Michael and Colin

By nick parmelee

Published on Aug 20, 2010


Autors note This story is based on fiction. It does contain some violence/abusive situations and sexual acts between teenagers. If you are against this, then turn back and go to another story(this applies if you are against same sex intimate relations). I do no support in any way any form of abuse. If you feel that someone you know is being abused, bring it to the proper authorities or talk to them about it. If it is illegal to read this, then don't . Otherwise, enjoy. This material is copyrighted 2010.

Michael and Colin Part 1: Prologue

Berlin spring 1946

Peter and Michael Reinhart had moved with their mother shortly after the death of their father to Munich to escape the Soviet Union. Soon after their mother, Alison, had been diagnosed with cancer. Michael had recently wanted to learn English for a reason his mother didn't know. But since he had insisted, Alison had set him up with a tutor to help. His personal reasons stemmed from a friend, Jonathan, that Peter had made that spoke English and German in order to help Peter communicate with some of the troops that didn't speak German. But Michael had a feeling that they were a little more than just friends, based on the noises coming from Peter's room. A few times, he had woken up to moaning and other various noises.

One night, when Alison had gone to the local butcher, Michael asked Peter, "What were you and your friend, David doing last night?"

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" replied Peter.

"Because I heard noises coming from your room and the tone wasn't just yours."

"You're probably dreaming Michael"

"Whatever. If you're doing what I think you are doing, you know for one mom wouldn't approve nor would the Furher if he was still around."

Michael went back to his room to finish studying for the yearly project due at the end of the school year. He hated them and didn't really see a point in school but went only to please his mother. Shortly after, their mother came home from the store. Michaels ears perked when he heard the door open and ran in to help. He wondered what was for dinner. Today was Peters birthday and was hoping she bought something good, not that her cooking wasn't good was just tired of soup and other simple things. To his astonishment, she had bought a lamb to roast. As it was cooking, Peter piped up in the kitchen and asked, "What smells good?"

"It's a surprise" said their mother.

Michael turned around and smiled and went to his bedroom to retrieve his brother's gift. He had framed his brothers rank and medals along with a picture of him in his war uniform with his name engraved on it. he grabbed a shoebox and wrapped it in old newspaper.

At dinner, everyone mostly ate in silence. Alison asked Peter "did you have any luck finding a job?"

Peter looked at his plate and shook his head. "Mother did you?"

She replied with a hopeful smile and said, "the local bakery is hiring and I applied there today"

Michael not yet old enough to work being only 11, replied "Peter, maybe you can sign up for the military. You are old enough and you have experience with a gun."

"True" said Peter. "And, David said that there's construction help needed so maybe his uncle can pull something off."

When it was time to have Peters cake and him to open gifts, Michael took off to retrieve his gift. As Peter started to open the item he sensed it was a bit heavy. When he saw the front of frame, he was speechless. In the frame were all his various service medals and his last rank that he was promoted to along with various pictures of him in uniform and surrounded by fellow comrades and a picture of his entire. company. Then at the bottom he saw a metal plate engraved with the words, Sturmfurher (Assualt leader) Peter Reinhart, 12th SS Panzer Division. Peter started to remember some of his best comrades and friends from the war and choked back some tears. He said thank you grabbed the few gifts that were given to him and went to his room.

As Peter was putting away his gifts of clothes and his frame, Michael walked in. Peter looked at him and gave him a hug.

He asked "Where did you find the money for this?"

"I had to help out various people and some of the American troops" Michael looked at the floor.

"Michael, Im not mad. I don't know how father would've felt about it though. Who was it may I ask?"

"2nd Lieutenant Thompson"

Peter thought to himself. He realized that must've been his friends' dad.

Peter wanted Jonathan there with him on his birthday. He was starting to like Jonathan more than just a friend and knew that during the war, if you liked the same sex you were sent to the camps. Peter took off out of the house and told his mom he was going for a walk. Peter went to a small restaurant where the food reminded him of his grandmothers cooking. He saw Mr Thompson and Jonathan. He got up and walked towards them.

Mr Thompson looked up from his dinner. "May I help you?"

"Sir, I want to thank you for what have done for me and family. Between Jonathans teaching and your generous offer to my brother however he obtained it, I grateful" Peter said in broken and his best English.

Mr Thompson stared at Peter trying to remember who he was. Then he remembered. "Sit down young man, I want to talk to you for a minute."

Peter sat down wondering what was to be said.

"What did you say your name was?"

"Peter sir"

"Well Peter, it seems that ever since you and Jonathan here met, he seems happier. Not sure what you did or said but im glad my sons not depressive anymore from what it seems."

Jonathan smiled and felt his ears turn pink.

"I was wondering if you and your family would like to stay for dinner sometime."

"That be nice but mother may have other plans"

"What of your dad?"

" Father dead" Peter felt a tear roll down his cheek

"May I ask what happened?"

Jonathan kicked his dad for bringing it up.

Peter sighed. "He was killed near the bakery He was coming home with bread for the evening"

"Any idea who?"

"Not really sir"

"Could you maybe describe him?"

"My height, maybe a little bigger more muscle than Jonathan light bronze eyes brownish hair"

"Do you mean hazel?"

"I guess"

"Hmm...was it ever brought to the authorities?"

"No sir"

Peter realized he had been gripping Jonathans fork and had bent the prongs. He put the fork in the garbage.

"Well, I think you should probably head home and we should as well. Good night Peter.

Good night Mr Thompson. Sir, wondering if Jonathan could stay the night at my home.

"Peter, call me Mark, and yes he may stay with you tonight only because it's the weekend.

"Yes sir thank you"

Jonathan and Peter walked back to Peters house and Mark went home.

End of Part One

Ok guys tell me what you think. This is my first piece in my first story. Rock_fan89@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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