Model Me

By moc.oohay@777_nafmiwS

Published on Apr 20, 2003


Disclaimer: Anything mentioned in this story is complete fiction. The sexuality of anyone in the story is not necessarily true, but just written to entertain. If you are underage or if it is illegal to read pornographic material where you live, please leave now. Also, if you are uncomfortable with gay relationships, you should not read any further. For everyone else, enjoy the show....

Someone tapped Justin on the shoulder and his heart fell when he figured it was Britney ready to leave.

He turned and was surprised to see a smiling Craig standing in front of him, this time fully clothed.

"Hey," Craig said.

"Hey," Justin said, trying not to show how nervous he was at the man's presence.

"I was looking for you," Craig said, "You're not an easy man to find."

"I could say the same thing about you," said Justin with a grin.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

Justin couldn't read rather Craig meant the fashion show as a whole or the view of him in those cute little boxer briefs.

"Um...yeah I did actually."

Craig smiled a little mischievously.

"How long have you been modeling?" Justin asked, not really caring but just wanting to hear the other man's deep voice again.

"Since I was a kid. I used to be a Gerber baby."

"Really?" Justin said laughing lightly.

"Yeah, seriously," he said smiling.

There was sort of an awkward silence as they both tried to think of something else to say.

"Are you still here with your girlfriend?" Craig asked pointedly.

"Uh...yeah I guess."

Justin was pleasantly surprised when Craig's face dropped slightly. The sparkling eyes went just slightly dull.

Craig thought he had felt a vibe earlier that day with Justin, but maybe he was wrong.

"That's cool. It was nice talking to you again. I gotta get going now," said Craig with not as much enthusiasm as he had when they first started talking.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked quickly before Craig walked away. He knew it was a personal question, but it was all he could come up with. He hoped that Craig didn't think it was inappropriate.

"I have a photo shoot in a few hours so I was gonna go home and take a quick nap. I need my beauty sleep," Craig said glad that Justin had made him stick around for a little while longer.

"Oh okay," said Justin, thinking that if the other man had gotten anymore beautiful, he wouldn't be able to stand it.

"Are you doing anything later tonight?" Craig asked smoothing his thick black hair with one hand.

Justin thought about Britney and the inevitable love making session that they would share later on.

"Nope nothing at all," he said.

"Want to go out and grab something to eat? I might be done late, but I'm sure I'll be starved."

"Yeah that sounds cool."

The two men exchanged phone numbers and plugged them into their respective cell phones.

"I'll call you when I get done," Craig said.

"Okay, cool."

Craig flashed him a white-toothed grin and lifted his hand with a small wave before walking away.

Justin stood there thinking about the night to come when Britney walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He jumped a little because she startled him and turned around to face her. She smiled up at him.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah," Justin said.

On the drive back Justin brainstormed ways to break it off totally with her, but still stay friends. The hour and a half drive to Orlando just wasn't quite long enough. When they pulled into his drive way his heart started pounding harder in his chest. Britney reached for the door handle to get out of the car.

"Brit, we need to talk," Justin blurted out. He wasn't sure where he wanted to do it though. He didn't want to ruin the idea of his new car with the tears that would ultimately flow from her, but doing it in the house might not be good either.

"Can we go inside first?" she asked sounding slightly irritated.

He nodded. Once inside he expected her to sit attentively on the couch in the living room. At least that's what he was praying for. This time God wasn't as kind to him. As soon as Justin closed the front door, Britney grabbed him and kissed him deeply, running her hands all over his body. She began to unbutton his shirt as their lips and tongues continued to touch.

"Brit," Justin said muffled because she was still kissing him.

She began to kiss his neck and he pushed her away lightly. Being so much bigger than her definitely had its advantages, he thought. She looked at him quizzically.

"I can't do this anymore," he said simply.

"Do what?" she asked staring at him intently.

"I can't be with you anymore," he said letting his gaze fall from her piercing stare down to the floor.

"What do you mean?"

He sighed, wondering how such a smart girl could decide to be so stupid at a time like this.

"I want to break up with you."

She slapped him.

He looked at her stunned.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You can't break up with me!"

"Well I did," he said getting angrier. She had no right to hit him.

"Is there someone else?"

He blushed slightly despite himself.

"There is huh? Who is she? One of your dancers or something?"

"No," he said truthfully, "I'm not seeing anyone else."

"Like hell you're not!" she yelled walking away from him and towards the living room. "This why you've been so distant lately. You were trying to find a way to break up with me."

"No it's not like that," he said having followed her into the room. "Brit, you know that this doesn't feel right anymore. I need time to figure out who I am and what I want."

"Fine Justin I'll give you time," she said looking in his eyes with tears in hers, "Please just don't do this. I need you. I love you."

He paused for a moment thinking of what to say next. He couldn't come up with anything but, "Maybe you should go."

That was obviously not what Britney wanted to hear. Her eyes welled up in rage and pain. She glared at him with a look that could cut a diamond in half. She seemed to move so fast that he didn't know what she was doing until he heard glass shatter near the brick fireplace.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Justin screamed at her. She had thrown his family's heirloom crystal vase against the mantel. His mother had given it to him as a house warming present, telling him that he was now responsible enough for her to hand it down to him. It had been in his family for more than one hundred years.

He grabbed Britney by both arms and shook her, "Get the fuck out of my house, you little whore."

He released her and pointed towards the front door. She looked at him awe struck. A million thoughts ran through her mind as she watched the man that she loved spit out those hateful words at her. She realized that he was actually serious and did indeed want to break things off with her.

"Justin I love you," she said pleading with his normally calm innocent blue eyes. She shuddered at the fact that those were the eyes she had fallen in love with, and now they looked down at her in hatred.

"Please just leave," he said turning away from her.

"But I..."

"Britney, go!" he said a little harsher then he meant to. He was just too upset to control himself and he didn't want to hurt her.

She left in silence. Justin fell to his knees in front of the thousands of shards of glass. His mom was never going to forgive him for this one. He cried, not just because of Britney or even the vase but because he was so confused. He was confused about who he was and who he wanted to be. The only thing that seemed to make any kind of sense was his career, but even that could be questionable at times.

He composed himself a little and stood meaning to walk to the kitchen to get a broom and dustpan when he heard a loud crash outside. It was reminiscent to the vase shattering against the fireplace, but heavier almost. There was another shatter and another.

Justin ran outside and almost threw up when he saw his brand new Porsche. The front windshield was smashed in. It hadn't quite fallen apart yet, but it had a huge web of hairline cracks expanding throughout the entire window from the center. When Justin got closer to the car, he noticed that the other windows weren't down but completely smashed in. The shattered glass was strewn across the seats and floor mats.

His eyes filled up with hot tears again, but this time it was rage that brought them, not his screwed up life. His glazed over eyes fell upon a still enraged Britney wielding a tire jack. She was in mid swing to hit the driver's side door, when Justin wrenched the jack out of her hands. He grabbed her wrist, much harder then he intended to.

She was crying harder now but he couldn't tell if it was from the pain he had inflicted on her or the whole day in general. He let her go.

"Just leave," he said quietly, not even looking at her. "You're not even worth the trouble anymore."

He walked back inside the house, jack in hand and stood in the doorway until Britney had picked herself off of the ground and drove away. Before he closed the front door, he took one last look at his precious car, the kind of car he had wanted since he was a kid. Pain shot through his head and pounded at his temples. Perfect end to a perfect fucking day, he thought.

After calling the insurance company, he phoned his mom. He couldn't say that she was exactly thrilled about the vase, but she did realize, after much explaining, that it was not Justin's fault. When they finally hung up it was almost seven. He grabbed the broom and dustpan and began to clean up the remnants of the beautiful crystal vase. He was just about finished when his cell phone rang. He picked it up from the coffee table, checking the caller ID before he answered. When he saw the name Craig on the blue screen his heart did a 360 in his chest.


"Hey Justin? This is Craig."

"Oh hi," he said genuinely happy that the man had called, but too sad, angry, and confused to really sound like it.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"No. I mean yeah. I mean no...I don't know what I mean," Justin said sinking to the carpet once more and sitting there cross-legged.

"Do you want to talk about it or do you not know that either?" Craig said with a lighthearted laugh.

Justin smiled despite himself and leaned back against the coffee table.

"I shouldn't burden you with my problems. I'm sure you have more important things to do."

"No. Not really," he said smiling.

"Yeah sure. The life of a sexy Abercrombie & Fitch model, is always boring, right?"

Justin hadn't realized what he said until it was already out of his mouth and in Craig's ear.

Craig laughed, "So you think I'm sexy, huh?"

"Well, man you know you're hot," Justin admitted. He was eternally grateful that Craig wasn't there because he was turning a bright shade of red.

"Thank you for the compliment," he said. To what would have been Justin's surprise Craig's skin had also been enhanced by a rosy shade of pink.

"No problem."

"So are you gonna tell me what's up, or do I have to come over and beat it out of you?"

Justin laughed, "Well I'd rather you didn't beat me, but you could come over. I actually would like someone to talk to."

"You must be hard up for a friendly ear if even an air head model would do," Craig said laughing.

"You're not an air head. You seem quite intelligent to me, actually."

"Okay, well is the offer still up for grabs then?"

"Sure, grab on."

Justin winced at the bad pun but Craig giggled slightly. Justin loved the way this man seemed to be able to lighten a mood.

"It might take me an hour or so to get there, I live in Orlando," Craig said.

"Hey that's perfect, so do I."

Justin gave him directions and Craig promised to be there within the hour. After hanging up Justin was smiling despite his previous state of mind. He cleaned up the rest of the crystal and discarded it in the kitchen trashcan. When he walked by one of the windows above the kitchen counter, he couldn't help but look outside at his smashed and tortured car. He could barely see it in the darkness that clung to the sides of the house, but he remembered how his baby had looked a few hours earlier. If cars could cry his would have been screaming bloody murder.

He shook off the rage that started to creep into his veins again with thoughts of Craig's smiling face and sparkling eyes. Having suppressed the anger, he ran upstairs for a quick shower.

Justin was just pulling on his jeans when he heard the doorbell ring. He glanced up at the flat screen security monitor that was in every room, and immediately recognized the sexy figure.

He ran downstairs, pulling on a t-shirt as he went. He stopped barefoot in front of the front door, and checked himself in the foyer mirror quickly. He rubbed his eyes slightly, helping the weariness to move out of them. It wasn't perfect, but it was all he could do at the moment. He opened the door and was face to face with a seductively smiling man.

Justin's heart pounded so hard in his chest as they shook hands and he invited Craig in, that he was sure the other man could hear it clearly. He showed Craig into the living room and offered him a drink.

"Wine, if you have it," he said.

"Sure, I have a nice Pinot I've been saving for a special occasion."

"This is special?" Craig asked sitting down.

"Well not special like in a I won the lottery sort of way, but I think I have something to celebrate."

"Like what?"

"I'll tell you when I get back with the wine," he said.

Craig smiled as he watched him walk out of the room. He stood and looked at the pictures on the mantel, and the paintings on the walls. They seemed to be originals and he wondered who the painter was.

Justin came back into the room with two glasses and a wine bottle in hand.

"Do you like that one?" he asked, seeing Craig eyeing a landscape piece.

"Yes, it's awesome. The colors are so vibrant, yet muted also."

"My mom did most of these," he said setting the glasses and bottle on the coffee table.

"Wow really? They're gorgeous."

You're gorgeous, Justin thought to himself. He blushed slightly when he realized just how attracted he was to this man. He studied the contour of his body as Craig studied the oil painting. Justin sat down getting a full view of Craig's sculpted physique. His hair seemed to not be as messy this time, Justin figured that was the look Abercrombie was going for but wasn't Craig's usual style. He loved how the red t-shirt hung on his body. It was loose fitting but still showed the curve of his pecks. His eyes continued on their course down Craig's form to his khaki cargo pants, when the man turned around.

"Wine?" Justin said holding out a glass. He had been pouring it as he was stealing glances at his guest.

"Thank you," he said taking the offered glass. He held it up. "So are we toasting to anything?"

Justin thought for a second, "Sure. To my new found freedom."

They clinked their glasses together and Craig sat down on the carpet, in front of Justin but on the other side of the coffee table. Although he was not that far away Justin wanted him closer. He longed to smell his hair and taste his skin.

"So what was the whole freedom thing about?" Craig asked interrupting Justin's naughty thoughts.

"I broke up with my girlfriend tonight."

Craig nodded, "By the looks of your car outside, she didn't take it well?"

They both laughed.

"You could say that."

"So what happened?"

"It's along story."

"I don't have anywhere else better to be," he said with his eyes twinkling a bit.

Justin smiled too then sighed as he remembered the past events of the day. He couldn't figure out where to start so he just started from the beginning.

As Justin talked Craig looked at him with what could only be described as pure interest for what he was saying. Justin couldn't remember the last time someone, including his family and fellow Nsyncers, had looked at him that way. Craig didn't seem concerned with the fact that Justin could sing, or dance, or even that he was one of the sexiest, and now, most eligible men in the world. Craig was only interested in one thing, hearing what Justin had to say.

"I can't believe she smashed up your car like that," he said in awe.

"I can't either. She knew how much I loved it," he said drinking the rest of his wine in one gulp.

"Yeah it was a sweet ride. Are you gonna get it fixed or just get rid of it?"

Justin shrugged as he poured another glass, "I called the insurance company and everything, but I don't know if I want to keep it anymore. She kind of ruined the whole Porsche experience for me you know?"

"Yeah," Craig said nodding.

Justin realized that Craig might not know. He may have been a hot model, but he could have just been starting out on his own and struggling a bit.

Justin smiled down at him, "So what do you do besides model?"

"Nothing really," Craig said. "I try to stay busy with work as much as possible."

"You don't have much free time then?"

Craig shrugged, "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't."

"You're being very vague."

"I pride myself on being mysterious."

They both laughed.

"What do you do?" Craig asked. "I mean when you're not being 'Justified'."

Justin laughed at the euphemism.

"Honestly that's all I do now. I write, record, do interviews, and if I can fit it in eat and sleep."

"That sounds hard," he said sipping his wine.

"I've gotten used to it by now. I've been on the road since I was 15."

Craig leaned forward slightly and ran his finger around the top of his glass.

"Do you ever look back and miss the childhood you never had?" he asked still looking down.

"Sometimes, I guess. It's weird though, I'm so in love with performing that I don't mind that I never went to a prom or played for my high school basketball team."

"That must be nice," he said draining the last of his wine.

"Did you have much of childhood, or was it all modeling?" Justin asked, pouring another glass for Craig.

"It wasn't all modeling. But I still didn't have much of childhood," he said laughing sarcastically.

Justin smiled.

"My mom really liked to dress me up and parade me around for people, so the modeling was all her. I never really liked it."

"Well you must now."

Craig looked intent, biting his bottom lip as he thought.

"No," he finally said. "I don't like it. But hey what else am I gonna do? I'm not a rocket scientist."

"Well you could go to school and become one," Justin said honestly.

Craig laughed tossing his head back just slightly. Justin loved the contour of this man's face, but was concerned with Craig's sense of self.

"Are you touring or anything soon?" Craig asked, obviously changing the subject.

"It's tentative right now, but I'm guessing like three months."

"What are you doing in the mean time?"

"Trying to finish my next album," he said sitting his glass on the table.

"You're almost done with another one?" Craig asked amazed.

"Yeah. I'm still working on the last song, though."

"Is that quick for like production and everything? Sorry I don't know the lingo," he said with a smile.

"From what I've done with Nsync, this is very very fast. But then again, I don't have four guys pulling the other way on every decision."

"It must be a lot easier by yourself then."

"Yeah but it's a lot lonelier too."

Craig nodded, "I know the feeling."

"But I thought model life was all swanky parties and expensive trips to Aspen."

"Maybe for other people, but not for me."

"Why's that?"

"Models are just so fake. I can't associate with them except through work. I get migraines when I'm around one for too long," he laughed, "except for myself I guess."

Justin smiled, "So what kind of people do you hang out with?"

"I don't go out much. All the people I know here are models."

"Where are you from?"

"Louisiana. I made myself drop the accent."

Justin nodded. "I'm from Tennessee. I did the same thing. Well actually they told me to, but that's another story."

"Who told you?"

"The record label. They wanted every one of us to be the all American boy and apparently he doesn't sound like a hick," he said rolling his eyes.

"I lost mine because I wanted to blend in," Craig said quietly.

"Looks like you picked the wrong profession for that."

"Yeah I did. But it was always a dream of mine."

"To blend in?" Justin asked curiously.


"Why would you want to blend in?"

Craig shrugged and then glanced at his watch.

"I should get going," he said standing.

Justin followed his lead.

"Okay. Well thanks for coming over and pulling me out of my funk."

"No problem. Anytime."

"Do you mean it?"

"Yeah. You're the first person I've met here that I can have an actual conversation with."

Justin smiled, "Well I pride myself on my conversation skills. Come on, I'll walk you out."

Craig followed Justin to the front door. They stood there with the door open, Justin on one side of the threshold and Craig on the other. Neither wanted the night to end, but both knew that it had to sometime.

Justin let his eyes plunge into Craig's deep blue green pools. Craig bit his bottom lip slightly. The look that they shared spoke volumes, more then they could have said in weeks to each other.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Justin asked still looking at his visitor.

"Nothing important. Why?" Craig said hopefully.

"Well I'll just be working upstairs in my studio all day, why don't you stop by."

"Okay that sounds nice. Any particular time?"

"Surprise me."

Craig smiled and Justin matched his grin.

Craig leaned into him slightly sending Justin's head spinning with the sweet smell of wine on the other man's breath. Craig let his lips brush against Justin's cheek only lightly, but still felt the hot wave that ran through Justin's face. Craig leaned back and Justin was blushing.

"I'll surprise you tomorrow," Craig whispered.

Justin stood in the doorway speechless. He watched Craig put on a helmet and hop on his motorcycle. God he was hot, Justin thought as he watched the man speed away.

Justin yawned as he shuffled to his third floor music studio. He flipped on the light and winced when the florescent flash hit his eyes. He dimmed them a bit then plopped down in his black leather chair. He laid his writing notebook, which was usually kept on his nightstand, on the mixing board.

He leaned back in the chair and rubbed his eyes sleepily; letting his hands move down his face to his bristly chin. He hadn't shaved yet. Actually he hadn't done anything yet that morning. He had just rolled out of bed and went to work.

Sitting there in his white t-shirt and blue plaid pajama pants, he opened the notebook. As he read over what he had written he ran his hand over his hair. He was happy that he had decided to keep it short, cutting off all of his curls. He would have looked like a complete mess this morning if he still had his old hair.

He continued reading and shook his head halfway through the unfinished song. He ripped out the page and leaned back in his chair. Of all the things that could happen, how could he get writers block? He rubbed his face again, but this time out of frustration, not exhaustion.

The red light blinked above the video screen on the wall to indicate that someone had rung the doorbell. The screen flicked on immediately and he found himself staring at an early morning Craig. He smiled when he noticed the man carrying a pink box, which Justin hoped was filled with donuts.

Justin pressed the intercom button.

"Hey I'll be down in a second," he said running out of the room before Craig responded.

It was true that Justin could have just pressed a single button on the intercom to unlock the front door, but he wanted to meet the man downstairs. For some reason Justin wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

Justin opened the door.

"Aw... you baked, how sweet," he said smiling brightly.

Craig laughed, "Yes I slaved over a hot bakery counter to order these for you."

Justin smiled brighter when the other man spoke. Either Craig wasn't used to getting up early or he had just woken up because his voice was heavy and deep with slumber.

Craig walked into the house and Justin closed the door.

"I hope I didn't wake you," he said when he took in Justin's apparel.

"No," he said rubbing his shoulder, "I've been up for about twenty minutes."

"Been busy?" he asked following Justin into what he gathered to be the kitchen.

"Not really. I have writers block, so I was upstairs moping around," he said as he took two plates out of a smoked glass cabinet and set them on the kitchen island next to Craig.

"Sorry, no coffee," Justin said opening the fridge. "I have milk."

"That's fine," Craig said.

"Can you grab us some glasses out of there?" Justin asked pointing to another smoked glass cabinet.

"Sure," Craig said. He thought about how great it was to just be in the kitchen with Justin. He could even see himself being content with cleaning, as long as the other man was around.

Justin smiled as Craig set the glasses on the counter. He poured the milk and then put it back in the fridge.

"Want to eat this upstairs? I can show you where all the magic happens," Justin said.

Craig almost spit out the mouthful of milk he had taken.

"What?" he asked thinking he didn't hear Justin right.

"Upstairs, the studio."

"Oh yeah, cool," he said kicking himself for jumping to conclusions.

They carried their breakfast to the third floor. Justin sat back in his chair and Craig sat on the nearby couch.

"So what do you think?" Justin asked looking around the room.

Craig looked at the platinum records on the wall behind Justin. He noticed a space between two of them where he figured "Justified" would go. He looked in front of Justin and through the glass of the booth where he had most likely made beautiful music.

"I've never been in a studio before, but this is pretty nice," he said.

They ate donuts and drank milk while they talked.

"What are you doing today?" Justin asked.

"I had a job lined up but it got pushed back a few days."

"What kind of job?" he asked swallowing his food.

"A small photo shoot thing. Nothing special."

"For Abercrombie?"


"Do you model for anything else?"

"Not lately. But I'm always open to new things," Craig said with a smile.

Justin also smiled and pushed his plate aside.

"I'm surprised you brought donuts," Justin said.

"You don't like them?" Craig asked setting his plate aside as well.

"No I love them actually. It just doesn't look like you eat them."

Craig smiled, "I eat everything."

Justin swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I also work out about four hours a day."

"Really? I need to start again before I go on tour. This break from Nsync has made me get lazy when it comes to getting off my ass and going out jogging," he said laughing.

"It doesn't look like your bodies suffering any," Craig said obviously checking him out.

Justin blushed, "Thanks."

There was silence as Craig finished his milk, then laid back on the couch.

"So are you working all day?" he asked kicking off his shoes.

Justin smiled at how he was comfortable enough to lounge in his home.

"Not by the look of things."

"Still blocked up?" Craig asked laughing.

Justin laughed as well.


Craig closed his eyes and sighed a little, relaxing.

Justin watched him as he fell asleep; lips parted slightly, those beautiful eyes tucked away under his tan eyelids. His wavy hair fell gently against the couch and Justin noticed that it wasn't black but actually a deep dark brown. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks.

He grabbed his notebook and started writing furiously. Not only had Justin found a man that he could inevitably fall in love with, he had found his muse.

In less than thirty minutes Justin had written and revised his last song. He sat back in his chair and looked at Craig. He hadn't moved an inch since he had fallen asleep. Justin rocked idly back and forth in his chair as he watched him. Craig sighed slightly in his sleep and turned his head to face Justin. His lips were still parted and Justin couldn't help but stare at them. They were pink, full, and shaped perfectly.

Justin didn't want to wake him, but he had to get closer. He got up slowly and softly padded over to the still sleeping man. He knelt down beside him quietly. When Craig's warm soft breath hit Justin's face, he thought he would melt. Craig stirred slightly starting to wake up. If he woke up and Justin was so close to him, he might freak out. After all, Justin was not sure that this man was 100% gay. Justin reached out and touched his shoulder shaking him gently.

"Hey Craig, wake up," he said.

Craig's eyes opened and immediately twinkled when they focused in on Justin. Justin's hand was still on his shoulder and he started to move it away. He was about to stand up when Craig looked deep into his eyes. It was like he mesmerized Justin. Craig raised himself up on his arm and pressed his lips softly against Justin's.

Craig closed his eyes as their lips stayed locked together. There was something innocent yet highly erotic about the closed mouth kiss the two men were sharing.

Justin had kissed a lot of girls before but this was nothing like that had been. He wanted more of Craig; he needed more. But he wanted to take things slow, not only because he was scared out of his mind, but also because this was a special guy and he wanted to treat him that way. He wasn't sure exactly how long their lips were touching but it didn't feel like long enough when Craig pulled back. Justin wondered if he could ever get enough of this man.

Craig looked into Justin's eyes for some kind of sign that the kiss was okay. He could have taken everything out of context and Justin could just be trying to find the words to tell Craig to get the fuck out of his house. God, he hoped not.

Justin parted his lips to speak but only a slight sigh came out. Their first kiss had been magical. Justin smiled a goofy grin despite himself when he realized that he was indeed falling in love with this man.

Craig smiled back and sat up. Justin watched as he reached for his shoes.

"Are you leaving?" Justin asked sounding hurt.

"Not unless you wanted me to," Craig said grinning at him.

Justin shook his head.

Craig stood up and Justin did the same. He held out his hand to Justin and he automatically took hold of it.

"So are you going to give me the grand tour?" Craig asked.

Justin nodded and led the way. They walked through the house hand in hand as Justin told him about each room, he even through in some stories to go a long with things. Justin wondered if Craig could tell how nervous he was. His hands were shaking badly. Craig gave his hand a little squeeze and a reassuring smile. Pretty soon Justin wasn't thinking about holding some guy's hand, he was thinking about holding his guy's hand.

When they got to Justin's bedroom, he wasn't sure what to do. Did Craig want to go in or would that be too much?

"That's my room," Justin said pointing inside.

Craig smiled, "Very nice. Show me the backyard."

Justin let out the breath he had been holding. He was definitely not ready to invite this man into his room let alone his bed, maybe someday, but just not right now. Justin ended the tour with the indoor/outdoor swimming pool.

"That's so cool how the windows just slide open," Craig said pushing the remote button to close them. "You have an awesome house."

"Yeah. I only bought it so I'd look good on MTV Cribs, though."

Craig looked at him to see if he was joking. Justin's face was absolutely serious looking. Craig smiled halfway and Justin laughed.

"I was joking Craig," he said barely able to stand.

The look on his friend's face had been priceless.

Craig laughed too and hit Justin playfully on the arm.

"What do you want to do now?" Justin asked very at ease now with his new companion.

"Anything. You want to go to a movie?"

Justin looked uncertain, "I don't think I should."

"Oh right, no security," Craig wrapped his arms around Justin's waist, "I'd like to say that I would keep you safe from screaming girls ripping your clothes off, but I must say it would be an interesting scene."

Justin laughed and opened his mouth to say something but Craig placed his lips over the other man's. This time their tongues found each other and they explored the other's mouth. Craig pulled back from Justin's sweet lips when his cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his back pocket and looked at the caller ID. He pecked Justin's lips.

"I have to take this baby okay?" he said.

"Yeah," Justin said.

Craig walked back inside the house talking on his phone.

Justin collapsed on one of the lounge chairs and sighed heavily. He let his hand move up to his mouth and his fingertips moved lightly over the surface of his still tingling lips. His lips curled up into a smile when he realized that Craig had called him baby. Justin wondered if it might be time for him to feel Craig out on the whole relationship aspect. It was way to early to make a commitment but at least Justin would know how he felt about one. Justin shivered in the enclosed pool area; the cold February weather was getting to him. He stepped inside his house and saw Craig sitting on the kitchen island still talking on his cell.

"Yeah I will," he said into his phone.

Justin walked over to him and leaned against the counter, Craig's legs on either side of him. He smiled into the eyes of the still talking man. Craig gave him a quick kiss on the lips and rubbed the side of his face with his thumb. Justin took this as a sign and started to run his hands up and down Craig's jean covered thighs. He leaned in closer and let his hot breath trail over the man's neck. Craig shuddered and almost dropped the phone when he felt Justin's soft wet tongue caress his ear.

"I said I will Mitch. I really have to go," Craig said pushing the end call button and dropping his phone on the counter.

He put a hand on either side of Justin's beautiful face and kissed him passionately, letting his tongue tease the other man's. They both turned their faces towards the entrance of the kitchen when they heard something drop on the floor. There stood a stunned JC, keys lying by his feet.

To be continued...

** This is my first story, so tell me what you think.**

Next: Chapter 3

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