Michael and Colin

By nick parmelee

Published on Feb 6, 2011


Author's note: This story is based on fiction. It does contain some violence / abusive situations and sexual acts between teenagers. If you are against this, then turn back and go to another story (this applies if you are against same sex intimate relations). I do no support in any way any form of abuse. If you feel that someone you know is being abused, bring it to the proper authorities or talk to them about it. If it is illegal to read this, then don't. Otherwise, enjoy. To whoever reads this, please drop me an email. I'd like to know who's following the story. Rock_fan89@yahoo.com

Michael and Colin Part 3

Munich, Summer 1946

The next morning, Michael woke up to smelling breakfast cooking in the kitchen and Jonathan shaking him awake.

"Have you been working out Michael?"

"Yes I have. Why?" Michael noticed a bulge in his pants.

"You look amazing for your age. I mean hell your what almost 12 and just wow. When's your birthday by the way?"

"Um......tomorrow." Michael looked at him funny.

Jonathan walked out of Michaels room and found his dad in the kitchen. "Hey dad, Michaels birthday is apparently tomorrow. Any ideas?"

Mark thought for a minute. "Theres the bakery down the street. Why dont you go out and pick one up. Please make it chocolate"

While Jonathan was gone, Mark walked into Michaels room. "Want to help me paint Peters room?"

"Yea." Michael replied.

"Put on a pair of old clothes so you dont get those dirty."

"Or I could wear a pair of Peter's." With that, Michael went to Peters closet and threw on a old undershirt and a pair of old paints that seemed a bit small even for Michael. They had finished two walls when Michael heard the door open and went to see who it was.

As Jonathan walked through the door, he saw Michael in a pair of what seemed a pair of Peters old clothes. Wow he thought 'Id actually like to see Michael without the pants` and with that thought, Jonathan's 16 year old penis started to grow.

Peter noticed the bulge in Jonathan's pants and somewhat had an idea what he was looking at but wasn't sure. He had seen his pants get that way at times but didnt understand why. "Whats in the box?" He finally asked realizing he was staring at Jonathan.

"Nothing. Go back to painting. Go ask my dad what his plans for dinner are."

Michael went back to Peter's room and it smelled heavily of paint. "Dinner plan's?"

"Its a surprise. And we need to go pick up the car."

Michael scrambeled to get clean clothes on and so did Mark. They both ran to the mechanics shop. When the shop got close they slowed to a walk to catch their breath. Michael saw the car in the bay parked. They walked into the shop bay and saw the mechanic.

"Hello Michael. I was wondering when you were going to pick your car up."

"Is everything in working order?" „"Yes it is. New spark plugs, oil change and the carburetor was a bit dirty. I also put new fuel filter."

"How much do I owe you?"

"I would say 75 should cover it."

Mark pulled out his wallet. Michael looked at Mark. Mark paid the mechanic and thanked him for his service. Michael grabbed the keys off the reciept primed the carburetor and started the engine. He let it warm up for a bit before backing up to head onto the streeet.

Meanwhile, at the Reinharts, as Jonathan was still packing things up in the various rooms of the house, he had come across a picture that Peter's father had taken shortly after they had met. He remembered Peters father, Karl, pulling him aside one afternoon to talk with him. Karl had pulled him into his office. Karl had told him, Jonathan, since you and my eldest son Peter have been around each other, for once he seems happy again. Since his best friend Dietrich was killed in battle he has been an emotional wreck. I just wanted to say thank you. Before I went into the war, I was a photgrapher and would like to take a picture of the two of you. Karl had gotten the frame custom made. The picture had Peter in his uniform and Jonathan in his best looking clothes. Jonathan began to cry as he stared at the photo.

Michael and Mark had just pulled up to the house and Michael put the car in park. They went inside and found Jonathan in tears.

Mark walked over to Jonathan and sat down next to him. "Whats wrong?"

"I never got to say goodbye." He said tears flowing down his face.

Mark hugged his son and Michael looked at the picture on the floor. He remembered the picture. Michael went to his room and closed the door. Michael looked at all the boxes stacked around his now barren room. He sat down and quietly sobbed to himself. He had not been able to let his own emotions free. Between moving and his parents death and now his brothers. Michael was overwhelmed. What will my uncle and cousin be like? And why did I enjoy Jonathan touching me? He heard footsteps outside in the hall and a knock on the door. He looked outside to see who it was. It was Jonathan. Jonathan sat down next to him.

"Michael, I know how your feeling. My mom passed away when I was younger. Then my dad made me move in with my grandparents and he came over here during the war. I hated it. Being with family i barely knew. After the war, Dad became stationed here and i moved here then met Peter and you, and your family. Which I am grateful for" Jonathan got teary-eyed. "My hope is that you dont go the same way as your brother. I want to say thank you for what you and your family has done. You welcomed us into your home and lives." Jonathan then kissed Michael on the cheek and Michael blushed. Jonathan gave Michaels leg a squeeze and Michael jumped a bit. Michael looked at his watch. It said 4:30.

"I wonder when your dad was planning on doing dinner?"

"Lets go ask." Jonathan replied.

Michael got up and Jonathan tapped him on the ass. Michael jumped and Jonathan just smiled. Michael just looked at him with confusion. They both walked into the living room where Mark was listening to the radio.

"Dad, you ready?"

"Huh?" Oh yea."

Michael asked, "Where we going?"

"Its a surprise." Mark replied.

Mark, Michael and Jonathan got in the Mercedes and drove off. They were nearing the outskirts of the city. Michael smelled food that made his stomach grumble. They went into the restaraunt and could hear a record player going. The restaraunt seemed small from the outside and fairly roomy inside and was packed as well. They ordered and Michael got the rabbit while Jonathan and Mark both got pork. They paid for the meal and went back to Michaels residence.

When they got back to the house, they found Rudolph sitting next to the door. It was obvious to Michael that he had to go to the bathroom. Michael grabbed the dogs leash and some newspaper. After about 5 minutes of walking Rudolph alongside rubble from the war, they went back. Upon reaching the house, Rudolph squated right near the flowerbed. Michael groaned and Rudolph seemed proud of himself in doing so. Michael picked it up in the paper and put it in a bag he grabbed on his way out. When he looked up he saw Jonathan just laughing to himself and smiling.

"What's so funny?"

"I find it amusing that the dog goes as soon as you get near the porch."

"Fuck you." Michael replied looking at him in annoyance.

"Ooo such harsh words." Came the sarcastic reply.

Michael took the dog inside. As he walked past, he could feel Jonathan staring at him. When he turned around, Jonathan was smiling at him and Michael looked at him confused.

"Hey, Michael you wanna help get some stuff from my place for me and my dad?"


Jonathan called out to his dad, „"Hey me and Michael are gonna go back home to go pick up some things. Be back later."

"Ok. The keys are on the table in the kitchen." Replied Mark.

Jonathan grabbed the keys and Michael followed him back to Jonathans and Marks residence.

"Michael, I know alot has happened to you and your family in the past year. And, I know its not easy having your entire world ripped out from under you. I understand that you are still dealing with the deaths of your family. I want to know what your thoughts of my relationship I had with your brother."

Michael was stunned at Jonathan's last statement. He was torn between what he had been taught by his peers and his teachers, and his love for his brother.

Shortly after, they reached Jonathan's home. "Honestly, yes I'm still going through all the hell I have endured. When Peter came home on leave from being wounded, he was very quiet. I think for the first few days he didnt even bother to take off his uniform and stayed locked in his room. And, no I dont know what to make of the relationships my brother had. All the ideals that were instilled in me since I was young contradict it. I had wanted to follow in the footseps of my brother and father. And maybe being a commanding officer in the Wehrmacht or Luftwaffe" As he spoke, he could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks.

Jonathan noticed the tears, took him inside and brushed his soft cheek dry. He gave Michael a hug. His mind drifted back to when he first gave Peter a hug and the last time he got one from him as well. He felt good to hug and hold someone again.

Michael was too confused about what was happening. All he knew is he felt at peace for the first time since his brother went off to war. He noticed that his dick was getting hard. Prior to Peter going to Normandy, he gave a brief talk to Michael about puberty, masturbation and other related things. He wanted to kiss Jonathan but was nervous to. Jonathan pulled him close and kissed him. He thought he was going to faint.

Jonathan could feel his soft lips and felt Michaels dick get hard as Jonathan pulled him closer and kissed him. He took Michael to his room. Michael looked around. He saw different trophies for what seemed like running. He also saw a small radio on his dresser and a large American flag hung up on the back wall with some newspapers as well. He tried to read them but couldnt figure out some of the words.

"What are the newspapers about?" Michael asked. "Huh?" Jonathan looked benind him from collecting clothes for the next couple days. "Oh. The first one is when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the second is when Hitler declared war on the US, the third is when the US and Britain stormed Normandy's beaches, and the fourth is when your former government surrendered."

"Mind if I take the last two with me to my uncles?" He asked Jonathan.

"When are you going to be leaving?"

"Possibly Monday."

"You have just about everything your going to take?"

Michael nodded.

Jonathan looked at him and smiled. Michael stared in curiousity as to what could be on Jonathan's mind. Michael sat down on his bed. Jonathan sat next to him.

"You look alot like your brother."

Michael blushed slightly. "Thanks. I think I liked it when you kissed me." Michael said as he felt himself blush even more.

Jonathan let out a giggle. He leaned in to kiss Michael again and Michael ended up kissing him. Jonathan was a tad surprised by this and as they kissed his dick was getting hard. Jonathan leaned Michael back as he kissed Michael. He could feel Michaels dick beginning to get hard.

Michael felt something he never felt before. That being the physical attraction for and of another boy. Sure he may have seen his other friends dicks when they were young, but most had been sent to defend the capital. He felt Jonathans dick, and already knowing how big it was after catching a glimpse of him and Peter having sex, it had made his dick harder.

Jonathan felt Michael`s dick become fully hard and he udid Michael's pants. He then removed them and his underwear. His dick looked to be 6 inches hard and about 3 inches around and was also hairless. He wrapped his hand around it and kissed Michael making him moan. Michael removed Jonathans pants and underwear. He grabbed his hard dick gently and started stroking Jonathan's dick making Jonathan moan as well. Michael felt his dick twitch as Jonathan stroked his dick more and felt Jonathan's start to become wet. They both came within seconds of each other. Jonathan continued to jerk Michael off and kiss him hoping he could make him come more. Michael gripped the sheets as his dick was nearing a second climax. The second shot on his chest and his face. Jonathan was still hard so Michael licked it and it made him hard even more. He took Jonathan's dick in his mouth making Jonathan moan. Michael started to jerk off one last time to see if he could get the waves of pleasure again. Michael jerked his dick faster as a third and final climax got close. He sucked Jonathan's dick faster making Jonathan moan even more. Jonathan shot another load into Michael's mouth and Michael came a third time and collapsed. He swallowed Jonathan's cum. It tasted sweet yet salty.

"That was amazing!" Michael proclaimed with a smile and a sigh.

"We should probably get back before my dad worries." Jonathan said as he got dressed and gave Michael his pants and underwear.

When they got back to the house. Jonathans dad was fast asleep in a chair in the living room. They both went to bed in Michael's bed.

The sun shined in the window in the bedroom waking Michael. He carefully got out of bed hoping not to wake Jonathan and went to the bathroom. He took a long piss and thought of the events last night. His mind was still comprehending what had happened. Had my teacher and the Fuehrer been wrong about homosexuals? He shrugged it off and started the shower. He got in and washed his hair. When he started to wash his body he noticed he started to get hard. He washed the rest of his body he grabbed a rag and washed his face and ass. He rinsed off and started stroking his hard dick. He leaned against the wall and stroked it more making his head go in and out of his foreskin. He started to moan with pleasure and stroked more and had his first climax. He continued to stroke it more and more and shot another load hitting the faucet that he was facing. He wanted to see how many times he could go so he stroked more. As he was stroking his dick, Jonathan quietly snuck in the shower from behind and rubbed his now hard dick against Michaels tight virgin hole. He knelt down and licked Michael's hole just as Michael shut off the water. This was new and pleasurable and let out a soft moan. He stroke his dick more and came again. He wondered if he could cum again. Jonathan slid his hard dick in Michael's ass and Michael tried not to tense up and his body relaxed when Jonathan was inside Michael. Jonathan started to fuck Michael and both started to breath heavy and Michael stroked his dick one last time. Jonathan started to fuck Michael faster and Michael grew close to an intense orgasm. He came and shot seven ropes of cum all over the shower wall. Jonathan thrust deep into his ass and came. They both kissed and dried off. Michael got dressed and Jonathan put his underwear back on and went to put pants on.

Michael put the last of his things that he was taking to his uncle's into the car. Mark woke up shortly after got changed and made Michael a quick breakfast. After Michael ate, he and Jonathan hugged and said good bye. Mark had taken care of the arrangements for the move and transport of Michaels things. He would take a train to the depot to go to England and from there he would leave on plane to the US that his uncle had paid for. Mark gave his address to Michael in case he needed anything. Within an half hour the train was off to the depot and Michael was on his way to New York. His first stop he wrote his uncle and dropped it off at the post office and got on the Pan American flight to New York.

End of chapter 3

Sorry for taking so long had writers block. If ya read the story comment plz.

Next: Chapter 4

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