Lifes Expectations

By Kuragari

Published on Apr 12, 2013


Lets get this over with now: I own "Life's Expectations" and every character in the story. There are some events that have actually happened to me, but all the characters are fictional. If it is illegal for you to to view this in your location, then GTFO. You're probably gonna ignore that so have fun. Boy on boy happens in this story so if your not a fan of that, what are you doing here? Donate to Nifty, cause they give you awesome stories and you love them for it. So go to and donate!

Last chapter was a lot of Shane and Lucas again. It introduced Lucas' mom, Dr. Iris Bear, into the story as Shane's psychologist. Then they went out for ice cream XD. It was a rather emotional chapter but now onward!

In the coming chapters there will be another Character introduced. I can't promise this will be the last one to be brought in cause I have a few characters in mind and written down so I don't forget them. So I will give you one hint on him, other than he's a guy. He has been mentioned in a previous chapter, but never shown.

So onto another note: This chapter will be about Isaac, cause I always leave him behind. I mean I've been focusing on Shane and Lucas' relationship. Now as much as I love doing that, I'm leaving Issac in the dust. So today is the day you get some Isaac action!

Now I have went back and forth from calling Isaac "Issac" cause for some reason my mind thought it looked better... But imma try and keep it to Isaac from now on. On with the Show!

Chapter 19 – Dammed If I Do Ya (Dammed If I Don't)

Note: I messed up on the "Isaac's POV" the first time I typed it. Starting of great!!

Isaac's POV

Another week of school done! It's only Thursday but we have a N.I.D. tomorrow. N.I.D. stands for Non-Instructional Day. So the students don't have to go to school but the teachers still do. Not to mention I've convinced my parents to let me have a sleepover!

I asked Anthony and Nick if they wanted to sleepover. Since Jenni is going to a friends tonight I get to have two people sleepover. They both said yes too! I thought about asking Lucas, but he said something about being able to spend a day with his mom, so I didn't. I even thought about asking Tanis, but he also had a family commitment to go to this weekend.

The last class of the day was English so we all had the same class and were gonna just head to my place. I'm a little nervous of taking the bus. I haven't taken it yet... but I guess the first of October is a good start. Plus I'll have Nick and Anthony with me, so I should be fine.

"So what are we gonna do when we get to your house?" Nick was bouncing around like he usually does when he gets excited.

"Your gonna wreck our project, Nick." Tanis was trying to stop Nick but it seamed to be 'wrecking' the project more. It was a giant piece of construction paper coming from Nick's backpack.

"Oh, it's fine." Nick pushed Tanis off of him, "Nothing will happen to it."

"Better not, I didn't save the things I wrote and printed out on my computer." Tanis gave out a huff and a sigh. "I hope you guys have fun. I'm stuck going out of town to my Aunt's."

"Your Aunt isn't that bad."

"Liam is though." Liam is Tanis' most hated cousin. "He is so clingy and annoying, gaaah."

"How old is he?" Anthony had just got to our lockers as Tanis was explaining Liam.

"12, and he loves me was to much. I wish he would just leave me alone." Tanis gave out another huff. "Matt and Ryan hang out in their 'big kid zone' preventing me from escaping Liam. I wonder if I could get in there now..."

"Anyways back to my question! What we gonna does at your place?" Did Nick just ask me 'what we gonna does'?

"First we're gonna work on your English." Nick stuck out his tongue at that comment. "Then... I don't really know I haven't thought about it."

"Well I have my 360 so we could play something on that." Anthony was just about to say something when Nick continued, "And I have 4 controllers with me. Just gotta stop by my mom's classroom."

"What are we waiting for then? The School Special is gonna be leaving in a few minutes!" Anthony was on his way before he even finished his sentence. We shortly fallowed finding him at Mrs. Bells' classroom.

It wasn't long before we were standing in front of the bus. We use one of the city buses for the School Special. School buses are only used for transportation during school hours. So theirs like 50 – 100 kids on this bus... waiting for it to bring them home.

So I did the only thing I could, made an audible gulp. "Hey, you mind if we stop at my place first? I have to pick up a few things."

"Yes!" Oh my god thank you Anthony! He gets off at the first stop, so we will only be on for a few minutes. While I had a mini celebration Nick and Anthony just kinda looked at me. You know with that look of 'what are you doing'.

After that we got on the bus and stayed at the front. There was a few comments thrown our way here and there but for the most part we were left alone with everyone figuring out how they are gonna spend their weekend.

Later than I hoped the bus finally stopped and we hoped off. There is only a small patch of forest with a path between the bus stop and Anthony's house. We got to his house and entered through the back door.

The house had like three times the space my little trailer did. He told us that he had the entire entrance way on the other side of the house to himself pretty much. I wish I had my own room and/or wing of my house.

We walked right into Travis, Anthony's older brother, and their dad having an argument. "So I'm not allowed to have friends over for the night now!?"

"That's not what I said. I said they have to come over twice and say hi to either me or your mother before they are allowed." His dad was remaining quite calm compared to Travis.

"That is such a dumb rule. I'm 17, why is having friends over a problem!?"

"Because if I am to set up rules for your brother, you are to fallow them until you graduate and get a job."

"That's so dumb!" Travis walks by us, gives Anthony a glare and pushes past us and goes upstairs.

Anthony peers around the corner, "What was that all about?"

"I was talking to your brother, Anthony, not you." Anthony just nodded and then THE worst thing that could happen... happened. A dog came out from the kitchen and I took off back to the back entrance way. "Isaac, what are you doing?"

I had the door mostly closed, not all the way, just enough to keep the dog away from me. "I don't like dogs..."

"Flare wont hurt you. She might lick you to death, but never bite." As he finished it came towards me and I shut the door. "Come on Isaac, she wont do anything."

I shook my head violently before Nick and Anthony sighed. "I wont come in if the dog can get to me." Anthony came up to the door and got into the entrance way. He then went to the second door to that led up to Travis' space.

"Go in here close the door to your liking and I'll let Flare outside." So I closed the door so I could peer through it and watched him let his dog out. When he was done I re-entered the house.

"Whats up with you and dogs, Isaac?" Nick was standing there with his hands his hips and a serious face.

"I just don't like them, okay." Que in me playing with my bandanas. Every time anyone mentions dogs... I play with them.

"Fine, don't tell us. We will get it out of you one day." He may be right... but I don't figure it will be anytime soon.

Anthony went to his room and dumped his backpack onto his bed. Grabbed some cloths and stuffed them into his backpack. He even grabbed some games and his own Xbox controller. It didn't take very long for Anthony to be done and we were on our way.

We stopped at a corner store and picked up some snacks and stuff before getting to my house. We loaded up on junk food, so much so that I was convinced my mom would take some away when we showed up at home. We were lucky that my mom was in her room, and she didn't see it.

That didn't stop my mom from embarrassing me in front of them though. She opened with how cute is was that I was making friends and that I've been coming home happier since school started. I think my face became as red as my hair. Mom stopped once she noticed, lets hope nothing else bad happens tonight.

Shane's POV

So through the week I hung around with Zach. Noah even made me skype him everyday. Lets just say I've been very to myself. It was school home and Zach's for me.

Don't get me wrong, it feels great to get 'it' of my chest but I'm worried about Saturday. Not to mention the fact that Dr. Bear said in front of Zach that I have trust issues. It's not trust issues, it's I don't want to go fast in a relationship, but I'm a horny teenager. Why can't life be easy!?

For tonight and tomorrow though I don't have to worry about it. Tonight I'm going to the youth center with Zach again. Last time we made plans to get me and Lucas talking again and they worked. This time I was gonna make him play pool, darts and some other stuff.

Right now, I'm waiting for Zach to find out exactly what he wants to wear out tonight. He has shown me three different outfits, asked me how they look and then was convinced they looked horrible on him. All before I could even say how good he looked.

I entertain myself with his TV while he's ranting about in his closet. When I say ranting I mean ranting. "No that shirt is Garbage. Those shorts are to short, and those ones are to long. It's to hot out for that hoodie... There!"

He comes out in cargo shorts that hug his ass perfectly, a t-shirt that says 'I'm pretty much perfect' and a hoodie I've yet to see him wear. He claims to 'only have 20' but for the amount he wears it feels like more. This hoodie was just a plain black one. He closed his closet door to check out this outfit in his full body mirror.

"Done yet, Zach?" It was his Aunt calling him. She has told me I could call her Liz, but I just can't... She's Ms. Albore to me.

"I don't know...." He spins around as if he was wearing a dress, "Shane what do you think?"

"You look fine."

"Nope not done!" He then looks at me, "What can I do to make me look sexier?"

"Why do you wanna look sexier?"

"For you of course! I wanna look my best so you can flaunt me to people!"

"You don't need to look good for me. Your fine how you are. Plus it's 6:30, we should go, it closes at 11 tonight."

"That's more time to flaunt! Lets go then!" Zach was out the door faster than after his Science class. I just shook my head and chased after him

Zach has really opened up since me and him started seeing each other. I've even trained him to swear less. He's actually really girly compared to what he showed when I first met him. I mean he still is very guy like but I'm seeing his girly side more. Mostly when he's getting changed and doing his hair.

He always worried about how he looks. Even though almost every girl is googly eyed for him. Even the straight guys know he's good looking. They are just happy he's gay. I think Zach has more cloths than most girls in the school, at least he wears all them though.

What's really awesome about Zach is that once he realizes that he wont ever wear a piece of clothing again he donates it. I've seen him chuck cloths out of his closet on several occasions. They are in a pile in the corner of his room... but they are on their way.

Zach doesn't show that he has money though. He hasn't even told me how he and his Aunt have this kind of money on a teacher's salary. Its amazing what he has in just his room. He has a walk in closet, a bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub and a full body shower. He's got a king size bed and a 40 inch tv all to himself. Yet he never brags about it.

There's all kinds of reasons why I like Zach, but I also notice the things I don't like about him. Like how he always gotta look good or how he always wants the conversation to go his way. Worst of all, everything has to be about him. Like I was talking about a game I was playing and he was all 'Oh ya I've played that game and this is what happened to me'. I just want to have a normal conversation with him.

Most of what I realized I didn't like about him showed up in the last week. I've been thinking about everything a bit to much though, so it might just be that. I do really like Zach and I don't want a good thing to go to waste.

Would you look at that, through all my thinking we've arrived at the Youth Center. "Come on Shane, lets go."

"One sec. Zach."

Zach rushed out of the SUV and was halfway up the walkway to the door before I even undid my seat belt. "I know Zach can be a little self centered, but you really do mean something to him, Shane."

"Thanks Ms. Albore."

"I told you, you may call me Liz."

"That's to awkward for me. Thanks for the ride." She waved and drove off. Zach was running in place getting a weird look from Nick and Isaac. "Zach your scaring people."

"So, who cares!?" He turns to see who he's 'scaring' "Oh hey!"

They gave out a synchronized "hey" then we all went inside. We mostly sat around and chatted about the weekend. Anthony and Zach were having a fierce pool match and there were a couple of kids playing Halo with Nick. Altogether it was pretty entertaining.

Then out of the blue Cheryl came up to me, "Could I get your help, Shane? I can't seam to understand something on my computer."

"Oh ya sure." Innocently enough I fallowed. Little did I know I was about to spill my guts out cause on the computer screen in large font it said 'Do you wanna talk?' To be honest I did but I didn't wanna take to long.

Oh and before you think a rumor spread about me again, Scott and Paula are really good friends with Cheryl's parents and they talk often. They usually mention when something has happened or what mode I've been in for the past week. Just so she gets a heads up of whats going on.

So I told her a largely edited version what happened last weekend. There aren't very many people who know what happened and I want to keep it limited. I just kinda told her everything I had thought about in the last week and kinda went on a rant. I felt greatish afterword though, which is a plus.

After I finished talking about Zach she just replied with, "So seeing you two smooching on the couch wont be happening anytime soon?"

"I don't know it might. I'm just not sure how to make a move on him. I'm not sure if he wants to be the one to be asked or to ask. I'm confused." I think I spoke all that in like 2 seconds.

"Just calm down a second Shane." I took a deep breath cause I was overwhelmed with everything right now. "Take care of one problem at a time. If you need to pause one problem then pause it if you can. If you take it one step at a time it will be a lot easier okay?"

I nodded and went back out to Zach who hadn't noticed I was gone for almost half an hour. Isaac and Nick did, but Anthony was just as into the pool game that had reached the point where there is only the black ball left.

Once they were done shooting pool, we hit up Nick's 360. He started a new game in Tales of Vesperia and we watched until another character got added to the party. I played as Estelle and was apperantly a good medic.

Tonight has been a good night. Lets hope that Saturday will be not as stressful as I think it will be.

Isaac's POV

Nick and Anthony wanted to stay at the youth center till 11. I stayed out of the 'fun' and drew the entire time. I'm just not into video games as much as the rest of my friends. Just not my thing. I have a Wii... I don't play it much but I have it.

Now though its 11:30 and we are my house and Nick is fast asleep. It was only like 10 minutes at my house and Nicks on my bed snoring softy. Anthony and I are watching Gurren Lagann. I gotta say Kamina is the essence of manliness.

We just started the second episode when Anthony spoke up, "Isaac?" He was acting all shy, he never does this.

"Ya what?"

"You know how Nick is right?" I just kinda looked at him. That question has no answer by the way. "You know, with other girls and boys."

"You mean his rumor?" Anthony nods. "The rumor says he's gay but I really don't care if he is or not. He's my friend anyways."

"Its not that, I agree with you with that. It's just... Have you ever thought about what that means?"

"Actually no I haven't." Whats does gay mean? I know it means you like boys instead of girls but is there more? Like the sexual part of it. I never really thought about it before. "Why do you ask Anthony?"

"I've just been thinking about what it means." Anthony went quiet after that. It wasn't till after the 3rd episode that he said anything. "What do you think of it?"

"Of what gay means?" He nods shyly. "Umm if a guy is into that, all the power to him. I haven't put much thought into it s I wouldn't know."

"Would you wanna try it?" That caught be a bit off guard. Try what about it? And for how long? Do I even know what it is he's asking me to do. "I could give you a BJ if you want..."

"Uhh sure?" What is a 'BJ'? He moved himself over to me. I was siting on my spiny desk chair. Anthony put his elbows on my knees. "How do you do it?"

"You don't know what a BJ is?" I shook my head no, "'BJ' stands for blow job. It's where someone takes your dick and sucks on it like a sucker."

I gave a very audible gulp. "Like in your mouth?" I know it was a a dumb question I can't help it when I'm nervous.

"'Like in your mouth', yes. It's like jacking off, just someone else is doing it. It feels great dude." His head was like a foot maybe from my crotch. This feels so awkward! "You have jacked off before haven't you?"

"Who hasn't!? And how do you know how it feels?"

"Don't tell anyone this:" He looked to make sure Nick was asleep. "Lucas and Nick have both sucked me off. I think they have done more though." Sucked him off? He means they have given him a BJ right? "Anyways if you want to I could suck you off..."


"Don't worry I wont bite, I'll even try and not use my teeth." With that I pulled down my pants and boxers to reveal my semi-hard, cut dick. I've seen lots of guys dicks at the swimming pool and I looked up why some looked different when I was younger. "You're cut! Nick and Lucas are both uncut."

He pulled everything down to my ankles and spread my legs. Then he went to work. It felt soooo good!!! He took like all of it immediately and I was fully hard in moments. He could still take all of it and did so greedily.

He twisted his tongue and fondled my balls at the same time. I tried to suppress a squeal but I let the last of it escape. He didn't stop sucking just went on and on. Then I noticed he was playing with himself at the same time.

"Do you want me to suck you Anthony?" He stopped the moment I finished.

"You don't have to..." His face was a deep red, from embarrassment I'm pretty sure.

"Well you are playing with yourself so I thought you might want some attention too." He then explained to me how to '69' and told me that I would be 'bottom'.

So I got onto the floor he pulled his pants down and I saw his dick. It was like about the same size as mine I think, and uncut! When he went down on me again I let out a moan and then had a moment to myself. I then took him into my mouth.

I didn't play with his balls, I was afraid to. But I took his entire shaft into my mouth. We stayed like this for like 5 minutes when I couldn't hold in my load anymore and warned him. He continued and I shot my load into his mouth.

He came off licking his lips, "If you continue I'm gonna shoot. If you want I can finish myself." I felt I had an obligation to finish him so I just continued. He didn't last 2 minutes when he shot into my mouth.

It surprised me so much that I choked on it and most of it ended up on his chest. I was beat after that and just pulled up my boxers and took off my pants. "Sorry about that. I didn't think it would shoot that fast."

"It's fine. Do you have a cum towel?" I handed him my regular towel and he cleaned himself off. "Thanks, I'm gonna go to bed now."

"What do we tell Nick?"

"You can tell him if you want. I wont, since your the one who was experimenting, more so than me at least."

I thought that was good for me. So I moved myself over to my bed with a sleeping Nick sprawled up in a corner. I have a double sized bed by the way. I pulled the covers up over us and then he moved. I was scared shitless!

He was still asleep but moved to snuggle up to me. He had ¾ of the bed and I had a little sliver. I was comfy though so I let it slide. I fell asleep almost instantly. This sleepover was a good one, even if the sex stuff didn't happen.

Chapter end.

Sorry for the long wait. My friends decided to get me into LOL (League of Legends) and that has taken up most of the time where I usually write. Not to mention Borderlands 2's level cap got increased so I've been playing that when I can. I also got a bit more hours of work this week so I'm very sorry!! Don't be mad.

I hope giving Isaac some action makes up for it though. Next chapter it will be Shane's meeting with Dr. Bear again and you'll get to see what kind of relationship Lucas has with his mom. I might throw in some Isaac or Sam in there too.

P.S. I have downloaded Spider Riders and am watching that currently. Along with Big Brother Canada. I'm a huge Big Brother fan and can't wait to see who wins. I'm siding with Emmet or Peter to win.

On a side note: I want Alec back. Sorry but Gary annoys the living hell out of me, and Topaz and AJ don't really deserve it. But we'll probably see Gary back >.> oh well, at least there will be drama.

Wanna talk Big Brother to me? Or any other anime/manga I'm interested in. Or maybe you want to tell me about my story, well you can! You could email me at or you can go to the official facebook page and check things out there. is the link, ad don't forget to like the page while your there. Once I get enough people to like the page I will put up the original chapter two of Life's Expectations, so like it up!

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 20

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