Lance Who

By moc.loa@U2brenT

Published on Dec 23, 2002


Hello everyone sorry its taken so long to get this chap of the story out.. i was dealing with some health issues and finally have them under control.. and decided that i needed to start writing again..

I hope you enjoy Chap 3 please let me know either way..

I hope you have a happy and safe holiday.

Lance Who Chapter 3

He sat there staring at me with the cutest smile on his face. I wasn't sure what was going through his mind but I knew it was good. He then leaned over and whispered, "I think im going to like this chapter of my life. It should prove very interesting."

I looked at him with curiosity peaked "Ok. But im not sure if I should take that as good or bad?" I half said to myself and half said to James.

"Take it as a compliment Brant. It's a very good thing." he said as he giggled.

"Ok I will then now that you have my full attention what are we going to do about this.. umm... this.. situation??" Before he could speak up I jumped in and added, "I guess I don't mean situation. But this new addition to my life and yours."

"Well Brant I was thinking that we could get to know each other the next few days and see what happens. We don't have to rush into anything. We can take it slow and see how we both feel and take it from there. How does that sound to you?"

"Sounds like a plan James. But there is one thing that I think you should know."

"Ok. I'm listening."

"Well the only two pieces of advice I can truly give you are. Don't lie to me. And don't cheat on me. Those are the two things that will send me into a major rage." I looked him square in the eye with a very serious look to make sure that he understood what I was saying.

"Brant. You don't have to worry about that. I'm a very honest upfront guy. And I would never cheat on someone I am with, to me that is just wrong. And should never be done."

"Ok. Then, are there any boundaries that you need to set before we continue on?"

He sat thinking about it for a few moments before he came up with "Just don't hurt me. I may seem like a big tuff-singing star. But really my skin is very thin."

"Ok. I promise I wont." I looked at him wondering how or where this all was coming from. I looked into his wonderful green eyes and said the first thing that came to mind. "What do you want to order, im hungry ?"

As he was laughing he said, "You sure know how to kill a moment."

I looked up shocked. "Why do you say that?? Food is the staple of life. With out it you can't move, you can't kiss, have sex, or even think. So of course food is important. But also you can get really creative with food in different situations." I sat there thinking. What the hell am I saying? Why would I say this to him? I could feel my face turning brighter and brighter red. I looked down to avoid his stare. When he said, "Hmm. See this will prove to be very interesting. I'm liking it already."

I couldn't look up at him I totally embarrassed myself. Hell I haven't even known him for 8 hours and I was already starting to feel a huge attraction towards him. But then again who wouldn't. Damn look at the boy. He's fine. I heard him chuckling and just barely lifted my head to look at his face. He had his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh harder. I'm sure I turned a darker shade of red at that moment. I tilted my head back down and mumbled, "I have to start thinking about what I'm going to say before I say it, and it is not going to be a good thing with you. I can tell already." And with that he started laughing harder. "Ok James what are you going to have to eat?" of course I was trying to change the subject. And sadly enough it didn't happen, when he said, "whatever you have is fine with me."

I looked up and added, "Well if that's the case then I think I'm going to have Oysters and prawns with a side salad."

"Eww Oysters.. I can't stand them.," he said as he made a gagging sound.

Laughing I muttered "well you said the same thing. You know oysters are good for your libido. They are suppose to make you very fertile."

"Ummm Brant, I don't need my libido any more active than it is... so I will pass on the Oysters."

"Chicken!!!" I said loudly as I flapped my arms and clucked like a chicken. I looked around as people were laughing at me..

"Stop Brant you're embarrassing me. I can't believe your over they're clucking like a chicken." I could tell he was getting a little tense

"Oh come on. It's not healthy to be so serious all the time. You have to laugh and have a good time James. Its good for you." He was trying not to smile but you could see it on the corners of his mouth. I slowly leaned over and added "Ummm.. don't smile and don't turn around." He looked at me like I had grown another head. And put a slight smirk on his face and slowly started to turn around. You could tell he was not expecting what he saw. Which was... About thirty girls standing just outside the back door. I stood up and walked over to the door. I leaned out and said, "If you will excuse us. We are getting a breeze inside and its kind of cold."

"Is that who we think it is?" one girl asked. She was probably 14 years old.

I looked back over my shoulder and asked, "Who do you think it is?"

"Lance. OH my god Lance from Nsync" she screamed.

I started laughing, " Do you really think Lance from Nsync would be in Kent?? Come on Seattle maybe or Tacoma. But Kent." I chuckled at the thought. I smiled at her and said "No that is not Lance. It's a friend of mine. His name is James." hehehe of course I new that was his real name but I was hoping they wouldn't catch on. If they did we were going to be in big trouble. I continued smiling at them and slowly shut the door and made sure that it was locked. The girls slowly started to walk away. One little girl was still standing outside looking in at James. He looked up and waved at her. She waived back and walked away.

"That was way to close, what did you say to them."

"I told them that your name was James and that you were not Lance from Nsync, and for some reason they believed me." I replied laughing.

"I just want you to know that, that has never ever worked before. I'm surprised that it worked this time."

"Yeah I'm sure. But really think about it. Do you really think Lance from Nsync would be in Kent?"

"OK OK .. You've got me there. I wouldn't be, except that I'm here with you."

"True. And I'm happy about that."

"So am I Brant, so am I." he looked at me and smiled. That wonderful smile of his.

So. James?"

"Yes Brant..?"

"What are you going to have?" he looked at me and smiled and said "and here I thought you were going to ask me something important."

"Hey.. Do we need to talk about this again? Food is important." I said with a slight blush on my face.

"No. No went don't. ummm just let me decide." I watched him look through the menu trying to figure out what he was going to have. I hadn't decided what I wanted. I knew it wasn't going to be Oysters. Since I cannot stand them. But then again he didn't know that. So I just sat and watched him.. he looked over at me and smiled. And said " What. Why are you staring at me?"

"Oh sorry. No reason. I was just watching you contemplate what you are going to have."

"Oh. I thought maybe I looked funny or had something on my face."

"No James you look fine. And I do mean fine." I saw the blood rush to his ears and his face. And smiled. Knowing that it was me that was doing that to him. "james.. You're cute when you blush. It puts a little color on that white skin of yours." I felt a sharp pain on my foot. And yelped. I started laughing "Dang you don't have to be so violent."

"And you don't have to be so honest."

"Ok ok.. I guess I need to watch that with you. I can see your one that get's mean, and I was only kidding. But you do look really sexy when you blush."

"Thanks" he said looking down at his menu.

"I'm sorry James. I didn't mean to embarrass you, if I did. It wasn't what I meant to do. I like to have fun and goof around. And joke around with people, it tends to put everyone at ease, And I was kind of hoping that I could do that with you to keep you from fidgeting so much" I reached under the table and grabbed his leg to keep it from bouncing up and down.

"Ok point taken. I'm sorry, I just get nervous when I like someone and don't know what to say."

"First, you have no reason to be sorry, just talk to me. Tell me about you. Where you've been and where your going, I'm not a hard person to talk to James."

"I know your not Brant. Its just that I have a hard time opening up with people, especially with the business that I'm in."

"That's understandable. But if you ever want to talk. Just ask. I've been told I'm a good listener."

"Thanks Brant I appreciate that."

"Your welcome. Ok. Here comes our waitress are you ready to order or did you need more time?" I asked him.

"I'm ready. What about you?"

"Yes. I'm ready." The waitress walked up and smiled at James. And didn't even look at me. I chuckled. Hey I couldn't help it. But she didn't even acknowledge me; I looked at James and chuckled a little louder. James looked at me with a slight smile on his face. And I could already see the question in his eyes. I just shrugged my shoulders. The waitress leaned over and touched James's arm and asked, "What can I get for you sir?"

He responded with "I would like the club with fries. And can I have a side of tarter sauce, and I would like a diet coke to drink please."

She turned and looked at me and I could see the anger in her eyes. I smiled wide and said " Oh HI. I would like the same as James. But I would like an ice tea. With lemon please." `

"Of course sir" she said angrily and turned and walked off.

James was looking at me. With concern in his eyes. And asked " What was that all about, and why would she treat you like that.?"

"Oh. That. Well she use to be a friend in high school. But once she found out I was gay. She turned her back on me. And wouldn't even talk to me. So I stopped trying with her, so with that being what it is. She kind of hates me."

"Why would she do that."

"To tell you the truth I'm not really sure. She just made the decision that I wasn't here friend anymore. So I had no choice but to go with it."

"That's sad."

"Yeah it is. Especially since we had been friends for years, but it was her choice not mine. I was depressed for a long time over it, but then I came to the realization that if she could dump me so easily. Maybe I wasn't that good of a friend."

"This is true. But it's still sad."

"I agree. I'm definitely not denying that. But you move on."

"Yeah I guess." He said. You could tell that he was a little sad about it. But truly there was nothing that anyone could do. So I changed the subject and asked him how it was traveling all over the world. He said "I don't want to sound bitter or ungrateful, but. It gets really old. Going from one town to the next and truly not knowing what city your in can be very upsetting. I love the singing and acting but the rest of it I could do without."

"That's understandable" So I asked. "What about your family?"

"What about them?"

"Are you close to them? Are you out to them?"

"I'm very close to my family, I love them a lot. And I am out to my sister. However, my parents do not know, I'm not sure how they would take it. Everyone in the band knows though."

"That's cool. It's always the hardest telling your parents. You tend to think that they will disown you or not talk to you for awhile, but most of the time we tend to over think and dramatize the reactions to it."

"What about your family Brant, how did they take it?"

"My mom had a hard time with it, I wont deny that. I thought maybe it was going to come down to me moving out and getting my own place. But one of my brothers talked to her and told her she was going to drive me away, and the only difference is that I am gay. That I was the same person I was five minutes before I told her. We ended up screaming at each other in the hall way one day and I told her that I was going to move out and find my own place if she had that big of an issue with it. Of course she wanted to know what she did wrong and how and what she could have done different. I explained to her that it had nothing to do with her. That it was me. That this is the way that I am. It's not a chosen thing. Its who I am, that it had nothing to do with her."

"And that worked?"

"Yeah, I guess she thought about what I said and finally came to a conclusion that it is who I am, and it truly didn't affect her one way or the other."

"Wow, I'm glad you guys got it worked out."

"So am I. My mom is pretty much the most important person in my life. It was killing me to have her be like that, but we got it worked out and everything is fine now."

"That's great. I'm glad to hear it. I don't have a clue when I will tell my parents. It just scares the hell out of me."

"James you tell them when you're ready, and not a day before hand. Don't ever let anyone pressure you into telling someone that you're gay. The time will come when you will be ready to tell them."

"Thanks Brant. I appreciate this talk."

"No problem. I'm glad I could help, if I did. "

"Well look, here comes the friendly bubbly waitress." I groaned and James snickered.

She walked up to the table and put the dishes down and again only looked at James and asked if there was anything else that she could get him.

I started laughing. I couldn't help it. She turned and glared at me again. And James said " Yes, could you have a seat for a second." She looked at him like he was crazy. "As I said yes. Could you have a seat for a second" She slowly pulled out the chair and slowly sat down. "Ok im sitting?"

"Yes. You could answer a question, why did you stop being friends with Brant. He's such a nice guy and he obviously thought the world of you. So I'm just curious why would you stop talking to him? And now that we have come in as customers, why would you feel the need to be so rude, if I heard the story correctly then it was you that ended the friendship. Not him. So why would you be so angry. I would think he would have every right to be angry with you?" So if you would do me that one little favor, I would appreciate it if you would answer my question."

She looked at him like she was in shock. Like she couldn't believe he asked her such a personal question. She started to stand and he growled "Sit down" she sat back down and slowly lowered her head.

I sat there just as shocked as her. I couldn't believe that he was cornering her. Now don't get me wrong I loved every moment of it. But it surprised me when he growled at her. It sent a chill down my spine. I smiled at him and thought. Hmmm... we will have to use that growl. It was low and sexy and sent chills to the right places. I heard her mumble something but I could not hear it. I guess James had the same problem so he asked, "What did you say?"

"I was scared, I was and am angry that he didn't tell me sooner than he did. I was suppose to be his best friend and he didn't tell me the most important thing in his life."

"Did you ever stop to think that was because you would probably act the way that you did then and are now?" I asked.

Brant, I loved you. Hell I still love you. You were my best friend. I thought we would be friends forever. But that changed when you told me. I felt like you thought you couldn't tell me. That you didn't trust me enough to tell me?"

"I was scared Tina. I wanted to tell you many years ago. But I couldn't. Not because of you. But, because of me. I was scared. I didn't know how people were going to react to me, to this news. I loved you like a sister. You were a part of my family." I looked over at James and he winked at me. As he sat and ate his dinner, he never said another word. He just let it lie and backed out of the way so that she and I could work out our issues.

Ok thats it for Chapter 3 of lance who?

let me know what you think.. My email addy is

Thanks for reading..


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