Manson of My Dreams

By Randy Seigel

Published on Sep 5, 1999


Hi everybody. Sorry for the delay in this section of the story. I have had some health problems, but nothing to worry about. I'm all better now. It got held up because of that and also because my editor is now writing her own story. Check it out, if you can stand to read a story about the Backstreet Boys. Just kidding honey. It's called Escape and it does have characters from this story in it, just two years in the future and about Kevin and AJ's relationship. Okay enough of this. Enjoy Man(son) of my Dreams 8.

Disclaimer: This is a story people, fiction, not real. It in no way implies that Marilyn Manson, MW Gacy, or John 5 are gay or nice to be around.

Man(son) of my Dreams 8

I sighed as I stared at the blank screen in front of me. I had hit another writers block and this one was going on four days now. I would get out of bed at 6 every morning, leaving Marilyn sleeping soundly. I would eat breakfast with Mr. Stills and play with Milly. I did everything in my routine, but I still couldn't write anything. It had been almost three weeks since I started dating Marilyn. The first two were fabulous, I was writing up a storm. Then four days ago, I woke up and nothing came to me. I tried to figure out what was different, but nothing had changed. I have been analyzing everything I have said or done in the past few days, but to no avail. It was gone.

I got up from my computer and wandered back into my bedroom. Marilyn was still asleep. If left to sleep, he would sleep all day. I had learned that sometime last week when I was on a roll and forgot to get him up. I sat down on the bed and looked at him. I envied his ability to sleep in. No matter what, I still woke up at 6am.

"Are you just going to stare at me, or are you going to kiss me?" I hadn't realized he had woken up while I was lost in my thoughts staring at him. I leaned over and kissed him. "Ewww. Morning breath." I wrinkled my nose at him. He laughed. "Sorry not everyone in the world wakes up at the ungodly hour of 6am and brushes their teeth." Marilyn sat up and threw his arms around me. "Can't we just stay in bed today?" I shook my head and stood up.

"Nope we have to pick up Maria in about an hours and then it's on to Pedro's to pick him up and then over to the airport to catch our flight at 10:30." He flopped back on the bed and groaned.

"Do I really have to wear those stupid clothes all weekend?" Visiting my family meant that both of us had to go shopping for decent clothing. We had walked into the Gap with my cousin Maria and she dressed both of us for a weekend with the family. Neither of us felt at all comfortable in the clothes. The only good thing was we could dress anyway we wanted when we went out without them.

"Yup, get into the shower lazy bones. We have to go back to your house before we leave and pick up Twiggy's car. There's no way we can fit everyone in my little car. I'm going to go talk to Mr. Stills and take Milly to him while you are showering." He nodded and climbed out of bed buck naked. I let out a whistle which caused him to wag his finger at me. "No time for that today sexy."

I groaned as I pulled into Maria's driveway. Marilyn just smiled and grabbed my hand. I leaned over and kissed him.

"It'll be fine. Just remember I love you."

"Hey chico are you getting out of the car?" I looked up and saw my cousin Maria standing on her front porch with her hands on her hips.

We both climbed out of the car and walked to the porch. "Marilyn sweetie, you look fabulous today. I like the hair." His hair was pulled back into a french braid. Trent was over so he had braided it really quick. He gave Maria a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you dear, but remember it's Brian this weekend." She nodded. "Right, right. No mention that you are really Marilyn Manson. And how are you today Mikel sweetie." I gave her a kiss as well.

"Good, where's Jose? We have to pick up your brother still and you know how anal he gets about being on time." She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Come on inside. Lazy bones wouldn't wake up this morning so he's finishing his packing." "I know how that is." I poked Marilyn and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Hola Mikel. Marilyn good to see you again." Jose walked down the steps and shook our hands. "It's Brian this weekend remember Jose." Jose nodded. He grabbed two bags. "So are we ready?"

The two of them climbed into the middle seat of the car. "Whoa. Nice car. Who's is it and why did you steal it Mikel?" I laughed at her. "It's one of Brian's bandmates. Speaking of which, did he clean it out or are we going to be pulled over for possession?" Marilyn shrugged. "I told him to. I'm pretty sure he listened. He was pretty excited about being able to borrow your car for the weekend. Said it would impress his date more then this boat ever would. Did you clean out Maria's CD's from the car?" I began to laugh. "I would love to see Twiggy's face when he turned on the car and the Backstreet Boys came on."

"Actually he's already heard it, but that's only because Kevin still sends me pre-release copies of his CD's. And I send him pre-release copies of mine." Maria and Jose looked at each other with confused looks. "Marilyn...I mean Brian, why would Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys send you stuff? I mean the two of you are just a little different."

Marilyn and I looked at each other. He shrugged and turned to Maria. "Promise to keep it a secret okay. Just between the four of us." Maria nodded. "Kevin's my ex-boyfriend. We are still good friends and he and his boyfriend still come to visit me whenever they are in town." Maria's jaw dropped and she just stared at him.

"Want to shock her more? Tell her who Kevin's boyfriend is." Marilyn looked at her again. "He and AJ have been together for like two years almost." Maria fell back against the seat. Jose waved his hand in front of her face. "I think you guys broke her." Marilyn turned around again.

"She'll be fine because she's coming to a barbeque at my house next week. If she's not fine, she won't get to meet the band. They are all crashing at my place because Twiggy offered. He and Nick are in the middle of a Nintendo war and he wants to be able to lock him in the playroom for awhile."

Maria began to scream, causing all of us to jump. Jose clapped his hand over her mouth and began to laugh.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and stretched some more. Marilyn was still conked out on my lap. I stroked his hair and thought about the day. As usual Pedro was a terrible pain in the ass. He and Tina fought the whole way to the airport, making the rest of us very uncomfortable. Then he threw a fit when he found out Marilyn and I were sitting in first class and he wasn't.

"Excuse me Mr. Vasquez, can I get you something? Perhaps a drink or another pillow?" Our extremely friendly stewardess had come over to check on us again. Poor girl only had one other person to take care of besides us. "Thanks, I'd love some water. And he'd like a coffee." She looked at me a little funny. "Shouldn't Mr. Warner be allowed to sleep sir?" I shook my head. "Nope. Brian has to get up now." She nodded and walked away.

I began to shake Marilyn lightly. When he didn't respond, I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. At first I got no response, but I began to feel his lips at least respond with pressure on mine. I sat back up and saw a smile on his face. He opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"No fair waking me up. I need my beauty sleep." I began to tickle him. "Honey, once you take off your make-up, your beautiful. You don't need sleep for that." Marilyn sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Like your one to talk about make-up. Which one of us is wearing eyeliner today." I grinned and batted my eyes. "Yeah but I look sexy in it. You just look scary."

"Here is your coffee Mr. Warner and your water Mr. Vasquez." Marilyn looked confused but thanked her anyway. He took a sip and smiled. "Now it's all coming into focus. Eww...I'm on a plane with Mikel. I must still be asleep. Where's my cocaine? And where's my Rose?" He laughed and took another sip. I, on the other hand, did not find it funny and turned away from him.

"Oops. I guess I slipped up again with the whole drug thing. Not to mention the Rose comment I'm sorry Mikel. Forgive me?" I turned to look at Marilyn. He was kneeling on the seat, staring at me with puppy-dog eyes. I began to laugh at him. "Do you know how stupid you look right now?"

As soon as I said that, a camera flash went off. We both jumped and looked around for the source. I heard giggling in the seat in front of us. I would know that giggling anywhere.

"Maria Cecilia Hernandez!" She poked her head up and looked at the two of us. "Well at least he will know how stupid he looked right then. You should see the pictures I got while the two of you were conked out. I can't wait to show Allison. I'm going to have to get these developed as soon as we get there."

"No selling those to the tabloids young lady or else I'll sic Rasputin on you." Marilyn wagged his finger at her. "Yeah right like anyone would believe it's you. As if Marilyn Manson would wear GAP." She jumped up and ran back to her seat.

Marilyn continued to laugh at Maria as he sipped at his coffee again. "Are you okay Mikel?" I shrugged and looked out the window. I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "Who's Allison and why haven't you told me anything about her? You've given me detailed descriptions of everyone who is going to be there except this Allison person."

"Okay. I guess it's time to tell you about Allison. I was going to tell you tonight on the drive to Avalon, but I guess now is just as good considering Maria brought her up so nicely." Marilyn studied my face with his eyes and took another sip of his coffee.

"Allison is my fifteen year-old....daughter." Marilyn began to cough and sputter on the coffee he had just drank. I took the coffee out of his hand and rubbed his back. "You okay now?" He nodded as he caught his breath finally.

"Daughter? Why didn't you tell me? Were you just going to shock me in front of everyone? Oh and this is my daughter Allison." I hadn't figured on him being so angry at me. I dropped my hands into my lap. "I'm sorry Brian. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I wasn't. I didn't know how to say 'oh i have a daughter. she's spending the summer at my parent's beach house.' I don't know."

"Obviously you weren't thinking." He turned away from me. I didn't know what to do. He had never been this angry at me since I had met him. Sure I had seen him flip out on other people, Twiggy, Ginger, even Trent, but never me. And this wasn't even that bad. He had put Ginger's head through a glass door last week when they had an argument over a song they were working on. Luckily, he was okay, just a few scratches.

I reached into my wallet and pulled out a picture of me and Allison. I tapped Marilyn on the shoulder and handed it to him. He took it not knowing what it was. I saw his shoulders slump as he looked at the two of us. He turned back to me.

"She looks just like you." I shook my head. "No she looks just like her mother did at that age. Which is how old she was when Allison was born." Marilyn got a sour look on his face. "Am I going to get to meet her mother as well?" I squeezed his hand. "Nope, Allison is mine and mine alone. Her mother signed over all custody when she was 6 months. I haven't seen Maya since our ten year reunion and believe me we didn't even speak to each other."

He sighed deeply and looked at me. "I want you to know that I am very hurt right now and wish you could have told me this sooner. Now that you know that, I suppose you should tell me all about Allison so I don't make a fool out of myself when I meet her. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my boyfriend's daughter."

I hugged him tightly and began to give him all the details on my daughter.

"Jeez Pedro, how many bags did you bring?" Jose tried to get Pedro to laugh at the situation, but Pedro was in no mood for Jose's jokes. Everyone's bags had come off the plane but his. The rest of us had picked numbers to see who had to wait with him and Jose was the unlucky one.

Tina and Maria went to go get the car from the rental agency while Marilyn and I watched the rest of the bags. We were talking softly to each other. I had just given him a peck on the lips when we heard a shout.

"Hey that's Marilyn Manson over there!" He looked over and saw some teenagers. "No it's not. Look at that guy. Manson would never wear Gap clothes." "But he's got the same tattoos as Manson." "Hey how did you know those were Gap clothes?" We began to laugh as they got further away. I gave him a hug. "I guess Maria was right. The perfect disguise." He looked down at his clothes and laughed again.

Pedro and Jose came up behind us while we were still laughing. "Hey what's so funny?" Jose asked us as he plopped down on his suitcase. "Nothing, you had to be there." He just shrugged. "Whatever, you two are such freaks sometimes."

My cell phone began to ring loudly. I pulled it out of my pocket to answer it. Before I could Marilyn had grabbed it out of my hand and flipped it open.

"Hello, Mikel's cell phone. Brian speaking. How can I service you today?" Jose began to laugh as I tried to grab it away from him.

"Um. Hi, Brian. Can I talk to my father?" A girl's voice asked him, confused. Marilyn's face went white when he realized he had succeeded in embarrassing himself after all. He handed the phone to me. "It's your daughter."

"Allie, what's up sweetie?" She talked and I listened, growing angrier at her by the second. By the time she was finished, I was red. Everyone else was just staring at me. "Okay, Allison that sounds fine. I agree to that. We'll discuss this later. See you in about half an hour."

Marilyn put his arms around me. "What's up sweetie?" I began to relax the minute he touched me. "Teenagers. Looks like I am driving us for the first leg. We have to pick Allison and Casey up at the Xando on 12th and Locust. At least that's what she said. It's been years since I've been here."

"Actually I know where that is. It's a coffeeshop." Pedro spoke up. We all turned to look at him. "Well, one of the places I travel to often is Philadelphia. One of the guys I work with took me there. It's in the gay part of town too, so you should be comfortable." He shrugged and looked away.

Tina and Maria pulled up with the car, waving frantically. They were driving a Ford Expedition. We began to load up the luggage in the back.

"So I guess we got the biggest car available didn't we?" Tina just shrugged as she got into the back. "This is what was reserved for us by your mother. Guess she figured we wouldn't want to be crowded."

I pulled up in front of a crowded coffeeshop and put my blinkers on. "Let's go find Allison and Casey. Want to come Brian?" He nodded. "Let me borrow your hat Jose." Jose tossed it to him and he pulled it down low over his face. We walked into the coffeeshop and I scanned the crowd. I finally saw Allison waving to me frantically from what seemed to be the smoking section.

I grabbed Marilyn's hand and we wove through the crowd to where Allison was. She was sitting with three guys and another girl. She jumped up and gave me a huge hug.

"Dad, I've missed you so much. Everyone this is my father Mikel. And I'm taking a wild guess that the guy holding his hand is his boyfriend Brian. Dad, Brian, this is Patrick, George, Elrey, and Kim. You know Casey." I shook everyone's hand and Marilyn waved to them. I noticed Patrick was looking at him closely. He leaned over and whispered something to George, who then preceeded to stare at Marilyn as well.

"Excuse me for being rude and everything, but Brian has anyone told you that you look like Marilyn Manson?" Marilyn spun around to look at Patrick when he asked that. The look of shock on his face was enough to answer the question for him. "You are Marilyn Manson aren't you."

"Nope, just look like him. Actually most people say I look like that guy Paul from the Wonder Years." Marilyn smiled charmingly. I turned to Allison. "We are double parked outside and have a long drive tonight, so let's go."

"How many people do you have?" George asked politely. "There are eight of us counting Allison and Casey." "Oh don't drive tonight. Patrick and I have plenty of room. Stay with us. We have two extra bedrooms, a sofabed, and a futon. It's a long drive to Avalon." I started to shake my head when I stopped to think about it. All of us were very tired. "Let me go ask everyone else. You'll be okay Brian?" He nodded, still talking to Patrick.

I walked back out to the car. I noticed that Pedro was already drifting in and out. "Guys, one of Allison's friends offered us a place to crash tonight. Wanna' do it?" Everyone quickly agreed and I made my way back inside.

"Yeah, they are all up for some sleep." George smiled and poked Patrick. "They are staying. Did you clean up after the cats this morning?" Patrick nodded and rolled his eyes. "I'll get the waiter. Hey, Jeff!" A tall redhead in all black turned around. He nodded and walked up to them.

"Yes Georgie, what's up? Do your friends want anything?" We shook our heads. "Nope, just the check." Jeff laughed. "You know your money's no good. Just make sure to invite me to the wedding okay." George gave Jeff a hug and slipped a $20 into his pocket.

We headed outside as a big group. Elrey and Kim said goodbye to everyone and headed towards their apartment. "Our house is only a few blocks away. I'll give you directions." George, Patrick, Casey and Allison climbed into the back seat.

I climbed behind the wheel and began to drive. Two minutes later, we pulled up in front of a house in Olde City. George told me to pull into a driveway behind a BMW. We all climbed out of the car and went inside.

I guess I was expecting something trashy and cheap. They were just kids after all. Inside, everything was immaculant. All the floors were polished cherry wood. The furniture was beautiful and everything was very tastefully decorated.

Pedro was talking to George about a print on the wall while Patrick showed the rest of us to our rooms. He led Maria and Jose to the first bedroom, Tina to the second, and me and Marilyn to the third. I realized that this was his and George's bedroom because it was the only one that looked lived in.

"Patrick, we can't take your room. We'll sleep on the sofabed. It's fine." I began to protest. He shook his head. "No way. We don't let our guests sleep in the living room. Besides, we would never be able to forgive ourselves for letting you sleep in there." I looked at him. "So you know who I am?" Marilyn looked at him. Patrick just nodded. "We won't tell anyone. Promised. Allie told us in the car."

We followed him back to the living room, where Allison, Casey and George were. Everyone else had went to bed. They were giggling at a CD. When we walked in, they shoved the CD under a pillow. Marilyn sighed. "Lunchbox single?" Geroge nodded. "I figured. I'll never be able to live down that posing naked thing. If you want, I'll autograph it for you." George handed it to him along with a marker.

"So what do you guys do for a living if you don't mind me asking? You have an incredible home and a BMW in the driveway." George put his arm around Patrick and pulled him close. "Patrick is a massage therapist and acupuncturist. I'm a computer programmer. And we both wait tables on the weekends."

"I'm a waiter too. Where do you work?" "We both work at the Four Seasons. What about you?" "I work for a catering service that my friend Marty owns. We do celebrity parties. Actually that's how I met Marilyn."

"That reminds me. What should I call you? I mean since you are my father's boyfriend, I should call you something besides hey you." Allison asked Marilyn. She threw her arm around him and hopped onto his lap. He thought for a moment. "Well Allison, this weekend it's Brian. But I guess you can call me Marilyn. If you want that is." She nodded and climbed off her lap. "You can call me Allie then. Everyone else does, unless I don't like them. Then it's Allison."

I watched the two of them. Allie always had a tendancy to overreact when she met someone new I was dating. She had always been that way, even as a baby. I would have to say that this was the best she had ever done. And the lap thing was a test. She still loves to cuddle up with me, so she tests everyone by hopping in their laps. If they freak out, she drops them really fast. Marilyn had passed the lap test because she said he could call her Allie. I was relieved. I needed the two of them to get along.

Patrick and George pulled the bed out, which turned out to be a really nice sofabed and unfolded the futon for Allie and Casey. The girls giggled at each other about sharing a bed again. Marilyn and I said our goodnights and headed up to the bedroom. I shut the door behind us and looked around. I felt his arms tightened around my waist and his lips lightly kiss my neck.

"Mmm...we can't do this here. Not in someone else's bed." He kissed my neck again. "Who said anything about the bed?" I began to laugh and spun around, pulling him to me, crushing his lips to mine. "You little tease. So you really posed naked for an album cover?" He caught his breath and continued to kiss my neck. "Yup, but it was only a single and you can't see anything."

"Can I see everything?" He nodded. "And you can see it live. Not everyone can say that. Well unless they went to any of my early shows." I pushed him backwards so he fell to the floor and climbed on top of him, kissing him passionatly. "Your audiences used to see you naked?" My hands roamed under his Gap shirt and squeezed his nipples hard. He gasped, writhing under me. "Yeah, all the time. We used to have sex during breaks and come out onstage naked."

I pulled his shirt off and licked his chest, biting his nipples hard. A loud moan came from his lips. "Did it turn you on? So many eyes seeing you naked?" He nodded and continued to moan as I ground my crotch into his. "Brian, you little exhibitionist. Why don't you do it anymore?" I unzipped his pants and pulled them off. I took his hard cock in my mouth.

"Too many people. Being watched. Police." He was unable to talk in complete sentences as I worked on his cock. He moaned loudly and grabbed my hair, twisting it in his hand. I sucked with increased fervor, causing him to buck wildly in my mouth. I slowly teased his asshole with my finger, working my way inside. He gasped and tightened around my finger when I slid it all the way in. He pushed down on it, drawing it furthur inside. I finger-fucked him furiously as I sucked him off. He tightened his grip on my hair more and more as he came closer to cumming. I shoved my finger into him hard, hitting his prostate. He bucked and began to cum in my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could, trying to keep up with his huge load. Some dripped down my chin. I let his cock fall out of my mouth and withdrew my finger. I made my way back to his mouth and kissed him. He swirled his tongue in my mouth, tasting his own cum. I stared into his brown eyes, seeing the love there.

"God Mikel, that was fantastic." I smiled at him and sat up. "Come on let's go to bed. I'm tired." He looked at me. "Do you want.." I interrupted him quickly. "It's late. I just wanted to taste you Brian. I don't need anything in return." He nodded and stood up. He pulled his underwear back on and climbed in bed next to me. I had stripped down to my boxers as well.

I pulled him close to me, feeling the warmth of his body. "I love you Brian." He buried his face in my shoulder and nodded. "I love you too Mikel."

---Okay look Part 8 is done! Woohoo! I hope the next section will be quicker, but you never know. It might be a while. E-mail me at

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