Lance Who

By moc.loa@U2brenT

Published on Jan 27, 2002


Ok this is the second chapter of this story.. anyone who has feedback feel free to email me..

Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to email me.. its very much appreciated..

Disclaimer: I do not know any of Nsync or do I know what there sexual preference is, nor do I care.. This story is purely fiction.. Made up in my warped little mind.. If you are to young to read this.. Or it is not allowed in the state that you live in.. then I suggest you look for another story.. If you are offended by gay material.. Then why are you here?.. You really need to pick another site..

On with the story .. I hope you like it.

Lance who? Chap 2 ************************************

The look on his face was priceless.. His mouth was slightly open.. And his face was a slight shade of red.. His eyes were staring at me.. A little larger than they normally are. "Wow.. Brant do you really think so?" he asked in disbelief.

I could only laugh, once I calmed down enough to speak I asked "So are you going to come along?" as I started the car.

"Ooh yeah sorry.. You just kinda shocked me?" he said as he started for the other side of the car. Once he was In the car I asked "Why were you shocked? There's nothing wrong with finding another man attractive. Is there?"

"No, not at all.. I.. Well.. You just caught me off guard.. First off I am not good at taking compliments Brant, and second I've never had someone come right out and tell me that they were attracted to me."

I started to pull out of the parking spot and out of the lot when I asked "Come on James... im sure woman and men alike throw themselves at you all the time."

"Well im not going to deny that.. Yes they do.. But they only want Lance.. They don't see James.. They see Lance of Nsync.. And that's not who I want in a partner. I want someone to love James.. Not Lance."

"I guess.. Well.. Yeah I can see that.. That must suck not knowing what they want from you.. Of course I have never had this problem so I cannot even relate to it.. But that would suck always having to be on your guard."

"It does.. But that's what I have chosen for my career path so I don't usually complain all that much.. However when I do see someone who is totally real and doesn't want anything from me.. I latch onto them.. Those are friends that I want and need."

I smiled over at him and said "Thanks."

"Your welcome... I just call it as I see it." He smiled at me and then looked forward and asked "So where are we going.. And how long till we eat.. Im hungry."

"Well... I am driving you to my house now.. Once we get there I will change clothes and then we can go.. But.. Your deciding where we are going.. Since I don't go out to eat all that much." I said as I smiled at him.

"Me??" He said shocked "Hell I don't live here.. I have no clue."

"You're the one taking me out remember.. So you pick.. I drive.. You pick."

"But.. I have no clue, I don't have any idea about the restaurants here."

Laughing I asked "Don't they have pretty much the same restaurants in every town?"

"I would think so." he said

"Ok, so what's your favorite place to eat back home.. Or wherever.. when your traveling.

He started laughing and said "I am not taking you to Micky D's Brant."

"Well that's an option.. But this is the Seattle area James.. We do have lots and lots of well known restaurants, now you just have to decide what your hungry for."

He looked over at me and asked "What are you hungry for?"

"I was thinking a burger sounds good.. Something light.. Then maybe we could hit the Seattle Center, its beautiful at night.. Or we could hit the waterfront.. that's really pretty too."

"That sounds great.. So burger it is.. Now where do we go to find one?"

"We could do Planet Hollywood, Or there are some smaller places around like Red Robin, they have good burgers too." James gave me this scared.. please don't make me do it look so I asked "What's wrong.. Are you ok?"

"Yeah im fine.. Can we go anywhere but Planet.. Im sick of that place.. And I would rather not do the celeb thing tonight."

"Of course we can.. that's not a problem at all.. So Red Robin it is.. We have one in Kent.. that will work out great.. Its about 15 Minutes from the house.'

"That sounds great, and thanks Brant."

"Your more than welcome.. But I do have one question.. Why are you thanking me?"

"For understanding.. And for being a really nice down to earth guy"

I chuckled and said "Well this is just until you get to know me.. Boy, then watch out.. Im a real bitch."

He started laughing and muttered something under his breath that I didn't hear. So I asked "What was that James?"

"Nothin.. It was nothing." He said really quick..

"No... I think it was something.. What did you say?"

"Really Brant it was nothing."

"Oh come on James.. Please.. Tell me." I begged

"Ok ok.. I said I would find that very hard to believe from what I've seen so far."

I smiled over at him and leaned over and pinched his cheek and said "I guess im not that hard to figure out huh?"

He leaned over and slapped my thigh and added "Nope your not."

I had a huge smile on my face when I said "Well I guess I need to work on that.. Being an easy read isn't a good thing for a gay man." I looked at his face to see any reaction.. Good, bad.. Whatever.. He slowly turned his head towards me and smiled.. And didn't say a word.. Which left me totally off. I wasn't sure if I did something wrong.. If he was upset or what. So I left it there and eventually said "Look James.. If your uncomfortable I understand. I will also understand if you want me to just take you back to your hotel. I do not want you to feel like you have to go to dinner with me if you don't want to."

"Brant.. I do want to go out to dinner with you. You Just really seem to catch me off guard with some of the things you say, and sometimes im not sure how to take them."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No.. I guess not.. Its just.. well im not use to people being so blunt and honest with me.. And it catches me off guard."

"Im sorry James.. Im a very honest person.. If you dress stupid.. Im gonna tell you that you look stupid.. I wont do that in front of anyone but you and I, but I don't like to play games with people.. I would rather you tell me my breath stinks.. Then let me walk around offending people.. And just to clarify here.. I told you I was gay.. I didn't ask you to marry me on T.V. at the super bowl.. I just thought that you should know."

"Ok... I know you didn't.. I didn't mean it as a put down.. Im just not use to someone telling me like it is.. Everyone tends to tell me what they think I want to hear.. Instead of the truth."

"Im sorry.. I didn't mean to snap at you.. I really didn't.. but this is the way that I am James.. This is me.. I will not come out and tell you something if it will embarrass you in front of others... but just remember that im only being honest, and that im not trying to hurt you."

"Ok.. And I will try and make sure that im not taking it personally.. And remember that you are just telling the truth."

"Deal?" he asked.. "Deal" I said as I reached over and shook his hand. I pulled onto the street that I live and pulled into our driveway, put the car in park and pressed the button for the garage door.. I opened my door and said "Are you coming in?"

"Is it ok if I do?" he asked.

"Of course it is.. You're a friend of mine.. So you will be welcomed with open arms."

"I would love too then." he said as he opened the passenger side door and got out.. He shut the car door and we both walked into the house. I walked in first and said "Mom im home."

"Brant im in the kitchen." I heard her yell back.. James and I walked into the kitchen as mom turned to greet me.. I walked up and gave her a hug and then turned and said "Mom.. This is James, And James this is my mom Faith." Mom walked over to him and shook his hand and said "Its very nice to meet you James." She then leaned over and hugged him.. And added "I'm sorry.. But we are huggers.. You will get use to it." and then started laughing. James hugged her back and said "My family are huggers also.. So I have no problem with that Mrs. Ummm.. Well you know I don't think I know your last name Brant." I started laughing and said "Its Michaels." I pointed to my self and said "Im Brant Michaels and this is my mother Faith Michaels." he started laughing and said "You can be such an ass." Mom was laughing really hard and added "I can see you guys will be good friends, and please just call me Faith."

I looked over at James and said "I hope so." and then he chimed in with "Im sure we will."

"Well im gonna go change clothes and then James and I are going out to dinner mom.. And then into Seattle.. So I will be back late."

"Ok.. You two have fun and stay out of trouble, and Brant.. What happened to your sweater and shirt.?"

I started laughing and said "I ran into a friend at the mall. He wasn't watching where he was going and literally ran into me."

"I didn't do it on purpose." James objected.

Mom started laughing and asked "Oh, so you were the friend he ran into then.. Huh."

"Yep.. That is me.. I am guilty as charged." James said.

I stepped up and said "Ok im going to go get changed.. James are you going to stay here or are you going to come with me?"

"I will go with you, if that's ok?"

"Of course it is come on." and with that we walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom. As I was walking up the stairs I felt this very hard swift slap to my butt.. I yelped and turned and looked at James and asked "What was that for?? Damn that hurt." He smiled at me and responded with "It wasn't moving fast enough." then smiled his cute little smile and said "Come on get a move on.. Im starving.." I turned and started walking up the stairs again and said "Don't do it again.. Mr. Bass.. Pay backs will be hell.. Is all I have to say." and started laughing.

I heard "Hmmm.. I guess that's something to think about." I reached the top of the stairs and turned into my room with James at my heals.. I walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a simple bright blue pullover.. I turned and threw them on the bed and walked over and rummaged through my sock drawer .. Yes.. My underwear are in there too.. When I felt James walk up and stand next to me.. I looked up and into his bright green eyes and asked "Whats up?"

"Nothing.. Just wanted to see if you are a brief or boxers kinda guy." Laughing I said "well I like them both actually.. Depends on my mood.. Or what im doing." I saw a puzzled look cross his face, so I added "Ok.. boxers when im staying around the house, I like how they feel.. But briefs when I wear jeans or slacks and when I dress up.. I don't like how boxers feel in slacks.. So I go with briefs."

"How about you James.. What do you like to wear?" I asked

"Actually.. I like boxer briefs.. They make me feel sexy." he answered.. Then added.. "But I do like briefs.. Especially when you want a specific result.." He then blushed and turned away I stood there thinking.. What the hell.. Why would he blush and why would he turn away. So I asked "And what result would you be going for James." He turned back to me with a shocked expression on his face and stuttered "ummm.. Weeellll... you.... well.. You know how.. When you want someone to notice you.."

"No I don't think I do James, why don't you explain it to me?" (Yes I know im being an ass.. But hey hes the one who made the comment.)

He looked at me with a totally panicked expression on his face. And I started laughing.. I couldn't help it.. So I said "Look James.. Its ok to want to wear something sexy for that someone special.. Male or female.. There's nothing wrong with that. Even if it is to show off the goods." I pulled my sweater off and threw it on the bed.. I then unbuttoned and pulled off my shirt and threw it on the bed with the sweater.. I looked over at James and saw him staring at me.. I smiled and slipped on a t-shirt and then pulled on the pullover. I then unbuckled my pants and dropped them to the floor and stepped out of them, I picked up the jeans and slipped them on and zipped and buttoned them.. He was still standing by the door staring at me.. So I asked "What?? What's wrong.. Does this look stupid?"

"No, Not at all Brant.. I was just thinking that I wish I could dress so casual and look that good." I started laughing and said "Do you wear glasses??.. Cause if you don't.. I think we need to get your eyes checked."

"Oh shut up, you look good all casual like that."

"Thanks James.. You look good all dressy like that too." I said and started laughing. Then I asked "Ok.. Im ready .. You ready to go?"

"Yeah im ready." He said then turned to leave and I saw something, something I wasn't sure if I should ask him about, the something that im referring to was a slight bulge in the crotch area that wasn't there before, I decided to keep my mouth shut and wait and see what happens. As we walked out of the room and down the stairs I yelled to mom that we were leaving and that I would see her tomorrow.. She yelled back "Be careful and it was good meeting you James." James yelled back "It was good meeting you too Faith." and we walked out to my car. I got in and started it up as James got in the other side. I backed out of the driveway and headed to Red Robin.. There wasn't much conversation the whole drive.. That is until James asked me "Brant... Whats it like to be in love with another man?"

"Wow.. Ok.. I will answer that.. But first you have to answer.. What's it like to be in love with a woman?"

"Honestly.. I cant really say.. Ive never really had a long term relationship.. With the band and all you don't really get to know people.. don't get me wrong I went on a few dates in school but that's about it."

"So your saying your not sure what love is?" I asked

"Im not saying that Brant.. Im saying that I have never been in a relationship long enough to know if it was love."

"Well to tell you the truth James.. I am no expert.. I have had a few relationships.. But that's it.. To me.. Love is.. Totally trusting the person your with, With your life and with your soul.. that person means more to you than anything else.. They come first.. Its kind of like how you feel incomplete without them.. And you cant wait to see them, hear them touch them.. Its what brings your life together.. Makes you whole."

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" he asked as I pulled into the Red Robin parking lot.

I turned and looked at him and said "I don't know if I do or not James.. I do know that there is major attraction at first sight.. But love.. Im not sure, I tend to be the hopeful romantic.. So I guess I would hope that there is." I opened my door and got out and asked "What about you.. What are you feelings on that?"

"I think that there is.. Actually im pretty sure that there is.. Its happened to me." I turned and looked at him and asked "Are you going to share?" he smiled and said "I wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't going to share, but how about we talk once they seat us."

"Sounds good to me" I said.. As we walked into the restaurant.. The hostess Came over and asked the usual.. How many and smoking or non smoking.. "Non smoking please and just two."

Certainly sir.. I will be right back." She came back and said "Right this way please.. I have placed you towards the back of the restaurant by a door in case there are any problems?"

I looked at her and asked "What do you mean by problems?"

"Well... incase Lance has to get out of the restaurant in a hurry."

"Oh." Was the only stupid thing that would come out of my mouth.. I was shocked to say the least.

"James stepped up and said "Thank you very much for your help."

"Your more than welcome" We walked up to a table that sat next to the garden door.. Actually it was very nice.. The sun was shinning and the door was open. We sat down and she handed us the menus.. And said "I hope you guys enjoy the meal." and then turned around and left.

James spoke "Well.. as I was saying about love at first sight.. I have had the opportunity to experience it.. It has been... ummm... was the most amazing thing.. I knew I wanted to get to know them.. I felt this immediate attraction. It was like a little light went off in my head that said. ("you cant let this go James .. This is the person that you are suppose to be with.") But then I was too scared to say anything.. And I almost lost them.. From lack of self confidence and from being scared of rejection."

"Wow.. James, that should never stop you.. Good god.. Look at you.. Your beautiful.. Your smart and funny.. And a great guy.. Who would be stupid enough to reject you?"

"Lots of people.. Actually.. But first and foremost.. You.." he said nothing further.. I looked up at him from the menu and noticed that he was looking at his hands folded on the table. "What?" was the only thing I could say.. I wasn't sure I heard him correctly so I said it again "What?" He looked up from the table and whispered "You.. I was and am afraid that you will reject me."

Ummm... I..... ummmm" ok so it was my turn to stutter.. I was in total disbelief.. I couldn't believe that he was telling me that he liked me.. Much less love at first sight.. So I said "Wow." and smiled at him.

"Thats all your going to say?"

"Im sorry James.. I don't know what to say.. Im shocked.. Totally shocked.. First off I wasn't sure if you were gay.. And second.. I wasn't sure if you liked me or not. I figured we would be great friends but nothing more than that." I was smiling from ear to ear..

"I think I would prefer more Brant." he said with uncertainty on his face..



"IM still here am I not.. I didn't run when you told me that.. I didn't cause a scene.. I would love nothing else than to see where this will go... look at this smile on my face.... Im happy... so why the frown?"

"Sorry... Im just scared."

"Im nothing to be scared of James. I will not hurt you, if you give me a chance I will love you like you have never been loved before."

Ok thats the end of chap 2 ....

Im not sure where i am going to go with this.. so please email me and let me know what you think so far.. good bad or otherwise.. my email addy is

Thanks again to everyone that has emailed me about this story its greatly appreciated.

Take Care


Next: Chapter 3

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