Model Me

By moc.oohay@777_nafmiwS

Published on Jul 13, 2005


Disclaimer: Anything mentioned in this story is complete fiction. The sexuality of anyone in the story is not necessarily true, but just written to entertain. If you are underage or if it is illegal to read pornographic material where you live, please leave now. Also, if you are uncomfortable with gay relationships, you should not read any further. For everyone else, enjoy the show....

Cold sweat poured like a river down his spine. His fists were clenched around the hot wet sheets so tightly his knuckles began to turn white. Each short gasp of stale air he managed to take in burned through his lungs as he tried to catch his breath causing his entire body to be racked with a series of violent shudders.

Why was this happening again, he wondered as blackness closed in on both sides of him. Not here. Not now.

He tried to stand up, but couldn't. He tried to open his eyes but it felt like his lids had been glued shut. He needed to get the image of that man out of his mind for good. He knew that was the only way to forget about the horrible things that had happened. But he felt in his heart that those bloodshot squinting brown eyes could never be erased from his memory. They would always be a part of him.

He slowly pushed the image out of his brain with the only thing positive he could grasp his mind around. The gleaming yellow teeth disappeared replaced by Craig's beautiful smile. The crooked nose faded away revealing Craig's gorgeous features. And those eyes, those ungodly eyes finally dissolved leaving room for Craig's clear green iris' to appear.

Justin was finally able to open his eyes, a single tear traveling down the side of his face. He sat up running his hands up and down across his eyes, cheeks, and nose trying to erase the bad thoughts that had caused his panic attack. At least that's what he assumed they were. He hadn't had one that bad in a really long time. It scared him to think they could come that suddenly and be so powerful.

"Good morning beautiful! Oh, you're awake," Craig said with frown lines darkening his flawless face. "And I thought I'd be able to wake you up with breakfast in bed." He laid a tray with Justin's favorite breakfast over his lap. "Pancakes and bacon, extra crispy, for my prince," he said kissing his lover's clammy forehead.

Craig frowned again running his hand across Justin's pale damp cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Justin was finally able to squeak out. "Thank you for breakfast it looks delicious. But I'm not very hungry."

"Okay now I know something's wrong. You're always hungry."

"I just had a weird dream, that's all," Justin said almost flinching at having to lie to the man he loved.

Craig looked at him a moment almost assessing the situation. "I'm sorry," he finally said. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No not really," Justin said moving the tray aside. "I'm just going to hop in the shower. I'll feel better after that."

He kissed Craig lightly on the cheek and moved on to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"You can be the strangest man in the world sometimes Justin Timberlake," Craig said scooping up the tray and heading back downstairs.

As he let the events of the morning sink in he realized that there had been a lot of bad dreams lately making their way into his boyfriend's pretty little head.

There was one a few nights ago that Justin had actually woken up from screaming in a way Craig never wanted to hear again. Each time it seemed he got more and more secretive about what had scared him.

The phone in the kitchen rang loudly jarring Craig out of his thoughts.

"Hello?" he said, still unsure about answering Justin's phone although they had already been living together for two months.

"I didn't wake you guys did I?"

"No Josh you're good. What's up?" he asked actually smiling to hear the man's voice. JC and Wade had been very incommunicado for the past month or so. Everyone assumed it was the whole "newlywed" status. Not that they had actually ran off to Hawaii or Vermont, or wherever its legal now, and gotten married. They were just in that blissful, walking on clouds, rose colored glasses, can't keep your hands off each other, wild passionate animalistic fucking sort of place.

"What are you guys doing tonight?" JC asked.

"Nothing that I know of. Why?"

"Well Lance and I were talking yesterday and we thought it would be cool if everyone could get together for dinner or something."

"You know I bet Justin would love that."

"What about you?"

"Well yeah! Lance is practically keeping my best friend hostage over there. This impromptu get together is probably the only time I'm ever going to see him this century. Where did you guys want to go?"

"Not sure yet. Anywhere I pick will be vetoed by Lance anyway. One of us will just call you back when we have it straightened out."

"Sounds good. We'll be here."

"Babe?" Justin called bounding down the stairs.

"Yeah in the kitchen," Craig said placing the phone on the counter.

"Where'd my breakfast go? I'm starving."

"Are you bipolar?" Craig asked suddenly.

"What?" Justin asked laughing pausing at the entrance to the kitchen.

"You just said you weren't hungry," Craig said watching as Justin moved over to him.

"I worked up an appetite," he said wrapping his arms around Craig's waist and pulling the man as close to his body as possible.

"And what exactly did you do in the shower to get to be in such a good mood?"

"Day dreamed about you sexy," he said placing his pink lips over Craig's.

Their hot wet tongues found each other quickly, slowly caressing back and forth as their lips stayed locked together in a soft embrace.

"Okay," Craig said breathless after their kiss. No matter how many times they did that it always felt like the first to him.

Justin pecked his lips and the corner of his mouth.

"Will you join me for breakfast?" he asked leaving a trail of kisses down Craig's throat to the nape of his neck.

"Right now I'd pretty much do anything you asked me to," he said with his eyes still closed just taking in the feeling of Justin's strong arms around his body and his lips on his skin.

"Oh really," Justin said taking the sweet sensitive skin between his teeth gently. He moved one hand up along the outside of Craig's thigh over his loose fitting jeans to his waist right beneath his t-shirt. His hot fingers ran underneath the shirt rubbing Craig's tan ripped abs and continuing their trail further up to his chest.

The phone started to ring again making them both drift back down to reality.

"Don't answer it," Justin said placing his hot wet mouth back over Craig's.

"I think it might be Lance, baby. We're all supposed to go out tonight."

"When did all this happen?"

"Josh called while you were taking a shower," he said answering the phone. "Hello? This is him."

Justin tried his best to block out the interrupting phone call as he concentrated on running his tongue over every part of Craig's neck.

"Like what?" Craig asked winking at the man as he kissed his lips. "Is it that bad?" he asked breaking the kiss.

Justin stopped his lips poised over Craig's and looked at him quizzically.

"I don't have time to come down today so over the phone will have to do for now," Craig said running his hand along Justin's strong jaw line and pulling him closer to his body.

Justin could feel Craig's heart start to pound harder in his chest as he let out a small chuckle.

"What?" Craig asked laughing. "You're joking."

"What is it?" Justin asked watching Craig closely. The man may have been laughing but his eyes told a different story.

Craig looked at him mouth open to speak but said nothing. "Yeah I'm here. I just have no idea what to say. Do you know anything else?"

Craig paused for a moment listening but still running his hand over his lovers face. "Okay, are you at the office today? I'll give you a call back in a little while," with that he hung up.

"Baby..." Justin said running his thumb over Craig's cheek.

Craig looked down at the phone in his hands and then met Justin's bright blue eyes, "I have a brother."

Breakfast had never been JC's favorite meal by any means. Well actually morning in general he could do without. But he did have to admit that there was something about a cute little platinum blonde boy bouncing around his kitchen at the crack of dawn that got his blood, and other things for that matter, pumping.

There was no way he could even fathom having as much energy that early as Wade seemed to have, especially after the night they had. Unfortunately there hadn't been any carnal activity like he had planned. JC found out quickly that trying to sleep with a raging hard-on in addition to the sound of Wade practically moving furniture down stairs all night was not a good combination.

"Are you listening?" JC asked for the third time in a row. He had never thought of Wade as the air head, day dreamer type but lately he was so inattentive.

"Yes of course baby," he said with a broad smile. "It's just hard to concentrate when you're standing right in front of me like that."

Wade wrapped his arms around the shirtless man and held him close placing his lips on his forehead.

"I'm glad to see I still turn you on."

"Are you still mad about last night?"

"I'm not mad," JC said involuntarily turning his head away from his friend.

"Yes you are. I should have called you if I was going to be late I admitted that last night, okay? How was I supposed to know you were going to make dinner?"

"Because I told you before you left."

Wade paused a moment with a blank look on his face.

"Never mind," JC said pushing away from the man. "It's over. But I'm telling you now that we're all going out tonight, okay?"

"Sure, sounds fun. I have to go out for a bit but I'll be back in time," Wade said running his hands over the empty pockets of his jeans.

"Where are you going?"

"Just out babe," he said walking into the living room.

"You're not going to eat breakfast with me?" JC asked following him.

"No I'm not hungry," he said turning over couch cushions. "I made that for you."

"And I won't see you until when?"

"What time are you leaving?"

"Like seven I guess."

"Oh yeah I'll be back in plenty of time."

"Good," JC said picking up a set of keys from the coffee table right in front of Wade and holding them out to him. "Looking for these?"

"Yeah. Thanks babe," he said kissing JC on the cheek.

"I guess I'll see you when you get back."

"Okay. Oh hey I left my wallet somewhere yesterday can I borrow like fifty bucks?"

"Upstairs on the dresser," JC said walking back into the kitchen.

He sat at the table and listened as Wade walked around overhead for a moment and then back down to the living room. Before he could say anything he heard the front door close and the Jeep start up outside.

JC wasn't sure why the scene they had just played out always affected him so much. They had been going around in circles like that for weeks. It wasn't like Wade had moved in or anything, far from it actually. He was just usually hanging around and most nights he did stay over. Thinking back JC actually couldn't recall a night since their little tryst started that they had spent apart. Even though lately Wade wasn't coming over until a long night of partying was over at three or four in the morning, they were always together when the sun came up.

JC had fooled himself long enough into thinking that their fuck-fest was actually something more, or that it could at least become something more. He had been at peace for exactly one month and two weeks, yeah he was keeping track, before everything started to change. He had never thought Wade was much of a partier before but that seemed to be all he was interested in doing lately. JC tried to hang in there and not be Dad or the stick in the mud all the guys always said he acted like when it came to hanging on dim sweaty dance floors for long periods of time. But it seemed like when ever he actually did venture out with Wade they got split up for most of the night; the younger man was always no where to be found.

He must have just been too happy with the way things were. He knew it would only be a matter of time until Wade's true colors showed through. All relationships, no matter how dysfunctional or perfect at the beginning were apparently all doomed at some point. The only question now was when and where exactly the final blow would take place?

"I think this is my favorite position we've been in yet."

Lance laughed looking down at the man lying on his bare chest. "You have got to be kidding Brian."

"Nope. I love this," he said cuddling just a bit closer to the singer.

"Me too," Lance said running his fingers through the short read hair of his companion. "Let's stay like this all day."

"I wish we could," he said with a sigh.

"Why not?"

"I have a shoot at two."

"I don't see why you're still modeling when you own your own company now."

"I don't know," Brian shrugged running his had idly up and down Lance's smooth chest. "I love modeling and believe me the talent agency runs itself or else it would have been in the ground a long time ago."

"There's no way with as much time as you spend on it."

"It only works because I have such good people in New York handling the day to day stuff for me."

"I'm glad you don't have to go up there that often."

"Nope. Only twice so far huh?" Brian asked turning on his stomach to face his lover.

"Yeah. And I must say that last trip was extremely fun," Lance said with a laugh.

"I love your laugh," he said smiling and leaning into the man making sure their lips pressed firmly together.

Lance ran his hands up and down the firm muscular back that was hovering over him cherishing each touch like it was his last. He loved the way Brian's body was put together and wouldn't change one freckle on his sexy face.

A cell phone began to vibrate on the nightstand by Lance's head making him groan.

"You get that and I'll be right back," Brian said kissing his lips one last time before slipping from beneath the warm blue sheets.

"Where are you going?"

"Just to the bathroom," he said with a wink.

Lance watched him walk across the room loving the way the broad tanned frame looked without any clothes on.

"Hello?" he said almost breathless.

"Hey buddy what's up?"

"Nothing Josh. Just hanging out."

"Good. Come over."

"Right now?" Lance asked picking up the alarm clock to get a better look at the faint neon green numbers.

"Yeah I'm bored. Let's do something."

"Okay," he said quickly. "Give me a few."

"Cool bye."

"Bye," Lance said already starting to get out of bed as he flipped his phone closed and put it back on the charger.

"And where do you think your going?" Brian asked walking back out of the bathroom.

"Oh," Lance said amazed that he had forgotten about the man he had been so enthralled with for the past few months with one call from JC.

"Oh...?" Brian asked kneeling in front of him. "You don't want to keep me company until I have to work?"

"No I want to," he said caressing his soft rosy cheek. "That was Josh though."

"Another life or death emergency?" Brian asked trying to sound as lighthearted as possible.

"Nothing like that. He just wanted to hang out sweetie. Why don't you come too?"

"No I have to work soon, remember?" he said standing and moving towards the dresser.

"Oh yeah I forgot. But not for a few hours. You could just drive over with me."

"No thanks," he said pulling on a pair of red plaid boxers. "But you go ahead."

"Are you sure?" Lance asked walking up behind him and wrapping his arms around his firm stomach.

"Yes I'm sure. I'll just see you tonight," Brian said still not entirely okay with the situation.

Lance kissed his neck and then released him to find his clothes which were strewn from one end to the other of Brian's bedroom.

"Call me when you get off work, okay?" Lance asked pulling on the pair of pants and shirt he had worn the night before on their date.

"Okay," Brian said sitting back down on the bed to watch his lover change.

"I'll see you later," Lance said kissing his lips softly.


Brian watched as Lance left the room listening as the front door closed behind him. He laid back on the messy swirl of blue sheets and sighed. When exactly had he become the other man?

Hey everyone! Long time no read. Hope you enjoyed the new season of Model Me and will stay tuned for many more chapters to come. Any comments or criticisms can be emailed to

Next: Chapter 19

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