Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 1, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 57 by Sam

When I woke up, Ty made love to me. We then took a shower and got dressed and I went to wake the others. Danny wasn't in his room. I woke Todd up and went to the kitchen where Danny was making breakfast. I watched him as he made french toast. He was humming as he dipped the bread and put it on the skillet. I was standing very close to him but I wasn't sure he knew I was even there.

"Morning Danny."

Danny jumped. "Oh, morning Sam. Sorry, I didn't know you were there."

"I'm here, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, great. I'll have breakfast ready soon. Just sit and relax until then."

After we ate I told Todd to continue to work with Danny on his control and reminded Danny to practice his blowjobs on Ty. I then headed to work. At lunchtime I had the soup Danny made yesterday and it was amazing. I am certain of what Danny will be doing.

When I got home, nobody was in the living room so I went to Ty's room. He was laying on the bed and when I came in he shot up.

"Oh, baby, it's you."

"Of course it is. Why are you so jumpy?"

"Every time I am out there, Danny grabs my cock and sticks it in his mouth. I've cum 6 times today. I thought he was coming back for more."

"Not likely. I told him this room is just for us and to keep out."

"Oh good. Um... I don't think I can make love to you today. I'm kinda empty."

"That's fine, I just want to be with you."

I cuddled up to him after I got undressed.

"Ty, are you happy here?"

"What do you mean baby? I love it here. I get to be with you here."

"Well you were so stressed this weekend."

"Yeah... But that wasn't because I was unhappy here. When all those people canceled, I felt I had let you down. I just didn't want you to be unhappy with me."

"I'm not unhappy with you. I knew it wasn't your fault. I love you Ty and will never blame you for what other people do."

"I love you too baby. I just wish I could show it right now."

"You are, by being here with me."

"I'll be with you for as long as you will let me."

"Ty can you do me a favor?"

"Anything baby."

"Can you look into cooking schools or chef schools? You know, where they teach people to be famous chefs. But not let Danny know."

"I guess, why?"

"I want to find one to send Danny to when he gives up prostitution. I think it is the right path for him."

"Ok baby, I'll look into it."

"Make sure it is close. I want him to stay with us."

"Of course baby, I already figured that."

After we cuddled for a while I went out to find Danny. It didn't take long as when I opened Ty's door he was right there.

"Oh Sam. I thought you were Ty."

"No Danny, Ty is resting. No more blowjobs for him. But I need to test you so give me one."


Danny got on his knees and took me in his mouth. He was doing very good. He was almost as good as Todd. It didn't take long and he brought me to my orgasm as I blew my load into his mouth. If a customer got that, there would be no complaints. I told Danny he did well and I now need to test his cum control. We went to his room and I got on the bed. Danny got on top of me and I felt him enter me. I told him I want two cums before he gets his. He started thrusting in and out of me gently as he looked into my eyes. After 10 minutes I came on us and Danny kept going. Another 15 and I came again but Danny didn't stop and continued to thrust into me. When I got my third orgasm Danny thrust into me and I felt him pump his load into me. When we came down he pulled out.

"Very good Danny. That was amazing. Just remember, when you are with a customer, do not cum inside them unless they tell you to. Ask where they want you to cum and cum there."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Where should I have cum?"

"It is fine with me Danny for you to cum inside me. That is where I like it. But you need to ask the customer where they would like it when you top one."

"Oh ok."

"Ok, you can blow and you can top. One last thing to do."

"Oh. Ok, if you think I need to."

"You do Danny. Most customers are tops so you have to be able to take it."

"I understand. So when do I have to do it?"

"I'll have you sleep with Ty tonight and I'll give him instructions. You just do what he says."

"Ok. I better get dinner started."

Danny left and I went to find Todd. He was in our bedroom laying in the bed.

"Are you ok daddy?"

"Yeah babe, just thinking about stuff."

"Oh, what ya thinking about?"


"Oh yeah, he is cute."

"Oh not that babe. I was thinking about what to do with him. Prostitution is not for him. He is too innocent."

"I know daddy. I have already figured out what I want him to really do. But we have to get this prostitution thing out of him first or he will wonder if he would have been better off doing it."

"Of course. I figured you would have it all worked out."

"Yeah, and Danny is starting on dinner so get up and get moving."

"Ok, are you going to dress for dinner?"

"Why, don't you like my body?"

"I love it but we should still cover up."

After I dressed we went out to eat dinner. After dinner I asked Ty if he had recharged. He said he was ok now. I told him I needed him to pop Danny's cherry. He said he would be gentle.

We all turned in. Ty went into Danny's room and I took Todd to ours. Todd made love to me and I heard some loud noises coming from Danny's room but ignored it and went to sleep cuddled up to Todd.

When I woke up, Todd made love to me then we took a shower. Before getting dressed I went to wake up the other two. I went into Danny's room and he was cuddled up to Ty. He looked so cute like that. I got in on Ty's other side and cuddled up to him as well. I gave him a little shake to wake him up. When he saw me he smiled.

"Morning baby." He whispered.

I whispered back. "Morning honey, how did it go last night?"

"We fucked twice. I enjoyed it. He is so tight. But I don't think he liked it as he seemed to be in pain the whole time."

"Well, bottoming for the first time can hurt."

"I wouldn't know, I've never done it."

"Well if you want I can have Todd take your cherry."

"Todd? No way baby, that thing would split me in half."

I giggled, but then felt a great sadness.

"You ok baby? What's wrong."

"I don't know. I just felt really sad all of a sudden."

"Was it like the ones you got when we were married?"

"Kinda, but not as strong. Has anything changed?"

"No baby. The only thing that is different is Danny is here now."

"And Todd is really my husband?"

"Yes baby."


"You two were married?" Danny said.

"Oh, morning Danny, we didn't mean to wake you."

"Morning, and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. But you two were really married?"

"Sorta, it is a long story."

"And why were you asking Ty if you were really married to Todd?"

"Um, same long story."

"Maybe we should tell him baby."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. He is going to be with you so he should know what to look out for so he doesn't do it accidentally?"

"What if he does it on purpose?"

"I've spent a lot of time with him these few days and I don't think he would do that."

"You are probably right. Ok, talk it over with Todd, if you both agree then sit him down and tell him the entire story."

"Ok baby."

"Ok, I gotta get dressed for work."

"Oh shoot, I'll make your breakfast."

Danny got up and headed for the kitchen. I went to my bedroom and got dressed then went out. Todd was already at the table and I sat with him.

"Ty wants to tell Danny about his and my marriage. I said it was ok if you agreed."

"Are you sure babe? What if he tries something?"

"Do you think he would?"

"Well, not really. Ok, we will tell him everything when you head to work."

After we ate breakfast I told Ty I wanted him to fuck Danny three more times today then I headed for work.

When I got home, Danny was waiting for me. He was crying. I took him into the living room and sat on the couch with him.

"Did Ty hurt you when he was fucking you?"

"No Sam, well, yeah it hurt, but that isn't why I'm crying. They told me about you. Todd told me how he found out about your programming and Ty told me how he stole you from Todd and made you think you were married to him. He also told me about how you cried almost every night but didn't know why, but Ty did. He knew it was you were missing Todd, but didn't remember being with Todd so you couldn't put your finger on why you were sad. But I almost did the same thing to you. When we were having sex in the shower, I told you I was your husband. I might have taken you from Todd. And I didn't want to do that, I like Todd and don't want to hurt him like that. And I love you and really don't ever want to hurt you."

"It's ok Danny. You didn't take me from Todd. He has figured out a way to stop others from programming me. But you do need to know the signs so if I do accidentally get programmed you can stop having sex with me."

"I would never let myself do that to you. I love you Sam and don't ever want to hurt you that way."

"Ok Danny. How did it go with Ty today."

"It still hurts, but he made me cum the last time."

"Well, you just need more practice."


Danny got up and headed for the bedrooms. "But he is mine right now so you will have to wait."

"Oh, sorry Sam. I didn't know."

"It's ok."

I went to Ty's room and he made love to me. I then cuddled up to him.

"How did it go with Danny?"

"Well he still seems to be in pain when getting fucked. But he moaned a bit on the last one and I made him cum."

"Ok he just needs more practice. But he may be a total top and not ever respond well to bottoming."

"It is possible. He does a great job as a top though."

"How do you know that?"

"Um, well I thought about what you said this morning and realized I've never bottomed so I have no idea how you feel when I'm making love to you. So I asked him to top me. It hurt a bit at first but then it felt really good. He made me cum twice before he shot his load."

"So you liked it?"

"Yeah. I still want to make love to you. But I liked that too."

"Ok, but I don't want to lose you to Danny."

"You won't baby. I am yours forever."

"Well, now that you are open, you want to try Todd? It is better than anyone."

"I don't know baby, his would hurt."

"Yes, at first. I know. Tonight I'll sleep with Danny and you and Todd can sleep together. I'll make sure he goes slow and is gentle."

"Ok baby."

After our cuddle I went out. Danny was in the kitchen working on dinner. I went to our room and Todd was laying on the bed on his phone.

"Hey daddy, save that load."

"Hey babe. What for? We don't sleep together tonight do we? I thought I got Friday nights."

"You do. But I have something for you to do tonight and I want you to have plenty of juice."

"What's that babe?"

"You are going to be sleeping with Ty. He was topped by Danny and liked it so I want you to fuck him tonight."

"I'm not sure with Ty. He's my friend."

"Come on Todd. He's fucking your wife and you have watched him do it. So I want you to do it to him. But be gentle and take your time. He is new to this and you are bigger than anyone."

"If that is what you want babe."

"It is. Now come on, Danny is making dinner."

After we had dinner we watched some TV before turning in. I gave Ty and Todd a kiss as they headed for our bedroom and I went to Danny's with him. Danny got on top of me and started to kiss me as I felt him enter me. He made love to me gently as he continued to kiss me. He was doing everything to make it good for me. When I came for the third time he pumped his load inside me. I then cleaned us up and cuddled up to him. There was a lot of loud moaning coming from my room but I still fell asleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 58

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