Moon Witch

By Archer of Nature

Published on Aug 7, 2010


All rights to the Halliwell and other charmed characters go to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed. I'm just borrowing them.

Moon Witch

A Charmed Story

Chapter 1: A super model saves my life.

Hi my name is Alexander Smith but everyone just calls me Alex. I'm about 5'10. I have medium brown skin and dark brown eyes. I also have shoulder length dreadlocks that are about as big as a pencil. The only thing special about me is this silver crescent moon cuff bracelet my grandmother gave to me. I use to be like other 17 year olds until one night my whole life changed. Here let me started at the beginning. It was Friday and my class just ended. While I was on my way to my locker when my friend Ashley comes running up to me.

OMG!!!! Alex are you going to Wyatt's party tonight!!!!

Hi Ashley nice to see you too. I said giggling. No why would I go to Wyatt's party?

Because you're my best friend and you wouldn't want me to go alone, and I heard David Nakamura was going to be there she said with the biggest grin on her face.

Wait David is going? (I wonder if I'll get to dance with him.) I think to myself.

David looks just like Shannon Kook-Chun I don't why I just feel drown to him for some reason. Almost everyone in school says that he's bad boy, but I know that he's not. Ok sure he got in a fight last year with one of the football jocks. The jerk was trying to mess with David's motorcycle. Which is stupid because everyone knows that David has been training in martial art from a very early age and that he never lets anyone touch his bike. I first saw has him when I went to my favorite park to read. This park is like a huge forest and there he was painting under the giant cherry tree. Our eyes met he smiled at me but being the shy person that I'm just blushed and ran away. Any back to the story.

Earth to Alex! What are to think about she says smiling.

Nothing... Never mind (blushing). Take Mike with you he`s your friend to you know.

I already asked him and he said yes. So will you come too? Pretty please Alex. She begs.

You know the puppy dog eyes have no affect on me and I have archery practice to get to.

So is that a yes? She asks

Yes I'll go but I'm only going to stay for a little while. I sigh.

YES!!! I'll go tell Mike that we're all going together! She screams as she runs off to find Mike and tell him the good new.

Know that I think about it I don't even know Wyatt that well. I say to myself as I close my locker. As I turn to head for practice I notice Sam and Stacey walking by. Sam is the captain of the archery club and his girlfriend Stacey who thinks she's the second best archer in the club. By the way Stacey hates me and I mean really really hates me. Ever since I beat her in a practice match. She has made it her goal in life to mess with me.

Hey Alex! You going to practice? Sam asks Yeah I was just about to go there now.

You know Alex you really don't need to come today. I mean the club doesn't need a newbie like you hanging around getting in everyone's way. Stacey says harshly.

Stacey! Sam yells shocked. Alex is like the best in the club. Hell he might even be better then me.

Wow Thanks man that really means a lot, but Stacey is right. I'm still a noob and I have a lot to learn. Even thought I'm still better then Stacey will ever be. I said while sticking my tongue out at her.

AAAHHH! You didn't beat me! The air from the ac blew my arrow off. She screams as she stomps down the hall.

Damn she's really mad now. Sam says trying hard not to laugh. You should try to avoid her in for a while.

Hey she stared it. I laugh.

What happen to you? You used to be this sweet and shy new kid. Now you're this sarcastic and mischievous little monster. Sam says smiling.

I know right, once I get comfortable around someone and feel that I can trust them or in Stacey case hate them. My true personality comes out. I said with a smile on my face.

Dang look at time if we don't hurry coach will make us stay and clean up after practice. Sam said while looking at his watch.

Night rolls around and I'm on the curb outside the Halliwells house waiting for Ashley and Mike to get here. When I see Mike's car pull up to me and parks.

About time you to got here. I said

It wasn't my fault Mike says, Ashley was taken forever looking to the right outfit.

Hey beauty take time she giggles as she gets out of the car. Wearing a to tight black mini and dark red halter top. Tonight I'm trying to get a laid.

I'm not going to say a word. I sigh. Can we go in now.

What's eating you Mike ask?

Nothing just tired. I was late for practice and coach made us clean up I replied.

As Ashley opens the door where we are greeted with music blasting a nice beat.

The minute we walk in everyone goes their own way. Mike goes to talk to some of his class mate, Ashley hit's the dance floor, and I just shyly walk around thinking to myself why the hell I'm even here I hate these kind of thing. As I go to get me some punch I bump in to David.

Whoa! Are you alright? He asks You hit the floor kinda hard.

Yes I'm fffine... I said as I recognized who I had just bump into.(OMG!!! It' David.) Umm...Ummm...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.

It's alright he says. Here let me give you a hand.

As I grabbed his hand, this feel came over me. It was like nothing I ever felt before. I think David felt it too because for a moment we just kinda stared into each others eyes. Just like the day we met in the park. Then Ashley came up and snapped me out of it.

Come on Alex let's dance she said as she drag me away from David.

I'm sorry I whispered again as I left.

David's Point of view:

Who the hell just bump in to me. David wonder as he turn around. Wait it's that guy from the park. Whoa! Are you alright I asks? You hit the floor kinda hard.

I'm fine the guy said as he looks up at me. I'm so sorry.

It's fine let me give you a hand I say to him.

As I take his hand this powerful feeling washes over me. I never felt anything like it. I think he feel it too. Because for a moment I can't stop looking into his eyes. When suddenly this girl comes up braking us out of this trance like state.

Alex come dance with me the girl said.

Alex could he be the one we've been looking for I think to myself?

Alex's Point of view:

Hey Ashley I going to go on home, I'm not feel well.

Do you want me to have Mike give you a ride she asks?

No I'll walk my house is only a couple of blocks from here I replied

Ok Alex I'll see you tomorrow then she says as she started dancing again.

On my way to the door I bump into two people and the girl gasps. I quickly say I'm sorry and head for the door.

Wow the sky is so clear to night. There's no moon to night it much be a new moon. As I'm about to turn the corner I hear someone yelling at me.


I turn around and see these five balls of what looks like lighting coming at me. I panic and throw my have up expecting something to hit me but nothing did. I open my eyes this see this force field thing covering me. As I standing freaking out this dude does some kind of thing with his hands and two of the five men blow up then runs up to me.

Are you ok? He asks

Am I ok what the hell is going on and who the hell are you guys?! I yell

Okay look just clam down I'm here to help you just stay down. He tells me the he starts to glow and somehow he was be hide one of the men and blow him up the, when one of the dudes throws some kind of ball at him. He holds up his hands and say "energy ball" and it moves back at the guy who through it killing him. The last guy shimmered out just as he was about to be blown up. The guy walks back over to me. At this point I'm more freaked out than before. "mm are you okay?" He asked me again.


Ok lets start off with a deep breath and hi I'm Kadeem and I just save your life from what we call a demons...

I just stair at him with a confused look. What do you mean we? I asks

Good thing you asked because I'm witch and it looks like you are to... He tells me

This is a joke right like there's let cameras hidden here somewhere right because THERE'S NO SUCH THINGS A WITCH OR DEMONS!!! I yells

Oh no so how do you explain all what just happened. He ask me

I just look at can't believing this is all real.

Ok so lets try this again hi I'm Kadeem and you are?"

I'm Alexander Smith. I say in a low voice

Well Xander you mind if I call you that?"

He cuts me off before I could answer.

but your a witch. I mean you didn't know you are one?"

No this is all crazy and it doesn't make sense. I sigh

It's okay I was like that to. He tells me

You were?" I ask

No I was born a witch and always knew but why don't come back to my friends house where you'll be safe.

No thanks I'm sorry but I don't know who you are and this is all too much for me and I just want to go home to sleep." I tells him

Ok well let me walk you home just in-case they come again. He tells me

Come again? I asks

They always do. Hey what's that? He ask pointing to my bracelet

What this it's a bracelet my grandmother gave me. I tells him

You sure it's not an amulet for protection? He ask me

Not that I know of it's just a crescent moon bracelet she gave it to me because I love the moon. I tells him

As we walk he try to talk to me but I'm not really the open up to strange people who can blow up demons with there hands kind of person. We get to my house and he gives me his number and tells me to call or text if something happens or if I had any questions. Also that I could talk to Wyatt or Chris. I know of them I tell him.

Wyatt and I shared a class last year and I have classes with Chris the year. Kadeem then starts to glows and then he's gone. I unlock the door to my house and sees that no one is home. I run up to my room take a long hot shower and get ready to go to sleep.

Later that night outside my house:

Are you sure he's the one? A strange man in black says to another.

Yes master I'm sure I never felt such strong lunar energy before.

You must protect him at all cost young one.

But why him master why not let the charmed ones handle it? Asked the young man

The charmed ones aren't strong enough to handle this demon. Says the man in black.

What?! The charmed ones are the most power witches know to man. The young man said

Yes they are but this demon no this monster of pure darkness can only be defeated by the powers of the moon. The three the elders pick to become the new charmed ones will help teach him to use his powers. Now I must take my leave I trust you to watch over him.

With that said the man in black get in his car and wines Yes master I will do what you say .the young man says

And remember young one never fall in love with those you are destined to protect.

Leaving the young man by himself. As he turn and start walking towards a red motorcycle he look back while standing under a street light. His face is reveal to be that of David Nakamura.

Back in Alex's room: God that shower felt good. I never know I could be this tired. Alex said as he gets in bed. While reaching to turn the lamp on his nightstand off he see read the title of one of the magazine.

Magazine: New Teenage Super Modal Kadeem Richards. Taken Names and Breaking Hearts.

OMG!!! I was saved by a super modal!!!!!!!

End of chapter 1

Hope you all enjoyed reading my story. I would Like to give a shout out to Jason Decade, Mouudy And a very big shout out to Kadeem for writing Because I'm Charmed and adding my character to his awesome story. If you liked it, hated it, or just want to give ideas to make it better sent your comments to Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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