Max Fullers Maze

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Disclaimer: This file contains depictions of sexual acts with preteens boys and should not be read by minors or by anyone where it is prohibited by the laws of their state or country.

Author's notes: This is a fan fiction story involving characters from the tv show "Fuller house". It can be read without knowing the show. There will be more mature scenes with Max and other male characters. Also, for anyone who doesn't know, "Ark Survival Evolved" is a game where you can tame and ride dinosaurs. It will be a reoccurring thing.

Consider this taking place after the events of the first season but before the second.

I love getting feedback. If you have any thoughts on this story please send them to: samtheham2235 at

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Max Fuller's Maze Ch 2

by Sam The Ham

"So I only have a velociraptor right now. I want to get a Pteranodon next, but I haven't got enough stuff for the saddle yet." Max said as he walked up the stairs to his house.

"Don't have enough chitin?" Taylor asked walking by his side.

"Yeah, I can't find enough bugs," Max said turning towards Taylor.

Taylor smirked. "You need to go after the arachnids. I'll show you how you can kill them without being knocked out."

The two boys went over to the computer and after logging on Max let Taylor take control of his character. The two of them spent those 10 minutes talking about the game. It was one of the side benefits Max had not given voice to when he had been trying to convince his mom to let him get it. Taylor along with a few other friends played the game and it always felt left out when the topic came up at lunch or recess.

When the doorbell rang, Max did not give it any thought until his aunt Stephanie announced. "Max, Rose is here."

Max pulled his eyes away from the computer screen. "What?"

As Rose walked through the door, she started to smile at seeing him. "Max, Are you ready for our play date?"

Max smiled but for very different reasons. He had completely forgotten about their play date. "Yeah, let me show you this game I just got. It has dinosaurs in it." He turned and saw Taylor sitting at the computer. "Rose, this is my friend Taylor. Taylor this is my friend Rose."

"Girlfriend," Rose corrected as she came over to look at the computer.

"Girlfriend?" Taylor asked.

"Max, you haven't told your friends about me?" Rose said giving him a little nudge as she walked by him.

Not having an answer Max just started telling her about the game. He took over from Taylor and showed her his base. As Max was doing so he realized he had enough stuff to make the saddle now and told her about flying. She thought that would be cool to see, so he started explaining how to tame, and that's when Taylor who had been silent spoke up and started giving him some advice about how to best incapacitate a Pteranodon. Since his base was by a small river, Max's character had to wander a bit further away showing off with his raptor to Rose. It took them about five minutes to find and down one.

"There's a website that lets you calculate how long it'll take to tame it. You have a tablet right?" Taylor said leaning against the wall.

"Oh, right," Max said remembering he had left it upstairs. "Can you just watch it for me?"

"How long is this going to take?" Rose asked.

"Probably between 15 and 20 minutes," Taylor answered. "You could mess with the settings a bit to speeded up. But if you rent a server you can have all different sort of things on it. That's what my dad's going to do. Max maybe when we rent one you can play with us."

Rose grimaced. "Can we do something else, Max?

"What, why?" Max asked.

"Because she's bored," Taylor said.

Rose shifted a little uncomfortably as Max looked at her. "I came over to play with you, not watch you play."

"You could always leave." Taylor offered.

"Hey, Max asked me last week if I could come over today," Rose said crossing her arms.

"And he asked me today." Taylor countered.

Max saw a fight coming and knew it was his fault. "Why don't we go play with Cosmos?" It was the first thing that came to his mind.

Rose smiled that the offer but Taylor just pushed off the wall. "I came over to help you play the game. I'm going home."He headed towards the front door without saying another word and Max couldn't think of anything to say until after the door was closed.

There was an awkward moment of silence before Rose spoke. "I'm sorry your friend got upset."

"It's okay," Max said sinking back in his chair. "Just let me get back to base, and then we can go play with Cosmos."

The play date with Rose was fun but when she went home Max kind of fell into a funk. He went upstairs to do his homework and when he was finished just climbed onto his bed and fiddled with one of his toys as he mulled over the day. He wasn't exactly sure why Taylor had become so upset. Max didn't like on his friend's fault. He wasn't sure if Taylor was really angry or just had been annoyed or what. He wouldn't be able to find out until tomorrow.

Although his bedroom door was open, there was a knock, and he looked up to see his mom come into the room. "Hey, am home. Why do you look so down in the dumps?"

Max sat up in bed and smiled. "Hi, mom. My friends got into a fight today. I think one of them is still pretty upset with me."

"Oh, do tell?" His mom said sitting down on the edge of his bed.

Max explained finishing up with. "Maybe it's nothing but Taylor usually doesn't leave like that."

His mom nodded. "Well, first are you really sure you're friends with Taylor?"DJ's ask her voice filled with hopefulness.

"Yes," Max said in a deadpan. He was getting the sense that his mom didn't like Taylor.

"All right, well I know you like that game, and I also know you like being friends with Rose. But just because you like something doesn't mean she's going to like it. That's the nice things about friends. They can always be a little different from each other."

"Kinda like how Aunt Stephanie is cooler than you?" Max asked innocently.

"Hey, I'm cool," DJ said straightening. "But, yes. Your aunt Stephanie will when I'm with her sometimes I do things I normally wouldn't. Not bad things," DJ clarified. "Just that's a bit outside my comfort zone. To circle back to my point, if Taylor likes this game then that something the two of you can do together. Rose may not like the game, but she may like doing other things with you."

Max nodded understanding something suddenly. "Yeah, I get it. With Taylor, I can talk about science, dinosaurs and all that other stuff. Rose has seen a lot of movies I liked like Titanic and is good at tying knots."

"Yes, and again don't tie two doors together. Just because you're friends with both doesn't necessarily mean they will be friends. That's okay."

The small smile that crossed Max's face faded a bit. "I'm still worried Taylor's upset with me."

His mom patted his leg before reaching into her pocket and taking out her cell phone. " Well you can spend the night thinking about it, or you can just ask him."

Max stared at her cell phone before taking it in his hand. "Thanks, I think I will."

DJ stood up. "Dinners in 20 minutes. Jackson is at a friend, so I'll just close your door to give you a little privacy. I'm sure it's not a big deal."

"Thanks, mom,"Max called already looking for his friend's number.

By the time the door to his bedroom was closing he was already dial. The phone had ringed three times before Taylor's dad picked up and Max asked to speak to his friend. After a few seconds of silence heard Taylor come on.

"Hi, Max."

"Hi, Taylor. Um... I just want to call to see if you were angry with me or something."

There was a long silence before Taylor answered. "No, I guess." A few heartbeats of silence before he continued. "My dad comes home early on Mondays and Thursdays. Usually, he does his work at home, but he said if I got home right after school he would take me to the child's Museum today."

"Oh, did you go?" Max felt a little twitch of guilt.

"No, he was working."

"I'm sorry."

"You didn't know. I wanted to help you. It was my decision."

Max felt even guiltier now. Even to his ears, the words sounded awkward like maybe Taylor and his dad had a talked like his mom and he had. "Will he take you another time?"

"Yeah, Thursday if I come home right away. Maybe you could go with us?" Taylor added the last sentence quickly.

Max smiled. "I'll ask my mom."

"Great, but can you tell me tomorrow. Food is ready."

"Sure," Max said before they both exchange goodbyes and he hung up.

Max carefully placed his mom's cell phone on his nightstand before leaning back in resting his head back on his pillow. He had not known Taylor was giving something up to help him today. If Max had known, he wouldn't have asked. Still going to see the kid's Museum would be fun. He had been there a few times but once or 10 times was never enough.

Glancing at the clock, Max could see the call hadn't even taken five minutes. He wondered what he should do before remembering his mom said that Jackson was at a friends. So that meant he would be in his room alone at least until dinner. Remembering what Jackson had told him this looked like a perfect opportunity to do a little experiment.

Carefully reaching down to his pants and pulled them down just a little along with his underwear. He pulled his shirt up a bit and scooted back a bit on the bed to get a better view. His private area had been ignored since a little after lunch when he had to use the bathroom. Now his hand reached down it wasn't too pee. Unlike all the other times when he had become hard by accident this time he was able to do it deliberately. His thing now hard and stuck out a few inches. He looked down at it noticing for the first time the difference between the color of his hand and how pale he was where he was usually covered.

Flattening his hand against himself like last night, Max slowly started to move his hand up and down. It was a nice feeling, but a little different. His hand was dry and that seemed to make it feel different. It didn't appear to take as long to start to feel the sensation like he had to pee, but this time he just kept doing it trusting in Jackson's words. Max felt like he had to move his hand faster and he could feel the palm of his hand pressing against the hard shaft squeezing it between his hand and stomach. He could feel his fingertips pushing against the softer sacked beneath the hard thing and felt he had to be a little more careful.

As the feeling built up Max could hear himself breathing a little more heavily. He kept going, the sensation seemingly building up until it happened. Max couldn't catch it all at once, couldn't understand every feeling. It felt like an explosion that made him go down there, but he also says that his toes curled up and strange small he had to catch his breath as the feeling slowly washed over him. A warmth spread through his body and he laid back down his face feeling a little warmer.

Jackson had been spot on describing it as a good feeling. He could have called it a great feeling or a magnificent feeling and Max wouldn't say his brother was overselling it. It took him what felt like several minutes to recover before Max remembered his pants were still down and he covered himself up again. Looking at his mom's phone, Max saw he only had five more minutes before dinner. He waited for another two to make sure there wouldn't be any other effects before making his way downstairs.

Next: Chapter 3

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