
By Bruce Turner

Published on Jun 29, 2023



Eighteen Nights Trapped

No legal stuff, if you don't know it by now you never will. Please be careful.

Two of the four boys were just like me. Ton had a dominate right ovary that looked like it would mature long before the other. Jude only had only ovary visible. I was happy for Dana that he didn't have ovaries since he had said he didn't want that "thing" stuck up his butt, I'll have to find out how he knew that was how I became pregnant. Dr. Rhoda and I didn't tell the boys about what she had been able to find, we didn't want them living with the hope or fear of becoming pregnant. Shiloh wasn't old enough for Rhoda to try looking for ovaries but since he wanted to do what the other boys had she ran the device over his abdomen only to find that as a fetus he had absorbed a second one, it looked like an undistinguished mass to me but she was fairly certain what she would find when she opened him up would be a twin.

She promised that the surgery wouldn't be traumatic for Shiloh. She pulled out a copy of a report I had seen before, knowing what I was looking at now it made sense. She left me alone to study the report holding the squirming boy on my lap. Tiffan and I had always been concerned that Shiloh seemed to be slightly lopsided, now I understood. Rhoda asked me to let him stay with her in the med center for a few days so he was comfortable with her and the surroundings before she operated.

I agreed he could stay although I hate not having all the boys in their beds when I closed the bedroom door..

"Junior and I are going to see if the plans for a third level under ground were ever completed. It seems that if the builder wanted to have that level he would have dug it out first, built whatever support structure that would be required and if he had the time finish it ahead of any of the other levels so equipment and furnishings could be brought in with the least possible interference. I think that sounds good but Jeff and Hieronymus don't remember there ever having been construction they think was happening before what they saw at this level."

"I haven't seen an elevator or stairway. The one that comes from ground level doesn't have buttons that would suggest another level." Rhoda liked the sound of more medical space.

"Noel and I had discussed that. When I was in here due to the wolf bite I had time to look around and later when Noel brought the plans to me to study after Shiloh was born I saw an anomaly that might explain where the descent to the next level might be hidden although I don't know why it should be hidden from everyone. "

"Do you think you should try going down there?" I was surprised at her timidity after all she had been through.

"The plans have rooms marked out that would be helpful. You could use the extra hospital beds and space the next time we have two or three people having babies or a catastrophe of some kind." I hoped we never had to fight the wolves again but she had to put victims on the floor after the last attack. We had moved a couple mattresses from the furniture warehouse so they weren't actually on the concrete but they were still at that level, not optimal for treatment.

"I think you were right." Junior had started looking around when all four boys were done being examined and he wasn't having to entertain one or the other.

"If there is an entrance why hasn't anyone seen it?" Rhoda asked doubting us.

"For some reason it has been blocked off with plastered walls." Junior had brought a crowbar and hammer at my suggestion. He was looking at the wall trying to decide where to start.

"Don't be getting that plaster and dust in my med center!"

We walked outside of the med center and counted off the steps necessary to reach the boxed in area. I was fairly sure we would find an entrance to another level but was it going to be worth the trouble of tearing down walls? If there was a hospital and a library? Hell yes. I needed something to read beside the texts Noel had used and the children's' books Tiffan was using to teach the twins how to read.

I took the crow bar from Junior, hit the wall hard and had the bar almost reach the floor as it tore through very thin plaster board. Ten minutes later we had a door that folded to the floor exposed and cleared of most of the plaster. I didn't understand why it wasn't a normal doorway or even an elevator door, a trap door leading to a hidden level? It didn't make much sense. The bolts holding down the door made even less sense, my curiosity had the best of me.

"Let's not go down until tomorrow. We might want to be netter prepared. Some pistols and maybe a rifle?" I didn't know why I was thinking we would be in danger but some one didn't think it was a good idea going down there so we needed to take precautions if we were going to by pass their lock.

We told the village that we were going to look for the third level the following morning, when they heard about the door being behind walls and bolted shut most of them thought we should leave it unexplored. There had been very little excitement in the village since the wolf attack so some of the men wanted to come along. Chuck, Jeff and Joey appointed themselves as a guard that would go with us into the next level. I thought that was ridiculous but there was no way to talk them out of going along until Chuck was told that when he came back he needed to find himself another woman because Karen wasn't going to put up with him putting his life at risk for no conceivable advantage to the village.

That night all the guys came to bed to have some type of sex before we left them. I tried to tell them it was only for one or two nights but Junior's sister had warned the entire village that if we went through the locked door we would be lost. She couldn't determine if we would ever return but she begged Junior not to go, crying as if his life was on the line. He had asked her to check with the spirits when we went looking for the doorway.

"I thought you had told me that you and the other guys living in your house weren't in love. The way they were with us last night was not just sex, there was a purity being expressed by everyone as they joined with you one way or the other."

"It sure felt like they felt it was going to be the last time they saw me. You don't have any premonitions that way do you?" Junior had told me the his sister was usually only about half to three-quarters correct on her prophecies so while we might get lost he thought we would get home sooner or later. I didn't like the thought of being away from my sons for more than a couple nights but I thought it was necessary that we learn what was below us, especially since the plans told us there were rooms that we could use to make life much better for everyone.

Everyone going woke early the next morning, Junior and I had made lists of tools we thought we should take with us. Joy had been putting together a supply of food the previous evening and divided it into all our back packs. The tools and a one burner camp stove were backed on top of the food and each of us had a soft blanket and a 3X4 space blanket pack stuck in the back pack, I was surprised at how heavy the pack was but knew that within twenty-four hours the food would start disappearing and the pack would get scarily light.

Henry and Chuck were the only ones up to see us off. I saw Henry having a meeting away from the rest of us with his son. I assumed he was wishing him well and telling him to protect the rest of us, he hadn't thought much of our guard when they announced themselves. Chuck looked around as if he expected his son to turn up at the last minute, I wondered if he too had been seeing Noel. We hadn't touched again but I had seen him twice waiting outside the work shop for me. One of those times I had been alone and was able to examine him more closely and saw the damage the wolves had done.

"Jeff, when you were living on the second level did any of you ever expect there was anything happening below you?"

"Queesha asked the construction foreman where they were going to put the library, she wanted to get a couple contract set with publishers to send their newest novels and non-fiction publications sent sight unseen. She told Hieronymus' wife that was the only way to be sure that we would have a selection to read that wasn't propaganda. The builder told us a couple of days later that FedEx and UPS had cut delivery service and that he expected the Post Office to do the same unless there was a huge influx of mail.

"We never were allowed to go downstairs to see the library although she had her family subsidize a few thousand research tomes that they had scholars review for the probability they would still be useful one hundred years from now. Her brother was planning on buying one of the houses on ground level when or if a book he wrote started paying royalties. I never saw anyone deliver anything to the lower level. Between our first and second visit the elevator that had been at the corner of the med center disappeared, by the next visit the wall that enclosed the space was up."

"So you don't know if there are even stairs there?"

"We never saw any."

Joey and Junior had tried to loosen the first bolt while we were talking, unsuccessfully.

"These must have been tightened with an air wrench."

I had been in that situation at my grandfather's farm and knew all it would take was a piece of pipe that slid over the wrench to give us enough leverage to loosen them. It took time to find a length of pipe that worked but once we had it the nuts came off the bolt shafts without much trouble. The metal trap door swung up after some lubricant was squirt on the hinge. We had a shaft of darkness, no stairs not even a rope ladder to climb down.

"Joey, you were going to bring a light stick. Let's see how far we have to go down." He dug through his back pack until he reached the bottom. The sticks had been the first thing he wanted in his pack, now the first thing he wanted out. As the light spread all we could see were walls, the shaft was about fifteen feet deep. We didn't have any rope to lower ourselves but as tall as we all are it didn't take much to hang from the lip of the shaft, grab another guys hands and two or three feet from the floor drop easily, except for Jeff who came down last and almost flattened the rest of us as we tried to soften his fall.

"I wrote on the wall behind the shaft to bring ropes and tie them so we can get out." Jeff clearly didn't think we were going to find a different way between levels. As we tried getting our bearing all the light that had been coming from the surface (not enough to even read the blue prints) faded and went black a moment later. We had made sure to supply ourselves with good hand held lights and when Joey shone his towards where the shaft had been we all saw blackness where there should have been at the minimum grayness.

"Without light from the shaft how do you propose we mark this spot so we know where to return to if we don't find a different way up a level?" Junior had been appointed our guide, call it racist if you want but he felt like he was the best equipped to walk into danger. As I looked at him loading himself with knives and pistols that morning I knew he was taking the position seriously and that I should, too.

"Did you bring that thing you were working on a couple days ago, the thing that goes ping every ten minutes?" I had been trying to put a new battery in the locator device, I really had never heard that it was called anything different. All of the batteries we had other than one were too big. I had turned it off and stuck it in one of the pockets of the back pack but I wasn't sure of how long the battery would last and hadn't planned on deploying it the first few minutes we were on the lower level.

"What do you remember from the blue print you have?"

"There should be a large room on our left that sits under the med center. We thought the icons suggested it was to be used as a hospital but if it was why would you close it off?" I was having doubts about all our conjecturing. Everywhere else we had been in the village the lights came on when we entered an area.

"Joey, stay here. We will try to find an entrance to this room. Once we have it Jeff or I will come back for you." Junior started out to his right, I had said the room was to be to the left but the wall in front of us went at least thirty feet each direction without any breaks in the surface. He had waved the light he was using over the floor in front of him only to see a dusty clear pathway as far as the light showed. We started out with a hand on the wall and the other on the man in front of us, Junior didn't want us getting separated.

I had studied the blueprint twice, but I couldn't remember seeing a marking for an entrance to any of the rooms that were supposed to be on this level. I could remember that the hallways had looked like a continuous set of E's piled on top of one another but couldn't remember where in that pile the hospital was supposed to be and our light was not good enough for reading the scratching on a blueprint. We had been walking about ten minutes when Junior had us stop, the hall had come to an end and we needed to decide if we were going back for Joey or moving to another wall.

Jeff didn't like the idea of leaving his nephew by himself and convinced us to follow the wall back. Rather than walk with his hand solidly against the wall Junior walked along tapping the wall hoping to find a difference in sound that would tell us that a doorway had been boarded over. Every once in a while he would hit a stud and search both sides until he was sure that was all he had hit and we would move on. By the time we found our way back to Joey we had found nothing. Joey joined us and Jeff stayed behind, Joey not only kept a hand on my shoulder but had the other one on my waist. Staying alone had frightened him and the hand on my waist was grasping tight enough to feel like he was bruising me.

We came to another dead end without finding a single possible place we thought could be a door. I hated that Junior put me on the spot but I understood I was the only one that had any idea where things were supposed to be located on this level. "Well, Roger, you thought this was the hospital what do you suggest we do?"

"I really believe the wall we just followed is the one that surrounds the hospital, I don't understand why we aren't finding a door. However, we can't spend more time here, we need to move forward. For some reason it seems that we have followed a wall that leads us no where. Junior, take us towards the next wall." The walls I had seen on the blue prints had been parallel so I wasn't too afraid of not seeing Jeff waiting by the other wall. I remembered the wall across from the hospital had two separate entrances to rooms, but I couldn't remember what they were supposed to be.

"Junior, half way up the aisle there should be two doorways almost side by side. If we pass them and get to the end of the wall we need to come back and start tearing down the wall." I was worried that we didn't know what was happening right in front of us. We were perhaps 150 feet from the dead end when Junior fell.

"Junior, are you okay? " I was on my knees shining my light downwards over the edge of a hole maybe ten feet wide be four across hoping to locate Junior. Joey crawled up beside me and with the two lights we were able to locate Junior laying over a rock trolley sitting in the center of a massive cavern. He was either unable to respond or we were unable to hear his response. I couldn't belief how desperate I was to hear him. In just a few days he had started to mean a lot to me, no I wasn't in love but we were getting close to each other and I didn't want to be separated.

"Joey, I have to get down there." How was I going down without ending in the same shape as Junior? Looking at the sides of the cavern and the floor beneath my knees I couldn't see a way to get down to him.

"It looks like its forty feet or more to the bottom, how do you think you are going to get there?"

"I don't know. Since we haven't seen any rope what about tearing wires out of the walls?" While I didn't really know if the walls were wired for electricity I had to believe that they would be and the wires would be strong enough to hold me while I was lowered to check on Junior. Junior had taken the crowbar with him on his trip through the cavern. We had a claw hammer that helped in tearing into the wall but found no wires. How could that be possible?

"Is it possible that this wall is a simple fake front for the real structure which might lay behind it? I don't know why anyone would do that, but are the buildings in hiding?" Joey and Jeff looked at me like I was talking gibberish but Joey started to beat down the interior of the wall we had already half destroyed. Soon we were looking at the front of buildings that were so brightly colored that even our lights were able to distinguish the slightest detail from more than thirty feet away.

I hadn't followed Joey and Jeff through the wall but from where I stood was able to see Noel trying to warn us to go back. I didn't fully understand what he wanted but I was able to grab hold of the pair and pull them almost through the wall before I saw what was the raggedest marching army ever. Some of those marching held cement hoes, some hammers, some galvanized pipes and a few had power staplers. I couldn't determine why they were marching in front of the buildings but because Noel had warned me we were not seen as they made the pass.

Trying to explain to Jeff and Joey what I had seen and why I had pulled them out of the space was an impossibility. Jeff definitely believed in ghosts but Joey thought even the idea of them was ludicrous. I did my best to talk to Noel without attracting the attention of the other spirits only when he followed my arm pointing down and saw where I needed to go was he able to help us by finding a ladder that stretched a few feet further than needed. As I stepped into space and reached for the first step I felt Noel behind me, he was holding on, not adding any weight or any protection. When I reached Junior I saw the ladder disappear and understood although not intellectually that Noel had been holding me in the air as I descended a spirit ladder. I wondered what Jeff and Joey had seen as I descended.

There was something more important. I lifted Junior from where he lay bent over the side of the trolley, he was still breathing but it was rough. He had lost quite a bit of blood but the wound on his head from where it hit the floor when he fell through had stopped bleeding. He didn't answer back when I tried to get him to talk until I had him laid out on his back.

"I can stand."

"No you can't. You lay there until I've had the chance to fully check you out."

"You just want to feel me up." I think he was trying to make a joke but the partial grin turned to a grimace before I even was able to decide where to start. I could see one place that was going to be hurting him for quite some time, he was turning deep shades of purple and black from his left hip across his abdomen to just above the bottom of his rib cage where there was a slight cut.

"I'm going to pull your pants off and your shirt up."

"Feel me up all you want, you can suck me too."

"We have an audience looking at us from the ceiling." I had taken a look back up and the other two were still leaning over the edge trying to see what was happening.

"That's okay, I think I hurt too much to get hard anyway." He wouldn't have cared if he had been feeling well, we'd had sex in front of Joey the night before.

"Stop talking and let me check you out." I am no doctor or nurse, although I had probably touched nearly every part of his body I needed to concentrate while trying to see if the rest of his body was unhurt.

There wasn't much I could do for him. The way he had been doubled over causing his head to hit the floor of the trolley had also brought his knees against the other side of the metal wall, bruising his upper thighs and knees. He hadn't broken anything other the last two ribs on his right side. I had to hope they weren't penetrating any organ. I was afraid it would be a disaster if they punctured his intestines I wouldn't be able to help him unless we could get back to the Dr. His back was hurt but I didn't think it was broken since he could move all his fingers and toes. He had hurt his head but I didn't think it was a concussion since he was making sense when he talked. But I thought I better keep him awake just in case.

Joey threw me my back pack and then any food that had been in it that would have made it too heavy to catch. Junior had slipped out of his when he fell and I found it later hooked on a pole that had Junior been a foot to one side would have punctured him in either the lungs, heart or liver. He was so lucky to be alive I couldn't tell him.

"If I have to lay here naked, why don't you take some of your clothes off so I can at least enjoy the view?" I didn't know how long we had been there when he said that but I knew it meant that he was starting to feel a little better. I gave him a little of what he wanted, I stripped off my shirt and bent close so he could take a whiff although not close enough for him to lick. If I hadn't hoped that Jeff and Joey would figure out a way to come down to help us I might have lost hope right then.

Unlike the hallway above there seemed to be an artificial light seeping through the cavern although I couldn't see where it came from. I was able to cook a can of gourmet stew on the one burner camp stove even bent as it was since Joey hadn't taken out of my back pack. We had been there four or five hours when I went looking for a source of water. I was able to find some furnishings that would make our night easier, two lounge chairs you might use to sun bath, a mattress and a half dozen pillows still in plastic wrapping.

I had gotten Junior onto the mattress and was trying to cover him with the blanket from my back pack when Noel appeared again. He directed me to Junior's back pack so we both had blankets plus more food. I tried asking him where the ladder was and how to get out of the cavern but he disappeared up the side of the cavern and out through the hole we had dropped down through. I knew there was no way I could follow him.

Joey and Jeff had checked for a rope or ladder being lowered at the entrance throughout the day and evening. They announced they were going to sleep back there. The fix they had managed for the wall was not solid but they hoped it was enough for whatever purpose the original builders had intended. I wished we were all in one group but at least we each had one other person to keep us company.

Junior I lay looking at the ceiling of the cavern like it was the sky and we were watching the stars. There were places on the roof of the cavern that looked like someone had used metal rods and cement to patch holes like the one Junior had fallen through. I was starting to think that was the reason the level had been sealed off when Junior pointed out a hospital bed hanging most of the way through the roof.

"If the builders understood that it was dangerous on the third level I wonder why they didn't mark the trap door in addition to bolting it shut." I'm no builder, but if the lowest level was dangerous why wouldn't the levels built on top of it be dangerous, too? Were we going to have to worry about falling through the ground?

"That may have been the reason they deserted the village."

"You would have thought they would tell Hieronymus and Jeff that they shouldn't come back to their vacation houses if that was the case. That seems like negligence to me." How were we supposed to know what was safe?

Junior and I snuggled close enough to share our blankets. Something about our situation didn't lead to sex so we lay looking at the ceiling of the cavern until first he and then I fell to sleep. I woke the following morning to the realization that the cavern where we were laying was not entirely natural, the walls to our left and right were carved into straight lines that soared to the ceiling more than forty feet over head. Junior was sitting alongside of me when I woke acting if the fall he had taken was nothing more than a slight bump to an elbow or knee.

"Thank you for leaving the water bottles from last night. I needed coffee and a place to piss." I almost let him know that I would have gladly served as his urinal that morning, we hadn't pushed ourselves that far yet and I didn't want him to judge me, crude.

"I know you are used to using one of your house mates, I wish they were here for you. Roger I have never allowed another man or woman to piss in my mouth or even on me. If you think you want to, I will be willing to try drinking your waste." He didn't sound as sure as the words made him out to be.

I was struggling to wake up but instead of answering him I pulled my head into his lap and closed my eyes, again. It didn't take me more than a few minutes to fall back to sleep. During the short nap I dreamed of what we might be able to do about getting out of the cavern only to think about what spending time alone with Junior would be like. I woke a second time, his limp cock was resting less than an inch from my lips and my hands was pushed under him, a finger pressed against his asshole. The need to piss was greater than any desire I had for sex at that moment. "Time to get up, I need to piss."

The partial filled gallon jug was not far. I scooted to the side of the mattress and resting the head of my cock in the opening I must have sprayed more than a pint into the jug adding to what Junior had deposited earlier. I really didn't want to get up, I rolled back against Junior and hugged his butt to my chest. He was feeling much the same and played with my butt as he finished his first cup of coffee.

"How is your stomach this morning?"

"Well if you'd look at me, you'd see that it is bruised from one side to the other. It hurts almost as much as when I fell but the lack of swelling must be a good sign."

"Have you had an erection?"

"No. I didn't even have my normal waking wood."

"Then you are not doing as good as you think. You are going to need to rest most of the day, if not all." That had been a way that Luis had measured how I was feeling, if I didn't have an erection when I woke there was something not right. The way his fingers were teasing at my asshole I could tell his mind hadn't been affected. It felt so nice I wasn't going to force myself out of bed or to sit up so I could drink the coffee he had handed me.

"As soon as I feel well enough to get on my knees this hole will be getting drilled by my tongue. How does that sound?" I knew he was teasing me, but he had wet a finger and had pushed the first joint into me.

"Your tongue sounds better than that finger. No, I don't want you to stop what you're doing. Just make sure you have enough spit to make it go in smoothly." Junior started laughing and gasped as the pain hit him.

"Don't make me laugh." He hadn't dislodged his finger when he pulled back in pain. I added some spit above his finger, I was hoping he'd get the message and either start fucking me with the one finger or try getting a second in my asshole and really finger fuck me. It is never quite as good as a man's cock but being finger fucked has been known to excite me enough to shoot a load.

"If you leave go of my butt, I'll turn around so I can get two more fingers in and really finger you." I've never been fist fucked but with Junior fingering me I was close to begging him to try to stick his hand in me. I felt such a void when he pulled his fingers out I almost cried. A second later he slapped my butt with his other hand.

"Damn! Why did you do that?"

"Your friend is here." The first few times he hadn't seen Noel, but the night before when we struggled to get him on the mattress he first felt his hands around his ankles then saw him. I don't understand the process but I was glad to know that I wasn't imagining the presence of Noel and that Junior saw him, too. Mass hypnosis didn't even occur to me, there was no way Junior would have known to lift his ankles before seeing Noel.

"You don't need to share me." I tried pushing my butt back further to find his fingers again but there wasn't contact. "If you're lucky he'll suck your cock."

I hate being interrupted when having any kind of sex, especially if I hadn't managed to unload my balls at least once. I growled at Junior as I stood up and let my cock slap him in the face. "If he doesn't there is going to be a huge load shooting down your throat later."

Noel was waiting patiently fifteen or twenty feet from the mattress with his arms folded, looking perturbed. I didn't know if that was because I was taking time or because of what Junior and I had been doing. Noel knew that I enjoyed fingers after a tongue so he might have thought more had happened than actually had.

"Are you going to help us get out of here?"

All he responded with was by shaking his head no. I was feeling extremely horny or I would never have said what I did as I held my cock out straight, "Are you here for this?"

I didn't know whether to be surprised, pleased or upset, he shook his head again but put his cold hand on my cock and drew me along the wall for at least fifty feet. If he was going to act like that I thought I might have to start dressing as much as I hated the idea. He pointed to a glittering in the wall at the end of the cavern.

"Iron Pyrite, so what? The attackers were smart enough to know its not worth anything." He motioned with his hand in a circle, I followed the movement. There was a complete circle of Fool's gold. After I nodded my head he looked even more disturbed with me. He picked up a rock and battered the wall for a minute, a sheet of stone about eighteen inches across fell off the wall.

He pointed again. Directly in the center of the Pyrite was what I immediately recognized as true gold. Not a nugget or a few nuggets but a vein of gold about three inches across. I looked up at him again, not sure why he had brought me there. He was holding a hand up to his ear as if he was holding a telephone, dense I might be but not stupid. If I could get enough gold and heat it until the impurities were gone I could get some of the telephones working enough to communicate within the village. He had already sketched out how to create a basic relay station in the community center although without gold there hadn't been a reason to build it.

It was hard to believe that he was still working for the village after death. As I searched for a pick or hammer that would help mine the gold he played grab ass with me. I told him that I didn't have any lube so fucking wasn't happening, a minute later he returned with a jar of some greasy substance and started to work it up and down my cock. I was about to fuck a spirit, I had trouble believing it but if that was what he wanted for helping me I'd happily give in to his need.

"What do you think Jeff and Joey will think you're doing?" I hadn't thought about them all morning. Jeff was sure to wonder what I was doing walking around with out clothing. We hadn't packed to be gone more than one day so I didn't have anything other than what I had worn when we were shut in. Noel stroked my cock while I thought about what I should do, fuck him and look like a fool or leave him unsatisfied after helping us?

I looked up in time to see the pair of them wave to Junior and turn their backs. At least I didn't have to worry about them, I pressed my body towards Noel; the cold radiating off him was almost enough to make me back off but I pushed on. The heat from the tip of my cock acted like it was melting an ice cube and my cock followed with no need of the grease Noel had coated me with. There was little friction to help me make him enjoy the fuck but I knew what he would feel and once ready to cum I pulled back until I could shoot my cum on the entrance and his butt. It was the first sound he made, a squeal that would have haunted me for the rest of my life if I hadn't known it was pure enjoyment.

The rest of the day I pounded at stone around the vein of gold. By the time Junior said he was hungry I had what looked to me to be about two pounds of solid gold piled in the can from the stew we had eaten the previous night. I had to help Junior from the mattress to a five gallon can I had found to use as a commode, it was going to stink but at least we could cover it and try to cut down the stench in the cavern. By the time we made it back to the spot he had stayed in all day Junior wanted to walk some more to stretch out his legs, I didn't mind I had been crouched all day while hammering at the wall.

I could tell his abdomen was hurting but he claimed that he needed to stretch the other muscles so we kept walking with his right arm over my shoulder. When he saw the can full of gold he asked why I was working so hard at getting something that basically had no value now that there was no one to trade with. When I explained the fact that all gold and silver had been removed from vulnerable places on Earth including the new technologies that required them to function he started to understand what I was going to try when we returned to the workshop. He was right in thinking that a man with all the gold is no richer than the man with none if there is nothing to buy.

Junior had been watching for either Jeff or Joey to return but neither had during the day. We talked about what could have happened that they hadn't returned. I hoped that they were able to find a way out of the sealed level and would return for us soon. Junior had seen the marching spirits the previous night and hoped that Jeff and Joey hadn't been attacked. I couldn't imagine what that would mean for the two of them, being attacked by spirit warriors, with crude weapons, that they couldn't see: they would see the weapons attacking them not the warriors.

"Junior, we may have to stay locked down here. We can't allow the spirits to infiltrate the upper levels."

"Do you think they could hurt the people?"

"Well I can feel Noel. He can move objects. He was able to knock a piece off the wall. If the others are like him they would be able to swinging those hammers and hoes hard enough to hurt if not kill people. That must have been why there were shut behind a second wall."

"But isn't Noel able to go through a wall?"

"We have seen him go through the ceiling of the cavern but I haven't seen him disappear through a wall. How can he do that if I am able to fuck him without falling all the way through his body?" This spirit world was completely confusing me.

"Has he said anything to you?"

"The only noise he made was that squeal when I shot cum on his asshole."

"That's what that noise was. You sure have a way about you, a great fuck both cock and ass." Does Noel feel that way, too?" We had talked about the fact that Noel and I had spent a night together but we hadn't got that detailed so when I started to tell Junior about how the night had gone he was impressed.

"See what you did?"

I had an idea where to look, when I did I was greeted by one happy cock already drooling in anticipation. "I thought you told me you were hungry."

He grabbed me and held me tight. "If you think you're getting loose before we have sex you have lost your mind.

"Help me onto my back, you're riding my cock." I was afraid that would hurt his hip even more but as we got down on the mattress he ordered me to sit above his face. We hadn't found a good enough source of water to use for bathing, that didn't stop Junior from giving me a ten minute or so long rimming. I would have gladly sat there the rest of the night but he told me it was time to be fucked.

"You're going to need to be careful, Roger. I've never had anyone do this but let's try starting with your left knee on the mattress and your right foot flat on the opposite side." I didn't think I would be able to take most of his cock that way but I was willing to give it a try since that should keep my weight off his bruised hip and allow me to raise and lower myself on most of his cock.

I had enjoyed him playing with my cock as he ate and tongued my asshole but I hadn't been paying much attention since I was concentrating on the feelings in my asshole. Junior is able to do that to me, you could probably break my arms while he had his tongue in me and I wouldn't complain. When I moved into the position he wanted me to try I found his cock already greased and standing straight up in line with my asshole. I was so ready I almost tried taking the whole cock without adjusting my asshole to his girth.

As I felt the head of his cock sucked into my asshole and my sphincter close around his shaft I wondered why every man didn't learn to enjoy cock as a teen. I knew a lot of hetero men that admitted to enjoying having their girl friends pegging them but there was still the feeling that those men might really be gay. "Roger, you are going to be able to allow your cock to bounce on my stomach."

I hadn't thought about how much my cock might hurt bouncing on the wide bruise. "Then I guess you are going to have to jerk my cock while fucking me."

We didn't eat until a couple hours later when my right leg started to cramp and my cock sag.

Next: Chapter 19: Nineteen Rescued

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