Mutant Chronicles

By juan guzman

Published on May 25, 2006


The Mutant Chronicles All personal thoughts of the characters are enclosed in these**, telepathic conversations in these<>, and outloud voices in these " "

Discalimer: All X-Men characters, and Fantastic Four characters and related titles are the property of Marvel Comics, part of the Marvel Enterprises company. I earn no money writing this story and hence none of the statues of copyright infringement are broken.


I felt sorry for so many things, in the past I would have been submissive, now I didn't think myself capable of staying calm for too long. I knew that anger served no one, faith, trust and reliability were the only things that could get me and Jean through what was to come. I knew she would understand, and hopefully, she would give me the answers I needed.

I walked to Jean's office in the med-bay, hoping to catch her there, each of the questions I had for her ran through my head quicker and quicker. I wanted to know if what I thought was true, If Jean was really my birth mother then I wanted to know who was my father and why they'd abadoned me. I wanted truths, and I wanted it simply for my peace of mind, not for a family because that I already had, I simply wanted to know the truth.

Then a thought so perverted, and mind-boggling went through my head that I thought I would fall to the floor right then and there.....Jean had been married to, could Scott be my father? And even worse, Logan and Jean had had a fling a while back, could Logan be my father? I could be living in incest and not even know it...GROSSSSS!!!!!!

I knocked at Jean's office door hoping that she would say my father was a tube or anything but the guys who I had so easily fucked only yesterday.

David: "Jean, can I talk to you?"

Jean: "Sure, come in hon, I'm just setting up the med-bay sketch for Susan's treatment."

David: "Oh..should I just come by later?"

Jean: "No, no, sit, talk, it's mostly the computer anyway. So tell me, what's up?"

David: "Well....I.....the other day I....Jean....are you my real mother? I heard you talking to Genevebe the day of the funeral, and's been stuck in my head, and then today I found out you have OCD, and I have OCD and then the other day when I hurt you and I called you mom, it all felt so...natural, and my psionic powers, and the way everyone says we look alike, it's all stuck in my head so.....are you my real mom?"

Jean looked shocked, astounded, relieved, and confused at the same time, her eyes watered, she began to move towards me, her hands outreached. I put my hands in hers, and I knew that the explanation I had craved so much was now going to bring both Jean and me to tears.

Jean: "David, I didn't want you to ever find out about that. I didn't want you to know who I really am, and I specially didn't want you to hear what I'm about to tell you. I was raped when I was 17, by someone who you know better than you think, I was raped by Magneto, and from that rape came 2 children, you and my daughter, Melissa Grey, she died at birth, and when I thought of what could happen if I came out and told the professor and the others what had happened I decided that maybe, for the sake of everyone, I should just live out my pregnancy in France with Remy, and then just say I found you, or that you were given to me...or something, but then an old friend of mine told me I would be having twins, and right then I knew that it would be too much of a coincidence, then when I gave birth Melissa was born dead, her umbilical chord had suffocated her, when you were born, my friend, the one who told me about you guys being twins, told me that if I took you straight here Magneto would try to take you from me, and what would happen after that would be absolutely horrible for both you and me. I gave you up once I was back in the U.S. and I thought I would never see you again, I thought by giving you up I would've saved you from all of this. And then Xavier sensed you, and we were sent out to get you, when I saw you I realized who you were, and I tried to stall Storm, so I pointed out Jonny, it was by pure coincidence that Jonny was an actual mutant, and then with everything that began to happen I began to hope that you wouldn't find out."

David: "So....Magneto's my dad? and I had a sister? and you're my mom? and you DIDN'T want me to become a mutant?"

Jean: "Yes, yes, yes and NO! I just didn't want you to have to go through what you're going through right now, with Darrel and stuff, and I didn't want you to lose sight of one very important fact; Magneto is the enemy, and even if he hadn't raped me he'd still be the enemy, simply because of his oppossition to Charles' campaign for mutant rights."

David: "The fact that he's the sperm that helped bring me here does not change the fact that I HATE him, why? don't ask me, I just do. I'm going to need time to deal with that and the whole Melissa thing, but everything else....I'm actually glad, espicially that your my mom, I love you mom, and I want to make-up for all the time we lost."

I got up and hugged her, as tight as I could, I cried into her shoulder and she into mine, and finally I felt WHOLE.

[New York City]

Peter Parker sat in his apartment, he wanted so desperately to be with Ben that it hurt, but with them out of town, and no-one else around to help New Yorkers, how could he just leave? But would he deny himself being with the one man that he loved? Would he give up Peter Parker's love to be spider-man?

His mind swirled with question after question, scenario after scenario where he and Ben would be together, where New York city would be destroyed, or where none happened, but his heart pulled him, it pulled him upstate, it pulled him to Ben and the literally rock-hard dick he sooo craved. He made up his mind, and decided to call an old friend, Firestar, she was now out of the Hero business, but he hoped she would help him this one time, but he knew he'd have to address her by her real name, and at the moment it escaped him, he hoped that she'd understand.

Peter: "Firestar? This is Spider-Man"

Firestar: "Hey, are you in trouble?"

Peter: "NO...and Yes. I need you to come to New York city for a while, I have to leave and the Fantastic 4 are away in something important. I don't want to leave New York unprotected, so I was hoping you could come here and kinda take over for a little while please....Dana."

Dana: "I'll go Peter, but I'll only give you 2 weeks, I hope that's enough, I just don't wanna be sucked back into it all, you know?"

Peter: "Thanks Dana I can't believe I got the name right I appreciate it...a LOT"

Dana: "You're welcome Peter, see you in 2 hours."

Peter: "All right."

Peter couldn't believe it, he'd done it, he'd actually gotten Firestar to cover for him, which meant he could go to Xavier's institute and be with Ben. If only Ben could tell the rest of them about what really went on between them, but they all thought he and Ben were just like father and son, or something on that string of didn't hurt Peter but it bothered him, he wanted to shout it from the mountaintops, Ben wanted to keep it under wraps, so they clashed over it a lot, but still, he knew Ben loved him.


[Xavier Institute: Charles's Private offices; 3rd floor]

Jean: "He knows Charles, he asked me about it, and I told him the truth. He even knows about what Magneto did, he just doesn't know the main details of it. I want him to know, but I don't want to taint the image they all have of you. I don't want them to lose respect for you or anything."

Charles: "Jean, I know what must be said, and if you believe David needs to know every deatil then I trust your judgement, and I shall deal with the consequences as they come."

Jean: "Then, we agree that should the time come, I can tell David the WHOLE truth?"

Charles: "Yes, everything must play itself out as it will, so I advice you to consider every aspect of the moment, and every word you are about to say. Other than that, you have my permission to reveal everything you must to your son."

Jean: "Thank you Charles, Thank you."

[David's dorm room; 2nd floor, East building]

I was trying to process all of the new information which had avalanched into my lap less than one hour before, but somehow the only thing I could concentrate on was the fact that Magneto was my father, that his blood ran through my veins, it pumped through my heart, it oozed when I bled, it colored my cheeks when I flushed, it ran to my dick when I got excited, it sustained me, it gave me life.

The only thing that kinda countered this was that Jean's blood also ran through me, it also sustained me, it stimulated my brain, it filled my lungs, it moved my tounge, it kept me real, it gave me.....IT, whatever IT was IT made me complete, IT filled me with passion, goodness, intelligence, and all the other things that made me...ME. I was glad for IT and I knew that I wasn't alone, I finally had my mom, and I could finally feel complete.

I was sohapy, I felt lke not6hing could ever dampen this moment, but as life has it, it could be tdampened, and real soon. I just hoped that I could deal with whatever it was came my way. IK walked to my bureau, and pulled out a pair of PJ bottoms which could be wornm outside, a shirt that read "YES, The world does Revolve around ME" and a sweat band for my hand (why I wore them I don't know, I just did) and a pack of cigarretes, I hadn't smoked in a while, but I felt like having a Newport now, so i was. I went to the bathroom and changed, grabbed some flip-flops, my Physics book, and notebook, my calculator and a pencil and eraser, and headed out to the gardens, such a nice day out shouldn't be wasted, I was still thinking about Susan and Missy, but I couldn't help to be happy, I walked to a patch of Redwoods I'd fallen in love with since the first day I strolled about, once there I sat down and set up m stuff, I wanted to listen to music so I left my stuff and ran to the mansion, when I was getting to my room I saw Johnny walking in the same direction, and stop at my door, when he was about to knock I called out.

David: "Johnny!! what's up?"

Johnny: "Oh...I was coming to see if you wanted to go out around the's so nice out."

David: "Yea, sure. I'm already set up outside, I just wanted my mp3 player, can't stand absolute silence....I'm doing can come and hang-out, it's a piece of pie for me."

Johnny: "Cool."

I went into my room, Johnny waited outside for me, I got both my mp3 and my i-Pod just in case Johnny got bored. We walked back to the Redwoods in silence, Johnny would open his mouth to say something, but then he wouldn't, I just6 passed it off as nervousness about Susan, and left him be.

David: "Right in that little clearing-like space between those trees....Race ya!!!"

Johnny: "You're on!!"

We both ran as fast as we could without using powers, I won by like a foot, Johnny ran into me, and we toppled to the floor, laughing. He seemed much more relaxed now, almost comfortable. I was on the bottom, and Johnny was looking into my eyes, the moment had gone from extremely fun to extremely romantic, I wanted to kiss those lips soo badly, but I wasn't sure if it was ok, Johnny lowered his head and brushed his lips against mine, my every fiber vibrated, he did it again and I was slowly melting, then he pecked my lips, softly, he began kissing me, I felt his tongue brush my lips and i began to kiss him back, my lips parted to give his tongue entrance, my hands rose slowly from the ground to the small of his back, and from there I made my way slowly to the back of his head, our kiss was long, and our tongues wrestled in each other's mouths, finnally I broke the kiss, by biting his lower lip as I slowly pulled away, and rolled out from under him.

Johnny: "WOW! I haven't kissed ANYONE like that, in a very, very long time."

David: "I haven't been kissed like that.....EVER!!"

Johnny: "I thought you went out with Bobby."

David: "Well...yea, but we had more like...tear each other apart kisses, not romantic kisses."

Johnny: "I'm glad I could take your virginity"

We both started laughing at the double ententre Johnny had stumbled into. I sat cross legged on the grass, reached for my cigarretes, and realized I didn't have a lighter, Johnny looked at me and his face went bright with anticipation.

Johnny: "Oh God, could I have one of those?"

David: " don't have a lighter though."

Johnny: "Don't you have Fire powers?"

David: "DUH!!!"

Johnny snapped his fingers and a flame appeared betwwen his fingers, he lit his and offered me the flame, I also wanted to show off, so I extended my hand and made a blue fireball appear, lit my cigarrete and shot Johnny a look of victory.

Johnny: "You know, Ben may be onto something, I think you're a bigger show-off than me."

David: "It's not showing off if you keep it subtle."

Johnny: "Oh, and colored fire is SUBTLE? hate to see you showing off."

David: "Ok model boy, whatever."

Johnny: "I'm the model? When your closet's like the size of a small room?"

David: "HA-TAH!!! You know I'm HOT!!"

Johnny: "No, you ain''re gorgeous....."

As Johnny's voice trailed off he began to lean forward, and i did the same, our lips met, and we shared a kiss, one that bore not only passion, and love, but lust, compassion, desire, and caring all at once. I knew this was it, I LOVED Johnny with every fiber of my being, and I could do nothing but hope he felt the same way towards me. When the kiss finnally broke I smelled burning paper, to my horror I had dropped my cigarrette on my Physics book, and it was starting to make its way through the second open page.

David: "Johnny!! MY BOOK!!!!!"

Johnny: " USE YOUR WATER POWERS OR SUMETHING!!! USE FIRE TO TURN IT OFf!!!!! sumething!!!!!!!!!"

I used my fire and air powers and slowly but surely suffocated the small flame that had formed, saving my book, or well all 799 pages that were left undamaged, the book's original number of pages? 805. I was kinda mad, but I knew Hank would understand.....well not the cigarrette part, but if i said i was using fire as light in the darkness, that I could MAYBE get away with.

Johnny: "Dude, you're a clutz!"

David: "Dude? WOW I knew you were white, but DAMN!!!"

Johnny: "Oh,right,you're sooo NOT white right?"

David: "Totally, like I'm like Hispanic...D'uh!!"

Johnny started laughing histerically, and so did I, why? I don't know, but it was just fun, and comfortable, like it was meant to be. I felt myself drift off into his smile, his eyes hypnotized me, and his voice comforted me, I was falling, real quick and real deep for him, and for the first time I wasn't afraid.

Johnny: "I can't believe how comfortable I am around you, it's .....relaxing."

David: "I know exactly what you mean."

Johnny: "I Love you Dave, maybe I'm confused, or whatever, but I truly do Love You."

David: "I Love You too, and...well I don't know if...are we sure? maybe we're just..."

Johnny: "I know, what you're feeling, cuz I feel the same way too."

My MP3 began playing Celine Dion's ~I Want You To Need Me~

I wanna be the face you see when you close your eyes

I wanna be the touch you need every single night

I wanna be your fantasy and be your reality and everything in between

I want you to need me like the air you breathe, I want you to feel me

in everything. I want you to see me

In your every dream, the way that I taste you, feel you, need,you breathe YOU!

As the song played I realized that it was exactly what I wanted from Johnny, and by the look on his face I could tell he kinda felt the same way. I knew it was kinda early to feel this, but it seemed to escape both me and him, like it was out of our control, out of our grasp, it was frustrating for me, to be fallin so fast, but it comforted me that I wasn't the only one feeling it.

My mind began to spin and I felt myself begin to fall to the ground, and again it all went black.

[A Manor in San Francisco]

A young boy sat in his room, flipping through the pages of an old book, a tear ran down his face, his hazel/green eyes seemed full of knowledge and wisdom that surpassed his years. He looked to be some twnty-something years old, but his eyes seemed to be about A Hundred. His sorrow was unmeasurable. A soft voice and a knock came to his door.

Female voice: " Chris?"

Chris: "Come in Paige."

Paige: "Are you ok?"

Chris: " No I'm not...I could've saved them, they were just standing there, and that demon just shot them down. I went to their funerals, they were us, an they went to something like magic school. They were fighting, and they were so well trained, like with patterns and stuff, I wanna go there. I want to go train....."

Paige: "Chris...c'mon, we've been doing this for 10 years, and so far...we've done VERY well, we've stopped the source, and Zankou, and the Triad, like three or four times!!"

Chris: "But we lost aunt Prue, and I just lost my cousin Mary...YOUR daughter!!!"

Paige: "You can't blame yourself for that, it was out of our hands!"

Chris: "But if I can go there train, and then teach you, and all my cousins, then we could have more than just a chance, maybe we could actually STOP all of...THIS!!!!"

Paige: "PIPER!!! PHOEBE!!!!! COME HERE. It's up to your mom and dad, but I know what they'll think of openly using and more so confessing to your powers to total strangers."

Piper: "ARE YOU OK?"

Chris: "Yes mom, we just need to talk to you."

Phoebe: "PIPER!!!!!!"

Piper: "It's OK Phoebs, just a family meeting!"

Phoebe: "Oh, ok."

Chris: "Mom, I want to go to a school that goes beyond Magic School. They teach attack patterns, and all of this other stuff."

Piper: "Well....."


Well it took long, but it's here..and yes it is Charmed and Spider-Man all coming in, but it's going somewhre really special...If you can bear with me I'd appreciate it. Any-who ya'll know feedback's always welcome @ or or at Well 'till the next installment I remain Your Obedient servant

Juan David Guzman DeLaBrea VanCartier

Next: Chapter 8

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