. "This agreement will not hold up in a court of law. Prostitution is still illegal in most states. Plus there is no written contract. Michael can terminate the contract any times he wants just as you could terminate the contract anytime you wanted too. The only thing you are pissed about is that he terminated the contract with you. You can't stand being told no." Kevin glared at Nick before storming out of the room. Nick turned to me and held out his hand. I took gratefully and allowed him to pull me up and into his arms. I felt comforted by his embrace. I shivered as I felt his lips grace my neck. "Are you ok?" he asked softly. I nodded and shivered again at his little kisses on my neck.

"You like that?" he asked. I nodded. "Good cause I really would like to continue to shower you with kisses."

"What am I going to do?" I asked looking into Nick's gentle eyes.

"Well first thing you are going to do is make sure that your money is safe," Nick said bluntly. "Come on let's go down stairs into the bank and have your funds transferred into another account. One that Kevin can't touch."

"Kevin wouldn't do that," I said. "Would he?"

"Well let's put it this way," Nick replied. "The last twink to cross him was tossed in jail because Kevin planted money and jewelry on him. The charges were dropped after he agreed to continue staying with Kevin."

"Ok let's go," I said grabbing my wallet and check book. Nick followed me out of the room and to the elevators. Once there Nick resumed his kissing attack. "So I guess this means we can mess around now?" Nick shrugged as he continued to kiss me. As much as my body was telling me yes my mind was telling to hold up. I held up my hand and gently pushed him away. "On second thought we should wait." Nick nodded respecting my wishes. "We should talk about where we want this to go and we should talk about what I am going to do now that I am officially out of a job."

"I think I can help with that," Nick said grinning. "You can be my Personal Assistant."

"Your what?" I asked confused.

"You know my personal Assistant. Everyone but me has one. I need one," Nick replied. "Especially since I'm getting ready to go solo."

"This isn't a made up job just to keep me around?" I asked bluntly.

"No silly," Nick laughed. "Trust me, I will keep you really busy." By now we had reached the ground floor of the hotel and walked into the bank. I was shocked to see Kevin there and there was a bank security officer standing beside him and what looked like a bank manager or something.

"I'm sorry sir," the manager was stressing. "We can't give you access to his account. That is his personal account and you really don't have a good reason for being in it."

"But you don't understand," Kevin persisted.

"What is it that they don't understand Kevin?" I asked. He jerked around to look at me. "And please tell me that you are not trying to access my checking account."

"I want the money back," Kevin said bluntly.

"No," I said in reply just as bluntly.

"What do you mean no?" Kevin asked glaring at me.

"I worked hard for that money and I earned it," I replied. "Do you want me to tell them what I had to do for that money?" I could tell that Kevin didn't want that part of the deal to get out. Kevin just glared at me for a few seconds before stomping out of the bank.

"Let's get your funds trasnfered into another acount," Nick said softly.

"That won't be necessary," the Bank Manager said softly. "Mr. Richardson won't beable to touch his funds. He may try to all he likes but trust me. He won't beable to do it." I was sastified with the Manager's response. I could also respect his desire not to loose me as a customer.

"Ok," Nick said not quite sure if he believed him or not. "Come on," he said tugging on my arm. "Let's go somewhere were we can talk alone." I followed Nick out of the bank and into the coffee shop. We sat down in a corner where there was a small fireplace going. It was really cozy and I loved it the minute I saw it. We ordered something fancy and sat back to drink it and enjoy it. "Let me ask you a question," Nick said as he sipped on his mocha thingy. "Do you love him?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "I mean I have these really strong feelings for him. But than again our relationship started out really sexual. I don't know if I really do love him or if I am still wrapped in the lust of the moment. I need some time to sort out my feelings."

"How much time do you need?" Nick asked.

"I don't know," I replied shrugging. "I've never been through this sort of thing before. How much time should I take?"

"All the time you want to," Nick said softly. "I am so sorry for how I treated you Michael. The things I said to you was so uncalled for. I don't know how you can ever forgive me."

"Well buying me Yippie was a start," I said with a giggle. "He is such a cute puppy."

"Well actually I didn't actually buy him," Nick said blushing. "I went to the pond and kinda sorta adopted him. You should've seen him. All alone in that big cage." I was shocked to see Nick's eyes water up. I reached over and took his hand. He squeazed back. "He was abused Michael. I mean really abused. How can people do that to a cute innocent puppy like that?"

"I don't know Nick," I replied. Right about now I was beginning to have a huge amount of respect for Nick. "How does a father throw away his son? There are alot of really mean people out there."

"And a alot of really cute ones out there too," Nick said with a small smile. "Ones like you."

"And ones like Yippie," I giggled. Nick laughed. It was a great sound.

"He is a puppy," he snorted.

"Yea but a really cute one who just happened to be rescued by a really cute guy," I flirted. Nick blushed and looked at the fireplace. He was silent for a few minutes. "Penny for your thoughts?" He looked up and I was shocked at the look in his blue eyes. They were so full of love and desire. "Oh dear," I whispered. A couple of tears flowed down his face. I looked at the manager and he nodded and quickly walked to the door and closed it. I quickly moved to Nick's side and wrapped my arms around him. He fell against me sobbing hard. I wanted to say something to him. But nothing came to mind. But than I realized that I didn't have to say anything to him. All I had to do was to hold him. Finally the tears stopped and he sat up.

"Thanks," he sniffled. "I needed that."

"Are you ok?" I asked him as I wiped the last of the tears from his face. I was pleased when he leaned into my touch.

"Do you forgive me?" he asked looking at me with pleading eyes. "After all those things I said to you?"

"Nick," I said sternly. "I forgive you. I'm not one to hold grudges like that. I'm a forgiving person and yes I forgive you." He nodded and smile at me. I was really starting to love his smiles. I glanced at my watch. "Umm you have to be at the venue in an hour."

"Yea I know," Nick muttered. "Are you going to ok?" I nodded. "I really want you to stay with me. You know like friends. No sex or anything like that. I just want to make sure you are ok."

"I know you do and I thank you for that, but I'm a sexual person. If you want to have sex than I'm fine with that." I replied. The look on Nick's face was worth it. His face broke out in a huge smile. I knew we would making love before the day was out. "Now you had better get ready to go. You don't want Kevin to be pissed off at you."

"Can I kiss you?" Nick asked licking his lips.

"Yea I umm guess," I stammered. Nick leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to mine. I shivered with delight as his tongue probbed my mouth. I parted my lips to let him in. I felt him sigh against me as he was allowed in. After a few minutes of kissing me breathless he broke away. He smiled at me and blushed. He looked so cute when he did that. "You are a really good kisser."

"So are you," Nick mumbled. "Umm are you going to the concert tonight?"

"I'm tired. And I want to change rooms," I said. "Can I move in with you?" Nick's face lit up with a huge smile.

"Sure!" Nick replied. "I would love it if you did. Do you want to have dinner after the concert?"

"Room service?" I asked. "I mean if you want to go out than that is good too."

"No!" Nick exclaimed. "I mean do you want to go out?"

"I would rather cuddle in the hotel room with you and Yippie," I giggled. I was really starting to look forward to tonight. In fact I had a plan. "And I want to take care of you too." Nick blushed when I said that part. "That should give you something to look forward too."

"Ok than we'll do that than," Nick said kissing me again. "I gotta go."

"Have a good show," I replied. I watched him walk out of the room. I sat back in the chair and sighed. I was so confused. I still had these major feelings for Kevin. But it was obvious that Kevin didn't return them. I wanted him to return them so bad. But if he didn't return them than there was nothing I could do about it.

"Michael?" Kevin's voice sounded from behind me. I jerked around. "Can we talk for just a minute." I nodded and he sat down across from me. "I'm so sorry," he said softly. "I had no intentions of hurting you like that."

"I know you didn't," I replied. "But you did."

"Can you forgive me?" Kevin asked hopefully.

"In time I think I can," I replied. I felt myself being drawn into his green eyes. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I didn't want to be drawn back into that web of sex and lust again. I wanted a real relationship. I was pretty sure that I would have that with Nick. At least I hoped I would.

"I love you," Kevin said softly.

"You what?" I gaped out.

"I love you Michael," Kevin said again. "I know you might not be able to return those feelings right now but I had to say it. I'm so sorry I didn't say it earlier. I should've said it when you said you had feelings for me. Instead I was being a hard ass and only worried about getting my dick sucked and having a convient ass to fuck. But no I had to fuck it up like I usually do. Can you forgive me?

"I already did," I said. "But I'm not sure that can get involved with you in a relationship. I have to sort out some stuff. Like do I like you for the hot sex or do I really like you cause of you." Kevin nodded. "And I have these intense feelings for Nick too. I really want to explore them. He has been so nice and sweet and gentle and not to mention that he is really cute." Kevin laughed softly as he shook his head. "Hey!" I said with a pout. "I'm supposed to be looking at cute guys!"

"I know you are sweetie," Kevin giggled. My heart jerked a couple of times when I heard Kevin call me sweetie. "Listen I'll give you all the time you need. Now on that note I have to go and get ready for the concert." Kevin gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving me alone. I sat back and sighed. I had a lot of stuff to think about. Did I go back to Kevin and let him use me again as his personal sex slave? Or do I throw myself into Nick's arms and let him take care of me. The possibillity of throwing myself into the strong arms of Nick Carter and letting him have his way with me made so hard. Than Kevin having sex with me made me wild with lust too. Auuughhh! What was I going to do. I heard a small whimper and looked down in my lap to see Yippie staring up at me. I picked him up and hugged to me. Soon he was all happy with little yipps and barks. I got up and headed back up to my room. Once there I started getting stuff ready for our dinner. I got some candles and flowers and stuff. I even got a bottle of sparkling cider and put it in a bucket of ice. I had some soft music playing and decided to take a shower and put on some hot clothes. Well not really hot clothes. Just a pair of silk boxers and matching silk robe. If Nick wanted to make love to me tonight I wasn't going to stop him. After all he was having a rough night of singing and dancing. He needed to wind down. And if he was anything like Kevin he would be extremely horny too. I looked at the clock and was shocked to see that it was only five minutes before Nick was supposed to be back. The door knocking shook me out of my trance. I quickly grabbed my wallet and opened the door. After paying for the food I brought the cart in just as Nick walked in. Nick looked around and than back at me. God he looked so hot. He was freshly showered but his hair was still damp and kinda messed up. It gave him a wild and sexy look. I wanted to jump on him so bad.

"Ummm hi," I mumbled.

"Everything looks really nice," Nick said in a horse voice. "And that includes you." I blushed and looked down. "Ummm I'm going to get comfortable."

"I have a outfit laid for you," I said hopefully. Nick looked over at the dark blue silk boxers and robe and smiled. He quickly disrobed and turned around to look at me. I saw him completely naked for the first time. He wasn't nearly as built as Kevin but for some reason that made me even hotter.

"See something you like?" Nick asked with a smirk.

"Yea you," I smirked back. "Now get dressed so we can eat."

"I would rather make love to you," Nick said with a small pout.

"Later tiger," I giggled. Inside I was happy. Nick wanted to have sex with me! "Dinner is getting cold." Dinner was good but I had a feeling through it all that Nick was preoccupied. Finally I set my fork down and sighed. "Ok sweetie," I said softly. "Tell me what is wrong."

"It is Kevin," Nick said sighing. "He talked to you today before the concert?" I nodded. "And he told you that he loved you?" Again I nodded. "What about you? Do you love him?"

"I really don't know," I replied honestly. "What I really think is that I am still very confused about where I stand with him. I mean for the first few days of even knowing Kevin I was thrust into the really intense sexual relationship. I can't trust anything that I think I feel about him. But I do know this," I said as I took his hand. "I do have real feelings for you. Real feelings that I want to explore with you."

"You mean you want to make love tonight?" Nick asked. I could see hope showing in his eyes.

"Only if you want to," I added. "That is why I set up the room like this. This is to be for you. If you want to take it to the next level than it is all right with me."

"But are you ready to take the next step," Nick asked as concern crossed his angelic features.

"What I want is irrelevant," I said shaking my head.

"No it is not!" Nick said with force. "It is very relevant! I don't want to push you into another relationship that involves you pleasing me and saying to hell with what you want!"

"Wow!" I breathed out. "You're really serious about this."

"I only want to have sex with you if you are ready," Nick said kissing my hand. He looked down at my crotch and rolled his eyes. "Are you hard?"

"You do that to me," I said blushing. "I can't help it. I'm around a very good looking guy and you turn me on."

"Can I take care of that for you?" Nick asked as he stood up and walked over to me. I let him pull me up and I walked into his open arms. At some point I lost my robe and felt his body heat rush up against me. I shivered with delight. "You are so beautiful!" Nick's lips came crashing down on my and I arched my hips so that I drove my cock into his crotch. He moaned softly into my mouth. "God you make me so hot!" With one swift movement he picked me up and carried me a few feet to the bed and gently laid me on it. Than with one swift movement he took off my boxers and gazed down at my cock with delight. "Looks yummy!" he grinned as he ran a finger along the side of it. The electric like shivers raged through my body. I let out a small whimper. "Oh now there is a sound I want to make you make again," Nick giggled as he covered my body with his. I was in heaven as he worked his magic. Soon his hot mouth was engulfing my cock. I was vaguely aware that out of that mouth came the beautiful music that wowed millions of girls and gay men and it was mine making love to me. I arched my back driving my cock further down his throat. He eagerly swallowed me as he started to bob up and down. His hands found my ball sack and gently massaged them. I moaned and whimpered and thrashed around while he continued to give me the hottest blow job I had ever gotten. Finally I couldn't take it any longer. I shot my load down his eagerly waiting throat. He eagerly swallowed every drop. Finally he looked up with my cock still in his mouth and he winked at me as he let it drop back down on my abs. "Did you enjoy it?" he giggled as he snuggled up to me.

"Umm yea," I sighed. "That was umm wow!" Nick blushed at my compliment. I snuggled up to him as the orgasmic glow subsided. I realized that Nick still was hard as a rock. I looked him in the eyes. "Please?" I pleaded with him. "Make love to me?"

"Are you sure?" Nick said softly running his hand along the side of my face. I leaned into his touch savoring it.

"Oh yes," I breathed. "Please take me and make me yours."


Don't you just hate me He he he he he

Next: Chapter 4

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