Moving in with Dad for College

By Wasputz

Published on Mar 20, 2008


Warning: The usual disclaimers apply here. If you are offended by any of the following: gay sex, vulgar or harsh language. If you are underage wherever you are reading this, please exit.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased. Please do not copy without my consent.

Please practice safe sex in real life. I hope you enjoy this ongoing saga!!!

Characters: Xavier (author)-20; boyfriend Carter- 19 Dad, Gary-41; his wife Denise-38; Step-brother Philip-16

Denise's surgery was a success. It took her a little time to recover for the trauma of having cancer and the surgery. She was very weak at first from the surgery but as time went along she progressed back to normal.

The first semester of my sophomore year took off after that. The intensity and scrutiny of every project I did increased as the semester wore on. Passing the `milestone' as they called it was huge and not as bad as I had imagined since my grades were dead on and offered me the luxury of not having top notch projects. It was a huge relief to have that over with and done.

Carter caught up in the end but saw it took a full effort to keep up grades as a full-time college student. He was happy with his 3.0 GPA but knew he could do better.

Philip's basketball season started rough for him but he improved a lot as the season went along. He had to adjust mainly to his growing frame that at times left him a little uncoordinated and clumsy. His best moment was turning 16. Dad and Denise worked where I was the one with the new ride and Philip took my old car. For his birthday, we all chipped in and put a nice stereo in his car, so he could blast his hip-hop music at ungodly levels.

The holiday season as a whole was rather uneventful including our New Year's Eve in Las Vegas. The best part was either spending extra time with Mom or reuniting with our friends from St. Martins. Taylor, Philip and Ryan seemed to be perfect for each other and fed off each other's energy.

After the holidays, I quit my job with the underwear internet company once the spring semester started. I was glad I did when I was the amount of college work I would have to endure to make it as an architectural student. The worst part of the spring semester was I saw that it was going to require long hours in the studio. Carter wasn't happy with it at first but understood and adjusted very well. Our relationship was strong as ever despite a few bumps in the road that we had just soon forgotten. We basically proved to each other that neither of us was perfect but our love was strong towards each other.

As the spring semester progressed, all I knew was that this year's spring break would be welcomed with open arms. Before Christmas, Carter and I had planned to take a gay cruise that departed from Los Angeles. As the date grew closer, we both were excited and looked forward to see what it would be like.

In the meantime, Philip had his own plans for spring break. He was going to stay with Ryan at their beach house in Texas. With the kids gone, it would give Dad and Denise a much needed break from us. The strain of raising a teenager was seemingly getting to Denise as each day passed. She grew edgier and more irritable with Philip's constant testing the boundaries of what he could get away with.

The best part of our cruise was that Carter and I had another gay couple, Jason and Seth that was taking the same cruise. I meet Seth in my classes at the start of the semester. Once we discovered each other was gay, we hit it off in a friendly way and they too loved the idea of the cruise at spring break. It gave Carter and I another set to hang around with and do things with. They were a little bit wilder than Aaron and Len, which was a nice change every now and then.

Both Carter and I celebrated another birthday but did so rather quietly knowing our cruise was on the horizon. Carter turned 19 a week before we left where I turned 20 a few days before Valentine's Day.

The Thursday before we left that Friday on our cruise, I was just packing my things that I thought I needed for the trip. As I packed, the more excited I got by throwing in some hot bikinis and rower shorts that would make my body shine.

I heard the door open and saw Philip standing there in his basketball shorts. His body was developing nicely after completing his sophomore season in basketball. "Are you excited about your trip?" Philip asked seeing me packing.

"Yeah, how about you?" I replied.

"Of course, Ryan has some cool shit for us to do. I can't wait," Philip said.

"Just be careful there," I said.

"I'll try to be. I came back to see if you had an extra swim suit I might throw in just in case," Philip asked.

"Yeah, I got tons. They loaded me down with a box full of outdated ones after I left. I sure you might find one or two that will fit your taste," I said.

I pulled out the box from under my bed. Philip sorted through the suits. He pulled out a banana thong, "How about this one?" he laughed.

"Yeah I would like to see you in it," I laughed as well. Philip dropped his shorts. I was used to seeing him naked since he loved to show his goods off, especially in the morning. He put on the thong. He tugged at the back strap. "Oh my god!" I said.

"What?" Philip said and went to the mirror. "Holy fuck, it makes my dick really look enormous."

"I know. That would be a definite chick magnet for sure. If not all the gay boys would be on you," I laughed.

"I like the chick magnet part. Fuck the gay boy shit," Philip said and off came the thong. He found some board shorts that fit him perfectly. "This is more like it. Leave all the girls guessing. It really shows my body too."

"Yeah, those seem more your style," I said while Carter came home after working with his mom. He took the job to help her and gave him something productive to do.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Carter asked.

"Oh, Philip wanted an extra swim suit. You missed him in a thong," I chuckled.

"Put it back on, Philip. There must be something funny about it," Carter said.

Philip never the modest one donned the thong. Carter busted out laughing. "I know it's too gay for me," Philip said.

"Tell me about it. A straight boy like you looks funny in that," Carter laughed.

"I told him he'd have girls and guys all over him, but he didn't like the guy part," I said.

"I know. I'm definitely on the prowl next week. I need to get my ass laid down there. Ryan said there will be lots of hot babes," Philip said.

"Wear that and you will get laid but not a girl," Carter laughed.

Philip hurriedly took off the thong and threw it in Carter's face. He put back on his shorts and tried to help us pack for our trip. Now both Carter and I were in full pack mode. I made sure we packed a camera this time after leaving it on our trip to St. Martin. After a while, Philip headed back to the house to do his own packing after snaring the two pair of board shorts I was given.

"Don't get me wrong, Xavier, but damn, Philip is fucking hot!" Carter said. "He's really developing into a stud. He'll be a great catch for some girl one of these days."

"I know what you mean. He keeps growing and now has a nice lean body. He doesn't have an ounce of fat on him," I said.

"Like you do," Carter said.

"Look at you, you are all toned up too," I said.

The next day Friday wasn't much as it seemed everyone on campus was anxious for spring break. I know I was definitely ready for a break after busting my ass for a solid 2 months.

When I got home, surprisingly Dad was there and waiting on me it seemed. "Xavier, I hope you have a great time," Dad said.

"I will. You don't have to worry about that," I said.

"I know you are the least of my worries," Dad said. He handed me some money. "You have my card to charge things on such as extras for your room. I took off early so I could see you before you left."

"Thanks I really appreciate that. That means a lot to me," I said with a nice hug of appreciation and love towards everything Dad does for me so I can enjoy a nice lifestyle.

Carter came busting in the door and he and I headed back to make sure everything was in place for our trip. We loaded up my SUV and headed out around 5ish to pick up Seth and Jason from their apartment. They were as ready to go as we were. Seth came out in his Abercrombie t-shirt and shorts along with flip-flops. I always thought he was the cuter of the two with his brown wavy hair and dark complexion along with a nice thin body. Jason was the oldest of all of us at 21. He was sporting some muscle shirt and shorts with some bad ass shades. He had short blondish hair and was muscular.

"Let's get this party on the road," Jason said and was the more outgoing of the two. "I'm so ready for this trip."

"Fuck yeah dude, I'm too. It will be so awesome to be able to be ourselves out in public for a change," Carter said.

Jason and Seth got in the back when we headed out to make the long trip. Our plans were to get there the night before so we could be on the ship early. Along the way we only stopped for gas and to grab a quick bit until we finally arrived at our hotel that I had booked.

"Shit! Look at this place," I said when we drove in.

"It's cool, man. We're just here to sleep and maybe mess up the sheets," Jason said.

"It'll be fine, Xavier," Carter said. I went and got our keys for the rooms. The place was nothing special but at least it was clean. Being it near midnight, we headed to our rooms. I was tired from the trip but Carter had other things on his mind. Carter and I were just getting settled in when we couldn't help but hear Seth and Jason fucking in the room next to us. Carter smiled at me upon hearing the headboard banging against the wall. I smiled and soon we joined them in having hot motel room sex.

The next morning, we checked out about 10. "Someone was loud as hell last night," Carter said.

Seth smiled, "It was me. I couldn't help it."

"He was fucking screaming huh?" Jason smiled.

"Yeah, good thing it was just us next door," I said.

"Oh we knew you guys would be fucking too so what the hell," Jason said.

We headed out and found a place to eat and kill a little time. After eating we headed to the pier area where we were to board the ship. I found a parking lot and parked my SUV for the week. We unloaded our bags and headed to check in.

"Damn, that bitch is huge," Jason said.

"Looks really nice," Seth said while we tugged our luggage and gazed at our home for the week.

"It better be very nice as much as we paid for this damn trip," Carter said.

We entered the check in area. I looked around at the mass of people gathered. We all could see gay men holding hands and arm in arm along with the lesbians too. I was shocked to see the kids that were boarding the ship as well.

"I don't guess I realized this was a mixed cruise," I said, looking around and observing the mix.

"It's for both. I didn't figure there would be this many kids though," Seth said.

We waited in the assigned line for check-in. I smiled at Carter as we held hands and felt like we belonged and fit in out in a public setting other than the dance club or at the coffeehouse. It was nice to not be stared at like a freak or see the signs of disgust. We got checked our bags and gathered our packet. We waited while Seth and Jason did the same. They were on the same floor that we were but had an inside room. We all agreed checking in was rather easy.

We waded through the mass of travelers and took a winding passage to the entrance of the ship. Before we entered, a photographer was there waiting on us. We put our arms around each other and smiled for the picture. Entering the large cruise ship, we all just looked and gazed at the interior before taking an elevator with an older gay couple and a lesbian couple.

"You guys are very lucky to be able to afford this luxury," one guy said to us while taking the elevator up.

"Yes sir, we are," Seth said.

"Lucky to be so young too," a lady said. "I wish I was still that young."

They exited the elevator while we took it to the eighth floor. We got off and got our directions. We came to Seth and Jason's room first to check out their room. When we went inside, I could see how small it was and how dark. We headed off to our room. Carter opened the door to the nice but smallish room. I was now glad we had a balcony and could see daylight.

"Damn, you guys are set," Jason said.

"I knew to get an outer room from the other cruise I went on a few years back," Carter said. Our room had a small seating area as well with a double bed.

I checked out the bathroom, "Taking a shower together in here is going to be tight."

Carter looked over my shoulder, "We'll fit or it will be fun as hell trying."

"Sure beats that little one in ours," Seth commented. "Jason, we should have gotten a room like this."

"I know but we were lucky to get what we did," Jason said.

After the brief tour, we took a seat. "Did you see many guys our age on here?" Seth asked.

"Not many. Being spring break I was hoping for a few. Not everyone is on here yet so maybe there will be more," I commented.

"Still we're going to have a fucking awesome time. We might be the hit of the trip," Jason laughed.

"I can see the stares now of those old shits just ogling over us and wishing they still had a hot body and a cute boyfriend to boot," Carter said.

"We can all see what we'll be like in 20 years," Seth said. We all laughed but knew it was true. We sat and talked more after scanning the list of events scheduled. We were impressed by the variety of things that were scheduled just for that night.

We then called our parents since our cell phones still worked to let them know we made it just fine and to give them a sense of relief. I talked to Dad who said Philip had made it just fine for his visit with Ryan. I was glad that he was allowed to go and knew he too would have a ball.

We headed out wondering when our luggage would arrive after being on the ship for more than an hour. We saw people still boarding the ship while we explored different areas of this majestic vessel. The best part was we could hold hands and even show affection towards our lovers. Upon returning to our room, we found our luggage there waiting on us and promptly unpacked a few essentials.

Carter and I meet back up with Jason and Seth to return to the top deck for the bon voyage. Scenes from different movies flashed through my head including Titanic. The best part was there were no icebergs in our area. Then we participated in the mandatory muster drill. It was good for a few laughs and pictures of the four of us being silly and looking utterly stupid.

"Bros, I'm starving," Jason said upon leaving the muster drill.

"I'm too. Say we get dressed and check out what the dining room offers," Carter said. "The other cruise I was on the food was totally awesome."

"Sounds like a deal. Can we wear shorts?" Seth asked.

"I think so," I said.

"Fuck em if we can't. We paid for this shit," Jason said in true form.

Carter and I dressed in our polo shirts and shorts in true preppy style. Seth and Jason returned to our room dressed in nearly the same manner. As we walked, I started to feel the movement of the ship for the first time. It was a weird and unique feeling to say the least.

Our cruise was freestyle, which allowed us to choose our own table and time, which was so convenient and nice. By the time the four of us arrived, the small tables were taken so we chose a larger one that was unoccupied. We sat down and just looked around to gauge the scope of our traveling companions. Soon we were presented a menu of the night's offerings. I scanned the list and was intrigued by a few selections.

"Do you mind if these young men join you?" I looked up and saw an older lady asking us with two cute younger guys behind her.

We all looked at each other. "Sure have a seat," I said.

"See I told you they looked like nice young men. You boys have fun," the lady said while the two pulled up a seat. Both looked very timid and out of place at the moment. Both appeared to be rather slim.

I took the lead and introduced the four of us. "I'm Nick and this is Jon," Nick said and quickly grabbed a menu. Nick had long brown hair where Jon's was blond and shaggy.

Jason in his boldness asked, "Are you boys gay?"

Jon and Nick looked at each other, "Ummm... yeah we are," Nick said.

"Yeah dumbass this is a gay cruise," Carter said. It was just typical Carter but did seem to put them at ease. "How old are you?"

"We're both 18," Nick said. "How old are you guys?"

We all told our age. "That was my mom who asks you. She wanted us to come on this cruise with her so we won't be treated like we are at school," Jon said. "This is pretty rad except for all the old people on her."

"Dudes, that so cool of her. You are lucky," I said. The waiter appeared to take our order. I boldly chose a dish that I had never tried but the description sounded so good while the others were more conservative with either chicken or steak. Jason ordered a bottle of wine for the four of us to enjoy with our meal at the waiter's recommendation. Beer and wine were allowed on this ship for passengers 18 and older, which pleased Carter and one of the reasons we chose it too. We talked and got to know our table companions more while waiting for the onslaught of food along with the wine.

Jon left for a minute to speak with his mom before returning. "Do you guys care if we share the wine with you guys? Mom said it was fine with her."

"Sure bros, no problem," Jason said. The wine arrived first. The waiter dutifully checked our cards which indicted our age. He and his assistant poured each of us a glass. I took one sip and knew this wasn't for me. I enjoyed some wines but this was extremely to my disliking.

The main course arrived after a small salad. I took one bite of my duck and knew I had correctly ordered. The vegetables were rather bland but the duck was great. Carter snatched a bit as well. Next was dessert which I ordered but ate very little of it after being stuffed for all the other food.

"My ass is going to gain 10 pounds on here if we eat like this every night," Jason said.

"I know. I'm stuffed," I said.

"I bet your ass is hitting the gym in the morning first thing," Carter said to me. "I don't give a fuck whether I put on weight or not."

Nick and Jon both snickered, "You guys are a trip," Nick said.

"They are just getting warmed up," Seth commented.

They finished the wine before getting up. "Whew, I need to walk this off," I said.

"Do you guys mind if we hang around with you?" Nick asked.

"I don't care," Carter said. "Do you guys?" We didn't care since we were just going to walk around and see what else was offered. Jon told his mom where he was going and off we went.

I grabbed Carter's hand and Jason put his arm around Seth while we walked and looked at the on board shops just outside the dining room. Jason was interested in the liquor selection as was Carter. Seth and I just people watched as did Nick and Jon.

"How come you aren't holding hands?" I asked.

"We're still trying to adjust to all of this," Jon replied.

"Be proud of who you are. This is one week where we can be gay and enjoy it," I said.

"You guys don't have to worry on here. No one will say anything to you," Seth said.

Jon reached over and grabbed Nick's hand. Nick gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

I then couldn't help but noticing them whispering among themselves and looking at me. "Wassup?"

"Xavier, you just look so familiar," Nick said.

"Oh, he has modeled some on the internet," Seth blurted out while I blushed.

"That's it dude! I knew you looked familiar. Your pictures on that underwear site are hot," Nick said. "I just couldn't place where I had seen your face before but that is it. You are even cuter in person."

This was truly the first time I had been recognized for the modeling I had done. "Thanks guys, I appreciate that. Carter did some as well."

"Awesome. He's hot too in those pictures. I bought a swimsuit you modeled but don't look near as good as you did in it," Jon said.

Seth and I smiled at them while Carter and Jason returned. "That fucking sucks. We can buy that shit but we don't get it until we get off. What's the purpose if we can't drink it on here?" Jason said.

"They want us to buy drinks on here," Nick said.

We looked at the other shops for a while. We all decided to check out the entertainment that was offered in the theater. I could see now that we had gained two more friends as they were with us each step of the way. Nick and Jon went to the restroom while we waited outside.

"They are a pain in the ass," Jason said.

"I don't mind them. They're fine," Carter said. "Hell, you've seen how Philip clings to us and he's not even gay."

"They are just looking for someone close to their age to hang out with," I said.

"They're cool, Jason," Seth said.

"Okay then. I guess I can stand them a little longer," Jason said as Nick and Jon came from the restroom. We sat down in the theater near the back in case we wanted to leave if it wasn't good. While we were sitting there, I told them about Philip.

"How come he didn't come with you?" Nick asked.

"He's straight," I said. "He's very tall and very hot I must say."

"Awesome, you ever got with him?" Jon asked.

"No, I wouldn't think of it. I'm not into that shit," I said.

"We aren't either but if he's hot, you could just suck his dick," Nick smiled.

I just laughed, "He would like that but no thanks."

The show started just in time. It was more of an introduction than anything. There were a few laughs along the way and kept us entertained for the time being. Half way through the show, I felt the boat rocking again and in the theater it was so noticeable to me.

After the show, Jon and Nick left us and headed to explore more on their own but got our room number. The four of us headed to Carter and mine room to chill out. Jason stopped at a bar along the way and grabbed a bucket of beer as well. I was glad now that they were with us even though Carter and I would have managed just fine alone. It was great to experience a trip with our friends. Jason, Carter and Seth drank the beer while we talked. Seth and I told them that Jon and Nick recognized me for the website. Jason just laughed and told me that I might be getting the big head if other guys did the same. About midnight, we all called it a night and looked forward to the rest of the week.


Hope you liked this chapter. Continue with your comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 45: Sophomore Year 12

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