Max Fullers Maze

Published on Aug 25, 2023


Max Fuller's Maze Chapter 3

Disclaimer: This file contains depictions of sexual acts with preteens boys and should not be read by minors or by anyone where it is prohibited by the laws of their state or country. 

Author's notes: This is a fan fiction story involving characters from the tv show “Fuller house”. It can be read without knowing the show. There will be more mature scenes with Max and other male characters. Also, for anyone who doesn't know, “Ark Survival Evolved” is a game where you can tame and ride dinosaurs. It will be a reoccurring thing.

Consider this taking place after the events of the first season but before the second.

I love getting feedback. If you have any thoughts on this story please send them to: samtheham2235 _at_  

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Max Fuller's Maze


                                                by Sam The Ham


Chapter 3**

"Okay, Cast...or...oides," Max pronounced the word carefully consider the creature he was looking at through the spyglass. "I'm going to say it's real, but they made it bigger."

Taylor typed it in and after a moment laughed. "I think they made it smaller. It was eight feet long."

Max looked away from the screen over at the tablet Taylor was showing him. It was displaying the skeleton of a giant beaver, and under it said eight feet long. "Wow, they must've built really big dams."

"Yeah, okay find something else," Taylor said just as there was a soft hum from his phone. "That's my signal to go," Taylor said putting the tablet down. "See you at school."

"Yeah, tomorrow." Max said not bothering to walk him to the door. Flying back to base, he closed the game down. The two had not accomplished that much. Once Max had a spyglass, the two of them had taken turns flying around and guessing which animals were realistic and which had been exaggerated. It had been fun.

Max made his way upstairs to his bedroom where he could hear voices. The moment he walked into the room, Jackson and his friend Popko fell silent. Max gave them a weird look as he made his way over to his desk. "Don't mind little old me."

Popko smiled at him. "Hey, little man could you give me and your brother a little privacy?"

His voice was thick with a patronizing tone that Max just had to roll his eyes. "You forgot my name, again didn't you?"

Jackson chuckled at his comment. "Max, can you give us some privacy. We're talking about some boy stuff."

"I'm a boy." Max answered.

"Big boy stuff." Popko added.

Max opened his mouth but gave in. "Fine, you can have the room. Maybe my other brother wants me around."

"Thank you, Max." Jackson said, smiling, as he left the room.

Max headed back downstairs and into the kitchen. Aunt Stephanie was making a sandwich while Ramona and Lola sat at the table doing homework. Tommy was penned up in his little prison. He walked over to his little brother who was still trying to learn how to color. "Hey, Tommy are you still drawing blob?"

His brother looked up at him, made a grimace and then went back to work.

"Seems neither of my brothers want me around." Max said as he reached down to rub his brother's head.

"Why the long face?" Aunt Stephanie asked.

"Jackson doesn't want me in the room because they're discussing big boy stuff." He said rolling his eyes and walking towards the counter.

"Well, try not to take it too personally. I always thought I was close to your mother, but there were times she didn't want me around. Same with my other sister." She finished making her sandwich and looked into the distance. "Of course, when you get older sometimes you want your siblings around and they're too busy."

Max was just about to say something when he suddenly felt himself lifted off his feet. He looked to one side to see Ramona there and on the other was Lola.

"We just need to borrow Max for a moment." Ramona said.

"What about your sandwiches?" Aunt Stephanie said just as the three of them walked through the door, Max's feet a few inches off the ground.

The second Max's feet hit the ground he took off and turned to face them. "I assume you wanted to say something to me privately?"

"Sorry Max," Ramona said leaning down. "We just want to know, what you heard."

Max crossed his arms and gave it some thought. "I'm not even sure what you're talking about."

Lola answered this time. "We just want to know if you heard what your brother was talking about. There's a party this weekend and we want to know if they're thinking of asking us to go or not. Did you hear anything?"

"I didn't hear anything. I walked in and was thrown out." Max answered. "Why don't you just go ask them?"

This time the girls looked at each other. "Well, if we ask them and they think we might want to go and then they might ask us even if they weren't going to ask us originally. But we are not even sure if we want to go. So, we might have to say no even though they think we want to go and that would just be confusing." Ramona explained. "So, we want to know if they're planning on asking us."

"Exactly, it's simple." Lola finished.

"As long division." Max replied.

Ramona smiled down at him. "Max, could you just do us a favor? Ask your brother if he wants to do something with you Saturday night. If he agrees, well now he's not planning on asking us but if he says no then they're probably going to ask us."

"Couldn't one go and not the other?" Max asked. The girls just looked at him and he surrendered. "Fine, I'll ask tonight."

"Thanks Max, you're the best. I wish I had a little brother like you." Lola said.

As the two girls walked away, Max shook his head and muttered. "Things are so much easier with Rose. It's like they want to make this dating thing hard."

Later that night secret agent Max set out on his mission. Coming in from the bathroom he closed the door behind him and saw Jackson on his bed with his phone out. "Hey, Jackson."

"Hey, Max." Jackson said just glancing away from the phone.

Making his way over to his brothers, he asked. "Do you have plans for Saturday night? I thought maybe we could do something."

"Like what?" Jackson said.

Max shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe watch a movie or something."

Jackson stared at him for a long moment and secret agent Max's career was over before it had begun. "Who put you up to this?"

"I can't say. It was sort of a group effort."

"Well, tell those two girls we haven't decided yet."

Max nodded his head and sat down on the bed. "What is such a big deal about this party? I mean the only time I don't want to go to a party was for Alex's Birthday. He always picks his nose. We're not in the first grade!" Max said with a stutter.

"It's a little more complicated." Jackson said.

"Why?" Max demanded. "Since when does Ramona not want to dance?"

"It's not a dance party, Max."

"Then tell me what it is?"

"It's a big boy party, I think. Besides I don't want you telling Mom."

"I'm not a little kid." Max said jumping to his feet. He grabbed his crotch and rubbed it. "I know about that."

Jackson laughed out loud as Max pursed his lips. Before he could say anything, the door to the bedroom opened. "Boys, I want you in bed soon." Their mom said poking her head in.

"Sure Mom, Max just said something funny." Jackson said.

"Alright, but I'm coming up in an hour and I want to see two sleeping boys. Goodnight."

They both said good night but when the door shut, Max turned to Jackson. "Why did you laugh at me?"

"Just what you did. Is that how you rub it?"

"Yeah, how do you?" Max demanded crossing his arms.

Jackson considered for a moment before raising two fingers and placing his hand around them. He started to move them up and down rapidly. "Like that?"

"How's that work?"

"I don't know, it just does."

"Can I see?" Max asked.


"Fine, do you want me to tell Mom about the party the one that everyone seems to be making such a big deal about?" Max said a little irritated about the laugh.

Jackson gave him a long pause before saying. "It wouldn't be the first time. You were a lot easier to deal with when you thought you had a chip in your brain."

Max just grinned caring more about the wind than anything else. It took him a second to realize why Jackson was getting out of the bed. He waited until Jackson positioned himself on the floor sitting on his knees before following suit sitting right across from him.

Jackson pulled his pajama bottoms down rocking back on his ankles and bringing them to knee level. Max's pajamas were the last one to go as he stood up to pull them down. Max hadn't seen his brother nude in a while. The last time he did was a few weeks prior during an emergency bathroom problem. His brother had been showering and all the other bathrooms were full. He had only caught a glimpse of him down there. His privates looked like they had changed a bit now. His patch of hair was a little neater than last time because it wasn't wet.

Max said nothing as he watched his brother move his hand over his penis back and forth until it was hard. As he watched, he grabbed a hold of his own but didn't do too much stimulation. Compared to the last time, he had become hard a lot faster. Jackson explained how he should wrap his fingers around it and so on. It was hard to concentrate. It felt good just copying the actions but different.

Max wasn't sure if it was better. He kind of like to play with his sack. Max couldn't really explain it, not even in his head. His whole brain felt a little sluggish. Still continuing, a feeling started to come as he stopped thinking all together. The feeling washed over like it had before and he felt his face flush.

Jackson kept going faster and faster. Max watched, fascinated until his brother climaxed and started shooting out some white liquid. His brother quickly moved to grab a tissue. Max's brain began to catch up with the events then. The white stuff must be semen. His mom was a veterinarian and he knew about that. He had heard the word a few times when he had been at the office and probably on TV too. You take it from boy dogs and put it in girl dogs to make more dogs. Humans were mammals like dogs, but he'd never connected the dots.

Having recovered, he stood up, pulled up his pajamas and smiled over at Jackson. "Alright I guess that way is nice."

"Is it better?" Jackson asked dropping the tissue into the wastebasket.

"Different." Max shook himself out of his trance. "Can you please tell me what's the big deal with the party is?"

"Are you going to hold it over my head?" Jackson asked getting under the covers.

Max felt his face flush but this time for a different reason. "I won't tell."

"It's a make-out party." Jackson said rolling over.

Max had seen enough TV to understand that it was a big deal.

Author's note: Yeah, I know Jackson's encounter with Max is like the one in my other chapter but that's the last time that will happen.

End of chapter 2.

Comments are welcomed at: samtheham2235 _at_

Next: Chapter 4

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