Man Cam

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jun 5, 2018


This is a fictional story about the hot guys from an online chat site. It is purely fiction as all these men live far away

Some gay, some straight and some bisexual But all these guys are hot

Enjoy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Man Cam (RhinoDread (5)

...... I was sitting on the tarmac in my plane as it pulled into the airport. I was within a half hour or so going to meet the hot Rhino man. I clicked my phone back on as we arrived. There was a message from him saying he was in baggage claim.

"I'll wait for you here" he said

I felt my dick start to stir. In minutes I would meet up with this super hot man I met online. I came out to the baggae claim area and immediately saw the stud. He certainly was tall. Towering over most others there. And I could not miss his long dreads. He stood there near the belt of one of the claim areas.

I figured that to be my baggage claim. He turned and saw me and waved. I waved back at him. We greeted with a hand shake and then waited for the bell signaling the bagge release from my plane.

"Glad you made it" he said

"Me too" i said back

"And I'm not a big fan of flying"

I looked at the handsome guy next to me. He was a good two inches over me, and I always thought I was pretty tall. He had on a long sleeved shirt that had the sleeved rolled to his biceps. Those strong arms looked great.

He wore cargo shorts that showed of his hairy calves. They were a bit baggy so I could not see his crotch to well.

Rhino smiled at me s he saw me looking him over. I smiled back with an eye of desire. I honestly could not wait to get my hands, mouth and other all over him.

"There is my bag" I declared

I grabbed my bag from the belt and we headed out to his car. He had this cool Jeep. Older and no top at all. We threw my things in the back and then headed out.

We drove for about 20 minutes and to the outskirts of the city. There we got to his apartment. It was a small community and was only one floor buildings. They looked like townhomes the way they were connected in two and two alone a long row. His was the last one on the end.

We parkedin front of the unit and I looked to the left to see a drop off a few yards beyond it. The steep slopes hill seem to drop down a good 30 feet. And beyond it was nothing but trees. It was like he lived just at the edge of the forest.

"Wow" I said as I looked at the edge

"Wait till you see the view from the deck" he said

"Come on inside"

So we went in. That's when I looked at the fairly large living space. To the right was a corridor that lead to the bedroom, I surmised. There was a dinning area ahead and a large opened glass door. A breeze brushed in from outside.

Beyond the door was the deck. And I could see the mountains in the distance. I stepped over to the glass door as I dropped my things to the floor. Then stepped out onto the deck. It was a big deck and beyond it was some gardens and a fence. Then the land again dropped off after that.

"This is incredible" I said to him.

"You wake up to this every day?"

"Yup. Great isn't it" he said back

"Great. Its freaking gorgeous"

Then I looked back at Rhino. He had quickly taken off his shirt. Exposing his awesome muscular body. He tossed it to the couch nearby. I pulled my eyes from the gorgeous scenery beyond the glass and eyed the gorgeous scenery inside. He stepped passed me and into his kitchen.

"Want something to drink?" He asked

"Anything is fine"

" go outside and sit" he then added

He reached into the fridge to get something for me. I looked at the butt in those baggy shorts. But his ass pressed to it as he leaned into the fridge.

"I have beer, or hard lemonade" he said

"Lemonade is good" I said back.

"Sounds refreshing."

Then I did step outside. I went to the railing that lead to the garden and beyond. I looked out to the beauty that was were he lived.

'I could live here easy' I thought to myself. The mountains in the distance covered in snow on the top elevations looked awesome. I looked back as I heard him come outside. He held two hard lemonades in hand

"How far is it from here?"i asked

"45 miles. Give it take" he said

"Here ya go"

He handed me the drink. I looked back at his chest and upper body. Some of those dreads draped over his right chest. And down past his waist. He was a stunning thing to behold.

I gazed at his handsome bearded face. His eyes looked on me. Then they locked to mine. Then he lifted his bottle and drank. I did the same. But tried to keep my eyes on him. I could feel my lions itch from his proximity. He was so much hotter in person.

"Glad you flew up." He said

"Yer pretty hot"

"Why dont you take off your shirt too"

With that he came closer. Then reached for my shirt tails and pulled at them. I just placed the drink down and let him do as he wanted. He unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off me. I gazed at his chest and beard as he did. Then reached for him and touched his chest.

I got a quiver that ran through me as I touched his flesh.

"Nice" he then said

"Very nice"

Then his hand touched my body. Again I felt a quiver at his touch. That's when he grabbed me and pulled me too him. Our eyes met and we just stared at each other. I looked up at the handsome man holding me close.

"Kiss me" he said.............


Next: Chapter 399: Pits Please 4

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