Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 19, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 83 by Sam

When we got up, Ty made love to me then we took a shower and got dressed. We then went to get breakfast. After we all ate we headed for the store. Since finals were just now over and the dorms were going to be open for a week then closing, we again decided to work all week. But we were taking two days off. Danny was graduating on Wednesday and Todd and Ty were graduating on Friday. So I wanted both days completely off so I could go to them. Also we were taking the weekend after Todd and Ty's graduation off as Ty's parents were coming down for it and I wanted to be able to spend time with them instead of work. Ty said he already had all the one on one slots filled so that was great. We were only doing one on ones on Tuesday and Thursday but that is still a lot of money we know we will get, as well as what we take in for the wall which runs every day.

On Wednesday, after Ty makes love to me, we get our shower and go to breakfast. After breakfast I help Danny get into his graduation uniform. Instead of the cap and gown that Todd and Ty have, Danny has a white chef uniform and the tall chef hat. Once he is ready we all load up then pick up Laura and head to the school. When we get there, Danny goes to sit with his classmates and we all sit in the audience. They give the normal speeches I remember from my high school graduation. Then they get called up one by one and are given their degree. When it is all over they throw their large hats in the air and we then head home. When we get there, Danny goes to make lunch. After lunch we watch movies.

Thursday night after we get back from the store, Rick and Liz arrive. We all have dinner together. Danny went all out on this one. After dinner we chat until bedtime. They take the spare room and we say goodnight as Ty takes me to our room. After he makes love to me we get cleaned off and go to sleep.

In the morning, Ty makes love to me then we get a shower and go to breakfast. After breakfast I help Ty with his cap and gown. They are making him wear a shirt and tie under it. Once I get him looking right we head out to meet up with the others. When we are all ready we head to the school. When we get there, Todd and Ty head to sit with the class and we sit in the audience. After a lot of boring speeches they start to hand out the degrees. Once they all have their degrees they throw their caps, that I paid $25 for, into the air. Once they join up with us we head home for lunch. After lunch, Rick and Liz say they have a surprise for us. I'm not sure I like Rick's surprises after his surprise during Thanksgiving but I'll trust Liz.

We all climb into their SUV that they rented at the airport and we start to drive. I'm wondering where we are going when we get onto the freeway. Thirty minutes later and we take the exit for the casino. When we pull up to it I am shocked. They just opened this casino a little over a year ago, but it looks so run down, like it hasn't been maintained in years. I'm not sure why we are here because if they want to gamble, they live in a casino. But we all get out and follow them. We head inside and it isn't pretty. It looks like it has never been cleaned and there is a weird smell. Ty finally breaks down and asks what is on everyone's mind.

"Dad, why have you brought us to this dump?"

"Well son, it is because I just bought this dump."

"Why on earth would you want to do that?"

"I have plans for it son. And they involve all of you. So if you come with me we will head up to the office so I can explain."

We all headed to the office. When we got there Rick explained his big plan.

"I got this place cheap. The people who owned it had no idea how to run a casino and almost bankrupted themselves. So they were looking to unload it and get some of their money back and I took the opportunity."

"Ok, but why do you want an old rundown casino out here?"

"No, this is a new rundown casino. It needs some renovation to fix what they did to it, but it has all modern wiring. And I wanted it here because of you."


"Well, more importantly, all of you. You see, I need a manager for this casino and I figure I could hire one here. Maybe one just out of college?"

"Ok, you are giving me a casino?"

"I'm hiring you to run a casino. I'm also needing a hotel manager and head chef if you happen to know of anyone that would want those jobs."

"Ok, so you are hiring me, Todd and Danny?"

"If those are the ones you wish to hire as you will be responsible for that. It will be totally under your control. Well, all except the second floor of the hotel."

"What is going on there?"

"A business will be using it and they pay rent in an amount determined by you."

"Ok, what business and what do they do?"

"They are called STT Escorts and they give men what they want."


"You see, this casino is in a location where prostitution is legal. So, we will be renting the second floor of the casino to Sam so he can run his business there. There are twenty rooms that can be renovated along with the rest of the building however he wants. Remember when I thought of setting up sets, well each room can be a separate set and you take the customer to whichever one they want. I'll have cameras set up in each room so Ty can monitor what is going on and two of the rooms can be for your use. One for Sam to clean up and get ready and the other for watching the cameras. Sam and Liz will spend time discussing what sets they want and how they want them to look. I will be funding the sets and they will be the casino's property that Sam rents for a price determined by Ty."

"So if Ty says my rent is a penny, then that is ok with you?"

"Yes. That will be totally under his control."

"And if I say it is a million dollars?"

"Then I hope Todd takes good care of you Ty."

"I'm kidding baby. So when would all this happen?"

"Well, renovations start next week but Sam's plans don't need to be in until August as that is when we will start on that floor."

"So do I have to oversee the renovations?"

"No, I have a contractor doing that. You won't be needed to do anything until September at the earliest as we are keeping the casino closed until we are done."

My head was spinning. All my men just graduated college and all of a sudden they have jobs in their fields. And I'm getting a new space all of my own to do my prostitution and my rent is controlled by my husband. I didn't know what to think about all of this. I asked Rick if we could see the second floor. He said we could but that I could change anything I wanted. We went up and it was the standard hotel hallway with rooms on both sides. We went in one of the rooms and it was a large hotel room with a bed, TV and bathroom. I figure the set rooms wouldn't need the bathroom part. I asked if any of the rooms were adjoining. He said no but it could be part of the renovation if I wanted. I did. I figured my changing room should adjoin the camera room so I could go and get with Ty after getting ready without having to go into the hallway. I asked if I could get a floor plan to help me determine what I wanted to do. He said he would have someone get it to Ty for me. Todd asked if he could get the hotel's records to study how it was being run. Rick said he would get them to Ty as well but that Todd should not try to run it the same way they did but to run it a way he felt would work better. Todd said he would but still wanted the records. Danny just asked for a menu from the restaurant so he could practice making the food and make changes if needed. He was told Ty would get one for him. After that we loaded up the car and went back home.

On the drive I thought about all of this. Of course it was great for the guys and this is what they all wanted. But is it what I want? I thought I would stop working when Ty got a job. But here I am having a floor of the hotel dedicated to me working more. I had to figure out what I wanted. Did I want to stop working? Um... no I didn't. Don't get me wrong. I would love to not have to work to make money. But working at the store is fun. Being used by so many guys turns me on. Knowing that when they pay their money they own my body for the time they paid for gives me a thrill. So, no, I don't want to stop. But is what they suggest what I want? Yes I make most of my money when I do the one on ones. But the customers are not my favorites. I want the college kids that have nothing to do and just need a cum. I get those during the wall time. The one on ones are usually old guys. I know they need relief too and I am willing to give it to them, but they are not my favorites. However with this setup I'm getting farther away from the college kids. I'll have to charge more for the fantasy stuff as I'm renting it all from Rick. That puts my price farther from what a college kid can pay. Plus it is 30 miles away from the college. Maybe there is a solution to it all I'm just not seeing right now. I'll have to talk it over with Ty later.

When we got home Danny went to make dinner and we all went to the living room. Ty and his dad talked about the casino. I continued to think about the second floor and what I wanted. When dinner was ready we sat down and ate. We then turned in. When we got in our room we got undressed and I got on the bed and Ty got on top of me. He started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me gently as he made love to me. After twenty minutes I was pushed over the edge as I came on us and he thrust into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he told me to get hard as he pulled out of me. I was hard and he pulled me on top of him. I pushed into him and started rocking my hips as I thrust in and out of him. Ty was moaning as I made love to him. After an hour I felt I had pleasured Ty enough as he had cum 5 times on himself. So when he came for the 6th time I pushed all the way into him and pumped my load inside him. When we had both come down I pulled out of him and we went to take a shower. When we were clean we went back to our room and Ty laid down and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 84

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