Leadr House

By moc.loa@htroNoehT

Published on Aug 2, 1998


WARNING: The following is a work of fiction containing (hopefully) graphic descriptions of sex between any number of willing men. If this sort of material offends you, you shouldn't be reading it. If you are too young to read this sort of material, you shouldn't be reading it. If however, you are of age and you're sitting in your dorm room and no one else is around and you can't figure out why you get a hard-on every time your best buddy drops his shorts and heads to the shower...read on my friend.

This story is fictional. Any similarities between the men in this story and the men that you know are purely coincidental, although the author wouldn't mind hearing about them himself.

Comments may be sent to TheoNorth@aol.com

Constructive criticism will be accepted. Praise will be absorbed. Flames will be ignored.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Marc Tremaine for letting me "borrow" the character of Rob Lawrence for this chapter of LeaDR House. (Rob appears in chapters 2 & 3 of Marc's excellent "Hard-On Family" stories.) The use of Rob in this story is meant as a tribute to Marc who has encouraged my writing and, with his insightful comments, made it better. Thanks, buddy.

Now, without further ado . . .


by Theo North

Chapter 7

in which Carter takes a piss ...

in his face....and on his chest...and...

The clock embedded in the wall said midnight.

Naked, stinking, kneeling on the dirty tile floor, chained to the urinal, Carter cringed in fear for the first time tonight. So far his pledge test had been going well, but things, he feared, were about to turn ugly. The group of drunken high school jocks in front of him looked understandably surprised to see a naked man chained up in the rest stop's bathroom. Once the shock wore off, though, Carter was afraid things might turn into a good ol' fashioned fag-bashing, and he wasn't really in a position to protect himself.

Dressed only in his boxer shorts, Carter had been driven to this rest stop along the interstate by his Big Brother, Sam, and by Brock, the pledgemaster. Sam had said the purpose of the test was to cure Carter of his obsessive neatness, to encourage him to relax and enjoy a bit of raunch. Carter suspected that was a crock of shit and that the true purpose of the test was to see a bunch of guys using the freshman as a public toilet. The two senior frat brothers had stripped Carter of his boxers, handcuffed him to a urinal and set up a secret video camera high in a corner of the room. The camera was focused on Carter and would catch any action involving the young man.

Then, Sam and Brock had left. That was 11 p.m. and Carter was left alone and naked in the men's room. In the hour that had passed, Carter had been thoroughly face-fucked by two different guys -- a businessman in a suit and tie, and a clean-cut 30-something stud wearing a polo shirt, jeans, sneakers and a wedding ring. Carter was just positive that, after the blowjob, the guy climbed into an AstroVan with his wife and kids and continued on their vacation to wherever they were going.

In addition to the suck-jobs, Carter had been pissed on by more guys than he could count. He was a bit surprised that everyone -- old men, young guys, macho studs, businessmen, nerds, party boys -- everyone seemed to think that if a guy was handcuffed to the urinal the first thing to do was piss all over him. No one seemed concerned enough to offer to help Carter get free -- not that he would have let them, if they did. This was Carter's test and he was determined to pass. No damn good Samaritan was going to stop him from becoming a LeaDR.

Now, though, he wondered if maybe he should have tried to get out earlier. The group of five teenagers in front of him were slowly beginning to pick their jaws up off the floor.

"Holy fuck..." said one of the guys, a long-limbed boy whose letter jacket showed he was on the basketball team.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" asked a blonde kid with a wisp of a mustache on his upper lip and a can of Budweiser in his hand.

"L-l-l-look guys, um, it's cool. Just, um, kind of ignore this, ok?"

"DUDE! You're naked and handcuffed to the fuckin' toilet! That's hard to ignore!" said the blonde.

"What's your name?" asked Carter, hoping he could get these guys to talk a bit and calm down before they started beating the shit out of him.


"OK, listen Steve. I'm a freshman over at St. Winston's. I'm a normal, guy, ok? Just like you guys. I was on the wrestling team in high school, got my own letter jacket, just like you. The thing is, some of my fraternity brothers tied me up in here as a test to make it into the fraternity. Do me a favor, huh? And just ignore this and don't tell anybody? If I can make it until sunrise, the guys will come back and get me and I'll be a member, so don't fuck it up for me, ok? I'll bet next year some of you guys will be in the same predicament at a college somewhere."

"Fuck that!" said one of the guys. "Hell if I let anybody tie me up in the john." "No WAY!" chimed in the others. Deep down, though, they all knew they would do the same thing as Carter. Each of them harbored a desperate need to be "one of the guys." That's what these weekend excursions of drinking and driving and carrying on with their jock friends were all about.

It was Steve, again, who spoke to Carter and gave him the group's ok. "Ummmm. Well dude, if you're sure ..."

"Listen man, this guy can do whatever he wants, but I gotta piss!" shouted one of the other jocks, a big kid with a letter jacket proclaiming he was a senior on the football team. The jock sidled up to the urinal to the left of Carter's head -- the one he was cuffed to -- and popped the buttons on his fly. He grinned down at Carter. "Hope you don't mind, dude. Course, I bet you've seen a few guys piss already tonight," the kid laughed as he let loose with his stream into the urinal.

Carter was just happy the kid was too dumb to think of pissing on him.

"Dude?" asked Steve. "How come you're naked?"

"I don't know," answered Carter, blushing. What was he supposed to say? To make it easier for guys to fuck me?

"JESUS! This guy stinks!" shouted the pissing football player. "Man! At first I thought it was the urinal, but I flushed it and it still smells over here! Smells like PISS!"

All five of the guys stared at Carter again, who blushed deeper.

"Dude? Are guys pissing on you?" asked Steve with genuine awe in his voice.

"Um, yeah ... some of them," Carter answered, hanging his head.

The room was silent except for the sound of wheels turning madly in the drunken heads of five high school jocks. Then, the football player at the urinal pivoted to the right and his piss caught Carter full in the face. His buddies immediately began to whoop and shout encouragement as the big stud showered Carter with beer piss.

"WHOOOOOO! YEAH! Piss on him Brent! YEAH! WHOOOOOOO!" came the shouts from the other guys. Then came the shouts of "ME NEXT!" "DAMN! I gotta piss, too!"

Before Carter knew it, all five of the high school studs had unleashed their cocks and were standing around him in a semi-circle. The big kid, whose name must have been Brent, seemed to have a limitless supply of piss. Soon the other kids started adding their flow; Carter leaned back on his haunches and enjoyed the feel of warm piss pouring over his body.

He was amazed at the assortment of thick, handsome cocks in front of him. The five studs all had some pretty amazing meat hanging on them. Carter had to remind himself that he was only a few months out of high school himself, so it wasn't like he was that much older than these guys. Still, after a couple of months of sucking on college cock, he tended to think of high school students as "boys" instead of men. He started doing a quick re-evaluation.

The football player had a thick cock. The kid needed his whole hand to heft the piece of meat as he directed his golden flow over Carter's chest. Carter watched that pissing meat with quiet admiration. As he looked up and around at the other guys, he saw that most of them were all staring down at Carter, watching their piss bounce off his tight, jock body. His blonde buddy Steve, though, had his eyes cast off to the side. Carter followed the trail of Steve's eyes and saw that the kid was staring at the football player's thick cock. "Ah, a kindred spirit," thought Carter.

The kid glanced away from the jock's dick and caught Carter's eye. Carter winked at him and the kid blushed seven shades of red.

The five young men were finishing up and Carter found himself soaked in piss. "Damn," he thought, "these high school kids must have been drinking a hell of a lot of beer!" The acrid, yellow fluid dripped from his hair, down his face, and onto his shoulders. He could smell it under his nose, taste it on his lips. The piss tickled as it ran through the red hairs on his legs. It seemed to coat every square inch of the college freshman, and yet there was still plenty left over to form a stinking, rapidly cooling pool on the tile floor which Carter had no choice but to sit and soak in.

"Hey!" said the big football player with an evil leer. "You think this guy sucks cock?"

"OH CRAP!" thought Carter. As much as part of him would have loved to wrap his mouth around the ball player's big meat, he knew he did not want to wind up servicing these five kids. Carter knew the mentality of young jocks like these. They would all have a great time shoving their dicks down his throat, then, afterward, they would beat him to a bloody pulp to prove that they weren't fags. "NO!" Carter shouter. "NO WAY! I don't suck, man! You can piss all over me and I'll take it but I'm no cocksucker!" Carter twisted and yanked against the handcuffs. He knew he couldn't get away, but maybe if he put up enough of a fight, these kids would be convinced and go away.

"Fuck, Brent. You don't want no fag mouth on your cock, do you? C'mon, let's go get some more beer and find some girls. Let's get some real pussy." Carter looked up to see who had spoken. It was Steve, the blonde kid. The other three boys all chimed in, agreeing that it was time to move on and keep the night going. Brent tucked his cock back in his pants and, amid much laughter and back-slapping, the young men left the restroom. Steve hung back, standing in front of Carter after the other boys had left.

"Thanks," Carter whispered.

"It's ok. They would have beat you up, you know. I didn't want them to do that," he said. Steve paused, staring at his feet and summoning up his courage. "Are you gay? I mean, do you like to suck cock? I mean...um...well, I saw you looking at Brent's cock and...." Steve blushed bright red.

Carter watched the kid fumble for words, trying to decide if this was a trap or a cry for help. He decided to take his chances and hope the kid was looking for someone to talk to. "Yeah, I've made it with some guys."

"Wow...I never ever knew any other jocks who liked guys," Steve said. "Man, that's cool. Are there lots of guys like us in college?"

Carter just grinned. "Steve, buddy, you're going to have the time of your life in college. I guarantee it!"

"Cool!" said Steve, a grin spreading across his youthful face. Just then, a car horn honked outside. "I gotta run. Are you going to be OK here?"

"I'm fine. Get your cute little ass outta here before those Neanderthals come back looking for you," Carter said.

"You really think it's cute?" Steve asked with a smile. "Cool!" Then he was out the door.

Carter leaned back against the tile wall and waited ...

2 a.m.

Carter had actually managed to fall asleep for a little while. He'd had five, maybe six, guys come in since the high school kids left. He lost count. No one used the urinals anymore; they all pissed on Carter. The five kids had left so much urine all over him and the floor that now there was absolutely no mistaking how the fratboy was to be used.

The door swung open and its creaking hinges woke Carter. He looked up to see a large, stoutly-built man in a flannel shirt and oil-stained jeans approaching him. From the Peterbilt hat on his head and the big belt buckle shaped like an 18-wheeler, Carter guessed he was a truck driver.

"All right! I heard there was a toilet boy in here tonight," the man said.

Carter stared at the man dumbfounded. "What?"

"You, man! You're the toilet boy! Didn't you wonder why everyone was pissing on you?" the man laughed.

"No, I got that part. What do you mean you heard I was here?"

"Buddy of mine put word out on the CB. Said there was a hot looking toilet boy at stop 47-A." the man said. "He also said you give good head," he added with a leer.

Carter blushed and grinned. So word was out on the CB, huh? That meant he was probably going to be busy servicing trucker meat the rest of the night. Better get started, he thought. Carter opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and gave it an obscene wag.

The man laughed. "Damn, boy. You're pretty aggressive for a kid chained to a urinal!"

The big trucker quickly unfastened his belt buckle and lowered his zipper. Carter watched as he hauled out an impressively thick, 8-inch cock. It was rock-hard. The wide head was an angry shade of red and Carter could see the blue veins that ran up and down the shaft pulse with the rapid flow of blood through the trucker's meat.

"This thing has been hard and achin' for 50 miles, boy, and I've been spitting out precum since I walked into this john. Now, I gotta schedule to keep and by the looks of you, I'd say you've been warmed up by several dudes already tonight, so I reckon we can skip over the foreplay."

"Give me your cock, man. You can deliver your big load right here, buddy," Carter said.

The man grabbed a handful of Carter's red hair and lowered the fratboy's mouth down onto his aching meat. "GAWD DAMN that feels so good," the trucker moaned.

Carter gave a moan himself as he felt the fat dick stretching his lips, filling his mouth, and opening up his throat. Carter strained to relax his muscles as the big man face-fucked him. He could feel the big rough hands, holding his head in place and preventing escape as the trucker banged his hips into Carter's face over and over. The thick, black, wiry pubes ground into Carter's lips and tickled his nose with each downstroke. As the cock pulled out, the vacuum it created caused saliva to swirl in the young man's mouth. Carter was snorting and puffing, trying to breathe through his nose. Every now and then he would gag and cough, causing him to break the mouth seal he had on the dick and a spray of spit and precum would fly out. Each time it happened, the big hands would lock onto the back of Carter's head and the young jock had no choice but to wrap his lips back around the thick meat in front of him.

The trucker was lost in total bliss. He'd had lots of head on the road. You could almost always find a cocksucker in these rest stops at night. And, of course, there were the whores who worked the parking lots at the truck stops, trading ass and mouth for money or rides. He wasn't much into the whores, though. And while he enjoyed the services of many fine mouths in the rest stops, the guys were usually older, or closeted, or cruising the johns after striking out in the bars. In short, it had been a long time since he had seen a hot-looking, cock-loving, college stud like the red-haired cutie currently inhaling his dick. The kid had a great mouth. The trucker could feel the jock's lips working every nerve ending in his prick. The big head rolled back and forth across the kid's tongue. With each downstroke, he would push his way into the tight little opening of the fratboy's throat, and when he felt those throat muscles tighten on his meat....STARS man! The trucker saw fuckin' stars!

"OOOOOOHH.....DAMN kid, you are a fuckin' hot suck boy!" the trucker moaned.

"mmmppphjhhhrrg," Carter replied around the meat stuffed in his face.

The trucker was power-slamming his cock in and out of Carter, now. His hips were beating a steadily increasing rhythm against the young man's face. His cock was growing thicker and harder. His balls were drawing up tighter and tighter. Carter knew the man would come soon, and just hoped he would do it before his hipbone broke Carter's nose!

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKK!!!" the trucker screamed as his ball-juice splashed down the kid's throat. Carter eased the cockhead out of his throat and into his mouth so that he could taste the big stud's white cream. "Mmmmmmmmmmm," Carter purred.

The big man stood there, one hand braced on the tile wall behind the urinals to hold him upright, the other hand still locking Carter's mouth to his cock. "Oooh man. Damn boy, you suck a mean cock."

Carter just nuzzled the big man's dick in response.

"Hold still buddy. I'm not quite done here," the trucker said. Carter waited, his big green eyes staring up at the trucker as he waited for his second course. He knew what was coming.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," the trucker sighed as he fed his piss directly into Carter's mouth. Carter felt the warm fluid pour down his throat and fill his stomach. He tasted the salty piss and sucked and swallowed...sucked and swallowed...until the truck driver's bladder was empty.

"Thanks, boy," the big man said as he zipped up. "I don't know which I needed more, the blowjob or the piss!" the man said.

Carter just grinned as the trucker left the rest stop.

2:40 a.m.

The trucker had been gone for about 20 minutes, but his piss was still rumbling around in Carter's gut. The fratboy's bladder felt stretched to endurance. He fought to hold his own piss inside. Then he looked at the puddles on the floor around him. He took a deep whiff of the drying piss on his body, and he laughed at himself for struggling to hold his bladder despite the pain it was causing him. Maybe the guys at the frathouse were right. Maybe Carter WAS a neat-freak. He let his piss go and sighed deeply as the warm liquid splashed out onto his legs and the floor.

3:10 a.m.

The bathroom door creaked open and Carter looked up to see a young man standing before him on unsteady legs. He did a double-take as he realized the kid was Steve, the blonde cutie from earlier in the evening with the letter jacket in wrestling, the thin moustache and the eye for cock.

"Come back to see me again, huh?" Carter asked.

"Yep!" the boy said, a little loudly. It was obvious that he'd had a few more beers since his last visit.

Carter remembered the earlier encounter and wondered if he was about to receive the bashing he'd avoided then. "Umm, where are you friends at, buddy?"

"Got rid of 'em! They all wen' home. After they dropped me off, I got in my car an' came back. Knew you'd still be here," Steve said as he gave a jingle to the handcuffs on Carter's wrist.

"Why'd you come back?" Carter said, "innocently" spreading his legs as he sat on the floor.

"Cause I been thinking 'bout your cock since I left!" Steve said.


"YEAH!" And with that, Steve dropped to the floor, lying on his stomach in the pool of piss, his mouth in Carter's lap as he inhaled the college boy's cock.

"DAMN! Slow down, buddy! Take it easy.....OH.....YEAH......you're good...good." And indeed it did feel good. Carter had been servicing cock all night, but no one had a made a move for his meat. The young mouth slurped and slobbered over Carter's cock. The kid drooled and sucked, plunging his face down over and over again. Whenever he gagged, he just took a deep breath and pushed himself onward. He wasn't the most experienced mouth Carter had felt, but he made up for it with his total desire.

"YEAH....play with my balls, kid.....mmmmmmmm just like that, yeah. Pull on the hairs..AAAH! LIGHTLY...LIGHTLY!!! Ooooooh, yeah....that's it....you got it," Carter instructed as he leaned his head back against the tiles and enjoyed the young man's blowjob.

Carter's cock was getting thicker and longer. It swelled within Steve's mouth and the boy moaned and groaned with complete joy as he sucked his first cock. Steve had waited so long for a chance to get it on with another dude ... he could hardly believe his luck earlier in the night when he and his buddies stumbled onto the hot, naked, college jock. When Steve realized that Carter was into cock, he knew his dreams were finally going to come true.

He pulled his mouth off of Carter's dick and stroked it, watching his hand slide up and down over the meaty shaft, watching his spit and Carter's precum dripping down and coating his hand. Steve was mesmerized by the beautiful prick in his hand. He wanted to suck it more ... he wanted to pull the balls into his mouth and taste them ... he wanted to do so much -- all of the things he had dreamed of for years in the dark, solitude of his room.

Steve said nothing as he got up and placed one foot on either side of Carter's supine body. He held the frat cock in his hand as he lowered his rear over it.

"What are you doing?" Carter asked, though he KNEW the answer, of course.

"I gotta feel that cock inside me, dude," Steve said.

"Kid, you ever been fucked before?"


"You can't just slide that thing up your dry, virgin ass. You'll tear yourself to bits," Carter said. The look in Steve's eyes was almost comical -- devastated and desperate and determined, all at once. The kid was SO close to making his dreams come true, he refused to believe it couldn't happen.

Carter smiled. "Stand up and turn around," he said. Steve did as instructed. "Now back up so you're right in my face," Carter said. Again, Steve responded. "OK, now bend over."

Steve did and was immediately stunned and delighted to feel Carter's tongue inching into his hot, teen-age ass. "OOOoooooooh! Fuck! What are you doing?"

"This is called rimming," Carter said. "Basically, I'm fucking you with my tongue."

"Ooooh MAN! That feels so NASTY!" Steve moaned as he shoved his ass back into Carter's face. "YEAH! Oh fuck yeah! You're making me so horny!"

Carter laughed, "You were horny when you came in here!"

"Yeah? Well you're making me MORE horny!" Steve laughed as well.

Carter continued to drill his tongue in and out of Steve's hole and began talking raunch to the boy. "You like that, dude? Huh? You like my tongue up your hot little high school ass? Huh?"

"Oh god, yesssssssssssssssssss," the boy hissed.

"Yeah, getting that tight, tight, virgin ass all spit-slick so I can shove my big ol' college-boy cock up your hole. You want that don't you? You want to get fucked good and hard by a college stud?"

"YES! OH YES! DO IT! PLEASE....FUCK ME....I need cock, dude! PLEASE!" Steve was in a frenzy. He was riding his ass up and down over Carter's face, grinding into the redhead and smothering him, shoving his hole back against the invading tongue. With his snout buried in young teen ass, Carter obviously couldn't see Steve's face, but in his mind's eye, the boy was frothing at the mouth.

"You ready to get fucked, now, jock-boy?" Carter asked.


"Then get your ass onto my meat!" Carter demanded.

Steve quickly pivoted and was squatting over Carter again. He held Carter's prick in his right hand and lined it up with his hole. He began to sit down, leaning back, and Carter could feel the tip of his cock touch the boy's pucker. Steve paused and a look of uncertainty filled his eyes.

"You can do it," Carter said gently. "Just take a deep breath and push down, like you're trying to shit. Then slide down..."

Steve did as he was told, taking several deep breaths. Carter saw the boy close his eyes as he tried to relax. As he slid back and the fratboy's cock slipped inside the first ring of the blonde's tight little hole, Steve's eyes shot wide open with a look of absolute pain. The boy gasped.

"BREATHE! Remember to take deep breaths and relax," Carter urged. "It's going to hurt at first. Just go slow and you'll get used to it." Carter was actually a little surprised to find himself playing coach to this virgin. He had been with some guys before, sure, but he was hardly an expert. Maybe it was instinct, he thought. Maybe all men just naturally know how to coach a virgin boy onto their cocks. At any rate, he continued to instruct Steve, and praise the young man's efforts in a soft, gentle voice. Eventually, with a loud and satisfied groan, Steve found himself sitting in Carter's lap, his asshole snug against the red pubes.

"Now, when you're ready, start to ride it," Carter said.

"O ... O ... OK," Steve said between panting breaths. Slowly the kid began to slide his ass up the length of Carter's cock. He whimpered as he pressed himself higher, feeling the meat slide slowly out of his chute. Then, with a deep grunt he dropped himself back onto Carter's lap and felt his ass filled once more. When he returned to the bottom, he looked into Carter's eyes and smiled.

"Yeah?" Carter asked.

"YEAH!" Steve responded with a nasty grin as he started moving up again. The kid was really getting into his first ass-fucking now and was bouncing up and down on Carter's cock. The sounds of his own grunts and moans echoing off the tile walls of the restroom made Steve almost as hot as the cock up his ass. "YEAH man! You got a fucking hot cock, dude. Feels so good sliding in and out of my virgin ass. Ooooooooooooooooh!"

Carter was pleasantly amazed at the enthusiasm Steve showed in his first fuck. The young stud planted his palms on Carter's chest for balance as his ass continued to beat furiously up and down in the college stud's lap. "Fuck yeah, high school boy! Fuck yourself on my big cock. Yeah, you ride that big ol' meat you slut. You're a hot, little cock slut, aren't you boy?"

"YES!" Steve shouted.

"Oh man, you're gonna need a lot more cock after this. You're not going to be able to think of anything but getting fucked from now on."

"SHIT! ... Yes, you're right. ... Oh goddamn, it's so fuckin' good!" Steve moaned.

The kid was pumping up and down furiously on Carter's cock. Then, suddenly he dropped down into Carter's lap and froze. His eyes grew wide as saucers and his jaw dropped open. "Oh FUCK...dude, I'm g.-g-g-g..gonnnnnaa.....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Steve fired his white hot load onto Carter's body in front of him. The first two splashes caught Carter by surprise as they splashed onto his face, one coating his left cheek from just below the eye to the jaw line. The second one caught Carter square in the lips and he could feel the salty spew dripping into his mouth. After that, there were four or five more big, juicy wads which fired out and covered Carter's chest.

Carter didn't know exactly how many rounds the kid fired, because as the first blast started to shoot out, Steve clamped down so hard with his virgin ass that Carter's cock entered its own version of paradise and happily spat up its own load of pent-up juices. "OOOOH YEAH!" Carter yelled as he fired his cock into the teenager's hot ass. The juices shot up into Steve's bowels and then dripped back down over Carter's deeply planted dick. "Aaaaaaaaaaah!"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," Steve purred as he came down from his orgasmic high. "Fuck, that was fantastic."

"Indeed," Carter murmured, lost in his own feelings of bliss.

"Thanks, dude."

"Anytime," Carter said.

"Man, I'd like to take you home with me and do it again. Maybe next time I could fuck you," Steve said, with hope in his eyes. Carter just grinned at the excited, former virgin. "Do you want to, dude? My parents are gone for the weekend. We'd have the whole place to ourselves."

"I can't, pal. Sorry. It's tempting, but I got to be here chained to this urinal when my buddies come back in a few hours."

Steve's face fell. He'd had his first fuck with a hot college stud, but now his puppy-love heart was being crushed. Carter saw the sad look in the kid's eyes.

"Hey, you got an ink pen?"

"Yeah, probably in my coat pocket, why?"

"Write your phone number down for me. I'll call you when they let me out of here."

"Cool!" Steve exclaimed and fumbled around the inside pocket of his letter jacket for a pen. "Um, I don't have any paper, though."

"That's OK," Carter laughed. "I don't have any pockets! Just write it down on my body somewhere -- someplace where I can read it and dial the phone without doing major gymnastics."

Steve scribbled down his phone number on the inside of Carter's leg, just above the ankle. "Cool," he said. "You'll call me dude?"

"I promise," Carter said

"Great!" Then, Steve leaned over and gave Carter a quick kiss on the lips. He blushed bright red as he stood back up. "I'll see ya, then!"

Steve left the bathroom and Carter sat back and smiled. It was kind of cool to be lusted after by a hot, little stud like Steve. Carter thought he just might enjoy teaching the kid more. Who knows, he thought, I may just become the first LDR little brother with a little brother of my own.

4:50 a.m.

Carter stared at the clock on the wall. He was in the homestretch. He'd probably get pissed on by a few more men trying to hit the road early, or stopping for a break after driving all night. But the next hour or so ought to be slow, he thought, and Sam and Brock would be back for him soon. They hadn't said, but he was sure they'd come back by 6 a.m.

The door to the restroom opened once more and Carter looked up to see who would be using him this time. Expecting another trucker, or some more kids dragging their ass home after a night of partying, he was shocked to look up at a cop in full uniform. He was not put at ease when the cop gave him a slow look up and down, and then turned and locked the door to the men's room.

Officer Rob Lawrence had a special love for public men's rooms. His cock always went on alert when the handsome cop entered one. It was in a public restroom where Rob first experienced the joy of real man-sex (and where he lost his ass-cherry ... to his best buddy no less!) Since then, he had learned the joys of romantic nights spent fucking with another hot stud in bed, of hot afternoons swimming and fucking with his young nephew in the lake by his cabin, and of leisurely mornings spent sucking off his patrol partner and one or more of the older stud's brothers, his son or his nephews. But to this day, the frantic, dirty, anonymous, hurry-up-and-cum aspects of the bathroom scene still held a special place in Rob's heart.

When Rob heard the report on his radio that a bunch of truckers were whooping it up on the CB over a college boy in the john at 47-A .... well, he was an officer, wasn't he? He HAD to go investigate!

Rob stood before Carter and looked the boy up and down. The kid was a mess. His right hand dangled from the pipes of the urinal next to him. Cool piss formed a giant, stinking puddle on the floor in which the young man sat. The piss matted his hair, turning it a dark shade of red. There was cum drying on the boy's face and on his smooth, hard pecs. In the flourescent lights, Rob could see the glint of dried cum drops trailing down the kid's abs. It was an image to give a raunch-sex pig a real hard on ... and Rob got one.

Rob wasn't the only one enjoying the view in the men's room, though. Scared or not, Carter had to admit the cop in front of him looked pretty damn good. He estimated the officer to be in his late 20's. His brown hair was cut short in a military style, which complemented the clean lines of his uniform. His blue eyes smoldered, but Carter couldn't tell if it was from lust or anger or disgust. Either way, it made the college kid's nuts tingle with anticipation. Though he wore the regulation white t-shirt under his uniform, Rob's brown, curly chest hair still rose above the neck line. More hair covered his strong arms below the well-filled short sleeves of his uniform. Rob had a swimmer's build: broad shoulders, slim waist, lots of tightly packed muscle. As Carter's eyes raked down the cop's body, he checked out the belt hanging on those slim hips. It was like a utility belt of sex toys. Carter eyed the handcuffs, the nightstick, the mace, the gun. He imagined all of them (well, all of them but the mace) being used in truly wicked ways on his body.

The cop walked over and examined the handcuff holding Carter to the urinal. "Where's the key for this, son?"

"I ... I don't have it, sir," Carter said, automatically assuming the submissive role.

"Did you chain yourself to this toilet?"

"No, sir."

Rob didn't ask the next question. He didn't need to. He just gave Carter a hard, expectant stare and the kid told him everything.

"It was my frat buddies. It's part of my initiation. I have to stay chained to the urinal all night. If I do it, I'll be a member. Please, we didn't mean any harm. It was just a prank, you know? Please, sir, I'm sure they'll come back to get me pretty soon...."

"Did your buddies know that men were going to piss all over you when they locked you to this urinal?"

Carter blushed. "Yes, sir. I expect they did."

"And it looks to me like a few guys blew their wads all over you, too," Rob continued.

Carter blushed even more. "Yes, sir."

"And I presume that this camera back here in the corner was meant to record everything so your buddies back home could watch it and whack off," Rob said, pointing to the hidden camera, which Carter had not mentioned.

Carter wanted to die right there in the puddle of piss.

"Anybody fuck your ass tonight, boy?" Rob asked.

"No, sir," Carter said.

"Well, then. I guess there's still something missing from your video performance, isn't there?" Rob said.

"WHAT?!" Carter couldn't believe it, but the big cop was lowering his zipper.

"I said, something's missing from your performance tonight, boy. No good having a sex video without a fuck scene, is it?" Rob grinned as he hauled out his long, thin cock. Rob's meat never failed to get a reaction from guys seeing it for the first time. When he was a kid, they used to call him "rope dick" because his meat was thin, but long enough to lasso a horse.

"Holy hell," Carter said quietly as he stared at the cock dangling out of the front of Rob's uniform. The cop had the longest dick Carter had ever seen, and it wasn't even hard yet.

"First boy, we got to get you ready for this big meat," said the officer. "On your feet boy! NOW!"

"Yes sir!" Carter barked as he scrambled to try to stand in the piss pool surrounding him. His hand remained locked to the urinal.

The cop grabbed Carter and spun him around so that the kid stood in front of the urinal, facing the wall. Carter's hand was bent at an odd angle, but he dared not complain. The cop crouched down behind Carter to examine the boy's tight, hard jock ass. A few wisps of soft, red hair surrounded the hole. Rob poked his finger at the pucker and found it nice and snug.

"Tight asshole, boy," Rob said. "We'll loosen that up real good before we're done here."

Facing the wall, Carter remembered the giant schlong he had seen hanging out of the cop's pants and he had no doubt that what the officer said was true. Suddenly, Carter felt a strong hand grasp him firmly at the neck and push him forward so that his right cheek pressed against the tile wall. The move also had the result of bending Carter farther over the urinal, so that his ass stuck out more.

Then Carter felt the sleek, hard, smoothness of the officer's nightstick sliding slowly -- but firmly -- along his jaw line on the left side. He tried to turn his eyes so that he could see the stick. He was just able to see it moving back and forth over his face. The young redhead, with his face pushed against the tile and his wrist still cuffed to the urinal, could feel himself growing excited as the cop exerted his control. Carter's cock was starting to rise and press against the cool porcelain of the urinal.

"Know what we're going to do with this baton, boy?" Rob growled.

"Yes, sir," Carter replied, trembling from fear and lust.

"What's that boy? Tell me!"

"You're going to shove it up my ass, sir," Carter said and his cock gave a jump.

Rob gave a mirthless chuckle that came out more like a threat. "Is that what you want, boy? You want a cop to shove his big stick up your ass?"

"Yes SIR!" Carter moaned.

The stick moved away from his face. Carter could feel its blunt, round end moving around to the back of his neck, then traveling lower ... lower ... lower down his back. It hit the tiny cavity at the bottom of his spine, just before his firm, round cheeks jutted out from his body. The cop teased the tender area lightly with the stick before wedging it in between Carter's muscular jock-buns.

"Oooooooooh," Carter moaned as he felt the nightstick slide down his crack and rub his sensitive hole.

"You like that, don't you fratboy? You want your big ol' cop to shove that stick home, don't you, boy?"

"Yes SIR!" Carter shouted.

And then Rob did it. He flexed his strong biceps and shoved that nightstick deep into Carter's young rectum.

"AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooowwww!" the kid cried out as the nightstick invaded his ass. It sailed so deep into his rear that Carter thought he would pass out or melt down or maybe both. Nothing had ever been so far up his ass. And the nightstick was NOT flexible. It didn't bend to meet the contours of his bowels, so his guts had to straighten themselves out and make way for the stick. "SHEEEEESH!! OHHHHH! FUCK!"

"Can you take it, sport?" the cop asked, with maybe a small hint of concern in his voice.

"Oh yeah," Carter wheezed, spittle spraying from his lip. "MMMmmmph...oh yeah...just...let me...adjust....yeah!...ooooooooooh."

Rob slowly twisted the baton in Carter's ass. He had eight, maybe nine, inches of the stick up the boy's ass. The cop was impressed. He had used the baton on a few of his favorite boy-fucks. So far, no one had come close to taking this much of it. Rob had a feeling Carter could take even more of the sleek, ebony stick, but he didn't want to risk ruining the kid's ass before he could fuck it. He began a steady, firm fuck with the nightstick, pumping it in and out of Carter's red-wreathed pucker.

"OOOOH! MMMMPh....yeah, come on, fuck my ass.....yeah....drill that big stick in and out of this fratboy's hole ... yeah, you like a young guy's hot ass, don't you? Huh? ... Nice tight teen-age, college boy ass .... mmmmm .... getting you all horny, ain't it? .... OH FUCK, yeah ... yeah, cop, don't try to lie to me ... I know you're turned on ... I can feel that big, long cock of your's poking my leg ... you're getting ready to fuck my ass with something other than this nightstick, aren't you, sir?"

Rob knew the fuckin' kid was right. The cop's big cock was hard as steel and dripping precum on the boy's thigh. Rob wasn't going to be able to delay fucking the kid too much longer. Besides, the sun would be up soon and people would be wanting in this toilet. He couldn't keep the door locked forever!

Carter let out a whine as he felt the nightstick pulled from his ass. He rested his upper body on the tile wall as he panted and tried to regain his senses. He didn't get much time to recuperate, though, before he felt the cop's strong hands grab his hips and lift him up into the air. For a dizzying moment, Carter was suspended: his hands on the urinal, his hips held in the cop's hands, and his feet dangling above the floor. Then he felt the head of that monster cock at his back door. Carter knew he would soon be standing on the floor again, but not without a bit of butt-trauma first.

Though Rob's cock was thin -- at least in comparison with it's extraordinary length -- it was blessed with a wide, bulbous head. That head had made many a boy -- and man -- scream out during the big cock's initial entry. Carter was no exception. As the wide head split open his ass lips, Carter let out a loud, deep, guttural groan that bounced off the tile walls and came back to buzz inside his own head.

Rob continued to feed cock deep into the young man's bowels. "Come on, boy. Take ALL of that cock. Take it deep into your tight little boy-pussy ... Yeah ... Deeeeeeeeeep," Rob moaned as he sank his cock into the tight warmth of Carter's ass.

Carter's eyes rolled back as the incredible cock pushed higher and higher into his gut. Carter had taken some big cocks before -- Randy, back at the frathouse, had a cock of more-than-average length which was thicker than anything Carter had ever seen -- but he had never experienced a dick this LONG.

Finally, after much pushing and grunting and sweating on the part of both men, Carter felt the cop's hairy balls resting on his ass.

"That's it kid. You got it ALL baby! You got that hot cop cock buried in your tight college-boy ass!"

"Oh gawd..." Carter moaned. "FUCK ME ... FUCK MY ASS MAN ..." Carter didn't think he could actually be so turned on after having spent the entire night getting face-fucked and piss-showered. But the feel of that hard piece of municipal meat slammed deep in his shitter woke him up and left him feeling horny as all hell.

"FUCK ME COP! OH FUCK YEAH! Give me that hard-ass cock of yours," Carter begged and moaned as Rob drove his shaft in and out of the college kid's rear.

"Hot fuckin' ass, boy! YEAH! ... Give me that tight little hole ... gonna open you up real good, just like I promised..."

"Yes, sir! Open my ass ... Oh GAWD!" The big cock was scraping back and forth over Carter's third nut. He could feel the tingling beginning in his balls. His gut was starting to churn and his knees were going weak. He tried to hold onto the urinal in front of him, to concentrate on the patterns of the tiles, but it was no use. He was too far gone and the cop's giant cock was pushing him further.

"OH, SIR! I'm gonna cum sir! Ooooooh!" Carter's head was thrashing back and forth. His body began to slump as his knees gave and Rob grabbed him at the last moment. Rob held Carter's spastic, pleasure-soaked body in front of him as he continued his hard fuck-thrusts into the captive boy's tight ass.

"Do it, boy! Shoot your hot load!" Rob growled into the young man's ear.

"Yes, sir! Going to cum.....NOW! Ooooooooooooh!"

Just as Rob felt the kid's ass start to twitch with the first telltale signs of orgasm, the cop pivoted. He spun around, still holding Carter in front of him, impaled on his long cock. As Carter moaned and thrashed, spraying white jizz all over his abs and pecs, the camera caught every spurt.

When the kid was through, Carter turned him profile to the camera and kicked the ass-fuck into overdrive. He growled and grunted, roared and moaned as his long cock sawed in and out of the boy's hole. Carter just leaned over and moaned, nearly crying, enjoying the feelings but praying that they would end soon. His ass felt raw, yet the big cock continued to drive in and pull out.

Then, the cop slammed in hard and deep. Carter could feel the full-length of the big dick buried inside him, and he felt the hands on his hips grip tighter as the cop froze. There was a muffled, strangled moan from behind him, and then Carter felt the hot, warm, soothing ooze of cop-cum showering his ass walls.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah," both men sighed in relief.

The cop collapsed on top of Carter's back, holding the young man as the two panted and waited for the blood to rush back into the proper places on their bodies. As he stood there, still chained to the urinal, Carter felt the cop's hairy body sliding down his backside. He felt the big hands on his asscheeks, pulling them open. Then he felt something on his ass -- something hot and wet, soft but determined: a tongue! The cop was shoving tongue up Carter's abused little hole.

"Feed me that cum, boy," Rob said before diving back into the young man's ass.

Carter happily relaxed his sphincter and felt the warm cum slide out of his hole. Long streams of it poured out onto Rob's happily waiting tongue. Carter's cock got hard again as he listened to the satisfied purrs and happy lip-smacks behind him as the cop ate his own cum out of Carter's hole. The frat boy decided then and there this was DEFINITELY something to try out with his fraternity brothers later on!

After he was finished with his "dessert," Officer Lawrence pulled his pants up and stood in front of the mirror, straightening his uniform. When he had everything in place he turned and looked at Carter, still handcuffed to the urinal and drenched in piss, sweat and cum. Sunlight was beginning to stream into the windows from outside and, in the light of day, the kid looked a truly horrid (and horny!) mess.

Rob smiled and walked over to the kid. Taking a key from the ring in his pocket, he unfastened the handcuffs. "Thought so," he muttered. "Pretty generic pair of cuffs."

Carter saw the cuff come off the pipe of the urinal and started to protest. "No! Please. They'll be back soon and I've got to still be locked up!"

"You're not going to start disobeying me now, are you?" Rob asked, shooting a stern look at Carter.

"Um .... no sir," the kid answered.

"Good." With that, Rob swung the cuffed hand behind Carter's back and quickly fastened it to the boy's other wrist.

"HEY!" Carter yelped.

"Shut up, boy! You're going downtown," Rob said, shoving Carter toward the door. "We can't have college boys hanging around giving blowjobs in public restrooms, you know. We got laws about that sort of thing. I'm going to have to take you in for, ahem, processing!" With that, the cop laughed but Carter felt little comfort from it.

As they were headed for the door, Rob suddenly stopped. "Oh yeah!" he said as he raced back to the camera, popping out the video tape. "We'll need this for evidence."

6:12 a.m.

Sam and Brock stood in the middle of the restroom with a mixture of worry and confusion on their faces. There was a big puddle of piss on the floor where they had left Carter the night before. The pledge, though, was missing. So was the handcuff they had used to lock him to the john.

Brock raced to the video camera, hoping the tape would give them some clue as to how the freshman had vanished.

"SHIT!" he exclaimed. "It's gone!"

"What's gone? What else, I mean," asked Sam, starting to panic about his little brother.

"The tape! It's gone, too!"

"Shit," said Sam.

There was a long pause as the two young men tried to decide what to do next.

"Maybe we better call the cops," said Sam.

Carter's adventures continue in Chapter 8 of LDR House.

Next: Chapter 8

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