Love Interest

By Adam -

Published on Dec 2, 2023


Last time on Chapter 26 of Love Interest -

Josh looked over at Justin and noticed that he was shaking. Wrapping his arms around him, he pulled Justin close to his body, and rubbed his back. Pulling the second cover so it was only around Justin, he made it so the boy could get warmer. "Justin, if you feel sick just tell me. I'll clean it up if you throw up." Josh offered, and Justin just shook his head. Relaxing into Josh's strong chest and arms, he nodded in and out of sleep as the movie continued.

"I hate leaving you guys." Brittney moped while her and Joey headed closer and cloer to the destination....her house.

"I know Britt, we miss you when you're gone too. But look at the bright side, you're done with all this commotion. I mean, Justin's sick, we all still aren't talking, so you get out of it before it really even starts." Joey laughed, and Brittney smiled.

"Well, I can't argue the last part. but I wouldn't mind being their while Justin is sick. Josh is going to need some help with him. I mean, you're going back home, and so am I. So that just leaves him and Lynn to watch over him. And as much as Josh loves him, he's going to get tired of waiting on him hand and foot." Brittney spoke up, and just laughed.

"I know what you mean, I told Justin to use it all to his advantage. As long as he's sick he might as well get the most out of it." Joey laughed, and Brittney just gave a scolding look.

"Joey you bastard. If Josh finds out you said that he's gonna kill you." Brittney giggled, and soon fell apart laughing at the situation Joey had put himself into. If Josh found out he was dead, and although Justin would hold it to his power, he would also probably tell Josh too.

"I think I can live with them. I can take Justin, and on a good day I could take Josh. Unless he's defending Justin, then I think Josh could kill even God." Joey teased, and the car ride continued.

"So, what do you want to do?" Chris asked Lance, looking around his house. Even he enjoyed being at the Harless residence more then his own home. Moping, he looked at the calendar on his wall. A little over a month til Christmas, and he wasn't talking to his best friends.

"I don't know, I wish the guys would let us apologize." Lance mumbled, and Chris heard what was said.

"Josh said we could maybe do something later on in the week if Justin's healthy." Chris remembered, and went back to thinking. "Hey Lance, ya know, you never told any of us your side of the story behind the sex." Chris mentioned, and Lance chuckled a little.

"Well, I guess it's kinda funny, cuz I never told any one this. Brittney wasn't my first time, she didn't even come close. Do you know how many girls I've been with after clubbing and stuff? Probably more then you or Joey. But I don't think it would compare to the number of guys Josh has been with." Chris rolled his eyes and laughed, waiting for Lance to continue. "I might not have realized, because I'm so used to quick fucks, that I should have been more romantic about it. I totally forgot that she was a virgin, I can't remember the last time I was with a virgin." Lance laughed to himself, and Chris just smiled.

"You better not tell anyone else that. You can trust me dude, but I don't know if the others wouldn't tell her. Especially Justin." Chris warned, and flipped on the tv.

"I know, I know. I won't tell them, right now I don't think they need to know another reason to hate me." Lance mumbled, and he and Chris joked back and forth for a while.

"They are so cute." Lynn managed to whisper, she didn't want to make a lot of noise as she looked into the bedroom her son and his boyfriend slept in. The scene in front of her caused her to smile, happiness crossing over every part of her body. The scene before her was of Justin and Josh both fast asleep. Josh was seated up right, his back and head against the headboard of the bed. Meanwhile, his arms were wrapped tightly around her son, who was sleeping curled up close to Josh. They were both covered by three blankets, and the movie was slowly coming to an end. "So cute."

Having a hard time pulling herself away from the view, she quickly shook her head and walked out of the room. But not before pulling the door shut slowly.

"Well Britt, I guess it's see ya around from here." Joey said as he helped unload her stuff from the car.

"I guess Joe." Brittney choked back tears for the second time of the day, and hugged Joey good bye.

"Tell your mom and dad that I said hey." Joey called out as he shut his door. Brittney stood on the side walk waving good bye, while Joey drove off towards his own home.

"Justin, Justin Timberlake?" A young blond nurse walked off from a hallway to escort Justin to the back.  Justin turned to look at Josh who reluctantly followed Justin into the room he was being led into.

"Alright, Dr. Alberston will be in soon." The nurse set down Justin's records on the desk in the room and walked out making sure to shut the door.

"Your weren't gonna come in with me?" Justin asked with hurt in his eyes. He looked terrible, but Josh had managed to get him into a new outfit and bathed up so he looked good enough to go out in public. He knew the publicity of Justin being sick would be terrible.

"You know I don't like doctor's offices Justin." Josh began to defend himself. But he knew about with Justin wasn't going to happen. He could see Justin's sad face from what Josh had already done, and he didn't want to make him upset even more.  "I'm sorry Justin."

"It's okay,  I shouldn't care about it." Justin apologized in his way as well, and watched Josh sit in the chair. He could sense Josh's fear in the room. "Josh, your fear of doctors and hospitals, can I help you overcome them?" Justin asked politely, looking sincerely at his boyfriend.

"I don't think so Just. I mean, I can overcome it when I need to, for you of course." Josh replied, playing with his fingers as he looked at tools next to him.

"You helped me with one of my fears." Justin responded, smiling brightly. Josh looked at him confusingly.

"What fear? Last time I checked you were still afraid of spiders and snakes." Josh teased, and waited for Justin's explanation.

"No, you helped me with a bigger fear, one I never should have had." Justin stopped for a second, stumbling for words. Josh started to realize the fear. "I always was afraid of dieing alone, but I shouldn't have been. I've known your for what? 7 years now, I should have stopped then. But I did now, I know I won't die unloved, because I know you love me." Justin finished, and Josh smiled at him.

"I do love you Justin. I just think I'll always fear doctors. They tell us things we don't want to hear. It's one thing when I'm here, but when I've got to be here for you, it makes it even worse on me." Josh responded to Justin's indepth explanation. He felt bad that he couldn't tell Justin that he had helped him with a fear. But before they could continue their conversation, a middle aged black haired woman walked into the room.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Albertson, and I'm guessing the cute one on the table is my patient. Or maybe I'm confused and the cute one in the chair is my patient." She flattered both Justin and Josh.

"Um, the cute one on the table." Josh replied, a slight smirk crossing his mouth.

"Well, I was going to ask where the real cute member of NSYNC was, but I guess Lance must be busy." The doctor teased and both Josh and Justin started to laugh. She seemed to relax both of them with her jokes and the knowledge she had of the band. "Alright Justin, what seems to be bothering you today?"

"I've got a fever. And uh, the chills all the time, I'm constantly cold. Oh yeah, I've been throwing up too." Justin replied, thinking over to make sure nothing was left off his lift. Looking at Josh, he found a smile.

"He's got a runny nose too." Josh added, and Justin smiled at him. The doctor smiled as well, and jotted down the information.

"Alright, well their is a flu going around lately. So I'll check you for bronchitis, and then mono. But to be on the safe side, I'm gonna send you down the halls afterwards for x-rays. Just to make sure that you don't have pnuemonia." Justin shook his head in agreement, nothing she said really phasing him. He had been sick plenty of times, never pnuemonia, but he knew what was expected. Josh just frowned, nervous about what was going on.

The doctor slid her hand under Justin's shirts with her stethoscope and listened. Justin was told to breathe in and out numerous times as she moved her hand over his chest and back. Finishing she looked up at him with a smile. "Nothing serious Justin, but I can hear some clicking, so I think it would be best if I put you on a prescription for bronchitis."

"Okay." Justin replied with a smile, he was glad that she was done checking, the cold metal was beginning to give him the chills again.

"Now I'm going to check for mono." This was the only part Justin hated. He never liked the way the stick went into his throat. It would go down too far all the time, and Justin would gag. New worries added to that, because he knew Josh would freak at the sound of him gagging. "Alright, open wide." Justin did as he was told, and she stuck the stick into his mouth. Swishing it around on his throat, Justin did gag, and Josh stood quickly. But he didn't do anything, as she finished and Justin smiled at Josh. His eyes were watering, but thats becuase he was choked a little, and Josh knew that. "The results for mono won't be in til tomorrow, but neither will the pnuemonia results. I'm gonna go have these analyzed, I'll send in a nurse to take you to x-rays."

"Thank you doctor." Justin said, as she walked from the room. Josh looked at him, and Justin smiled.  "I get to get x-rays next." Justin mocked excitement to get Josh to laugh, but he didn't recieve that reaction.  "I'm fine Josh. It's just bronchitis, I've had it before." Justin responded to the look Josh was giving him.

"I know, I just hate it when you're sick." Josh moped, and waited for the door to open. Which only meant the return of a nurse, who would take Justin down for his x-rays.

"Alright Justin, you can come with me." The same nurse that had escorted them to the room was now waiting for Justin to follow her again. Josh stood to follow, but once they were out of the room she turned around to look him in the face. "I'm sorry Mr. Chasez, I'm going to have to ask that you wait in the waiting room. Only the patient is allowed to be in the x-ray room."

Josh shook his head, and walked off the other way. He gave Justin a smile as he walked away.

"Hello?" Josh was getting bored in the hospital room. He had been waiting a good ten minutes already, and was happy to see that Joey was home.

"Joe, this is Josh." He replied, and could hear a little chuckle on the other line.

"Hey buddy, how's Justin?"

"Um, we're still at the doctor's. He's got bronchitis, and their checking for pneumonia now." Josh replied, looking around the waiting room.

"That sucks dude. Why aren't you with him?" Joey asked curiously, knowing that Josh didn't like the doctor he still expected him to be their with him.

"I'm not in allowed in the x-ray area. He's been in their for ten minutes now, I guess he wasn't the first patient in line." Josh sighed.

"He's Justin Timberlake, they should make him first." Joey teased, he could make out a slight chuckle from Josh, but that was it. "Don't worry dude, it's nothing serious. If he's got pnuemonia he'd be a lot worse then he is now." Joey tried to assure Josh, but he knew that it wouldn't be much help.

"I know, I know. Listen to Joe, Justin 'll probably be out soon. I'll call you later when I get him back home."

"When will that be?" Joey asked, curious.

"Um, I don't know. It depends I might go to the store to get his medicine now, or drop him off first. Whatever he wants to do." Josh replied.

"Alright, whenevers cool. Talk to you later Chasez."

"See ya Joe." And with that the conversation ended and Josh took back to waiting. He was happy to see Justin return, and nurse following him.

"If you two could wait a second, I'm going to have the doctor talk to you before you go." The nurse turned as soon as she had gotten to Josh and walked away. Justin just took a seat next to him, and smiled at Josh.

"Everything okay baby?" Josh asked, sensing that Justin was a little unpleased at something.

"Huh?" Justin asked, not quite sure that he had heard anything Josh had said to him.

"Are you okay? It looks like somethings wrong, and sensing that you weren't paying attention I think I'm right. Wanna talk to me about it." Josh asked sincerely, and Justin smiled at him.

"I don't know, I'm just worried." Justin replied, but his reply was vague, in the fact that he could have been worrying about numerous things.

"Bout what?" Josh asked, with an anxious look on his face. He was worried to know, but also worried that Justin wasn't telling him.

"Everything. The group, our friends, my family. Our music, management, our fans, you name it." Justin answered, his mind searching for words to explain it to Josh. But it would have to wait as the doctor walked over and took a seat next to Josh.

"Alright, Justin. Here's your prescription for the bronchitis medication. The instructions are on the bottle. As for the results to your mono and pnuemonia tests I'll give you a call some time tomorrow to let you know."

"Thanks doctor." Josh smiled and watched as she walked away. Standing, he and Justin left the building and entered the car. After stopping at the store, to Justin's request that he get the medicine quickly, they were off to the house. The car ride was remotely quiet, Justin and Josh had talked for a short amount of time about stopping at the store, but now that it was over they had nothing to discuss.

Pulling into the driveway of their house, Josh exited the car. Justin did suit, and they were soon inside the house. Justin walked straight upstairs, and Josh followed, carrying the bag the prescription was in. While Justin went straight to the bedroom from the steps, Josh stopped in the bathroom to grab Justin a drink of water to take his pill with.

Handing a pill and the water to Justin, he watched as the younger man took the pills. Taking a seat on the bed next to him, Josh let the blond adonis relax into his arms, resting his head on his chest.

"You were telling me why you were upset?" Josh asked, just as they were both getting comfortable. He got no reaction from Justin, and just waited for a response.

"I told you everything. It's so many things at once. I hate being sick, I hate us not talking to the guys. I hate it that Britt left, I hate it that we can't tell anyone about us, and I hate the fact that telling the rest of my family scares me." Justin responded honestly, and Josh could tell that it wasn't something he was happy in doing.

Josh spun Justin around, so that they were both looking each other in the eyes. "I know you hate being sick, but you'll get better. And Britt isn't gone forever, and neither are the guys. I told them they could stop by some time next week and we could work this out. But if you want I could have them come buy tonight, if you really want to resolve things with them." Josh was beginning to do anything for Justin now, and although he didn't want to see Chris or Lance, if Justin did, that was fine with him, and he would gladly do it.

"Please? I want to see them, I know he hurt me, but he needs to be given a chance." Justin was close to tears, but it was obvious he was trying his hardest to hold them back.

"And Justin, you know we can't tell the world about us, yet. We will some day, when they're ready for it. But you know the media, they would ruin our careers with that type information. " Josh explained, and Justin nodded in agreement. "Now, why are you afraid of telling the rest of your family? They all love you, if your parents accepted you then they will too."

"But my grandmother is such a big part of my life, and if she doesn't accept me." Justin mumbled, and choked back tears again. He promised himself he wasn't going to let that happen.

"I know Just, but I think she won't mind. She raised your mother, and she still loves you, so I'm sure your grandmother will too." Josh let the younger man contemplate for a minute or two by himself, and smiled when he saw a smile emerge from Justin's face. But quickly it was turned into another look of worry, as Justin's face gained that same look.

"Josh, can we talk about your past?"


Well it looks like the next chapter or two will be interesting. With Justin and Josh about to discuss Josh's past, and the arrival of Lance and Chris again. I hoped you liked this chapter, and I'm looking for ideas on the next chapters.

Send them to

I think the 30th chapter is going to be my last one, so start expecting this one to be coming to end with in the chapters.

Next: Chapter 29

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