Manson of My Dreams

By Randy Seigel

Published on Jul 21, 1999


Man(son) of my Dreams part 4

Okay disclaimer: This is pure fiction nothing more then fiction. It in no way implies that the real Marilyn Manson or Madonna Wayne Gacy are gay or even fun to be around. It's a story!

Oh and sorry about the delay. I was sick for a bit(again) and couldn't really get work done. Plus I also found out Hotmail was being a bitch about attachments. Oopsy!

I woke up early despite the fact I had worked until 1am. The party didn't go as long as I thought it would though. I must say I appreciated that. When you automatically wake up at 6am, late nights can be killer. I wandered into my kitchen, naked as usual, and fixed myself some coffee. My cat Milly, jumped up on the table to get her breakfast as well. So began our normal morning routine. I opened the front door and peaked outside. No one was around so I darted out and grabbed the morning paper.

"Vasquez! How are you this morning my dear boy?"

I groaned inwardly and turned around, covering myself with the paper.

"Hello Mr. Stills. I'm doing good today. How are you?"

"Fine, fine. I want to talk to you about something."

"Could this possibly wait until later?"

"No, no, no. I'll wait your kitchen. You go put on a bathrobe."

"Great. While your in there could you feed Milly? You know where everything is."

He followed me in going right to the kitchen while I headed back to the bedroom. Mr. Stills was, unfortunatly, part of the normal morning routine. When I moved in here 6 months ago, Mr. Stills came right over to say hi. He was a lonely old guy, so I pretty much put up with him. I did make some ground rules. He is only allowed over in the morning and dinner. During the day I write and he learned that I do not want to be bothered at all. I have to say he has grown on me. My father and I don't see eye-to-eye on many issues, so I like to talk to Mr. Stills about them.

When I finshed dressing(boxers and a t-shirt), I rejoined him in the kitchen. He was sipping a mug of coffee and stroking Milly as she ate her breakfast. He had poured a cup for me and made it the way I like it.

"So what's going on Mr. Stills?"

"That guy you used to date. Peter, Pat...whatever."


"Paul that's it. He was here yesterday while you were out. I was eating dinner with Milly, like I do when your out. And he knocked on the door looking for you. I told him you were working. He said he knew and left an envelope with me."

He took a swallow of his coffee and stared into space for a moment.

"Told me to tell you he was going out of town with Kalen for a few months. Everything you needed was in the envelope."

"Where's the envelope Mr. Stills?"

"Ah yes. The envelope. It's right here."

He pulled a manilla envelope out of his bag and handed it to me. I put it aside until later. For now, he and I had to do our morning routine. He hated things not being consistent and I could use a little consistency in my life every once in awhile.

By 7:15, Mr. Stills and I were done our morning visit. It was time to shower and then hit the computer. I was curious about the envelope that Paul left though. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened it. Inside were a few credit cards and a checkbook. There was also a letter.

Dear Mikel,

I'm sorry to inform you of my upcoming trip this

way, but it was an unscheduled departure. Kalen

and I are leaving for Switzerland today on business.

I have taken the liberty of setting you up with a few

credit cards and a bank account while I am gone.

I will get billed for the credit card purchases. I'm

not going to be here to pay the bills, so please

use the money for that, not fun. I trust that

you can handle this. You are an adult and I know

you are responsible. I love you Mikel. Take care

of yourself while I am gone. I will call you to

see how you are doing.



I flipped open the checkbook and gasped at the account balance. There was $20,000 deposited in this account for me! I couldn't believe this. I could live off this for a year, not a few months like Paul expects me to. He had also given me a Visa Platnium card, a American Express Gold card, and a Discover card. I grabbed Milly off the bed and hugged her to me tightly.

"Milly, we are rich! This is fucking unbelievable!"

I just couldn't believe my ex would do this for me. I knew he was loaded, but he had never really told me how much. I tried to calm myself down by thinking of what I had to do today. That didn't really help, because I was going to see Marilyn Manson today. I lay down on top of my bed, stroking Milly's fur.

"I'm going to get in the shower, then we are going to go do something stupid okay."

She just looked at me and meowed.

"Allrighty then!" I laughed and ran into the bathroom.

Milly and I headed to the pet store when I was done showering. I picked out some new toys for her and a new bed. Her's was in terrible condition and she refused to sleep in my bed. While I was at it, I threw in a new coller and traveling crate. When we were done there, I went to a seafood store and picked out some tuna steaks for me and some slices of salmon for her. I felt so silly and giddy. We got home by 9:30. My mind was still racing and I had a ton of energy. I knew I couldn't write in this state of mind, so I decided to go running for a bit.

Marilyn stood in the shower, letting the hot water run over his body. His mind was still foggy from last night, despite the fact he hadn't really had much to drink and the only drugs he did were that one joint with the guys.

"Yo Reverand! Can I come in for a sec?"

Marilyn jumped slightly at the sound of MW's voice.

"Sure Pogo, what's up?"

MW opened the door and walked into the bathroom. He perched on the sink and faced the shower.

"Well, John and I were going to leave soon. Want us to drag Twiggy and Trent along?"

"Take Twiggy, but I remember Trent saying he had to meet Robin later. So he'll just leave from here."

"Brian, be careful okay. Mikel seems like a really nice guy, but I don't want you getting hurt again. I care about you man."

Marilyn stuck his head out of the shower.

"Steve, thanks."

MW got up and left. He knew that Marilyn meant it, because he had used his real name. With him, real names told them when he was serious. Otherwise it was one of their stage names or a silly nickname.

He walked down the hall to Twiggy's room. Now came the fun part. Waking Twiggy. Trent came stumbling out of a nearby bedroom, bumping into MW.

"Sorry Pogo. Didn't mean it. Bathroom?"

MW grabbed him and pointed him in the direction of the nearest bathroom not containing a showering Manson. As MW stood there, Marilyn came up behind.

"So many choices on how to wake him. My personal fav is jumping on the bed. It's lots of fun when he been drinking and drugging."

"Sounds good. Let's go"

The two of them threw open Twiggy's door and made a beeline for the bed. They began jumping up and down on it until they realized Twiggy wasn't in it.

"Damn where did he go?"

"Anyone bring him in last night?"


They both began to laugh.

"So where's the camera?"

"My room. Let's go."

They ran to Marilyn's room, laughing all the way. Marilyn grabbed the camera and the two of them headed to the pool area, still laughing as they ran. Sure enough, Twiggy was still out there, sleeping like a baby. Granted he was still buck-naked and had a beer in his hand, so he didn't look too much like a baby. MW leaned over and began to move Twiggy's limbs around as Marilyn snapped pictures. Twiggy began to stir, so the two of them decided it was time to wake him. MW grabbed his arms and Marilyn grabbed his legs. They lifted the still-sleeping Ramieriz and tossed him into the pool. Marilyn quickly grabbed the camera and began to snap pictures again. Twiggy surfaced, cursing and sputtering.

"What the fuck are you two doing? Can't a guy get some sleep?"

"Hurry Twiggy, you have to leave. They guy from Sugar Ray is coming over in like ten minutes to talk to you!"


Twiggy jumped out of the pool and made a beeline for his room. Marilyn snapped a couple more pictures of him running bare-assed naked through the house.

"Why did you tell him the guy from Sugar Ray was coming over?" MW asked, a little confused on the subject.

"Twiggy is scared to death of that guy. Thinks he is like pure evil or something. I knew that would get him moving."

The two of them began to laugh and headed inside.

"I'm going to go hurry John and Twiggy along. I have to go wake John again. Have fun today okay Reverand."

"Thanks Pogo. You too."

"I already had plenty of fun today. Why do you think I have to go wake him again."

They gave each other a hug and headed in seperate directions, MW to his guest room to wake John up and Marilyn to his bedroom to figure out what to wear.

I got back from my run with plenty of time to spare. I hopped in the shower again and washed all the sweat off of me. As I showered, I began to think of Marilyn and slowly lost myself in my thoughts. My hands began to caress my body, running up and down my chest, pausing to tweak my nipples. I began to harden as my mind wandered filled with thoughts of him. Using the soap as lube, I began to slowly stroke my hardness with my fist. As I pumped my cock, I began to moan and felt my body tingle with excitement. There is just something about jerking off in the shower. The water hitting your body, the warmth just covering you. I began to go faster as I felt myself get close. My balls tightened and I began to shoot my load of cum all over my stomach and the shower. I shuddered when I was finished and leaned against the wall, composing myself as I came down from my orgasm.

I finished my shower and shaved. I stood naked in front of my closet, looking over my clothes. I had no clue what to wear on a date with Marilyn Manson. I had nothing like what he usually wore. I just shrugged and decided to just wear what I was comfortable in. I pulled out a pair of baggy cargo pants and a tight blue t-shirt that had a picture of a hand on it. I grabbed my Doc's and slipped them on as well. I grabbed some hair gel and ran it through my hair, leaving it a short, spiky mess. A little eyeliner completed the outfit and I was almost ready to go. I checked my nails and realized I needed a touch-up. I grabbed my black nail polish and headed into the living room. I hit play on the CD player and the new Orgy CD I had just gotten started. I touched up my nails and went back into my bedroom to look in the mirror. A young man looked back at me with a smile on his face.

It was time to head out, so I grabbed my bag with my laptop and headed out the door. I stopped at Mr. Stills apartment and told him I was headed out. I asked him to feed Milly if I wasn't back by her dinnertime. As always he agreed with the stipulation I told him all about it tomorrow. I laughed and said good-bye to him. I headed out of my building and got into my car. Time to headed to Marilyn's. I smiled and stuck a CD in the CD player. I hadn't noticed what I had grabbed, but it turned out to be the Backstreet Boys. I made a face and took it right out. That's what I get for letting my cousin Maria borrow my car. I grabbed another CD and let the sounds of Rasputina soothe me.

Marilyn looked in his closet at his clothes. "I swear I have no clothes" he said out loud to no one in particular. He finally grabbed a leather shirt he liked with an attached coller with spikes and a pair of baggy black pants. He decided to skip shoes for right now and brushed his hair.

"Hey want me to braid it or something for you?" Trent asked as he walked in.

"Sure why not."

Trent stood behind him and began to french braid his hair. He had done this many times before with Marilyn's hair and was very fast. He finished quickly and admired his work.

"You know, if I ever totally decided I hated music, I could go into hairdressing as a new career."

"Sometimes you are the gayest straight guy I know." Marilyn said to him jokingly.

Trent sighed and looked away.

"Yeah I know. Are you wearing any make-up?" He asked, effectivly changing the subject from his sexuality.

"Hmm...maybe a little eyeliner and powder. Other then that, no."

"Okay, well I'm going to go call Robin and ask where we are meeting. I kind of forget."

"Okay." Marilyn's mind was already back on Mikel and he was applying some eyeliner. Trent stared at his friend for a moment and walked out of the room.

---Okay part 4 is done. Getting a little curious about Trent? I know I am. So are we ready for part 5? A couple new developments will occur, such as some sex finally. I know I am concentrating alot on plot, but I want this to be a real story.

---I want to thank my girl Rachel for helping me out. She's a huge Manson fan as well as a computer expert and she offered her considerable expertise in both areas to me. She proof-reads everything for me and helps me with some of the Manson stuff.

Thanks Baby!

Next: Chapter 4

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