
By Bruce Turner

Published on Jun 6, 2023



Eight for the Sunset

Please follow the law. If your wish to read this story you must be of a legal age in whatever locale you are in. There are many lines of guidance given by other writers as to the legalities involved. This story will involve men having sex with men, some piss and in the future love. There will also be violence that has nothing to do with sex.

We had pulled onto the tarmac, not far from what looked like the Presidential jet, it had the USA 1 logo painted on the tail. There were no security guards at the foot of the escalator and no one peering out the door to see who had pulled up so close.

"Think there will be anyone in that jet?"

"No. If it had been sealed it would have been on its way down the runway. Open like it is anyone inside is dead."

"Will Tony be able to fly that?"

"He might, but where would we go?"

"Some place that has a big old lake we can swim in any time we want."

Jesus and I were still undoing our seat belts when we heard the first shot. We both ducked into the wheel wells, not really that much protection but at least we wouldn't be seen. We had heard two screams so assumed two of our group had been shot, but how bad and why? Tony had thought to put a rifle behind the seats but it didn't have a scope so I wasn't sure I would be able to take a long shot if I tried getting out of the truck. Jesus hadn't been able to do much with guns except for the pistols, with them he was deadly accurate up until about thirty-five feet.

"How do we get out of here to check on the guys that were hit?"

"What do you remember about what was in front of you when we stopped?" I didn't have any idea what to do but anything at that point sounded better than sitting like the target in a turkey shoot.

"There wasn't anything between us and the hangar."

"Was that a straight shot from here?" Divide and conquer or just run while we had the chance? I'm no tactician.

"Just slightly to the side but going straight would get us close enough to take a look before we hit it." I think Jesus understood that never of us would be looking where we were headed and would need a direction before starting.

"Okay, you get it started. Use the shift however it is that it works and I'll lay here on the seat and hold the steering wheel." I knew we were still a good thousand feet from the hangar but dividing the targets gave us a one in seven chance at leaving the truck without being hit. I hoped we weren't driving into the shooter's range but out. I knew that the people in the plows wouldn't understand what I was planning but neither would the shooter, how could anyone? I didn't have a plan..

I took a quick look, told Jesus to hit the brakes and turned the wheel hard enough to pull the truck parallel to the hangar. "Jesus, I am going to open the door slowly watch to see if you can see anyone. If I can get the door open all the way I want you to slide out of the truck, crawl under it and hide behind a tire on my side. We need to get the shooter between us and the plows so shooting at him runs him into one of the other guns."

Just as Jesus jumped to the ground and got behind a tire on his side of the truck I heard another shot, it was right where I hoped. "Jesus, hide."

I rolled the passenger side window down while I was still laid out as good as I could do. I had never shot at a person but we were in the middle of a war he had started. I didn't want to stick the rifle out the window until I could get an idea where he was that would make me a target. I called to Jesus to tell me something. All he could tell me was that here were three of our group on the ground.

"Get me the ladder so I can get down there, too."

Either Jesus was brave or foolish, the ladder was up against the side of the truck in less time than it took me to get turned around. My belly was in the way, I had to force myself out from the side of the truck enough to get it over the door seal. Once on the ground we were both able to peek out from behind the passenger side front tire. I recognized the flash of a rifle, the crack of a bullet passing through the speed barrier and the hiss of the truck's rear tire flattening. How dare he? Without thinking of anything except the fact we didn't have an extra tire I peered over the tire and let two shots fly.

I saw the rifle fly out of what might have been an old control tower. About ten seconds later a man followed. He yelled all the way to the ground and then was silent. "Okay Jesus back out to the others. The truck didn't drive well with a flat tire but it was only a thousand or so feet and we made it without anymore shooting. I hoped the truck was going to shield us from any more shooting and give us time to check on the victims. Tony was dead. Tiffan and Karen were breathing hard but after checking them closely Rhoda said she could save them if we could find her a place to do surgery. Henry had disappeared, I thought I remembered that the USA 1 was equipped with a small operating room so I sent Jesus up the escalator. There was no shooting so for the moment I felt safe crouching between the two trucks. Karen was still next to the second plow.

Rhoda and I were able to get Tiffan to the escalator that Jesus had found the switch for and had moving. Once they were to the top Jesus was able to help Rhoda get Tiffan off the steps and inside. I didn't know how I was going to get Karen to the stairs without any help, at that moment Henry returned with a strange gun in his hands. When I explained what was needed he picked her up and carried her easily to the stairs that Jesus had running again. I picked up the rifle I had been using and backed over to the stairs, if there was anyone out there still shooting I wanted to be able to return fire.

I was on the last step when I heard the shot. I fell backwards into the jet jarring my spine but unwounded. Jesus and Henry helped me onto a velvet sofa where I lay until Rhoda came out of the tiny room to tell us that Karen and Tiffan would be alright, they were sleeping and would be that way for at least another four or five hours. She asked if I was alright, when I explained that I had hit the floor of the jet hard enough to jar my spine and make it impossible to walk she started to examine me. She had barely touched me when I screamed, one of the twins had kicked me close enough to my heart to cause a skipped beat and then severe pain up and down the right side of my body.

"Are you ready to be a mother and a father? I think you need to let me take the twins out, there is nothing I can do for your spine while they are still inside." It may have been small, but it was a well equipped operating room with enough medicine in the chest to provide most of the basic treatments in case the President or a member of her cabinet fell ill or was injured outside of Washington.

"Roger we haven't discussed this, do you want to stay awake while I operate on you? Or would you prefer I put you to sleep before I open you up?"

The pain I had experience when she touched me and again when Jesus and Henry carried me to the operating table said one thing, I make act strong and am able to do a full days work but I am a wimp when it comes to pain. "Knock me out. I can't take any more pain than I am already feeling."

Jesus assisted Rhoda, with Karen recuperating he was the only one that had any knowledge of infants. Plus blood didn't seem to affect him the way it did Henry. The big man fetched food and diapers from the trucks while I was going under, he refuse to enter the surgery. I made Jesus promise that the infants would come first if there were a choice to be made between their lives and mine. Rhoda understood, we had argued that out the night I sat with the doctor and her, I didn't know who would raise them. The twins were the possibility of a future while I was a past.

The pain was even more intense when I woke than what I had been feeling when I was being put to sleep. I hurt from the tip of my right rib cage around my body to the spine where the pain radiated out across my entire back. I hadn't expected it but the first thing I wanted to do when I woke was to hold my babies. Rhoda let me have them for two minutes each and then told me it was time she could start to give me pain killers. I was pleased to see they were both well formed and healthy boys, yes I inspected them from the soft spot on their heads to their fingers to their feet and of course I check out their little cocks. She promised they wouldn't even need the oxygen we had thought was a probability if they were born early. There was no morphine on board but Henry and Jesus had found two pouches of cocaine in the back of the jet and she was concocting a pain killer, that she thought would help for at least the first day.

The next time I woke Jesus was holding one of the boys getting him to suck a nipple attached to a half-cup bottle. Henry hadn't been able to find the full sized bottles, still I was pleased to see the baby sucking the nipple through the haze of the cocaine and Valium. Rhoda walked into the room carrying the other boy also feeding. She made sure I was not in distress and put me back to sleep with the knock out concoction she had made.

One of the boys woke me hours later, he had a healthy set of lungs and was making it known that he wasn't happy about something. The pain in my back had settled to a mild throbbing, I was able to move my legs better than when I had started sleeping but the pain in my abdomen was almost the same. I hated that, I wouldn't be able to hold the boys like I should, how were we to bond without that contact?

"Well you could come back to the king-sized bed where I've been sleeping and hold them one to a side for a few hours while they sleep." I agreed quickly.

"How is Karen? Ginger?"

"They are doing alright. It will be a few more days before Karen is out of bed but Ginger doesn't seem to mind that her mother isn't walking around for now. Jesus and I have been giving her little walks around the plane."

"You and Jesus need to get some sleep."

"We will. When we get you moved into the bed with Tiffan, Jesus is going to crash and if Henry will watch over Karen for a while I'm going to do the same. Tiffan is up and around enough he can warm the food for all three and if you are starting to get hungry can make some broth, don't look at me like that. That is all you are allowed until tomorrow or even possibly the next day. If you like he can make you some weak tea with sugar. " That sounded so good I gave her a thumb up, she laughed but promised I would get some as soon as we changed rooms.

Every time I woke I was in less pain. I hated the fact I wasn't allowed out of bed and had to use a stainless pan to take a dump. Even more I hated that I wasn't able to wash up the way I had promised myself the first day on the journey. Between naps and holding my sons to my side I had Tiffan give me sponge baths, enough that I felt clean but not so much that the boys couldn't tell who I was as soon as they were at my side. Something I had read after the first time pregnant had said that our infants imprint upon our smell as well as our voice so Tiffan didn't clean my pits more than giving them a swipe with a wash cloth and a little of his tongue when I was too ripe.

I think it was the fifth or sixth day that we were finally all able to see each other. Karen lay on the bed with me and the others took the antique chairs that had been fastened to the floor so no one would fall out when the plane was in the air. Henry and Jesus had searched through the entire airfield and out buildings only to find the three corpses that we expected to find. The men had been using another jet as their home base. Since neither Henry nor Jesus knew how to fly a plane they didn't know if any of the planes were working. They had tried to find the road to Ector but either it had been taken back by the desert or covered in the blowing red dirt. Living in the jet was an interesting experience but it wasn't getting us any closer to Ector and the doomsday village.

"Henry, why don't you and Jesus take one of the dune buggies we passed a few miles back and see what you can find going west. Ector is only supposed to be fifteen miles from Midland and we are already what four or five of those miles away?

"Rhoda and Tiffan I guess that means you get to be doctor, nurse and childcare for a few more days."

"Not likely, Roger. Starting tomorrow you and Karen are both going to start rehab. The only childcare I will be providing is the few hours I will spend with Ginger every night when her mother passes out."

"Wait a minute. We're on the Presidential jet, right? Where do you think she is and why was she in Midland?" I was jumping steps ahead of myself, was she in the doomsday village? She was very wealthy so she could have easily owned one of the homes, if there had been any forewarning of the disaster as President she would have been told. Could she have flown across the country without the press being told and without warning the country of what was to come?

"You really weren't following the news on May 1st were you? The President was to officiate at a ceremony launching the weekly commuter, shuttle service to the moon. There was a big commotion because her father's company had built the first building on the moon that would be accepting tourists for vacation stays."

"Have you seen one of those shuttles?"

"I'm not sure, but there was a stunted looking jet in the hangar draped with red, white and blue bunting. There was a stage wheeled up to the nose, I didn't check to see who was on the stage, there were too many ashes. I would estimate at least twelve people died while standing there."

"Tony could have taken us to the moon." I missed the man and the thought of him flying us out of the disaster was a sad hope.

"What good would that do?" Rhoda was being too practical.

"Until we try communicating with the few hundred settlers up there we don't know." From what I had studies about the moon colony there was supposed to always be a return vehicle at the ready originally circling the moon but later the decision had been made to save fuel and park it at the International Space Station.

"We know that the shuttles were to be supplying food as well as tourists." I wasn't sure where she was leading us but that didn't sound positive.

"I thought part of the first hundred people's job was to start food production."

"It was, but they were still not able to provide enough for everyone that was working there or any visitors. That was also part of the controversy about starting shuttle service." I had the feeling Rhoda would have been one of the protesters given the chance.

"So if they are still unaffected by the disaster that wiped out Earth they will have to starve some of the number alive to survive?" Karen jumped to a conclusion no one would have wanted to make.

"Or figure out how to increase food production."

"At least, if unaffected they have company."

"We're company." I hadn't expected Jesus to be listening, He usually ignored the rest of us when we started talking about anything other than immediate problems or issues. I had always assumed it was because listening to English was not natural to him.

"Yes. And now one fewer adult and two more infants."

"Two cute little boys." I wanted to laugh at the wiggling fingers he held over their bed but I wanted to protect them first.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Jesus, they are way too little for any of the nonsense you grew up with at home." The look he gave me reminded me that he hadn't told everyone about the life he'd lived with his father and uncles.

"Jesus, let's go find a smaller vehicle with a full tank." Henry started out the door, I was glad he was that sensitive to Jesus's feelings. Sending them off together should give them time to explore each other as well as the desert for the hidden town if Henry was that attuned to the way Jesus was feeling they should have a good time.

The rest of the next two days I spent learning about what my responsibilities as a sole parent were going to be. Karen, Rhoda and Tiffan were all patient with me. I had been the one adult that wasn't fully involved in taking care of Ginger so I had a lot to learn, not how to change diapers I had done my share and already knew about diaper rash. Trying to hold the twins was a painful reminder every time I had to feed them of where they had been pulled from. I did my best to hold each boy to the opposite side of my body but the abdominal cut was slow to heal.

Ginger didn't take all the milk her mother was producing so Rhoda had me mixing human milk with the formula I was using. I wondered why and she said there were more and better natural antibodies in mother's milk than in formula and that the boys would grow larger, she had to admit the last part was only proven by what her own mother had told her. Acting like a mother was not natural to me and I was often frustrated although I was bonded closely to the boys and would have done anything to assure their survival.

I had started to walk from one end of the jet to the other three times a day. Tiffan would walk with me in case I stumbled or fell. Having him at my side helped me with the loss of Tony. I had expected Jesus to fill that gap in my life but Tiffan had stepped up when Jesus went with Henry. By the fourth night they were missing we started to worry about them, Henry had promised to return every fourth day with news. There hadn't been any more shots taken at us so I thought Henry had been as good as his word about the rest of the base being deserted. I had begun to carry one boy, a different one each time, on all but the first walk of the day. Neither of the twins was a morning person and as soon as they had the first bottle of the day would fall back to sleep. Probably because they were in a small space like they had come from they would reach out to each other in their sleep and I would find them closer than I had set them down.

It was that fourth day that Tiffan and I saw that a metal case in the rear of the jet had been torn open, there were rifles and pistols missing. Had we been attacked by robbers or were the shooters the Secret Service? I remembered see Air Force One before the USA 1 had been commissioned when the previous President had been visiting Boston. Some of my classmates had been rabid supporters so we drove down to hear him speak at the new International Airport. The door the president exited closed as soon as his advisers exited. No ground crew touched the plane, the Secret Service stood guard around the plane and the Presidential couple.

If this plane had the door open it was because someone opened it from inside. That could have been a pilot or co-pilot, family member (she often traveled with her college age sons) or Secret Service men that had been left inside to protect paperwork and or the boys. There had been at least three shooters that we had killed, was one or two of them the President's sons that preferred to study over appearing at their mother's press events?

"I hoped I hadn't shot the older son. I had seen him on television a few times and would have gladly jumped his bones and carried him off like I was a Neanderthal. He had lips that invited you to fuck his mouth. I had never heard a rumor that he was gay but I had wished it every time I saw him smile. The younger brother was still in that pimply stage that made it impossible to tell whether he would be scarred or clear skinned and cute. Both of the boys had been taller than their mother and father, lean with nicely formed butts. It would be truly painfully to learn that I had killed one of them.

The next morning Henry and Jesus rode up in a two seat sports car with the roof off, for as much fun as it looked neither looked that pleased. It took Henry an hour to let us know that he and Jesus had followed most of the roads leading west from Ector but had found nothing within twenty miles of the town. Rhoda agreed that neither Karen nor I needed both Tiffan and her any longer so she would go with the pair to Ector and search the court house for records of the court cases and failing that look for the building permit that had to have been filed for the sales office which was said to be within a mile of the town. Court house records are a slow way of finding anything unless a proper use of filling is maintained when records are moved from one site to another which happened as often as space was needed. I wished I would have been ready to go along but a rough ride might aggravate my abdomen even more and slow healing.

Jesus went looking for a vehicle as soon as he woke the following morning. He had insisted on sleeping with me even if we weren't going to be able to do too much sexually. I hated the thought that I really would have to wait six to seven weeks until the cut fully healed. I won't say exactly what happened between us that night after Jesus told me about having Henry fuck him, the one thing he loved, he did. My pits and balls were still sticky from saliva when he left bed to find a ride.

Ten days after the boys were born I couldn't stand the prohibition against sex. I talked with Tiffan, the doctor hadn't said no sex. I was not permitted to have sex that would cause me to use any abdominal muscles. Tiffan suggested that there were things I could do if I would forget about fucking. I knew he was right although the doctor had told me that I should try not using my cock and balls for a few weeks until after the soreness had disappeared around the cut. That point hadn't come yet, I wasn't going to get off but Hell that didn't mean that Tiffan had to suffer.

We had been abusing his good nature. He slept on the only chair on the plane that moved, he had pulled it over to where he could hear Ginger, Ton or Dana the moment they stirred in their sleep. He would try to wake before one woke the others. He was usually successful but there was usually one time a night that all three kids were crying at the same time, Karen and I woke and helped until sleep would take them again.

"Karen, is it okay if Tiffan doesn't wake with Ginger tonight?"

"Think its time he got a full nights sleep."

"Don't you?" I didn't tell her my plan was to wear him out before he slept. The night time bottles for Ton and Dana were stored beside the bed in what had to have once held the President's Vodka, she was known for having a shot every night when she went to bed, only one, she wanted to be able to answer that three AM call.

"Tiffan, you need to come sleep with me tonight."

"Roger, I'd love to but sleeping with you I would be bouncing on an erection and unable to sleep." He blushed as he admitted that his cock would be hard just being in the same bed as me.,

"Too bad. You're coming to bed with me. Karen knows she'll have to wake with Ginger, the bottles for the boys are in the bed fridge, there is a stack of diapers and fresh blankets beside the crib. Jesus had found a crib in a nursery outside a classroom on the third floor of the Space Port section of the boarding station. He had Henry help him maneuver it through the hallways and up the stairway into the jet. We had a plan to use the jet until both Karen and I were able to walk down the stairs without needing help to carry the children. It sounded prejudicial to me but I was tired traveling and with the door closed every night I felt safe from whoever or whatever might want to harm us. We didn't know if it would be enough but Henry and Jesus had brought an old-fashioned windshield shade that was covered in aluminum as protection against another attack on Earth and tightly fitted it around the cockpit window and jammed the door shut.

Tiffan was like me in that he needed physical contact fairly often. He would walk up behind me and give me a hug, pressing his entire body against my back. Just the thoughts of sex that put in my mind lead me to want my ass fucked. I honestly wondered if there was a way to strap myself down so that I wouldn't try moving with the damaged muscles. I must have thought of dozens of scenarios that would allow us to have some type of sex. Everything had finally boiled down to the plan I had for that night.

Cooking in the jet was not as good as we had in some of the motels and houses but Tony and Karen managed to cook breakfast and dinner everyday and serve something cold at lunch. I was back to eating three meals a day. Unlike Karen I only needed to lose fifteen pounds of baby fat. Most anything I would do physically, even cooking would stretch the abdomen so I was banned from the galley and holding the boys unless I was seated on the bed.

I ate lighter than I would normally do that night. We had taken to playing board games to pass the time when I wasn't reading any of the papers I could find in the President's office. After the first game of Monopoly, Las Vegas, I got up and said I was going to bed. Karen looked at Tiffan like I was telling him to come with me.

" Play another game, I'm feeling tired." I carried the boys to the bedroom one by one and gave them a half bottle of food that we had learned helped them sleep more than two hours at a time. As I finished getting ready I flashed Tiffan through the door and waved my cock at him, Karen had known well enough to sit with her back to the door.

It may have been an hour or more before Tiffan opened the door.

"Get out of those clothes." I don't know why but there was a spot light that shone straight down on anyone that was two to four feet inside the door it may have been a security measure since the light would come on with the door opening. He started to move out of the light but I told him I wanted to see him lit that way. Away from the doctor and interns he had started to stand straighter, hold in the slight pouch of his belly, spread his legs so his cock hung more visibly and smile most of the time. Like the rest of us he needed a haircut but was cleanly shaved.

"Tiffan, has anyone ever told you that you are a beautiful man." He really is, front and back. I asked him to stay under the light for a couple minutes, I wanted to savor the moment, men are always in such a rush to get to it.

"Come over here." I patted the refrigerator, I'm sure that confused him but he didn't lose his smile or the beginning of an erection as he approached me.

"Tiffan, I have been pretty much banned from having sex but that doesn't mean that you have to suffer."

"I don't think there is anyone else I want right now." It was an easy mistake, I wasn't starting the conversation that well.

"Not even Jesus?" How could anyone really not want him.

"I miss fucking him but I miss you even more." I was pleased, I had started to feel the same way, how could I do without the hugs?

"Good. Step up on the bed."

"Step?" His smile sank into confusion.

"Yes. Step up here and straddle my face." As soon as my tongue touched the edges of his urethra he understood or lost control. I'm not sure and hope it was both. Taking the first cock I had touched in weeks into my mouth was so great I was afraid my cock was going to go off before I was able to make Tiffan give me his load. I wasn't there to see how long he could last, I gave one of the blow jobs that I had been told were too good and in a few minutes he was coating the inside of my mouth with a thick, tasty load that he didn't want to stop shooting. It had been too long for him, too.

As I let the cum slide down my throat my cock erupted. It had been two weeks, an unheard of wait for me. When the first drops hit Tiffan on the butt he turned to see we hadn't been joined by anyone I was just exploding all over myself and down his legs.

"Don't hurt yourself."

"Tiffan, I don't feel anything." Earlier I had told Karen of my problem and she dug through one of her bags until she was able to find a brace her first ob/gyn had given her to try after she had muscle issues from giving birth the first time. Just mentioning her two earlier children always brought her to tears. She hoped it would do for what I had planned, it had, my lower abdominal muscles hadn't moved at all.

He had stopped straddling me and knelt on the bed, first checking the brace and then lowering his mouth so he could lick up the puddles of cum.

"I wish I could turn you over to lick your ass." I really hadn't expected that to come out of his mouth, he had licked me a little once in the X-Ray office while we waited for a part to be brought from one of the other machines., but he hadn't seemed to be eager to do more than just lick me a little.

"That is going to have to wait. There is nothing in the world that would hold me still enough with a tongue up my asshole."

"So you're admitting that you enjoy having your asshole played with?" He looked like he had just found the treasure of Sierra Madre.

"Tiffan, anyone that tells you they don't is lying. But I think you are really asking if I like to get fucked. How do you think I got pregnant? The twins aren't only mine or born of immaculate conception. Luis used to fuck me almost as much as I fucked him, maybe half as much. So if you think you are going to fuck me you better think about what my cock is going to feel like in your asshole."

"I have been thinking about that everyday since the afternoon you pissed in Jesus's asshole." I don't know if I can take all of what you have but I want to try. And I will want you to try filling my ass with piss at least once." He had lowered his head so he didn't have to look in my eyes when he said that.

"When I met you I had the feeling that you were only interested in sucking cock and being sucked. You are certainly showing me a different side of your life." I wasn't upset about what I was learning but I hadn't expected any of it.

"When Tony and I bent over Jesus and licked his cum from his belly? That was the first time I had ever tasted piss. Are you ready for an admission that I will deny to the day I die if you ever tell anyone?"

"I can keep a secret." I can, I have never talked to anyone about anybody's sex life, if I was talking about mine I changed my partners' names.

"After the knock out meds were out of your system I took one of the urinal bottles to the lavatory and drank about half of what was in there. It was a lot stronger than Jesus' piss but that is probably because we weren't allowing you enough fluids to drink, that was the day I started to bring you the big glasses of tea." I wanted to comment on him secretly drinking my piss but I could think of what to say. Was he doing that daily since the big glasses of tea had appeared? I was pleased and honored even though I knew that it could have just been his upbringing.

"Between Tony and Jesus they were drinking my piss at least three or four times a day as we drove across the country. I think part of that was because the boys were jumping up and down on my bladder. I hope it isn't because I'm developing diabetes."

"You had the shot the government was giving everyone last summer, right?"

"I did, but the doctor that inoculated me warned me that I might not be an idea candidate for it. He said something about my medical history showing signs of too many odd diseases when I was a teenager."

"Have you been sick since you left Maine?"

"No, actually Maine was the last time."

"You might have some non-diagnosed allergies that showed up as illnesses to your doctors. I wouldn't worry if I were you. Just so none of them were STI's." He gave me a stern anticipatory stare.

"None." He was laying beside me with his cock laying softly in my hand. I couldn't remember the last time I had a soft cock in my hand that didn't want or need satisfied.

"Roger? Would you give me some piss?" I hadn't been using the bottles for a week so I wondered if he had been wanting to ask.

"I might have a cup full. If you really want it, I'll try."

"Please." It is proper for a boy to say please and thank you after you give them piss, it doesn't matter where you give it to them they need to show their gratitude. I wasn't sure whether to expect it or not but I hoped the fact he was drinking my piss would give Tiffan another erection that he would want serviced. I didn't say anything, performance anxiety could hit any of us at any time.

The second time he stood over me that evening I gave a much slower and more satisfying, I hope, blow job. He didn't cum as much but he had forced his cock into my throat once he started face fucking me as the need built in his balls. Fresh cum is always the best and I enjoyed every drop he gave me. I made him stand over me while I milked the very last few drops from his prostrate and nuts. If I thought he could give me another load I would have sucked him again.

"You're supposed to lay still so try not clenching up your abs." I wasn't sure what he was thinking but as he worked my cock into his mouth I knew what he hoped we could do wasn't going to be possible. I reached down to stop him, we were both disappointed; my cock was certainly disappointed it stood waiting for attention for a long time.

"Roger, I think I could live on just your cum. He had done as I told him but was lightly tickling my balls with his tongue. I spread my legs as far as I could, I thought he might tongue wash the taint doubting he could reach any further. I couldn't lift my legs without stretching my abs but he understood I was doing the best I could and pushed at the inside of my legs with both hands as he forced his mouth as close to the sheet as he could and started licking my shit slit.

"I think I'll keep you." I said that just as his tongue went from licking to probing and slid in my asshole maybe a half inch but I loved it and would have done anything but clench my abs to give him access to more of me, I tried to clench my butt but I could tell I was pulling too hard on the upper abs.

"I could prop up your legs." I really thought hard. I love a tongue in my ass and I was pleased that Tiffan was willing but did I want it without the payoff of getting fucked? I had been licked many times without being fucked but I knew I would want Tiffan to pound my ass as hard as he could or I would need to fuck him.

"We need to wait, Tiffan. If you do too much more with your tongue and my ass I am going to beg you to fuck me and that would rip up the stitches. Can you wait?" This time the smile had definitely disappeared. I hated that I was in such shape but if there was a man that could understand it was this man that had helped me to start walking again and had seen the wound almost daily. "I really don't want to wait, but if you think it is going to be a problem I can. But, that means when You roll over and exposed that bright red hole I am going to spend at least an hour eating it out."

"You pervert." I chuckled at the idea.

"Call me YOUR hungry pervert." He did the last thing I expected, he kissed my asshole again and licked his lips.

"Do you need to piss again, before you go to sleep?" Where did this man come from? I had thought I met a nice calm sober minded man and here he was as nasty as me.

"No, you already got it all." Tiffan helped me remove the brace and move down the bed which was always problematic. Once I was flat he lay up beside me and pushed his face into my armpit.

"I hope I can stay here all night." He was alternating licking and sniffing deeply, my cock throbbed with pleasure.

It was a good nights sleep, Ton and Dana waited until at least four O'clock before fussing at us to wake and once they sucked down the bottle and had their diapers changed fell back to sleep on our shoulders. This is what life is supposed to be like, a couple sharing in the raising of their children. I moved over on the bed so Tiffan could spend the rest of the night with his face in my other armpit. I dreamed that night of having more children, there seemed to be dozens of little Tiffans running around..

"Okay, you can have it, it's going to be stronger than last night." He had been telling me I shouldn't walk to the lavatory but let him have a drink.

"Tiffan, I really am happy about the way you are developing but I want you to start being smart. No more than two drinks of piss per day. If your own starts changing colors we move to giving you a shower or an enema and stop the drinking until it clears up." I didn't think I would have had to have this talk with someone with his medical background but I guess they don't teach piss drinking in tech school.

"Can we put all that off for a few days. I'm new to this and I'm hooked. If Karen wasn't here I'd say walk around nude and give it to me every time you want."

"If she goes out today to look for the others you can bend me over the galley counter." I didn't want to tell him it was to lick my ass but that was the idea.

"You know your asshole will be open to my tongue."

"That's the idea, my pervert." I had a flash of us growing old together.

We spent the rest of the day hoping Karen would go looking for the others but she claimed she was too tired from getting up with Ginger to walk very far. While playing cards she told Tiffan that she thought it would be best if she woke with Ginger for a few weeks even if it left her tired. She was feeling like the bond between them wasn't as strong as it should have been plus she was starting to leak milk before it was time to pump.

Next: Chapter 9: Nine in Ector

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