My Angel


Published on Oct 25, 2001


Hi everyone! Yes i'm back! Thanx to all the people who were wondering when the story was to continue. I'm just a little bogged down in work at the moment with uni restarting and all, and am finding it hard to sit down and write too!

Well, i hope you like this chapter, remember the BBSA's are up so get nominating!

Ok first:

Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of O-Town or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with homosexual content.

Now on with the show!

"My Angel" part 5:

*** Previously on "My Angel" ***

"How can I stay mad at you, Danny? I love you so much, sweetie." They smiled at each other and felt like melting into their seats with the looks of love coming back at them.

"Well, I'm gonna turn in now," Ashley said and added a small yawn.

"Me, too. Come on, I'll walk you up," Dan said. They both stood and held each other's hands as they walked out.

Trevor woke up from his slight nap. Unbeknownst to his friends, he was a very light sleeper and had heard the whole conversation. "Whoa, what was that all about?" he said aloud.

"What was what all about?" Jacob looked in from the adjoining room.

And now... the continuation...

"Umm nothing, just another weird commercial. Something about sanitary towels or something stupid," Trevor replied quickly.

"Oh, ok. I'm gonna go keep working on that song in the den, ok?" Jacob stated.

"Ok, see ya tomorrow then, man."

"Night Trev," Jacob replied and left the room.

'What the hell was that about?' Trevor thought. 'Sounded like Dan and Ash were together. Oh hell, Jake will go postal if he finds out. Jesus!' Trevor lost himself in thought as another Jerry Springer show began on TV.

Meanwhile, Dan and Ashley came up the stairs hand in hand, both ready to break the connection if caught. They stopped outside Dan's door.

"Wanna come in and watch a video with me?" Dan asked.

"Sure!" Ashley said, perhaps a little too quickly. Dan smiled and opened the door. He went to his closet and began to rummage through the collection of videos he had. Ashley entered the room and took a moment to take in his surroundings. Pictures of Dan's friends and family sat on the dresser with magazines and other stuff. He sat on the bed and stared at the walls. There were posters up all over the place: Britney, Destiny's Child, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Alyson Hannigan. In one obscure corner there was a poster of Ben Affleck.

"Danny?" Ashley spoke.

"What, Ash?"

"Why do you have posters of girls on your wall?"

"'Cause I like them. Well not LIKE them like them, but ya know I like them," Dan replied.

"Huh?" Ashley was confused.

"Well, I like Britney and Destiny's Child's music and I love 'Buffy,' I'm a huge fan. So I thought it might keep the guys thinking I'm straight if I had the posters on the walls," Dan explained.

"Oh, I see. What about Ben in the corner?"

Dan laughed. "Well the guy's hot, Ash!" Ashley gave him a look. "Uuuh... but not as hot as you sweetie." Dan let out a weak laugh.

"Good cover. I think he's cute too," Ashley said.

Dan continued for a moment rummaging in the closet. Ashley stared for a moment admiring his lover's ass. 'Ouch, he is very shagadelic, baby! Yeah!' Ashley thought. 'Oh, I've seen Austin Powers far too many times.'

"Hey Ash, what do you say to this?" Dan pulled out a video box from his closet.

Ashley gasped, "Oh my GOD! We HAVE to watch this!! I haven't seen Transformers: The Movie since forever!!" he said giggling insanely.

Dan laughed at his lover, a two year old trapped in the body of a nineteen year old. It was sweet to see Ashley acting like a child, such innocence and happiness. "Ok let's put it on," Dan said.

"Where'd you find this?" Ashley asked.

"Oh, Mom found it a long time ago. She put it in the pile of videos I bought with me when we moved into this house. I haven't seen it in years," Dan replied while putting the video on and lying on the bed.

"I used to watch this every day when I got home from school when I was little" Ashley said, with a twinkle of excitement in his eyes.

They kept separate at first, close but not touching as they relived a part of their childhood. Dan put his hand on Ashley's and intertwined their fingers. He looked up for a sign of confirmation from Ashley who looked back and smiled.

As the movie progressed, Dan moved closer and put his head on Ashley's chest, using his pec like a pillow. When the movie ended, Ashley looked down and saw Dan had fallen asleep and was drooling slightly on him. It was the sweetest thing he had ever seen.

"I love you, Danny. You saved me. I was at my wits end and you helped me, kept me from harm. You saved my life, literally. I have loved you for so long and I don't know what I'd do without you" Ashley spoke softly and began to feel tears stinging his eyes.

Dan stirred. "I feel the same way, my angel," Dan said, turning to face Ashley. They hugged for a while, and then kissed. It was a more loving kiss than the ones before and both enjoyed it.

"Well, its late. I'd better get some sleep," Ashley said.

"Do you wanna sleep here?" Dan asked. "I mean, no naughty stuff, just sleep. I wanna get to know what it's like to sleep in the same bed as you."

"Sure," Ashley said, a little nervous at the prospect.

So each undressed. Ashley turned his back to Dan and took off his shirt. Dan watched and saw the firm muscles glide under the smooth skin of his back. Then Ashley took off his pants and Dan saw the cutest firmest ass. He took in a sharp breath and gasped... it was beautiful.

Ashley turned to face him and said, "I'm ready, you wanna shut off the lights?"

Dan nodded, then turned off the lamp. When he slid under the covers, Ashley slowly followed. They felt a little silly, both a little scared of going too fast. Eventually, Ashley spooned behind Dan. They fell into a contented sleep with Dan holding Ashley's' hands that were around his own waist.

Morning broke over the O-Town house. Jacob was up first, hit by inspiration. He wanted to finish his song. Before long, Trevor woke followed by Erik. Hearing Trevor thumping about in his room, Erik went to greet him.

"Hey Trev!" Erik said.

"Mornin," Trevor replied.

"What do you think we should do today? I was thinking we could take a trip to the beach. What do you think?" Erik said.

"Hmm, sounds cool. It's a little cold out today to go swimming' but it could be fun. Let's go wake the others," Trevor replied, pulling on a t-shirt and walking out the door followed by Erik.

First they came to Jacob's room. The door was open, paper strewn about the floor and the sheets were a mess on the bed.

"Writing," both Trevor and Erik said at once.

"Jinx!" Erik shouted.

"Jinx!" Trevor shouted, although a moment too late, "Oh dammit, I mean... oops, I mean..." Trevor shut up quickly.

"Yesss! No Trev blabbermouth all day!! Wait! No! Oh crap!" Erik said, realizing he had just broken the jinx.

Trevor laughed and they continued on to Ashley's room. They knocked and got no answer. Trevor opened the door. The bed looked as if it hadn't been slept in.

"Huh, he must already be up," Trevor mused.

"Ash? This early? Weird," Erik said.

They came to Dan's door and knocked. Getting no answer, Trevor slowly opened the door. He peeked inside and slammed it shut again, slightly shocked at what he saw.

"What? What is it?" Erik asked.

"He's still asleep, naked as the day he was born, that's all," Trevor lied. 'If only that were all,' he thought. The two continued downstairs.

"Come on lets find Jake" Erik spoke.

Moments later, in Dan's room, Dan stirred. 'Was that my door shutting?' He thought.

Ashley waking up and giving him a string of kisses on this shoulder cut off his thoughts. "Mornin', Danny," Ashley said.

"Hi, honey."

"I'd better get to my room before the guys wake up."

"Sure, I'll see you at breakfast," Dan replied.

Ashley grabbed his clothes, and made his way across the hall to his room.

"Ash is that you?" Erik shouted from downstairs.

"Yeah" He replied.

"What were you doing? We didn't hear you a minute ago?"

"I was in the bathroom," Ashley lied

"I didn't hear you."

"I was real quiet," Ashley lied, again.

"Oh, I see. Ash was in the bathroom jacking off, everyone!" Erik screamed. "S'ok man, we all get those urges now and then!" Erik giggled

"Whatever," Ashley said, and went into his room to change.

Dan entered the kitchen, grabbed some cereal, a bowl and some milk and began to make some breakfast for himself. Ashley entered a few seconds later and shot a quick smile at Dan before putting some toast on for himself.

"So what exciting thing do we have planned for today?" Dan asked.

"Well, I don't think poor ol' Trev needs any more excitement after seeing what he did in your bedroom this morning, Dan!" Erik laughed. Dan dropped the cereal box and turned a ghostly white. Ashley turned a similar color and felt enough adrenalin enter his bloodstream to restart the heart of a dead hippo.

"He... this morning?" Dan managed to squeak out.

"Yup, he saw EVERYTHING!" Erik laughed again.

"Oh... my... god," was all Dan could say.

"Oh, come on, Dan. I didn't see everything. Just wear some more clothes when you sleep. I don't wanna ever have to see your naked ass when I try to wake you up ever again!" Trevor giggled.

"Oh man, glad I didn't see anything," Erik giggled and left the kitchen.

Both Dan and Ashley looked toward Trevor with terrified looks.

"Did you see...?" Ashley said

"Yup, I know guys," Trevor cut him off.

'Oh, as usual, shit,' Dan thought.


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