Man Cam

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jun 1, 2017


This is an fictional story of sex with men from an internet chat site.

This is completely fictional as most of the men live far far away.

Some are straight, some gay and many bisexual.

But all are hot, hot , hot.



Man Cam (SLCRolla (5)

....."Plzzzz. Fuck me or I will split" I yelled.

Rolla just continued the wonderful torture on my ass. Then he leaned back in and pulled his fingers from my hole. Then his bearded face was introduced to my ass. His hot tongue pierced me and he shoved it into my ass. This guy really knew how to use that tongue too. Lapping and digging deep into my hole with it. I groaned from the sensation of that hot tongue in there. What he was doing to my ass was making me crazy in no time. I was grinding my ass to his face. This only made it worse as his beard scraped agaisnt my asahole.

"Ohhh God Rolla" I cried out

"That's soo incredible stud"

"Fuck mee daddy. Fuck mee"

But again the stud wanted me to suffer and beg. Which I did. I was soon writhing for him. His tongue practically bringing me to the edge. My dick was raging hard and I was actually pulling on myself as he continued his munch out on my wanton hole. I could feel as my ass ring pulled at his tongue. Wanting more inside. And again his wonderful torture on my hole continued. I jerked myself harder as the hunk fucked my ass with his tongue.

"Awee fuckk dude" I finally screamed

"Tooo fucking much. Can't stand it. Ughnnn aweee fuckk"

Then I purshed my ass on his face and came. My dick blasted in my jerking hand as his tongue still dug into my hole. I then pulled from his face as I exploded. I fell forward in the bed as my legs grew shaky from my orgasm. My groin his the mattress as I blew. I shook and squirmed on the bed as I shot cum under me.

"Ohhh God. Ohh God" I cried as I writhed there.

That when Rolla moved. The hunk crawled up in my back as I was still blowing my load. And then he pulled on his still rogid cock once or twice. Then he fell on top of me. His dick found my ass and he thrust into it. The thick man cock pierced my ass hole and plowed into me. Amongst my writhing from my orgasm came the added assault on my ass again. This time by his big cock. He shoved most of his huge angry dick into me.I had not even finished my own explosion when he did this. I gasped as the air was pulled from me. Desire and lust hadn't prepared me for his fat cock slamming into me. Not now.

"Ohh fuckk. Awee shiit dude" I howled as his dick plowed into me

"Soo fucking big. Awee fuckk . awee"

"Yeah" he grunted

"Your ass is squeezin my fat dick mother fucker"

"Likes it this way with the gays"

He just started to gut me with his log................


Next: Chapter 226: Katy and Max 7

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