Moving in with Dad for College

By Wasputz

Published on Dec 9, 2007


Warning: The usual disclaimers apply here. If you don't like any of the following, leave now: gay sex, vulgar or harsh language or underage wherever you are reading this.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased. Please do not copy without my consent.

Please practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction.

I hope you enjoy!!!

Len and I headed out on our date. I could have had sex with him right there. Len was up for Chinese food that night which was fine by me. The place was rather dark and set a great romantic scene for us. We held hands under the table while waiting on our food.

Being totally stuffed, we headed to the coffee house where we met the week before. Len looked around and didn't spot any of his group. The place was brimming with the young and homosexual crowd. It really seemed the in place to go if you were gay and not able to yet hit the vibrant club scene. We grabbed an open table and sat down with our coffee drinks. It was nice being surrounded by our type and didn't have to put our sexuality on hold while out dating.

"Xavier!" I heard a voice from afar. I thought I was hearing things as it sounded like a dear friend from home. I looked up and sure enough it was Aaron, my first guy. We had a history together and had it abruptly ended when his parents divorced and he moved away before my junior year in high school and his senior year.

"Oh my god, I thought I heard someone say my name," I stood up to receive his hug.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" Aaron said.

"I'm going to college here. I was about to ask you the same question," I said. "I'm sorry. Aaron, this is Len."

Aaron's hand stuck out to greet Len while the other hand was around the waist of a guy. "Guys this is Randy. You care if we have a seat."

"No, no. Go right ahead," I said. "Wow I never dreamed I would run into you here. You live here?"

"Yeah, my mom moved us here right after the separation. I'm really sorry we had to run out so soon. Xavier, you're really looking good," Aaron said.

I smiled and didn't want to make Len jealous right there but damn Aaron was looking hot as ever. His big blue eyes, his high cheek bones, his short brown hair perfectly in place and his tight well fitting clothes were more than I remembered. I did the best I could to include Len and Randy in our conversation but it mostly just centered on what Aaron and I were up too.

I could see Len was more than ready to leave after 20 minutes of Aaron and me catching up and gossiping about mutual friends. Len tossed our drinks in the trash and waited by the door for us to say goodbye. We exchanged cell numbers before I headed out the door.

"Sorry about that Len. He was just an old friend," I said.

"Yeah I bet. How many times did you guys fuck?" Len said and slammed the door to the car.

"You're fucking pissed, aren't you?" I said while starting up the car.

"Fuck yeah I am. You were practically googled eyed over him. How many times did you guys fuck?" Len said.

"Fine. We popped each other's cherry if you really want to know, okay," I said.

"I knew you and him were old fuck buddies. I could just tell," Len said.

"He was my first boyfriend. I lost count of how many times we fucked. Are you happy now?" I said.

The drive home after that was quiet except for the radio. We got out of the car and headed inside. I tried to snuggle up next to Len but could tell he was still mad.

I just looked at him, "Who said no more than 2 or 3 hours ago they wanted an open relationship?"

"I did but..."

"But what?"

"I didn't think you would openly flirt with his ass right there in front of me," Len said.

"If you call hugging each other and talking about old times as flirting, then hell yeah I did," I said sharply.

"Dude you know you would fuck him again in a heartbeat," Len said.

"Maybe I would since you said we could have an open relationship, you little jealous prick," I was now perturbed at Len. Len quickly got up and headed to the door.

"I knew this shit wouldn't work! I just knew it!" Len said.

"Len, I didn't do shit and you fucking know it. Sit your ass down!" I demanded.

"Xavier, I can't change you and you can't change me. Let's just face the facts," Len said quietly but stood at the entry way.

"I know that but one bump in the road doesn't mean you have to bolt out the door like some little kid," I said.

"Hey, let's just end it now before one of us really gets hurt, okay? I mean we are only kidding ourselves thinking this shit would actually work. We're just too different. I like to party where you are more subdued. Sure the sex was awesome but hell I can do that anytime," Len said.

I just looked at him and knew he was ready to leave. Knowing his roommate was at their place partying and doing God knows what else wasn't going to keep him here. Len was looking for an out and I gave him one. "Okay, can we still be friends though?"

Len gave me that big smile, "Yeah I think that would be great. We can still sit together in history and study together for big tests, okay?"

"Sure that sounds like a winner to me. Maybe we rushed into this little relationship a little too quickly. Len, thanks for showing me that it's not always the outward appearance that makes a person but what's inside," I said.

"Xavier, you restored my confidence. I didn't think I could ever be with someone like you but I proved that I can. Thanks!"

We hugged each other and both were thankful that this ended in a peaceful way where we could still be friends. "Len, you were great!"

"So were you Xavier," Len said.

"Have fun at the party," I said.

He smiled and knew I knew his reasoning. "Thanks. See your hot ass Monday!"

I watched him leave. It was true that our romance was almost too quick especially for me after just moving in with my dad. I just jumped at the first guy who showed a real interest in me which was not one thing like me. I guess I was just too eager to make friends in my new town and at college. I just kicked my feet up on the big leather couch and was soon asleep watching a movie on TV. I briefly woke and saw the TV on. I turned it off and headed to my nice bed. I then realized my Dad hadn't come home yet from his night at the casino. As soon as my head hit the pillow, dream land was back on.

That Sunday, I was up early for me. After throwing on some shorts, I headed to grab a bit to eat. After pouring a bowl of cereal, I peeked in Dad's door and saw him still sleeping. I ate the cereal and just read up on some history.

Dad peered in my door, "Len already go home?"

"He didn't stay the night. We sort of broke up I guess you could say," I looked up.

"Oh I see," Dad said.

"How did you do last night?"

"Let's just say the cards were very good to me," Dad smiled.

"Awesome," I stuck out my hand. He pulled a gigantic roll out of his pocket and put 4 hundred dollar bills in my palm.

"That should get you by for a while," Dad said.

"Thanks! I was just kidding," I said.

"I'm just sharing the profit so to speak," Dad smiled and left me be.

Michael was my next visitor. I knew he already had heard but wanted my end of the story. I told him everything and then had to listen to him go on and on about his party then going over to Kale and Len's for a nightcap. Orgy would have been more like it from what Michael described and from what he told Len didn't miss my cock one bit. I was however glad I didn't get roped into that wild action from what Michael told. I love sex but only with one person not a bunch of drugged out and drunken guys slinging cum everywhere. I knew then that Len and I parting ways was probably the best thing to do.

College was going full blast for me and everyone else the next week. Len was nice and tried to play off our little departure. From what he told, I was glad to just be friends with him and hoped he could handle it since he was a good student from what he and others had told me. Not having to cater to anyone gave me more time to hang around Dad more after he got home from work. He really enjoyed spending the time with me as I did as well. I called his office everyday after class to check to see if he had errands for me to run except Tuesday when I had Astronomy lab in the afternoon. He had me come in just Wednesday to help out, which I didn't mind at all.

That Friday after my first full week of classes, I just headed out that night on my own. I headed to the coffee house to see if any of my new friends were there that night. I did recognize one guy from my lab and just talked with him for a while. I was really making acquaintances left and right.

I headed home early to keep Dad company. When I drove up, I thought it was my mom's car in the driveway. I ran out of the car and was soon greeted with big hugs by both my mom and younger brother, Taylor. They wanted to surprise me and had only been waiting for 15 minutes. It gave them ample time to see the house and talk with Dad.

"Oh Xavier, you really look great. Your dad needs to feed you more," Mom said.

"I do eat but I work out a lot now to stay in decent shape," I said.

"Dude, you are set here. I need to come live here too," Taylor said.

"Taylor, you know you can't right now," Mom said.

"I know I am for Christmas and the summer. This place is freaking awesome," Taylor monitored himself. "Xavier you're so lucky."

I pulled Taylor aside. "Stop it. Mom is having a hard enough time without you bragging about this."

"Okay," Taylor said.

I honestly don't remember the last time the four of us sat down together and had a true family talk. I found out this was a way Mom could see me and Taylor could see Dad at the same time. I wanted to go back home and see my old friends but this was just great.

At bedtime, Taylor was put with me. I didn't mind but had to listen to him brag about his girls and his ongoing drug habits. After standing it long enough, I told him in no uncertain terms he was going to land back in rehab and it wasn't going to be pretty either. I liked talking to him but hated to hear him boast of how messed up he was most of the time.

The next day after Taylor and I got up, Dad took us shopping along with Mom. I knew he did it to splurge a little on Taylor. I didn't mind and just bought a few things while Taylor took full advantage of Dad's generosity. After a late lunch we headed back to the house to enjoy the pool.

After we swam and messed around like brothers again in the pool, Taylor said, "Xavier, you got to show me around here more."

I agreed and our parents agreed to let us go out for a little while. "Taylor, I really don't know a whole lot of places yet."

"That's cool. I just needed to get out of the house just a while," Taylor said and pulled a joint from his pocket.

Seeing my brother fire it up, I pulled into the nearest parking lot, "Put that shit out right now."

"Fuck you bitch, my ass is fucking dieing to get high," Taylor said and took a big and blew the smoke in my face.

"Now! Put it out!" I screamed.

"Chill Xavier and hit this shit!" Taylor said.

"You got a lot of fuckin nerve doin that right here in front of me, you know that," I grabbed the joint out of his mouth and put it out.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Taylor said.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Dude, I love getting stoned."

"You are just doing this shit to piss me the fuck off and try your hardest to let Mom have you move here, aren't you?"

"Shut the fuck up! Taylor said and soon his expression totally changed, "Dude I would give anything to get the hell out of Vegas and move here with you guys."

"Look Taylor, Mom would die if you moved here. You are all she has right now. My advice is to suck it up and quit acting like a damn fool. You fuck up too much and your ass will be in Vegas Christmas and summer," I said. "I know you miss me but damn I'm 18 and shit happens. So what I went away to college, that doesn't mean you have to act so fucking stupid."

"Xavier, I just need a change of scenery too like you did. I swear if I moved here I would change in a heartbeat," Taylor said. "Look at the shit Dad bought me today. Dude I would be set."

"Taylor, just bide your time and look forward to the time you do get to spend here. Mom loves you a lot and you better get your shit together," I said.

"Fine. I'll try!" Taylor said. "It's going to be hard though. You know my friends."

"Hang out with different people that are such fuck ups then. Taylor, you're a smart guy and all. Don't blow it, alright."

We drove around and I think he got my point. We did roll the windows down to clear my car of the strong odor. We didn't stay go very long and headed back to the house.

Mom and Taylor were gone by 6 the next day. I did love seeing them both and helped me as much as it probably helped the both of them. Taylor promised me he would try to change if he could.

The next week at college just flew by. I was adjusting more to the college setting each day and was glad I chose where I did. I was starting to make friends left and right that I actually like being around. I knew not all of them were gay but I still enjoyed talking to them each day.

The following weekend wasn't much to speak of. It rained most of the day Saturday which gave me a chance to catch up on my school work and talk with my friends on the phone and computer. I continued to work out like crazy and starting to see some results. My body was starting to mold into a hot piece of work if I do say so myself. The only problem was I didn't have anyone to share it with at the moment and my hand was sure getting tired every night. I knew I could call up Len and fuck his ass but after what I had been told I wasn't sure I wanted to stick my dick up his ass ever again. My relationship with Dad was strong as ever and he was almost like my best friend now after spending a lot of time with him.

Monday was my first real college test in Algebra. I knew I was prepared for it and really seemed to fly right through it without much problem. It was such a relief to have the first one over with. I also had to the clinic discretely for peace of mind after fucking Len bare. I aced that test as well and know had piece of mind health-wise.

My hatred of Tuesday grew since I knew I would have to hang around late for lab. Honestly Astronomy lab was nuts. That day I was paired up with a really cute guy I thought. We introduced ourselves as normal.

"I know you from somewhere," Mitch, my lab partner, said. "I just don't know where. Where did you go to high school?" I told him Vegas and the light bulb went off in his head. "You were on the swim team, weren't you?"

"Yeah Mitch, I was. I'm sorry but I don't remember you," I said truthfully.

"That's cool. I wasn't very good if you wanna know the truth. You always smoked our ass in meets. I knew I knew you from somewhere. I saw you last week and thought I recognized you," Mitch said.

During our lame project, Mitch and I talked about mutual friends. He knew quite a few guys that I knew. It really seemed to make the time in lab go by much faster than the previous week. After lab, I headed to the closest restroom in a rush after drinking a large bottle of water at lunch. I found the closest urinal to relieve myself and was joined at the next one by Mitch.

"Dude, I was about to bust in there," Mitch said.

I stared straight head and cut my eyes only to see him eyeing my prize. "I know I was," I said.

"Hey Xavier, are you busy later on?" Mitch asked right when we finished.

"No, I was just heading to my dad's house," I said.

"You wanna go over to my dorm room and hang out for a while," Mitch said.

"Sure, that's cool. I haven't seen the dorms here," I said.

"They're not much. I got lucky when my roommate bolted after the first week. So I got a room to myself for now," Mitch said.

I actually did enjoy being with Mitch in that we had a lot in common. I wasn't sure if he was gay or not but had a feeling he was. Mitch was very boyish cute with short brown hair, killer brown eyes and a nice partial goatee on his chin. He and I dressed similarly but I could say that about a lot of college guys. Instead of walking the long distance to his dorm, we jumped in my car and made the short trip over. He led me up to his 4th story room. I could smell the funk of a college dorm right when we hit his floor.

He opened his door and I saw how neat and orderly Mitch was. I glanced down at his desk and saw a gay magazine just sitting there. He saw my eyeing it and came over to cover it up.

"Mitch, don't worry about it," I said casually.

"Are you gay, Xavier?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah, I don't have anything to hide. How about you?"

"Well... I'm not exactly out... yet. Only a couple of people really know the true me," Mitch said nervously. "It's so cool when guys are afraid to say so."

"Mitch, I can't deny one bit. Matter of fact, I rather enjoy it you might say."

"Xavier, I just wish I could be like that. I'm trying but I just haven't found the words yet to tell my parents. You understand?"

"Oh hell yeah, telling your parents is rough Mitch but my mom and dad have been really great with me," I smiled at him. "I understand not everyone is as lucky as me and it can be a killer. My last guy was thrown out once he came out."

"I'm just afraid they cut my ass off and make me pay for all this shit. I don't have to tell you how expense this is," Mitch said while we sat on his bed. "Xavier, you look like you really have stayed in shape after high school."

"I try to. My dad has a killer Bowflex machine and I'm on it constantly. Mitch you seem to still be in good shape," I said.

He raised up his shirt, "I try like hell too. They have a kick ass work out place here on campus." He threw off his shirt to the corner. "You don't mind do you Xavier?"

"Hell no! Mitch you really have a nice body," I said examining his cut abs and rounded pecs. His waist had some nice Adonis cuts to accent his tight ass body. His arms were cut as well and had nice definition with ropey hot veins running down his arms. I absolutely loved how his shorts sit low on his waist and his boxers shown above, just some good hot sagging.

Mitch seemed proud to hear that from me and smiled, "Alright let me see your hot ass." I stood and took off my shirt. "Damn dude, I thought my ass was cut. Fuck!" I just smiled. I could see Mitch lean over and soon his lips were on mine. Mitch stopped and looked at me, "I didn't go too far just then, did I?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "No, if you didn't do, then I was going to. You're a great kisser. That really is hot to me."

"Fucking awesome. Xavier, I feel like we have known each other for quite a while even though we just met," Mitch said.

"It does feel that way," I said and returned to kissing him. Mitch was really into it and had his hands all over me. Not to be outdone, my hands roamed his body too. I could feel his dick poking me through his shorts while we made out. I discretely undid his shorts. Mitch gave me a big smile and pushed off his boxers.

"Xavier you really got me turned on now," Mitch said. I kissed his pecs and moved down to his nice probably 6 inch cut cock. I groped his nuts while licking his cock. I let myself go and started sucking his hot cock.

"OH DAMN! That feels so fucking awesome," Mitch said. I licked up and down his cock while on my knees off his bed. I loved seeing the joyous expression on his face while I slurped down his meat. My hands felt up his abs while my mouth and tongue worked over his tasty treat. "Xavier STOP!" Mitch screamed. I jerked his cock just a few strokes. Cum flew out and hit his shoulder. Mitch send a few more shots onto his abs. He grabbed me and kissed me hard while undoing my shorts. I stepped out of my thong.

The look on his face was that of astonishment when he saw how well endowed I was. I stood near him while he grabbed me, "Fuck this is a cock now!" With his hand on the base, his tongue licked up and down my growing 8 and half inches. He sucked my nuts while stroking me. "I'm not the best in the world at this."

"That's fine," I said and watched his mouth cover my cock head. He slid down his wet mouth and scraped his teeth on my cock. I didn't say a word and just let him continue. His mouth felt so good sucking me I didn't care if he was the best or not. I threw back my head and just enjoyed another guy blowing me. I massaged his shoulders and could see he was really into me. "AHH! Mitch that feels so good!" I moaned. I thrust my cock into his mouth and was met with a slight gagging sound. I pulled out a little and let him control how much he wanted to take. After a good 5 minutes, Mitch stopped and kissed me. I took over and completed the task. My nut ran down his chest after I exploded.

I collapsed on top of him and kissed him. He petted my shoulders while we made out. "Dude that was fucking intense!" Mitch said after we stopped and cleaned up our mess. "Xavier, you are so fuckin hot!"

"Mitch you are too. I hope this isn't the only time we get together," I smiled. I put back on my clothes while Mitch just put on his boxers. "I'm glad you live alone."

"Me too. Would you like to go out with me sometime?" Mitch said.

"Are you joking? Hell yeah I would," I said with a kiss.

We exchanged cell numbers before getting in one last good kiss. I left his room with a big smile. My semi-drought of not having sex was over. I really enjoyed being with Mitch. We clicked immediately. He really seemed to be my type of guy, sweet, romantic and not real wild but I guess that still remains to be seen. Nothing in his room indicted he was a partier which was great to me.


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Next: Chapter 7

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