Moon Witch

By Archer of Nature

Published on Sep 7, 2010


All rights to the Halliwell and other charmed characters go to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed. I'm just borrowing them.

Moon Witch

A Charmed Story

Chapter 2: Ninjas and Demons.

It was like any other Saturday morning. I got up and took a shower. As I was figuring out what to wear. I suddenly got the feeling someone was watching me, but I just pushed it aside. I'm probably still in shock form last night. The night Kadeem saved my life and I found out that I was a witch with the power to make this force field like bubble. Looking at myself in the mirror I take notice on how my body is changing. Everyday people will comment on how much I look like my grandmother when she was younger.

"I hate the way my body." I say to myself "I look to much like a girl. I mean what guy has a hourglass figure."

After I finish getting dress I head downstairs to fix myself something eat. In the kitchen I see a note on the counter that reads "Alex your sisters and I have gone to the store we'll be back tonight. Your brother is coming over to pick up some papers later."

I balled the note up and put it in the trash and started cooking. When out of know where I get the feeling someone is standing behind me. I turn around and see nothing. I remembered what Kadeem told me last night about demons coming back. So I ran up stairs to call him.

"hello" Someone speaks through the phone

"mmmm is this Kadeem?" I asks

"yes it is Xander?" He ask

"yes I mean no I mean it's Alex..." I reply

"okay sorry what's up bud?" He ask

"mmm nothing never mind... bye" and I just hangs up.

"I'm just being paranoid." I say to myself "I'll call Ash and see what she's doing."

Fifteen minutes later:

"I can't believe you bumped into David!!!" Ashley screams

"Yea I know!" I smile

"and Kadeem to! Like how lucky are you!" Ashley screams again

"you have know idea." I sigh as I re-plays what happen that night

"hello... hello earth to Alex come in for a landing to earth buddy" Ashley says tapping me

"huh?" I ask

"Are we still going to the movies tonight?" Ashley asks

"ah sure I guess." I answers

"okay I'll meet up with you at the movies at like 7ish?" Ashley asks

"yea sounds good" I says

"okay bye" and with that Ashley leaves

"I think I'm going to grab me some tea and read some before anything." I says to myself. Until I start feeling like someone else is in his house. "hello is someone there." but there was no answer.

I have a few hours to kill so I decide to sit by my window and read. I sat my tea cup down next to me while looking at the plats in the backyard when all of a sudden it blows up. Making me jump and I realize that I activated my force field. Hearing a loud crash I turn around to see Kadeem and Wyatt at my door and someone on my floor. When Kadeem was about to do that thing with his hands to blow the guy up. The ninja for lack of a better word just disappeared. Wyatt and Kadeem ran to me asking if I was all right.

"What the hell my tea, my book shelf, my manga, my room!!!!" I yell

"Okay let's not do this again please." Kadeem sighs, I just stares at him

"Wyatt can you get Alex some water or another cup of tea please?" He ask him and he smiles and goes to get it. "so your okay right?" Kadeem ask me again

"Yea I think so...but why and how did you come here? I asks

"Well after that phone call you gave me you sounded a little worried about something so I thought maybe I should go and see what's going on and to see if your okay." he answers

"Really you did that for me?" I asks in shock

"Aha yea I told you that if you ever need to talk or help was just to call." He smile

"Thanks but aren't you busy modeling and all the other things stars do." I ask him

"star... ah aha I'm so far from that title" he laugh "but some day I hope to be but" he stops and thinks

"But what?" I asks and Wyatt comes back in and hands me a cup of hot tea "Thanks" I smiles and Wyatt just smiles back.

"But being a witch usually comes first and puts that dream on pause. None-magical people aren't suppose to knew about us or magic. Which leads me to a word we all have grown to hate and you will to espouser. Bad things can happen when magic is exposed to the wrong people or to anyone who's not magical, so you can't tell people your witch." Kadeem explain to me.

"Magic 101 nicely done I couldn't have said it better myself" Wyatt Laughs

"So I can't tell my parents that I'm a witch or my best friend Ashley?" I ask

"mmmm chances are that your parents already know that your a witch due to the facts they might be or it skipped their generation and it happen to you, as for your friend maybe you shouldn't. Unless only if she can really be trusted." Wyatt tells me.

I thought about it. I love Ashley like a sister but she has a huge mouth. That's how my family found out I was gay.

"Rule number 2 no personal gain" Kadeen says

"Personal gain?" I asks

"mmmm like you can't use magic to make yourself rich, have someone fall in love with you, get a job promotion, or like mmm" He says trying to think of more.

"Or like clean my room." I ask as we all look at the mess.

"Yea well I mean I guess everyone gets a free be so" Kadeem looks at Wyatt and they nod at each other. He grab a pen and paper and write a something down and hands it to me.

"A Vanishing spell?" I ask puzzle

"Yup! Just read it and watch." He reassure him

"let the object of objection become but a dream as I cause this scene Be unseen." I says not sure anything would work but soon enough little lights flouted around the room and my room was the way it was before the attack. "oh may god that so awesome!" I says with a smile on his face.

"yea and your powers too!" Kadeem smiles

"Really you think so... it's kinda lame how it only happens when I get scared and not like yours. I wanna blow stuff up with my hands." he frowns

"hey I have that power and it's pretty handy in tight spots" Wyatt smiles

"and as for getting a power like Kadeem we have no control over that your powers will grow in time as you do and control comes with it too, so seeing how your new to all this who knows what other powers you might get. Maybe something better than Kadeem's" Wyatt say and winks at me when he say that last bit

"you really think so..." I asks

"only time well time... oh by the way I'm Wyatt Halliwell." he says and puts out his hand to shake

"yea... and I know who you are we went to school and had a class together last year, and I went to your party the other night where I met Kadeem, I'm Alex Smith." I says shaking his hand

"Oh wait aren't you the school best new archery?" Wyatt asks

"2nd best but thanks yea that's me." I smiles

Before Wyatt can say anything else he is cut off by his phone ringing

"oh shit I forget." he gets two stares from Kadeem and I "mmm I forgot I have something to do really quick, mmm Kadeem are you going to be okay if I leave for a while?"

"yea I'll be fine, I'll stay with Alex and chat about some other rules and maybe work on some power control so he doesn't freak out if someone scares him and throws up a shield." He smile at Kadeem and Kadeem smiles back.

"okay just call me and you both feel free to stop by he manor later okay" we both nod and Wyatt takes off.

As the day goes on I Learn a lot about Kadeem. He likes swimming, shopping, drawing anime, and that he is really close to his sister and his two cousins. While we were practicing with my powers

"Hey Alex when you called early was it because you found out who I was?" he asked

"well kinda but it was more along the lines that I felt someone was like watching me." I tell him

"Well you should trust your gut it's right most off the time, and as you can see it was someone that ninja dude, which brings me to my next question you didn't know that guy right? I mean he had the same moon bracelet as you or at least an emabelle like yours." he tells me

"No I have no clue who he was." I answer

"Well we'll just have to look out for demons and ninja's now aren't we ahahah" He laughs and I kinda laugh.


"mmmm 6:50 why." He asks

"Ashley is going to kill me if I don't get there soon. mmmm we have to go well I do and I can't just let you stay here like what if my mom comes home and you see you a guy they've never meet in our house." I tries to explain but Kadeem just nod in understandment

"So where you going?" I ask

"The movies but it might be my funeral if I don't make it there soon" I says as we rush to my car.

"Wait what about that ninja dude. What if he comes after you or demons?" he ask

"I'll be fine. I'll just listen to my gut" I say and drives off waving bye.

Later at the movie theater:

As I run up to the doors of the movie theater looking for Ashley. When my cell rings.

"hello" I ask

"Hey Alex it's me" Ashley replies " I not going to make it tonight I'm sorry."

"What happened?" I ask a little mad

"When I left your house I went to the mall and I kinda back my dads car into a pole. Now I'm grounded for a month." She says sounding like she is about to cry.

"Are you alright" I asks

"yeah I'm fine. It's just my dad took away every thing." She says

She was about to say something else when I heard yelling in the background.

"Ashley get off the phone! When I said no calls I meant the land line too!" I hear her dad yell

"Alex I'll see you at school bye." she hung up

As I put my phone back in my pocket I start to wonder I'm going to do now. Heading back to my car I get that feeling that something is not right. When A demon appeared in front of me. Right between me and my car.

"Who the hell are you" I scream

"That's none of your concern witch" the demon says "All you need to know is that my master has plans for you. He says while holding up a fire ball.

"Fuck you I not going anywhere" I yell

The demon throw the fire ball at me but like I practiced I was able to reflect it with my force field. The demon growl like a wild animal and ran at me. But before he hit me the ninja dude show up and blocked the demon's attack.

"Who are you?" I asks dropping my force field.

The ninja says nothing. Just then a voice a voice tells me to say a spell to bind the demon. I look at the moon and say out loud.

"Plants that grow in moonlite night, take this demon, tie him up tight." I shout

As I finish casting the spell morning glory vines grew and rapped them selves around the demon.

"You call that a spell" ninja dude shouts

"What do you expect I'm still new to this" I shout back

Suddenly we start to smell smoke and we see that the demon is use a fireball to burn the plants.

"Run." Ninja dude says "I'll hold him off."

"No I can fight him too I'll just..." Before I can finish what I waas saying ninja dude phushes me out the of another fire ball.

"GO!!!" He yells "I don't want to to see you get hurt."

"But who are you?" I ask

ALEX JUST RUN!!! He says before he runs and starts attacking the demon.

I look one last time before I took off running. Jumping over fences and bike racks. I ran, all I could do was run. I keeped running and running until I ended up in front of Wyatt's house. I had know idea how I got here I just knew I would be safe. I started to bang on their front door. A young man with brown skin answers the door.

"Who are you?" young man ask sounding a little annoyed

"I need to talk to Wyatt" I say

"How do you know Wyatt!? Who the hell are you?" He starts to yell

"Tommy who are you yelling at now" Wyatt ask while coming down the stairs "Alex!!!" he's shouts running up to me. "What happened to you?"

"Demon attacked" I say while falling to my knees. "That ninja he saved me."

"KADEEM!!! KADEEM!!!" Wyatt screamed

"What's up, Wyatt you call" Kadeem ask appering out of know where.

"OMG!!!" Alex Kadeem says worried

The last thing I see before I passing out was Kadeem trying to help wyatt pick me up.

Sorry it took me so long to write this I just been so busy. Hope you all enjoyed reading my story. If you liked it, hated it, or just want to give ideas to make it better sent your comments to Thanks for reading!

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