Mutant Chronicles

By juan guzman

Published on Jan 5, 2006


The Mutant Chronicles All personal thoughts of the characters are enclosed in these**, telepathic conversations in these<>, and outloud voices in these " "

Discalimer: All X-Men characters and related titles are a property of Marvel Comics, part of the Marvel Enterprises company. I earn no money writing this story and hence none of the statues of copyright infringement are broken.


While at Esperanza and Danielle's funeral David senses that Darrel and Magneto are getting closer. Without giving it a second thought he takes command of the situation, all the Mutants present decide that his leadership is as good as any and that seeing as how only he knows where they are the best thing to do is to follow his instructions. Professor Xavier feels that in David he's found his replacement. A big secret is hinted at, and David tells Bobby he loves him for the first time.

Chapter 2: "What's Happened now?"

David could feel the rush of power surging through him, not only because Darrel was close, but because no one had defied his taking over, he knew telepathy was a far more subtle way to tell everyone what to do, it also meant that they'd lose the element of surprise if Wanda's fat ass or Darrel's bitch ass decided to scan for any telepathic activity, he hoped they hadn't thought about it, but just in case they had he joined the professor and called over all available mutants.

David: "Listen I know I said that plan Alpha Beta Zigma was in effect, but if the Brotherhood scanned the place for telepathic activity they know, and they also know how we're gonna attack, so I suggest that we scrap that plan and put in Beta Beta Nu, the only thing that's kept the same is the decoy everything else is done as if I was Storm, got it?"

Professor: "I'm glad you all decided to bring your uniforms under your clothes, I imagine fighting in suits and dresses would have been quite difficult. I also think that David's suggestion is very wise, we will not discuss any details, all of you have gone through this training routine at least 3 times, if you're not sure what to do follow the other's lead. I'm going to go with the tsedate-power mutants, its our safest bet to keep them alive."

Jean softly landed next to the group and was filled in, she gave Xavier the coordinates of where the humans were, she knew in time he'd have to erase most of their memories lest they took these events to be more of the presumed dangers which mutants brought with them. Shortly after Jean had landed Storm glided into sight, she too was quickly filled in, and she too told the Professor where the sedate-powered mutants were, she then went to the students that were waiting for her, David sensed a pulse throught the air and he knew what had come; Darrel and The Brotherhood had arrived at the bend right before this mausoleum, and he knew that now was the time to put the plan into action. Nightcrawler, meanwhile teleported Xavier to the sedate-powered mutants, David knew he would use their power in one way or another.

David saw a fireball fly towards them and he knew the only plan that would be in effect was survival, and he let everyone know that.


The plasma ball, as Longshot called it, landed less than 3 feet away from where they were all standing.

Jean: "All right, forget any plan, just do your best to stay alive and unharmed, maintain a team around you at all times, do not try anyhting smart, now SPLIT!!!!"

Core, Iceman, Pyro, Magma, Torch, Puck, Jubilee, Multiple Man, and Shadowcat split to one side, hoping to draw Darrel's attention so that the others could lower Magneto's defenses. Copycat, Longshot, Sunspot, Havok, and Beastmaster ran in the opposite direction hoping in turn to divert Lance's crew's attention, they all knew the X-Men would take care of the tough ones like Magneto, Sabretooth, and Mystique. Lance and the rest of the small cookies were up for the Junior X's to grab, David was clear in one thing, only he fought Darrel, and were he to fall they should all just go before Darrel got to any of them.

David: "Hey, Darrel!!! What's up?" David shot a fireball straight at Darrel, he simply deflected it with an energy field.

Darrel: "Oh David, David, have we really sunk this low in our life?"

David: "It's not your life, you have your own pathetic existance now, one may I say filled with things like Toad and Avalanche, you must be realy proud of yourself" David levitated to reach Darrel's height, his uniform flowed around him, Darrel was now wearing a tight, form fitting red jumpsuit with black accents running through it like blood.

Darrel: "You are nothing but a pathetic fly, and I will squash just like you're one!!!!" Darrel formed a fireball in his hand and hurled at David. David dodged to the left and hurled a thunder bolt at Darrel. Darrel flew up and then freefell at full speed in David's direction.

Darrel: "EARTH!!!!!!!" A chunk of ground flew up from under David, heading straight at him, going at neck-break speed, David saw no way out, but knew he had powers too, and he decided the best thing to do was to use it.

David: "EARTH!! FIRE!! THUNDER!! WOOD!!" The piece of ground stopped its ascent, an Oak tree rose and bursted into flames, as thunder surrounded it, David flung it at Darrel, and decided to have a go with his molecular combustion power. David flung a hand at Darrel and was surprised when Darrel was thrown back and sparks and smoke erupted from his torso.

Darrel: "I see you've gotten control of your powers. But why don't you try THIS on for size!!!" A white orb fromed on Darrel's forehead, as he finished his sentence the orb shot towards David, he has no idea what to do, but his insticts tell him to deflect it with Telekinesis. He swung his hand in a sweeping motion toward Darrel, and the orb backtracked, Darrel was caught unaware and got hit by both his own attack and David's Telekinetic wave.

David: "I guess this little fly is too much for your swater to squash!!! TEMPUS!!!" Darrel froze and the thunderbolt that he'd begun throwing stopped dead in its tracks, now everything around David was stopped, he used this extra time to check on the others, he saw Jean about to hit a tree and gently pushed her out of the way, he saw Wanda trying to catch Bobby with one of her jinxes from behind and placed a tree branch on Wanda's way, and so he made his way around the battle field, moving faster than light. When he was done he placed himself behind Darrel, and readied a thunder-fire-water-wood-earth-air- metal-ball (from now on element-all ball)

David: "TMEPUS REGULATUM!!!!" Time fell back into its normal state and David surprised Darrel by hitting him full force with the element-all ball. Darrel free-fell to the ground, unconscious.

David: "Terra ecute ma llamado, vous boca aprire et ton bastrado TOMARE!!!" (Earth listen to my call, open your mouth and take your bastard){{The language is a mix of French, Latin, Spanish, and Portuguese}}

David(to all): <Darrel's down, Rogue I need you to drain as much power as you can, Copycat, I need you to cover for Rogue, Icaman I need you to cover me, I'm going after Sabretooth, and Mystique. Havok, join me and Iceman, Magma cover us all.>

David knew the risk he was taking was big, but he needed to give Magneto a hard blow, and if he could just use this momemtum to bring either one of his commanders down, he'd take the chance. He was not just putting himself in danger, he was putting the others in danger too, but he'd made himself a weapon, Rogue, he was gonna use her and Darrel's powers to squash one of Magneto's big guns, she knew and he knew she knew, but even if she didn't want to, he could tap into the energy she'd suck out of Darrel, and boost his own powers with it.

Rogue flew over to David, knowing full well what David's plans for her are.

Rogue: "Well, I'm here sugar. What's it we're going after?"

Core(David): "We're going after Sabretooth, and if we have enough time, and luck, Mystique. How much did you take from Darrel?"

Rogue: "I took enough, almost drained him into myself. I locked his thoughts with his own powers, he's way too complex for lil' ol' me."

Sabretooth: "Well, well, look what the dog dragged in...filth!"

Sabretooth launched himself in Rogue's direction, she immediately produced a telekinetic field, David realized how much like Jean she looked, then he realized she WAS Jean, she had used his, or Darrel's, power of morphing to become Jean. He scanned and her mind and understood that she had done so to control the newly acquired psionic powers. She had admired Jean's utter control and now that she had no where else to turn she had turned to the one person she could always depend on, her 'sister', Jean.

Core: "TERRA!!!" A chunk of ground rose in Sabretooth's way, creating a nauseating "crack" sound as he hit the chunk headfirst. Rogue took her cue and truned into Wolverine, ansd stretched out his claws, she was gonna get this guy, why David had no idea.

Core: "Rogue, Logan's powers are not absolute when you transform!!! Be careful!!" Sabretooth got up, and held Rogue by her waist, she ried to use her strength, but with the overpower she had taken from Darrel instead of simply breaking free she broke Sabretooth's arm. Then she hit him over the head, making yet another nauseating "crack" sound, he flopped to the floor unconscious, his body limp, and his breath ragged, David could not have cared less, he simply left Rogue to deal with him, Iceman, Magma, and Havok caught up with him, David Saw Mystique fighting Jean, and decided he wanted to capture her rather than simply knock her out. He was going to use her to get to Magneto, but the only way he could do that is to get Mystique and learn everything he ca about Magneto, but the other problem is Professor Charles Xavier. Will this mutant professing equality allow them to capture another mutant? Would he not care about keeping Mystique against her will? He had to find out, and he new exactly how to do it. He was gonna ask him.

Core: <Professor...I want to capture Mystique...I want to use her to get inside Magneto's inner circle. May I use the Mansion as a holding cell?>

Professor: <The problem here my dearest Core is not me, you see capturing Mystique is easy, the hard part is keeping her locked up. She assumes forms and fools others into releasing her, that my boy is our true obstacle.>

Core: <I can control her professor, I promise to. If You just give me the okay to capture her, and Sabretooth, I'll make sure they're not trouble to anyone. I know just how to control them.>

Professor: <I will allow you to do this, but if you are uncapable of controlling them, we will have to release them, and hope that they themselves don't discover every last of the Mansion's secrets.>

Core knew what this meant, Mystique was his, and throuh her Magneto.

Core(to his partners): <Iceman Frezze her, Magma hit her with everything you've got, Havok don't let her get away, Jean try to hold her still, I'm gonna try to drain her, or knock her out, whichever one works out better.>

Jean: Magma: Havok: <Aye, aye sir!> Iceman: <Uh-huh! gotcha!>

Each went his or her way, Iceman shot his freezing rays at Mystique, one catching her shoulder, and slolwly spreading, Magma shot a molten ball at her which caught her square on the the right leg, Mystique stumbled on to the floor, and morphed into an eagle, Jean caught her in a telekinetic hold, Mystique kept on morphing from one animal to another, sometimes even making herslf mythical animals, and once even trying to fool them by morphing into Darrel, which would've worked had it not been for Rogue, she had arrived and thought mystique a re-awakened Darrel, She launched herself at Mystique and by pure mistake knocked her out by over-absorbing her energy. Mystique was down, and David had his prisoner, he was gonna get Magneto, and here at his feet, were his tickets; Mystique and Sabretooth.

[Back At The Mansion]


Logan: "What's happenned now Bub?"

David: "We caught our links to Magneto. Sabretooth and Mystique."


David: "Who? Calm down Logan what are you talking about? You'll kill who?"


David's voice boomed from within him, with such force that even he himself was startled.


David grasped control of himself and landed next to Logan, he floated his "guests" in front of him, he gave Logan a look to kill.

David: "Next time you feeel like having a shouting match, just call me."

Logan was surprised that David would take such a deffensive position, Logan was however not half as surprised as David. He seemed to be on an exquisite roll today, he had enough balls left to do one more thing, even if in the way he would yet again hurt someone he cared for.

He stached Mystique and Sabretooth in separate, far from each other cells, he then placed locks upon locks upon locks on both cells, and then added three of McCoys energy fields to the last door, he knew the measures were quite extreme, but he also knew that Mystique and Sabretooth were not to be taken lightly. Now there was only one more thing to do, before this newly gainedconfidence went flying out the window.

[In David's Dorm Room]

Bobby sat patiently waiting for David, he had to admit that seeing Darrel and David fighting had made him horny, he knew it was wrong that something that risked his true love's life would arouse him to a point where mere sex was not satisfying, he wanted, hot, raw, unadultarated, hardcore, bareback, heart-thumping fuck session. And if David wasn't up to it, he knew his right hand would more than gladly grab his 8 inch fuckpole and milk him dry, even if it was absoultely unrealistic.

He knew deep in his heart that there was a possibility that David would not want to, and he was more than prepared for it. He was half-expecting to be shot down, it had been a longshot to come here but he wanted to know just how far he and david would go.

[A Hallway Deep Inside The Mansion]

David made his way down the darkened hallway, his hands sweaty, it seemed that this hallway was taken out of a horror film, flickering lights, freakish sounds, wierd smells. It seemed to be absolutely unfitting for HIM it was so...

Something creaked behind him, he turned around, firebal in hand, thuderbolt forming at the tips of his right hand, he looked around and found nothing but a mouse quickly scurrying away. Even though it had been a mouse David's senses stood at full alert, he half-expected Freddie Krugger, or Michael Myers, or Jason, to jump out at the next bend and begin to chase him. He got to the door he'd been looking for, and immediately felt his dick throb with pleasure. His ass had desired this dick for a very long time, and right now, he had just enough courage and confidencd left to go after it, what he found would only serve to make him even hornier.

David: "OH MY MOTHER-FUCKING GOSH!!! I'm sorry Logan...Scott, I just....well I was....I'll....Can I join you?"

David had walked in on Scott being mercilessly fucked by Logan's huge cock, it seemed to come close to about 11 or 12 inches, and David wanted every single one of those inches up his ass and down his throat, all he needed was a yes from either one of this hunks, and his clothes would be off in a heart-beat.

Scott: "waddaya say Logan he's got a sweet ass, and he can work that mouth like you don't even imagine."

Logan: "All right kid, you can cum with us, but if you ever utter a word" Logan's claws slid out "You know what can happen."

David immeditely took his shirt off, and slid out of his pants, his 8 inch pole stood at half attention, his body had returned to its regular state. David's abs had been re-defined, his tan had set back in, his muscle definition which had been lost was back, cleare than ever, his smooth chest with only a gentle sweep of hair at the treasure trail made him look amazing, he was proud of his body, so proud infact that his half-erected cock stood at full attention, Scott and Logan re-organized themselves on Logan's bed, and David knew exactly what was gonna happen Logan was at the foot of the bed, which meant his dick was going up David's ass, and Scott, being by the headboard was gonna get just that, head. His dick throbbed in anticipation, he was gonna get it like he hadn't had it since the day he fucked Scott(This series connects to another one called "X-Men Mansion Fun" if I forgot to mention this before I'm sorry) and that wasn't bad at all.

Logan: "Hey kid, you gonna stand there and stare or are you gonna join us?"

David: "C'mon Logan, I just wanna take in all the hotness that are the 2 of you together"David walked to the bed and caressed Logan's chest "After all, I'm only....mutant, right? and i'll suck you dry even if..augh augh"

Scott had shoved his dick down David's throat, simoulstaneaous with Logan shoving his up David's ass. The mixed sensation of pain and pleasure, drove David both insane and mad, he wanted more but he also wanted it to stop, which sensation was bigger he still couldn't figure out. Slowly the pain slipped into the backshadows of David's mind, pleasure overtook his every sense, and ecstasy became the only thing in his mind.

Logan began to pump slowly letting David's invaded ass get accostimed to the intruder. His thrusts were controlled, his hips moved rythmically, David could feel every single one of his thrusts baring deeper into his ass, slowly loosening it, stretching it to Logan's size, all he could do was suck on Scott's 10 inches so that all of the institute wouldn't find out he was being fucked.

Scott moaned and thrusted his hips to meet David's lowering mouth, he could feel David's tonsils brushing lightly against his dick, he could see David's luscious lips surrounding his cock, the mere sight drove him close to cumming, but the final straw to break the camel's back was how Logan's dick made David moan, which reverbrated in David's vocal chords making vibrations swim through Scott's dick. The sensations were too much, Scott shot his load into the back of David's throat, David savored each little bit of thos elixir. Scoot went limp, and dosed off.

Logan's thrusts began to come faster and faster, making David moan and grunt from the pleasure of it all.

Next: Chapter 3

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