My Angel


Published on Sep 30, 2001


Hi everyone! Well i am back with a new chapter! Thanx to everyone who has emailed me over the past few weeks it is great to hear you all like the story. I hope you like this next installment.

Thanx also to Jim for editing this for me!

So here ya go....

Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of O-Town or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with homosexual content.

Previously on "My Angel"...

Dan pulled Ashley close to him and they shared a second kiss.

"I'll always be here for you Ashley. I love you. I have loved you for the longest time."

"I love you, too, Danny. I was so happy when you were picked to be with us, but I never thought we'd be together."

Dan laughed. "I'm never gonna leave you, my angel." Ashley hugged his man with all his might. Dan returned the hug with equal force. "No one can take me away from you EVER. I have loved you for so long."

"Me, too, Danny. Me, too."

And now... the continuation...

"My Angel" Part 4. By PJ

Ashley and Dan stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company and occasionally sharing a kiss. Ashley was the first to speak.


"Yeah, Ash?"

"I think we should clean up from lunch now. I mean, I love snuggling with you but the guys will be back soon."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Come on, I'll get the dishes and you put away the mess you made doing the sandwiches."

They both got up, looked at each other directly in the eye and smiled. Dan fetched the dishes from the living room and soon joined Ashley in the kitchen. Dan giggled quietly at the sight.

"What?" Ashley protested at Dan's giggling.

"Oh, its just a bit funny that you made all this mess trying to make a little sandwich!"

"Well if you don't like my cooking then you will just have to find other things about me that you like."

"I already have," Dan said seductively. Ashley smiled and felt a tightness in his pants that was not there a few moments ago. Nothing was said between the two until the clean up had been finished. They wiped the surfaces clean of breadcrumbs, then put the washcloth in the sink.

"What shall we do now?" Ashley asked.

"How about we go upstairs and lie down, maybe talk?"

"As long as its only talk, Danny. I don't want your libido to take control of our relationship just yet."

Dan chuckled and followed Ashley upstairs. They went into Ashley's room as it was closest. Ashley laid on the bed, and sighed as soon as his head hit the pillow. Dan joined him by laying his head on Ashley's chest and draping an arm over his waist.

"What is it Ash?"

"I'm just thinking. About us," Ashley responded and began to run his hands through Dan's thick but relatively short hair. Dan felt so special at that moment and relaxed even more. "Dan, do you think we should tell the guys about us?"

Dan stayed where he was but answered. "Ash I think it's best we get used to the idea of us together before we tell anyone else." Dan was thinking of Jacob at that point and what he had said.

"I guess, but I just feel so happy right now. I'm in love for the first time ever, properly I mean, and we're gonna have to hide it all from the guys. We're gonna have to act like we're straight and not dating or anything."

"I know, I know. But I don't think I'm ready to tell anyone else yet," Dan replied.

"I feel the same way, it just sucks man. I want them to know how I feel about you."

Dan's mind ticked over. Jacob would be a problem, he definitely did NOT like gay guys. Dan began to worry. Slowly that worry went away as Ashley continued to stroke his hait until he fell asleep. Soon both of them were snoring lightly in a contented slumber.

Hours drifted by, until a loud slam of the front door woke the two young lovers up.

"Hey guys we're back!" Erik screamed into the relatively empty house.

Dan and Ashley both roused from their slumber and reality hit them. Their bandmates were back home. Dan began to get up and was interrupted by a loud thumping on the stairs. It was Erik bounding up to his room. Dan and Ashley shot apart from one another with such force that Dan flung himself off the bed, landing with a thump on the floor. Ashley's first instinct was to run to his aid but was stopped by Erik's voice.

"Hey Ash, wassup?"

Ashley turned around with a shocked look on his face and babbled. "Oh, hi Erik! Umm not much just hangin'."

"Where's Dan at?"

Ashley's face turned white as Dan stood up from behind the bed, rubbing his sore ass, now in full view of Erik.

"Hey Dan. What you doin on the floor?"

"I ummm... fell off the bed. Ashley and I were sitting and chatting and we had a little argument and he pushed me a little too hard and I fell off," Dan rattled off a fake alibi.

"Yeah, I didn't mean it I was just horsing around with Danny. I guess I don't know my own strength!" Ashley laughed weakly, then exchanged a quick glance with Dan, that was noticed by Erik.

"OK, whatever. I got the soundtrack to the movie we just saw, Moulin Rouge.' Its so cool!" Erik raced off to his room to play his new c.d. I wonder what that was all about?' he wondered. `Ashley and Dan seemed a little weird.' Erik shrugged it off and began to listen to the CD.

"That was too close Danny," Ashley said just louder than a whisper.

"Tell me about it. Ash, I love it when you call me Danny, but I think you should call me Dan in front of the guys," Dan said with concern in his voice.

"You're right again, Dan," Ashley said with emphasis on the last word. "Come on, lets go down and say hi to Trevor and Jake."

Dan and Ashley proceeded to the kitchen where they heard voices.

"Man it was sick!" Jacob shouted, just as Ashley and Dan entered.

"Who's been sick?" Dan said.

"Oh, Jake's got a bug up his butt about something, I wasn't really paying attention." Trevor smiled and left the room.

"What's the matter, Jake?"

"We were at the movies, just about to go in and this fag came up to me and started hitting on me!" Jacob said with obvious venom to his words. Dan went as white as a sheet.

"So? You should take it as a complement dude," Ashley managed to blurt out as he too began to panic.

"No way. It's sick. I felt like beating the shit outta him right there but I just told him to fuck off."

"I take it you don't like gay guys then, Jake?" Trevor returned and said sarcastically. "Come on, a good deal of our fans are gay for God's sake. Don't make `em think you're a homophobe now, think of all the hearts you'd break!" Trevor chuckled.

"Fuck off, man. I just DON'T like em. Its unnatural, besides I can just say something in an interview to say how much I value my gay fans. Doesn't mean I don't want `em all to burn in hell when I get home though. I'm allowed an opinion," Jacob retorted.

"Excuse me," Dan fled the room, his composure just about breaking.

"What's his deal?" Jacob said, a little surprised.

"I'll go see if he's ok." Ashley went in hot pursuit of his new lover.

Both Jacob and Trevor looked at each other. "Wonder what's up with them?" Trevor asked.

"I dunno," Jacob said genuinely confused.

Dan ran straight from the kitchen upstairs to his room and locked the door. Ashley bounded up after him. Finding the door to Dan's room shut, he felt slightly worried. He knocked lightly.

"Dan?" he spoke quietly. "It's me."

Slowly the door opened and Ashley entered. He closed and locked the door behind him. Turning toward Dan, Ashley saw his face streaked with tears. His heart broke to see his lover so upset.

"Oh, Danny, it's ok." Ashley went to comfort him. Dan began to sob again. Ashley hugged his lover tightly. "Danny, it's ok. Jake doesn't mean it, he's just trying to act macho." Ashley hoped his lie would work.

"No, Ash, he does mean it. If we tell him, he'll hate us and split the band up. I'm so scared," Dan sobbed. They stayed in the embrace both thinking about what Jacob had said.

Then they heard a song from the Moulin Rouge CD Erik had left on. It was the love song and they listened as the music and lyrics calmed them both.

"Never knew I could feel like this,

Like I've never seen the sky before,

I want to vanish inside your kiss,

Everyday I love you more than this,

Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing?

Telling me to give you everything,

Seasons may change, winter to spring,

But I love you until the end of time

Come what may,

Come what may,

I will love you,

Until my dying day.

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place,

Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace,

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,

But it all revolves around you

And there's no mountain to high , no river too wide,

Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side,

Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide,

But I love you until the end of time

Come what may,

Come what may,

I will love you until my dying day,

Oh come what may,

Come what may,

I will love you

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Come what may,

Come what may,

I will love you until my dying day."

Both Dan and Ashley looked at each other. "Wow, good song," said Dan finally. Ashley smiled and leaned in for a kiss that lasted for a while, neither knew how long.

"That's our song now. When we're old and gray we'll say `that's our song!'" Ashley said, his words full of love. "Danny will you be my boyfriend?"

Dan looked his lover in the eyes and saw in them something totally new to him. Total unconditional love. "Yes. Ashley, it would make me the happiest man in the world, but only if you can be my boyfriend!"

Ashley smiled and kissed Dan again. "That's a yes, then?" Dan said.

"What do you think?" Ashley retorted with a smirk. "Now come on, the others will be wondering what's happened to us."

"Ash, what are we gonna tell them?" Dan asked worried.

Ashley's brow furrowed. "I don't know, Danny. I think we should just take every day as it comes. It's gonna be hard not being able to show how much I love you in front of the others. It's a price we're gonna have to pay until we're ready."

"Ok, I can do it if you're with me, my angel," Dan said. He took a deep breath and spoke again. "Well, I think we'd best be going, don't you?"

Ashley nodded and headed for the door. Before opening it he gave Dan a sweet and powerful kiss. "That should do ya for a while," he said before continuing to open the door. Dan smiled and followed him out. The two went downstairs, back into the kitchen where the incident occurred.

"Hey Dan, you ok?" Jacob said concerned for his friend.

"Yeah, fine. I just felt a bit queasy. Must be the sandwich Ash made for lunch!" They all laughed at the joke. "I'm gonna go watch some TV. Anyone wanna join me?" Dan inquired.

"Sure!" Ashley spoke a little too eagerly. Jacob noted this and raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds cool," Trevor said. "You comin', Jake?"

"No, I'm good," Jacob replied. He watched the three exit the kitchen. Something's up with Dan and Ash,' he thought. They're acting really weird around each other.' Jacob decided to go work on a song he was writing but the niggle that something was wrong with Dan and Ashley still played on his mind.

Dan, Trevor and Ashley sat down to watch TV. Dan sat on the sofa. Ashley sat next to him with Trevor in an armchair. Dan noticed that Ashley was a little close than was normal for straight guys who were friends so he went over and sat in the other armchair. Ashley noted this and looked at Dan with a look of sadness and rejection on his face. Dan tried to avoid Ashley's gaze, but caught is eye nonetheless. Ashley began to sulk. He felt like Dan was making it harder than it needed to be to cover up their relationship.

Trevor, meanwhile, noted the looks on his friend's faces. He was confused and a little worried. As time went by, his suspicions were aroused and he wanted to know why his friends were acting like they hated each other.

"Ok, what the hell is going on?!" Trevor broke the silence.

"Nothing!" the two spoke in unison.

"Right... Now something's up. Tell me what is happening, please? You two are acting so weird, its just..." Trevor trailed off.

"Nothing is wrong. Just drop it, Trev. Ok?" Ashley answered curtly.

"Whoa! Whatever man, God forbid I try to help you two." Trevor slumped back into his chair. Dan and Ashley exchanged a glance.

They watched TV for a while longer. Soon Trevor was asleep and snoring lightly in his chair.

Dan turned to Ashley. "I'm sorry baby," he whispered. "Just didn't want Trev to suspect anything. Forgive me?"

"How can I stay mad at you, Danny? I love you so much, sweetie." They smiled at each other and felt like melting into their seats with the looks of love coming back at them.

"Well, I'm gonna turn in now," Ashley said and added a small yawn.

"Me, too. Come on, I'll walk you up," Dan said. They both stood and held each other's hands as they walked out.

Trevor woke up from his slight nap. Unbeknownst to his friends, he was a very light sleeper and had heard the whole conversation. "Whoa, what was that all about?" he said aloud.

"What was what all about?" Jacob looked in from the adjoining room.


My very first cliffhanger!! What do you think?

Next: Chapter 5

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