Leadr House

By moc.loa@htroNoehT

Published on Aug 2, 1998


WARNING: The following is a work of fiction containing (hopefully) graphic descriptions of sex between any number of willing men. If this sort of material offends you, you shouldn't be reading it. If you are too young to read this sort of material, you shouldn't be reading it. If however, you are of age and you're sitting in your dorm room and no one else is around and you can't figure out why you get a hard-on every time your best buddy drops his shorts and heads to the shower...read on my friend.

This story is purely fictional. Any similarities between the men in this story and the men that you know are purely coincidental, although the author wouldn't mind hearing about them himself.

Comments may be sent to TheoNorth@aol.com

Constructive criticism will be accepted. Praise will be absorbed. Flames will be ignored.

Now, without further ado . . .


by Theo North

Chapter 4

In which Peter learns about restraint . . .

and restraints

Peter sat on the bed of his new Big Brother's room in LeaDR House. He had packed up his belongings from the dorm and moved them in here this morning. The young blonde kid stared across the room at his Big Brother: Tom reminded Peter of a cowboy out of a fantasy. The senior had broad shoulders and a tiny waist; his slim ass and generous basket were squeezed into a faded pair of jeans and he was seldom seen outside the house without a pair of cowboy boots and a broad-brimmed hat. At first glance, one might be tempted to scoff at Tom and think he was "all hat and no horse." A closer look at his boots, though, revealed the dust and scuff marks. His sheepskin-lined coat was well-worn. The fact was Tom had come to St. Winston from North Dakota where he grew up on a large ranch. Riding the fences, roping and branding steers and boiling coffee over a small fire in miserable cold were pretty much second nature to him. (In his teenage years, the ranch hands had taught Tom a few other tricks that were now second nature to him, as well.) Fact was, despite being a chemistry major at a fancy Ivy League private school, Tom was cowboy through and through.

"Why'd you do it?" Tom asked.

Peter knew what Tom was talking about. In the early hours of the morning, the innocent looking kid with the big blue eyes and the pug nose had revealed himself as a slobbering dick-pig, sucking off every senior in the frat during a pledge ceremony. Peter stared into his Big Brother's face: the hard, dark eyes, the mustache perched like a shelf above the usually grinning mouth only now that mouth was set into an unhappy grimace which warned of danger ahead. Peter didn't even think of lying or copping an attitude. "Sir, I don't know, sir" he mumbled, dropping his face and blushing.

"You don't know??!! You fucking embarrassed me in front of everyone in the fraternity!" Tom's face reddened as he turned angrier and angrier staring at his little brother. His voice, though, never raised above the same frighteningly level, deep growl. "When I first met you at the rush parties, I thought you were a pretty neat kid. I figured we had some stuff in common and we'd get along great. Now, I find out I've got the class slut as my little brother and I'm going to have to spend my senior year keeping an eye on you and disciplining your ass every time you go stray ... which I'm betting is gonna be a full time job. What the fuck do you have to say about that, boy?"

"Sir, I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it..." Peter's voice was choking. "I just ... had to. I can't explain it, sir."

"Can't or won't?"

There was a long pause as Peter gasped for breath. "Won't..." he whispered. "Can't and won't. I'm sorry, sir ..." A small tear trailed down the young man's cheek.

Tom saw the tear. His voice softened slightly. "Peter, do you remember what Brock told you pledges downstairs?"

"No, sir?"

"There can be no secrets between a pledge and his Big Brother. Now tell me what's going on. Why did you suck all those cocks?" Peter remained silent, staring at the floor between his feet. "You know that Brock is going to be in here as soon as he gets done beating the hell out of Travis, Carter and Joey. He's decided that you'll be the first pledge to undergo a personal test and I'm supposed to think of a suitable one for you. I can't do that if you don't tell me what's going on. The test is supposed to help you overcome a personal flaw. Right now, I know that your flaw is that you're a slut, but I don't know why. So talk to me."

"I'm not a slut!" Peter snapped back angrily. "...sir" he added a few moments later.

"Drop the sir, crap. Talk to me. If you're not a slut, why did you suck eight cocks in a few hours' time this morning?"

"I've never sucked a cock before in my life ... until the pledge test," Peter said.

Tom's jaw dropped. He remembered the incredible blowjob the kid had given him. Hell, Peter's blowjobs were all anybody was talking about today. Aside, maybe, from the face-fuck that David took from Josh, Peter was giving the best head in the room. That was partly what upset Tom. He knew that all of the seniors were going to be trying to get a blowjob from his little brother . . . and once word got out to the juniors and sophomores, they were going to want a piece of him as well. Tom was definitely going to have his hands full keeping the LeaDR's out of Peter's throat. "Get out of here. You suck cock too good. You must have done it lots before."

"Nope. Never."

Tom almost wanted to laugh. "But you're a born cocksucker!"

"Apparently so," Peter admitted, smiling a little for the first time since the conversation started. "See, my family is, um, well, very conservative. Hell, who am I kidding? They're Nazis. Christian-Nazis. My dad is a preacher a real fire-and-brimstone kind of guy. Every Sunday, he basically stands up and tells us and everyone in the room that we're all sinners and we're going to Hell. According to dad, you can go to Hell for a lot of things. You listen to rock-n-roll music, you go to Hell. You listen to rap music, you go to Hell. You listen to any music other than gospel music, you go to Hell. And you've got to be careful which gospel you listen to because some of those women singing contemporary Christian music wear make-up and blue jeans, and that will also send you to Hell. You watch a Disney movie, you go to Hell. You watch almost anything on television, you go Hell even the educational stuff. Heck, sometimes ESPECIALLY the educational stuff. PBS is a one-way ticket to Hell. You curse, you go to Hell. You disobey your parents, you go to Hell. You have sex out of wedlock, you go to Hell. Actually, I think that if you have sex IN wedlock and enjoy it, you also go to Hell. You read Stephen King books you go to Hell. You read Anne Rice books, you not only go to Hell but the hounds of Hades spend all of eternity gnawing on your testicles"

"You made that up."

"Yeah, I did," Peter grinned. "But I'll bet my dad wouldn't object to it as a fitting punishment for someone who reads about homosexual vampires. The point is, everything is forbidden with my parents. Sports, dancing, music, movies...anything that normal kids do after school, I wasn't allowed to take part in. I had to come straight home and spend the evening doing my homework and reading Bible lessons (which my dad assigned and which frequently dealt with the sins of the flesh and how they would send you straight to Hell). I didn't know anybody. I didn't have friends. I never went on a date. I didn't know anything at all about sex. Well, that's not true. I knew how to jerk myself off. I guess every boy figures that out on his own sooner or later. But I didn't do it too often because I couldn't risk my parents finding the dried cum stains on my sheets or clothes or anything."

"Why didn't you use the bathroom and just clean up with toilet paper and flush it?" Tom asked.

Peter blushed a deep red. "They timed me."


"They timed me in the bathroom. I only had 3 minutes to do whatever had to be done. If I took longer, than for weeks afterward I wasn't allowed to shut the door while I was in the bathroom. I had to poop or pee or whatever with the door open and frequently with my dad watching me. He or mom also watched me whenever I was taking a shower."

"Jesus," Tom whispered. "What a screwed up family."

"Tell me about it. Well, anyway, then I got to high school."

"What happened then?"

"Well, a lot of things. First of all, I found the school library. It was fantastic. There were all these books that I had never seen or even heard of before and I was amazed to read about people who thought and did incredible things without worrying about whether God would strike them down for their actions. The writing itself amazed me, too! I read everything I could get my hands on from Emily Dickinson to Clive Barker. Of course, I had to read them during my study hall in the library. I could never take those books home with me. It was worth it, though. The words were so beautiful. I mean, these people could use words to make you want to go out and live. Up until then, I'd only heard words used to threaten; I'd never seen them used to inspire. I knew right then I wanted to be a writer. So I worked my butt off and got a scholarship to St. Winston's. My parents, of course, told me I would go to Hell if I left home and came to college here."

"But they let you come anyway?"

"Not exactly. I snuck out of the house one morning with a suitcase full of clothes, and a small wad of money I had managed to save up. I was determined to come here."

"To learn more about writing and literature?" Tom asked.

"To learn more about life ... and about guys." Peter sighed. "See, the other thing I discovered in high school was guys. I had to take gym, and after gym class, we all had to take showers. I had never seen another person naked in my life and suddenly I was standing in the middle of all these other guys in a shower room. They were soaping up their nuts and dicks without any embarrassment. They joshed around and laughed. They snapped towels at each other's asses. I was blown away. I wanted to be like them, only, slowly, I realized that maybe I didn't want to be JUST like them. I wanted to do things that maybe they didn't do. I wanted to jerk their cocks off, like I did mine, but somehow I knew that wasn't a good thing to do in the shower room.

"Then, one day, one of the guys started talking about getting a blowjob from one of the girls in school. I had never even heard of such a thing but he described it in pretty good detail. A couple of the guys got boners listening to him and, man, I wanted to give them blowjobs just like the one that girl had given.

"I knew the things I was thinking about were evil, that they were wrong and that I would burn in Hell. But, I mean, sheesh, according to my dad, everything will land you in hell, so I wasn't too concerned about the fact that I liked guys. I just couldn't figure out how to make it happen.

"Then I got here. And you guys put me in a room on my knees and gave me a big collection of cocks and the permission to suck them. Man, I couldn't resist. I couldn't wait any longer. I was in heaven ... well, maybe not my dad's version of heaven!!" Peter and Tom both laughed.

Tom stared at his little brother for a long time, thinking about the story he had just heard. "Peter, do you feel guilty for what you did this morning?"

"No, sir."

"Do you think you'll burn in Hell?"

"I don't know. I've been reading a lot of stuff about religion. I found out there are points of view other than my dad's. And I've always thought, even before I knew I liked guys, that God created me and he made me who I am for a reason."

"Hmmmmm." Tom thought a bit longer. "When you masturbate, Peter, how long does it take you to cum?"

"I can do it less than three minutes," Peter grinned. "Remember I had to play 'Beat the Clock' in the bathroom."

At that moment, there was a loud rap on the door. Tom opened it and, as expected, there was Brock. Behind him were the three pledges who had failed this morning's test along with their big brothers. The pledges all had tear-stained cheeks and red, puffy eyes. The upperclassmen all sported big grins and carried still-warm paddles.

"Have you devised a test for your pledge, brother?" Brock asked.

"Yes, I have." Tom then whispered into Brock's ear. As the message went on, the smile on Brock's face grew wider and wider. Occasionally he glanced over at Peter.

"I like it," Brock said when Tom was finished.

"You'll get the room set up for me and gather the men, then? I've got to grab a few 'props' from up here." Tom asked.

"You got it, ace. Give me about 20 minutes and then bring the guest of honor downstairs to the exhibition room."

With that, Brock was gone and Tom began rummaging around in a dresser drawer. He pulled out leather straps, latex toys and a variety of items that Peter couldn't even begin to guess the purpose of.

Twenty minutes later, Peter and Tom were standing behind a door. Peter was dressed as all pledges should be in his underwear. Tom had shed his shirt but still had his tight jeans and boots on. He was also carrying a bag with all the stuff he had collected upstairs. On the other side of the door, they could hear Brock talking to the chapter house. "Gentlemen, this evening the first of our new pledges will undergo a test of his manhood and worthiness to become a LeaDR. Tom has discussed the test with me and I have deemed it worthy and appropriate for the pledge.

"This morning, our young pledge Peter discovered the joys of man-to-man pleasure for the first time." Brock paused as there were laughs and hoots of disbelief in the audience. "...For the first time," he continued. "And I think we would all agree that he needs no tutoring in the correct way to please his brothers." There was another pause with more laughter and hoots. "What Peter does need to learn, however, is restraint. He must learn to, occasionally, deny himself immediate pleasure in order to enjoy the intense bliss of delayed gratification. Tom has engineered a test which, hopefully, will teach his little brother just that lesson. Enter, gentlemen!"

The door swung open and Tom pushed Peter through it. The young pledge found himself on a small stage facing a room full of LeaDRs. The entire chapter was here, including all the pledges. They sat on the floor by the stage or lounged on sofas and chairs around the room. Peter didn't have long to look around, however, before Brock and Tom grabbed him and roughly pulled him to the center of the stage. While Brock held him in place, Tom grabbed the young blonde's left wrist and yanked it high into the air. He clasped a leather cuff around the wrist and tugged hard on a chain which connected the cuff to the ceiling, pulling out any slack. Peter stared at the cuff in disbelief as Tom did the same thing to his right wrist. "Holy crap!" thought Peter. "What the heck is going on, here?"

Brock then kicked the inside of Peter's legs, spreading them wide. The pledge looked down to see his Big Brother locking the boy's ankles into a set of steel cuffs screwed to the floor of the stage. The fear was rising inside Peter. He wasn't sure he was ready for this and he wanted to scream out.

Then, Tom was standing in front of him. The big, handsome senior leaned forward and gave Peter a gentle kiss on the lips. "Trust me little brother," he whispered. "It won't hurt ... too much ... and you'll be very happy afterwards."

Peter calmed down. He saw Brock leave the stage and settle onto a love seat next to Scott. Then, he felt Tom's hands grabbing the waistband of his white jockeys. A sharp, hard tug and the stud had ripped the shorts away from the boy's hips. Peter was naked and suspended in front of the entire chapter. His smooth chest heaved as his breath grew deep in fear and excitement. His tiny, brown nipples stood up tall in the open air.

Tom remained silent as he knelt in front of Peter. He grasped the boy's cock in his large, calloused hand and slowly stroked it up and down. "Oooooooh yes!" Peter moaned as he thrust his hips forward. In only a few strokes, Peter's tool maxed out at six hard inches and was leaking precum. Tom stopped the hand job and the boy moaned in disappointment. Tom ignored him, though, and pulled one of the leather cords from his bag and began to wrap it around and around the young man's turgid cock. The head flared and turned from red to purple as the cord wound higher and higher, tighter and tighter. Tom drew on his rope-handling knowledge to tie a quick knot in the cord and trap Peter's cock in the leather bindings.

Tom then grabbed a second cord in his right hand and his little brother's tender balls in his left. The nuts looked so pink and hairless, though Tom could feel the dusting of blond fuzz covering them. He circled his fingers tightly just above the pledge's balls and gave a quick, sharp tug down. Peter lurched from the unexpected assault on his testicles and groaned. Tom gave another sharp pull. He then tied the second leather cord around Peter's sack, near the base of his cock. Slowly, methodically, he wound the cord around and around the boy's pouch, working his way lower with each wrapping. Peter was whimpering and sweat broke out on his brow as he felt his balls being pushed lower and lower. Tom was patient and continued to work on stretching the pledge's nuts as far as possible. He was still a few inches shy of the boy's knees when he had to admit he had gone as far as possible. He tied off the cord.

Tom then grabbed a half-pound weight from his bag. The weight was connected to a little hook. "This is to keep your balls from trying to snap back into place," Tom said as he held the weight in front of Peter's confused face. Tom then hooked the weight onto the leather cord on the boy's balls and dropped it. "OOWWWWWW!!" Peter cried out and several guys in the audience winced as the young pledge's balls were snapped down another inch or two by the dropping weight.

"The purpose of these cords and the weight is not to torture you," Tom said to his little brother. "They are meant to keep you from cumming. We have pretty effectively sealed off the tubes connecting your testicles to your cock."

"Sir, yes sir," Peter answered in a small, miserable voice.

"Of course, I don't imagine you're in the mood to cum right now anyway, are you pledge?"

"Sir, no sir."

"Well, that's what this is for," Tom said, holding up a large vibrator.

Peter's eyes bulged. The plastic cock was eight inches long and looked awfully thick. Peter had never been fucked by anything, but he knew instinctively and dreadfully that his Big Brother intended to shove that latex dick up his ass.

With little ceremony, Tom greased up the vibrator and his little brother's tight hole. Silently, Tom regretted that the toy would have the honor of breaking open this young stud's ass, but he knew this test was an important lesson for the boy and Tom would just have to settle for being Peter's first live fuck later on. "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do," he silently told himself as he slid the plastic prick home.

"OOOOOOOWWWWW!!! AAAAH!" Peter moaned as his cherry butt was violated for the first time. The vibrator was hard and unyielding. With the force of Tom's strong arm backing it up and propelling it on its journey, the cock shoved forward relentlessly. "OOOOOOOOH!" Tom had almost the entire thing up Peter's ass. Only an inch or so remained outside just enough for Tom to reach the controls. He gave the base a twist and the plastic in Peter's shit-chute started to hum.

"OH MY GOD! OH HOLY FUCK!!!!" Peter cried out as his bowels began to vibrate. His cock jumped and twitched in front of him. His mind swam with intense sensation as his entire body began to tingle. He could feel the electric hum from his asshole to his toes up to his ears. "OOOH YES! MORE! I'm gonna cum Tom, sir. Oh sir, I'm gonna cum, SIR!!!!!!!"

"I don't think so," Tom said quietly.

It was true. Though Peter's balls danced and jerked and fought valiantly to work their way up to the base of his dick, the bindings held them firmly in place. Peter's entire body wanted to blast a load, but Tom's handy work with the leather cords kept it from happening. Meanwhile, the vibrator continued to buzz away in Peter's ass. Tom was good at his work and he had managed to line the toy up with Peter's prostate. The thing was buzzing away on the pledge's magic button and Peter thought his head would explode from the intense pleasure that was sweeping over him.

"OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!! SIR, PLEASE SIR, LET ME CUM!!! PLEASE!!" Peter was almost crying.

"Peter. PETER!" Tom spoke quietly but firmly into his little brother's ear. "Look out at the audience. You're putting on quite a show, I guess."

Peter opened his eyes and was stunned and further stimulated by the sight before him. An orgy had broken out in the room. Hard bodied college men LeaDRs were fucking themselves silly on every available surface and in every imaginable combination.

"Look over there," Tom whispered in Peter's ear, pointing to a grouping over by the couch.

"Jesus Randy has a big, thick cock," David thought as he stretched his mouth wide over the fratcock in front of him. "How in the world does a sophomore get such a big meat . . . and so much hair?" David's face was buried against the theatre major's hard, furry tummy. The scent of man musk and sweat drove him on and he buried more of that male meat in his throat. He ran his hands over the thick, brown fur covering Randy's chest and sighed . . . or at least he would have sighed, if his mouth hadn't been plugged with cock.

All around the room, pledges and upperclassmen were engaged in similar activities. The sounds of mouths slurping and suctioning on hard greek cock were accompanied by the steady slap, slap, slap of some Big Brothers' hips ramming steadily against a tight pair of pledge ass cheeks. Above it all, the moans and lusty cursing of horny young men fucking themselves delirious filled the air.

"MMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHHHHHPMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOO!!!!!" David moaned as Josh, the fraternity president and David's Big Brother, rammed his long, hard cock up the pledge's tight ass. Now David was getting fucked from both ends. Randy's big hands clamped onto the side of his head as the horny sophomore started power-driving his beer-can thick cock in and out of David's throat. David's eyes watered. His nose watered. His entire face felt stretched beyond his endurance as that big, hard cock ploughed in and out of his throat. "Take that cock, pledge-boy. Yeah, show your horny brother how a LeaDR sucks cock! Yeah! Take it all down, boy. Good boy."

David just moaned as Randy's horny words drove him on and on. "Your Big Brother likes seeing you suck on my hard cock, don't you Josh?"

"Sure do!" Josh answered as his cock made a particularly brutal lunge into David's bowels. "Oh fuck. Nothing like watching your little brother getting cock-stuffed from both ends especially if you're the one plugging his tight little ass and your lover is the one plugging his mouth. Oooooooooooooh!"

David began to writhe back and forth between the two hard cocks. Thrusting forward to take Randy's fat fratdick down his throat, then pulling back hard to feel Josh's long, thin snake grate over his prostate. The young pledge was in cock heaven and he moaned happily around Randy's mouth-plugger.

It seemed impossible, but Randy's cock was actually swelling thicker. David knew the stud was going to shoot and he could hardly wait to see what kind of load a rocket like that would fire. Randy's pace picked up, as did Josh's, and both men were ramming harder and harder against David's body. The pledge was no longer controlling any of the action; he simply knelt between his brothers with both holes opened as he was fucked thoroughly.



Eventually, their voices blended in a loud and sustained shout as their cream unloaded and coated David fore and aft. Randy's load had indeed been huge. David swallowed as much as he could as the fat cannon in his mouth fired shot after shot. Eventually, his throat could take no more and still Randy's cock was spurting cum. It seemed impossible that any one man's balls could hold so much cum, but Randy continued to shoot huge, thick ropy wads of cum, moaning and cursing above David. Drowning in cum, David coughed and gagged. Cum shot out his nose as he coughed and Randy's cock popped out of his mouth. It continued to spray and the last three shots landed on the young man's face.

Behind him, Josh was shooting an only-slightly-less-impressive load up David's ass. The warm cum up his ass felt soothing after the hard fuck the boy's hole had endured. David tried to hold that cum in his chute, but as Josh's long prick slid out, some of the cum followed and dripped down the insides of the boy's thighs.

Covered in cum, David flipped over onto his back. His head cradled against Randy's abs as he looked into the eyes of his fraternity president and Big Brother and beat his own meat frantically. It didn't take long before David's load sprayed out and covered his chest and abs.

"OOH! MAN THAT'S SO HOT!!!" Peter moaned in ecstatic pain as the visual stimulation before him fed the physical stimulation his rear was receiving. His cock head and balls were a deep, dark shade of purple as the need to cum had his body in turmoil.

Tom stood behind his little brother, his arms wrapped around the horny young pledge, massaging his pecs and playing with the boy's pert nipples. Peter could feel the black hair of Tom's chest tickling his back. The cowboy stud's deep voice was both calming and exciting to the young man. "Hold on there, partner. You're going to be fine. You're going to be better than fine. You're going to feel so fucking fantastic when you finally blow your wad. Just trust your Big Brother, buddy. Enjoy yourself. Oh yeah.....Holy hell man, look over there. Look what Alec's doing to Kurt..."

Alec was on his knees behind Kurt. He couldn't help but gasp as he finally got the chance to pry open the young stud's ass cheeks and get a peek at the clean, pink pucker hidden inside. "Oh yeah," he whispered. The young man's ass was as perfect as Alec had hoped. To most people on campus, Alec was a shy, but attractive young man who worked hard at his studies. True, Alec was a very good student, but he was hardly shy, as any of the LeaDR's could tell you. Alec was the nastiest ass-man in the frat and he had been lusting over Kurt's round, firm pledge-butt since he first saw it.

Alec stuck his tongue out and hungrily plunged it into Kurt's asshole. "Mmmmmmmph" he moaned as he shoved his tongue deeper and deeper. The hole tasted like Ivory soap and sweat with just a buttery hint of musk. Alec shoved those round asscheeks wider open and continued his assault.

"SIR! OOOH YES SIR! EAT MY ASS SIR! EAT THAT HOT FRESHMAN ASS! SIR! OOOOOOH SIR!" Kurt moaned as his shoulders collapsed onto the coffee table and his green eyes shut tight in pleasure.

As suddenly as it had begun, the tongue disappeared from his asshole and Kurt looked back over his shoulder to see his Big Brother standing above him, panting, with spit and ass juice coating his face. Alec's eyes had a strange and dangerous gleam. Kurt thought he looked like a man posessed ... or a man inspired.

Alec reached down under the table and brought out a dildo that was so long it was almost comical. The thing was 18" long and Kurt wanted to laugh except for the fear that Alec was going to shove that entire thing up his ass. Then, he realized the dildo had a head at each end. "You gonna share that thing, Big Brother?" Kurt said with a wicked grin.

Alec returned the grin. "I knew you were the right little brother for me. Get up on the table, boy! On your hands and knees!"

"Sir, yes sir!" Kurt soon felt the dildo pressed against his ass. "Oooooooh" he moaned as the dong snaked its way up his shitter. "OOOOH, sir! YES, pump that whole damn thing up my tight freshman boycunt! YES SIR! OOOOH!"

"TAKE IT BOY! Take that dildo deep! Take your share, little brother!" Alec commanded as he shoved the dildo halfway up his brother's ass. When the plastic pecker was buried inside Kurt, Alec climbed up on the table behind his little brother and shoved the other end of the dong into his own ass. "Slowly, now...come on...slowly work it back and up into me."

The boys worked like a well-oiled machine literally. With little effort they were soon ass cheek-to-ass cheek on the coffee table and moaning with pleasure as they both got butt-stuffed. "OK now, FUCK!" Alec yelled out.

"Sir, yes SIR!" Kurt barked as the two horny fratboys began slamming their asses back and forth against one another. Several guys stopped what they were doing to cheer the two on and watch as the rhythmic slapping of two hot male asses slamming into each other filled the room.



Cheers were breaking out in the room. Guys were circling around the table and chanting, urging on the horny dildo masters. Naturally, with such a hot spectacle going on and so many horny young studs standing around naked, hands started caressing hard cocks in no time at all. Pretty soon, all the guys were standing around in a big circle-jerk as Kurt and Alec rode back and forth on the two-headed cock.

"OH YEAH! Look at all these horny stud brothers getting turned on, Kurt!"

"I see them Big Brother. Think they're going to shoot their hot cum loads all over our bodies?" the pledge answered between pants and grunts of pleasure.


Carter, the red-haired pledge, was the first one to shoot his wad. The first blast arced through the air and landed with a wet, loud SPLAT on Kurt's shoulder. A second and third jet followed and trailed across Kurt's tan, muscular back. Soon other LeaDR brothers were following suit and cum was spilling out all over Kurt and Alec. The two were practically drenched in hot, pearly, mancum. It dripped from their hair, pooled on their backs and hung in heavy globs on their faces.


"Yes, boy?"


"ME TOOO!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, a hand (no one was ever sure whose) grabbed the back of Carter's head and shoved the pledge's face in front of Alec's cock. The senior's load exploded all over the freshman's cute little face. Carter was coated in cum. Back at the other end of the table, someone had done the same to Travis and he had taken Kurt's big load all over his horny jock face. Cum dripped off of Travis' goatee and coated his face.

The room broke out in applause and cheers and horny whoops of self-congratulation. Then, a moan from the front of the room reminded them why they had all gathered for this orgy.


Frankly, after watching the cum-drenched orgy his frat brothers had just staged, Tom didn't think he could stand much more either. Without saying a word, he stepped in front of his little brother. He removed the weight from the boy's balls and untied the cord holding the pledge's sperm-nuts down. He then proceeded to remove the cord from Peter's cock. The kid's prick was more swollen and angry-looking than any Tom had ever seen. Tom reached behind Peter and pulled the vibrator out of the boy's ass with a quick tug.

"UUUNGH! Sir, thank you sir!" Peter yelped.

"Hold on boy. There's one more step before this test is finished."

"Sir, what's that sir?

Tom, still on his knees, leaned forward and swallowed Peter's cock into his throat in one lunge. Peter felt the warm caress of his Big Brother's throat around his sensitive cock-head. He felt Tom's mustache against his own sparse pubic hair. He felt the incredible warmth of another man's mouth for the first time in his life .... and he EXPLODED!

Cum gushed out of his cock. His mind felt like it was melting from the sensual fireworks blasting off in his head. His balls danced. His body spasmed. He jerked and shook against the chains holding him upright on the stage. His cock fired blast after blast of virgin college cum down Tom's throat and the hot senior cowboy cocksucker took every drop.

When his orgasm had finished and it looked as if Peter was once again inhabiting his own body, Tom looked up and smiled. "Now, do you see the value of delaying gratification? Of waiting for the right moment to make your move?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Peter grinned. Then he passed out on the chains.

Many, many hours later, the young pledge woke up in his Big Brother's bed with Tom snuggled up behind him. "How you doing?" Tom asked quietly, his hand stroking the firm, smooth flesh of Peter's chest.

"Better than ever. Did I pass my test?"

"With flying colors, ace."

Peter grinned and snuggled back against Tom's hard, hairy chest. He felt the senior's arms encircle him as the two drifted back to sleep. Peter knew then that despite what his father preached, he was definitely in heaven.

There's more LDR House action in Chapter 5.

Next: Chapter 5

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